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2022, MERI College
13 pages
1 file
Notes on Opinion Poll and TRP
Opinion Polls and the Media, 2012
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This paper examines public opinion polling in Australia and in other jurisdictions. This paper also contains a discussion of the historical background to public opinion polling, an analysis of the limitations of polling, an examination into methodologies used by polling groups and is intended to function as a guide to interpreting opinion polling results.
IASSIST Quarterly
Debates and Directions in the Future of Opinion Polling Data
The Bulletin of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. Series:Philosophy, philosophy of law, political science, sociology
In the twenty-first century, there is a significant crisis in electoral procedures, which is manifested in a decline in confidence in them. It coincided with a crisis in the survey technology of public opinion research, which is manifested in a decrease in efficiency, an increase in the number of refusals, a systematic error of representativeness and dependence of results on the wording of questions. The first crisis plays into the hands of populist strategies, as those who refused to participate in the survey are not included in the sample, and the second crisis requires the development of new ways to extract and process information about individual behavior, such as the analysis of algorithms, statistics of Internet sites, and big data analysis. The purpose of this article is to answer the question of what the prospects for the development of public opinion may be in light of the growing problems of representativeness.
Business Ethics and Leadership
Truth reveals itself in degrees, and we can progress from an incomplete to a more and ever more complete comprehension of truth. Truth is not a thing, not an object that we either have in entirety or have not at all". − Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832). Opinion polls and opinion surveys include all systematic gathering, aggregating and interpretation of information about policy, electoral and other preferences and behaviors of individuals or organizations using the statistical and analytical methods and techniques of the applied social sciences in order to gain insight and support decision-making. In opinion research, as in all market research, the identity of respondents will not be revealed without explicit consent and no sales approach, or attempt to influence their opinion following the interview, will be made to respondents as a direct result of their having provided information (Esomar and Wapor 2014).
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society, 2015
The publicly available voting and survey system at SZTAKI is described in this paper. The system has been planned and built according to the Reference Model for Voting, to support a wide range of possible voting tasks in a flexible and configurable way. The system is operational since the beginning of 1999. Since that time it had various uses, and the system has been constantly refined and enhanced.
In this paper I consider differences between deliberative polls and the more standard model of an attitude survey as it is practiced in contemporary public polling. The differences I will consider are those that affect the cognitive processes respondents are hypothesized to go through during the questionand-answering process. What features of a deliberative poll would lead us to expect that responses to a standard survey questionnaire administered after the deliberative process would be different from those obtained under the usual non-deliberative conditions?
Routledge eBooks, 2018
With the ideational turn in populism studies (Mudde and Rovira Kaltwasser 2013), researchers have started to conceptualize and measure populism as a set of attitudes individuals hold about politics and society (e.g. Akkerman et al. 2014; Elchardus and Spruyt 2014; Hawkins et al. 2012; Rooduijn 2014b; Spruyt 2014; Stanley 2011). As proposed in the introduction to this volume, such attitudes are ordinarily dormant, but may be activated given a favorable context for populist discourse and its articulation by political actors. The measurement of these attitudes, however, has been far from uniform, as the review by Van Hauwaert, Schimpf, and Azevedo in 1 Contact author: BCS. BCS wrote the paper with substantial support from BS; BCS, IA, LL ran the analyses; BCS and LL designed the study; IA, EA, NB, YMC, GD, GR, SR, MS collected data, provided valuable comments and edits, and are listed in alphabetical order; LL led the project. The authors would like to thank Andreea Nicutar, Daniel Kovarec, Elisa Totino, Federico Vegetti, Selina Kurer, and Sharon Belli for their help with questionnaire translation and survey implementation, and Sebastian Jungkunz and Nemanja Stankov for assistance with data cleaning and writing the codebooks.
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Alphabet Scribes in the Land of Cuneiform: Sēpiru Professional in Mesopotamia in the Neo-Babylonian and Achaemenid Periods., 2018
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2023
Crusades - Subsidia, 2020
IV Jornadas de Investigación de la Facultad de Psicología y III Encuentro de Becarios de Investigación (La Plata, 2014), 2014
Nevada Law Journal, 2020
Rivista Trimestrale di Scienza dell'Amministrazione, 2024
Polifonia - Revista Internacional da Academia Paulista de Direito, 2024
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2020
Applied Physics Letters, 2008
Beytulhikme, 2024
The European Physical Journal D, 2011
Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2010
Endocrinology, 2008
Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1999