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This paper addresses the use of portable Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (B-WIM) systems as an alternative method of collecting traffic loading data. The authors describe data collection strategies for selecting B-WIM systems locations investigated for the National Roads Authority in Ireland. They discuss advantages and disadvantages of various strategies as well as their effectiveness in detecting a heavy loading event.
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2016
Traditionally, traffic loading characteristics are collected for pavement design and performance prediction purposes using permanent roadside weigh-in-motion (WIM) stations. However, high installation and maintenance costs associated with these permanent WIM stations dictate that their deployment be mostly limited to major highways, such as the interstate network. Quite often however, pavement damage on high volume rural highways with heavy truck proportions is more severe than anticipated, and there is no effective way of quantifying the traffic loading on these highways. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the potential application of portable WIM systems as a means for bringing the WIM technology to these high volume rural highways. A portable WIM unit was deployed in the Texas overweight corridor in Hidalgo County (Pharr District) near the USA-Mexico border on highway FM 1016 for collecting traffic data for a minimum of three weeks in each direction. The collected traffic data were analyzed to generate traffic parameters such as volume, load spectra, and overloading information both in terms of the gross vehicle weight (GVW) and axle weight. The computed traffic parameters were successful in partially explaining some of the existing pavement conditions on this highway. Overall, the study findings indicated that the portable WIM unit can be used as a convenient and cost-effective means for collecting reliable traffic information for design, analysis, and monitoring purposes. However, proper in-situ calibration of the portable WIM unit at each site is imperative prior to any real-time traffic data collection. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2014
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When collecting truck loading data on a primary road network a common approach is to install a large network of permanent pavement-based Weigh-In-Motion systems. An alternative to this approach would be to use one or more portable Bridge Weigh-In-Motion systems which could be moved between bridges at regular intervals to determine the traffic loading throughout the network. A data collection strategy is needed to put such a system to best use. This paper details the data collection strategies which were examined for the National Roads Authority in Ireland. The use of urban economic concepts including Central Place Theory are discussed as methods for analysing which roads are expected to experience the greatest truck loading.
Key Engineering Materials, 2013
Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) and Bridge Weigh-In-Motion (B-WIM) are systems that allow obtaining the axle weights of road vehicles in motion, at normal traffic speeds. While WIM employs sensors embedded in the road pavement, B-WIM use the strain recordings of a bridge to infer the traversing vehicle axle weights. Both systems have been heavily improved over the past decades, and commercial versions are currently in operation. The two main applications of these systems are: (1) to assess the traffic loading on the infrastructure, and (2) to enforce the maximum weight limits. This paper suggests a novel application of these two systems to identify changes in bridge stiffness. It requires the bridge to be instrumented with a B-WIM system and a WIM system nearby. The principle is to use both systems to evaluate the gross weight of vehicles passing over the bridge and correlate their predictions. Changes in correlation of the predicted axle weights over time will indicate either structural dama...
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 1999
An experiment is described in which two independently developed Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) systems are tested and compared both for accuracy and durability. The systems, one a prototype Irish one still under development, the other a commercially available American one, were tested on a bridge in Slovenia. Eleven statically pre-weighed trucks were each driven over the bridge several times at a range of typical highway speeds. Accuracy's for axle and gross vehicle weights are presented within the framework of the draft European WIM specification and the bias which can be introduced by the selection of calibration truck demonstrated. Performance factors relating to durability are also discussed with particular emphasis on axle detectors.
Proceedings of the Joint COST TU1402 - COST TU1406 - IABSE WC1 Workshop: The Value of Structural Health Monitoring for the reliable Bridge Management, 2017
Application of current European standards (Eurocode) for the design of new bridges in assessment of existing ones proved non-efficient due to conservative assumptions regarding applied load and subsequent response of these bridges. That is why decisions regarding existing bridges should be based on probabilistic approach, combining advanced methods of analysis with real values and data gathered with on-site measurement and laboratory testing. These types of data are gathered trough Structural Health Monitoring tools as it allows us to observe and record various data over a period of time in order to estimate bridge current condition and to track eventual changes in its behavior. Bridge Weigh-in-Motion measurements, as a part of structural health monitoring of existing bridges, provide us with detailed information regarding volume and weight of traffic on the bridge, while also tracking its structural response. Site specific load models for examined bridges can be developed from collected traffic data, using various extrapolation methods. Simple and fast, and yet precise method of traffic data processing is presented in first part of this paper, while its application, along with bridge structural response data, in optimized bridge assessment is presented in the second part of the paper.
The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering, 2013
A method is presented of measuring a bridge's characteristic allowance for dynamic interaction, in the form of Assessment Dynamic Ratio (ADR). Using a Bridge-Weigh-in-Motion (Bridge WIM) system, measurements were taken at a bridge in Slovenia over a 58-day period. From the total observed traffic population, 5-axle trucks were extracted and studied. The Bridge WIM system inferred the static weights of the trucks, giving each measured event's dynamic increment of load. Theoretical simulations were carried out using a 3-dimensional vehicle model coupled with a bridge plate model, simulating a traffic population similar to the population measured at the site. These theoretical simulations varied those properties of the 5-axle fleet that influence the dynamic response; simulating multiple sets of total (dynamic + static) responses for a single measured static strain response. Extrapolating the results of these theoretical simulations to a 50-year ADR gives similar results to those obtained by extrapolating the data measured using the Bridge WIM system. A study of the effect of Bridge WIM system errors on the predictions of ADR is conducted, identifying a trend in the Bridge WIM calculations of maximum static response. The result of this bias is in turn quantified in the context of predicting characteristic maximum total load effect.
Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2019
As an alternative to costly permanent weigh-in-motion (WIM) stations that are mostly limited to major interstate highways, portable WIM systems are often used as a substitute and/or supplement to routinely collect site-specific traffic data (both volume and weight) for pavement design and analysis applications. By comparison, portable WIM systems are cost-effective and much easier to install at any desired highway site/location. However, accuracy, reliability, and data quality has often been one of the key challenges of portable WIM systems. As a means of addressing these challenges, this field pilot study was undertaken to comparatively evaluate two different sensor installation methods for routine traffic data measurements; namely the pocket-tape and metal-plate. The two methods were comparatively evaluated in terms of their practicality, the simplicity of installation, cost-effectiveness, resource/manpower needs, environmental sensitivity and endurance, consistency, data accuracy, and statistical reliability of the traffic data measurements. Along with a side-by-side field validation using permanent WIM data, the findings from the study indicated that the metal-plate sensor installation method was superior to the pocket-tape method, particularly in terms of data accuracy, data quality, statistical reliability, and endurance. Its traffic data accuracy rate was found to be 87~91% compared to 79% for the pocket-tape method that exhibited a significant loss of sensitivity and data accuracy after 7-days of traffic measurements. Overall, the conclusions of this study provide technical merit and preference to the metal-plate over the pocket-tape sensor installation method, particularly for traffic data measurements exceeding 7-days.
Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi / Sayı 368 (Ağustos 2024), 2024
International Sociology (online first and then part of Volume 39 Issue 1, 2024), 2023
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Journal of Microbiological Methods, 2017
Chłopska (nie)pamięć. Dziedzictwo chłopskości w polskiej literaturze i kulturze, 2019
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Clinical Images and Case Reports, 2023
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 1997
Annals of Oncology, 2005
Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences, 2022
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Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira, 2007