Special issue:
15 years of Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior
Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior
An internal model approach for motor behavior
1 Departamento
of Science of Physical Education and Health, Federal University of São João del Rei, São João del Rei, MG, Brazil.
Universidade de Itaúna, Itaúna, MG, Brazil.
3 Centro Universitário Metodista Izabela Hendrix, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.
4 Department of Sports, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.
Correspondence to: Herbert Ugrinowitsch. Department of Sports, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627, Pampulha, Belo Horizonte, Minas
Gerais – Brazil, Zip code: 31270-901.
+55 31 98463-5890
[email protected]
• Sensory inputs are slow, noisy, and
fragmentary and require neural mechanisms to
organize them and allow for action.
• Internal Models are predictive mechanisms
within the CNS that simulates the real world
and organize sensory inputs to produce motor
• Internal Models are central for the control,
learning and adaptation of motor skills.
• There are two functionaly distinct but
interconnected models: the Inverse and the
Forward Models.
• Internal Models approach present substantial
internal coherence and has a large and
growing body of empirical evidences.
Interacting with the environment requires a remarkable ability to control, learn, and adapt motor skills to everchanging conditions. The intriguing complexity involved in the process of controlling, learning, and adapting
motor skills has led to the development of many theoretical approaches to explain and investigate motor
behavior. This paper will present a theoretical approach built upon the top-down mode of motor control that
shows substantial internal coherence and has a large and growing body of empirical evidence: The Internal
Models. The Internal Models are representations of the external world within the CNS, which learn to predict this
external world, simulate behaviors based on sensory inputs, and transform these predictions into motor actions.
We present the Internal Models’ background based on two main structures, Inverse and Forward models,
explain how they work, and present some applicability.
KEYWORDS: Forward model | Inverse model | Motor control | Motor learning | Motor adaptation
Basal Ganglia
Central nervous system
Forward Models
Granule cells
Inverse Model
Motor Cortex
Primary motor cortex
Angular distance
Angular velocity
Inverse kinetics
Processed inverse kinematics
Received 10 11 2021
Accepted 30 11 2021
Published 01 12 2021
Human beings interact with the environment, which requires a remarkable ability to
control, learn, and adapt motor skills to changing environmental conditions. The intriguing
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15 years of Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior
complexity involved in this ability has instigated many studies under different backgrounds.
For instance, some backgrounds propose a bottom-up mode of control, while others
propose motor skills are controlled top-down. This paper will present a theoretical
approach built upon the top-down mode of motor control that shows substantial internal
coherence and has a large body of empirical evidence to explain the control, learning, and
adaptation of motor actions: The Internal Models.
The concept of Internal Models was firstly introduced by Kenneth Craik (1943) 1 in
his work The Nature of Explanation, and researchers further developed this background
using Biological2 and Math methods.3,4 Internal Models are neural representations of the
external world5, which, therefore, learn to predict the external world (e.g., predictive
models), simulate behaviors based on sensory inputs, and transform them into motor
The main rationale for the Internal Models proposal in biological systems is related
to the capacity to simulate the dynamics of specific aspects from the environment. For
example, a person who, at the same time, bounces and looks at the ball and sees when
the ball touches the hand that produces a sound, a pressure encoding senses information
as different inputs. All of the information is simultaneously generated, but each input
travels at a particular speed activating specific cortical areas on the central nervous
system (CNS). Besides, since these signals are noisy and reach the CNS belated, the
sensory inputs related to the same phenomena are fragmented and present different
natures. Such characteristics pose a wide variety of problems for the person to move and
interact with the environment. The sensorimotor system needs to integrate these inputs to
allow proper moving. Furthermore, it might somehow use the information provided by
these stimuli in a predictive fashion to estimate a future state of the environment and the
body. All these conditions lead to the proposal of Internal Models for motor control, which
posits that the biological systems do not use direct information of the environment and the
body to act but do so using Internal Models of reality.
Generally, Internal Model theories propose two kinds of Internal Models working
together, the Inverse Model and the Forward Model.7 The inverse model inverts the causal
relationship of movement production (i.e., inverse dynamics) by using sensory information
about the desired end-state and transforming it into motor commands.8,9 For example, to
perform a shot in a team handball game, the sensorimotor system uses visual inputs
from the context (e.g., distance) to activate an Inverse Model that estimates the velocity
and acceleration profiles appropriate for shooting and transforms them into motor
commands. However, such a handball shot requires fast and accurate movements, and
the command the inverse model produces may not be so precise, which requires some
correction. In this case, the Forward Model uses afferent and efferent information to predict
the outcome based on environmental and body conditions 10 and update the motor
commands. When there is a discrepancy between the intended action and the predictions
of the forward model, it adjusts the commands before they leave the brain.11 Consequently,
the Internal Models background can explain motor actions' control, learning, and
adaptation, including fast actions. In this paper, we present Internal Models’ background
based on Inverse and Forward models, explain how they produce motor actions, and
present some applicability.
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Consider a team handball player shooting to the goal. There is a variety of
possible spots and shot types to choose. After choosing the desired spot, how will this
player perform the shot? How is the desired action actually transformed into real action?
To answer these questions, behavioral12 and neurophysiological findings13,14 suggest the
existence of a neural mechanism named Inverse Model (IvM), which is responsible for
carrying out the processes required to transform the desired action into motor commands
(Figure 1-A). Moreover, these processes have been extensively investigated in
computational, behavioral, cognitive, and neurophysiological studies.15-17
Three main approaches point out the existence of Inverse Models for motor control,
the Direct Inverse Modeling,18 the Feedback Error Learning,19,20 and the Supervised
Learning.15 In which concerns motor control, these three approaches propose that the IvM
triggers a feedforward motor command to produce the motor action (Figure 1). However,
they differ in the way they explain how an actual movement is controlled and how the IvM
is formed and/or updated (for a general overview, see Jordan, 199621).
Generally, Inverse Models work in parallel with Forward Models (FM – discussed
later in this paper), as Figure 1 illustrates. The IvM produces a motor command based on
the desired action, information about the body, and the environment (initial conditions).
Since the IvM does not directly receive feedback input about the ongoing action and its
predictive capacity may not be fine-tuned to the context, the motor command might not be
appropriate. Therefore, the FM updates the motor command and the IvM itself (Figure 1-C).
The updating signal from the FM works as a training to the IvM.22 In short, the IvM is
responsible for triggering the motor command, and the FM supervises the activity and
trains the IvM. The following section will present the roles and functions of the IvM.
Figure 1. Inverse Models work in parallel with Forward Models.
Functioning and roles of the IvM
As previously mentioned, IvM inverts the causal relations of movement production
that would be done (i.e., inverse dynamics). In this process, IvM uses sensory information
from the context and initial conditions (Figure 1-A) as inputs to transform the desired endstate into motor commands.8,9 To explain the IvM involvements in movement control, it is
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important to understand how the sensorimotor system may provide at least three motor
steps on performing voluntary motor actions, also referred to as computations.15,19,23 For
example, in the handball shooting previously presented, the first step is to define the
appropriate kinematics of the desirable trajectory coordinates (e.g., the chosen shoot)
according to the environment information.12,24 According to both the type of shot and spot
chosen, the second motor step is the transformation to the trajectory in actual limb
coordinates.23,25 The third problem is determining to generate the motor command
according to the specified dynamics (kinematics and kinetics). This third step is not yet
explained clearly in how the sensorimotor system maintains the final movement stability
and precision.24,26 On one hand, it is hard to explain how the nervous system deals with
variability caused by the huge number of degrees of freedom (redundancy) available in the
motor system.27 On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that the training of the IvM
can reduce the variability but does not eliminate it.26,28 Notice that all the described
dynamical transformations are in an inverse logic:
The above illustrative equation shows that the output of motor command u is the
result of the estimated motor command and the desired action y*. That is why the neural
mechanism responsible for carrying out this process is named an Inverse Model.
These three transformations have been studied and expressed in physical terms,
as illustrated in Figure 2. In this illustration, an individual throws a ball to one of two
possible targets (a condition that reminds the shooting example used at the beginning of
this session). The desired trajectory is specified as a function of spatial coordinates such
as the distance of the targets I and II (Figure 2-A), which will require two different angles
corresponding to the actual trajectories of the limbs a-b and b-c. Figure 2-B presents the
computations the IvM performs and also demonstrates specific variables processed in
each computation such as time (t), angular distance (Ø), angular velocity (ω), and
acceleration (α) as the processed inverse kinematics (α∫∫(b-c)), and the mass of the ball
and the arm (m), and gravity (g) as the inverse kinetics (τ∫∫(b-c)). Once these dynamics are
computed, the model specifies the best arm configuration (trajectories of the limbs) and
environment information to achieve the target, which will result in the motor command.
Results indicate the influence of the context (e.g., target distances) on the velocity and
acceleration profiles in throwing actions29 that correspond to the computations proposed to
the IvM.12
Figure 2. Three transformations expressed in physical terms.
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The need for motor efficiency to match the desired action can impose different
demands on the IvM. When the environment condition is unknown and the task demands
time precision, the IvM works via open-loop control.30 This kind of control is important in
ballistic motor actions, performed in less than 200ms, requiring accuracy (i.e., an
intercepting moving target) because these actions cannot rely on the online feedback
control. Once performed in unfamiliar situations and requiring precision from the control
system, these tasks require a well-calibrated IvM31,32 since there is not enough time for
corrections during the movement.33,34
In an environment with constant conditions and without time precision demand, the
IvM could be controlled using sensory feedback to start or correct an ongoing action. In
this case, an IvM can use the feedback control before the movement onset when too welltrained IvM (e.g., an expert) matched a signal in prediction and in desiring future
output.21,35 Another possibility is when the forward model is accurate enough, and the
internal loop is equivalent to its pair of IvM.15 In this case, the IvM acts as a controller in an
open-loop feedforward because there is no feedback from the actual command.15,21
Beyond the behavioral and physical evidence for IvM, there have also been
reported neurophysiological results proving its existence, functioning in motor control and
learning. Neural circuitries incorporate and combine visuospatial and proprioceptive
information about physical aspects of the environment and the body (e.g., gravity). These
processes result in Inverse Models.12,36,37
Neural inputs specify the desired action by encoding acquired information and new
contextual input. Also, the desired output can provide information sources and be used to
train the IvM as well as the Models involved in the same network.38,39 The encoding and
processing of this information depend on specific cortical areas and will contribute to the
selection of the IvM.34,40,41 The basal ganglia (BG) and the motor cortex (MC) are pointed
as the main areas involved in planning and executing the desired action.38,42 The BG is
responsible for the cognitive aspects such as planning and modulating the MC, whereas
the MC, particularly the primary motor cortex (area M1), is responsible for triggering
feedforward motor commands.41,42
Inverse models are only one part of a complex neural circuitry for controlling the
movements. As presented in this text so far, aspects such as selecting an appropriate IvM,
online feedback control, and the updating of IvM are phenomena beyond the functions of
the inverse models themselves and depend upon other control mechanisms. The next
session will present the forward model, which works pairwise with the IvM, and contributes
distinctively to the control and learning of motor actions.
Let us still look at the team handball player shooting to the goal. The player jumps
at the edge of the area and notices that the left low corner will be the right place to shoot.
He does as he planned and shoots a fast ball exactly to that spot, impossible for the
goalkeeper to intercept it. How did he do that? Consider the size of the ball and the
specific area available to shoot. Still, consider the high speed of the movement and the
small amount of time available during the flight to execute the action. How did the player
accomplish this task so precisely and fast? Moreover, the goalkeeper might change
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position at any time. How did the player flexibly adapt to that specific demand?
One possibility is that he had used a well-calibrated IvM to trigger a feedforward
command that would activate the right effectors exactly as demanded. However, the IvM
does not receive afferent input. So then, even if it were well-calibrated, it is very likely that
the motor command would not exactly correspond to the task’s demands but would only
approximate them. Moreover, even though sensory feedback was available to allow for
online adjustments in the motor command, it is slow and noisy,43 which would not elicit fast,
precise and flexible performances. Despite these difficulties, one can easily observe that
actions as accurate as this are commonly performed in sports44 and daily life, for example,
when we pick up a falling object. The Internal Models can explain.
Behavioral45 and neurophysiological findings46 suggest the existence of a
predictive neural mechanism named Forward Model (FM), which uses afferent and efferent
input to predict movement outcomes (Figure 1-B) and enables the action to precisely occur
regardless of the feedforward and sensory feedback limitations. The proposition of an FM
comes from the middle 19th century by Hermann von Helmholtz.47 They observed that
when the human eye is passively moved, it causes the impression that the environment is
moving instead of the eye. This differs completely from the impression caused by an active
movement of the eye, which indicates the eye is moving. To explain this recognition of a
self-movement when a movement is actively produced, von Helmholtz proposed that when
the sensorimotor system triggers a motor command to move the eyes, some region of the
central nervous system (CNS) receives and processes a copy of this command (efferent
copy). This copy allows for the prediction of the consequences of the ocular movements.
According to the predictions, the resulting sensations are recognized as self-movements,
and the remaining sensations are attributed to displacements of the surroundings. Such
thinking about the use of efferent copies was further developed by Erich von Holst and
Horst Mittelstaedt48 and by Roger Sperry49. At this point, the idea of predicting the effects
of the motor command using an efferent copy was already clear, and the matter becomes
not only to distinguish whether the movement is self or not but to understand the process
underlying movement predictions and production. In other words, movements present
magnitudes such as amount, duration, and intensity, which requires the sensorimotor
system to extract (or simulate) all these magnitudes and provide all the predictions
according to them.
Although ocular movements are very simple, it is easy to perceive the
computational complexity involved in their production. Such complexity becomes even
larger in movements produced by body segments due to the number of degrees of
freedom27 available and the possibilities of interactions with the environment. Accordingly,
the FM is part of a robust and specialized predictive mechanism that simulates the
dynamic behaviors of our body and the environment and elicits the production of efficient,
accurate, and flexible actions.
Functioning and roles of the FM
Both Internal Models, Inverse and Forward, are predictive mechanisms. However,
their predictive functions are different and complementary. The FM analyses the efferent
copy of the motor command produced by the IvM and predicts its effects as illustrated in
the red circuitry in Figure 1. That is the reason for the name “Forward” (to the front, to the
future): its function corresponds to a causal relationship in which a motor command
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(efferent copy) produces an effect (predicted action).
Besides the efferent copy, the FM receives afferent input from the sensory organs
(e.g., muscle spindles, eyes), which signals the movement’s initial condition and the body
and environmental changes during the movement (sensory feedback). These afferent
signals allow the FM to estimate motor consequences according to the body and
environmental conditions.10,50
Because efferent and afferent inputs differ in nature (e.g., signals for muscle
contraction vs. signals about joint coordinates), they cannot be directly compared. So then,
the predictive role of the FM begins by translating the information of the efferent copy into
a predicted action. When this translation occurs, the information of the efferent copy is
transformed into predicted sensory consequences and becomes compatible with the
actual sensory consequences (blue circuitry in Figure 1). This process is fundamental to
the functioning of the FM and allows it to accomplish three particular roles: to analyze and
make predictions about one’s own body (a state estimator); to analyze and make
predictions about the environment (a context estimator); to play a central role in motor
learning by updating the IvM (a remote teacher). These roles are detailed below.
State estimator
Let us return to the team handball player. He performs exactly as he planned and
gives the goalkeeper no chance to intercept the ball. How did he attain such a quality of
action? Even if one simplifies the analysis and considers only the movement of the
throwing arm, the IvM might not be appropriately calibrated to send the required motor
command.51 Besides, online corrections via sensory feedback might not be possible or
even functional.43,52 These limitations make it difficult, if not impossible, to know the actual
state of the body at a given moment (e.g., position in space, joint position, speed of body
segments), but this information is still necessary to properly perform a motor action. The
FM supplies this need by estimating the state of the body when it integrates the efferent
copy and the sensory input. That is, it projects the condition of the body in the future, which
compensates for delays and reduces the uncertainty (fluctuations) that arises from noise
intrinsic to the sensory and motor signals47,53,54 and enables the performance of accurate
and fast actions according to the demands.
One of the tasks of the FM while acting as a state estimator is to correct the motor
command before it reaches the effector (i.e., the muscles) – also referred to as motor plant
– employing an internal feedback circuitry/loop simulated in the brain51 as illustrated in
Figure 1-B and 1-C. Because the FM receives sensory inputs, it is constantly
updated/calibrated and can precisely estimate a future state. Thus, when it receives an
efferent copy, it may predict whether the effects of the motor command (i.e., the motor
action) are the expected ones. If there is any discrepancy between the predicted effects of
the efference copy and the desired action, the FM sends a corrective signal to the motor
command. Because this circuitry is within the brain,46 it takes no more than 30 ms to
update the motor command.55 Thus, this internal feedback loop explains the performance
of fast and accurate motor actions even though the sensory inputs are slow and noisy
(Figure 3-A and 3-B).
While the movements of the arms are central to performing a handball shot, the
body works as a whole. Thus, there is a need for many body adjustments and segmental
integration. Take as an example the control of the ball grip. When the arm begins the
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throwing swing, some forces are impressed into the ball. Due to its inertia, the ball tends to
slip off the hands. Thus, it requires grip adjustments according to the swing velocity;
otherwise, the ball will escape the hand when the arm accelerates. When the ball’s inertia
is overcome, the increased grip force is no longer required, then it will reduce again. These
refined adjustments in grip force require a sophisticated and harmonious arm-hand
One possibility to explain these adjustments is tactile feedback (the ball slipping off
the hand). However, grip force adjustments occur simultaneously to the corresponding
changes in the arm swing, or even slightly before these changes,56,57 which rules out the
use of sensory feedback and consequently of online control. Another possibility is the use
of a single feedforward motor command to the arm and hand. However, experimental
results show that the coupling between arm force and grip force is learned before the arm
swing,56,57 indicating that the arms and the hands receive different motor commands. An
elegant solution to this issue considers the state estimator role of the FM.56-63 The FM
receives sensory inputs related to the kinetics of the ball (e.g., its weight). Then, when the
FM receives the copy of the motor command and estimates its effects on the body (e.g.,
acceleration), it can also estimate the future state of the ball in the hands and inform the
exact prehension time and force required57,64 (Figure 1-C). Such a coupling role also
integrates the movement of other segments of the body. Some findings show this same
anticipatory/predictive behavior for eye movements65,66 and for movements of the trunk
and the legs,54,67-69 which allows for motor adjustments as a function of other movements
such as in throwing or reaching. These findings strongly indicate that the state estimator
role of the FM is the centerpiece for the harmonious integration of the segments of the
body during motor actions. Neurophysiological research has also supported this coupling
function of the FM and points to the cerebellum as one of the sites for “allocating” Forward
Because the state estimator predicts the afferent inputs that will result from the
motor command, it can also confirm and cancel the predicted inputs. Such a function is
important for two reasons. First, it aligns with the use of the efferent copy to recognize selfmotion.48,49 In this case, the FM allows for the distinction between the effects of the motor
commands and the effects from other sources. Second, confirmation and cancelation of
sensory inputs also allow for distinguishing between more or less important signals. For
example, a well-documented phenomenon is an inefficiency to tickle ourselves.71
Blakemore et al.72-75 investigated the tickling effects of different stimuli, which
corresponded to self and external stimulation. Even when self-stimulation causes tickling,
its magnitude is far lower than when tickling arises from an external agent (e.g., somebody
else). Because sensory inputs related to the motor commands were already predicted,
they are attenuated (confirmed and canceled out). Such an attenuation permits nonpredicted (newer) signals, mostly related to environmental agents, to be emphasized.
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Figure 3. Internal feedback loop.
Context estimator
Besides estimating the states of the body during a motor action, the FM also
estimates the environmental/contextual consequences of the motor commands.10,47,55
Such an estimation becomes evident when we consider that a person performs accurately
and properly in a variety of contextual conditions, even in unpredictable ones.
The performance of a motor action will always depend on context estimations
based on the combination of two different types of sensory inputs: signals previous to the
action and the sensory feedback provided during or after the action.10,76 For example,
consider a situation in which a person holds and lifts a carton of milk. This person may
access the dimensions and the material of the carton but not the amount of milk. Thus, it is
highly probable that the motor commands will not fit the condition properly because the
cues indicating the weight of the carton are missing. Suppose that the person considered
that the carton was full, and when the movement began, the carton lifted too fast because
it was only a quarter full. In this case, the motor command would need an update based on
estimations that would require the sensory feedback available after the action had begun.
Consider also that another person would use this same carton and saw that first one
pouring milk out of it. In this condition, having seen somebody else manipulate the carton
would have fed the FM with cues that would allow estimating the amount of force required
to act more precisely and correct the motor command before it had reached the muscles
by using the internal feedback loop.
Some theoretical proposals suggest that these motor adjustments occur due to the
existence of multiple Forward and Inverse Models within the CNS that work
interconnectedly and modularly and correspond to specific body segments and
tools.10,16,17,46 This modularity allows flexible motor actions because the sensorimotor
system switches the modules on and off and also combines them to accommodate the
environmental demands. In addition, behavioral77,78 and neural findings46,53,79,80 support
modularity, although it has not been demonstrated how the CNS combines and switches
the combination of the modules.10,76
Remote teacher
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Motor actions occur in many different and varied contexts. For example, tools,
equipment, and clothes present different types and characteristics (e.g., shape and
weight); even our bodies change over time. Such variability requires both IvM and FM
models to change accordingly, which the sensorimotor system provides by updating
preexisting models and building new ones in a learning process.16
The Internal Models are constantly updated, but the FM is central to the learning
process because it is directly updated and indirectly updates the IvM in an error-based
learning process45,51 represented in the circuitry in Figure 1-B. As presented earlier, the
motor command from the IvM and the sensory input cannot be directly compared. Thus,
the IvM cannot be directly updated. However, the FM can because it translates the
information of the motor command into predicted sensory consequences or an estimate of
the sensory feedback. Comparisons between the predicted sensory feedback and the
actual sensory feedback are responsible for updating the FM and refining its predictive
function. Furthermore, because the FM receives the copy of the motor command, it can
also translate the sensory feedback into motor coordinates and indirectly update the IvM
as indicated by the dotted arrow in Figure 1-D. This function of updating the IvM is referred
to as “distal teacher”.
Some behavioral investigations indicate that the FM is formed previously to the
and some neural circuitry supports the functions of the FM and also its
calibration.5,46,63 The Cerebro-cerebellum, the two lateral regions of the cerebellar
hemisphere that communicate to the cerebral cortex, is a region for “allocating” Forward
Models46 because of its characteristics and functioning as follows. The mossy fibers in the
cerebellum communicate directly to the motor cortex (area M1). They activate about 10 ms
after the motor cortex triggers the motor command and the modulation of its activities
precede the movement in about 80 ms, which resembles the internal feedback loop of the
FM. The cerebellum also receives and is highly sensitive to muscle and cutaneous sensory
input, which allows it to monitor the actual state of the motor system with short time delays
(about 6 ms). The granule cells (GC) of the cerebellum receive efferent and afferent input,
making them very likely to integrate information. Additionally, considering that the large
number of GC allows a wide combination of efferent and afferent signals, and the
combination of these signals is the functional base of the FM, it can explain the movement
control and the acquisition of new Forward models by new synaptic formation. Moreover,
anatomical and physiological data indicate that the neural circuitry in the cerebellum is
modularly organized and that each module corresponds to small body parts (e.g., parts of
the arm), which reinforces that the cerebellum is very likely a region for “allocating” FM.
This paper presented an overview of the theoretical proposals of Internal Models
for motor control. These proposals provide robust evidence-based explanations for the
production, learning, and adaptation of motor skills. Mainly, it considers that our sensory
inputs present serious limitations, which hinder the possibility of controlling the body and
directly interacting with the environment. Thus, the Internal Models approach proposes that
the CNS simulates (models) the reality so that the organism can move and interact with
the environment based on predictions and estimations. The basic elements for these
predictions are the Inverse and the Forward Models, which produce a series of
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computations (expressed in math and physical terms), and play very specific roles. Here
we summarized and generalized the functioning and roles of the Inverse and Forward
Models. We notice, however, that the way these mechanisms are considered differs
according to particular approaches in Internal Models, such as the Direct Inverse Modeling,
the Feedback Error Learning, and the Supervised Learning approach considered at the
beginning of this paper.
Moreover, other mechanisms of control, not in the scope of this overview, seem to
participate in the circuitry of motor production, indicating that the Internal Models theory,
although consistent, is still a growing field and a place for debate. Nevertheless,
undoubtedly, these theories already provide important and robust contributions to the
understanding of motor behavior.
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Citation: Leite CMF, Campos CE, Couto CR, Ugrinowitsch H. (2021). An Internal Model Approach for Motor Behavior.
Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, 15(5):356-371.
Editors: Dr Fabio Augusto Barbieri - São Paulo State University (UNESP), Bauru, SP, Brazil; Dr José Angelo Barela São Paulo State University (UNESP), Rio Claro, SP, Brazil; Dr Natalia Madalena Rinaldi - Federal University of
Espírito Santo (UFES), Vitória, ES, Brazil.
Copyright:© 2021 Leite, Campos, Couto and Ugrinowitsch and BJMB. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International License which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are
Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-forprofit sectors.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20338/bjmb.v15i5.273
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