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The propagation of wideband pulses in multilayered periodic media shows a variable signal structure depending on the pulse bandwidth B (time resolution). Depending on the ratio between travel time in a layer and the time resolution, the propagated signal can follow different regimes: pulse trains, null (extinction) or dispersive waveform (chirp). The phenomena have been observed both on experimental and simulated data. The simulations have allowed a better understanding the phenomena of velocity dispersion: the presence of a large number of thin layers that could not be separated individually (thickness << time resolution i.e. each individual layer is acoustically "transparent") can affect considerably the propagation and lead to a dispersive "equivalent medium". For such a case, increasing the bandwidth will lead to pulse train structure of propagated signal. Nevertheless, if layer thickness is reduced accordingly, velocity dispersion phenomenon occurs aga...
Proceedings of the Tenth Ieee Workshop on Statistical Signal and Array Processing, 2000
In this chapter, we examine some aspects of pulse propagation in dispersive media and the role played by various wave velocity definitions, such as phase, group, and front velocities. We discuss group velocity dispersion, pulse spreading, chirping, and dispersion compensation, and look at some slow, fast, and negative group velocity examples. We also present a short introduction to chirp radar and pulse compression, elaborating on the similarities to dispersion compensation. The similarities to Fresnel diffraction and Fourier optics are discussed in Sec. 17.18. The chapter ends with a guide to the literature in these diverse topics. 3.1 Propagation Filter As we saw in the previous chapter, a monochromatic plane wave moving forward along the z-direction has an electric field E(z)= E(0)e −jkz , where E(z) stands for either the x or the y component. We assume a homogeneous isotropic non-magnetic medium (μ = μ 0) with an effective permittivity (ω); therefore, k is the frequency-dependent and possibly complex-valued wavenumber defined by k(ω)= ω (ω)μ 0. To emphasize the dependence on the frequency ω, we rewrite the propagated field as: † E(z, ω)= e −jkzÊ (0, ω) (3.1.1) Its complete space-time dependence will be: e jωtÊ (z, ω)= e j(ωt−kz)Ê (0, ω) (3.1.2) A wave packet or pulse can be made up by adding different frequency components, that is, by the inverse Fourier transform: E(z, t)= 1 2π ∞ −∞ e j(ωt−kz)Ê (0, ω)dω (3.1.3) † where the hat denotes Fourier transformation.
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation, 2016
We study cumulative scattering effects on wave front propagation in time dependent randomly layered media. It is well known that the wave front has a deterministic characterization in time independent media, aside from a small random shift in the travel time. That is, the pulse shape is predictable, but faded and smeared as described mathematically by a convolution kernel determined by the autocorrelation of the random fluctuations of the wave speed. The main result of this paper is the extension of the pulse stabilization results to time dependent randomly layered media. When the media change slowly, on time scales that are longer than the pulse width and the time it takes the waves to traverse a correlation length, the pulse is not affected by the time fluctuations. In rapidly changing media, where these time scales are similar, both the pulse shape and the random component of the arrival time are affected by the statistics of the time fluctuations of the wave speed. We obtain an integral equation for the wave front, that is more complicated than in time independent media, and cannot be solved analytically, in general. We also give examples of media where the equation simplifies, and the wave front can be analyzed explicitly. We illustrate with these examples how the time fluctuations feed energy into the pulse.
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2005, 2005
Velocity dispersion in stratified media depends upon the impedance contrast between contiguous layers and the ratio (R) of the wavelength to the layer thickness. The goal of the present work is to understand the scale dependence of propagation velocities in periodically layered media. We based our analysis in 1-D wave equation forward modeling. The numerical simulation was performed on 9 layered models with impedance contrast ranging from 1.05 to 1.99. The analysis showed that the maximum R which RT can be used to estimate travel time is about 2, and the minimum which effective media theory is valid varies from 21 to 25. Mie and Rayleigh scattering zones are located near 4 and 5 respectively.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2016
Wave scattering in materials composed of two kinds of alternating layers with different elastic properties and randomly distributed thicknesses has been modeled. The general form of the dispersion equation is derived for the unbounded layered medium. It defines two basic macroscopic characteristics of the scattered wave: phase velocity and attenuation, which are explicit functions of wave frequency and microscopic parameters of the system: acoustic properties of the layers and stochastic characteristics of their thickness distributions. The analytical expressions are derived for three special cases: for long waves; for a periodic medium composed of layers with constant thicknesses and for random medium with uniform distribution of layer thicknesses. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the frequency dependence of the wave parameters. It was shown that the predictions of the model for long waves and for periodic medium are compatible with the results obtained in the literature. Moreover, comparison of theoretical results for frequency dependent wave parameters with numerical simulations of pulse transmission through the slab of the randomly layered medium shows good qualitative and quantitative agreement in wide frequency range.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1993
An anisotropic multilayered medium is studied using the method of transfer matrices, developed by Thomson [J. Appl. Phys. 21, 89 (1950)] and Haskell [Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 43, 17 (1953)]. The propagation equations in each layer of the multilayered medium use the form developed by Rokhlin et aL [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 79, 906-918 (1986); J. Appl. Phys. 59 (11), 3672-3677 (1986)]. Physical explanations are given, notably when a layer is made up of a monoclinic crystal system medium. The displacement amplitudes of the waves in one layer may be expressed as a function of those in another layer using a propagation matrix form, which is equivalent to relating the displacement stresses of a layer to those in another layer. An anisotropic periodically multilayered medium is then studied by using a propagation matrix that has particular properties: a determinant equal to one and eigenvalues corresponding to the propagation of the Floquet waves. An example of such a medium with the axis of symmetry of each layer perpendicular to the interfaces is then presented together with the associated reflection coefficients as a function of the frequency or of the incident angle.
Geophysical Prospecting, 2007
The propagation of acoustic waves through a periodic layered medium is analyzed by an eigenvalue decomposition of the propagator matrix. This reveals how the velocity and attenuation of the layered medium vary as function of the periodic structure, material parameters and frequency. There are two important parameters which control the wave propagation in the periodic medium: the reflection coefficient and the ratio between one-way traveltimes of the two parts of the cyclic layered medium.
Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 2008
The nonlinear propagation of EMW in periodic media is of great interest due to the possibility to accumulate energy in periodic media within the stop band and, therefore, the input intensity levels for observation of nonlinear phenomena are quite low . For resonant interactions, also it is possible to realize matching conditions, which are not possible in uniform media. Both resonant multiwave interactions and selfaction of EMW in nonlinear periodic media have been analyzed . Also, a method based on a slow variation in time was proposed, which seems more adequate than others based on coupled equations .
A high amplitude acoustic wave travelling in a fluid develops higher harmonics as it propagates through the medium. In a homogeneous fluid, such nonlinearly generated harmonics grow during propagation because of the lack of dispersion. On the other hand, periodic acoustic media such as 1D layered media, or 2D sonic crystals, are known to introduce strong dispersion in wave propagation, even creating forbidden propagation bands or bandgaps where wave propagation at particular frequencies is not allowed. The combined action of nonlinearity (harmonic generation) and periodicity (different propagation velocities and attenuation for the different harmonics) results in novel and unexpected phenomena with respect to the linear counterpart, and opens the door to new mechanisms of acoustic wave control and manipulation. Here we investigate numerically the propagation of a plane acoustic wave in a periodic medium in two situations: a structured fluid, formed by a periodic array of fluid layers with alternating acoustic properties, and a 2D squared array of solid scatterers embedded in a fluid (a sonic crystal). We show how the nonlinear generation and propagation of the second harmonic is strongly affected by the presence of the crystal. PACS no. xx.xx.Nn, xx.xx.Nn
Optics Communications, 2020
In this work, the first and second order effects for reflected and transmitted pulses with a Gaussian distribution of frequencies are analytically developed and interpreted. They show some peculiar characteristics that bear certain parallelism with those of monochromatic beams with a Gaussian distribution of amplitudes. However, when the former are considered, the results of the first and second order effects obtained analytically are more difficult to interpret and are clearly limited by the principle of causality. We show that pulses show some peculiar characteristics when they reflect and transmit through linear media: time delay, shifting of the mean frequency and modification of the pulse width. In addition to these effects we show and analyze the unexpected presence of chirping when a simple structure of non-dispersive materials is considered.
Proceedings of The Indian Academy of Sciences-mathematical Sciences, 1968
We consider the propagation of two-dimensional sound pulses in a homogeneous layer −y 1⩽y⩽0. It is bounded by a plane stratified inhomogeneous half spacey⩾0 on one side and a perfectly reflecting boundary on the other. A line source is situated in the layer. The boundary condition isφ=0 or∂φ/∂y=0 aty=−y 1, whereφ is the acoustic velocity potential. We suppose that the velocity of wave propagationc is given byc −2=p−qe −αy iny>0, wherep, q, α are real and positive andp>q. It is equal to C′ in the layer where C′ is a constant. The method of dual integral transformation is used and the velocity potentialφ is obtained after using asymptotic expressions for some of the functions which are in the integrand. We obtain the incident, reflected, multiply-reflected and diffracted pulses in the layer.
Design & Culture, 2019, 2015
Futures & foresight science, 2022
Introduction to Machine Learning Using Python: A Comprehensive Curriculum for Beginners, 2024
Deep Blue (University of Michigan), 2022
EPRA international journal of multidisciplinary research, 2023
Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR), 2023
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 2007
Journal of Experimental Biology, 2017
Natural product communications, 2009
Crystal Growth & Design, 2012
Equilibrium : Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi
Research Journal of Medical Sciences, 2010
British Journal of Pharmacology, 1988
XIII Encuentro de Arqueología del Suroeste Peninsular, 2024
Revista Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, 2015