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Understanding the transformation of unconsolidated sediments into their lithified equivalents is an essential concept in geology, and is especially complex for coral reef deposits accumulating at marine and terrestrial interfaces. Because corals are used as paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental proxies, it is important to identify the extent of alteration to their skeletons. The geographic proximity of ancient limestone reefs and modern reefs in southern Florida provides an ideal location to study coral taphonomy in similar systems separated by over 100,000 years. Linear transects measuring in-situ coral from living Florida Keys patch reefs (representing the once-living Key Largo Limestone reefs) and in-situ fossilized coral from patch reefs in the Pleistocene Key Largo Limestone at Windley Key, Florida were compared to gauge the extent of alteration with time. The Key Largo Limestone in-situ coral covered ~21 % of the formation while the modern in-situ coral counterparts covered ~33...
ABSTRACT Understanding the transformation of unconsolidated sediments into their lithified equivalents is an essential concept in geology, and is especially complex for coral reef deposits accumulating at marine and terrestrial interfaces. Because corals are used as paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental proxies, it is important to identify the extent of alteration to their skeletons.
Palaios, 2003
inhabiting deep reef environments, and increased nutrient availability in the deep reefs sampled. Clear gradients in the degree of taphonomic alteration of reef corals with reef habitat indicate the utility of corals as taphofacies indicators in ancient reef settings. In contrast to shallow-water reefs on the Great Barrier Reef, taphonomic alteration of corals in the Florida Keys was equitable across growth forms.
Marshal, P., J. Johnson, and D. …, 2007
Chapter 22: Using the past to understand the future: Palaeoecology of coral reefs 22.2 Vulnerability of coral reefs to climate change 22.2.1 Exposure
Coral Reefs, 1991
Time-series •180 and 013C records from cohabiting massive coral Porites australiensis and giant clam Tridacna gigas from the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, and from calcareous green algae in a core through modern Halimeda bioherm accreting in the eastern Java Sea, provide insights into the complex links between environmental factors and stable isotopes imprinted in these reef skeletal materials. The aragonitic coral and giant clam offer 20 years and 15 years of growth history, respectively. The giant clam yields mean 6180 and 613C values of-0.5_+0.5%0 and 2.2+0.2%o (n=67), which agree well with the predicted equilibrium values. The coral yields mean 618 O and 613C values of-5.6 + 0.5%0 and-1.8 __. 0.7%0 (n = 84), offering a striking example of kinetic and metabolic fractionation effects. Although both the coral and giant clam harbor symbionts and were exposed to a uniform ambient environment during their growth histories, their distinct isotopic compositions demonstrate dissimilar calcification pathways. The ~ 18 O records contain periodicities corresponding to the alternating annual density bands revealed by X-radiography and optical transmitted light. Attenuation of the 6180 seasonal amplitudes occurring in the giant clam record 8 years after skeletal growth commenced is attributed to a changeover from fast to slow growth rates. Extreme seasonal 6180 amplitudes of up to 2.2%o discerned in both the coral and giant clam records exceed the equivalent seasonal temperature contrast in the reef environment, and are caused by the combined effect of rainfall and evaporation during the monsoon and dry seasons, respectively. Thus in addition of being useful temperature recorders, reef skeletal material of sufficient longevity, such as Porites and Tridacna, may also indicate rainfall variations. Changing growth rates, determined from the annual growth bands, may exert a primary control on the coral 613C record which shows a remarkable negative shift of 1.7%o over its growth history, by comparison with only 0.15%o negative shift in the contemporaneous giant clam record. Use of coral 613 C records as proxies of fossil fuel COz uptake by the ocean must be regarded with caution. The 6180 and ~3C records from Halimeda are remarkably uniform over 1000 years of bioherm accretion history (6180 =-1.7 _+ 0.2%0; 613C=3.9_+0.1%o, n= 28), in spite of variable Mg-calcite cements present in the utricles. Most of the cement infilling is probably syndepositional, and both the Halimeda aragonite and the Mgcalcite cements containing 12.3 mole % MgCO3 are deposited in isotopic equilibrium. Therefore, in favorable circumstances these algal skeletal remains may act as the shallow water analogs of benthic foraminifera in deep sea sediments in recording ambient sea water isotopic composition and temperature.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2011
The integrity of coral-based reconstructions of past climate variability depends on a comprehensive knowledge of the effects of post-depositional alteration on coral skeletal geochemistry. Here we combine millimeter-scale and micro-scale coral Sr/Ca data, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images, and X-ray diffraction with previously published d 18 O records to investigate the effects of submarine and subaerial diagenesis on paleoclimate reconstructions in modern and young sub-fossil corals from the central tropical Pacific. In a 40-year-old modern coral, we find secondary aragonite is associated with relatively high coral d 18 O and Sr/Ca, equivalent to sea-surface temperature (SST) artifacts as large as À3 and À5°C, respectively. Secondary aragonite observed in a 350-year-old fossil coral is associated with relatively high d 18 O and Sr/Ca, resulting in apparent paleo-SST offsets of up to À2 and À4°C, respectively. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) analyses of secondary aragonite yield Sr/Ca ratios ranging from 10.78 to 12.39 mmol/mol, significantly higher compared to 9.15 ± 0.37 mmol/mol measured in more pristine sections of the same fossil coral. Widespread dissolution and secondary calcite observed in a 750-year-old fossil coral is associated with relatively low d 18 O and Sr/Ca. SIMS Sr/Ca measurements of the secondary calcite (1.96-9.74 mmol/mol) are significantly lower and more variable than Sr/Ca values from more pristine portions of the same fossil coral (8.22 ± 0.13 mmol/mol). Our results indicate that while diagenesis has a much larger impact on Sr/Ca-based paleoclimate reconstructions than d 18 O-based reconstructions at our site, SIMS analyses of relatively pristine skeletal elements in an altered coral may provide robust estimates of Sr/Ca which can be used to derive paleo-SSTs.
¿E s Nietzsche un metafísico? Ante esta pregunta sobre la que se ciernen innumerables polémicas cabrían, aunque resulte algo obvio de decir, dos
In this modern world, there has been a greater focus on teaching English in schools to meet the demands of international communication and replace a solely academic approach. Furthermore, various information sources, such as textbooks, newspapers, and online databases, are often published in English; therefore, reading proficiency is required. This study aimed to analyze The Use of the Jolly Phonics Strategy in Enhancing Student English Reading Proficiency and Learning Motivation in Primary 3 Students. The study employed quasi-experimental research that utilized a pre-test and post-test designed to determine the reading proficiency and learning motivation of primary 3 students. The pre-test, post-test, and survey questionnaire methods were employed to collect data from the respondents. The results were tallied and statistically measured using the weighted mean, standard deviation, T-test, and Pearson correlation r. The findings revealed that the experimental groups' reading proficiency score was higher after the intervention than before the strategy was implemented. At the same time, the control group had the lowest score before and after the intervention. However, it appears that the intervention did not affect the learning motivation score because there was a significant difference in the scores of learning motivation between the control group and the experimental group both before and after the intervention.
Revista Mexicana de Bachillerato a Distancia, 2024
Jurnal ilmu-ilmu agribisnis, 2022
American Historical Review, 2024
Scientific Reports, 2024
Uludağ University Journal of The Faculty of Engineering, 2018
Ma'idah al-Khamr -A Jurisprudential Discussion, 2020
Dialogue in the Book of Signs, 2015
Environmental Engineering and Management Journal
2012 15th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design, 2012
Krmiva : Časopis o hranidbi životinja, proizvodnji i tehnologiji krme, 2008
2013 International Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, 2013
Congresso Brasileiro de Mecânica dos Solos e Engenharia Geotécnica
Ginecología y Obstetricia de México, 2021