Int. J. Com. Dig. Sys. 3, No. 1, 47- 53(2014)
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems
A Proposed Framework for Arabic Semantic Annotation Tool
Ahmed N. El-ghobashy, Gamal M. Attiya, and Hamdy M. Kelash
Computer Science & Engineering Department, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufia University, Egypt.
E-mail address:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Received 3 Sep 2013, Revised 9 Oct. 2013, Accepted 13 Nov 2013, Published 1 Jan 2014
Abstract: Semantic Web is an approach to facilitate communication by making the web suitable for computers. To
enhance current Web, a semantic layer should be added to the web pages to enable computers understand them.
Recently, some annotation tools have been developed to make machine understandable data on the web. However, little
number of tools are concerned with the Arabic Language, although, this language is the mother tongue of more than 293
million of people in 23 countries. This paper first presents an overview of the existing Semantic
Web concerning the Arabic Language in the domain of Ontology building. Then, some examples of the tools that can be
used in the semantic annotation process are discussed. Finally, a framework is proposed to develop a semantic
annotation tool for supporting Arabic contents.
Keywords: Semantic Web; Annotation Tools; Software Architecture; Arabic Language; Ontology.
Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor and the director of the
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) expresses it as “a
web of data that can be processed directly and indirectly
by machines” [1]. With the advancement of the Internet
and the web content, the direction is to make the web
suitable for computers, i.e., make web content meaningful
to computers. This facilitates the communication between
human and the Internet. To achieve this vision, a machine
interpretable metadata (i.e., data about data) layer should
be added to the existing web pages. This layer allows a
computer program to understand what a Web page is
about, and therefore draw conclusions about the web page
[2]. By doing this, different users can smoothly interact,
share, and exchange knowledge that represented in a
machine-readable format in the same way they dealing
with the computer in their specific native tongue and their
own style of expressing [3].
Researchers found that Semantic Web (SW) has a very
promising future in reshaping the Web and the way of
dealing with it. It will open many opportunities for the
next generation of internet technology by allowing better
ways to acquire information and knowledge from the
further complex web.
Lots of countries and communities start researching in
the SW field to develop Semantic Web tools that adapt
web pages to support their Natural Languages (NL).
However, little SW tools are developed to support Arabic
language although this language represents the mother
tongue of 23 countries and more than 293 million of
people [4]. Indeed, Arabic is one of the most robust,
richest and most languages able to articulate in the world.
This paper organized as follows. Section 2 focuses on
the Semantic Web annotation and methods for creating
annotations. Section 3 presents an overview of related
work and a summary for the tools. Section 4 concerns
with some of the open source SW tools that support the
Arabic language and the differences of each one. The
proposed framework for developing Arabic annotation
tool is presented in section 5. Finally, the concluding
remarks and outline of future work are listed in section 6.
Semantic annotation is “the process of labeling Web
Pages with the semantics of their contents” [3]. It can also
be defined as the process of mapping data instances to
ontological concepts. The purpose of semantic annotation
is to enable computers to understand human language so
that they can perform tasks that are more intelligent.
In overall annotation process, a note is created while
reading any text. This may be as simple as underlining or
highlighting passages. Creating these notes or comments,
© 2014 UOB SPC, University of Bahrain
A.El-ghobashy et al.: A proposed Framework for Arabic Semantic Annotation Tool
i.e., a few sentences long, creates a summary for Web
content and expresses the significance of each source. In
other words, an annotation is further information in a
document that identifies or expresses the semantics of a
part of that document. Accordingly, it attaches sense tags,
names, characteristics, remarks, explanations, etc., to a
document or to a selected part in a text. This process helps
to associate the ambiguity of the natural language when
expressing notions and their computational representation
in a formal language, by telling a computer how data
items are linked and how these relations can be evaluated
automatically [5, 6].
Compared with normal annotation that speeds up
searching and helps you find related and specific
information in a document, semantic annotation goes one
level deeper. That is, it enhances the unstructured or semistructured data with a context that has further linked to the
structured knowledge of a domain. In addition, it allows
result that has not obviously related to the original search
to be reachable.
A usual semantic annotation procedure needs a
number of basic preconditions and tools to provide the
designated resources with a semantic metadata in a
machine readable, machine understandable and usable
form to anyone to use them for the representation of
semantic annotations, which can be:
An Information Extraction (IE) module
A semantic annotation module using ontology.
The purpose of IE is to identify Named Entities (NE)
with respect to a specific domain and finding the entities
of importance in a document using knowledge extraction
techniques. While, the semantic annotation module is
responsible for approving the meaning of the words and
the semantic relationships of the context by adding
semantic meaning to the extracted entities using the
ontology [7].
For semantic annotation tool, annotations create a
relationship between Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)
and construct a network of data. Creating semantic
annotations of Web resources can follow one of these
Manual Annotation
Semi-Automatic Annotation
Automatic Annotation methods
A. Manual Annotation
The furthermost basic annotation tools allow users to
manually add annotations to Web pages or other
resources, and share those. With the alteration of existing
syntactic resources into interlinked knowledge structures
that represent relevant underlying information [8]. An
example of annotation would relate the text “Cairo” to
ontology, classifying it as a city and as capital of Egypt.
B. Semi-Automatic Annotation
Semi-automatic annotation tools rely on human
intervention at some point in the annotation process. The
tools vary in their architecture, information extraction and
methods, initial ontology, amount of manual work
required to perform annotation, performance and other
features, such as storage management [8]. General
distinguish between different kinds of semi-automatic
annotation mechanisms:
Wrapper Generation: Particularly in the case of
annotating Web pages that mainly be made up of
Hyper Text Mark-up Language (HTML) tables, one
may annotate the first row of the table and
automatically enumerate over the remaining rows of
the table.
Pattern Matching: Consistency of word expressions
may be captured by consistent expression based
patterns. Patterns are stored with the models of the
domain ontology.
Information Extraction: The complex mechanism for
semi-automatic annotation is full-fledged ontology
based information extraction based on a trivial text
processing strategy.
C. Automatic Annotation
Annotation includes robotics components, which
deliver recommendations for annotations. The most
straightforward kind use rules or wrappers written by
hand that try to capture identified patterns for the
For automatic annotation, two types of systems that
learn how to annotate are used: supervised systems and
unsupervised systems. The supervised systems learn from
sample annotations marked up by the user. The drawback
of this method is that selecting sufficient good examples is
a non-trivial and error-prone task. The unsupervised
systems engages a variety of tactics to learn how to
annotate without user supervision, but their accuracy is
imperfect [9]. The completely automatic creation of
semantic annotations is an unanswered problem.
Table I summarizes the advantages and disadvantages
of the semantic annotation methods.
This section presents an overview of some annotation
tools to mark the important information. There is more
than one group that can be categorized into methods that
support automatic, semi-automatic and manual creation of
semantic annotations on Web content.
A.El-ghobashy et al.: A proposed Framework for Arabic Semantic Annotation Tool
TABLE I. Advantages and disadvantages of semantic annotation
A very accurate
manner of annotating
can support the needs
of different users.
A costly process, and
often does not consider
that multiple perceptions
of a data source, requiring
multiple ontologies.
Acceptable speed of
annotation with
intermediate accuracy.
Annotations need to be
reviewed to make sure it
is annotation procedure is
Have multiple
perspectives of a data
source in respect with
fast speed annotating
Several are still limited to
usage by experts while
others are appropriate for
understanding workers.
User interface design
concerns associated with
reducing intrusiveness
while get the most out of
For annotating the content manually, there is a set of
tools based on annotation frameworks (e.g. Annotea [10])
enable users to add metadata to content, or some of them
developed distinct.
Amaya [11]: It is a user-friendly interactive Web
browser and editor built on the Annotea framework,
which can mark-up Web documents in extensible Markup Language (XML) and HTML. The user can make
annotations in the same tool they use for browsing and for
editing text, making Amaya a good example of a single
point of access environment. It has facilities for manual
annotation of Web pages but does not contain any features
to support automatic annotation.
One Click Annotation (OCA): What You See Is
What You Get (WYSIWYG) Web editor for Web
browsers that allows for annotating words and phrases
with references to ontology concepts and for creating
relationships between annotated phrases by enriching
content with Resource Description Framework in
Attributes (RDFa) annotations. An intuitive user interface
hides the complexity of creating semantic data. To process
and to store the semantic content as well as to answer
queries about resources occurring in the edited content
OCA interacts with a server. The best thing about OCA is
they consider non-experts having little or no knowledge of
semantic technologies as the primary target group, which
is a new way to the success of the SW annotation because
it depends on accomplishment a massive corpus of users
creating and consuming semantic content [12].
AraTation is an Arabic semantic annotation tool for
semantically annotating Arabic News content on the Web.
Implemented as a desktop application, this tool
constructed using the Java programming language and
Web Ontology Language (OWL) ontology to produce
Resource Description Framework (RDF) metadata for
Web pages. The RDF standard will make the annotated
Arabic Web pages reusable and machine process-able on
the Web [13].
A few numbers of systems use semi-automatic and
automatic to annotating content. These include; KIM [14,
15] and GATE [16, 17].
KIM platform afford a knowledge and information
management infrastructure and services for automatic
semantic annotation, indexing, and retrieval of
unstructured and semi-structured content. Inside the
process of annotation, KIM also performs ontology
population. As a base line, KIM examines texts and
identifies references to entities (like persons,
organizations, locations, dates), then it attempts to match
the reference with a known entity, having a unique
Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and description in the
knowledge base. KIM is a platform that offers a server,
web user interface, and Internet Explorer plug-in, and
equipped with upper-level ontology (KIMO) of about 250
classes and 100 properties. Additional, a knowledge base
(KIM KB), pre-populated with up to 200,000 entity
descriptions [14, 15].
GATE is the most widely known system over the last
13 years. It is used for mass organization and text
annotation. It is a desktop application written in Java and
can be run under nearly any Operating Systems (OS). It
offers many of functionality everyone may want [16, 17].
Table II presents some examples of tools and systems
contribute to the revelation of the SW that open the field
for Arabic Semantic Web study.
TABLE II. Summary of some tools properties
RDF(S) XLink,
Local or
annotation server
knowledge base
Semiautomatic and
Local or server
Semiautomatic and
A.El-ghobashy et al.: A proposed Framework for Arabic Semantic Annotation Tool
It is clear that, there is a lot of work in the field of
Semantic Web annotation, but a lack of Arabic annotation
tool, which is a sign of the lack of Arabic effort in the
field of SW.
This section presents some tools that support Arabic
language. From these tools, we can say that a few studies
deal directly or indirectly with SW in Arabic language.
Based on the information gathered, this can remark some
of the application according to their domains.
Ontology Applications:
Ontology is one of the elementary and the major
foundations in order to start the process of building SW.
Finding tool to build Arabic ontology is the basis of the
creation of SW in Arabic language, since they offer a
well-defined and standardized form of interoperable,
machine understandable repositories [18, 19]. There are
different tools that can be used. Some of these tools such
as Protégé and Jena are tested in this section. The need to
study and evaluate each of the given system is necessary
before deciding which to use for development of
ontology, mainly if the Ontology is in the Arabic
Protégé is an open source freely obtainable ontology
editor and knowledge base framework essentially an
ontology visual editor, with a development framework
that provides the crucial manipulations and query from
ontology [20].
Jena is another Web system used to afford a
programmatic environment for RDF, Resource
Description Framework Schema (RDFS), OWL, and
SPARQL includes a rule-based inference engine. It is also
a program development framework for ontology
manipulation and query [21].
We concentrate in our investigation about the
supporting capability of these tools for:
The RDF generation is the corporate model for the
data to be ready accessible over the Web. RDF has
structures that simplify data merging even if the
underlying schemas differ, and it exactly supports the
evolution of schemas over time without demanding all the
data consumers to be changed. RDF extends the linking
structure of the Web to use URIs to name the relationship
between things as well as the two ends of the link (this
usually referred to as a “triple”). Using this simple model,
it allows structured and semi-structured data be mixed,
exposed, and shared across different applications [22, 23].
On the other hand, OWL generation, which measured
as the operative model in terms of creating information,
accelerates greater machine interpretability of Web
content than that supported by XML, RDF, and RDF
Schema by providing further vocabulary along with a
formal semantics [22].
Last is Querying Language (QL) Tools such as
SeRQL, OWL-QL, RDQL and SPARQL are also
required. They allow users to specify dissimilar query for
the needed information that would give out results to the
given query. All three are associated measurements to
determine as to whether these would be helpful in the
coming up of the different needed information in the
Arabic language [24].
After testing each tool, which was a simple file
(RDF/OWL) to see how each system can handle Arabic
on it, we get:
Protégé can ultimately create & show ontology in
Arabic, This system uses the RDF standard that also
makes use of the UTF-8 encoding. However, it might
display numeral literal instead of Arabic characters but in
general, the showing of RDF/OWL file will appear in
Arabic as shown in Fig. 1.
A brief description of the two semantic tools; Protégé
and Jena are given in Table III.
TABLE III. Description of the two semantic tools
Functionality and usage
Protégé 4.3
(build 304)
Graphical ontology and knowledge
base framework with Visual editor
written in Java with many plug-in
tools for ontology manipulation &
Jena 2.10.1
A Java framework to construct SW
applications, with programmatic
environment for RDF, RDFS, OWL,
and SPARQL includes a rule-based
inference engine.
Figure 1 Arabic language handling and creating
A.El-ghobashy et al.: A proposed Framework for Arabic Semantic Annotation Tool
But we get some complications when trying to use one
of Protégé graph plug-ins to view the complete ontology,
the plugin failed to display the appropriate Arabic
characters; we got question marks displayed instead as
shown in Fig. 2. Moreover, it possible to save and
procedure Arabic script in OWL format, but not possible
to display Arabic typescripts in the ontology correctly.
A. Tool requirements
Some perspectives that a tool must require are the
ontologies, the documents, and the users of the tool. Each
perspective suggests one or more requirements, each of
which normally brings together several related needs.
1) Formats
Using the latest standard formats that recommended
by W3C is favored, wherever possible. Two types of
standard are required, one for describing ontology such as
the OWL (OWL 2 is now recommended by W3C [25]),
and the other for annotations such as the W3C’s RDF
schema [26].
2) Supported document formats.
Semantic Web standards for annotation accept the
documents annotated in web formats such as HTML and
XML, but the system should work with any standard
without any problem (e.g. XHTML/HTML5). In addition,
Documents may be in several formats including word
processor files, Portable Document Format (PDF) files,
but dealing with various document formats is essential for
including annotation into existing work.
Figure 2 Protégé graph plugins and Arabic problem
Jena system can also construct RDF/OWL File in
Arabic. Many Application Programming Interface (APIs)
can incorporate with Jena query engine for English
language processing but nothing is available yet to
support Arabic, so we can query Jena only by strict Arabic
Table IV presents a short summary of the investigation
study of the two semantic tools; Protégé and Jena.
3) Annotation Storage.
Annotations can be stored separately from the original
document as a bookmark and accessed through a server,
or storing annotations as a part of those documents.
4) GUI design.
The annotation tool must use interfaces that make
straightforward the annotation process to the user. A good
method would be a single point of entry interface, so that
the environment in which users annotate documents
integrated with the one in which they create, read, share
and edit them (e.g. WYSIWYG editors).
TABLE IV. Summary of test results
Support RDF
Limited Support
for OWL
Limited Support
for Query
Support RDF
Support OWL
Support Query
Generating sample ontology capable
of showing Arabic text without any
problems, the SPARQL query engine
in Protégé verified for some sample
queries was proficient for processing
Arabic text. However, Some problem
with graphic plug-ins.
Capable of load and read Arabic
ontology and process the queries
consequently without any problem
This section presents the proposed tool framework
with some features that can be used in the developing of
Arabic semantic annotation tool in the future. The tool
must meet some requirements.
B. Tool structure
The general framework of the proposed Arabic
semantic annotation tool require three major components,
which are, a text preprocessing module, semantic
annotation module using ontology, and annotation
management module.
Text Preprocessing module (TP)
The text-preprocessing mission is to clean and
normalize the text, and it frequently done before text
processing in any Arabic application. Due to characters
nature in Arabic, sometimes the same word has different
written forms. Therefore, a text-preprocessing module
needed to decrease the effect from inconsistency [27].
Semantic Annotation module (SA)
The semantic annotation module is the main part
responsible of understanding the meaning of the words,
and the semantic relationships of the context, after that the
save operation of the annotated document [28].
A.El-ghobashy et al.: A proposed Framework for Arabic Semantic Annotation Tool
Annotation Management module (AM)
The annotation module used to update the
Knowledgebase (KB) of annotations on requests from the
user to do so.
In addition, the other needed component depends on
the tool implementation like IE module, which used for
processing and handling the Arabic language NE, and
User Management (UM) module that provides the
management of users and access rights to the annotations.
C. Tool implementation
Two ways of implementing the proposed framework
of the annotation tool are developed. They are:
server. However, it remains dependent on the type of
browser used and the opportunities of distributing
There are many existing SW application ease the
building of semantic annotation tool. However, a rare
number of tools that is demanding on the target of
leveraging SW technologies to support the Arabic
language, and produce semantically annotated Web
documents. There may be some task difficulties to take
Arabic language in respect. Arabic language is a
challenging language that may delay the development of
the tools for SW in that language because Arabic language
has much discrimination like short vowels, nonexistence
of capital letters and composite morphology.
1) The first proposed framework
The first proposal is shown in Fig. 3. In this
framework, the tool is located on a specific server
(annotation server) autonomously of the client. Then, a
Web server (proxy server) acts as an interface between the
client and annotation server that manages pages with
annotations on its base.
Figure 3 First proposed framework
Figure 4 Second proposed framework
The problem of this framework is the slow response
time. To annotate a document, all tasks done by the proxy
server, like requesting pages, the abstraction of
annotations, the addition of these annotations and return
the response to the browser.
In the future work, the main concern is to develop an
Arabic annotation tool by applying one of the proposed
frameworks that discussed earlier and compare it with
other tools in the same field.
2) The second proposed framework
The second framework is shown in Fig. 4. In this
framework, the tool is developed as a plug-in. The
purpose is to enhance the browser functions to handle the
annotations of a web page. The used browser must follow
the web standard’s (e.g. Firefox or Google Chrome).
I would like to thank Dr. Haytham T. Al-Feel,
Department of Internet and Multimedia, IAEMS, Egypt,
for his kind assistance.
The second framework has further advantages than the
earlier, as the ability to annotate web documents stored
locally, avoiding the slow request and response at the
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Ahmed N. El-ghobashy graduated in
2009 and obtained his B. Sc. degree
in computer engineering and
information technology. His main
interests include web development,
web design, information architecture,
and web-standards.
Gamal M. ATTIYA graduated in
1993 and obtained his M.Sc. degree
in computer science and engineering
from the Menoufia University,
Egypt, in 1999. He received his PhD
degree in computer engineering from
the University of Marne-La-Vallée,
Paris-France, in 2004. His main
research interests include distributed
computing, task allocation and
scheduling, computer networks and protocols, congestion
control, QoS, multimedia networking and Image processing.
Hamdy M. Kelash is professor in
computer science and engineering
department, Faculty of Electronic
Engineering, Menoufia University,
Egypt. His main research interests
include computer vision, computer
aided design, and Image processing.