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2012, Ecofronteras
4 pages
1 file
Results of bioecological and economic studies about the presence and abundance of wild edible mushrooms in mild regions of South America are presented.The Phlebopus genus in the Mediterranean mountain zone (32o SL); Lactarius deliciosus, Suillus granulatus and Gymnopylus spectabilis in the Uruguayan maritime littoral (35o SL); L. deliciosus and S.granulatus in the Argentinian atlantic coast (37o SL); the region of the Andean-Patagonian forest with Lactarius deliciosus, Suillus luteus, Boletus loyo and Ramaria spp. (39o SL) and Morchella intermedia related to Cordillera cypress woods (42o SL) have been considered. Resumen: Se presentan resultados de estudios bioecológicos y económicos sobre la presencia y abundancia de hongos silvestres comestibles en las regiones templadas de América meridional. Se han considerado los géneros Phlebopus, en la zona serrana mediterránea (32o LS); Lactarius deliciosus, Suillus granulatus y Gymnopylus spectabilis en el litoral marítimo del Uruguay (35o ...
From the collection of macrofungi in both forests and "tianguis" (popular market day); informal interviews with sellers and interviews at people who are members of 102 rural household systems were done to described the traditional mycological knowledge of the region of Amanalco, Mexico. Fifty-six wild edible mushrooms taxa were identified, 38 of which were sold at the market and that people know with 125 common names. The most important species were Helvella crispa, H. lacunosa, H. sulcata (gachupines), Amanita sect. caesarea (tecomates) and Lyophylum decastes (clavitos). The cultural importance of species varied according to the communities, apparently determined by the type of vegetation in which they are embedded and their availability as well. We describe the use of mushrooms, local ecological knowledge, the requirements for growth, the process of collection, sale and use. Their sale represents an important extra income during the rainy season.
Aprovechamiento recreativo de los hongos comestibles silvestres: casos de micoturismo en el mundo con énfasis en México, 2017
En diversos países del mundo, incluido México, existe una tendencia hacia la gestión forestal sostenible, que contempla a los recursos forestales no maderables y nuevas actividades no extractivas como el turismo. Uno de los recursos que mayor interés ha despertado, en este sentido, son los hongos comestibles silvestres, cuya importancia económica y cultural les confiere la capacidad de ser diversificados en una amplia gama de productos y servicios. Dentro de las formas de diversificación de los recursos micológicos se encuentra el micoturismo, actividad recreativa basada en el conocimiento, identificación, recolección y degustación de los hongos. La presente revisión aborda los antecedentes relacionados con el aprovechamiento recreativo de los hongos comestibles silvestres y sus desafíos a nivel global, enfatizando en el caso de México desde una perspectiva analítica de los procesos de reestructuración productiva de los espacios forestales. El turismo micológico se muestra como una actividad ambivalente, que se debate entre una visión mercantilista sobre los recursos micológicos y una herramienta de manejo forestal, basada en procesos de inversión, regulación y ordenación del territorio. Por lo anterior, es necesario analizar las transformaciones productivas de los bosques para conocer la contribución del turismo micológico en la transformación social y la mejora de las condiciones de vida de las comunidades.
Bosque (Valdivia)
Mexico is one of the countries with the highest number of wild edible mushroom species, which have long been part of the diet of rural communities and ethnic groups. With the recent forms of consumption, it has piqued the interest of urban consumers to include mycological species in their diet. However, information is lacking regarding the influence that neophilia and neophobia have on consumers' perceptions of edible mushrooms. The objective of the present study was to analyze the perceptions of urban consumers regarding wild edible mushrooms as influenced by neophilia and neophobia. A questionnaire was applied through Facebook. The questionnaire was divided into three sections: free word association, food neophobia scale and socioeconomic characteristics. The sample consisted of 253 consumers who were grouped according to their levels of neophobia. The words obtained through free association were grouped into categories and dimensions. The dimensions were analyzed with the Chi square test, z test and Bonferroni method. Categories were analyzed through correspondence analysis by consumer groups. Three groups were identified: Neophilic, Intermediate and Neophobic. For Neophiliacs, wild edible mushrooms represented a connection with nature. For Intermediates they represented a link with ethnic and rural communities. For Neophobics they were perceived to pose a high risk to their health. This study contributes to knowledge regarding the influence of food neophobia on the perception of wild foods that are not part of the daily diet of urban consumers and can be used to support cultural valorization of wild edible mushrooms for the benefit of collectors.
Sistemas biocognitivos tradicionales: paradigmas en la conservación biológica y el fortalecimiento cultural. (ISBN 978-607-482-095-9).
Anales de Antropología, 2014
Ciencia & Investigación Forestal, 2016
La región oeste de Patagonia Argentina posee una extensa faja de bosque nativo dominado por Nothofagus spp., que alberga numerosas especies de hongos, algunas de ellas comestibles aunque muy poco conocidas. Hacia el este, en la zona de ecotono bosque-estepa patagónica, se han establecido plantaciones de coníferas exóticas donde también fructifican especies de hongos comestibles. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar las especies de hongos comestibles de estos dos ambientes en Patagonia, y los avances realizados en su estudio
Academia Biology, 2023
Background: Insecticide resistance and vector-feeding behavior changes have recently challenged malaria vector control. All this causes the vectors to forfeit the benefits of insecticide-based control tools. Searching for other control tools for immediate and future use is important. This study evaluated the gravid Anopheles gambiae s.s. response to habitat water with a background of different colors. Methods: Green, black, red, and blue were selected as background colors based on previous literature searches. The experiments were set up in a Latin square with drops out of colors and fewer eggs. Fresh habitat water was used on each experimental day. The egg count was done for two consecutive days. Results: The results of this study showed that the position of the oviposition substrate had no influence on gravid mosquito response. The highest number of eggs was laid on the green background in all stages of the experiments. The interaction of experimental days, position, and the number of eggs laid had no statistical significance. Conclusion: The findings of this study have shown that the habitat water coupled with a green-colored background influences most oviposition site selection by gravid An. gambiae. This shows that green-colored background can be integrated into the gravid mosquito traps for efficiency increase.
Antike Kunst, 2024
2023 excavations and survey in the sanctuary of Artemis Amarysia at Amarynthos, near Eretria (Euboea, Greece). Reproduced by courtesy of Antike Kunst.
О древнеперсидском слое французского языка, 2024
Polifonia - Revista Internacional da Academia Paulista de Direito (APD), nº 13, 2024
isara solutions, 2021
Trabalhos de Paulo Roberto de Almeida sobre a independência do Brasil e a evolução histórica da nação brasileira, 2022
Ibero-American Journal of Health Science Research, 2023
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2012
Science Translational Medicine, 2022
Experimental Economics - EXP ECON, 2004
International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2013
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia, 2012
Bioresource Technology, 2013
The oncologist, 2015
Advances in Technology Innovation, 2023
IECON 2014 - 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2014