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1995, “Islamic Empires, 1500-1800,” Section 18: Middle East and North Africa since 1500, The American Historical Association’s Guide to Historical Literature, edited by Mary Beth Norton and Pamela Gerardi
5 pages
1 file
Illustrated History of Early Iran, 2023
Constantinus Africanus (blog), 2024
This is a blogpost in honor of World Leprosy Day, 2024. Posted on the Constantinus Africanus blog, it asks why we don't know more about the medieval history of leprosy. Among the most widely influential Benedictine writers, Constantinus Africanus (d. before 1098/99) wrote (probably translated) a treatise on leprosy. This essay briefly describes the text, asks whether it might have been made for a particular patron, and examines its later impact up through the 13th century. Link:
The operation of transportation determines the efficiency of moving products. The progress in techniques and management principles improves the moving load, delivery speed, service quality, operation costs, the usage of facilities and energy saving. Transportation takes a crucial part in the manipulation of logistic. Reviewing the current condition, a strong system needs a clear frame of logistics and a proper transport implements and techniques to link the producing procedures. The objective of the paper is to define the role of transportation in logistics for the reference of further improvement. The research was undertaken to define and comprehend the basic views of logistics and its various applications and the relationships between logistics and transportation.
Abstract: The article concerns a multifunctional open-air meeting rock-cut structure in the Myra Acropolis. The structure with a capacity of at least 130 people was excavated and discovered by us in 2017. The concrete architectural equivalent of various religious and/or dead ceremonies and other possible social meetings that we know existed in Classical Period life, with its ceremonial area and tribune and its niched platform on the east, was given for the first time with this building. This open-air meeting space must have been built within the scope of other construction activities in the IVth century BC, which is the period when the rock-cut tombs were generally built and represents the brightest period of the Classical Age of Myra. With this discovery, while adding another architectural type to the Lycian settlement organization and architecture, we also contribute to the understanding of the Lycian social life lived in the Dynastic residences.
Materi Akidah Akhlak, 2019
Hand Out Presentasi Materi Kuliah Akidah Akhlak
stromal cell, which triggers a signal, mediated by the tyrosine kinase activity of c-Kit, that stimulates the pro-B cell to express receptors for IL-7. IL-7 released from the stromal cell then binds to the IL-7 receptors, inducing the pro-B cell to mature into a pre-B cell. Proliferation and differentiation evenutally produces immature B cells.
Agriculture Journal IJOEAR, 2020
Evidences from literature and past studies have revealed that climate change has influenced agricultural productivity leading to declining global food production. The study was to examine the effect of climate change adaptation strategies on cassava production in Southwest, Nigeria where rain forest agro-ecological zones (AEZ) was chosen for the study. The study used multi-stage sampling procedures, with the aid of well-structured questionnaire, to select 150 cassava producers. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and multinomial logit model. From the study, it was revealed that cassava farmers in the study area were relatively young, fairly educated, mostly married, well experienced, adequately aware of climate change, but operated on a small scale. Factors influencing the choice of these climate adaptation strategies were; sex, age, farm income, years spent in school, labour availability, amount of credit obtained intensity of temperature. It is therefore recommended that government should provide adequate extension services with knowledgeable and skilled extension agents who are equipped with climate useful information, thereby making the farmers aware about the available adaptation strategies to climate change and the benefits inherent in them; farmers, via extension agents, should be encouraged to use improved varieties of cassava as adaptation strategy in order to achieve increased output and multiple planting dates should be embraced by the cassava farmers.
The ever increasing use of network-integrated information systems is an Information Society's landmark. This universe of digital contents and media is prone to some threats that seriously compromise the security of the user-system-information relationship. Information technology can sugest part of this problem's solution, but cannot solve it integrally. The information security policies must observe the balance between the human and technology issues about information security, in contrast with current policy models, extremely devoted to technological questions. This work had for purpose the analysis of the required backgrounds for the treatment of the information security, by means of information security policies proposal, based on a strategy of phenomenologic analysis. This approach aims to give to the policies a social boarding, of humanist perspectives, focused in the users's points of view and in opposition to the current technologic models. For such, the author proceeded to the analysis of a wide collection from articles and works in the elds of information security and public and corporate policies, applying a hermeneutic analysis on these materials. Also, a characterization of the various epistemology approaches to the Information Science was released. The found results suggested a model for the design of information security policies, based on social sciences requisites and builded with emphasis on the overviewing of information systems and in the context in which they exist.
Visión de Futuro, 2021
This article aimed to identify the different concepts of corporate governance, in this sense, the first section presents a review of the literature based on the Methodi Ordinatio in relation to the concept of corporate governance (CG), followed by the revision of the theories from which it is studied: Theory of the agency; the shareholder or stockholder theory; the resource dependency theory; Stakeholder theory; the theory of Stewardship or Management Theory, the approach based on knowledge and corporate governance and the performance of the company, finally, the conclusion of the study in which it stands out that the objective of CG theories is not to study how managers govern - that would lead us to confuse the term governance with administration - but rather how it is
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Journal of Turkish Studies, 2015
Journal of Personality, 1979
Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Muhammadiyah Aceh, 2019
Statistical Journal of the IAOS
PragMATIZES - Revista Latino-Americana de Estudos em Cultura
The Transformation of Human Rights Fact-Finding, 2015
Alzahra University, 2023
International Journal of Electronics Signals and Systems, 2014
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2000
Revista San Gregorio, 2021