39th Engine Systems Symposium, Cranfield University
Volume 1
[email protected]
Department of Power and Propulsion, Cranfield University, Cranfield Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK
Condition monitoring has become a cornerstone of predictive/condition based maintenance. With knowledge of the operating condition of a machinery ( in this case the gas turbine), Operators and maintenance personnel alike can be warned
in advance of an impending fault and potential failure Thus enabling maintenance planning in an optimized manner with
the ultimate goal of reducing maintenance cost since a significant portion of all operating cost results from maintenance.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the basic practices in condition monitoring of gas turbine. It looks at the various
condition monitoring techniques with more details on vibration analysis since it is the most useful and arguable the best
condition monitoring technique. It also examined the two major condition monitoring systems (i.e. online and offline systems), the merit and challenges of this maintenance management tool. The importance and benefits of condition monitoring was established. However major challenge now inherent in modern condition monitoring practices is the extent or
scope of condition monitoring to embark on. This can only be ascertained only when a proper detailed evaluation of the
profitability of the proposed system is carried out.
Keywords: Condition Monitoring; Vibration; Defects; Trending
Apparently, condition monitoring is arguably the most
improperly used and misunderstood plant optimization
programs [1].
Many industrialists consider it as just a maintenance
scheduling tool. Nevertheless, to get the full benefits of
condition monitoring, this scope must be expanded to
that where it is capable of effectively managing plant
machinery, logistics and labor requirements.
In truth, condition monitoring is a management technique which observes and analyses machine condition,
identify changes in its operating condition and give
warning of potential failure for the purpose of optimizing the all round operation of machinery. It is
therefore a major component of predictive maintenance.
Since gas turbines are always critical to plant operations, condition monitoring becomes a necessity in
ensuring that its operation and the entire operation of
the plant is optimized. There exist different methods
and techniques of carrying out condition monitoring of
gas turbines. The proper selection and combination of
these techniques determines the productivity of the
condition based maintenance employed.
1. Introduction
Maintenance ideologies of gas turbine have evolved
over the past decades. From run-to-breakdown to periodic scheduling (preventive) and presently, condition
based maintenance (predictive).
During the era of run-to-breakdown, maintenance actions on gas turbine engines were only carried out
when they fail. Output level was high since there were
no regular interruptions in service. However since a
stitch in time would always save nine, this was not
desirable as maintenance costs (which would have
been lower if the problem was attended to early) were
very high. The ideology therefore changed to one in
which inspections and maintenance activities were
carried out at planned intervals (preventive) as recommended by OEMs. This meant that the engine was
stopped when maintenance was to be carried out and
some parts replaced even if they were still in good operating condition. Clearly, this ideology was not the
solution if engine operation and maintenance was to be
optimized. The best solution was to move from preventive to condition based maintenance since the
Health of the engine is ascertained by monitoring its
operating condition and therefore appropriate maintenance plan and decision can be taken.
39th Engine Systems Symposium, Cranfield University
Volume 1
2. Condition monitoring techniques
2.1. Vibration analysis
2.1.1 Principles
Vibration analysis is the most used and versatile c
ondition monitoring technique. Since the gas turbin
e is rotating machinery, vibrations occurrence durin
g its operation becomes inevitable. More so, these
vibration contains crucial information on the cond
ition and health of the gas turbine at a given time
interval. Different processes such as bearing fault
s, imbalance, looseness, etc produces energy at dif
ferent frequencies. If these frequencies are distingu
ished from one another through spectrum analysis,
then faults and potential failure can be identified
The vibration signatures produced by the gas turbi
ne are complex containing a variety of sinusoidal
waveforms and frequencies which are all connecte
d fundamentally to the RPM of the engine. Analy
zing this becomes cumbersome hence the necessity
arises to transform these signatures from time do
main to frequency domain. This is accomplished
with the aid of the Fast Fourier transforms (FFT).
Some basic fundamentals of vibration include the
Period: this is the time taken for a signal to comp
lete one cycle and it is best shown with a single
frequency [3].
Figure 1: phase difference between displacement (x), velocity (v) and acceleration (a) [4].
Time domain: when vibration data is displayed and
analyzed as a function of time it is said to be in time
domain [5].There is minimal loss of data before inspection thus allowing for more detailed analysis to be
carried out. Conversely, fault diagnostics is less efficient as a result of too much data available.
Frequency domain: in the frequency domain, vibration
data is displayed and analyzed as a function of frequency. Typically, data acquisition is done in the time
domain and converted to the frequency domain
through the FFT method. It is also called spectrum.
Faults are easily detected here and trended over time as
the condition of the gas turbine deteriorates.
A major disadvantage is that a large portion of the
transient, non repetitive components may be lost during the transformation (from time domain to frequency
domain) process.
Amplitude: it is the peak displacement of a vibrati
ng body about its equilibrium position.
Displacement: simply distance from a reference po
sition in a specified direction.
Velocity: is the rate at which displacement changes
with time
Acceleration: is the rate at which velocity changes
with time
Harmonics: basically harmonics refer to vibration
signals which have frequencies that are precise multiple of a reference fundamental frequency.
Figure 2.2: A Typical spectrum [7]
2.1.2 Vibration instrumentation
Phase relation: vibration can either be viewed as displacement, velocity or acceleration and these are sinusoidal in nature. They will complete one cycle in the
same time. Conversely the do not move at the same
time hence a phase difference exist between them. In
principle there is a phase difference of 180⁰ between
acceleration and velocity and velocity lags acceleration
by 90⁰ and leads displacement by 90⁰. This is shown in
the diagram below.
Vibration transducers are sensors capable of measuring
vibration and converting to an electrical signal. There
are different types of transducers used in vibration
monitoring of industrial gas turbines.
Proximity probes: proximity probes are transducers
used to detect and measure the displacement of devices
(i.e. gas turbine shaft relative to its bearing).
In industrial gas turbine (and gas turbine at large),
39th Engine Systems Symposium, Cranfield University
high temperature proximity probes are used. Typically,
two proximity probes are mounted in the radial and
axial (X-Y) positions to measure the relative motion of
bearing and shaft since the fluid-film (journal) bearings are used extensively in industrial gas turbines.
Volume 1
are option- al. They are used in conjunction with the
proximity probes for checking malfunctions and also
as a shut- down protection when vibration exceeds the
set limits.
Transducer cables: provides connection between the
transducers mounted on the gas turbine and the
monitoring system. Routing these cables through
areas with high temperature and direct contact with
oil is usually challenging when dealing with gas
turbines. However this can be overcome by routing
cables through oil return lines thus ensuring the
cable remains well below their upper temperature
rating [6]. Conversely this can also present oil sealing problems. A solution provided by Bentley Nevada is using High pressure feed through cable assembly [6].
Figure 2.3: Bentley Nevada proximity probes
Accelerometers: most gas turbine use high temperature
piezoelectric accelerometers for sensing vibration with
acceleration units as output. These transducers are often used by aero-derivative engines because of the
rolling element bearing mostly employed. Since this
type of bearing couples shaft and bearing vibrations to
the bearing support, accelerometers are mounted on the
bearing casing. The specific mounting positions are
carefully chosen to coincide with the point of maximum bearing-to- structure load path [6]. In industrial
gas turbine applications, they are used lube oil and seal
oil pumps and motors.
2.1.3 Vibration Measurement application
Broad band pass (overall vibration): the broad band
measurement also known as Root Mean Square
(RMS) gives a total value of vibration measured at
clearly defined points of measurement. Usually
broad band frequencies are unfiltered. Broad band
trending basically serves as a notification to show
that there is a change in the condition of the gas
Narrow Band trending: Here overall vibration frequencies are filtered or narrowed through a narrow
band pass filter to contain only the basic frequencies that are needed to identify a particular defect of
fault hence it provides a medium to quickly monitor
conditions of specific components (i.e. like bearings
and gears) without manually analyzing vibration
Key phasor probe: the key phasor probe is basically
used as a once-per-turn reference signal [6]. It produces a voltage pulse each time a notch (created in the
shaft) goes past the probe. It is a very useful diagnostics tool. By integrating the signal from the two proximity probes and the key phasor probe, a wave shape
elliptical in nature is created representing the shaft
orbit [7]. Thus it is possible to identify abnormalities
and defects by simple observation of changes in ideal
shaft orbit pattern.
2.1.4 Vibration limits
Vibration limits are very useful in vibration analysis. Although it often takes a lot more to ascertain
the overall condition of the gas turbine, however,
these limits give an overall initial indication of the
condition of the gas turbine and prompt the gas
turbine user on the next line of action to take depending on the vibration limit zone at that particular time. The following tables show the different
vibration limits zones as given in ISO 10816 (part 4)
for industrial gas turbines.
Figure 2.1: vibration limits zones
Figure 2.4: key phasor diagram showing shaft orbit [10]
Seismic vibration transducers: typically seismic
transducers are mounted on the gas turbine casing or
specifically on the bearing housing in the radial direction. They are mostly used in large industrial gas turbines where there is notable motion between bearing
housing and free space, otherwise these transducers
Vibration of new machines
Considered acceptable
Unsatisfactory and closely
Severe enough to cause
< 4.5
4.5 - 9.3
9.3 - 14.7
> 14.7
39th Engine Systems Symposium, Cranfield University
Volume 1
2.1.5 Common faults
2.2. Tribology Monitoring
The following are some of the faults detected by
vibration analysis techniques which results in very
high vibrations.
Imbalance: this occurs when a part or component is out
of balance (i.e. excess mass on one side of a rotor).
Typical abnormal vibration caused by unbalance will at
1 � RPM
Misalignment: misalignment can be angular, offset or a
combination of both. Typically in industrial gas turbines, it will occur between stub shafts connected by a
coupling, bearings and between the gears of the auxiliary drive system. Typical vibration is produced at 1
RPM (since it causes unbalance) and 2 RPM harmonics [8].
[9] describes tribology as “the science and engineering of surfaces in relative motion which includes
the study and application of the principles of friction,
lubrication and wear”.
Tribology analysis simply entails the monitoring of
the overall condition of the gas turbine lubrication
and seal oil. The two major Tribology monitoring
techniques are Oil analysis and wear debris analysis.
There industrial gas turbine there is need to also
monitor the operation of the entire oil systems. The
two major reasons for conducting tribology monitoring are as follows;
to ascertain the condition of the oil so that
scheduled oil change can be planned in an
optimized manner.
to analyze the content of debris in the oil so
as to identify component wear rate and
there- fore plan maintenance action optimally.
Mechanical looseness: looseness occurs when there is
a slack in components fitted together. Looseness faults
may be caused by loose foundation support, loose
bearing in its housing, loose bearing on its shaft,
among others. Vibration is typically produced at a frequency of 2 RPM.
Other common faults detected by vibration include the
Bearing defects
Gear problems
Hydraulic and Aerodynamic problems
Oil whirl
2.2.1 Oil analysis
Oil monitoring is a technique used for monitoring and
evaluating the physical condition of the lubrication oil.
The following are some of the test carried out in this
Viscosity test: the important of viscosity cannot be
overemphasized. Here the actual viscosity of the test
sample is compared to a reference unused oil. Too
low a viscosity reduces the oil wedge thickness of
the journal bearing. Conversely, very high viscosity
may resist the flow of oil in the lubrication system
and there reduce its lubricity.
Table 2.2: common faults detected from Known
Main frequency
1 � RPM
Gear mesh
Oil whirl
Leads to severe vibration
2nd harmonics and severe
vibration. Problem can be
2 � RPM
solved using laser alignment.
Typically high harmonic
content and random
1 � RPM
High frequency Shock pulse technique
can be used to deter(N � RPM)
mine the intensity of
Gear freq.=no Customarily regulated
by the running speed
of teeth
(i.e. gearbox input &
output speed)
freq. of the
defect gear
0.43-0.48 of RPM with
phase usually unstable
Natural freOccurs when there is a
quency of
coincidence between
component natural
frequency and excitable frequency
Figure 2.5: Adhesion meter- viscosity test instrument [10]
Contamination test: the most common contamination
of lube oil is water. Other contaminants include oxidants, microbes, etc. these contaminants reduce the
overall quality of the lubrication oil. Capacitance
analysis can be used to ascertain the amount of contaminants in the oil [11].
Solid content test: traces of solids are often contained
in lubricating oils. Wear rate of sleeves and shaft can
be significantly increased by the presence of these
sol-id traces. Techniques like particle count, blotter
spot analysis, among others can be used to determine
the magnitude of these traces.
39th Engine Systems Symposium, Cranfield University
Volume 1
radation is as a result of normal wear and aging of the
gas turbine.
Recoverable degradation are artificial and are caused
by external factors like compressor fouling, FOD, etc.
compressor fouling is the most common source of gas
turbine compressor degradation. After proper performance monitoring and trending, the optimum intervals
for compressor washing can be planned.
The figure below shows the effect of offline compressor washing on flow capacity at different time intervals.
Degradation test: As lubrication oils age in use, so does
their overall properties degrade.
Properties such as dispersancy, emulsibility, additive
content can be tested and monitored. If the degradation
increases above a particular set standard then an oil
change is carried out. Therefore oil change is done only
when it is necessary. Thus preventing premature oil
change out and helps provide optimum stock of inventory.
2.2.1 Wear debris analysis
Wear debris analysis gives detailed and specific information about the wearing condition of the gas turbine components involved (i.e. shaft, bearings). The
quantity, size and composition of the particles present
in the lube oil give an insight into the condition of the
lubricated components. All components are bound to
wear over time. Therefore it is impossible to get a
wear-free scenario during the analysis. Nevertheless it
is the particle size and the rate of wear that is important and trended over a period of time. Typical wear
type encountered in gas turbine bearing is the rolling
fatigue wear. There are two basic methods of wear
debris analysis, they are;
Spectrograpy: in this technique, oil samples collected
from drain ports on the gas turbine lube system is burnt
leaving only the traces of debris. These particles are
then analyzed and trended. One major disadvantage in
this technique is the limitation in the size of the particles detectable. Particles below 10 μm are difficult to
detect [12]
Figure 2.6: effect of compressor washing on flow deviation
By careful study and trending of the component characteristics, fuel flow, component efficiencies, power
output, EGT, pressure ratio and thermal efficiency,
information of the performance condition can be obtained.
Also by monitoring the pressure drop across the inlet
air inlet filters, useful information about the condition
of the filters can be obtained which prompts the operators to plan for proper and optimal filter change out.
Performance monitoring like efficiency map, wash
advisor, online optimizers, etc can be used to carry out
online or offline performance monitoring.
Ferrography: ferography is similar to spectrography;
the difference being that magnetic field is used to separate larger sizes of particles up to 100μm. Nevertheless only ferrous particles can be separated. [12]
2.4. Acoustic emission monitoring
Materials emit elastic waves when there is an abrupt
change in the stress of the material. This phenomenon
is known as acoustic emission (AE). This sudden redistribution of stress is brought about by external stimulating factors like pressure and variation of load. The
varying nature of performance parameters coupled
with the fact that the gas turbine operates under severe
conditions (high stress levels), make the occurrence of
acoustic emissions inevitable.
Figure 2.6: Ferrography wear particle analysis [13].
2.3. Performance Monitoring
Performance monitoring involves the measurement
and analysis of thermodynamic parameters such as
temperature and pressures and then comparing them
with a set of expected value.
Like every other turbo machine, the gas turbine is
bound to degrade with time. Degradation can either be
recoverable or non recoverable. Non recoverable deg-
Typically AE transducers (of about 6-10) are place on
the surface of the casing to monitor the acoustic emissions dissipated by the stator vanes which are always
in direct contact with the turbine casing [15].
Early detection of these cracks are important so that
the components affected is replaced before it lead to a
significant damage of the turbine.
39th Engine Systems Symposium, Cranfield University
Volume 1
none of them can absolutely guarantee an all
round condition monitoring of the gas turbine. In
order to achieve the desired goal of optimizing
the gas turbine maintenance strategy, a combination of these all or some of these techniques becomes necessary. This combination makes up a
condition monitoring system.
Defects such as fracture in vanes, cracking of discs
and casing, etc can be detected from information gotten from the AE monitoring record.
The acoustic emissions are then trended with trend
lines established. Deviations from these bench marks
would therefore suggest that there is degradation in the
component measured.
There are two systems of condition monitoring.
They include online condition monitoring and
offline condition monitoring systems.
2.1. Online (continuous) Monitoring system
Here the health and operating condition of the eng
ine is monitored continuously and permanently. Mo
nitoring devices like transducers and sensors are in
stalled permanently on the engine with data collect
ion and analysis done automatically i.e. no physica
l presence needed on site.
Most gas turbines use online condition monitoring
systems since their roles are always critical to the
operation of the plant. Abrupt changes in the ope
rating condition of the gas turbine prompts meticul
ous investigation or a possible automatic shut dow
n of the gas turbine.
Basically and online condition monitoring system
will consist of the following:
Permanently mounted vibration sensors
Permanently mounted speed sensors
Permanently installed dynamic pressure sen
High temperature sensors
Field connection cables
Junction boxes
Diagnostic module for data collection
Network cabling
Online management host computer
Client computers
Online vibration software.
Interface to the GT plant DCS (data contr
ol system [3]
Figure 2.7: Acoustic emission monitoring [16]
2.5. Thermography
Thermography is a condition monitoring technique
that uses temperature i.e. infrared energy to determ
ine the condition of the engine.
The gas turbine operates under very high temperat
ure conditions. Consequently this condition is subj
ect to the material integrity of the blade. Therefor
e it becomes very important to monitor these temp
By monitoring and trending the temperature profile
of components like combustion chamber, exhaust
ducts and NGVs, local hot spots and unusually hi
gh temperatures can be detected. Because of the e
xcessively high temperatures involved in the gas t
urbine, Non contact infrared sensors are used for
The data collection diagnostic module typically use
s 32 channels for each with the choice of collecti
ng a wide range of static and dynamic inputs fro
m permanently installed sensors. The online vibrati
on software is used for monitoring, carrying out a
nalysis and reporting.
The dynamic sensors monitor pulsations in the co
mbustor and consequently combustion instability (h
umming) can be detected.
Figure 2.7: Non- contact infrared temperature sensor [17]
3. Monitoring system
Different types of online condition monitoring syst
ems are commercially available.
The basic gas turbine condition monitoring techniques have been discussed in the previous section. However it should be noted that while some
of these techniques are considered fundamental,
39th Engine Systems Symposium, Cranfield University
Volume 1
plant operations.
Since maintenance cost contributes to a significant
amount of operating cost, it then becomes necessary to
ensure that this cost is reduced by carrying out
maintenance optimally thereby maximizing gas turbine
utilization and preventing catastrophic failures. Condition monitoring has played a successful role in realizing this objective. An effective condition monitoring
system should be able to derive the following benefits:
Provide early warning signs of potential failure and hence improve maintenance planning
Increased gas turbine availability and reliability.
Reduced inventory of spare parts.
Reduce gas turbine downtime.
Reduced overall maintenance cost.
2.2. Offline (periodic) Monitoring system
In the offline monitoring strategy, Data acquisition and
analysis is done intermittently with the help of hand
held devices like data collector. Here a trained personnel is required to carry out this operation. It is mostly
applied to uncritical equipments.
In some cases, permanent monitoring hardware are
used for this type of monitoring but data is only collected at specific times (Mechefske, C., K. 2005).
This monitoring strategy is applied to the gas turbine
auxiliary system i.e. the lubrication and seal oil pumps,
motors and bearings especially in plants where the gas
turbine have a spare auxiliary system hence making
them not so critical as compared to the gas turbine.
Data acquisition here can be done using portable
hand-held vibration meter or data collectors. Data collectors are mostly used because of the capabilities of
performing on-the-spot diagnostics and or balancing. A
portable vibration data collection system typically
consists of the following;
Data collector
Portable vibration sensor with probe or magnet
Switching boxes
Host computer
Monitoring and management software
Some commercially available data collection instruments are shown below.
On the other hand, setting up an effective condition
monitoring system does not come free of charge. A lot
has to be put in place. Sometimes, these CM systems
can be very complex depending on the number of
techniques integrated in the system. It is a well known
fact that as complexity of a system increases, its reliability decreases. The following are some demerits of
condition monitoring.
Cost of acquiring CM equipments and setting
up the CM system are usually significant.
Very skilled personnel are needed thereby incurring extra cost. (i.e. cost of training personnel
Reliability of the system can be an issue if it
is too complex.
Figure 3.1: Portable data collectors/analyzers [3].
Figure 3.2: Return on investment (ROI) curve [11].
4. Pros and Cons of condition monitoring
Considering the curve above, it can be seen that as the
quality (i.e. complexity) of the condition monitoring
system increases, the net savings increases. Nevertheless at some point, the procurement and maintenance
costs of the CM system exceeds the net savings realized by using the Condition monitoring system.
The importance and significance of condition monitoring in today’s maintenance strategy (i.e. predictive/condition based maintenance) cannot be overemphasized, most especially for very expensive equipments like gas turbine which are always critical to
An important question then arises, “How detailed and
thorough should an engine CM system be?”
39th Engine Systems Symposium, Cranfield University
Volume 1
4. Conclusion
The significance and relevance of condition monitoring in gas turbine application have been established.
The success of condition monitoring as an optimal and
integral maintenance management tool have prompted
wide acceptance among gas turbine operators and the
industry at large. Consequently improving the quality
of these CM systems have been a major interest to operators and OEMs alike.
However, it has also been established that these improvements does not come without a cost. Some setbacks have also been identified.
In conclusion, there have to be a proper evaluation and
scaling of the merits and demerits involved in setting
up a particular CM system. The quality, extent and
comprehensiveness of the CM system should be driven
by the profitability and conformance to the ultimate
goal of condition based maintenance. Also the reliability of the system should be considered to a great extent.
From indications and trends in condition based
maintenance, it is evident that there will be a continual
increase in the growth, development, quality and hence
complexity of these condition monitoring systems as a
result of the huge losses associated with machine
It is recommended that manufacturers of these systems
should ensure that the CM systems are very reliable
since failure of the system affects the operation of the
engine adversely.
It is also recommended that operators should ensure
that condition monitoring personnel are trained adequately in order to maximize the effectiveness since
these CM systems are becoming more complex.
Special thanks to the Almighty God who has given me
the grace and strength in the duration of this work.
I am also grateful to my Parents for their all round
support and encouragements throughout the duration
of the preparation of this paper.
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