Validating structural properties of nested objects

2004, Companion to the 19th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming systems, languages, and applications - OOPSLA '04

Frameworks are widely used to facilitate software reuse and accelerate development time. However, there are currently no systematic mechanisms to enforce the explicit and implicit rules of these frameworks. This paper focuses on a class of framework rules that place restrictions on the properties of data structures in framework applications. We present a mechanism to enforce these rules by the use of a generic "bad store template" which can be customized for different rule instances. We demonstrate the use of this template to validate specific bad store rules within J2EE framework applications. Violations of these rules cause subtle defects which manifest themselves at runtime as data loss, data corruption, or race conditions. Our algorithm to detect "bad stores" is implemented in the Smart Analysis-Based Error Reduction (SABER) validation tool, where we pay special attention to facilitating problem understanding and remediation, by providing detailed problem explanations. We present experimental results on four commercially deployed ecommerce applications that show over 200 "bad stores".

Validating Structural Properties of Nested Objects Darrell Reimer*, Edith Schonberg*, Kavitha Srinivas*, Harini Srinivasan*, Julian Dolby, Aaron Kershenbaum, Larry Koved IBM Research, 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY, USA 10532 [email protected] programmer to inadvertently violate one of these rules, either from misunderstanding or oversight. Even simple coding errors can cause subtle, difficult-to-diagnose runtime problems. If undetected before a system goes into production, one of these errors can result in significant revenue loss.1 Abstract Frameworks are widely used to facilitate software reuse and accelerate development time. However, there are currently no systematic mechanisms to enforce the explicit and implicit rules of these frameworks. This paper focuses on a class of framework rules that place restrictions on the properties of data structures in framework applications. We present a mechanism to enforce these rules by the use of a generic “bad store template” which can be customized for different rule instances. We demonstrate the use of this template to validate specific bad store rules within J2EE framework applications. Violations of these rules cause subtle defects which manifest themselves at runtime as data loss, data corruption, or race conditions. Our algorithm to detect “bad stores” is implemented in the Smart Analysis-Based Error Reduction (SABER) validation tool, where we pay special attention to facilitating problem understanding and remediation, by providing detailed problem explanations. We present experimental results on four commercially deployed ecommerce applications that show over 200 “bad stores”. Based on five years of experience solving high impact problems in J2EE™ applications, we have discovered that many common framework-related errors in these applications conform to a small set of illegal code patterns that can be detected by static analysis. Among these, we have identified a new pattern of errors, which we call bad stores. Bad store errors result in data structures that violate framework rules. In our J2EE examples, they manifest themselves at runtime as data loss, data corruption, and race conditions, causing intermittent failures, performance degradation, and system outages. They often evade early detection during testing and cause havoc later in production. Contributions. This paper makes the following novel contributions: Categories and Subject Descriptors • Software [Software Engineering]: Coding Tools and Techniques General Terms Design, Management, Performance, Verification Keywords • Code validation, frameworks, context sensitive analysis 1. Introduction • Today’s e-commerce applications make extensive use of frameworks, which provide commonly needed services, such as security, availability, session management, and resource pooling. In fact, many e-commerce applications consist of several different frameworks integrated by only a small amount of glue code. While this development represents a major success for software reuse, these framework-intensive applications pose unique challenges when runtime problems arise. Frameworks are replete with implicit and explicit assumptions and usage rules, and it is very easy for a • We introduce a general, customizable bad store template for describing a range of framework-related data structure rules. The bad store template states that an object A cannot be stored into a data structure rooted at another object B. Individual rules are formed by instantiating the template and specifying the properties of A and B, thereby defining the precise conditions for violating the rule. We give specific examples of bad store rules, which can be used to detect problems such as data loss, data corruption, and race conditions in applications that use the J2EE framework. We present a validation algorithm for detecting bad store rule violations. We present results of our analysis applied to 4 commercially deployed applications, with over 600,000 lines of code. * Authorship order is alphabetical. 1 A single system outage can cost a business over $100,000. Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). OOPSLA’04, Oct. 24–28, 2004, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. ACM 1-58113-833-4/04/0010. ™ 294 Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) is a trademark of Sun Microsystems. The bad store template is one of the small set of customizable rule templates supported by the SABER validation tool [23]. SABER is targeting a wide audience with varying levels of skill, so that ease-of-use is an important goal for both rule customization and for problem understanding and remediation. We believe that customizable templates, like design patterns, are easy to use and retain flexibility and generality. Additionally, we have accumulated enough empirical data that we feel confident about selecting broadly useful templates. Multiple Address Spaces. J2EE applications can be configured with multiple application servers, each of which spawns its own Java Virtual Machine, resulting in multiple address spaces. Separate requests from the same user session can be processed by different application servers. These requests can share the same HttpSession object, through the persistence mechanism described in the prior section. Problems arise when address-space-specific data is stored into an HttpSession object, and is subsequently shared by multiple application servers. In one application we studied, resource handles to data in a backend system, specific to a given address space, were being stored into HttpSession objects. Transactions failed when an application server with a different address space retrieved a back end handle from a session that it had not created. Resource handles are one example of address-space-specific data. In our experiments, we have defined bad store rules for applications containing JSPs, Servlets, Enterprise Java Beans, HttpSessions, Web Services and Struts [17]. We conjecture that bad store rules can be used for finding errors in other types of applications using frameworks as well. 2. Examples Shared Fields. In J2EE applications, there is a single Servlet object for each type of request, and the multiple server-worker threads that process Servlet requests share the Servlet objects. A major source of production problems results from developers not realizing that Servlets are multi-threaded and that Servlet instance fields are shared state. Our examples of bad stores are distilled from five years of experience working with commercial J2EE applications. In a typical scenario, a problem does not appear during unit testing and even under load testing, since the precise conditions which trigger the problem occur infrequently. However, after a system has been in production for several months and the overall load has increased significantly, intermittent transaction failures start to appear. To diagnose the problem, it takes days of effort to isolate the right set of events in a complex production environment. In the example in Figure 2, which was taken and cleansed from a commercial system in production, the field user is actually shared across all invocations of MyServlet. If two or more users of the system make requests to MyServlet at the same time, a race condition occurs involving the field user.userId. This race condition, in fact, is also a potential security violation, since it is possible for one user to be validated with someone else’s userid. The user may receive incorrect data or unauthorized access to parts of the system. Persistence. An HTTP request is stateless. An application typically uses an HttpSession object to cache state across multiple HTTP requests, creating one HttpSession object for each user session. If a session object cache grows too large or it is write-through, it is written to a persistent store. MyServlet extends HttpServlet { Subtle errors arise when a session is persisted and a cached object does not implement the Serializable interface. Serializable methods implement the conversion of in-memory object representations to flattened external representations. Classes must implement the Serializable interface to assume responsibility for saving and restoring their own object state. If an HttpSession which contains non-“serializable” data is written to a persistent store, the non-serializable data is silently lost, and the next access to this session object results in the retrieval of corrupt or missing data from the persistent store. Therefore, it is unsafe to store a non-serializable object in an HttpSession. For example, in Figure 1, a single problematic leaf node of a cached object is non-serializable, which violates the HttpSession rule. private User user = new User(); public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) { getInfo(req); if (validate()) < do something > } void getInfo(HttpServletRequest req) { Session session = req.getSession(); user.userId = session.getAttribute(“userid”); } private boolean validate(){ checkAuthorization(user.userId); } } Figure 2. HttpSession state array We found that this simple type of race condition is so common in e-commerce systems, that it is useful to detect all store operations to Servlet instance fields in code reachable from Servlet methods. A related rule detects objects referenced by static fields, which are also shared state in multi-threaded code. We use an additional simple filtering heuristic to reduce the false positive rate by filtering out stores in synchronized methods, as described in Section 3. Non-serializable Figure 1. 295 In general, static race detection algorithms must identify which state is shared, which code is multi-threaded, and which code blocks are synchronized [11]. We use domain knowledge to customize our rules. We know that Servlet interface methods are multi-threaded and that multi-object data structures are sometimes shared, thus requiring object reference analysis to identify shared state. We also know that synchronized methods and blocks are used rarely in the user-written part of ecommerce applications – it is best practice in these applications to rely on frameworks for common resource management, and avoid user synchronization. These observations are verified in our experimental results. type Foo satisfies the property. If O is instantiated with the property “all subclasses of Foo”, then any object which is an instance of either Foo or any subclass of Foo satisfies the property. Supported field properties for parameter F are: • • • • • 3. Bad Store Template For example, if F is instantiated with the property static, then any field which is static satisfies the property. If F is instantiated with the property “field x in Foo”, then only the field x in objects of concrete type Foo satisfies the property. If F is instantiated with the property “Foo”, then all fields in objects of concrete type Foo satisfy the property. Finally, if F is instantiated with the property “field x in all subclasses of Foo”, then the field x in any object which is an instance of either Foo or any subclass of Foo satisfies the property. The philosophy of SABER is to support a few general customizable templates for defining runtime problems. Customization is accomplished by instantiating template parameters. We prefer templates because we are targeting application developers, and templates are easy to understand and use. Customization is necessary because application developers will invariably want to validate rules which are different from the predefined rule set that a tool provides. Generally, a rule set encodes domain knowledge, addressing problems which are the result of framework misuse, rather than Java errors per se. Development groups often have their own rules they wish to enforce for their custom frameworks, and additional components are always being added to any platform. Multiple properties can be specified for each parameter. Each property can be specified as either a match property or filter property. Match properties specify which fields or objects satisfy the rule, and filter properties specify which fields or objects do not match, and should be ignored. When a rule is evaluated, a field (object) matches a set of field (object) properties if the field (object) satisfies all match properties and is not filtered out by any filter property. Additionally, field filter objects are applied transitively. The bad store template is one of the key general templates in SABER.2 The runtime problems in Section 2 can be described by instantiating this template. 3.1 Bad Store Template Parameters For example, if a set of field properties includes the match property “class Foo”, and the filter property “field x in Foo”, then all fields except x in objects of type Foo satisfy the set of field properties. The basic form of the bad store template is as follows: Do not transitively store references to objects with properties O into fields with properties F in methods transitively called from M. There is one filter that is always applied: any bad store detected must be in a method transitively called from a root method. This eliminates from consideration potential stores in methods which are never used by the application. By default, the root methods are the application entry points. For J2EE, the entry points are JSP, Servlet, and EJB methods. We provide a “root method” parameter M, making it possible to override the default root methods, thereby further restricting the set of potential bad stores. Individual bad store rules are defined from this template by providing specific properties for parameters O, F, and M. If there are no properties specified for a parameter, the default is “all”. A bad store rule is applied transitively. That is, if an object X is stored in object Y, and Y is stored in object Z, then we must test whether it is legal to store X in Y, Y in Z, and X in Z. Supported object properties for parameter O are: • • A field modifier: static, transient, final, private, public, protected, volatile. A field name. A class, package, or interface name. A class loader name, which serves as a namespace. A field in all subclasses of a class or interface. More formally, let P be a set of field (object) properties. Then, P = Pm ∪ Pt, where Pm are match properties, and Pt are filter properties. If p is a property in P and x is a field (object), then the predicate p(x) is true if x satisfies p. A package, class, or interface name. All subclasses of a class or interface. For example, if the parameter O is instantiated with the property “class Foo”, then any object which has the concrete A field (object) x satisfies the property set P iff: P = φ or ( ∀ pm 2 The other SABER templates are: Must call X, Do not call X from Y, Must call X after Y, Do not extend X, and Implement method pairs X and Y consistently. 296 ∈ Pm ) pm(x) and ( ∀ pt ∈ Pt ) ¬ pt(x) . Bad Store Rule Don’t Store …. Object Parameter O Match Non-Serializable Data In HttpSession Address-Space Data In HttpSession Field Parameter F Filter Match Filter Subclasses of Field javax.servlet.HttpSession.attributeValue s transient Subclasses of java.lang. Thread Field javax.servlet.HttpSession.attributeValue s In Servlet Field Subclasses of javax.servlet.Servlet In Static Field Static static Subclasses of SingleThread Model Table 1. Note that filtering is transitive. If an object X is stored in a transient field y1 of object Y, and Y is stored in attributeValues in an HttpSession object, then all objects stored in y1 are filtered out, including X. A field x survives the property set P iff: P = φ or ( ∀ pt ∈ Pt ) ¬ pt(x) Bad Store Definition. Let R be a rule, where parameter F is instantiated with a set of field properties FP, parameter O is instantiated with a set of object properties OP and M is instantiated with a set of root methods MP. The second rule is like the first rule, except it supplies a match property for the parameter O instead of a filter property, which matches all objects which are instances of java.lang.Thread. This class contains address-space specific data, so this rule detects problems where addressspace data is stored into HttpSessions. A field-object pair (f, o) is a bad store with respect to rule R iff: • f satisfies the field properties FP, • o satisfies the object properties OP, • o is transitively referenced by f, such that each field in the reference sequence from f to o survives the field properties FP, and • the bad store of o occurs in a method transitively called from a root method in MP. In the third rule, the parameter F is instantiated with a match property which matches all fields that are members of subclasses of the J2EE class javax.servlet.Servlet. Static fields are filtered out, since these are handled in the next rule. The rule also filters out fields in SingleThreadModel subclasses since these fields are never shared. The parameter O is not instantiated, so all objects match the rule. We also supply for the parameter M the root methods of Servlet: service, doGet, doPut. All stores not reachable from these methods are ignored. 3.2 Examples Specific bad store rules for the examples in Section 2 are shown in Table 1. (The parameter M is not shown.) The first two rules match stores to HttpSessions. The next two rules match stores into shared state. Both Servlet member fields and static fields are shared state. The last rule is like the third, except the field property F is instantiated with the match property static, and SingleThreadModel is not a filter. The first rule matches all non-serializable objects which are stored in an HttpSession object, as follows. The object parameter O is instantiated with a filter property that filters out all objects which are subclasses of the interface Therefore, only objects which are not serializable need to be examined. The field parameter F is instantiated with a match property which is a field name attributeValues in HttpSession. The field attributeValues is the name of the state array shown in Figure 1. Additionally, the field properties also include a filter property transient. If a non-serializable object is stored into a transient field, then we don’t have to worry about persistent data consistency, by definition. 3.3 More Filtering It is well known that reporting too many false positives renders a validation tool unusable. Filtering is critical for reducing false positives. We have been able to reduce false positives to an average of 22% using the following techniques. Callback filters. Some filtering cannot be expressed in a simple way as filter properties, and it is necessary to write code to achieve precise results. We provide a callback filter parameter as part of the bad store template. During evaluation, all user-supplied filter methods are called to prune the set of potential bad store operations. 297 For the first two rules which detect stores to shared state, we provide a callback filter in SABER. The filter eliminates store operations that occur in synchronized methods. This is a heuristic which eliminates false positives in some cases when accesses to shared state are properly synchronized. However, this filtering is not conservative, and so we can miss some real race condition errors. The call graph CG has two subgraphs, rooted at the Constructor node and the doGet node. Constructor is the default constructor method generated by the compiler to initialize User objects. The dashed arrows from PTG to CG represent storeOps, showing the code locations of field stores. Specifically, there is a store to field MyServlet.user in Constructor, and to User1.userId in getInfo. The arrows from CG to PTG represent storeValues, showing the objects stored by each store operation. Framework code. While there may be runtime problems in the underlying framework used by an application such as J2EE, it is possible to suppress reporting these problems. Optionally, we only report problems in the application code, and filter out all bad stores which are completely contained within the framework code. 4.2 Bad Store Algorithm We make the following definitions. We call an object field that satisfies the field properties FP in a rule a root field and an object which satisfies the object properties OP a bad object. If the store of a reference to a bad object o into a root field f is indirect, then there is a direct store of o into another object field reachable from f in the PTG. We call this reachable object field a leaf field of the bad store. We call a store operation where o is stored into a leaf field a leaf operation. In Figure 3, MyServlet.user is a root field, String1 is a bad object, and User1.userId is a leaf field. The leaf operation is an assignment statement in the method getInfo. (Note that the root field and the leaf field can be the same object field. Also, there may be more than one leaf field and leaf operations for the same bad object.) 4. Algorithm This section presents our algorithm for finding occurrences of bad stores in a program. The algorithm, based on static analysis, computes an approximation of the bad store problems in a program. Because we also use filtering heuristics to minimize false positives, the algorithm is not sound. We believe that soundness is less important than scalability for the types of applications we are looking at, and it is unclear that both can be achieved without introducing large numbers of false positives. 4.1 Inputs From Static Analysis CG PTG Our algorithm uses a call graph CG, a field-sensitive points-to graph PTG [10] which represents object referencing, a mapping storeOps from object fields to nodes in the CG where stores to the given field occur3, and a mapping storeValues from CG node and field to the set of possible objects (i.e. nodes in the PTG) that can be stored in the given field by the given node. MyServlet.user Constructor doGet User1 getInfo We refer to an allocated instance of a class as an object, and a specific field of an allocated object as an object field. Each object corresponds to an allocation site (new operation) in a Java program. A PTG contains two types of nodes, object nodes and object field nodes, which represent objects and object fields respectively. Similarly, a PTG contains two types of edges. There is an edge from an object node to an object field node if the field is a member of the object, and there is an edge from an object field node to an object node if the field may hold a reference to the object. Figure 3 illustrates the PTG and CG for Figure 2. The root of the PTG graph is the object field node MyServlet.user. Since there is an object of type User referenced by this field, there is a corresponding object node User1 in the PTG which is a successor node of MyServlet.user. Similarly, the field userId is a member of User1, so there is an object field node labeled User1.userId which is a successor of User1. Finally, the field userId is assigned a reference to a String object, which is represented by the object node labeled String1. This object node is a successor of User1.userId. User1.userId getAttribute validate getSession checkAuth String1 Figure 3. The result of the algorithm is a set of store operations in the program code, which potentially result in an illegal data structure, according to a set of bad store rules. It computes the map Problems, which associates each root field to bad store information. For each potential bad store, the information includes the bad object, the leaf fields storing the bad object, and all of the leaf operations assigning the bad object to the leaf field. All of this information is important for providing enough context information to explain the problem to the user. The algorithm is executed for each bad store rule by traversing the PTG. The algorithm is shown in Figure 4. 4.3 Example We apply the bad store algorithm to Figure 3, using the “Don’t Store in Servlet Field” rule described in Section 3. 3 We actually analyze individual stores within methods, but we ignore that here to simplify exposition. 298 Bad Store Algorithm. Let R be a bad store rule with field properties FP and object properties OP and root nodes RN. 1. reachableCallGraphNodes ← CG*(RN); /* all nodes reachable from the root nodes in CG */ 2. rootFields ← {f | f ∈ PTG & f is an object field node & f satisfies FP}; /* fields that satisfy the field properties of R */ 3. forall f ∈ rootFields { Reachablef ← φ ; Problemsf ← φ ; 4. filteredClosure(Reachablef , f); /* Reachablef = nodes reachable from f which survive filters */ /* objects that satisfy the object properties of R */ 5. badObjects ← {o | o ∈ Reachablef & o is an object node & o satisfies OP}; 6. forall o ∈ badObjects { 7. leafFields ← { lf | lf ∈ PTG & lf is a predecessor of o in PTG & lf ∈ Reachablef}; 8 forall lf ∈ leafFields { 9. leafOperations ← {n | n ∈ storeOps(lf) & o ∈ storeValues(n, lf) & n ∈ reachableCallGraphNodes}; 10. Apply the callback filters to prune leafOperations; 11. if leafOperations ≠ φ { Problemsf .add([o, lf, leafOperations]) ; } } } } /* closure = the set of nodes reachable from n which are not filtered. */ 12. filteredClosure(closure, n) { 13. if n is an object field node & ¬ survives(n, FP) return; 15. for each child cn of n in the PTG { 16. if cn ∉ closure { 17. closure.add(cn); 18. filteredClosure(closure, cn); } } } Figure 4. After step 1, the set reachableCallGraphNodes consists of all nodes in the call graph which are reachable from doGet since doGet is a root method. The set reachableCallGraphNodes does not include Constructor, since Constructor is not a root method. In step 5, both User1 and String1 are identified as bad objects, since they are both reachable from the root field MyServlet.user and satisfy the object properties in the rule. (Actually, there are no object properties, so all reachable objects match). In step 2, object field MyServlet.user is identified as a root field, since it is a member of MyServlet, which is a subclass of javax.servlet.Servlet, and hence satisfies the field match property of the rule. In step 7, both User1.userId and MyServlet.user are identified as leaf fields. In step 9, the leaf operations in methods Constructor and getInfo are obtained, using storeOps. However, since Constructor is not in reachableCallGraphNodes, its leaf operation is discarded. There are no remaining leaf operations for MyServlet.user, so this leaf field is also discarded. The only interesting bad object is String1 stored in leaf field User1.userId. In step 4, all the nodes User1, User1.userId, and String1 are assigned to ReachableMyServlet.user. In our implementation, computation of closure is cached. 299 public class Htable { In step 11, ProblemsMyServlet.user is assigned the triplet [String1, User1.userId, { getInfo}]. private Entry table[]; public Htable() { table = new Entry[]; } 4.4 Context Sensitivity Context sensitivity distinguishes different runtime uses of a given static construct. SABER provides method sensitivity to distinguish different calls to a given method, and class sensitivity to distinguish different allocations of the same class. /* Appears to put everything ever stored into e.value. */ public void put(Object key, Object value) { // E1 declaration Entry e = new Entry(key, value); table[index] = e; The method sensitivity of the call graph construction algorithm used in SABER is similar to the Cartesian Product Algorithm (CPA) [1] in that it uses the sets of types of each argument to determine what context of the target method to use. It is distinguished from CPA because its contexts represent sets of types for each argument rather than individual types, as in CPA. This was designed to improve the scalability of CPA, but it introduces issues about whether the analysis is monotonic [19]. In terms of [21], SABER uses a parameterized object-sensitive analysis, with a varying context depth. For most allocation sites, the site itself is used as the object name, corresponding to depth of 1. For instance methods of collection classes, the allocation site is combined with the allocation site of the receiver object, corresponding to a depth of 2. /* Appears to get everything ever stored into e.value */ public Object get(Object key) { …. } } Early experiments analyzing J2EE applications for bad stores indicated that method sensitivity alone was insufficient for meaningful results and for scalability. We needed to be able to vary class sensitivity as well. SABER provides three levels, which are statically defined by type name at configuration: public class B { static Htable h = new Htable(); • Class-based sensitivity, where a single allocation is used for all objects of a given class. • Allocation-based sensitivity, where instances are differentiated based on the byte code offset within a method where the allocation occurred • Receiver-based sensitivity is a refinement of allocationbased sensitivity for the instance. Allocation sites are augmented with the allocation site of the receiver of the method where the allocation occurs. Note that this only makes sense when receiver types are always precise, as in CPA. Our modified CPA specialized receiver types to have this added level of precision only where it is needed. } public class A { public void A’() { Object value = new Object(); //V1 Htable h = new Htable(); //H1 h.put(key, value); } } public void B’() { Object value = new Object(); h.put(key, value); } } //H2 //V2 Figure 5. Figure 5 shows an example from the container pattern. The stores of objects V1 and V2 to different hash tables in the application H1and H2 appear to be assignments into a single data structure E1. Consider the rule “Don’t Store in Static Field” in Table 1. Without receiver context, we would incorrectly assume that stores occurred to a static field both in B’ and in A’, when the store in A’ is clearly not a bad store. By splitting the allocation instances of E1 based on where the receiver hash tables H1 and H2 are allocated, we can correctly associate the appropriate stores with the appropriate objects. In our experiments, we found that such addition of context for collection classes reduced the number of false positives in one application from 61% to 13%. Interestingly, the remaining 13% false positives in that specific application occurred because of the occurrence of the container pattern in a different J2SE class (java.text.DecimalFormat). In SABER, the most commonly used method of class sensitivity is allocation-based sensitivity which is appropriate for our analyses because it makes the PTG more precise. There are two exceptions to allocation-based sensitivity. First, there are some classes (e.g., Strings) that have many allocations for which precision is not helpful. For these classes, we use classbased sensitivity. Second, receiver-based sensitivity is used to handle a pattern of code found in the collection classes in the J2SE framework. These container classes contain an internal data structure to store the elements of a collection. Without receiver-based sensitivity, the analysis identifies only a single allocation instance of the internal data structure for the entire application, because allocation of the internal data structure occurs at a single byte code offset within the program. Consequently, all stores to a collection of a given type appear to be a store to this single internal structure, resulting in a large number of false positives. We refer to this type of coding pattern as a container pattern. Container patterns are also commonly used within the application code. It would be desirable for the call graph constructor to automatically select the appropriate level of context for these classes to eliminate false positives from the container pattern. This is however a difficult issue to address because precise knowledge of object use requires the construction of a call graph to identify locations that can benefit from selective addition of receiver-based sensitivity. 300 analyzed, and contrasts it with the number of classes that were included in the call graph construction. Synthesized classes reflect classes that were missing from the scope of the analysis due to missing byte code. Iterative construction of call graphs could address this difficulty, but discovering where additional precision is required is challenging. Further, this approach might not scale for large scale J2EE applications. Therefore, we chose to preconfigure SABER to run with receiver-based sensitivity for collection classes alone, and tolerate false positives from the container pattern more generally. The percentage of false positives from the container pattern varies between 0% and 39% in the applications we studied. The number of classes and lines of code in an application provide only an approximate measure for judging the scalability of an analysis. Specific coding patterns within an application can have a large impact on the performance and scalability as well. Table 3 provides a more precise measure of scalability. The size of the CG is estimated by showing the number of call graph nodes and edges. The size of the PTG is estimated by the number of object nodes, and the number of object field nodes. The scalability of the algorithm is affected by the number of root fields and the maximum nesting depth of objects in these applications. By maximum nesting depth, we mean the depth at which the bad store can occur within an object’s nested structure, where a store to X.Y.Z has a nesting depth of 3. As shown in Table 3, objects in J2EE applications can have a nesting depth of up to 78, which highlights how difficult it is to find bad stores without automation. 5. Evaluation To evaluate the effectiveness of our technique, we analyzed four commercial real-world J2EE applications. In this section, we briefly describe the benchmarks, their characteristics, and then present the results. Benchmarks. We have applied the bad store template analysis against four commercially deployed J2EE applications checking for non-serializable data stored in HttpSession objects and for race conditions due to inappropriate stores to static fields and Servlet instance fields (see Table 1). Each of the applications analyzed has been in production for over a year. The four applications analyzed are: (1) Human resources skills tracking tool CG Nodes CG Edges PTG roots PTG object nodes PTG object field nodes Max. Nesting Depth (2) Internet order status checking application (3) Internet based financial application (4) A large commercial framework based on J2EE Benchmark Characteristics. To perform the bad store analysis, analyzing the application alone is not sufficient because object allocations occur in and control flow paths pass through other code that the application depends on. This other code includes the J2EE framework, any third party libraries, and the JDK itself, all of which must be included in the analysis. However, while all of the additional code must be included in the analysis scope, only code which is reachable from one of the root methods will be included in call graph construction. App. Classes App. Classes Analyzed Synthesized Framework Classes Frameworks Classes Analyzed JDK Classes JDK Classes Analyzed Total Classes Total Classes Analyzed App.1 974 App.2 135 App.3 730 App.4 7874 730 15 48 4 694 33 1942 111 1767 855 869 1762 87 6432 31 5722 66 5620 63 7215 437 9188 403 6716 419 7252 244 16962 1254 482 1179 2249 App. 1 51584 161480 696 App.2 7043 15438 578 App.3 29756 203214 695 App.4 56552 252090 3917 7415 1855 5085 10058 27234 5583 14611 56349 21 10 9 78 Table 3 Results. Bad stores involving non-serializable objects were found in three of the four applications analyzed, and race conditions were found in all four applications analyzed. Table 4 shows a summary of the problems found and the false positive rate for each of the applications analyzed. To validate false positives we presented the results of each problem to the code owner. If they agreed that the problem needed to be fixed, the problem is reported as a “real” problem. Otherwise it is reported as a false positive. The four applications analyzed resulted in false positives due to: (1) inadequate analysis of synchronization for detecting races conditions, (2) a lack of context sensitivity to detect instances of the container pattern, (3) application usage knowledge not available to static analysis Table 5 breaks down the causes of the false positives found. Of the 55 false positives due to lack of context sensitivity, adding selective context sensitivity for one additional class, java.math.BigDecimal, would eliminate 53. The 4 false positives due to synchronization approximation can be eliminated with better analysis that models synchronization Table 2 Table 2 shows the overall number of classes in application, J2EE framework or JDK code for the four applications we 301 but was problematic. In race conditions that are not in initialization code, 80% of them occurred in code with no synchronization at all. monitors, added as a user-supplied callback filter. For the two remaining false positives from application usage knowledge, one resulted from the use of a Hashtable, which is thread safe, keyed by thread id where each thread only accessed entries corresponding to its thread id. Another false positive which SABER could not remove was due to the fact that one Servlet in the application was only used by a single administrator so the developers were not concerned in ensuring that it was thread safe. Bad Store Results Non-Serializable in HttpSession Total Non-Serializable in HttpSession False Positives Non-Serializable in HttpSession False Positive % Race Total Race False Positives Race False Positive % App. 1 App. 2 App. 3 App. 4 0 1 78 18 0 0 0 0 0% 34 8 0% 12 1 0% 15 2 0% 127 51 24% 8% 13% 40% Race Condition Cause Initialization Initialization (DCL) No Synch. Incorrect Synch. Total App. 2 App. 3 App. 4 3 0 2 50 4 0 0 1 1 8 1 1 0 2 0 51 App. 3 11 App. 4 36 Total 57 15 4 2 26 1 5 0 11 0 2 0 13 0 32 8 76 16 43 10 126 6. Related Work There are many program static validation tools that can be classified based on underlying analysis technology. Specialized checkers such as Lint[18], ITS4 [26], JTest [22] and FindBugs [15] provide useful information about code violations, but they are limited in the types of violations they can detect because they only do syntactic analysis. Annotation checkers such as LCLint[13], Aspect[16], Extended Static Checker[9] employ program verification techniques to identify defects. Adding annotations is tedious for a programmer. Other tools, including SLAM [2], MOPS [5], and Bandera [7], perform model checking. By exploring large state spaces, model checking is very accurate in detecting problems. However, scalable model checking of programs with complex heap data structures, such as enterprise applications, is an open problem. Different problems found with the bad store template can have differing importance to developers. For storing nonserializable objects into an HttpSession, problems found are roughly of equal significance. However, with the race detection analysis, the likelihood of a race occurring combined with its potential impact determines the importance of the problem reported. Table 6 shows a breakdown of the types of race conditions detected in the four applications. App. 1 App. 2 5 Table 6 Table 4 Race Condition False Positive Causes Lack of context sensitivity Synchronization approximation Application usage knowledge Totals App. 1 5 Finally, there are static analysis tools, such as xgcc [14][12], ESP [8], and PREfix [4]. Static analysis is conservative, and can result in too many false positives. Techniques for filtering false positives are effective, but can result in unsound analysis. Both xgcc and ESP are validators for C programs, and are designed primarily for analyzing systems code. Framework-intensive Java programs pose unique challenges for a static analysis engine, including polymorphism, long call chains, and deep object nesting. Therefore, it is unclear how these systems will perform on such programs. The xgcc work [14][12] proposes a rules language metal for defining legal and illegal code patterns, with the advantage that the class of runtime problems that can be identified statically is very general. In metal, temporal properties specify that a program must perform an action X before (or after) an action Y, for example, “a storage location must be allocated before it is freed” or “a file which is opened must always be closed”. More specifically, temporal properties are expressed as state machine transitions triggered by pattern-matched code snippets. The state machine rules are evaluated during a traversal of the static control flow graph – evaluation failure identifies a program problem. Table 5 Race conditions due to problems with initialization such as lazy initialization are typically of the least importance because they are typically found at system startup and do not co-mingle data from different users. One particular style of initialization race conditions called double check locking (DCL) [3] is less likely to occur so they have even less importance than general initialization race condition problems. The remaining causes of race conditions are classified based on whether any synchronization was present or if synchronization was present Bad store rules, which specify structural properties, can not be comfortably expressed as temporal rules, and require a different algorithm approach. A bad store problem can span program 302 statements which are not related by control flow. For example, each request to an e-commerce application is in effect a separate transaction, and problematic data structures can persist across multiple requests. Therefore, an algorithm based only on control flow is not effective in finding bad store errors. [6] J-D Choi, K. Lee, A. Loginov, R. O’Callahan, V. Sarkar, and M. Sridharan. Efficient and precise datarace detection for multithreded object-oriented programs. In Proc. Of the ACM SIGPLAN 2002 PLDI, 2002. [7] J. Corbett, M. Dwyer, J. Hatcliff, C. Pasareanu, Robby, S. Laubach, H. Zheng. Bandera: Extracting Finite-state Models from Java Source Code. In Proc. Of ICSE, 2000. Some static analysis techniques for detecting race conditions [11][25][20] rely on annotations to eliminate false positives, by identifying synchronization primitives, shared state, and which code is multi-threaded, requiring synchronization. Of these systems, RacerX [11] is the most sophisticated in terms of automating discovery of this information, thereby minimizing the need for annotation. RacerX uses domain knowledge about C systems code to improve their results. For programs using monitor synchronization, which is the Java synchronization model, detecting race conditions statically involves lockset analysis [24][6][11], which computes the set of possible locks protecting a shared variable access. [8] M. Das, S. Lerner, M. Seigle. ESP: Path-Sensitive Program Verification in Linear Time, In Proc. of PLDI 2002. [9] D. L. Detlefs. An overview of the extended static checking system. SIGSOFT Proceedings of the First Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Practice, January 1996, 1-9. [10] M. Emami, R. Ghiya, and L. Hendren. Context-sensitive interprocedural points-to analysis in the presence of function pointers, In Proc. of PLDI, June 1994, 242-257. [11] D. Engler and K. Ashcraft. RacerX: Effective, Static Detection of Race Conditions and Deadlocks, In Proc. of the 19th ACM symposium on Operating systems principles, 2003, 237-252. Our bad store rule for race conditions applies to a specific J2EE illegal usage pattern, and does not represent a general solution for race conditions. Rather, our bad store template is a general solution for a class of problems that require the analysis of object relationships. We are not aware of any other static validation tool that detects a broad category of bad store problems. [12] D. Engler, B. Chelf, A. Chou and S. Hallem, Checking System Rules Using System-Specific, Programmer-Written Compiler Extensions, In Proc. of SOSP, October 2000, 116. [13] D. Evans. Static Detection of Dynamic Memory Errors. In 7. Conclusions Proc. of PLDI, May 1996, 44-53. We have presented a generic technique that investigates the structural properties of deeply nested objects. We use this technique to detect over 200 serious defects in four commercial J2EE applications with object nesting depths of up to 78 levels. Although we present results with J2EE applications, we conjecture that our techniques can be applied successfully to other frameworks. [14] S. Hallem, B. Chelf, Y. Xie and D. Engler, A System and Language for Building System-Specific, Static Analyses, In Proc. of PLDI, June 2002, 69-82. [15] D. Hovemeyer and W. Pugh, Finding Bugs is Easy, er.pdf [16] D. Jackson. Aspect: Detecting bugs with abstract dependencies. ACM Trans. on Software Engineering and Methodology, 4 (2), April 1995, 109-145. 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