arXiv:physics/0412072v1 [physics.atom-ph] 13 Dec 2004
On the stability of optical lattices
G. Di Domenico a,∗, N. Castagna a, M.D. Plimmer a,
P. Thomann a, A.V. Taichenachev b,c, V.I. Yudin b,c
a Observatoire
cantonal, rue de l’Observatoire 58, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland
b Novosibirsk
c Institute
State University, Pirogova 2, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
of Laser Physics SB RAS, Lavrent’eva 13/3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
In this article, we present an analysis of the stability of optical lattices. Starting
with the study of an unstable optical lattice, we establish a necessary and sufficient
condition for intrinsic phase stability, and discuss two practical solutions to fulfill
this condition, namely minimal and folded optical lattices. We then present a particular example of two-dimensional folded optical lattice which has the advantage
of being symmetric, power recycling and having a convenient geometry. We have
used this lattice for laser collimation of a continuous cesium beam in a fountain
Key words: Optical lattice, Laser cooling, Trapping
PACS: 32.80.Pj
It is well known that the energy levels of an atom interacting with an electromagnetic field undergo an a.c. Stark or light shift [1,2], proportional to the
local light intensity. In a standing wave, the ground state light shift gives rise
to a periodic potential, called an optical lattice, which can be used to trap
the atoms [3,4,5]. The first experiments demonstrating the trapping of atoms
in the potential wells of an optical lattice and their localisation therein were
performed by the groups of Grynberg [6] and Jessen [7]. Since then, studies
of laser cooling, quantum state preparation, and Bose-Einstein condensates in
optical lattices have intensified.
∗ Corresponding author.
Email address:
[email protected] (G. Di Domenico).
Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science
20 August 2018
In this article, we present a general analysis of the stability of optical lattices.
After a short presentation of the instability problem, we establish a necessary and sufficient condition for intrinsic phase stability. Then we discuss two
practical solutions to guarantee intrinsic phase stability: the first of these,
minimal optical lattices, is the solution proposed by Grynberg et al. in 1993
[8], while the second, folded optical lattices, was suggested by Rauschenbeutel
et al. a few years later [9]. Finally, we discuss both approaches and describe a
laser cooling experiment in which we have used a two-dimensional (2D) folded
optical lattice for the collimation of a continuous atomic beam.
In the following, we consider an optical lattice resulting from the superposition
of l laser beams. The total electric field is given by EL (r, t) = Re [EL (r) exp(−iωL t)]
EL (r) =
Ej ~εj exp [i(kj · r + φj )] ,
φj being the phase of the jth laser beam. As explained in Refs. [3] and [10],
the optical shift operator for atoms in the ground state is given by
Û (r) = −E∗L (r) · α̂ · EL (r)
where α̂ is the atomic polarisability tensor operator given by α̂ = − e d̂ge d̂eg /~∆ge
where ∆ge is the laser detuning with respect to the atomic transition |gi → |ei
and d̂eg is the electric dipole operator between these levels. By inserting Eq. (1)
into Eq. (2) we get
Û (r) = −
(~εi∗ · α̂ · ~εj )Ei∗ Ej
× exp [i(φj − φi )] exp [i(kj − ki ) · r] ,
which is our starting point for the stability analysis.
Although in the following stability analysis we concentrate on the optical
shift operator (2), all other field dependent operators of the problem (e.g. the
optical pumping rate operator) are also determined by quadratic combinations
of the type (3). Therefore, the stability conditions will be the same for these
operators too.
Fig. 1. Example of an unstable optical lattice of dimension 2.
Problem of stability
From Eq. (3), it is clear that the relative phases φj − φi play a critical role.
Any variation in one of these phases arising, for example, from the vibration
of a mirror, may manifest itself as a dramatic change in the optical potential.
To illustrate this problem, let us consider the 2D optical lattice shown in Fig. 1,
where four laser beams intersect in a common plane, all linearly polarised
within that plane.
The total electric field is given by the superposition of the electric fields of the
four laser beams (with identical amplitude E):
EL (x, y) = E [ ~εy exp(ikx + iφ) + ~εy exp(−ikx)
+ ~εx exp(iky) + ~εx exp(−iky) ]
where we have introduced the variable φ to represent a change in the phase of
the first laser beam. Grouping terms with identical polarisation, we obtain:
EL (x, y) = 2E [ ~εx cos(ky) + ~εy exp(iφ/2) cos (kx + φ/2)] .
This expression shows that the total polarisation is critically dependent on
the angle φ. Indeed, if we calculate the intensity of circular polarisation components I± (x, y) = | ~ε±∗ · EL (x, y)|2 where ~ε± = √12 (~εx ± i~εy ) we obtain, for
φ = π:
I± (x, y) = 2E 2 [cos(ky) ∓ sin(kx)]2
and for φ = 0:
I± (x, y) = 2E 2 cos2 (ky) + cos2 (kx) .
We have plotted these circular polarisation components in Fig. 2. These two
situations are very different.
Fig. 2. Representation of the polarisation gradients for the 2D optical lattice shown
in Fig. 1. (a) Case where the phase of the first laser beam is φ = π. We have plotted
the intensity of circular polarisation components I± (x, y) from Eq. (6). In this case,
sites of pure σ+ and σ− polarisation are in alternance every half-wavelength. (b)
Case where the phase of the first laser beam is φ = 0. On the left we have plotted
I± (x, y) from Eq. (7). In this case I+ (x, y) ≡ I− (x, y), therefore the polarisation is
linear everywhere. However, there is still a strong polarisation gradient, as can be
seen on the right graph where we have plotted the polarisation vector field EL (x, y)
in the lattice plane.
For φ = π, we observe alternating sites of pure σ+ and σ− polarisation with
a period equal to the wavelength. This means the light shifts of mF = ±F
Zeeman sub-levels are periodic in space with opposite phases, and the same
is true for the optical pumping process which always populates the ground
state mF sub-level of lowest energy. As a consequence, Sisyphus cooling [11]
can take place if the laser beams are tuned correctly.
On the contrary, for φ = 0 we have I+ (x, y) ≡ I− (x, y), both having a period
equal to a half-wavelength. The polarisation is thus linear everywhere, which
precludes Sisyphus cooling. However, there is still a strong polarisation gra4
dient, as can be seen in the right graph of Fig. 2(b) where we have plotted
the polarisation vector as a function of position in the optical lattice plane.
Thus, it is probable that another sub-Doppler cooling mechanism takes place
in this situation, for example a mechanism similar to that operating in σ + -σ −
molasses [11].
We conclude that the instability of the optical lattice leads to dramatic changes
of the polarisation gradients. This is a crucial problem when one works with
cooling mechanisms involving the spatial dependence of light polarisation.
One solution to this problem is to stabilize mechanically the phase difference
between laser beams, as was first implemented by Hemmerich et al. [12]. However, other approaches free of this mechanical constraint were proposed by
the groups of Grynberg [8] and Meschede [9]. We shall discuss both of these
approaches in sections 4 and 5, but first we start by defining intrinsic phase
stability and by establishing a necessary and sufficient condition for it.
Necessary and sufficient condition for intrinsic phase stability
Let us consider an optical lattice composed of l laser beams, and let us suppose
that the phases of these laser beams change suddenly as follows
φj → φj + ∆φj .
From equation (3), we see that it is possible to compensate the effect of this
change by a translation r → r − ∆r, provided there exists a vector ∆r and
an arbitrary phase φo (which has no effect on Û(r)) such that
kj · ∆r = ∆φj + φo , ∀j = 1, . . . , l .
This brings us to the following definition, namely, we say that an optical lattice
is intrinsically phase stable if any change in the phases of the laser beams can
be compensated by a formal translation, as explained above. In practice, this
means that every change in the phases of the laser beams manifests itself as
a physical translation of the optical lattice in space. Such translations do not
disturb the optical cooling mechanisms as long as the atoms’ internal variables
evolve much more rapidly than the optical potential, which is usually the case.
Let us state now an important result. We denote by K the matrix composed
of the lines (kj − k1 )T for j = 2, . . . , l, and Φ the vector composed of the
elements ∆φj − ∆φ1 for j = 2, . . . , l. We recall that the rank of a matrix is
equal to the dimension of the vector space generated by its columns or by its
rows. Then, the optical lattice resulting from the superposition of the l laser
beams is intrinsically phase stable if and only if
rank(K) = rank (K|Φ) , ∀Φ
where (K|Φ) is the matrix obtained from K by adding a column composed of
the elements of Φ.
The proof of this result is as follows. It is clear that the optical lattice is
intrinsically phase stable if and only if the linear system (9) always admits
a solution, for any choice of the phase variations ∆φj . By subtraction of the
first equation, we obtain the following linear system
{(kj − k1 ) · ∆r = ∆φj − ∆φ1 | j = 2, . . . , l}
which is equivalent to the system (9). The system (11) can be written in
matrix form as K∆r = Φ. For this equation to have at least one solution, it is
both necessary and sufficient that rank(K) be equal to rank (K|Φ) (this is the
Rouché-Capelli theorem for the existence of the solution of a linear system).
Here ends the proof.
Minimal optical lattices
Let us consider an optical lattice composed of l laser beams, and let us denote
d its spatial dimension. We are going to demonstrate that d = l − 1 is a
sufficient condition to guarantee the intrinsic phase stability of the optical
lattice. Let us start by a demonstration of the following properties:
(1) d = rank(K);
(2) rank(K) ≤ rank (K|Φ);
(3) rank (K|Φ) ≤ l − 1.
As can be seen from Eq. (3), the optical lattice is generated by the vectors
(kj − ki ), thus its spatial dimension d is equal to the dimension of the vector
space generated by the vectors (kj −ki ). But this vector space is also generated
by the vectors (kj − k1 ) which compose the matrix K. Therefore, by definition
of the rank, d is equal to rank(K), which proves the first property. The second
property comes from the trivial assertion that adding a column to a matrix
cannot decrease the rank. Finally, the rank of a matrix cannot exceed the
number of lines, and this proves the last inequality.
Fig. 3. Comparison of optical lattices of dimension d = 2: (a) folded optical lattice;
(b) unstable optical lattice; (c) minimal optical lattice (with d = l − 1).
Writing these three properties side by side, we get:
d = rank(K) ≤ rank (K|Φ) ≤ l − 1 .
From this expression, it is obvious that by imposing the condition d = l − 1 we
guarantee that rank(K) = rank (K|Φ) and therefore that the optical lattice is
intrinsically phase stable. This is the solution proposed by Grynberg et al. in
1993 to build stable optical lattices [8]. Note that Eq. (12) implies l ≥ d + 1.
Therefore, l = d + 1 is the minimum number of laser beams needed to create
an optical lattice of dimension d, hence the term minimal optical lattice.
At this point, it is important to note that the condition d = l − 1 is sufficient,
but not necessary, to have rank(K) = rank (K|Φ). There is another method
to obtain an optical lattice which is intrinsically phase stable. It is described
in the next section.
Folded optical lattices
Let us consider the 2D optical lattice geometry presented in Fig. 3(a). This
optical lattice is intrinsically phase stable, even though it does not satisfy the
condition d = l − 1. To explain this point, we start by considering the optical
lattice of Fig. 3(c) which is composed of the first three laser beams k1 , k2
and k3 . This optical lattice is intrinsically phase stable since it satisfies the
condition d = l − 1. Therefore, we have
kT3 −kT1
= rank
∆φ2 −∆φ1
kT3 −kT1 ∆φ3 −∆φ1
Let us now reconsider the optical lattice of Fig. 3(a). Since the retro-reflected
beam follows the same path as the incident beam, the phases satisfy the rela7
tion φ4 − φ3 = φ2 − φ1 . Therefore, the differences φj − φ1 are linked via
(φ4 − φ1 ) = (φ3 − φ1 ) + (φ2 − φ1 ) .
On the other hand, the differences kj − k1 are related by
(k4 − k1 ) = (k3 − k1 ) + (k2 − k1 ) .
Since the linear combinations (14) and (15) are identical, we have
k3 −k1
∆φ2 −∆φ1
∆φ3 −∆φ1
kT4 −kT1 ∆φ4 −∆φ1
k2 −k1 ∆φ2 −∆φ1
= rank
kT3 −kT1 ∆φ3 −∆φ1
and thus rank (K|Φ) = 2. Now, using Eq. (12) with d = 2, we can conclude
that rank(K) = rank (K|Φ) is always satisfied, and therefore the optical lattice
of Fig. 3(a) is intrinsically phase stable.
The idea of using this type of intrinsically phase stable configuration was
initially put forward by Rauschenbeutel et al. in a slightly different form [9].
Their explanation for stability is more intuitive and consists in observing that
the optical lattice of Fig. 3(a) is created by folding a 1D lattice such that it
intersects with itself. Since 1D lattices are instrinsically stable, as discussed
above, folded ones must be too.
One can also say that the stability is preserved while we add a fourth laser
beam because the phase and wave vector of this laser beam are related to the
phases and wave vectors of the other laser beams by the same linear combination, as shown by Eqs. (14) and (15). Indeed, if we consider the configuration of
Fig. 3(b), the relation (15) is still satisfied, but the relation (14) is not since the
phases are all independent. Therefore, we have rank(K) = 2 < rank (K|Φ) = 3
and the optical lattice is not intrinsically phase stable.
z y
z y
Fig. 4. Three dimensional optical lattices: (a) minimal (with d = l − 1); (b) folded.
6.1 Optical lattices in 1D and 3D
Although all the examples given above were 2D lattices, everything we have
said is still true in other dimensions. For dimension d = 1, the minimal and
folded optical lattices are degenerate and correspond to the usual optical molasses. In this case, the intrinsic phase stability is obvious, even without the
above matrix analysis, because any displacement of the retro-reflecting mirror automatically shifts the phase of the standing wave by a corresponding
amount since the electric field has a node on the mirror surface. For dimension d = 3, the minimal and folded optical lattices are generalizations of the
two-dimensional case. An example of a minimal optical lattice in three dimensions is presented in Fig. 4(a). This configuration has been used by Treutlein
et al. for degenerate Raman sideband cooling [13]. Although the geometry was
not symmetrical, radiation pressure was reduced by using a large detuning.
Other examples of minimal optical lattices are discussed in Ref. [14]. An example of a three-dimensional folded optical lattice is presented in Fig. 4(b). This
configuration is obtained from configuration (a) by adding two laser beams,
namely k5 and k6 . It is easy to show that the phases and wave vectors of these
two beams are related to the other beams by the same linear relations:
φ5 − φ1 = (φ4 − φ1 ) + (φ3 − φ1 ) − (φ2 − φ1 )
φ6 − φ1 = (φ4 − φ1 ) + (φ3 − φ1 )
k5 − k1 = (k4 − k1 ) + (k3 − k1 ) − (k2 − k1 )
k6 − k1 = (k4 − k1 ) + (k3 − k1 ) .
Therefore the optical lattice is intrinsically phase stable.
6.2 Practical realisations of optical lattices
Work on cold atoms usually requires one to employ a symmetrical beam configuration in order to avoid atoms being pushed aside by radiation pressure.
Minimal optical lattices can be designed in a symmetrical geometry, but this
requires a complex vacuum system. For the 2D case, this means using 3 beams
intersecting at 120◦ and a hexagonal coplanar geometry for the vacuum system. To create a symmetrical 3D minimal lattice, the 4 beams should form a
regular tetrahedron. This adds even further to the complexity of the vacuum
apparatus (see Ref. [15] for an example of a tetrahedral magneto-optical trap).
Folded lattices, on the other hand, involve more beams but have a more userfriendly geometry with beams intersecting at right-angles. They can be aligned
by auto-collimation and they have the inherent advantage of balanced radiation pressure. In addition, it is straightforward to adapt them to a power
recycling geometry, a tremendous advantage in many cases.
6.3 Atomic beam collimation with a folded lattice
In a recent experiment, we have used the 2D folded optical lattice of Fig. 3(a)
to perform the collimation of a continuous cesium beam in a fountain geometry
[16]. In this folded lattice, we have realized Zeeman-shift degenerate-Ramansideband cooling in a continuous mode. This powerful cooling technique allowed us to reduce the atomic beam transverse temperature from 60 µK to
1.6 µK in a few milliseconds. Remark that in this context, power recycling is
a big advantage since a high power is necessary to create a far off-resonance
optical lattice.
With the same experimental setup, we also realized collimation of the continuous cesium beam using Sisyphus-like cooling in a 2D optical lattice. We
have experimented with the lattice configurations (a) and (b) of Fig. 3 and
the results are summarized in table 1. The best collimation has been obtained
with the folded optical lattice.
6.4 Multi-color optical lattices
Before concluding, we should like to point out that fulfilling the condition (10)
is by no means the only solution to get rid of the instability problem. Another
Table 1
Summary of transverse temperatures obtained in the collimation experiment with
Sisyphus-like cooling in lattice configurations (a) and (b) of Fig. 3. See subsection
6.3 for details.
Optical lattice configuration
Transverse temperature
(a) Folded
(b) Unstable
possibility is to average over the phase difference. To illustrate this, consider
the unstable 2D optical lattice of Fig. 1. If the two molasses have different
laser frequencies, the phase difference changes rapidly, and the atoms see an
optical lattice which is the average of the optical shift over the phase variable.
This solution has been used with success by other groups [17,18].
In this article we have established a necessary and sufficient condition for the
intrinsic phase stability of an optical lattice. We have presented two practical
solutions to fulfill this condition, namely minimal and folded optical lattices.
We have shown that the minimal optical lattices, introduced for the first time
by Grynberg et al. in 1993, are sufficient but not necessary for stability. Indeed,
another possibility is to use a folded optical lattice, as proposed by Rauschenbeutel et al. in 1998. We have presented a particular example of folded optical
lattice, which has the advantages of power recycling, symmetry, and a more
convenient geometry. Henceforth, such a lattice would seem to be a more natural choice for most experiments. Indeed, for many applications a folded lattice
looks like a better source of cold atoms than a conventional six-beam optical
This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, the
Swiss Federal Office of Metrology and Accreditation (METAS), the canton
of Neuchâtel, and the Swiss Confederation. AVT and VIYu were partially
supported by a grant INTAS-01-0855 and by RFBR through grant #04-0216488.
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