Lozovyi et al. Nanoscale Research Letters (2016) 11:97
DOI 10.1186/s11671-016-1315-y
Open Access
Thermal analysis of polyethylene + X%
carbon nanotubes
Fedir Lozovyi1, Kateryna Ivanenko1, Sergii Nedilko1, Sergiy Revo1* and Smail Hamamda2
The aim of this research is to study the influence of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) on the
thermomechanical and structural properties of high-density polyethylene. Several, complementary experimental
techniques were used, namely, dilatometry, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA),
Raman spectroscopy, and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. Dilatometry data showed that nanocomposites exhibit anisotropic
behavior, and intensity of the anisotropy depends on the MWCNT concentration. The shapes of the dilatometric curves
of the nanocomposites under study differ significantly for the radial and longitudinal directions of the samples. DSC
results show that MWCNTs weekly influence calorimetry data, while Raman spectra show that the ID/IG ratio decreases
when MWCNT concentration increases. The IR spectra demonstrate improvement of the crystallinity of the samples as
the content in MWCNTs rises.
Keywords: Nanomaterial, Polymer, Nanotube, Carbon, Thermal expansion, Anisotropy
Nowadays, carbon is especially attractive to researchers
worldwide. If carbon was available, in the past, in one of
the allotropic forms only, the number of these forms will
have had increased of late. There were aroused intercalated graphites [1], expanded graphites [2], graphene [3],
graphite foams [4], and fullerenes. After those, the carbon
nanotubes came, and their appearance has revolutionized
various areas of material science [5] and its applications,
e.g., in medicine and environment protection.
Since the appearance of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs),
several studies of their various characteristics have been
conducted [6, 7]. The results taken by their authors relate to various physical quantities. The researchers independently reached the conclusion that CNTs introduced
into various materials result in the improvement of the
physico-chemical and thermodynamic properties of the
made composites [8, 9], e.g., reinforcing polymers with
nanotubes considerably alters their thermal and thermomechanical properties [10].
Wang et al. [11] have shown that the incorporation of
nanotubes speeds up the crystallization of the polymers
* Correspondence:
[email protected]
R&D Laboratory of Metal and Ceramics Physics, Taras Shevchenko National
University of Kyiv, 64/13, Volodymyrska Street, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
as nanotubes act as efficient agents of nucleation. Carbon
nanotubes were also used for improving the thermal stability of the composites [12]. The thermal conductivity of
nanotube-containing polymers offers new possibilities for
their use instead of costly, resource-hungry metallic blocs
of various applications, e.g., in power, electric engines and
generators, and heat exchanger designs. The mentioned
composites could be also a viable alternative to glass and
aluminum in aeronautics. The substitution of those materials with nanotube-reinforcedpolymers is possible and
cost effective thanks to the advantages that the latter ones
offer. They are light, corrosion-resistant, and their elasticity and workability make them very competitive in several industrial applications [13–15].
Specimen preparation
The low-density polyethylene (LDPE) manufactured by
“UfaOrgSynthesis” (Russia) with 918.5 ± 1.5 kg/m3 density
and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were
used for the sample preparation. The nanotubes were
made by the CVD method in a rotating reactor [9].
Powder of the Al2O3–MoO3–Fe2O3 mixture was applied
as catalyst. The propylene was just used as a source of carbon. The samples were prepared via multistage procedure.
© 2016 Lozovyi et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Lozovyi et al. Nanoscale Research Letters (2016) 11:97
First, starting components, the LDPE and MWCNT powders, were mixed in the revolver-type rotational mixer.
The rotation conditions were rotation rate 120 rev/min
and rotation time 4 h. The isotropic mixtures were being
taken after mixing. The mixture was loaded into a vacuum
cylinder of extruder and heated up to 120 °C during
40 min at 103 Pa pressure. After that, the mixture had
been pushed through a die. The made cylinders of
the composites were of 3 mm in diameter, and their
high was near 5 mm. When measurements were carried on, the direction along the axis of the cylinder
was observed as “longitudinal”, while the direction
along a diameter of the cylinder had been denoted as
“radial.” Two samples from each type were used for
the dilatometric tests; one was placed along the longitudinal direction and the other along the radial
The starting mixtures of the MWCNTs’ different fractions (0, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.5 %) were taken, so four types of
the samples were prepared for measurements.
Equipment used
– A NETZSCH 402C dilatometer (NETZSCH, Selb,
Germany) with 3 % accuracy was used in the study.
The heating rate was near 10 °C/min. The thermal
expansion coefficient was measured in the
temperature range from 25 to 110 °C.
– Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) tests were
conducted using a Jupiter STA 449 F3 calorimeter
by NETZSCH (NETZSCH, Selb, Germany). The
same heating rate as in the dilatometric
measurements was used.
– The infrared absorption and Raman spectra were
measured using a Jasco FT/130 IR-6300 (Jasco
Analytical Instruments, Easton, MD, USA) and the
Bruker SENTERRA (Bruker, Billerica, MA, USA),
Results and discussion
The results obtained are illustrated in the figures below.
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the dilatometric behavior of
various LDPE-based nanocomposites with different concentrations of MWCNTs.
The thermal expansion coefficients of the samples measured along the radial direction, αR(T), and the longitudinal
direction, αL(T), vary differently with temperature. The
difference in variation is significant. This implies that the
material is strongly anisotropic. The two curves exhibit a
dilatometric singularity around 50–55 °C. The peak in the
curve measured along the longitudinal direction is twice as
intense as the peak measured along the radial direction,
which is 30 °C wide. The curve αL(T) levels off between 65
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and 90 °C; then, αL abruptly resumes its increase with
temperature until it reaches 330 °C−1 around 105 °C, while
αR(T) is not higher than 150 °C−1 at this temperature. The
ratio αL(T)/αR(T) is significantly larger than 100 %.
The MWCNTs also influence the dilatometric behavior of the LDPE composites. At 0.5 % MWCNTs, we observe a decrease in the intensity of the anisotropy and a
reversal of roles. Starting from 35 °C, αR(T) is larger
than αL(T) over the rest of the temperature range applied. The singularity on the αL(T) curve moves to lower
temperatures, and its intensity exhibits a larger-thanthreefold decrease in intensity compared to αL(T) in the
pure polymer. The temperature at which αR(T) singularity
appears did not change significantly, but its intensity decreased a little and its shape changed; it is less spread as
compared to the αR(T) of the pure sample. The two
curves have the same shape and develop similarly starting
from 65 °C.
When the concentration reaches 2.5 % MWCNTs, the
shapes of the αR(T) and αL(T) curves change significantly. We note that they do not include the same number of peaks. The first two, situated at around 50 °C,
have the same shape and different intensities. The peak
on the αR(T) curve is practically twice as intense as the
one on the αL(T) curve. At 95 °C, there is a second dilatometric peak which appears only on the αR(T) curve.
Its intensity is four times greater than that of the peak at
lower temperatures.
Comparison of the αL(T) curves obtained for the samples with different MWCNT concentrations shows that
they basically have the same shape, which confirms the
view that they have the same origin. All of them exhibit a
singularity at around 50–55 °C. Its intensity, however, varies with the MWCNT concentration. The peak intensities
vary between 80 and 325 °C−1. It is 80 °C−1 when there is
1 % MWCNT in the polymer. Halving this concentration
to 0.5 % increases the peak intensity to 120 °C−1. The intensity is 160 °C−1 at 2.5 % concentration, while it reaches
more than 320 °C−1 for the pure polymer. Starting from
35 °C, the ascending order of the thermal expansion coefficients is αL(1 %) < αL(0.5 %) < αL(2.5 %) < αL(0 %). At
100 °C, the ratios are αL(0 %)/αL(0.5 %) = 180 %, αL(0 %)/
αL(1 %) = 225 %, and αL(0 %)/αL(2.5 %) = 142 %.
We had also observed that the introduction of the
nanotubes significantly decreased the thermal expansion
coefficient of the polymer along the longitudinal direction. We observed that, first, the αL(T) curve at 0.5 %
concentration is comprised between the αL(T) curves at
2.5 and 1 % concentrations over the whole temperature
range under study, and second, thermal expansion is at
its weakest for the sample with 1 % MWCNT concentration. Thus, the addition of 1 % MWCNTs may be responsible for the increase of interaction forces within
the material.
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Fig. 1 Thermal expansion coefficient of PE + X % MCNT nanocomposites along radial direction
The samples containing 0, 0.5, and 1 % MWCNTs
have αR(T) curves that are basically undistinguishable
below 43 °C. Beyond this temperature, the αR(T) curve
of the sample with 1 % MWCNTs differs from the other
two by decreasing over the rest of the temperature
range, while αR(0 %) and αR(0.5 %) still overlap up to
90 °C. Starting from 93 °C, αR(0 %) becomes smaller
than αR(0.5 %). At 105 °C, this decrease reaches 40 %.
When the concentration in MWCNTs is 1 %, the
made nanomaterial expands the least if compared with
the other three. When the concentration reaches 2.5 %,
the coefficient of thermal expansion is distinctly different from the other three. The αR(2.5 %) is larger than
the others over the whole temperature range. The shape
of the dilatometric curve of this sample is not similar to
the other three. It exhibits two dilatometric singularities.
The first peak, observed on all the curves and appearing
at the same temperature, has a higher intensity than the
other three. The second very intensive singularity, with a
thermal expansion coefficient larger than 2000 °C−1,
appears at 96 °C and is only visible on the curve corresponding to the material with 2.5 % MWCNTs.
We notice that, regardless of the direction of the measurement, the thermal expansion coefficient is the smallest
for the nanocomposite with 1 % MWCNTs. Thus, the
introduction of this fraction of MWCNTs into the LDPE
material strongly influences the dilatometric behavior of
the nanocomposite, resulting in an important decrease in
Fig. 2 Thermal expansion coefficient of PE + X % MCNT nanocomposites along longitudinal direction
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Fig. 3 Relative dimensional variation (ΔL/L) of polyethylene containing 0, 0.5, 1, and 2.5 % multi-walled carbon nanotubes along the radial direction
its expandability. This is the result of a strengthening of
the interaction forces that is conducive to better stability
of the nanocomposite material.
So, we point the decrease of the thermal expansion coefficient for both longitudinal and transverse directions
of the samples, if MWCNTs are added to the LDPE at
content below or equal to 1 %. If the fraction of the
MWCNTs is higher than 1 %, the reverse dependences
of the αR and αL on the MWCNT content occur. The
rates of the αR and αL increase are different (Figs. 1 and
2). As a result, αR(T) and αL (T) curves for 0.5 %
MWCNT fractions are located between the curves
measured for 1 and 2.5 %. The described behavior is related with the abovementioned anisotropy of the samples, and the procedure of the sample preparation, via
axial pressing, is a reason of the anisotropy.
Figures 3 and 4 show the relative variation in
length ΔL/L of the polyethylene containing 0, 0.5, 1,
and 2.5 % MWCNTs measured along the radial and
longitudinal directions, respectively. The dimensional
variation of the four samples depends heavily on the
direction of measurement.
The relative variation in dimension of PE + 1 %
MWCNTs along the longitudinal direction is the smallest
Fig. 4 Relative dimensional variation (ΔL/L) of polyethylene containing 0, 0.5, 1, and 2.5 % multi-walled carbon nanotubes along the longitudinal direction
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Fig. 5 Differential scanning calorimetric diagram of PE + X % MCNT nanocomposites
over the whole temperature range of the study. Similarly,
the same nanocomposite exhibits the smallest dimensional
variation along the radial direction of the four samples.
Examination of the calorimetric curves shown in
Fig. 5 demonstrates that the curve of the polyethylene
sample containing 0.5 % MWCNTs is above the other
three up to a temperature slightly above 90 °C, while
the curves of the other three samples overlap.
At around 95 °C, each of the four curves exhibits a
calorimetric singularity 15 °C which is wider that peaks
at about 100 °C. Starting from 105 °C, the curves become undistinguishable and decrease abruptly.
Fig. 6 Thermogravimetry of PE + X % MCNT nanocomposites
The TGA curves of the samples containing 1 and 2.5 %
MWCNTs overlap and have reasonably equal intensities
(Fig. 6).
The curve of the sample containing 0.5 % MWCNTs is
significantly more intense, over the whole temperature
range, than those that the other two nanocomposites reveal. The difference between the TGA curve of PE + 0.5 %
MWCNTs and the others remains reasonably constant
over the whole temperature range. We also notice that, regardless of the concentration in MWCNTs, the TGA
curves of the nanocomposites are all above the curve of
the pure polymer. Starting from 100 °C, the TGA curve of
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Fig. 7 Raman spectra of PE + X % MCNT nanocomposites
the pure material overlaps with those of the materials containing 1 and 2.5 % MWCNTs.
Figure 7 below shows the Raman spectra of the samples.
The intensity of the various peaks observed on the
four spectra strongly varies with the nanotube concentration. The spectra of the pure sample and the one containing 0.5 % MWCNTs can be superimposed. The
peaks on the PE + 0.5 % MWCNT spectrum are more
intense than those of the pure PE. The spectra of the
samples containing 1 and 2.5 % MWCNTs are similar in
shape and can be superimposed. The two spectra exhibit
the same number of peaks, and these appear at the same
Fig. 8 Infrared spectra of PE + X % MCNT nanocomposites
frequencies. However, all the peak intensities are clearly
higher in the spectrum for PE + 1 % MWCNTs than the
corresponding intensities of the PE + 2.5 % MWCNT
spectrum. The Raman intensity of the PE + 2.5 %
MWCNTs is lower than that of the other three.
We evaluated the intensity of the ID and IG Raman peaks.
It is known that the ID/IG ratio reflects disorder and a number of defects in the solid networks. The introduction of
0.5 % MWCNTs results in an ID/IG ratio of about 180 %.
The ratio (ID/IG ≈ 120 %) decreases for the sample at 1 %
concentration of MWCNTs. Addition of more MWCNTs
further decreases the intensity of all the peaks in the
Lozovyi et al. Nanoscale Research Letters (2016) 11:97
spectrum; the ratio reaches ID/IG ≈ 105 %. Thus, the increase in the concentration of MWCNTs results in the decrease in the peak intensity and the ID/IG ratio.
Figure 8 shows the infrared spectra of the three nanomaterials and that of pure polyethylene.
Spectral analysis using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
shows a significant increase in the intensity of the spectra
resulting from the introduction of carbon nanotubes into
polyethylene. The spectra of the three samples containing
nanotubes changed shape and became more intense. The
spectrum of the PE + 1 % MWCNT sample is the most intense. At high wave number (k) values, the FTIR spectra of
the three nanocomposites have the same shape, but their
intensities depend on the concentration of MWCNTs.
Increase in the concentration from 0.5 to 1 % MWCNTs
results in a more intense spectrum. Further increase in the
concentration of MWCNTs, from 1 to 2.5 %, however,
results in the opposite effect. The FTIR spectrum of PE +
2.5 % MWCNTs decreases in intensity. The bands appearing after polyethylene-doping change the shape, and the
changes depend on the quantity of the added carbon nanotubes. The bands become narrower and tend to morph into
peaks. At 2.5 % concentration in MWCNTs, we observe intense peaks, which are characteristics for good crystallinity
of polymers. Thus, the increase of the MWCNT concentration improves the crystallinity of the polymer matrix.
The different experimental techniques used are complementary and confirm the positive effect of the of multiwalled carbon nanotube introduction into a polymer matrix
as they improve the thermomechanical and structural properties of the nanocomposites (see also, e.g., [16–18]).
Dilatometric tests demonstrate that the addition of
MWCNTs decreases the anisotropy of the nanocomposite
and strengthens the interactions inside it. Spectral analysis
confirms the improvement in mechanical properties. Raman
spectroscopy shows that the ID/IG ratio decreases with the
increase in the MWCNT concentration, which is probably
related to the decrease in the relative number of defects.
FTIR spectroscopy shows that the crystallinity is improved
with the increase in the MWCNT concentration. The TGA
curves of the nanocomposites exhibit practically negligible
slopes if compared to pure polyethylene. The calorimetric
behavior is reasonably the same for all four samples studied.
A weak expansion, a practically constant thermogravimetry, an ID/IG ratio which decreases with the increase in concentration, and a crystallinity that improves when the
quantity of carbon nanotubes added increases point to a
positive effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes when they
are incorporated into low-density polyethylene.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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Authors’ contributions
FL made the composite sample and carried out the TG research. KI carried out
the DSC research, participated in the result discussion, and drafted the manuscript.
SN carried out the experimental research of the Raman spectrum and infrared
spectrum and participated in the result discussion. SR conceived of the study and
participated in its design and result discussion. SH carried out the dilatometry,
conceived of the study, and participated in its design, result discussion, and
coordination. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Author details
R&D Laboratory of Metal and Ceramics Physics, Taras Shevchenko National
University of Kyiv, 64/13, Volodymyrska Street, 01601 Kyiv, Ukraine.
Laboratory of Thermodynamics and Surface Treatment of Materials,
University of Frères Mentouri Constantine 1, B.P. 325 Route Ain El Bey,
Constantine 25017, Algeria.
Received: 29 November 2015 Accepted: 9 February 2016
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