The Journal of Neuroscience,
1992, 12(12): 4667-4677
Protein Synthesis within Neuronal Growth Cones
Davis, Ping DOU, Marcia DeWit, and Stanley
The Program in Neuronal Growth and Development
University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523
B. Kater
and the Department
This study investigates
the capacity of neuronal growth cones
to synthesize
protein locally and independently
of their cell
body. Isolated growth cones were prepared from cultures of
from the snail Helisoma by transecting
to the growth cone. The capacity for protein synthesis was tested by radiolabeling
cultures with 3H-leucine
and analyzing the resultant autoradiograms.
Isolated growth
cones displayed
of 3H-leucine that was inhibited by treatment
with the protein synthesis
anisomycin and pactamycin,
that ribosomal-dependent translation
in growth
cones. Ultrastructural
of growth cones demonstrated
the presence
the machinery
for protein synthesis.
density of polyribosomes
varied between growth cones, even
different growth cones on the same neuron, suggesting that growth cones express a range of protein synthetic capabilities.
That different types of growth cones possess differing capabilities
for protein synthesis is suggested
in autoradiograms
of 3H-leucine incorporation
by the growth
cones of axonal and nonaxonal
neurites; incorporation
radically reduced in axonal growth cones in comparison
growth cones. Finally, growth cones that were
isolated for 2 d prior to radiolabeling
in a eukaryotic ribosomal-dependent
manner, suggesting
the capacity
for translation
is long-lived
in growth cones.
Taken together,
these studies reveal a capacity for protein
synthesis confined totally to the neuronal growth cone proper. The synthesis
of proteins
in growth cones could afford
a mechanism
for the alteration
of growth cone structure or
This is in accord with the view that growth cones
to at least some extent, in the
of synaptogenesis
and the construction
of neuronal architecture.
Neuronal growth cones,at the tips of growing net&es, are specialized to explore their surroundingsand ultimately to establish
synaptic contacts.There are often largedistancesbetweengrowth
cones and their cell bodies, suggestingthat growth conesmay
not rely exclusively on information from the cell body but may
themselvescontain the machinery necessaryto formulate a re-
Received Apr. 16, 1992; revised June 29, 1992; accepted July 6, 1992.
We thank Dennis Giddings for excellent technical help. We also thank Drs. Jim
Bamburg, Vincent Rehder, Mark Wright, and Roger Davenport
for helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by NS24683 to S.B.K. and
NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship NS08445 to L.D.
should be addressed to Lauren Davis, Department ofAnatomy
and Neurobiology,
Colorado State University,
Fort Collins, CO 80523.
0 1992 Society for Neuroscience
of Anatomy and Neurobiology,
Colorado State
sponseto a given stimulus(for a review, seeDavis et al., 1991).
Furthermore, growth coneson the sameneuron may encounter
different environments. The capability of growth conesto respond to signalsin their local environment could be facilitated
if they are capableof autonomousactivities.
The clearestdemonstration that growth conesdo contain at
leastsomeof the machinery necessaryfor autonomousactivities
comesfrom observations of the long-term survival of experimentally isolatedgrowth cones.In this preparation,growth cones
are completely isolatedby the transection of their neurites, thus
severing all metabolic and physiological communication with
the cell body. Previous studieshave demonstratedthat isolated
growth conescan survive for periodsranging up to severalhours
(Shaw and Bray, 1977) or days (Haydon et al., 1984; Guthrie
et al., 1989).
The hypothesisthat growth conesare capableof autonomous
activities is madeeven more compellingby findings that growth
cones remain physiologically viable after isolation, thus indicating that the machinery necessaryfor many growth cone activities resideswithin the growth coneitself. For example,growth
conesof the snail Helisoma trivolvis remain motile, maintain
normal resting potentials, and generateaction potentials for at
least3 d following transection(Guthrie et al., 1989).The cellular
substrateunderlying calcium homeostasisappearsto be intrinsic
to the growth cone as well; isolatedgrowth conesthat are challenged with alterations in calcium influx are able to restore
restinglevels of [Ca2+lisimilar to attachedgrowth cones(Rehder
et al., 1991). The independent capacity of growth cones for
behavioral activities was dramatically illustrated by Haydon et
al. (1984), who demonstrated that isolated growth cones reversibly respond to the application of 5-HT by the retraction
of filopodia and lamellopodia in a manner similar to that of
intact growth cones.The physiological viability and the ability
of isolated growth conesto respond to environmental cuesare
clear indications of autonomous capabilities.
Protein synthesisaccomplishedlocally within a growth cone
would enable rapid and specific changesin a growth cone’s
cellular machinery. The capability for protein synthesiswithin
growth coneswould greatly enhancethe potential for independent growth cone-environment interactions. There are no previous studiesdemonstrating the capacity for protein synthesis
within growth cones. Thus, in this study, we directly test the
hypothesisthat protein synthesiscan occur locally within growth
cones. The results demonstrate that isolated growth cones of
cultured neurons from the snail Helisoma can incorporate 3Hleucine into protein by a mechanismthat is sensitive to inhibitors of ribosomal protein synthesisin eukaryotic systems.A
recent study indicates that protein synthesisoccurs in isolated
hippocampal dendrites (Torre and Steward, 1992), suggesting
et al. * Protein
that proteins may be synthesized locally in other neurons and
in different neuronal regions as well.
The present study employs individually cultured nerve cells
from the snail Helisoma. Many of these neurons can be dissociated and grown in culture, where they display robust, large
growth cones that are ideal for isolation experiments. In addition, some of these neurons have been identified, and their
electrophysiological and structural properties have been previously characterized (see Kater, 1974; Haydon et al., 1985;
Guthrie et al., 1989). Portions of this article focus on observations of identified buccal ganglion neurons B5 and B 19. These
neurons have distinctly different characteristic morphologies
(Haydon et al., 1985) respond differently to the application of
certain neurotransmitters
(Haydon et al., 1987; McCobb et al.,
1988a,b), choose different synaptic partners (Zoran et al., 1990)
and exhibit different levels of competence at regulating calcium
homeostasis (Mills et al., 1989). In addition, the growth cones
of neurons B5 and B19 ultrastructurally
and physiologically
resemble their respective parent neurons and, of course, differ
from each other (Guthrie et al., 1989). The present study indicates that protein synthesis occurs in growth cones of both B5
and B 19 neurons, as well as in unidentified neurons, suggesting
that protein synthesis occurs in the growth cones of many different types of neurons.
Some of the results in this article have been summarized
elsewhere (Davis and Kater, 1990; Davis et al., 199 1).
and Methods
Neuronal cell culture. Adult snails of Helisoma trivolvis (albino) with
shell diameters of 15-l 8 mm were maintained as previously described
(Haydon et al., 1985; Kater and Mattson, 1988). The dissection and
culture media consisted of 50% Leibowitz L- 15 modified for Helisoma
(HL- 15) as described in detail in Wong et al. (198 1) and Haydon et al.
(1985). For dissections, buccal ganglia were removed and incubated for
35 min in HL- 15 containing 0.1% trypsin (type III S, Sigma), followed
by 10 min incubation in HL- 15 containing 0.1% Trypsin inhibitor (Sigma).
Ganglia were pinned dorsal side up on Sylgard pads, and neurons
were visualized using a dissecting microscope. Neurons were individually removed by first making an incision in the ganglionic sheath dorsolateral to the neuronal somata and then gently pulling the neuron into
a micropipette (SO-100 pm tip diameter). Isolated neurons were plated
onto polylysine-coated glass coverslips and incubated in HL- 15 that
had been conditioned with Helisoma brains (Wong et al., 1981, 1984).
The coverslips were equipped with plastic rings made from Tygon tubing
(inner diameter, 3/16 inch; height, approximately 1.5 mm) attached
using melted beeswax. The plastic rings enhanced neuronal survival
between the many changes of solution during the experiment by maintaining the level of fluid over the neurons. Cultures were incubated in
a dark, humidified, room temperature environment for 18-20 hr after
plating in order to obtain many large-sized growth cones.
Preparation of isolated growth cones. The morning following plating,
neurites were transected to yield growth cones that were completely
isolated from the cell body. Using a micromanipulator-controlled
micropipette that had been pulled to a fine tip (< 1 Frn tip), neurites
were transected proximal to the growth cone while observed using a
microscope and phase-contrast illumination. Following the isolation of
growth cones, cultures were maintained in a humidified environment
for 2-8 hr prior to radiolabeling.
Some experiments used long-term isolated growth cones. For these
preparations, neurites were severed such that the growth cones and a
small amount of their distal neurites were left on the culture substrate.
The cell bodies were removed from the culture dish in order to abolish
the possibility of new outgrowth from the cell body obscuring the isolated growth cones. Cultures of long-term isolated growth cones were
maintained for 1 or 2 d prior to radiolabeling.
In one study, we examined the ability of growth cones isolated from
axonal neurites to perform protein synthesis as reflected by the incorporation of )H-leucine. For this study, axonal growth cones were isolated
from the cell body shortly after they attached to the substrate (within
5 hr after plating); cultures were then maintained overnight. Radiolabeling was performed the following day, when axonal growth cones were
more securely adhered to the substrate and nonaxonal growth cones
had appeared. For purposes of comparison with the long-term (overnight) isolated axonal growth cones, nonaxonal growth cones in other
cultures were isolated the day prior to radiolabeling.
Radiolabeling and autoradiographic procedures. For radiolabeling,
cultures were transferred into leucine-free medium and incubated for
30 min. Cultures were then transferred into medium containing ‘H-4,5L-leucine (150 ~1 jH-leucine/l.2
ml medium) and labeled for 30 min.
For those experiments in which protein synthesis was inhibited, cultures
were incubated for 30 min prior to radiolabeling with either anisomycin
(20 mM) or pactamycin (25 mM) to inhibit protein synthesis. Cultures
were then radiolabeled in the presence of the same protein synthesis
inhibitor. Following radiolabeling, cultures were rapidly washed twice
with saline containing an excess of unlabeled leucine ( 10m4M), and fixed
using paraformaldehyde (4%) to remove the unbound 3H-leucine. Cultures were dehydrated using graded ethanols, and the plastic rings were
removed using xylene. Following two washes in 100% ethanol, cultures
were air dried and mounted on glass microscope slides.
The following morning, the microscope slides were dipped in Kodak
NTB2 emulsion (42°C) to coat the coverslips, dried for at least 3 hr,
packed with desiccant in light-tight boxes, and stored at 4°C for 2 weeks.
Autoradiograms were developed using Kodak D- 19 (15’C) for 3 min
and fixed for 4 min using Kodak fixer. Finally, autoradiograms were
coverslipped using Kaiser’s glycerol mountant for microscopic observation and data analysis.
In some experiments, ribonuclease A was used to destroy the total
cytoplasmic RNA. For these experiments, cultures were pulse labeled
with 3H-leucine for 30 min, and fixed and dehydrated as described
above. Cultures then were permeabilized with absolute ethanol for 30
min, rehydrated, and then digested with ribonuclease A (Sigma R-5503;
100 &ml) for 30 min at room temperature. Processing for autoradiography was as described above.
Cultures containing intact neurons only (see Fig. 1 below) were prepared as described above, except that radiolabeling was for 15 min.
Data analysis. Growth cones, initially isolated prior to radiolabeling
and processing, were relocated on the microscope slide using phase
illumination, and the image was captured by a Dage-MT1 model 70
camera (Newvicon) coupled to a Macintosh IIci computer (Data Translation frame grabber board). The same field viewed using dark-field
illumination to visualize the silver grains was also captured. Both images
were displayed and overlaid using the shareware program IMAGE 1.4 1,
and the silver grains over each isolated growth cone were manually
counted. The mean number of silver grains per growth cone in each
condition was calculated. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to com-
parestatisticallythe meannumberof silver grainsacrossconditions.
All results are given as mean ? SEM.
To determine the background density of silver grains, templates of
five randomly selected growth cones were placed over areas of the coverslip that were randomly selected by microscope stage coordinates. The
silver grains that lay within the outline of the template were counted,
and the mean background density was calculated.
Electron microscopy. Neurons were plated on polylysine-treated, carbon-coated coverslips. The following morning, a few growth cones were
isolated on two cells, using the techniques described above. Approximately 2 hr later, cultures were fixed for 30 min in 1.5% glutaraldehyde
in HL-15 at room temperature and postfixed in 0~0, (1%) in HL-15
for 15 min at 4°C. Cultures were stained en bloc in 2% uranyl acetate
and flat embedded in Epon Araldite resin. Following polymerization, a
razor blade was used to separate the coverslip gently from the layer of
embedded cells. Neurons were identified and cut from the resin layer,
glued onto a blank resin block, cut into 400-500~A-thick ultrathin sections, and collected on Formvar-coated mesh or slot grids. Sections
were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and examined on a
JEOL-2000 microscope.
One ultrathin section of each identified growth cone was selected for
further analyses. Photographs of the entire growth cone profile on the
section were taken and printed at a final magnification of 37,500 or
25,000 for quantitative analyses. Each photomicrograph was carefully
scanned for the presence of polyribosomes, which were defined as clusters of at least four densely staining ribosomes; ribosomes were approximately 20-25 nm in diameter. The area of the growth cone was
determined by scanning a low-magnification photomicrograph
of the
The Journal of Neuroscience,
1992. 12(12)
Figure 1. Incorporation of amino acids by Helisomaneurons. This neuron was radiolabeled with 3H-leucine for 15 min prior to fixation and
processing for autoradiography. The neuron was photographed in dark-field illumination (A) and phase-contrast illumination (B). Silver grains,
indicating the presence of radiolabeled protein, appear bright in the dark-field photomicrograph. A comparison of the dark-field and phase-contrast
photomicrographs illustrates that silver grains are distributed over the complete extent of the cell. Note especially the heavy labeling over growth
cones (arrowheads).
Scale bar, 50 pm.
growth cone profile and measuring the perimeter of the profile with the
aid of IMAGE 1.4 1. The density of polyribosomes in each growth cone
was determined by calculating a ratio of the number of polyribosomes
per 100 pm?.
There was an exceptionally high density of polyribosomes and profiles
that appeared to be free ribosomes in the growth cones of one B5 neuron.
A different method of quantitation was used to determine the density
of ribosomes in this neuron. A template circle representing an area of
0.05 pm2 relative to the photographic magnification was copied 15 times
onto an acetate sheet according to randomly preselected coordinates.
The acetate sheet was overlaid onto each photograph of the growth
cone, the total number of ribosomes [individual ribosomes that appeared to be part of a polyribosome cluster + ribosomes associated
with rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) + ribosomes that did not fall
in either of these categories] that appeared within each circle was countedm and the mean number of ribosomes/0.05 pm2 was calculated.
Similar analyses were also executed on a sample of 10 photomicrographs
of the soma.
was purchased from New England Nuclear (specific activity, 40-60 Ci/mmol). Leucine-free medium was Leibovitz L- 15 specially prepared without L-leucine (GIBCO). Anisomycin
was either a gift from Pfizer, Inc., or purchased from Sigma. Pactamycin
was purchased from Aldrich ABC.
Incorporation of exogenouslyadministered3H-amino acids
Initially, whole neurons were radiolabeled for 15 min in 3Hleucine to determine the distribution of recently synthesized
protein throughout the cell. Autoradiographs reveal silver grains,
indicating the presenceof 3H-proteins, over the entire neuron
including growth cones.Even though many of the growth cones
can reach over 200 pm from the cell body, a map of the full
morphology of thesecells is produced by the silver grains (see
Fig. 1). Intracellular transport mechanismsare undoubtedly re-
sponsiblefor the movement of many componentsbetween the
cell body and growth cones. However, 15 min is rather short
for the synthesisand transport of 3H-protein from the cell body
into growth cones.This suggeststhe possibility that 3H-protein
is synthesizedlocally in the growth cone.
The following experiments were designedto test directly for
the possibility of protein synthesiswithin growth conesusing a
single modification in these procedures, namely, isolation of
individual neuronalgrowth cones(seeFig. 2A,B). Isolatedgrowth
conescontinue to elongatefor severaldaysfollowing transection
from the neurite (Fig. 2CJ). Such robust, isolatedgrowth cones
provide an opportunity to ask whether componentsof neuronal
structure can, in the absenceof a nucleus or other machinery
associatedwith the cell body, incorporate amino acids.
Incorporation of 3H-amino acids into isolated growth cones.
Cultures containing growth conesisolated from both identified
(BS and B 19)and unidentified neuronswere radiolabeledin 3Hleucine for 30 min. Autoradiographs of these cultures reveal
denseradiolabeling over isolatedgrowth cones(Fig. 3A). Quantitative analysesreveal that labeling is at least 15 times background (seeFig. 4). Becausegrowth coneswere isolated prior
to labeling with 3H-leucine, radiolabeling in isolated growth
cones indicates that incorporation is accomplished independently in the growth cone, and could not result from the transport of 3H-proteins synthesizedin the cell body.
Demonstration of protein synthesisin isolated growth cones.
The accumulation of radiolabel in isolated growth conescould
result from a variety of reasonsincluding the possibility that
3H-labeledproteins are newly synthesizedin growth cones.To
analyze whether radiolabeling representsthe synthesisof radio-
et al.
Figure 2. Growth cones survive in culture when isolated from the rest of the cell. A, Growth cones attached to the cell body (before isolation).
B, It is possible, with a high degree of precision, to isolate individual growth cones from the parent neuron by cutting their neurites while leaving
other growth cones still attached to the neuron. Growth cones are isolated by severing the neurite proximal to the growth cone using a micromanipulator controlled glass micropipette. Arrows point to isolated growth cones. Scale bar, 50 pm. Both C and D are schematic drawings that typify
the morphology of long-term isolated growth cones; they were drawn as composites of several growth cones at each time interval. C illustrates a
growth cone 1 d after isolation. Notice that the growth cone no longer exhibits the typical rounded shape; processes have begun to extend and
elongate from a central region. D shows the appearance of a typical growth cone 2 d after isolation. Additional processes have emerged and continue
to elongate.
Figure 3. Protein synthesis occurs locally in isolated growth cones. Autoradiographs were prepared from cultures that were radiolabeled for 30
min. The area of the isolated growth cones (prepared from phase-contrast images) forms a light gray overlay over the dark-field photomicrographs.
A, Isolated growth cones are heavily labeled. Labeling is greatly reduced in isolated growth cones in cultures that were treated with anisomycin (B)
or pactamycin (C’). Scale bar, 20 pm.
The Journal
labeled proteins, we employed pharmacological agents known
to affect RNA translation. Anisomycin is an inhibitor of protein
synthesis in eukaryotic cells and pactamycin is an inhibitor of
protein synthesis in both prokaryotic (mitochondrial) and eukaryotic systems; both of these inhibitors previously have been
shown to be effective in molluscan neurons (Schwartz et al.,
197 1; Barker et al., 1982; Wong et al., 1984). Radiolabeling will
be decreased when cultures are pulse labeled in the presence of
anisomycin if protein synthesis occurs via a ribosomal mechanism. There will be a greater decrease in radiolabeling in the
presence of pactamycin since both prokaryotic and eukaryotic
protein synthesis are inhibited.
Radiolabeling is greatly diminished over isolated growth cones
(as well as over the rest of the neuron) when cultures are pretreated with either one of the inhibitors, and then radiolabeled
for 30 min in the presence of the same inhibitor (see Fig. 3). In
quantitative analyses of three replicate experiments, significant
differences are observed between the growth cones that were
not inhibited and either anisomycin- or pactamycin-treated
preparations (Fig. 4). Labeling is also significantly lower in pactamycin-inhibited cultures than anisomycin preparations in experiments 1 (p < 0.001) and 3 (p = 0.01). It is important to
note that although values of the basal incorporation vary in each
of the three replicate experiments, radiolabeling is significantly
reduced by at least 70% in cultures treated with anisomycin.
Labeling in pactamycin cultures approximates background labeling (Fig. 4).
Neurons B5 and B19 are two of the most extensively characterized neurons from the buccal ganglion. To examine whether
protein synthesis occurs in different types of neurons, several
of our experiments have been performed on growth cones isolated from B5 and B19 neurons. Growth cones isolated from
either of these types of neurons are labeled when incubated in
the presence of 3H-leucine (B5 growth cones: basal incorporation
= 33.7 YL 6.8, N = 9; B19 growth cones: basal incorporation =
67.6 f 29.9, N = 7). There is no significant difference in incorporation by the growth cones of neurons BS and B19 (p =
0.4). Analyses of labeling in growth cones isolated from either
of these identified neurons indicate that the number of silver
grains is significantly reduced to a similar extent by protein
synthesis inhibitors [B5 growth cones: anisomycin, 5.5 * 1.0
(N = 11; p < 0.0001 compared to basal incorporation); pactamycin, 4.4 + 1.2 (N = 17; p < 0.0001 compared to basal
incorporation); B19 growth cones: anisomycin, 6.2 + 1.8 (N =
12; p < 0.02 compared to basal incorporation); pactamycin, 1.3
+ 0.5 (N = 13; p -C 0.0001 compared to basal incorporation)].
Two alternative sources for the presence of radiolabel in isolatedgrowth cones have been eliminated. In principle, radiolabel
could arise from 3H-leucine that is bound to tRNA. This possibility was negated by experiments in which radiolabeled cultures were digested with ribonuclease A to destroy the cytoplasmic RNA. Quantitative analyses reveal that labeling over
isolated growth cones is not significantly different in digested
and nondigested cultures [basal incorporation, 9.9 f 2.4 (N =
34); RNase, 12.9 + 3.4 (N = 33); p = 0.271.
A final alternative is that proteins are synthesized in cell bodies, secreted into the medium, and then taken up by isolated
growth cones. Isolated growth cones, however, are still heavily
radiolabeled even when all parts of the neuron, except the isolated growth cones, are removed from the culture dish prior to
radiolabeling (see Figs. 6C,D, 7A,B). Thus, protein synthesis
must occur locally within the growth cone itself.
of Neuroscience,
Figure 4. Graphic demonstration of the reduction in radiolabeling by
protein synthesis inhibitors. Graphs illustrate the results of three replicate experiments incorporating a total of 88 isolated growth cones
from 42 cells. The number ofisolated growth cones(N) in eachcondition
is listed below the bar. The background level of silver grains is indicated
by the bar on the far right in each experiment.
Taken together, these data are consistent with the interpretation that mRNA translation-dependent protein synthesis occurs in isolated neuronal growth cones. In addition, there is
apparently a relatively small amount of amino acid incorporation, likely of a mitochondrial origin.
Localization of protein synthetic machinery in Helisoma
growth cones
Polyribosomes in growth cones. For protein synthesis to occur
locally, the presence of protein synthetic machinery, that is,
polyribosomes, in growth cones would be expected. Ultrastructural analyses reveal the presence of polyribosomes throughout
the neuron. In general, the frequency of polyribosomes in growth
cones is sparse, relative to the density in somata. The density
of ribosomes in the most densely packed growth cone (8.4 f
0.9 ribosomes10.05 pm*; N = 25) is significantly lower than the
Davis et al.
Protein Synthesis
within Neuronal
Figure 5. Ultrastructural evidence of protein synthetic machinery in growth cones. A illustrates an electron photomicrograph of an ultrathin section
of a growth cone (cell 7b, gc #2). The position of the polyribosomes is indicated (*). B-D, Representative examples of profiles of polyribosomes
located in growth cones. E, Polyribosomes are frequently positioned near membranes in growth cones. Arrows point to profiles of polyribosomes.
F and G, Examples of profiles that appear to be RER located in growth cones. Arrowheads indicate areas of ribosome studded membrane. Scale
bars: A, 5 pm; B-G, 0.25 pm.
density of ribosomes in the soma of the same cell (13.8 f 0.9
ribosomes/0.05 prn2; N = 133; p = 0.004).
Polyribosomes apparently are more frequently located within
the central rather than peripheral (lamellipodia and filopodia)
region of the growth cone. Polyribosomes are occasionally, however, located in the lamellipodia, and even rarely within filopodia. Within the central region, there is no apparent pattern
to the distribution of polyribosomes (see Fig. 5A). In addition,
analyses of cross sections through growth cones indicate that
polyribosome distribution appears random throughout the height
of the growth cone. Isolated growth cones also contain polyri-
bosomes (Table 1; see also following section), with the density
of polyribosomes not significantly different from that in attached
growth cones (p > 0.1). Similarly, there is no apparent pattern
to the distribution of polyribosomes in isolated growth cones.
Occasionally, profiles of membranes studded with a few ribosomes are observed within both isolated and attached growth
cones (Fig. 5F,G). These structures appear to be RER. The RER
in growth cones is much less extensive and the membrane saccules appeared to be smaller and more rounded than the flat,
extensive saccules in somata.
Variations in polyribosome density among d&%erent growth
The Journal
cones. The density of polyribosomes varies considerably between growth cones and does not appear to be related to the
area of the growth cone (Y = 0.148; F = 0.225; p > 0.05; see
Table 1). Furthermore, there is no significant difference in the
density of polyribosomes in growth cones of neurons B5 and
B19 (p = 0.08). In many cases, different growth cones on the
same neuron have different densities of polyribosomes (see Table 1). Because these differences in the densities of polyribosomes may reflect a range of synthetic capabilities among the
different growth cones of a single neuron, this observation was
examined further.
In the growth cones of one B5 neuron there was an exceptionally high density of polyribosomes, as well as structures that
appeared to be free ribosomes. Analyses of the growth cones of
this B5 neuron were conducted to determine the density of
ribosomes per 0.05 Km2 area of growth cone. The density of
ribosomes in four different attached growth cones ranges from
4.2 + 0.3 to 8.4 f 0.9 ribosomes10.05 Frnz. The density of
ribosomes in a growth cone that had been isolated from this
cell is 7.7 f 0.4 ribosomes/0.05 pm2.
These data suggest that the capacity for protein synthesis may
differ considerably in different growth cones. This possibility
can be more clearly investigated by examining amino acid incorporation in two distinct populations of growth cones.
Dlyerential amino acid incorporation into d$erent classes of
growth cones
Most neurons express two classes of net&es, axons and dendrites, which differ in function and morphology. For example,
the capability for protein synthesis is expressed preferentially
by dendrites (Steward and Levy, 1982; Davis et al., 1990; Torre
and Steward, 1992). Although the identity of many invertebrate
net&es, including Helisoma, has not been completely characterized, some differential aspects of invertebrate neurites and
their growth cones have been described. Freshly isolated invertebrate neurons frequently maintain the residual axon found
in the intact organism from which a growth cone-like structure
rapidly emerges (Schacher and Proshansky, 1983; Haydon and
Kater, 1987). In addition, growth cones also form at the tip of
nonaxonal neurites that emerge directly from the cultured cell
body. Axonal growth cones appear in many ways similar to
nonaxonal growth cones except that axonal growth cones are
typically several times larger, and usually take longer (approximately 8 hr) to emerge from the soma. Another difference is
that axonal growth cones do not adhere to the substrate as
securely as nonaxonal growth cones and often detach during the
radiolabeling procedure. All of the analyses described in the
other sections of this report have been accomplished using nonaxonal growth cones. In this section, we have also performed
experiments on axonal growth cones. Although it was not possible to obtain a sample size of axonal growth cones suitable for
statistical analyses in the studies in this section, the striking
differences in labeling between axonal and nonaxonal growth
cones have prompted the presentation of these observations.
Autoradiograms exhibit a paucity of silver grains over the
two axonal growth cones that survived radiolabeling and processing (Fig. 6). Labeling is radically reduced over axonal growth
cones in comparison with the labeling of growth cones isolated
from nonaxonal neurites. There are no apparent decreases in
labeling over axonal growth cones when cultures are radiolabeled in the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitors anisomycin and pactamycin.
Table 1. Ultrastructural
growth cones
of Neuroscience,
analyses of polyribosomes in Helisoma
(1) or
100 pm2
The density of polyribosomes (represented as polyribosomes/lOO wm2) in each
growth cone, as well as the area of the growth cone in the analyzed section, the
cell type, and whether the growth cone was isolated or attached are listed.
Longevity of protein synthetic capability in growth cones
The precedingstudiesindicate that nonaxonal growth conesare
radiolabeled even though they have been isolated from the cell
body for 1 d prior to radiolabeling (seeFig. 6C,D). This raises
the notion that the capacity for protein synthesiswithin growth
conesis retained for long periodsof time. To addressthis question, long-term isolatedgrowth coneswere prepared. Theseisolated growth cones were allowed to survive for 48 hr before
radiolabeling for 30 min with 3H-leucine. Long-term isolation
of growth conesresults in the elaboration of a rather unusual
morphology (seeFig. 2). The morphology is typically characterized by long, very thin processesemanating from a small
central portion. The morphology, however, is extremely variable in terms of the length and number of these fine processes,
and the size of the central region.
Dense labeling is evident over the central portion of longterm isolated growth cones;the long processesare sparselylabeled(Fig. 7.4,B). Labelingover long-term isolatedgrowth cones
appearslessdensethan in growth conesthat were freshly isolated
or those that had been isolated for 1 d prior to radiolabeling
(compareFig. 7A,B with Figs.3A, 6C,D). Becauseofthe extreme
variability in the morphology of long-term isolatedgrowth cones,
however, we felt it was unrealistic to attempt a quantitative
evaluation of labeling in thesegrowth cones.
To determine whether labeling in long-term isolated growth
cones reflects a capacity for protein synthesis, cultures were
radiolabeledin the presenceof anisomycin or pactamycin. Autoradiogramsreveal a decreasein labeling in inhibited cultures
of long-term isolatedgrowth cones(seeFig. 7). The decreasein
labeling is similar in relative density to the decreasein labeling
Davis et al.
Protein Synthesis
within Neuronal
The Journal of Neuroscience,
1992, 72(12)
Figure 7. Protein synthesis in growth
cones 2 d after isolation. Growth cones
were isolated and then returned to culture for 2 d prior to radiolabeling for
30 min and processing for autoradiography. The outline ofthe isolated growth
cones (prepared from phase-contrast
images) is drawn in light gray over the
dark-field photomicrographs. A and B,)
Long-term isolated growth cones are labeled, indicating the incorporation of
3H-amino acids. Labeling over longterm isolated growth cones is reduced
when cultures are radiolabeled in the
presence of anisomycin (C, D), and pactamycin (E, F), indicating that translation occurs in long-term isolated
growth cones. Scale bar, 20 pm.
Figure 6. Protein synthesis locally in isolated axonal and nonaxonal growth cones. Axonal (A, B) and nonaxonal (C, D) growth cones were allowed
to grow in culture for about 1 d following isolation, prior to radiolabeling for 30 min and processing for autoradiography. The outline of the isolated
growth cones (prepared from phase-contrast images) is drawn in light gray over the dark-field photomicrographs. Axonal growth cones (A. B) are
lightly labeled in comparison with nonaxonal growth cones (C, 0). Scale bar, 20 pm.
et al. * Protein
in freshly isolated growth cones that were inhibited with protein
synthesis inhibitors.
The demonstration of protein synthesis within growth cones is
in accord with our contemporary view of this structure, which
recognizes a formidable role for growth cones in the formation
of synapses and in the guidance of the construction of neuronal
architecture. A preparation of cultured growth cones isolated
from the rest of the cell has been used to demonstrate that amino
acids are incorporated into protein by a ribosomal translation
mechanism, and that polyribosomes, the machinery for accomplishing protein synthesis in eukaryotic systems, are located
within growth cones. Furthermore, these results suggest that the
factors involved in translation (such as mRNA) are stable in
growth cones because the capacity for protein synthesis is retained for at least 48 hr after isolation of growth cones.
The capacity for protein synthesis in neuronal growth cones
is likely to be expressed in many different types of neurons.
Indeed, in the present study, we report that polyribosomes are
located in two identified neurons, and that ribosomal protein
synthesis occurs in these cells as well as other unidentified Helisoma neurons. Moreover, the presence of polyribosomes has
been reported in neuronal growth cones from rat cerebellum
(Del Cerro and Snider, 1968) rabbit dorsal root (Tennyson,
1970), rat sympathetic ganglia (Bunge, 1973), mouse olfactory
bulb (Hinds and Hinds, 1972), and chick spinal cord (Skoff and
Hamburger, 1974), suggesting that growth cones of these cells,
like those studied directly in the present investigation, have the
capacity for protein synthesis.
Longevity of the capability for protein synthesis
The capacity for protein synthesisin growth conesexists for at
least 2 d following isolation. These findings suggestthat at least
someof the mRNAs, aswell asother factors involved in translation, are especially long-lived in Helisoma growth cones.The
existence of stable mRNA in growth conescould indicate that
certain classesof mRNA transcripts are delivered into growth
cones. Although these studies do not reveal the identity of
mRNAs in growth cones,the existenceof RER, as well as polyribosomesthat do not appearto be associatedwith membranes,
suggeststhat various classesof mRNAs are present.
One possiblereason for the long-lived capability of protein
synthesisin growth conesmay be that mRNA is positioned in
growth conesuntil an appropriate cue for the initiation of translation is received. Another possibility isthat transport of protein
synthetic machinery from the cell body to the growth conesis
sporadic or slow. Indeed, it has been reported that RNA is
transported at a velocity of about 0.5 mm/d in hippocampal
dendrites, a rate that is characteristic of slow intracellular transport processes(Davis et al., 1987, 1990).
D~jEerential synthetic capacities in direrent growth cones
Thesedata suggestthat there are multiple classesofgrowth cones
with differing synthetic capacities. The ultrastructural data indicate that the density of polyribosomesvaries betweendifferent
growth cones,even among different growth coneson the same
neuron. The differential synthetic capabilities are even more
pronounced in the observationsof axonal and nonaxonal growth
cones.Taken together, these findings clearly suggestthat structures found at the tips of extending neurites and displaying
lamellipodial and filopodial structures do not have identical
capacities. The fact that growth conesexpressa range of functional capabilities supports the hypothesis that growth cones
function to some extent autonomously (Haydon et al., 1985;
Davis et al., 1991).
That differing synthetic capacities are expressedin different
growth conesmay be related to the growing body of evidence
indicating that protein synthesisoccurs almost exclusively in
the dendrites, rather than axons, of vertebrate neurons. For
example,recently synthesizedRNA is transportedinto dendrites
via an energy-dependentmechanism(Davis et al., 1987, 1990),
dendritic polyribosomesare selectively positionedbeneathdendritic spines(Bodian, 1965; Palacios-Pru et al., 1981; Steward
and Levy, 1982; Spacek, 1985), certain mRNAs are specifically
localized in dendrites (Garner et al., 1988; Bruckenstein et al.,
1990; Burgin et al., 1990; Kleiman et al., 1990), and it has
recently been reported that amino acids are incorporated into
proteins in isolated hippocampaldendrites (Torre and Steward,
1992).Interestingly, the capacity for ribosomalprotein synthesis
in the axons of other neuronshasbeen demonstratedby several
groups(Koenig and Adams, 1982; Jirikowski et al., 1990; Giuditta et al., 1991). In addition, there is evidence of a non-ribosomalposttranslational modification of proteins in squid giant axons by the addition of amino acidsinto proteins (Ingoglia
et al., 1983). Thus, when viewed together, current evidence
indicates that protein synthesiscan be a highly compartmentalized processand that the specificsof amount, location, and
the nature of the product can be quite different in different types
of neurons.
Significance and conclusions
The capacity for protein synthesiswithin growth conessuggests
it may be useful to reexamine our current view of the functional
capacitiesof growth cones,and the relationship betweengrowth
cones and the rest of the cell. Part of the responsibility for
accomplishinggrowth cone activities suchassynapseformation
and the construction of neuronal architecture may be delegated
directly to growth conesthemselves.Activation and regulation
of synthesiswithin growth conesmight be guidedby interactions
with the environment, or information from the cell body. Thus,
each growth cone may achieve a “customized’ identity with
functional and structural capabilities that makethe growth cone
uniquely suited to its role in synaptogenesisand the formation
of neuronal architecture.
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