Is the GDP Growth Rate in NIPA a
Welfare Measure?
Jorge Durán
Omar Licandro
May 2012
Barcelona GSE Working Paper Series
Working Paper nº 665
Is the GDP growth rate in NIPA a welfare measure?∗
Jorge Durán
European Commission
[email protected])
Omar Licandro
IAE-CSIC and Barcelona GSE
[email protected])
May 2012
∗ The
authors acknowledge Jeremy Greenwood and Javier Ruiz-Castillo for their valuable
comments and suggestions on some critical issues. This project was initiated while Jorge Durán
was an assistant professor at the Univesitat d’Alacant; financial support from IVIE, Generalitat Valenciana, and from the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Technology under project
BEC2001-0535 are gratefully acknowledged. Omar Licandro aknowledges finacial support from
the European Commision under contract HPRN-CT-2002-00237, and from the Spanish Ministry of Sciences and Technology under contracts SEJ2004-0459/ECON and ECO2010-17943.
The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the
European Commission.
Abstract: The permanent decline of equipment prices relative to nondurable consumption prices rendered
fixed-base quantity indexes obsolete, because of the well-known substitution bias. National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) responded by switching to a flexible-base
quantity index to measure GDP growth. We argue this is a welfare measure of output
growth. In a two-sector endogenous growth model, we use the Bellman equation to explicitly represent preferences on consumption and investment, we apply a Fisher-Shell
true quantity index to the this utility representation and show it is equal to the Divisia
index, well approximated by the flexible-base quantity index used by NIPA.
Keywords: Growth measurement, Quantity indexes, Embodied technical progress,
JEL classification numbers: C43, D91, O41, O47.
Correspondent author:
Omar Licandro
Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) used to feature in its National Income and
Product Accounts (NIPA) a fixed-base quantity index to measure real GDP growth.
The observed fast decline of the relative prices of equipment, notably computers and
peripheral equipment, has lead BEA to consider alternative measures.1 The traditional
fixed-base Laspeyres quantity index yields a reasonable measurement of real growth provided that relative prices remain stable. If the price of equipment declines, the weight
of investment with respect to consumption in the Laspeyres index becomes obsolete
quickly enough to have a relevant impact on growth measurement. Trends in relative
prices called for flexible-base quantity indexes. Since the early 1990’s the NIPA’s feature,
together with the fixed-base index, a chained-type index built on the Fisher Ideal index. National Accounts in other countries already calculated alternative measures of real
growth, like a chained-type index based on the Laspeyres index in the Netherlands and
Norway. European Union Member States have also followed BEA: Commission Decision
98/715/EC established 2005 as the beginning of a period in which Member States would
progressively adapt their National Accounts. Among these changes stands out the publication of a chained-type index based on the Fisher Ideal index. However, the theoretical
legitimation of these measures is still missing. Indeed, modern index number theory is
largely built on the idea that index numbers have to reflect the underlying preferences
or technology; an important part of the legitimacy of a method to measure real growth
stems from the ability of the index to reflect changes in utility in an appropriate and
well-defined theoretical framework.
On the other side, growth theory has been reformulated in the late nineties in order
to replicate the observed trend in relative prices. Based on Solow (1960), Greenwood et
al (1997) propose a simple two-sector optimal growth model where productivity grows
faster in the investment sector than in the consumption sector. In this family of models, as in the data, investment grows at a larger rate than consumption, which raises
the fundamental problem of measuring output growth. The reason is that two sectors
1 Cummins
and Violante (2002) contains a thorough review of the evolution of constant-
quality prices for equipment from 1947 to 2000 in the US. Since the mid-80’s BEA provides
with a constant-quality price index for computers and peripherals but historical series first
appeared in the seminal contribution of Robert J. Gordon (1990).
growing at different rates render the measurement of real growth a non-trivial exercise.
In the one-sector growth model, GDP is simply identified with output in the only sector
of the economy. If we have two sectors with two different growth rates, real growth will
be somewhere in between these rates, and index number theory can help choosing the
right weights.
In this paper, we use the economic theory of index numbers to formulate a true
quantity index of output growth and we apply it to the two-sector AK model proposed
by Rebelo (1991), which as showed by Felbermayr and Licandro (2005) reproduces the
observations referred above. The main contribution of this paper is to show that the
chained-type Fisher Ideal index used by NIPA is the welfare-relevant quantity index in
this framework. Following Licandro et al (2002), we start from the Bellman equation
representation of the planer’s problem. Then, to construct a Fisher-Shell true quantity
index, we exploit the property that intertemporal preferences may be represented by
a utility function over current consumption and current investment. The true quantity
index is then proved to be equal to the Divisia index, which in turn is equal to the Fisher
Ideal index in this context. The true quantity index is argued to be the welfare-relevant
measure of growth in the model economy. Hence, the first contribution of this paper is
to show that the Divisia index is the welfare-relevant measurement of growth. In turn,
this means that National Accounts real growth rates are welfare-based measurements
and, in particular, that the growth rate of investment does contain information relevant
to the welfare of the representative individual.
The second contribution of this paper is to clarify an old debate in the growth and
growth accounting literatures. The so-called Solow-Jorgenson controversy was revived
by the differing views expressed in Hulton (1992) and Greenwood et al (1997). The
controversy can be shown to boil down to the issue of the aggregation of consumption
and investment when these are measured in different units, and more important, when its
relative price has a trend. In our conceptual framework it becomes clear that Greenwood
et al (1997) take a more satisfactory path. However, explicitly or implicitly, they —
and others following like Oulton (2002)— develop a modern version of the paradigm
that consumption, and consequently its growth rate, is the relevant measure of real
growth.2 In this paper, we claim that investment growth, included in the Divisia index,
2 Greenwood
et al (1997), in facts, is not a normative paper. It does perform the positive
exercise of measuring the contribution of embodied technical change to US growth. How-
also matters because it reflects welfare gains from postponed consumption. In a sense,
it extends the Weitzman(1976)’s claim that not only consumption but net investment
matter for welfare.3
Finally, we challenge the view that separates welfare from productivity issues. In this
view, output quantity indexes are relevant to productivity measurement while consumer
price indexes are relevant for welfare (see e.g. Whelan (2002, p.222)).
Section 2 describes the two-sector, consumption and investment, growth economy
and characterize equilibrium. Standard measures of real growth are discussed in Section
3, with particular attention to the important issue of the substitution bias. The main
result is shown in Section 4: the ideal-Fisher index used in NIPA is shown to be a welfare
measure. Finally, Section 5 discuss the main implications of our results and conclude.
Two-sector AK model
In this section, we describe a simple version of the two-sector AK model proposed by Rebelo (1991). As shown in Felbermayr and Licandro (2005), it is the simplest endogenous
growth model that replicates the observed permanent decline in the price of equipment
and the permanent increase in the equipment to output ratio. In this context, it is
particularly clear that the aggregation issue is far from trivial since consumption and
equipment grow at different rates.
A model of embodied technical progress
The extent to what technical progress affects all production factors (disembodied) or it
is incorporated in new machines and therefore embodied in quality-adjusted productive
investment (embodied) has been considered a relevant question since the seminal work
of Solow (1960). Following this early contribution, embodied technical change (ETC)
ever, in doing so, they measure GDP and its growth rate in units of consumption. Commins
and Violante (2002) generalize the exercise and use standard NIPA methodology to the same
objective, finding similar quantitative results.
3 Secondarily,
the exercise entails computing index numbers in model economies. To do this,
we develop a general method to compute index numbers—normally applied to actual data, and
hence in discrete-time— in continuous-time (see the appendix).
has been usually represented in model economies with a consumption good sector using machines as input and a machines sectors using the consumption good as input.
Investment-specific technical progress is interpreted to be embodied in machines, but
consumption-specific technical progress is considered to be disembodied. Two recent
important contributions follow this tradition. Hulten (1992) in growth accounting and
Greenwood et al (1997) in a general equilibrium framework argue that the embodiment
hypothesis is a reasonable explanation for the observed decline of equipment prices.
The model in this section is based on Rebelo (1991) and follows Felbermayr and
Licandro (2005) closely. It constitutes a simplified version of Greenwood et al (1997)
that entails all the characteristics that are relevant to the present discussion. The stock
of machines at each instant t is kt , from which bt ≤ kt is devoted to the production of
the consumption good
ct = bαt ,
where α ∈ (0, 1). The remaining stock kt − bt is devoted to the production of new
machines with a linear technology
k̇t = A(kt − bt ) − δkt ,
where A > 0, while δ ∈ (0, 1) is the physical depreciation rate.4 There is a given initial
stock of capital k0 > 0. We will write it = k̇t for net investment. The representative
agent has preferences over consumption paths represented by
Z ∞
e−ρt t dt
where ρ > 0 is the subjective discount rate and σ ≥ 0 the inverse of the intertemporal
elasticity of substitution.
The relative price of equipment
Returns to scale differ between sectors. Since α < 1, as the stock of capital grows,
the equipment sector becomes more productive with respect to the consumption goods
4 Observe
that kt is what in the literatute is referred to as effective or quality-adjusted
capital. A number of authors discuss that quality-adjusted capital has to be constructed with
the physical rather than the economic depreciation rate. This makes the assumption that δ is
constant consistent with empirical studies. See the dicussion in section 3.3 in Cummins and
Violante (2002) and the references therein.
sector. This difference in productivity causes the decline of equipment prices relative to
consumption goods prices. This difference in returns to scale can be interpreted in terms
of the machines sector being more capital intensive than the consumption good sector
or, as put forth by Boucekkine et al (2003), as a consequence of strong spillovers among
equipment industries.5
From the feasibility constraints, we can obtain the competitive equilibrium price of
investment in terms of consumption units as the marginal rate of transformation:
dct dbt
qt = −
= bα−1
dbt dit
A t
If the stock of machines used in the consumption good sector grows at a constant rate g,
as it will be shown to be the case, the price of equipment decreases at rate (α − 1)g < 0.
Note that this is a model of endogenous growth: there is no exogenous technical change
determining this decline of the price of equipment.
Competitive equilibrium
In the absence of market failures, we can represent equilibrium allocations as solutions
to the problem of a planner aiming at maximizing utility subject to the technological
constraints. The Bellman equation associated to the planner’s problem is
+ v ′ (kt )i
i=A(k−b)−δk 1 − σ
where the constraint c = bα has already been introduced in the objective function. Let
ρv(kt ) =
µt be the Lagrange multiplier associated with the technological constraint. The first
order conditions6 are
− µt A = 0
v ′ (kt ) − µt = 0
5 Cummins
and Violante (2002) observe that their measure of investment-specific technical
change occurs first in information technology and then accelerates in other industries. They
conclude that information technology is a “general purpose” technology, an interpretation that
matches well with the spillovers’ interpretation.
6 This
is a concave program. The first order conditions are sufficient if σ ≥ 1. When
0 ≤ σ < 1, we have to require that ρ > (1 − σ)α(A − δ). Of course, in general, A − δ > 0 is
necessary for the problem to make sense, and A − δ > ρ for positive growth to be optimal. See
Felbermayr and Licandro (2005) for the details.
and from the envelope theorem
ρv ′ (kt ) = v ′′ (kt )it + µt (A − δ).
Since µt = v ′ (kt ) we have µ̇t = v ′′ (kt )k̇t . Then the envelope theorem equation reads
−µ̇t /µt = A − δ − ρ. Use the first equation to obtain the Euler equation
= A − δ − ρ = −(α(1 − σ) − 1) .
Denote g = ḃt /bt and solve for the growth rate of machines as
1 − α(1 − σ)
From the feasibility constraints it is clear that g is the growth rate of capital, and
therefore net investment it , and that αg is the growth rate of consumption. Observe
that competitive equilibrium allocations are balanced growth paths as g is the growth
rate of capital stock and investment for all t.
The competitive equilibrium allocation displays the regularities observed in actual
data (see for example Whelan (2003)). Investment grows faster than consumption because g > αg. The relative price of equipment decreases at rate (α − 1)g < 0. Consequently, the nominal share of investment in income remains constant. Indeed, from the
equations of equilibrium, one can show after some calculations that
st =
q t it
α(A − δ − ρ)
q t it
ct + qt it
ρ(1 − α) + ασ(A − δ)
for all t, where s represents net savings.
Let us take the consumption good as numeraire. Consequently, nominal income is
mt = ct + qt it . It is worth noting that this relation is not the resources constraint, since
the transformation locus is
ct =
kt −
Measuring nominal income in consumption units is as arbitrary as measuring it in any
other unit. In a later section, we will argue that Greenwood et al (1997) and Oulton
(2002) identify production in the consumption good sector with output partly because of
a resources constraint that makes this addition look a natural measure of output when
in fact it is arbitrary. We also show that, from the perspective of the economic theory
of index numbers, it provides with a poor measure of real output growth.
Actual measures of real growth
The model economy we just described is a world in which investment it grows faster than
consumption ct , the price of investment relative to consumption qt declines, and the nominal shares of consumption and investment expenditures on income remain constant over
time, a suitable replication of the facts described by Whelan (2003). Departing from
the one-sector growth model raises the issue of aggregating consumption and investment
growth, which is particularly relevant since the relative price of investment to consumption shows a trend. In this section, we use the notation of our simple framework to
review the methodological changes introduced by the BEA.7
Fixed-base quantity indexes
Traditional measures of real growth stem from fixed-base quantity indexes. The most
common among these is the Laspeyres index. Let us choose consumption as the numeraire so that its price is normalized to one while the price of investment in consumption units is qt . Let us fix prices at some base time t and then compute the factor of
change between t and t + h as
Πtt+h =
ct+h + qt it+h
ct + qt it
for all h ≥ 0, where the supraindex t in Π designate the base time t and the subindex
the current time t + h. The Laspeyres index gt+h
is the instantaneous growth rate of
factor Πtt+h as a function of h (see the appendix). That is,
dΠtt+h 1
ċt+h + qt ı̇t+h
dh Πt+h
ct+h + qt it+h
which measures the real growth rate at t + h, for given base time t. The Laspeyres index
is popular because it is conceptually simple.
However, if the relative price of investment permanently declines and real investment
permanently grows faster than real consumption, as observed in the data, the Laspeyres
7 Young
(1992) is a non-technical presentation of the methodological changes introduced in
NIPA. Whelan (2002, 2003) is a more detailed guide into the new methods to measure real
growth in use at BEA. For economic index number theory see Diewert (1993), Fisher and Shell
(1998) and IMF (2004, chapter 17).
index tends to give too much weight to investment as we depart from the base time. In
particular, since investment is growing faster than consumption, the Laspeyres growth
rate tends to that of investment, therefore overstating real growth. Note that
qt it+h
ct+h + qt it+h ct+h ct+h + qt it+h it+h
It is easy to see that along an equilibrium path with constant income shares, the weight
of consumption decreases and the weight of investment increases with h. This effect is
known in the index numbers literature as the substitution bias: the demand for goods
whose price permanently decline displays faster growth in real terms. Quantity indexes
based on past (relatively high) prices overweight these items, overstating the real growth
rate. The effect is larger the farther we are from the base year.
The Paasche index uses current prices as a base, and hence tends to understate real
growth as we go back in time. The factor of change between t − h and t is
Πtt−h =
ct + qt it
ct−h + qt it−h
for all h ≥ 0 and the growth rate measured by the index
dΠtt−h 1
qt it−h
dh Πt−h
ct−h + qt it−h ct−h ct−h + qt it−h it−h
As h grows, so t − h decreases, the weight of consumption increases because it−h /ct−h
Fixed-base quantity indexes yield poor measures of real growth when GDP components grow at different rates because of changing relative prices.8
Chained-type quantity indexes
The introduction by the BEA of quality corrections in equipment prices in the mideighties revealed a persistent declining pattern in the price of equipment relative to
the price of nondurable consumption goods. Since then, real investment appears to be
8 Updating
regularly the base is not a solution because it would imply a permanent revision
of past growth performance. It posses the additional problem of multiple real growth measures
for each period, each of them affected differently for the substitution bias depending on the
associated base period.
growing much faster than real nondurable consumption. In this new scenario, fixedbase quantity indexes face a severe substitution bias problem. For this reason, the BEA
moved to a chained-type index based on a Fisher Ideal index computed for contiguous
In continuous time, let the factor of change in the interval (t, t + h) be the geometric
mean of the factors associated to the Laspeyres index with base t and the Paasche index
with base t + h, that is
Ft,t+h = Πtt+h Πtt+h
The Fisher Ideal index is the growth rate of factor Ft,t+h as a function of h. Computing
the average compensates the overstatement of the Laspeyres index with the understatement of the Paasche index, thus reducing the impact of the selection bias.
What is a chained-type index? Let time be discrete, say t ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, ...}, and let gt
be the growth rate measured by a fixed-base index between t − 1 and t. For example, a
Laspeyres index with base period t−1. A chained-type index defines the growth between
t and t + h as10
1 + gt,t+h =
(1 + gt+i ).
It chains the growth rates of a fixed-base index with updated base periods, which reduces
the substitution bias because it regularly updates the base. The continuous time version
is obtained by letting the length of the period go to zero, in which case
Z h
gt+x dx.
gt,t+h =
In continuous time, a chained-type index perfectly counterbalance the substitution
bias. It is easy to see in the case of the Fisher Ideal index. When evaluated at h = 0, as
we show in the Appendix, the Fisher Ideal index is equal to the Divisia Index
dt =
9 Diewert
10 Unlike
qt it ı̇t
ct + qt it ct ct + qt it it
(1993) provides a clear explanation of the index suggested by Fisher (1922).
fixed-base indexes, chain indexes do not have the multiplicative property. In general,
the factor Ft,t+2h does not coincide with the chained factor Ft,t+h × Ft+h,t+2h . Just observe
that t+h prices play no role in the calculation of Ft,t+2h . Moreover, both the additive property,
that income ratios add up to unity, and the property that income rations are bounded by unity
do not hold. These issues are very well illustrated in Whelan (2002).
which weights consumption and investment growth by their income shares.11 At any
time, the growth rates of consumption and investment are weighted by their current
shares, which are independent of any base time. Even if there is a trend in relative
prices, inducing the substitution of one good for another, the chained-type index allows
weights to change continuously to avoid the emergence of any substitution bias.
In the two-sector AK model, the Divisia index becomes
d = (1 − s)αg + sg,
where the growth rate of output d is the weighted average of the growth rates of consumption αg and investment g, with constant income shares, (1 − s) and s, as weights.
The potential substitution bias induced by any fixed-base index is then completely counterbalanced by the chained-type index.
Real growth in the two-sector AK model
The previous section illustrates how chained-type indexes yield conceptually better measures of real output growth in a scenario in which consumption and investment grow
at different rates and there are trends in relative prices. In this section, we go further
and show that in the framework of the two-sector AK model, the Divisia index is a true
quantity index measuring welfare changes, implying that the NIPA’s methodology –a
chained-type quantity index based on the Fisher Ideal index– is a true quantity index.
In other words, we show that changes in the Divisia index reflect changes in welfare of
the infinitely-lived agent.
Instantaneous preferences
In regard to the Bellman equation in (1), we can interpret
wt (c, i) =
11 In
+ v ′ (kt )i
continuous-time, as h goes to zero, the Laspeyres and Paasche indexes tend to each
other, implying that chain indexes based on the Laspeyres, Paasche and Fisher Ideal indexes
coincide, and all are therefore equal to the Divisia index. In discrete-time, however, only the
Fisher Ideal index approximates the Divisia index.
Figure 1: The production possibilities frontier and competitive prices
to represent instantaneous preferences over contemporaneous consumption and investment. To save notation, we write wt (c, i) rather than w(c, i, kt ) but time enters this
function only through the stock of capital kt .12 The same comment applies to the indirect utility and expenditure functions below. Recall that nominal income was defined as
mt = ct + qt it . Figure 1 depicts the budget constraint jointly with the production possibilities frontier and an indifference curve. The constraints in the maximization problem
of the Bellman equation can be replaced by the budget constraint c + qt i ≤ mt because
the budget line is tangent to the production possibilities frontier locally at the optimum.
Fisher-Shell true quantity index
Since the utility function that summarizes preferences in instant t is time dependent, the
natural choice to measure real growth is the true quantity index introduced by Fisher
12 The
planner solves a standar recursive program in which the state variable summarizes at
each instant all information from the past that could be relevant for the choice today. For a
brief exposition of recursive techniques in continuous-time see Obstfeld (1992).
and Shell (1971). Define the indirect utility function as
ut (mt , qt ) = max wt (c, i)
c+qt i≤mt
and the associate expenditure function
et (ut , qt ) =
wt (c,i)≥ut
c + qt i.
Since utility comparisons must be done using the same preference map, the Fisher-Shell
true quantity index fixes both prices and preferences. In particular, it compares income
today mt with the hypothetical level of income m̂t+h that would be necessary to attain
the level of utility associated with tomorrow’s income and prices mt+h , qt+h with today’s
prices qt and today’s preferences as evaluated by et , ut . Denote this artificial level of
income as
m̂t+h = et [ut (mt+h , qt+h ), qt ].
The procedure is depicted in Figure 2. The preference map corresponds to preferences
of instant t as represented by wt . Point A is the current situation in instant t. Point B
is the choice of instant t preferences when we face instant t + h prices qt+h and income
mt+h . Point C represents the choice that maintains such level of utility but with instant
t prices qt . In the end, we compare two levels of income that correspond to the same
price vector so it is clear that we are extracting price changes. In this particular case, the
true quantity index is just reflecting the fact that the true output deflator is dropping
with the price of equipment, that is to say that income in real terms is growing more
than mt+h /mt .
The instantaneous Fisher-Shell real growth rate is
ft =
d m̂t+h
dh mt
1 dm̂t+h
mt dh
that is, the instantaneous growth rate of the factor defined above as h gets small.13 To
compute this index note that
13 In
= e1,t [ut (mt , qt ), qt ](u1,t (mt , qt )ṁt + u2,t (mt , qt )q̇t )
continuous-time, it does not make any difference whether we define the true quantity
index taking past, like we do, or future prices and preferences as given.
Figure 2: Fisher-Shell true quantity index
where the subscript denotes the partial derivative with respect to the corresponding
argument. To obtain an expression for all these derivatives let us go back to the definitions above. Let µ be the Lagrange multiplier of the maximization problem in the
definition of the indirect utility function. We have, from the first order conditions, that
w1,t (ct , it ) = µ, so that
dut (mt , qt )
= µ = w1,t (ct , it )
dut (mt , qt )
= −µit = −w1,t (ct , it )it .
Let λ be the Lagrange multiplier of the minimization problem in the definition of the
expenditure function. From the first order conditions w1,t (ct , it ) = −λ−1 , and hence
det (ut , qt )
= −λ =
w1,t (ct , it )
We conclude that
ft =
ṁt − it q q̇t
ṁt qt it q̇t
(w1,t (ct , it )ṁt − w1,t (ct , it )it q̇t ) =
mt w1,t (ct , it )
m t qt
Differentiate mt = ct + qt it with respect to time and note that qt it /mt = s to write
= (1 − s) + s + s
and then
ft =
− s = (1 − s) + s = (1 − s)αg + sg
for all t, but this is the expression of the Divisia index in (4) so that ft = d for all t.14
The interpretation is straightforward. It is clear that f is a measure of real growth
since it is constructed as the growth rate of nominal income substracting pure price
changes, in this case the change of the relative price of investment qt . The index only
keeps changes in quantities. It is also clear that it is a true index because it is constructed
from the representative agent’s preferences.15
If current and future consumption is all that matters for utility, in principle, it is very
appealing to think that the growth rate of consumption should summarize all what the
agents care about. However, we have shown above that investment also matters. In
this section, we explain why the growth rate of investment does play a role in the true
quantity index.
What does the Fisher-Shell index measure? The value function v(k) in (1) measures
the utility that the representative individual derives from her consumption flow given
the stock of assets k. However, as is well known, the value function is one among many
possible representations of individual preferences. We have then to adopt a sensible
norm to measure changes in welfare. In order to make welfare comparisons, index number
14 This
equivalence would come as no surprise to index number theorists. The Fisher Ideal
index is know to approximate in general some sort of true quantity index because both
are bounded from above and below by the Laspeyres and Paasche indexes respectively. In
continuous-time, these indexes tend to each other as the time interval h tends to zero. Further, in general, the Divisia index coincides with the Fisher Ideal index if the growth rates of
consumption and investment are constant.
15 At
this point it may be worth clarifying that it is not GDP but NDP what matters for
welfare, as initially stated by Weitzman (1976), and then is the contribution of net investment
it what the true quantity index is taking into account. Depreciated capital is a lost resource
that does not contribute to welfare. It is in this sense that some authors claim that NDP is
relevant for welfare and GDP for productivity (see the discussion in Oulton (2002)). In the
two-sector AK model, however, net and gross investment grow at the same rate.
theory uses current income as a norm, such as in the Fisher-Shell index defined in section
4.2. Moreover, the Bellman equation (1) says that the return to the value of current
assets has to be equal to the sum of the value of current consumption and current net
investment, which is measured by current net income when the Fisher-Shell index is
adopted. This is the way we interpret Weitzman (1976)’s statement that net output is a
welfare measure: for a given norm, it does measure in utility terms the return to assets,
which is proportional to individual welfare as represented by v(k). The Fisher-Shell
index goes one step farther by measuring changes in output consistently with individual
preferences; when taking current income as a norm, the Fisher-Shell index measures in
welfare terms the increase in assets returns and, since assets returns are proportional to
v(k), it does measure gains in welfare from t to t + dt.
Why does net investment also matters? The classical paper referenced above, Weitzman (1976), makes a compelling case in favor of including net investment in any measurement of the income level. The reason cannot be more intuitive: for a given stock
of real assets, a welfare assessment of output has to complement current consumption
with changes in future consumption, in turn summarized in current net investment. Less
obvious, however, is how to extend this argument to growth rates. The reason is that,
in principle, the growth rate of consumption along a balanced growth path is giving
us already information about future consumption. However, the propensity to invest
and the growth rate of investment contain useful information concerning the value of
future consumption too. To see this, note first that the Fisher-Shell-Divisia index can
be written as:
d = (A − δ)s.
That is, the index reflects that potential maximum growth A − δ will be exploited to
the extent that agents care for future consumption as represented by the propensity to
invest as measured by the net saving rate s.
This interpretation can be further supported by a simple example. The basic intuition
is that the same growth rate for consumption can stem from different parameters’ profiles
that, eventually, reflect different preferences. Consider the economy described above and
a second economy such that ρ > ρ̃ and δ < δ̃. Suppose further that δ+ρ = δ̃+ ρ̃. The rest
of parameters are common to both economies. In regard to the equilibrium expressions
for s and g, we have g = g̃ and therefore αg = αg̃ so that consumption grows at the same
rate in both economies. Since optimal paths are balanced growth paths, we can easily
derive the functional form of the value function associated to the planner’s problem
v(k) =
θα(1−σ)−1 k α(1−σ)
where θ = bt /kt can be expressed in terms of parameters as
ρ − α(1 − σ)(A − δ)
A(1 − α(1 − σ))
Hence, decreasing ρ in the same amount as δ increases the numerator because −1+α(1−
σ) < 0, while this same expression, negative, is the power of θ in (6).
In short, the growth rate of consumption is not a good measure of real growth because
it is unable to reflect the welfare differences between these two economies: the second
economy weights more future consumption so that values more than the first the same
growth rate of consumption. The Fisher-Shell-Divisia index does reflect the differential
in welfare. Since g = g̃, if there is a difference between d and d˜ it has to be because of
differences in the propensity to invest. Check that
α(A − δ̃ − ρ̃)
α(A − δ̃ − ρ̃)
α(A − δ − ρ)
= s̃
ρ(1 − α) + ασ(A − δ)
ρ(1 − α) + ασ(A − δ)
ρ̃(1 − α) + ασ(A − δ̃)
where the equality follows from the imposition that δ + ρ = δ̃ + ρ̃ and the inequality
from rising δ and decreasing ρ in the denominator. But then
d = (α + s(1 − α))g < (α + s̃(1 − α))g = d˜
so that d < d˜ is reflecting the higher valuation in the second economy. This example
shows that the Divisia index is a better representation of preference than the consumption
growth rate.
Finally, notice that in our simple model economy preferences and technology are
such that competitive equilibria are balanced growth paths. But one could conceive
other economies in which a positive shock to the ETP term would depress consumption
in the short-term reflecting a substitution of current for future consumption. In which
case, focusing on the growth rate of consumption in the short-term can be even more
What are the implications for growth accounting? In terms of model representations
of actual economies, the introduction of more than one sector with different growth rates
raises practical and conceptual issues. From the practical point of view, we ought to be
careful when calibrating a model to match real data —what is the model equivalent of
real GDP growth in National Accounts? To measure the contribution of ETC to growth,
Hulten (1992) first measures growth (his equation (7)) following Jorgenson (1966) suggesting a raw addition of consumption and investment units, calling the outcome qualityadjusted output. Using our notation, this strategy amounts to ct +xt /qt = ct +it . Greenwood et al (1997) note that, in their setting, adding consumption and effective investment turns the economy into a standard Solow (1960) growth model with no embodied
technical change.16 Furthermore, the addition ct + it implies adding goods measured in
different units, mixing potatoes with machines. Greenwood et al (1997) correctly state
that output has to be measured in a common unit and they adopt the nondurable good
as measure. For this purpose, investment has to be deflated by its relative price, in
our notation ct + qt it = mt . However, doing so they effectively identify output growth
with growth of output in the non-durable sector. Hence, their measurement of GDP
growth is the growth rate of consumption.17 Oulton (2004) generalizes the argument
and suggests that GDP components have to be deflated by the consumption price index
in order to measure growth. But this is indeed what Greenwood et al (1997) suggest
when they identify non-durable production with real output and the real growth rate
with the growth rate of consumption, i.e. αg < d.18 What this paper aims to clarify is
that the issue is not the units used to measure real output levels but the choice of the
right index of real output growth. We conclude that the “true” contribution of ETC to
output growth, reflecting welfare changes, has to be measured using NIPA’s methodology
as in Cummins and Violante (2002).
16 See
17 In
Hercowitz (1998) for a review of the Solow-Jorgenson controversy.
their setting, this choice looks somewhat natural because the machines’ sector uses as
input the consumption good so that mt = ct + qt it is total output in the non-durables sector.
18 The
controversy between Hulten (1992) and Greenwood et al (1997) has another important
element not related to the measurement of growth. In particular, it is the short-term growthaccounting approach of the former in contrast with the long-term equilibrium growth rate of the
latter. In Durán et al (2006) (in Spanish) we argue that these approaches are complementary
rather than opposite.
In the framework of the two-sector AK model, which replicates the well-know stylized
facts that investment growth faster than consumption and the relative price of investment
permanently declines, we show that a Fisher-Shell true quantity index is equal to the
Divisia index. This allows us to claim that the chained-type index used by the BEA to
compute real GDP growth is a welfare measure.
This approach may be of great relevance for the recent debate on the use on index
number theory to rationalize the use of the Penn World Tables (see Neary (2004) and
van Veelen and van der Weide (2008)).
Quantity indexes in continuous-time
Suppose we have a general definition of an index Γt,t+h interpreted as a gross rate (or
factor) of growth between t and t + h. We can define the instantaneous growth rate of
the index in instant t as
γt =
dΓt,t+h 1
dh Γt,t+h
The intuition of (7) is clear if one observes that the growth rate of a factor of change of
a continuous-time variable is equal to the growth rate of the variable itself. Let xt be
a continuous-time variable and fix some reference point in time t. The growth rate in
instant t + h can be seen as the growth rate of Γt,t+h = xt+h /xt because
γt,t+h =
ẋt+h xt 1
dΓt,t+h 1
dh Γt,t+h
and of course the growth rate in instant t is just
γt =
dΓt,t+h 1
dh Γt,t+h
This way of defining the instantaneous growth rate may look odd but it may be useful
in those cases in which we have an index like Γt,t+h but no clear variable giving rise to
this index like xt in this example. The Fisher Ideal index is one of these cases.
Using the notation introduced in section 2, the starting point is some nominal aggregate ct + qt it . Fixed-base quantity indexes use instant ℓ prices as weights and compute
an index that is equal to a factor of growth
Πℓt =
c t + q ℓ it
c ℓ + q ℓ iℓ
When we measure real growth over an interval [0, T ] the index Πℓt is the Laspeyres index
when ℓ = 0 and the Paasche index when ℓ = T . The Fisher Ideal index between t and
t + h is defined as
Ft,t+h = Πtt+h Πtt+h
There is a clear parallelism between Ft,t+h and Γt,t+h but there is no counterpart for
the xt variable above. Note that the definition of the index itself requires to set some
reference point in time t and a second reference t + h. Further, the non-linearity of
expression (8) does not make it easy to turn some discrete-version of the growth rate
into a derivative that could yield an instantaneous growth rate in an intuitive way.
Instead, we can apply the definition (7) above and define
gt =
dFt,t+h 1
dh Ft,t+h
With this definition at hand, it is straightforward to check that the continuous-time
equivalent of the Fisher Ideal index is in fact equal to the Divisia index. We have
dΠt+h t+h
1 t
dFt,t+h 1
t+h −1
Πt + Πt+h
dh Ft,t+h
2 t+h t
1 dΠt+h 1
dh Πt+h
dh Πt+h
Then note that
dΠtt+h 1
dh Πtt+h
ċt+h + qt ı̇t+h
ct + qt it
ċt + qt ı̇t
ct + qt it
dh Πt
and therefore
(ċt+h + q̇t+h it+h + qt+h ı̇t+h ) (ct + qt+h it ) − (ct+h + qt+h it+h ) q̇t+h it
(ct + qt+h it )2
dh Πt
ċt + qt ı̇t
ċt + q̇t it + qt ı̇t − q̇t it
ct + qt it
ct + qt it
We conclude that
dFt,t+h 1
gt =
dh Ft,t+h
ċt + qt ı̇t ċt + qt ı̇t
c t + qt it c t + q t it
ċt + qt ı̇t
ct + qt it
qt it ı̇t
ct + qt it ct ct + qt it it
that is, the Divisia index.
The definition above (7) is also useful applied to the Fisher-Shell quantity index since
we have a well-defined index m̂t+h /mt but it is not clear who would play the role of xt
in this case. Section 4 takes this viewpoint and defines the growth rate as in expression
(5) in page 12.
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