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2005, The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
4 pages
1 file
Time perception has long been known to be impaired in schizophrenia. Moreover, recent neuropsychological theories have postulated abnormalities of cognitive motor control in schizophrenia. However, the intersection of these two topics has rarely been studied, and it is unclear what role subjects' own actions may play in the construction of subjective time representation. The present experiment compared the performance of 19 patients with schizophrenia and 24 normal controls in a timing judgment task. The results show that patients bind two consecutive movements more strongly than controls. This anomaly could play a role in the subjective pathological experiences of patients.
Brain and Cognition, 2008
Schizophrenia may be associated with a fundamental disturbance in the temporal coordination of information processing in the brain, leading to classic symptoms of schizophrenia such as thought disorder and disorganized and contextually inappropriate behavior. Despite the growing interest and centrality of time-dependent conceptualizations of the pathophysiology of schizophrenia, there remains a paucity of research directly examining overt timing performance in the disorder. Accordingly, the present study investigated timing in schizophrenia using a well-established task of time perception. Twenty-three individuals with schizophrenia and 22 non-psychiatric control participants completed a temporal bisection task, which required participants to make temporal judgments about auditory and visually presented durations ranging from 300 to 600 ms. Both schizophrenia and control groups displayed greater visual compared to auditory timing variability, with no difference between groups in the visual modality. However, individuals with schizophrenia exhibited less temporal precision than controls in the perception of auditory durations. These findings correlated with parameter estimates obtained from a quantitative model of time estimation, and provide evidence of a fundamental deficit in temporal auditory precision in schizophrenia.
Psychiatry Research, 2009
Disordered time perception has been reported in schizophrenia. We investigated time perception dysfunction and its neuropsychological correlates in patients with schizophrenia. Participants comprised 38 patients and 38 age-and sex-matched healthy volunteers who were compared in an auditory temporal bisection paradigm using two interval ranges (a 400/800 ms condition and a 1000/2000 ms condition). In the temporal bisection, subjects were required to categorise a probe duration as short or long, based upon the similarity with two reference durations. All subjects also completed a battery of neuropsychological tests measuring sustained attention, short-and long-term memory and executive function. In the 400/800 ms condition, patients judged durations significantly shorter than did control subjects. Patients also exhibited decreased temporal sensitivity in both conditions. We found in both groups a negative association between temporal sensitivity and sustained attention for the 400/800 ms condition, and between temporal sensitivity and long-term memory for the 1000/200 ms condition. In patients, short-term memory performance was negatively associated with duration judgement in both conditions, while executive dysfunction was correlated to a general performance deficit in the 400/800 ms condition. These findings suggest the possibility that time perception abnormalities in schizophrenia are part of neuropsychological dysfunction and are likely to adversely impact upon activity of daily living.
Progress in Neuro-psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 2013
Time perception deficiency has been implicated in schizophrenia; however the exact nature of this remains unclear. The present study was designed with the aim to delineate timing deficits in schizophrenia by examining performance of patients with schizophrenia and healthy volunteers in an interval discrimination test and their accuracy and precision in a pacing reproduction-replication test. Methods: The first task involved temporal discrimination of intervals, in which participants (60 patients with schizophrenia and 35 healthy controls) had to judge whether intervals were longer, shorter or equal than a standard interval. The second task required repetitive self-paced tapping to test accuracy and precision in the reproduction and replication of tempos. Results: Patients were found to differ significantly from the controls in the psychoticism scale of EPQ, the proportion of correct responses in the interval discrimination test and the overall accuracy and precision in the reproduction and replication of sound sequences (p b 0.01). Within the patient group bad responders concerning the ability to discriminate time intervals were associated with increased scores in the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) and in the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) in comparison to good responders (p b 0.01). There were no gender effects and there were no differences between subgroups of patients taking different kinds or combinations of drugs. Conclusions: Analysis has shown that performance on timing tasks decreased with increasing psychopathology and therefore that timing dysfunctions are directly linked to the severity of the illness. Different temporal dysfunctions can be traced to different psychophysiological origins that can be explained using the Scalar Expectancy Theory (SET).
Journal of Physiology-Paris, 2011
Based on clinical, phenomenological and neurobiological observations, psychiatrists often report a deficit in time estimation in patients with schizophrenia. Cognitive models of time estimation in healthy subjects have been proposed and developed for approximately 30 years. The current theory in the field of time perception, which is supported by a connectionist model, postulates that temporal judgement is based upon a pacemaker-counter device that depends mostly upon memory and attentional resources. The pacemaker emits pulses that are accumulated in a counter, and the number of pulses determines the perceived length of an interval. Patients with schizophrenia are known to display attentional and memory dysfunctions. Moreover, dopamine regulation mechanisms are involved in both the temporal perception processes and schizophrenia. Thus, it is still unclear if temporal impairments in schizophrenia are related to a specific disturbance in central temporal processes or are due to certain cognitive problems, such as attentional and memory dysfunctions, or biological abnormalities. The authors present a critical literature review on time perception in schizophrenia that covers topics from psychopathology to neuroscience. Temporal perception appears to play a key role in schizophrenia and to be partially neglected in the current literature. Future research is required to better ascertain the underlying mechanisms of time perception impairments in schizophrenia.
Psychiatry Research, 2009
Schizophrenia patients with first-rank (passivity) symptoms (FRS) report a loss of clear boundaries between the self and others and that their thoughts and actions are controlled by external forces. One of the more widely accepted explanatory models of FRS suggests a dysfunction in the 'forward model' system, whose role consists in predicting the sensory consequences of actions . The neural basis of hallucinations and delusions. Comptes Rendus Biologies 328, 169-175.]. There has been recent interest in the importance of timing precision underlying both the functioning of the forward model, and in processes contributing to the mechanisms of self-recognition [Haggard, P., Martin, F., Taylor-Clarke, M., Jeannerod, M., Franck, N., 2003. Awareness of action in schizophrenia. Neuroreport 14, 1081-1085.
Brain and Cognition, 2009
Schizophrenia may be associated with a fundamental disturbance in the temporal coordination of information processing in the brain, leading to classic symptoms of schizophrenia such as thought disorder and disorganized and contextually inappropriate behavior. However, the majority of studies that have examined timing behavior in schizophrenia have employed temporal durations in the range of several seconds, which requires higher cognitive processes beyond initial sensory registration for temporal encoding. Accordingly, the present study assessed both millisecond and several-second duration estimates in schizophrenia using a well-established task of time perception. Twenty-eight individuals with schizophrenia and 31 non-psychiatric control participants completed two temporal bisection tasks, which required participants to make temporal judgments about auditory durations ranging from either 300 to 600 ms or 3000 to 6000 ms. Participants with schizophrenia displayed significantly greater timing variability under both millisecond and several-second timing conditions than the non-psychiatric group. These findings were consistent with parameter estimates obtained from a quantitative model of time estimation, and provide evidence for a fundamental timing deficit in schizophrenia that may be independent of the length of the to-be-timed duration.
Psychiatry Research, 2012
There is evidence for timing dysfunctions in schizophrenia. However, few studies have evaluated the processing of intervals in the hundreds of milliseconds range, despite their role in the timing of speech, music and movements. This study looked into the prediction and estimation mechanisms for intervals in that time range in individuals with schizophrenia and age-matched neurotypical controls. Specifically, we questioned the capacity of the patients to detect a phase shift that requires the processing of a deviation from 'what should happen when' given prior event regularity. The minimum detectable phase shift was estimated from an adaptive staircase procedure with or without the need for sensorimotor synchronization. Results revealed that patients were significantly impaired relative to controls, at each of the tested inter-onset intervals (IOI = 300, 600 and 900 ms). A control experiment used the method of repeated interval production to show that both groups performed similarly in the production of target intervals (T = 500 ms and 1000 ms). We conclude that schizophrenia is associated with predictive timing deficits, which cannot be attributed directly to a faster or slower running internal clock.
Consciousness and cognition, 2016
Passivity symptoms in schizophrenia are characterised by an absence of agency for actions, thoughts and other somatic experiences. Time perception and intentional binding have both been linked to agency and schizophrenia but have not been examined in passivity symptoms. Time perception and intentional binding were assessed in people with schizophrenia (n=15 with, n=24 without passivity symptoms) and 43 healthy controls using an interval estimation procedure (200, 400 and 600ms intervals) with active, passive and observed movements. People with passivity symptoms did not display action-modulation of time perception, while those without passivity symptoms estimated intervals to be the same after active and observed movements. Additionally, both clinical samples reported intervals to be shorter with increasing interval length. We propose that impaired predictive processes may produce an overreliance on external cues and, together with shorter perceived intervals, lead to the subjective...
PsyCh Journal, 2019
Phenomenologists have provided a detailed description of the disorders of the subjective experience associated with minimal‐self disorders in patients with schizophrenia. Those patients report a range of distortions of their conscious experiences, including a sense of inner void, confusion between self and others, and, sometimes, a disruption of the sense of time. These reports have been interpreted as distortion of the first‐person perspective and a lack of immersion in the world, associated with a breakdown of the temporal structure of consciousness, and especially a disruption of the sense of time continuity. Further, it has been proposed that these disruptions are based on a difficulty to retain past information and to predict future information, that is, the mechanisms that help to relate events with one another and to reach a sense of time continuity. Experimental psychology results seem to converge to similar conclusions, inasmuch as some results in patients with schizophreni...
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