Impact of fetal echocardiography
John M Simpson
Director of Pediatric Echocardiography, Department of Congenital Heart Disease, Evelina Children’s Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation
Trust, London, UK
Prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease is now well established for a wide range of cardiac anomalies.
Diagnosis of congenital heart disease during fetal life not only identifies the cardiac lesion but may also lead
to detection of associated abnormalities. This information allows a detailed discussion of the prognosis with
parents. For continuing pregnancies, appropriate preparation can be made to optimize the postnatal outcome.
Reduced morbidity and mortality, following antenatal diagnosis, has been reported for coarctation of the aorta,
hypoplastic left heart syndrome, and transposition of the great arteries. With regard to screening policy, most
affected fetuses are in the “low risk” population, emphasizing the importance of appropriate training for those
who undertake such obstetric anomaly scans. As a minimum, the four chamber view of the fetal heart should
be incorporated into midtrimester anomaly scans, and where feasible, views of the outflow tracts should also
be included, to increase the diagnostic yield. Newer screening techniques, such as measurement of nuchal
translucency, may contribute to identification of fetuses at high risk for congenital heart disease and prompt
referral for detailed cardiac assessment.
Keywords: Congenital heart disease, echocardiography, fetal heart
A wide range of congenital heart defects can be identified
during fetal life with a very high degree of diagnostic
accuracy in specialist centers.[1] Virtually all forms of
congenital heart disease have been described during
prenatal life. In most countries, the major routes of
ascertainment of congenital heart defects are, first, a
suspicion of a cardiac defect during an obstetric anomaly
scan, or second, because specific risk factors have led to
a referral to a specialist unit for further evaluation. The
types of risk factors that are widely accepted as referral
reasons for detailed assessment of the heart are listed
in [Table 1] and have been reviewed elsewhere [2] It
should be emphasized that most cases of congenital heart
disease occur in the “low risk” population. Detection of
these cases rests with the sonographer who is assessing
the fetal heart as part of obstetric anomaly scans
involving an anatomic survey that is not restricted to the
heart. Some cardiac lesions, particularly those evident
on a “four chamber view” of the fetal heart are more
easily detected by the nonspecialist sonographer than
others, for which more extended views of the outflow
tracts are required for detection. For example, United
Kingdom national data obtained between 1993 and 1995
reported a detection rate of 38% for atrioventricular
septal defects and 66% for hypoplastic left heart
(“four chamber” abnormalities) compared to 3% for
transposition of the great arteries (outflow tract views
Table 1: Summary of risk factors that should prompt
detailed cardiac evaluation
Fetal factors
Suspected cardiac abnormality on screening ultrasound
Increased nuchal translucency thickness
Fetal hydrops
Fetal abnormality with known association of congenital heart disease
e.g., exomphalos, diaphragmatic hernia
Fetal arrhythmia
Abnormal fetal karyotype, e.g., trisomy 21
Maternal and familial risk factors
Family history of congenital heart disease (CHD) in a first degree
Diabetes mellitus – Mothers who are established diabetics on treatment
Mothers with a tendency toward diabetes that is solely related to
pregnancy are not judged candidates for fetal echocardiography
Mothers taking known teratogenic drugs, e.g., anticonvulsants, lithium
Maternal anti - Ro or anti - La antibodies
Mothers who have anti-Ro and / or La antibodies are candidates for
fetal cardiology assessment, in view of the risk of developing fetal
heart block. Mothers NOT having anti Ro or La antibodies are not
candidates for fetal echocardiography
Maternal infections, e.g., parvovirus, Coxsackie
Address for corresspondence: Dr. John M Simpson, Consultant in Fetal and Pediatric Cardiology, Director of Pediatric Echocardiography, Evelina Children’s
Hospital, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust London, SE1 7EH UK. E-mail:
[email protected]
Ann Pediatr Card 2009 Vol 2 Issue 1
Simpson: Fetal echocardiography
required for detection).[2,3] [Table 2] summarizes lesions
which should be evident on four chamber screening,
those which require views of the outflow tracts, for
recognition, lesions which are considered very difficult to
detect even in specialist hands, and those which cannot
be detected during fetal life.
When congenital heart disease is diagnosed during fetal
life, the expectant parents should have a detailed discussion
with a fetal cardiologist with regard to the prognosis of
the cardiac lesion, covering not only procedural risks,
but also long-term mortality, morbidity, and quality of
life. There should also be a discussion with regard to
possible associations, including karyotypic abnormalities,
noncardiac structural anomalies, and syndromes,[2-5] to
have a full picture of the prognosis for their baby. Thus,
effective management demands a close liaison between the
cardiologist, fetal medicine specialist, genetics, and other
relevant subspecialities. Depending on the severity of the
cardiac lesion, the associated abnormalities, gestational
age, and local laws, one of the options open to parents
may include termination of pregnancy. It is self-evident
that if congenital heart disease is diagnosed prenatally
and parents elect to terminate the pregnancy, then the
prevalence at birth will fall. The proportion of parents
who elect to terminate the pregnancy will depend on many
factors including religion and cultural norms, as well as,
the prognosis of the cardiac lesion and any associated
abnormalities. As examples, if hypoplastic left heart is
diagnosed then, at my center, over 60% of the parents
will elect to terminate the pregnancy, whereas, only a
small minority of parents would consider this option
for isolated transposition of the great arteries. It should
be emphasized that the decision about the fate of the
pregnancy rests with the parents after discussion with
their medical advisers, and it is not our practice to direct
parents as to whether they should or should not continue
with pregnancy. Parental decision-making may, however,
be constrained by local laws. For example, in the United
Kingdom, termination of pregnancy may, among other
reasons, be performed if “there is a substantial risk that
if the child were born it would suffer from such physical
or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped.”
Reliable population-based data regarding the impact of
prenatal diagnosis on birth prevalence is relatively scant.
In the United Kingdom, between 1993 and 1995 such
national data was collected.[2,3] Overall, around half of
the pregnancies affected by fetal congenital heart disease
ended in termination of pregnancy, although the overall
detection rate of congenital heart defects (requiring
intervention or surgery in infancy) was only 24%. Thus,
Table 2: Summary of the scope and limitations of fetal
echo in the diagnosis of commonly occuring major cardiac
Examples of major lesions evident on “Four chamber views” of the fetal
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Severe coarctation of the aorta
Critical aortic stenosis
Tricuspid atresia
Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum
Atrioventricular septal defect
Double inlet ventricles
Examples of major lesions where the four chamber view of the heart is
typically normal / near normal and for which views of the outflow tracts
are required
Transposition of the great arteries
Tetralogy of Fallot + / - pulmonary atresia
Common arterial trunk
Some forms of coarctation of the aorta
Examples of lesions that are difficult to detect even in experienced hands
Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
Coarctation of the aorta (milder forms)
Some types of ventricular septal defect
Milder forms of aortic and pulmonary valve stenosis
Lesions that cannot be predicted from prenatal cardiac imaging
Patent arterial duct
Secundum atrial septal defects
if around one-quarter of the affected pregnancies were
detected and half of these resulted in termination of
pregnancy, then around one-eighth fewer infants might
be delivered. Other notable findings from that UK national
data include the wide geographical variation in detection
rates and that the termination rate was affected by the
gestational age at which the diagnosis was made. Early
detection was associated with a higher termination rate
than diagnoses made later in gestation. More recent
European data has confirmed major differences in
detection rates between different European countries and
emphasized the importance of noncardiac malformations
and karyotypic abnormalities in prenatal detection rates
and parental decision-making.[6-8]
Since those studies were published there have been
dramatic changes in screening policy for congenital
heart disease. Although established risk factors for
congenital heart disease, such as a history in a firstdegree family member, have been recognized for some
time, nuchal translucency (NT) screening is a more
recent development, which has far-reaching implications
for cardiac screening policies. Nuchal translucency
screening involves measurement of a sonographically
lucent area at the back of the fetal neck. This technique
was introduced to identify fetuses at high risk for
trisomy 21, but NT thickness has a correlation with
congenital heart disease (CHD), which is independent
of the fetal karyotype[9] and has a stronger association
with CHD than established risk factors such as family
history.[10] From the data of Hyett et al.,[9] 6.3% of fetuses
with NT above the ninety-ninth percentile (3.5 mm) had
congenital heart disease. This is not a simple “cut-off”
Ann Pediatr Card 2009 Vol 2 Issue 1
Simpson: Fetal echocardiography
relationship, but correlates with the NT measurement,
the higher the NT thickness, the higher the risk of
CHD.[11] The NT measurements are made at 11-14 weeks
gestational age and so fetal echocardiography may be
indicated shortly thereafter. Some data does not suggest
as strong a relationship of NT to congenital heart
disease as the original data of Hyett et al.[9,12,13] A recent
multicenter study suggested that around one-quarter
of chromosomally normal fetuses with congenital heart
disease have an NT value above 3.5 mm.[14] This has
led to early identification of CHD[14] and an increased
demand for early fetal echocardiography on the basis
of such findings.[15,16] The policy at my unit has been to
await fetal karyotype results before performing fetal
echocardiography because some parents may base
their decision regarding the fate of the pregnancy on
the karyotype result alone rather than on the cardiac
findings. Other fetal cardiologists, practicing within fetal
medicine units are examining the heart even earlier at
around 11-13 weeks gestational age, targeting fetuses
with increased NT.[17]
The vast majority of data on the impact of prenatal
diagnosis on the morbidity and mortality of congenital
heart disease is from developed countries. The data
published to date will be reviewed briefly, but it should
be emphasized that all the data comes from countries
where the following requirements were met:
Availability of appropriate prenatal investigations:
If a cardiac lesion was diagnosed prenatally there
was availability of relevant prenatal investigations,
such as, fetal karyotyping and detailed ultrasound
for noncardiac malformations.
ii. High level delivery facilities and neonatal care
was available: Following a prenatal diagnosis of
congenital heart disease there would need to be a
pattern of referral for delivery and treatment at a
high level neonatal nursery/cardiac center if the
outcome was to be optimized.
iii. Postnatal surgical, interventional or medical
treatment for the cardiac lesion in question was
available without this being financially prohibitive.
iv. Availability of long-term therapies: Prenatal diagnosis
has an ascertainment bias for more severe forms of
congenital heart disease. Cardiac lesions which will
lead to single ventricle palliation are overrepresented
in prenatal versus postnatal series. Any country or
region instituting a prenatal screening program will
have to consider which surgical options are available,
for example, total cavopulmonary connection, both
in terms of surgical feasibility and supportive care,
for example, monitoring of anticoagulation.
Ann Pediatr Card 2009 Vol 2 Issue 1
Program for postnatal detection of congenital heart
disease: If a diagnosis of congenital heart disease is
not made prenatally, in developed countries there
is typically a program of clinical assessment for
newborn infants, which includes the cardiovascular
system, accepting that some lesions will be extremely
difficult to detect clinically in the first days after
birth. In some developing countries, early postnatal
assessment may not be performed routinely and so
CHD may remain undetected for a longer period, and
duct-dependent lesions may not be detected prior to
death. In this context, prenatal diagnosis may have a
more dramatic impact in developing countries than
in developed countries.
The lesions for which there is relatively robust published
data relates to hypoplastic left heart syndrome,
transposition of the great arteries, coarctation of the
aorta, and pulmonary atresia.
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Tworetzky et al. (2001)[18] described a series of 33 fetuses
who were diagnosed prenatally with hypoplastic left
heart and who were managed at a single center in the
United States. They described zero mortality among
14 prenatally diagnosed infants versus a mortality of 13 of
38 infants who were diagnosed postnatally. In addition
to mortality benefit, prenatal diagnosis of hypoplastic
left heart was associated with better ventricular function,
less tricuspid regurgitation, and a reduced requirement
for inotropes and bicarbonate. Other data has confirmed
better condition at presentation for infants who were
diagnosed prenatally, but this did not lead to reduced
overall mortality.[19] A further publication has reported
a reduced incidence of abnormal neurological events
related to prenatal diagnosis.[20]
Transposition of the great arteries
The largest series examining the impact of prenatal
diagnosis of transposition of the great arteries (TGA) on
the outcome is from France, where there is a very welldeveloped prenatal screening program for congenital
heart disease.[21] The study included 68 infants who were
prenatally diagnosed and 250 who were not. There was
zero preoperative mortality in the prenatal group versus
6% in the postnatally diagnosed group. Postoperative
mortality was also significantly better for infants who
were diagnosed during fetal life. Another study, however,
did not observe such an impact of prenatal diagnosis
on the condition at presentation or on the operative
Coarctation of the aorta
A single study has examined the impact of prenatal diagnosis
of coarctation of the aorta on the postnatal outcome.[22] This
study reported a positive impact of prenatal diagnosis in
terms of preoperative morbidity and mortality as well as
Simpson: Fetal echocardiography
ventricular function at presentation. Importantly, this
study included pathological data relating to infants who
died prior to diagnosis. This type of information is difficult
to obtain unless there is a population-based pathological
registry. Where such pathological data has been reported,
there is an important minority of infants who die prior to
diagnosis,[23] even in the setting of a developed country.
Pulmonary atresia
My center has published data on the impact of prenatal
diagnosis on the outcome of infants with duct-dependent
pulmonary blood flow.[24] The prenatally diagnosed
infants had better oxygen saturation at presentation
than those diagnosed postnatally. However, this did not
translate into better short-term mortality or morbidity.
In our series of pulmonary atresia, almost all infants were
detected postnatally in the first 24 hours after birth, with
prompt initiation of prostaglandin E. If there had not been
such prompt recognition of cases that were undiagnosed
prior to birth, then the results may well have been more
favorable toward a benefit of prenatal diagnosis. Thus, the
results are likely to be strongly influenced by postnatal
screening policies as well as prenatal detection.
There are many cardiac lesions for which prenatal
diagnosis has little impact on initial neonatal management.
Examples include isolated ventricular septal defect and
atrioventricular septal defect, that is, those cases without
evidence of left or right heart obstruction, which would
not be expected to present until the pulmonary vascular
resistance falls postnatally. For these cases, there is no
cardiac indication to alter delivery plans, provided the
need for non-urgent cardiac assessment in the neonatal
period is understood.
Location of delivery
For fetuses who have duct-dependent lesions or where
there is a potential need for early neonatal surgery or
intervention, delivery at or near a cardiac center may
be preferable so that prompt postnatal investigations
can be planned without the need for transfer of the
infant. Importantly, this also ensures that parents are
available for explanation and consent for early neonatal
procedures. Ensuring delivery at the cardiac center may
involve induction of labor at term, but the vast majority
of infants can have a vaginal delivery rather than a
Caesarean section. In practice, however, many parents
may favor delivery at or near a cardiac center, even if the
cardiac findings are not suggestive of the need for very
early intervention. This largely reflects local facilities and
parental concerns about separation from their newborn
infant if assessment at a geographically remote cardiac
center (even if non-urgent) has been recommended.
For most cardiac lesions, given prenatal circulatory
physiology, a normal vaginal delivery is perfectly
satisfactory. In this author’s practice Caesarean delivery
has been reserved for a minority of cases, in whom there
is a predicted need for early neonatal intervention, where
it is necessary to have a team immediately available for
the resuscitation and immediate cardiac management
of the affected fetus. This has included infants with
TGA with both a restrictive atrial septum and restrictive
arterial duct, fetuses with hypoplastic left heart with
restrictive/intact atrial septum, and hydropic fetuses
where immediate fluid drainage from body cavities
such as the pleural space may be indicated urgently.
In such cases immediate cardiological, interventional,
and/or cardiac surgical availability needs to be ensured.
There should be an individualized discussion between
obstetrician, cardiologist, and cardiac surgeon, to
optimize care. Aside from fetuses with structural cardiac
malformations, some types of arrhythmia such as
complete heart block may make it impossible to assess
fetal well-being by conventional cardiotocographic
monitoring and Caesarean section may be preferred.
Prenatal intervention
Prenatal diagnosis affords a unique opportunity to
intervene and alter the natural history of cardiac disease.
In this context, it is essential to separate abnormalities
of cardiac rhythm and structural abnormalities.
Fetal arrhythmias: For fetal tachycardias, which
are most commonly supraventricular tachycardia
or atrial flutter, there is ample evidence of the
effectiveness of prenatal therapy to control the
arrhythmia and lead to the resolution of fetal
hydrops if present.[25-29] The type of therapy used
needs to be tailored according to the type of
arrhythmia and the presence of hydrops (which
affects the placental transfer of drugs). With regard
to fetal bradycardia, due to a complete heart block,
treatments are more controversial. If the cardiac
structure is abnormal, the most common associated
abnormalities include isomerism of the left atrial
appendages and discordant atrioventricular
connections. The prognosis for such fetuses,
affected by both structural cardiac disease and
complete heart block is guarded, with a minority
of fetuses surviving.[30-33] Heart block with a normal
cardiac structure is due to maternal anti-Ro or
anti-La antibodies in the vast majority of cases.
Prenatal therapy for such cases is controversial
with some groups recommending therapy such as
dexamethasone and salbutamol for all cases, and
others treating only the affected fetuses where there
is evidence of hemodynamic compromise.[31,34-37]
Ann Pediatr Card 2009 Vol 2 Issue 1
Simpson: Fetal echocardiography
Structural abnormalities: Prenatal intervention
for structural cardiac malformation remains
controversial. The lesions for which intervention
has been undertaken during fetal life include,
critical aortic stenosis,[38-40] pulmonary atresia,[41] and
hypoplastic left heart with intact atrial septum. [42]
Using critical aortic stenosis as an example, the
rationale for intervening by intrauterine balloon aortic
valvuloplasty has been to prevent deterioration in the
left heart structures, which is recognized to be a part
of the natural history in utero.[43,44] Despite technical
success, and improvements in the echocardiographic
parameters the data on clinical outcome has been
less convincing, with only a minority of cases
achieving a biventricular repair.[40,45] Currently, such
interventions are undertaken at specialist centers,
where there is the availability of fetal medicine, fetal
cardiology, interventional, surgical, and anesthetic
expertise, which are essential for procedural success,
follow-up, and postnatal management of the affected
From an epidemiological perspective, although groups at
high risk for congenital heart disease may be identified, for
example, increased NT or family history, most congenital
heart lesions will occur in the “low- risk” population.
Prenatal detection of CHD in the low-risk population will
be dependent on the ability of sonographers to identify
deviation from normality on midtrimester anomaly
scans. Given the incidence of individual cardiac lesions,
sonographers practising in a low-risk setting are unlikely
to become familiar with a broad spectrum of congenital
cardiac malformations. The goal of training is to ensure
that sonographers are familiar with normal cardiac
appearances and refer cases which do not fit into the
normal pattern. Such referrals are made to specialists
who can then provide a precise diagnosis, prognosis,
and formulate a management plan for the affected fetus.
One of the key views of the fetal heart is the “four
chamber view,” which underpins effective prenatal
cardiac screening. This view has the advantage of having
external reference points, the fetal ribs, to ensure that
the sonographer has “cut” the thorax in the appropriate
plane. In a correct four chamber view there should be
the appearance of a single rib around the fetal thorax
[Figure 1b]. As a minimum, a four chamber view should
be obtained, when the heart is imaged as part of “routine”
obstetric anomaly scanning in the midtrimester. From
the published data, the yield of congenital heart
defects increases if the outflow tracts are examined,
as well as the four chamber view, but appreciation of
abnormalities of the outflow tracts is more challenging
Ann Pediatr Card 2009 Vol 2 Issue 1
than the four chamber view. The approach that we
have adopted, in common with others,[46-49] has been
to advocate visualization of five key sonographic views
[Figure 1a-e]. All these views can be obtained by cranial
or caudal angulation of the ultrasound probe from the
four chamber view. Examples of cardiac abnormalities
that can be suspected on the four chamber view are
shown in [Figure 2a-c]. Some cardiac lesions that are
compatible with a normal four chamber view and for
which extended views of the outflow tracts are required
to make the diagnosis are illustrated in [Figure 3a-c].
For fetuses with major congenital heart disease, a full
diagnosis requires a sequential segmental approach,[50]
similar to postnatal practice.
The question of how to train sonographers to examine
the fetal heart is challenging, both for the sonographer
and for those who would provide such training.
In terms of prenatal detection rates, the benefit of
sonographer training has been described,[51-53] as well as
the impact of sonographer experience[54] and variability
of performance following training.[55].Whether such
training is delivered by cardiologists with expertise in
fetal diagnosis or obstetricians or sonographers with
particular expertise will depend on local factors. It is
also important to distinguish the detection rates that
are reported by individual centers[56] from those that are
population-based.[3,57] Individual center data will depend
on the nature of the unit reporting their data, referral
patterns, and the expertise within the unit. There is also
publication selection bias toward better results. When
population-based data is examined the results are usually
much less impressive in terms of overall detection rate,
Figure 1(a): Normal cardiac situs; The fetal stomach (ST) is seen
on the left. The descending aorta (Ao) is anterior and to the left of
the fetal spine. The inferior vena cava is anterior and to the right
of the aorta. (These figures are sequential views commencing with
views of the cardiac situs (inferior) and ending with the “three
vessel view” in the superior mediastinum)
Simpson: Fetal echocardiography
Figure 1(b): Normal four chamber view. The apex of the fetal heart
is anterior and to the left. The heart occupies around one-third of
the area of the fetal thorax. A single rib is seen around the fetal
thorax confirming that this is a properly orientated four chamber
view. The left ventricle (LV) and right ventricle (RV) are of similar
diameter. The left atrium (LA) is the closest cardiac chamber to the
fetal spine. The right atrium (RA) is of similar size to the left atrium
Figure 1(c): Normal left ventricular outflow tract. The aorta arises
from the left ventricle (LV) and heads towards the right shoulder of
the fetus. Note that the interventricular septum (IVS) is continuous
with the anterior wall of the aorta
Figure 1(d): Normal pulmonary artery. The main pulmonary artery
(MPA) arises anteriorly from the right ventricle (RV) and passes
directly posterior toward the fetal spine. Thus, its orientation is
completely different from the aorta as it leaves the heart. This
“crossing” pattern of the normally related great arteries is an
important feature for the sonographer to note during examination
of the outflow tracts
Figure 1(e): Normal “Three vessel view”. The “three vessel view”
refers to a view of the great vessels in the superior mediastinum.
The main pulmonary artery (MPA) may be seen passing directly
posterior where it meets the arterial duct, which connects to the
descending aorta. The transverse aortic arch meets the duct to
form a V shape. To the right of the aortic arch there is the circular
cross-section of the superior vena cava. Note that the trachea is
seen in this projection and normally lies outside the V formed by
the transverse aortic arch and the arterial duct
with observation of vari ability of detection rates between
data has confirmed the influence of operator training
centers and regions.[3]
and experience[54,55] on the ability to confirm normality
One of the major limitations for using fetal echocardiography
of the cardiac connections. Sonographers frequently
as a screening tool is that it is operator-dependent, in a way
report that they find imaging of the fetal heart one of the
that other forms of pregnancy screening, for example,
most challenging aspects of prenatal anomaly scanning.
serum screening for major trisomies, are not. Published
For countries where anomaly scanning in general is not
Ann Pediatr Card 2009 Vol 2 Issue 1
Simpson: Fetal echocardiography
Figure 2(a): Complete atrioventricular septal defect. This defect is
evident on a four chamber view. There is a common atrioventricular
junction and in this example there is a large ventricular component
and atrial component to the defect
Figure 2(b): Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The four chamber
view is abnormal with a globular and hypoplastic left ventricle.
The right ventricle forms the cardiac apex
Figure 3(a): Common arterial trunk. The four chamber view was
normal in this fetus. There is a single arterial trunk, which divides
into the main pulmonary artery and the aorta
Figure 2(c): Pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum. The
four chamber view demonstrates that the left ventricle is far larger
than the right ventricle. The right ventricle is hypoplastic with a
diminutive right ventricular cavity
In recent years, technical advances in three-dimensional
well-established, it may be most appropriate to initially
incorporate some core views of the heart, such as, the four
chamber view, into fetal anomaly scans before aspiring to
echocardiography show that it is possible to include
all fetal cardiac structures within a “volume” of the
fetal heart. The most common technique employed is
spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC), which involves
more extensive cardiac imaging as part of anomaly scans, in
a slow sweep of the ultrasound probe in a pyramid that
the low-risk population. With time and training, operators
includes all cardiac structures. Such sweeps typically
may be more confident about the views of the outflow tracts,
take 7-12 seconds to achieve a full volume, which can
visualisation of which will improve overall detection rates.
be obtained with or without color flow Doppler.[58] The
Ann Pediatr Card 2009 Vol 2 Issue 1
Simpson: Fetal echocardiography
Figure 3(b): Tetralogy of Fallot. In this view the aorta can be seen
to arise astride a large ventricular septal defect. The four chamber
view did not demonstrate any abnormality
Figure 3(c): Transposition of the great arteries. The four chamber
view was normal. The great arteries run parallel to the aorta,
anterior to the pulmonary artery
software algorithm permits a display of multiple moving
“slices” of the heart to show the anatomy from situs views
below the heart, the four chamber view, and views of the
outflow tracts. By incorporating the views within a single
Allan LD, Sharland GK, Milburn A, Lockhart SM, Groves AM,
Anderson RH, et al. Prospective diagnosis of 1,006
consecutive cases of congenital heart disease in the fetus.
J Am Coll Cardiol 1994;23:1452-8.
Allan L, Dangel J, Fesslova V, Marek J, Mellander M,
Oberhänsli I, et al. Recommendations for the practice of
fetal cardiology in Europe. Cardiol Young 2004;14:109-14.
Bull C. Current and potential impact of fetal diagnosis on
prevalence and spectrum of serious congenital heart disease
at term in the UK. British Paediatric Cardiac Association.
Lancet 1999;354:1242-7 ik.
Sharland G. Fetal cardiology. Semin Neonatol 2001;6:3-15.
Sharland G. What should be provided by a service for fetal
cardiology? Cardiol Young 2000;10:625-35.
Stoll C, Garne E, Clementi M; EUROSCAN Study Group.
Evaluation of prenatal diagnosis of associated congenital
heart diseases by fetal ultrasonographic examination in
Europe. Prenat Diagn 2001;21:243-52.
Garne E, Stoll C, Clementi M; Euroscan Group. Evaluation
of prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart diseases by
ultrasound: Experience from 20 European registries.
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2001;17:386-91.
Garne E, Berghold A, Johnson Z, Stoll C. Different policies
on prenatal ultrasound screening programmes and induced
abortions explain regional variations in infant mortality with
congenital malformations. Fetal Diagn Ther 2001;16:153-7.
volume these can be interrogated retrospectively in any
desired projection.[59,60] Although attractive, retrospective
analysis does take time[61] and is dependent on the image
quality in common with all ultrasound techniques.
Furthermore, the relatively slow acquisition times mean
that fetal movement can render some volumes useless
and acoustic shadows interfere with image quality
in exactly the same way as standard cross-sectional
techniques. Several studies have demonstrated that such
datasets can be interpreted retrospectively either to
confirm normality or confirm congenital heart disease.
Datasets can be sent to remote sites to be interrogated
retrospectively by fetal cardiologists, which may assist
screening centers that are geographically remote from
the specialist centers.[62,63] Regardless of the technique
that is used to obtain or analyze images of the fetal
heart, an accurate interpretation of such images will
depend on a firm understanding of the anatomy of the
fetal heart, either to diagnose a congenital abnormality
or to confirm normality. Currently, the role of STIC in
“routine” screening for congenital heart defects has not
been established.
Ann Pediatr Card 2009 Vol 2 Issue 1
Simpson: Fetal echocardiography
Hyett J, Perdu M, Sharland G, Snijders R, Nicolaides KH.
Using fetal nuchal translucency to screen for major
congenital cardiac defects at 10-14 weeks of gestation:
Population based cohort study. BMJ 1999;318:81-5.
10. Atzei A, Gajewska K, Huggon IC, Allan L, Nicolaides KH.
Relationship between nuchal translucency thickness and
prevalence of major cardiac defects in fetuses with normal
karyotype. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2005;26:154-7.
11. Ghi T, Huggon IC, Zosmer N, Nicolaides KH. Incidence of
major structural cardiac defects associated with increased
nuchal translucency but normal karyotype. Ultrasound
Obstet Gynecol 2001;18:610-4.
12. Mavrides E, Cobian-Sanchez F, Tekay A, Moscoso G,
Campbell S, Thilaganathan B, et al. Limitations of using
first-trimester nuchal translucency measurement in routine
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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared
Ann Pediatr Card 2009 Vol 2 Issue 1