Stable Isotope


Understanding the transformation of unconsolidated sediments into their lithified equivalents is an essential concept in geology, and is especially complex for coral reef deposits accumulating at marine and terrestrial interfaces. Because corals are used as paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental proxies, it is important to identify the extent of alteration to their skeletons. The geographic proximity of ancient limestone reefs and modern reefs in southern Florida provides an ideal location to study coral taphonomy in similar systems separated by over 100,000 years. Linear transects measuring in-situ coral from living Florida Keys patch reefs (representing the once-living Key Largo Limestone reefs) and in-situ fossilized coral from patch reefs in the Pleistocene Key Largo Limestone at Windley Key, Florida were compared to gauge the extent of alteration with time. The Key Largo Limestone in-situ coral covered ~21 % of the formation while the modern in-situ coral counterparts covered ~33...

Stable Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory

ABSTRACT Understanding the transformation of unconsolidated sediments into their lithified equivalents is an essential concept in geology, and is especially complex for coral reef deposits accumulating at marine and terrestrial interfaces. Because corals are used as paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental proxies, it is important to identify the extent of alteration to their skeletons. The geographic proximity of ancient limestone reefs and modern reefs in southern Florida provides an ideal location to study coral taphonomy in similar systems separated by over 100,000 years. Linear transects measuring in-situ coral from living Florida Keys patch reefs (representing the once-living Key Largo Limestone reefs) and in-situ fossilized coral from patch reefs in the Pleistocene Key Largo Limestone at Windley Key, Florida were compared to gauge the extent of alteration with time. The Key Largo Limestone in-situ coral covered ~21% of the formation while the modern in-situ coral counterparts covered ~33%, suggesting that taphonomic processes reduced coral coverage by ~38%. Ultimately, bioerosion of coral skeletons is most likely the largest cause of alteration and loss of in-situ coral coverage. Fine scale X-ray diffraction and carbon and oxygen isotopic analysis of a serially sectioned fossilized coral sample were used to demonstrate biological "vital" effects of coral calcification similar in both modern and ancient examples. These analyses were also used to evaluate the extent of alteration of the fossilized coral due to interactions between seawater and meteoric fluids, which flushed through the deposit when exposed during sea level regressions. The influence of meteoric water caused the dissolution and re-precipitation of carbonate material, mediating mineralogical and isotopic transformations. The slices were also used to create a 3-D textural map of primary and secondary phases associated with coral taphonomy. The results of this integrated taphonomic study of an ancient coral reef may be used to help calibrate coral-based paleoenvironmental proxies. Windley Key Normalized Textural Composition Figure 2: This study assumes that the Pleistocene Key Largo Limestone was a series of patch reefs ecologically, volumetrically, and spatially analogous to present-day Florida patch reefs. Climatic, biologic, and morphologic similarities between the reef systems validate the assumption. (A) Records of atmospheric CO 2 concentration from the Vostok ice core in Antarctica (Petit et al., 1999) and the history of global ice volume (B), based on benthic foraminiferal δ 18 O values from SPECMAP (Imbrie et al., 1989;McIntyre et al., 1989), provide an estimate of sea level. During the last glacial maximum, sea level may have dropped >150 m relative to today. The Key Largo Limestone accumulated during the prior interglacial, when temperatures were similar to today, with slightly higher sea level. Figure 4: Representative Florida City sample used for fine-scale analysis. Two different fossils of Montastraea annularis (A, C) were determined to be 100% calcite. Fossil "A" is bounded by a bioerosion zone enclosed in blue (B). Corals are separated by calcareous sediment (D). The "bleached zone" enclosed in red (E) was determined by XRD to be 100% aragonite. The sample was serially sectioned into 10 slices (F). Superimposed colors on the slices represent various observed textural features. Slices were also used for isotopic and volumetric analysis. Distance between the bottoms of each slice to the top of the next slice is 0.2 cm. Slices were slightly different thicknesses. (Swart et al., 1996;Leder et al., 1996, Welker, J. andWhite, J., 2007). Isotopic differences between modern coral and sea water reflect biologically induced "vital" effects. Carbon isotopic compositions of fossilized and modern coral are similar (B); but there is a ~1.4‰ offset in oxygen composition. The oxygen isotopic composition of meteoric water (green rectangle) is near the composition of fossilized coral, suggesting the observed isotopic composition might be due to interaction with meteoric water. (C) The observed values might also be due (but is unlikely) to a different isotopic composition of sea water in the Pleistocene.

Figure 2

Figure 4