Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia

2013, Vjesnik Za Arheologiju I Historiju Dalmatinsku

Keramika tipa Gnathia pronađena je na 38 nalazišta duž istočne obale Jadrana i bliže mu unutrašnjosti. Ipak, najviše posuda te keramičke vrste pronađeno je u antičkoj Isi. Brojnost i određene značajke u obliku i ukrasu na posudama iz Ise otvorile su pretpostavku o lokalnoj isejskoj proizvodnji keramike tipa Gnathia. Prvi je tu pretpostavku iznio Branko Kirigin. Na temelju proučavanja grobnog inventara s nekropole na Martvilu u Visu podijelio je posude tipa Gnathia iz Ise u četiri faze. Autorica je pomoću arheoloških komparativnih metoda analize dekoracije i morfologije na svim dosad objavljenim posudama ove vrste na istočnom Jadranu usporedila novije spoznaje o ovoj keramičkoj vrsti s Kiriginovim tezama. Također je ponudila razvoj tipologije posuda isejske keramike tipa Gnathia unutar kronološkog okvira od sredine 3. do kraja 2. st. pr. Kr.

Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa Maja Miše Maja Miše Filozofski fakultet u Splitu Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Odsjek za povijest umjetnosti Art History Department Hrvojeva 8 Hrvojeva 8 HR, 21000 Split CROATIA, 21000 Split [email protected] [email protected] UDK: UDK: 904.738 (497.5 Vis) “01/02” UDC: UDK: 904.738 (497.5 Vis) “01/02” Izvorni znanstveni članak Original scientific paper Primljeno: 4. 6. 2012 Received: 4 June 2012 Prihvaćeno: 4. 2. 2013. Accepted: 4 February 2013 Keramika tipa Gnathia pronađena je na 38 nalazišta duž istočne Gnathia ware was found at 38 sites on the eastern Adriatic coast obale Jadrana i bliže mu unutrašnjosti. Ipak, najviše posuda te and its immediate interior. Nonetheless, the most vessels of this keramičke vrste pronađeno je u antičkoj Isi. Brojnost i određene pottery type were found in Antique-era Issa. The high number značajke u obliku i ukrasu na posudama iz Ise otvorile su and specific characteristics in the shape and ornamentation on pretpostavku o lokalnoj isejskoj proizvodnji keramike tipa the vessels from Issa have led to the hypothesis on local Issa Gnathia. Prvi je tu pretpostavku iznio Branko Kirigin. Na temelju production of this pottery type. Branko Kirigin first stated this proučavanja grobnog inventara s nekropole na Martvilu u Visu hypothesis on the basis of study of the tomb inventory from the podijelio je posude tipa Gnathia iz Ise u četiri faze. Autorica je necropolis at Martvilo in Vis, dividing the Gnathia vessels from pomoću arheoloških komparativnih metoda analize dekoracije i Issa into four phases. Using stylistic methods for the attribution morfologije na svim dosad objavljenim posudama ove vrste na of painters and groups, analysis of morphology on all vessels thus istočnom Jadranu usporedila novije spoznaje o ovoj keramičkoj far published in the eastern Adriatic, the author compared new vrsti s Kiriginovim tezama. Također je ponudila razvoj tipologije knowledge on this pottery type with Kirigin’s theses. She also offers posuda isejske keramike tipa Gnathia unutar kronološkog okvira a development of the typology of the Issa Gnathia ware vessels od sredine 3. do kraja 2. st. pr. Kr. inside a chronological framework from the mid-third to the end of the second century BC. Ključne riječi: keramika tipa Gnathia, lokalna proizvodnja, Isa, stilske Key words: Gnathia ware, local production, Issa, stylistic analysis, analize, kontekstualne analize, tipologija, morfologija, ukrasi contextual analysis, typology, morphology, ornaments 99 Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa Keramika tipa Gnathia dobila je ime po nalazištu Gnathia u Gnathia ware derives its name from the ancient Gnathia, južnoj Italiji (danas grad Egnazia), gdje je godine 1845. prvi today’s town of Egnazia in southern Italy, where it was first put otkrivena u grobovima. Istraživanja su pokazala da su se discovered in tombs in 1845. Research has shown that this posude te keramičke vrste najprije proizvodile u radionicama pottery type was made in the red figure pottery workshops crvenofiguralne keramike južnoitalskih grčkih gradova od druge of the Greek cities in southern Italy from the second quarter četvrtine 4. do kraja 2. st. pr. Kr., a vodeće središte proizvodnje of the fourth to the end of the second centuries BC, and the bilo je u koloniji Tarasu (današnji Taranto) na obali Jonskoga leading production centre was in the colony of Taras (today’s mora. Osnovna značajka keramike tipa Gnathia je slikani ukras Taranto) on the Ionian coast. The basic characteristic of Gnathia u crvenoj, žutoj i bijeloj boji na crnoj podlozi posude. Širenjem ware is the painted decoration in red, yellow and white on the trgovine u helenističkom razdoblju došlo je do veće tržišne vessel’s black base. The expansion of trade in the Hellenistic potražnje za keramičkim proizvodima. U takvim okolnostima period led to higher market demand for pottery. Under such tehnike ukrašavanja i motivi na slikanoj keramici postaju sve circumstances, the decorative techniques and motifs on painted jednostavniji. Upravo je to razlog što tijekom druge polovice ware become increasingly rudimentary. This is precisely why 4. st. pr. Kr. jednostavna izvedba i reduciranje motiva koji se simple rendering and reduction of motifs during the latter manifestiraju na keramici tipa Gnathia, polako istiskuju bogato half of the fourth century BC, which manifested themselves ukrašenu crvenofiguralnu keramiku, koja se prestaje proizvoditi in Gnathia ware, slowly pushed aside the richly ornamented oko 300. g. pr. Kr. Keramika tipa Gnathia postala je najraširenija Red-figure ware production of which ceased at around 300 BC.1 keramička vrsta helenističkog razdoblja te ujedno predstavlja Gnathia ware became the most widespread pottery type of i prvu keramičku vrstu koja se u velikoj količini izvozila izvan the Hellenisticperiod, and it also became the first pottery type matičnog središta proizvodnje. Novija arheološka istraživanja to be exported outside of its home production centre in large na nalazištima u južnoj Italiji pokazala su da je keramika tipa quantities. More recent archaeological research in southern Italy 1 Gnathia bila iznimno popularna kod italskih domorodačkih has shown that Gnathia ware was exceptionally popular among zajednica, od kojih su neke, poput daunske, razvile vlastitu native Italic communities, of which some, such as the Dauni, proizvodnju ovog tipa posuda i čije proizvode nalazimo na developed their own production of this pottery type and whose nalazištima na istočnom Jadranu (o tome više u nastavku products can be found in eastern Adriatic sites (more on this teksta). below). Posude tipa Gnathia pronađene su na brojnim nalazištima Vessels of Gnathia ware have been found at sites along the duž istočnojadranske obale i u neposrednoj unutrašnjosti u eastern Adriatic coast and its immediate hinterland dating from razdoblju od 4. do 1. st. pr. Kr. Dosadašnje stanje istraživanja, the fourth to first centuries BC. Previous research, i.e., published odnosno objavljeni materijali pokazuju da je većina posuda ove material, indicate that most of the vessels of this type were vrste pronađena u Isi (grčki grad Issa) na otoku Visu. Brojnost found in the ancient Greek city of Issa on the island of Vis. The posuda tipa Gnathia iz Ise i njihove posebne značajke u obliku i high number and specific features of the shape and decoration dekoraciji potaknuli su godine 1990. Branka Kirigina na definiranje of Gnathia vessels from Issa prompted Kirigin to define local Issa lokalne isejske proizvodnje. production in 1990.2 2 Posljednjih dvadesetak godina, zahvaljujući bojnim Over the past roughly two decades, thanks to numerous arheološkim istraživanjima i objavama u južnoj Italiji, a posebno archaeological research campaigns and publications in southern na području antičke Apulije (današnja Puglia), poznavanje Italy, and particularly in the territory of ancient Apulia (Ital. keramike tipa Gnathia dosegnulo je takvu razinu da možemo Puglia), knowledge of Gnathia ware has reached a level that govoriti o cjelokupnoj proizvodnji: od tehnologije proizvodnje, makes it possible to speak of overall production, from production radionica, konteksta nalaza, funkcija posuda i kronološkog technology, workshops, archaeological contexts, function of the okvira proizvodnje do distribucije. Poznavanje i razumijevanje vessels, chronological framework of production and distribution. svih navedenih aspekata keramičke proizvodnje u južnoj Italiji New knowledge and understanding of all of these aspects of omogućuje nam bolje razumijevanje ove keramičke vrste pottery production in southern Italy facilitates greater insight pronađene u Isi, odnosno jasnije definiranje značajki i kronološkog into the pottery of this type found in Issa, i.e., a clearer definition okvira lokalne proizvodnje. of the characteristics and chronological framework of local production. 1 2 Lippolis, Rocco 2011, str. 478-479. Kirigin 1990a, str. 58-63. 1 2 Lippolis, Rocco 2011, pp. 478-479. Kirigin 1990a, pp. 58-63. 101 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 Metodologija rada Work methodology U dosadašnjem definiranju lokalne proizvodnje keramike tipa The research campaigns at the Issa necropolis Martvilo in 1955, Gnathia značajno mjesto zauzimaju istraživanja na isejskoj 1976, 1979 and 19803 are quite significant to the efforts made nekropoli Martivilo provedena 1955., 1976., 1979. i 1980. thus far to define local production of Gnathia ware. Although the godine.3 Premda nekropola nije u cijelosti objavljena, nalazi necropolis has not been published in its entirety, the finds from iz grobnica 3 i 14 iz godine 1979. (dalje u tekstu grobnica tombs 3 and 14 in 1979 (hereinafter: tombs 3/1976 and 14/1979), 3/1976 i 14/1979), dali su značajan prinos razumijevanju ove constituted a major contribution to the understanding of this keramičke vrste iz Ise. Naime, prilikom proučavanja nalaza ware from Issa.4 This is because Kirigin, when analysing the finds iz navedenih grobnica Kirigin je posude ove keramičke vrste from these tombs, classified vessels of this pottery type from Issa iz Ise svrstao u četiri faze.5 Prvu Kiriginovu fazu čine uvezene into four phases.5 According to Kirigin, the first phase consists of 4 posude srednje faze proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia imported vessels from the middle phase of Gnathia production in kasnog 4. st. pr. Kr., drugu i treću fazu uvezene posude kasne the late fourth century BC, the second and third phases consist of proizvodnje, odnosno posude Aleksandrijske skupine i posude imported late production vessels, i.e., vessels of Alexandrian group za koje pretpostavlja da su se proizvodile u Kanuziju (antička and vessels assumed to have been produced in Canosa (ancient Canosa, na sjeveru Apulije). Posljednju fazu čine posude Canusium in northern Apulia). The final phase consists of vessels lokalne isejske produkcije, koje je autor izdvojio na temelju of local Issa production, which Kirigin distinguished them from specifičnog srcolikog oblika posuda i dekoracije u kombinaciji imported Apulian on the basis of the specific heart shape belly of s motivima keramike tipa West Slope, nazvavši ih “isejskim the vessels and the decorations combined with the motifs of West Gnathiama”.6 Slope ware, calling them “Isseian Gnathia ware”.6 This hypothesis was accepted by most scholars.7 Furthermore, Ovu pretpostavku prihvatila je većina autora.7 Ipak, Kiriginova studija predstavlja uvod u sustavni rad koji bi Kirigin’s study constitutes an introduction to systematic work that odredio razlike između uvozne i lokalne keramike tipa Gnathia, would determine the differences between imported and local definirao tipologiju oblika i ukrasa te uspostavio kronološki okvir Gnathia ware; it defined a typology of shapes and ornaments and proizvodnje. Kako bismo ispunili taj zahtjev, valjalo je na prvome established a chronological framework for production. In order to mjestu prikupiti sve dosad objavljenje (prije i nakon Kiriginove meet the demand confronting us, it would be worthwhile to first studije) podatke o nalazima keramike tipa Gnathia na istočnoj gather all thus far published (before and after Kirigin’s study) data obali Jadrana. on finds of Gnathia ware on the eastern Adriatic. Based on the current status of research, this pottery type has Prema trenutačnom stanju istraživanja ova je keramička vrsta na istočnom Jadranu pronađena na 38 nalazišta, a prema been found at 38 sites on the eastern Adriatic, and according to objavljenim podacima pronađeno je 426 cijelih posuda.8 Tom published data, 426 whole vessels have been found.8 This number broju valja pridodati i 219 posuda u depou Grčko-helenističke should be increased by the 219 vessels held in the depot of the Graeco-Hellenistic Collection of the Archaeological Museum in 3 4 5 6 7 8 102 Za istraživanja 1955. g. vidi Čargo 2010, i ondje navedene ranije objave. Istraživanja 1976. i 1979. g. objavili su Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1980, str. 81-82, na engleskom jeziku, a 1981, str. 63-83, na hrvatskome. Za istraživanja 1980. vidi Kirigin, Marin 1985, str. 45-72, a engleska verzija članka objavljena je u Lecceu 1988; Kirigin, Marin 1988, str. 130-131. Kasnije objave grobnica s Martvila služe se istom numeracijom grobova, vidi: Katić 2010, a kako bi se razlikovali nalazi, uz broj grobnice dodala sam godinu kada je grobnica istražena. Kirigin 1990a, str. 59-65. Kirigin spominje da srcoliki oblik isejskih enohoja vjerojatno potječe od rimskih republikanskih brončanih enohoja (Kirigin 1990a, str. 61). Kao drugu značajku oblika isejskih enohoja autor spominje: “Oblici tih vaza su nešto vitkiji, imaju rebrasti ornament i crni premaz” (Kirigin 1996, str. 133). Green 2001, str. 70; Hempel 2001, str. 111; Alexandropoulou 2002, str. 180; Lanza 2006, str. 163; Čargo 2007, str. 31-36; Čargo 2008, str. 94-97; Katić 2010, str. 123; Šešelj 2010, str. 54-55. Miše 2010, str. 91. 3 4 5 6 7 8 For the 1955 research, see Čargo 2010 and the earlier publications cited therein. The research in 1976 and 1979 was published by Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1980, pp. 81-82 in the English language, and 1981, pp. 63-83 in Croatia. For the 1980 research, see Kirigin, Marin 1985, pp. 45-72, while an English version of the article was published in Lecce 1988, Kirigin, Marin 1988, pp. 130-131. Later publications of the tombs at Martvilo use the same tomb numbering, see Katić 2010; in order to distinguish finds, I added the year when the tombs was examined next to the tomb’s number. Kirigin 1990a, pp. 59-65. Kirigin mentioned that the heart shape belly of the Issa oinochoai was probably derived from the Roman Republic bronze oinochoai (Kirigin 1990a, p. 61). As another typical shape of Issa oinochoai, he noted: “The shapes of these vases are somewhat slimmer, they have a ribbed ornament and black slip” (Kirigin 1996, p. 133). Green 2001, p. 70; Hempel 2001, p. 111; Alexandropoulou 2002, p. 180; Lanza 2006, p. 163; Čargo 2007, pp. 31-36; Čargo 2008, pp. 94-97; Katić 2010, pp. 123; Šešelj 2010, pp. 54-55. Miše 2010, p. 91. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa zbirke Arheološkog muzeja u Splitu (dalje u tekstu AMS).9 Dakle, Split (hereinafter AMS).9 Thus, when defining local Issa production prilikom definiranja lokalne isejske proizvodnje keramike tipa of Gnathia ware, a total of 645 vessels found at sites all along the Gnathia analizirane su ukupno 645 posude, koje su pronađene eastern Adriatic coast and its immediate hinterland were analyzed. na nalazištima duž obale i neposrednog zaleđa istočnog Jadrana. Out of this number, approximately 90% of the vessels of Gnathia Od tog je broja oko 90 % posuda tipa Gnathia pronađeno u Isi. ware were found in Issa. Analysis of the vessels was rooted in the Analiza posuda temeljila se na komparativnoj metodi proučavanja comparative method of studying shapes, styles and decorative oblika, stila i dekorativne tehnike te usporedbama s posudama techniques and comparisons with southern Italic production. južnoitalske produkcije. Ovakvim pristupom izdvojena je Using this approach, a homogenous group of vessels was homogena skupina posuda, koje se prema osnovnim morfološkim distinguished which, according to underlying morphological and i stilskim značajkama razlikuju od importiranih posuda.10 stylistic features, differ from imported vessels.10 Dopune Kiriginove klasifikacije Addenda to Kirigin’s classification Nakon analize 645 posude tipa Gnathia s istočne obale Jadrana After analysis of 645 vessels of Gnathia ware from the eastern moguće je revidirati i nadopuniti Kiriginovu pretpostavku o četiri Adriatic, it is possible to revise and expand Kirigin’s hypothesis on faze keramike tipa Gnathia iz Ise. the four phases of Gnathia ware from Issa. Kirigin counted the imported vessels from southern Italy in Kirigin u prvu fazu keramike tipa Gnathia iz Ise ubraja posude uvezene iz južne Italije, iz grobnica 3/1976, XVI/1955 tombs 3/1976, XVI/1955 and 24/1980 at Martvilo in the first phase i 24/1980 na Martvilu, koje pripisuje srednjoj fazi proizvodnje of Gnathia ware from Issa, which he ascribed to the middle phase of ove keramičke vrste, iz 4. st. pr. Kr.11 Posude srednje faze production of this pottery type in the fourth century BC.11 The vessels proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia proizvodile su se od treće of the middle phase of Gnathiaware production were made from the četvrtine do kraja 4. st. pr. Kr. u radionicama grčke kolonije third quarter to the end of the fourth century BC in the workshops Taras, unutar koje se razvija skupina Dunedin i njezina of the Greek colony Taras, within which the Dunedin group and its podskupina Sidewinder. Značajka skupine Dunedin su motivi Sidewinder sub-group developed.12 The features of the Dunedin 12 ženskih glava između krila ili floralnih motiva, dok Sidewinder group are motifs of women’s heads between wings or floral motifs, ima jednostavnije motive vinove loze, kojima vitica izlazi iz while the Sidewinder has simple grape vine motifs, on which the crvene vodoravne crte njišući se sa strane, a ne okomito, kako tendrils extend from a red horizontal line, undulating from the sides je to na istovremenoj skupini Knudsen, koja se proizvodila u rather than vertically, as on the coterminous Knudsen group, which Kanuziju. Jedini za sada pronađeni primjerak skupine Dunedin was produced in Canusium.13 The only example of the Dunedin group na istočnoj obali Jadrana jest čunjasti lekit iz Ise pronađen thus far found on the eastern Adriatic coast is the squat lekythos za arheoloških istraživanja 1948. g.14 Iz radionice u Tarantu from Issa discovered during archaeological research in 1948.14 Two potječu i dvije enohoje, također iz Ise, koje se prema izvedbi oinochoai, also from Issa, were originally from a workshop in Taras, ukrasa mogu pripisati skupini Sidewinder. Za jednu enohoju and based on rendering they may be ascribed to the Sidewinder znamo da potječe iz poremećene grobnice kod rasadnika group. In the case of one oinochoe, it is known to have come from 9 9 13 10 11 12 13 14 Miše 2010, str. 91-94, 193-336, gdje su kataloški obrađene 182 posude iz Grčko-helenističke zbirke AMS-a, a 37 ulomaka na kojima se ne vidi ukras nije uvršteno u katalog, ali prema tipološkim značajkama uključene su u analizu oblika. Od 182 posude iz navedene zbirke 90 posuda pripada uvoznoj keramici tipa Gnathia, 76 lokalnoj, dok 14 posuda pokazuje značajke i jedne i druge proizvodnje te je, za sada, teško reći kojoj produkciji pripadaju. U analizu su uključene i posude iz Arheološke zbirke u Visu, koje su dijelom objavljene u katalogu izložbe Otok Vis v helenizmu: Kirigin 1986, te Čargo 2007, str. 24-36. Za stilsku analizu služila sam se metodama koje je uspostavio Green: Green 1968, Green 1976, Green 1982, Green 1986 i Green 2001, dok sam se za analizu oblika posude služila metodama koje je primijenio Lippolis, analizirajući tipologiju oblika posuda iz nekropole u Tarantu: Lippolis 1994. Kirigin 1990a, str. 60 i 62. Green 2001, str. 57-103. Green 2001, str. 57-103. Abramić 1949, T. III, desno; Kirigin 1979, str. 17-19; Kirigin 2008, str. 77, i Čargo 2010, str. 73. 10 11 12 13 14 Miše 2010, pp. 91-94, 193-336, in which 182 vessels from the GraecoHellenistic Collection of the AMS are analyzed, while 37 sherds on which decorations are visible were not included in the catalogue, although based on typological features they were included in the analysis of shapes. Out of the 182 vessels from this collection, 90 vessels are imported Gnathian ware, 76 are local, and 14 exhibit the features of both production types, so for now it is difficult to say to which they belong. The analysis also encompassed vessels from the Archaeological Collection in Vis, which were partially published in the catalogue of the exhibition “The Island of Vis in Hellenism”: Kirigin 1986, and Čargo 2007, pp. 24-36. For the stylistic analysis, I employed the methods established by Green: Green 1968, Green 1976, Green 1982, Green 1986 and Green 2001, while for the analysis of vessel shapes, I used the method applied by Lippolis when analyzing the typology of vessel shapes from the necropolis in Taranto: Lippolis 1994. Kirigin 1990a, pp. 60 and 62. Green 2001, pp. 57-103. Green 2001, pp. 57-103. Abramić 1949, P. III, right; Kirigin 1979, pp. 17-19; Kirigin 2008, p. 77 and Čargo 2010, p. 73. 103 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 palmi u Visu, dok za drugu kontekst i mjesto nalaza nisu a disturbed grave at the palm nursery in Vis, while for the other poznati, ali pretpostavlja se da potječe s Martvila, a nalazi se u the context are not known, but it is assumed that it were found at Grčko-helenističkoj zbirci AMS-a.15 Osim u Isi, posude skupine Martvilo; it is held in the AMS Graeco-Hellenistic Collection.15 Besides Sidewinder pronađene su u Osoru, Zadru, Škarinom Samogradu Issa, Sidewinder group vessels were found in Osor, Zadar, Škarin kod Šibenika i na Palagruži.16 Iz radionice u Tarasu vjerojatno Samograd at Šibenik and on the island of Palaguža.16 Four bottles potječu četiri boce s mrežastom dekoracijom u bijeloj boji, od with white grid-like decoration probably originated from a workshop kojih su tri pronađene u Visu, a jedna u špilji Rača na Lastovu. in Taras; three were found in Vis, and one in Rača cave on the island 17 Dvije enohoje pronađene u grobnici 3/1976 na Martvilu u of Lastovo.17 Two oinochoai found in tomb 3/1976 at Martvilo in Vis Visu te dvije iz grobnice kod rasadnika palmi u Visu imaju kao and two from the grave at the palm nursery in Vis have a branch ukras granu koja se po sredini odvaja te završava krugom.18 ornament which splits in the middle and ends in a circle.18 I found the Najbliže usporedbe motiva pronalazim u grobnici 11/1968 closest comparison to this motif in tomb 11/1968 in Vaste, which has u Vastu, koja je datirana u posljednju četvrtinu 4. st. pr. Kr. been dated to the final quarter of the fourth century BC.19 Based on 19 Prema obliku i usporedbom s enohojama iz Taranta, možemo ih the shape and a comparison to the oinochoai from Taranto, they may datirati u kraj 4. i početak 3. st. pr. Kr. S obzirom na navedene be dated to the end of the fourth and early third centuries BC.20 With usporedbe te crveni premaz na donjem dijelu i blijedu fakturu regard to these comparisons, the red slip on the lower portion and enohoje iz grobnice kod rasadnika palmi, može se pretpostaviti the pale fabric of the oinochoe from the grave at the palm nursery, it da enohoje potječu iz radionica u južnoj Apuliji, a možda i iz may be assumed that the oinochoai originated in the workshops of Taranta.21 southern Apulia, and possibly from Taras.21 20 All of the aforementioned examples of vessels belong to the Svi spomenuti primjeri posuda pripadaju srednjoj fazi proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia te ujedno potvrđuju Kiriginovu middle phase of Gnathia ware production and also confirm Kirigin’s pretpostavku o najranijim primjerima uvoza iz tarantske radionice. hypothesis on the earliest examples of imports from the Taranto No s početkom ove faze na području Apulije dogodile su se važne workshops. However, significant changes occurred in Apulia with promjene. Proučavajući pojedine slikare, a prije svega fakturu, the start of this phase. While examining individual painters, and odnosno boju gline posuda, Green je pretpostavio da se oko above all the fabrics of the vessels, Green assumed that regional 330. g. pr. Kr. u Apuliji počinju formirati regionalne radionice.22 workshops in Apulia began to emerge around 330 BC.22 Some of Neke od tih radionica, kao ona u Kanuziju, naći će široko tržište these workshops, like the one in Canusium, found a large market na istočnom Jadranu. Najranije posude kanuzijske radionice koje in the eastern Adriatic. The earliest vessels which can be found in se mogu naći na istočnom Jadranu su posude skupine Knudsen, the eastern Adriatic are those of the Knudsen group, which were 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 104 Za enohoju kod rasadnika palmi vidi Čargo 2008, str. 105, br. 4, a iz AMS-a osobni uvid u zbirku. Ulomke iz Osora donosi Faber (Faber 1980, str. 309, sl. 13/1 i 3), dok materijal s ostalih nalazišta nije objavljen. U materijal iz Arheološkog muzeja u Zadru i s nalazišta u Škarinom Samogradu koji se čuva u Muzeju grada Šibenika imala sam osobni uvid. Ovom prigodom zahvaljujem kolegici Nataliji Čondić iz Arheološkog muzeja u Zadru i kolegama Emilu Podrugu i Toniju Brajkoviću iz Muzeja grada Šibenika, koji su mi ljubazno omogućili uvid u materijal te snimanje. Ulomci s Palagruže izdvojeni su prilikom analize keramičkog materijala godine 2008., te će uskoro biti objavljeni od strane ove autorice. Jedna boca pronađena je tijekom arheoloških istraživanja u grobnici 3/1976 na Martvilu: Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. X. 27, a jedna se nalazi u stalnom postavu AMS-a: Kirigin 2008, str. 78, br. 40. Na žalost, za druge dvije boce kontekst nalaza nije poznat, a smještene su u vitrini Zbirke u Visu (osobni uvid). Za bocu s Lastova vidi: Radmili 1985, str. 134-135, fig. 1.2. Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. X. 1 i 17, Čargo 2008, str. 103-104, br. 2 i 3. Delli Ponti 1996, str. 151-155, br. 120. Lippolis 1994, str. 245. O enohoji iz groba/grobnice kod rasadnika palmi vidi Čargo 2008, str. 104, br. 3. Green 2001, str. 57-103, identificira radionice i posebne stilove keramike tipa Gnathia u ostalim dijelovima južne Italije, temeljeći metodologiju na vizualnim razlikama u fakturi gline. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 For the oinochoe at the palm nursery, see Čargo 2008, p. 105, no. 4, and for the AMS example I examined the collection personally. The potsherds from Osor were published by Faber (Faber 1980., p. 309, Fig. 13/1 and 3), while the materials from the other sites have not been published. I personally examined the materials from the Archaeological Museum and the site in Škarin Samograd, held in the Šibenik City Museum. On this occasion I would like to thank my colleague Natalija Čondić from the Archaeological Museum in Zadar and my colleagues Emil Podrug and Toni Brajković from the Šibenik City Museum, who graciously allowed me to examine and photograph the materials. The sherds from Palagruža were separated during an analysis of the ceramics in 2008, and I will soon published these. One bottle was found during archaeological research into tomb 3/1976 at Martvilo: Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. X. 27 and one is held in the permanent display in the AMS: Kirigin 2008, p. 78, no. 40. Unfortunately, the find context is not known for the other two bottles, and they are held in the display case of the Collection in Vis (personal examination). For the bottle from Lastovo, see: Radmili 1985, pp. 134-135, Fig. 1.2. Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. X. 1 and 17, Čargo 2008, pp. 103-104, no. 2 and 3. Delli Ponti 1996, pp. 151-155, no. 120. Lippolis 1994, p. 245. For the oinochoe from the grave at the palm nursery, see Čargo 2008, p. 104, no. 3. Green 2001, pp. 57-103 where he identified workshops and especially Gnathia ware styles in other parts of southern Italy, basing his methodology on visual differences in the fabrics. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa Slika 1. Enohoja Knudsen skupine. Arheološka zbirka Issa (foto: M. Miše). Figure 1. Oinochoai of the Knudsen group, Issa Archaeological Collection, photograph: M. Miše Slika 2. Pelika. Arheološka zbirka Issa (foto: T. Seser). Figure 2. Pelike, Issa Archaeological Collection, photograph: T. Seser koje su se proizvodile krajem 4. st. pr. Kr.23 Značajka te skupine su produced at the end of the fourth century BC.23 The characteristics motivi izvedeni u dekorativnoj shemi reda ovula pri vrhu ispod of this group are motifs rendered in a decorative scheme with kojeg se izmjenjuju debele guste valovite crte slikane bijelom a row of ovules at the top, while below them wide dense wavy i crvenom bojom , dok je središnji motiv vinova loza s ravnom lines painted white and red alternate, and the central motif is a peteljkom u crvenoj ili žutoj boji na kojoj vise grozdovi i vitice. grape vine with a red or yellow straight stalk on which there are Ovaj dekorativni sustav obično se javlja na skifima, enohojama, several grape bunches and tendrils. This decorative system usually vrčevima i kantarima. Dosad su na istočnom Jadranu pronađene appeared on skyphoi, oinochoai, jugs and kantharoi.24 Thus far, četiri posude koje se mogu pripisati skupini Knudsen (sl. 1). four vessels have been found on the eastern Adriatic which may be 24 25 Tijekom srednje faze proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia attributed to the Knudsen group (Fig. 1).25 During the middle phase of Gnathia ware production, besides regionalnim se radionicama južne Italije osim posuda skupine Knudsen mogu pripisati i loptasta pelika iz Visa te tri enohoje, od vessels of Knudsen group, the spherical pelike from Vis, and three kojih su dvije pronađene u Visu, a jedna u Lumbardi na otoku oinochoai, two found in Vis and one in Lumbarda on the island of Korčuli. Loptasta pelika iz Visa, na kojoj je naslikana škrinja, Korčula, may also be ascribed to the regional workshops of southern alabastar i ogledalo, pripisana je tarantskoj radionici (sl. 2). No Italy. The aforementioned spherical pelike from Vis, which features 26 23 24 25 26 Green 2001, str. 57-103. Green 1976, str. 9, i Green 1982, str. 257. Radi se o enohoji i skifu iz Zbirke u Visu (za enohoju vidi Kirigin 1986, str. 22, br. 38, a skif sam identificirala osobnim uvidom u Zbirku), enohoji i ulomku enohoje iz AMS-a, za koje točno mjesto nalaza i kontekst nisu nažalost poznati, ali se pretpostavlja da potječu s nekropole Martvilo, a koje sam izdvojila uvidom u materijal Grčko-helenističke zbirke u AMS-u. Kirigin 1986, str. 23, br. 41; Kirigin 1996, str. 127; Čargo 2007, str. 29-30, br. 8. 23 24 25 Green 2001, pp. 57-103. Green 1976, p. 9 and Green 1982, p. 257. These are an oinochoe and skyphos from the Collection in Vis (for the oinochoe see Kirigin 1986, p. 22, no. 38, while I identified the skyphos after personally inspecting the Collection), an oinochoe and fragments of oinochoe from the AMS, with precise find site and context unfortunately unknown, but assumed to come from the Martvilo necropolis, and which I discerned by inspecting the materials of the Graeco-Hellenistic Collection in the AMS. 105 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 Slika 3. Enohoja skupine KKG. Grčko helenistička zbirka AMS-a (foto: M. Miše). Figure 3. LCG oinochoai, AMS GraecoHellenistic Collection, photograph: M. Miše Slika 4. Enohoja Aleksandrijske skupine. Arheološka zbirka Issa (foto: M. Miše). Figure 4. Oinochoai of the Alexandrian group, Issa Archaeological Collection, photograph: M. Miše s obzirom na analogije iz Metaponta i usmeno savjetovanje s images of a chest, alabaster and mirror, has been attributed to prof. Greenom, pelika vjerojatno potječe iz radionica u sjevernoj a Taranto workshop (Fig. 2).26 However, given the analogy from Peucetiji. Oblikom se ističu tri spomenute enohoje. Naime, Metapontum and oral consultation with Prof. Green, the pelike enohoje imaju kratak debeo vrat i loptasto tijelo na niskoj stopi, probably originated in a workshop among the northern Peucetia.27 dok je ukras slikan bijelom bojom i sastoji se od jednostavno The three aforementioned oinochoai are distinguished by their shape, slikanih, gotovo shematiziranih grozdova, koji podsjećaju na for they have short, widened necks and spherical bodies on a low foot, 27 skupinu Knudsen (sl. 3). Pregledom fotografija triju enohoja while the ornaments is painted white and consists of simply rendered, prof. Green je pretpostavio da se radi o daunskim proizvodima almost schematized grape bunches, which recall the Knudsen group na prijelazu iz srednje faze proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia u (Fig. 3).28 After examining photographs of these three oinochoai, Prof. kasnu fazu. Green assumed that these were Daunian products from the transition 28 29 Osim navedenih posuda iz Ise među najranijim posudama from the middle to last phase of Gnathia ware production.29 apulskih regionalnih radionica keramike tipa Gnathia na istočnoj Besides the aforementioned vessels from Issa, the examples from obali Jadrana svakako treba izdvojiti primjere iz nekropola the necropolises of the native population in ancient Liburnia should domorodačkog stanovništva antičke Liburnije. Radi se o nalazima certainly be distinguished among the earliest vessels from the Apulian 27 26 27 28 29 106 Za usporedbe s pelikama iz Metaponta vidi: Carter 1998, str. 270272. Jednu enohoju iz Visa donosi Čargo 2008, str. 106, br. 5, a drugu sam izdvojila osobnim uvidom u Grčko- helenističku zbirku AMS-a, dok enohoju iz Lumbarde donosi Lisičar 1973, T. X. 29, druga posuda s lijeve strane. Zahvaljujem prof. Johnu Greenu na pomoći kod atribucije navedenih enohoja. 28 29 Kirigin 1986, p. 23, no. 41; Kirigin 1996, p. 127; Čargo 2007, pp. 29-30, no. 8. For comparisons with the pelikai from Metapontum, see Carter 1998, pp. 270-272. An oinochoe from Vis was published by Čargo 2008, p. 106, no. 5, while I distinguished another in a personal inspection of the AMS GraecoHellenistic Collection; the oinochoe from Lumbarda was published by Lisičar 1973, P. X.29 second vessel from the left. I would like to thank Prof. John Green for his assistance in attributing these oinochoai. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa velikih zdjela i skifodnog kratera iz grobnice 1 u Nadinu, koji regional workshops of Gnathia ware on the eastern Adriatic. These vjerojatno potječu iz radionica na poluotoku Salentu, odnosno iz are finds of large bowls and a skyphoid krater from tomb 1 in Nadin, Mesapije, a datiraju se u posljednju četvrtinu 4. st. pr. Kr.30 (sl. 5). which probably originated in a workshop on the Salento Peninsula, Iz istih radionica i razdoblja vjerojatno potječe i ulomak oboda i.e., in Messapia, and it has been dated to the final quarter of the fourth duboke zdjele s motivom ovula i vinove loze iz Osora.31 Ulomci sa century BC (Fig. 5).30 The fragment of a rim from a deep bowl with an sličnim dekoracijskim motivima pronađeni su u Starome Gradu, ovule and grape vine motif from Osor probably originated in these na rtu Ploči i Beretinovoj gradini kod Zadra te na Zadarskom same workshops.31 Potsherds with similar decorative motifs were found poluotoku, ali zbog fragmentiranosti teško je reći kojoj apulskoj in Stari Grad, on Cape Ploče and Beretinova gradina near Zadar, and on radionici pripadaju. the Zadar Peninsula, but it is difficult to ascertain the Apulian workshop 32 Novije objave materijala iz Ise potvrdile su Kiriginovu from which they came due to their fragmentary state.32 More recent publications of the materials from Issa have pretpostavku o posudama prve faze. Naime, autor je dobro uočio da su posude srednje faze proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia confirmed Kirigin’s hypothesis on vessels of the first phase. For he iz južne Italije najstariji primjerci te keramičke vrste u Isi. Nakon astutely observed that the vessels of the middle phase of Gnathia ware analize posuda tipa Gnathia na istočnom Jadranu možemo production from southern Italy are the oldest examples of this pottery nadopuniti Kiriginova razmišljanja i u širem kontekstu. Posude type in Issa. After an analysis of the vessels of Gnathia ware in the srednje faze proizvodnje iz južne Italije pronađene su i na ostalim eastern Adriatic, Kirigin’s considerations can be supplemented in a wider nalazištima na istočnom Jadranu te su za sada najstariji pronađeni context. Vessels from the middle phase of production in southern Italy primjerci južnoitalske keramike tipa Gnathia na istočnom Jadranu, were found at other sites in the eastern Adriatic coast, and for now they a potječu iz nekoliko južnoitalskih radionica (karta 1). are the oldest examples of the southern Italian Gnathia found here, and U drugu fazu keramike tipa Gnathia iz Ise Kirigin ubraja znatno they originated in several southern Italian workshops (Map 1). Kirigin counted a considerably higher number of vessels veći broj posuda u odnosu na prvu fazu, koje uglavnom pripadaju Aleksandrijskoj skupini, datiranoj u rano 3. st. pr. Kr. Aleksandrijska among the second phase of Gnathia ware than the first, and these skupina dobila je ime prema Aleksandriji u Egiptu gdje su posude generally belong to the Alexandrian group dated to the early third prvi put identificirane, no kasnijim je istraživanjima utvrđeno da century BC.33 The Alexandrian group derives its name from the place se ipak radi o proizvodu radionica u Tarantu tijekom posljednje where the vessels were first identified, in Alexandria, Egypt, although faze produkcije posuda tipa Gnathia.34 Značajka skupine su fino subsequent research ascertained that these were products of a 33 izvedeni motivi golubica, koje su uokvirene crvenom vrpcom, workshop in Taras, probably during the final phase of Gnathia ware palminim granama, vinovom lozom i/ili bršljanom35 (sl. 5). Taj je production.34 A characteristic of this group is the finely rendered motiv potpuno kanonski i pojavljuje se na svim posudama ove motifs of doves, which are framed by palm fronds, grape vines skupine. U nekim se slučajevima, poput pelike iz Visa, mogu pojaviti and/or ivy (Fig. 5).35 This motif is entirely canon and appears on all motivi ženskih glava u tročetvrtinskom profilu.36 Osim toga, nakon vessels of this group. In some cases, such as the pelike from Vis, the 300. g. pr. Kr. kod ove se skupine zamjećuje tendencija smanjivanja motif of a woman’s head in three-quarter profile may also appear.36 dimenzija kod svih tipova posuda, a kanelirana površina prekriva Additionally, after 300 BC, a tendency to reduce dimensions has 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Kukoč 2009, str. 75, sl. 47. Najbliže analogije pronalazim u grobnicama u Roccavecchiji, gdje su datirane u posljednju četvrtinu 4. st. pr. Kr. (Giannotta 1996a, str. 61, 64, 77 i Giannotta 1996b, str. 457). Keramički inventar grobnice u Nadinu datira se u širokom rasponu od posljednje četvrtine 4. st. do sredine 2. st. pr. Kr., prema nalazima navedenih posuda i zdjele bez stope i tanjura koji pripadaju keramici HFR (Hard Fired Red) 2. st. pr. Kr. Mihovilić 2002, str. 507, T. 5.2. Za ulomke s Beretinove gradine vidi Batović 1968b, str. 53-74. Opservacije napravljene osobnim uvidom u materijal koji se danas čuva u Arheološkome muzeju u Zadru (zahvaljujem kolegici Nataliji Čondić koja mi ga je ljubazno pokazala). Za ulomak vjerojatno skifa iz Staroga Grada Miggoti navodi da pripada kasnoj fazi Slikara ruže (eng. Rose Painter) (Migotti 1986, str. 158, T. 8. 5). No slične motive slikaju i ostali slikari rane i srednje faze, a zbog malog ulomka skifa teško ga je točno atributirati određenom slikaru. Jednako vrijedi i za ulomke s rta Ploča (Šešelj 2010, str. 56, br. 1 i 2). Kirigin 1990a, str. 62-63. Green 1995, str. 271-274. Green 1976, Green 1995, str. 271-274, i Green 2001, str. 57-103. Kirigin 1986, str. 23, br. 44 i Čargo 2007, str. 29, br. 7. 31 32 33 34 35 36 Kukoč 2009, p. 75, Fig. 47. The closest analogies I found were in the tombs in Roccaveccha, which were dated to the final years of the fourth century BC (Giannotta 1996a, pp. 61, 64, 77 and Giannotta 1996b, p. 457). The pottery inventory of the tomb in Nadin has been dated in a broad range from the final quarter of the fourth to the mid-second centuries BC, based on the finds of these vessels and a bowl without foot and a plate which are HFR (Hard Fired Red) ware of the second century BC. Mihovilić 2002, p. 507, P. 5.2. For the sherds from Beretinova gradina, Batović 1968.b, pp. 53-74, as well as personal inspection of the materials now held in the Archaeological Museum in Zadar (I would like to thank by colleague Natalija Čondić for graciously showing it to me). In the case of the fragment of what is likely a skyphos from Stari Grad, Miggoti stated that it belongs to the late phase of the Rose Painter (Migotti 1986, p. 158, P. 8.5). However, similar motifs were painted by other painters of the early and middle phases, but the small number of skyphos sherds makes it difficult to accurately attribute them to a specific painter. The same applies to the potsherds from Cape Ploče (Šešelj 2010, p. 56, no. 1 and 2). Kirigin 1990a, pp. 62-63. Green 1995, pp. 271-274. Green 1976, Green 1995, pp. 271-274 and Green 2001, pp. 57-103. Kirigin 1986, p. 23, no. 44 and Čargo 2007, p. 29, no. 7. 107 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 Dunedin / Dunedin Knudsen / Knudsen Knud./KKG / Knud./LCG mrežasta dekoracija / grid-like decoration ulomci bez atribucije / sherds without attribution Karta 1. Distribucija posuda južnoitalske srednje faze proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia na istočnom Jadranu Map 1. Distribution of vessels of the southern Italian middle phase of Gnathia ware production in the eastern Adriatic većinu površine posude, sužavajući slobodan prostor za dekoraciju been observed in all of these vessels, while fluting covers most of samo na vrat.37 Slični motivi pojavljuju se u istovremenoj kasnoj the vessel surface, restricting the space available for decorations to kanuzijskoj skupini (engl. Late Canosan, dalje u tekstu KKG), the neck.37 Similar motifs appear on the coterminous Late Canosan koja se proizvodila u Kanuziju, vjerojatno upravo pod utjecajem group (hereinafter LCG), which was produced in Canusium, probably Aleksandrijske skupine (sl. 5). No u svrhu jasnije definicije ovih under the influence of the Alexandrian group (Fig. 5).38 However, dviju skupina potrebno je razlikovati način izvedbe motiva i oblik for the purpose of a clearer definition of these two groups, it is 37 38 37 38 38 108 Lipplis, Rocco 2011, str. 478-479. Green 2001, str. 100. Lipplis, Rocco 2011, pp. 478-479. Green 2001, p. 100. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa Slika 5. Enohoja skupine KKG. Grčko helenistička zbirka AMS-a. Figure 5. LCG oinochoai, AMS GraecoHellenistic Collection. Slika 6. Skif skupine KKG. Grčko helenistička zbirka AMS-a. Figure 6. LCG skyphos, AMS GraecoHellenistic Collection. posude na kojima se motivi pojavljuju. Naime, enohoje i pelike necessary to distinguish the method for rendering motifs and the Aleksandrijske skupine elegantnije su, s izduženim vratom, dok shape of the vessels on which these motifs appear. For the oinochoai enohoje i pelike skupine KKG imaju loptasto tijelo s kratkim vratom and pelikai of the Alexandrian group are more elegant, with (usporedba sl. 4 i 5). elongated necks, while the LCG oinochoai and pelikai have spherical Imaju li se na umu navedene značajke, odnosno razlike bodies with short necks (compare Fig. 4 and 5). između dviju navedenih skupina, moguće je dopuniti Kiriginovu Knowing these characteristics, i.e., the differences between tvrdnju o “znatno većem broju posuda” Aleksandrijske skupine te the aforementioned groups, it is possible to supplement Kirigin’s ih usporediti s brojem posuda skupine KKG, koje prema Kiriginu assertion on the “considerably higher number of vessels” of the spadaju u treću fazu keramike tipa Gnathia na Visu. No radi Alexandrian group, and compare them to the number of LCG vessels, lakšeg razumijevanja usporedbu ću napraviti nakon detaljnijeg which according to Kirigin belong to the third phase of Gnathia ware obrazloženja Kiriginove treće faze. on Vis. However, to facilitate a better understanding, I shall make a Dosad je najviše posuda Aleksandrijske skupine pronađeno comparison after a more detailed explanation of Kirigin’s third phase. u Visu, točnije, na Martvilu. U istraživanjima čeških arheologa Thus far the highest number of Alexandrian group vessels u Visu tridesetih godina 20. st. pronađena je jedna enohoja have been found in Vis, more precisely at Martvilo. An Alexandrian Aleksandrijske skupine. Točno mjesto nalaza nije nažalost group oinochoe was found during research conducted by Czech poznato, a nema podataka ni o ostalom materijalu koji je tom archaeologists in Vis in the 1930s. The precise find site is not, prilikom pronađen na Martvilu.39 U arheološkim istraživanjima unfortunately, known. There are similarly no data on the remaining nekropole Martvilo godine 1955. pronađena je enohoja iz materials found at Martvilo at that time.39 An oinochoe from tomb 39 39 Bouzek 2009, str. 390-391. Voditelj čeških istraživanja bio je Jindrich Čadik, a, prema Bouzeku, iskopavala se helenistička kuća. Iz rada nije jasno na temelju čega Bouzek donosi podatak o češkom iskopavanju helenističke kuće. U povijesti proučavanja i istraživanja Ise Kirigin spominje češka istraživanja na Martvilu, Kirigin 1996, str. 32. Bouzek 2009, pp. 390-391. The Czech research was headed by Jindrich Čadik, and according to Bouzek, a Hellenistic house was excavated. From the text, the basis for Bouzek’s assertion that the Czechs excavated a Hellenistic house is unclear. In his history of the study and research of Issa, Kirigin mentioned the Czech research at Martvilo, Kirigin 1996, p. 32. 109 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 grobnice 14 te konična amfora u grobnici VI-XII. Nažalost, grobni 14 and a conical amphora in tomb VI-XII were found during the inventar je poremećen, što otežava interpretaciju nalaza. research at the Martvilo necropolis in 1955. Unfortunately, the Usporedbom s nalazima iz južne Italije datirane su u 3. st. pr. Kr.41 tomb’s inventory has been disturbed, which makes it difficult to Osim spomenutih nalaza na nekropoli na Martvilu pronađena je interpret the finds.40 However, they were dated to the third century enohoja iz grobnice 2/1997 te ulomak vrata enohoje iz grobnice BC based on a comparison with finds from southern Italy.41 Besides 1/1997.42 Osam enohoja i jedna pelika s Martvila objavljene su these finds, an oinochoe from tomb 2/1997 and an fragment of 40 kataloški. Motiv golubice između crvenih vrpca s maslinovom oinochoe neck from tomb 1/1997 were found at the Martvilo granom sa strane i vinovom lozom iznad toga, pojavljuje se na necropolis.42 Eight oinochoai and one pelike from Martvilo were koničnoj amfori pronađenoj 1955. g.44 Ističu se, međutim, tri published in a catalogue.43 The motifs of doves between red enohoje s motivom teatarske maske umjesto golubice te već ribbons and olive branches to the side and grape vines above spomenuta pelika s motivom ženske glave u tročetvrtinskom appear on a conical amphora found in 1955.44 Notable, however, profilu između vitica. Motiv ženskih glava i golubica između are three oinochoai with a theatre mask motif instead of a dove vitica karakterističan je za posljednju fazu proizvodnje and the aforementioned pelike with a woman’s head in three- Aleksandrijske skupine. Dakle, dosad je objavljeno 19 posuda quarter profile between tendrils.45 The motif of the woman’s head Aleksandrijske skupine iz Visa, a dodamo li tom broju i 11 posuda and the dove between tendrils is typical of the final production iz Grčko-helenističke zbirke AMS-a, u Visu je zasad pronađeno 30 phase of the Alexandrian group.46 So, thus far 19 vessels of the posuda te skupine. Alexandrian group in Vis have been published, and if the 11 vessels 43 45 46 Osim u Visu, posude ove skupine pronađene su na Ošaniću kod Stoca u Hercegovini, Velikoj Mrdakovici (ant. Arauzona) kod from the AMS Graeco-Hellenistic Collection are added to this, 30 vessels of this type have thus far been found in Vis. Besides Vis, vessels of this group have been found at Ošanići Šibenika i u Draču (ant. Dyrrachion).47 Već sam spomenula da Kirigin u treću fazu keramike tipa Gnathia iz Ise ubraja posude uvezene iz Kanzija, koje datira od near Stolac in Herzegovina, Velika Mrdakovica (ant. Arauzona) at Šibenik and Durrës (ant. Dyrrachion).47 I have already noted that Kirigin counted imported vessels from sredine do kraja 3. st. pr. Kr. Značajke ove skupine su motivi 48 bršljana s okomitim listovima i valovitom stabljikom između Canusium in the third phase of Gnathia ware, which he dated up to the dviju vodoravnih crvenih crta (sl. 5). Kasnije se pojavljuju motivi mid-third century BC.48 Ivy with vertical leaves and wavy stalks between vodoravnih punih ili istočkanih crta u crvenoj i žutoj boji koje two horizontal red lines are typical motifs (Fig. 5). Later horizontal full po sredini imaju krug ili kotač. Listovi postaju jednostavne kose or dotted lines painted red or yellow with a circle or ring in the middle ili okomite crte oko vodoravne vrpce, a valovita crta postaje appeared. The leaves became simple diagonal or vertical lines around “nazubljena pila”; ovaj je motiv posebno bio omiljen na skifima (sl. a horizontal band, while the wavy lines became a “toothed saw”. This 40 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 110 Prvi pokušaj interpretacije i rekonstrukcije grobnog inventara s istraživanja 1955. g. donosi Kirigin 1985, str. 91-110, a poslije Čargo 2009 i Čargo 2010. O iskopavanjima godine 1955. g. pišu Garbričević 1968, str. 42, i Nikolanci 1969, str. 57-87. Čargo 2009, str. 155-164. Katić 2010, T. XXVIII. 4 i T. XXVI. Kirigin 1981, str. 229-236; Kirigin 1986, str. 23; Čargo 2007, str. 25-27, br. 1-5. Osobnim uvidom u materijal iz Grčko-helenističke zbirke AMS-a izdvojila sam još devet posuda, koje donosim kataloški u doktorskoj disertaciji, Miše 2010. Enohoje s teatarskim maskama i pelika kod Kirigin 1981, str. 229-236; Kirigin 1986, str. 23, br. 44; Čargo 2007, str. 29-30, br. 7. Green 1977, str. 558-561, i Green 2001, str. 61, fig. 14. Nažalost, keramika tipa Gnathia iz Drača nije dosad objavljena, premda su pronađene enohoje Aleksandrijske skupine. Na taj podatak ljubazno mi je ukazala prof. Hava Hidri iz Drača, kojoj ovom prigodom zahvaljujem. Dio keramičkog materijala s nekropole u Velikoj Mrdakovici je objavljen, ali nažalost bez keramike tipa Gnathia (Brusić 1976, str. 113131; Arauzona 2000). Osobnim uvidom u keramiku tipa Gnathia s Velike Mrdakovice izdvojila sam, međutim, dva ulomka vrata enohoja koje pripadaju Aleksandrijskoj skupini te nekoliko ulomaka s kanelurama. Ovom prigodom zahvaljujem kolegama Emilu Podrugu i Toniju Brajkoviću iz Muzeja grada Šibenika koji su mi omogućili uvid u materijal s Velike Mrdakovice. Za posude iz Ošanića vidi: Marić 1995, T. 5. 1 i 6, te T. 6. 1-5. Kirigin 1990a, str. 63. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 The first attempt at interpretation and reconstruction of the tomb inventory from the research in 1955 was made by Kirigin 1985, pp. 91110, and later by Čargo 2009 and Čargo 2010. Garbričević 1968, p. 42 and Nikolanci 1969, pp. 57-87 spoke of the excavations in 1955. Čargo 2009, pp. 155-164. Katić 2010, P. XXVIII. 4 and P. XXVI. Kirigin 1981, pp. 229-236; Kirigin 1986, p. 23; Čargo 2007, pp. 25-27, no. 1-5. After a personal inspection of the materials from the AMS GraecoHellenistic Collection, I set aside an additional nine vessels which I included in the catalogue of my doctoral dissertation, Miše 2010. For the oinochoai with theatre masks and the pelike, Kirigin 1981, pp. 229-236; Kirigin 1986, p. 23, no. 44; Čargo 2007, pp. 29-30, no. 7. Green 1977, pp. 558-561 and Green 2001, p. 61, Fig. 14. Unfortunately, the Gnathia ware from Durrës has not yet been published, even though Alexandrian group oinochoai were found. I was kindly informed of this by Prof. Hava Hidri from Durrës, whom I would like to thank. A part of the pottery from the necropolis in Velika Mrdakovica has been published, but unfortunately without the Gnathia ware (Brusić 1976, pp. 113-131; Arauzona 2000). However, in a personal inspection of the Gnathia ware from Velika Mrdakovica, I distinguished two oinochoe neck sherds which belong to the Alexandrian group and several fragments with fluting. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues Emil Podrug and Toni Brajković from the Šibenik City Museum, who allowed me to inspect the materials from Velika Mrdakovica. For the vessels from Ošanići, see Marić 1995, P. 5. 1 and 6, and P. 6. 1-5. Kirigin 1990a, p. 63. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa Slika 7. Svadbeni lebet iz Visa. Nepoznati smještaj. Figure 7. Lebes gamikos from Vis. Unknown deposit. Slika 8. Isejska enohoja tipa A. Grčko helenistička zbirka AMS-a. Figure 8. ssa type A oinochoe, AMS Graeco-Hellenistic Collection. 6). Unutar skupine KKG pojavljuju se enohoje i pelike s motivima motif was particularly favoured on skyphoi. (Fig. 6). Oinochoai and pelikai palmete i metopama u kojima je bijelom bojom naslikana ptica. appeared inside the LCG with motifs of palmettes and metopes in which To ih čini posebnom podskupinom, RPR (ribbed with palmette birds were painted in white. They thereby constitute the separate RPR rosette)49 (kao na svadbenom lebetu na sl. 7). (ribbed with palmette rosette) sub-group (like on lebes gamikos on Fig. 7)49. Najpopularniji oblik posude u proizvodnji skupine KKG The most vessel shape in the LCG were the skyphoi, which bili su skifi, koji se u početku javljaju bez kanelura.50 Skifi s initially appeared without fluting.50 Skyphoi with oval bodies, a ovalnim tijelom, niskom stopom bez kanelura, s vodoravnim low foot without fluting, horizontal red, white and yellow lines and crvenim, bijelim i žutim crtama te kosim crtama pronađeni su diagonal lines were found in Vis in tomb 3/1976 at Martvilo and in the u Visu u grobnici 3/1976 na Martvilu i u grobnici kod rasadnika grave at the palm nursery.51 The skyphoi fragments with painted lines palmi.51 Ulomci skifa sa slikanim crtama s Palagruže i rta Ploča from Palagruža and Cape Ploče also exhibit similarities with the early također pokazuju sličnosti sa skifima ranoga KKG-a.52 U isto LCG skyphoi.52 At the same time, skyphoi appeared with fluting on a vrijeme pojavljuju se skifi s kanelurama na visokoj profiliranoj high articulated foot, with the foot extending and the body acquiring stopi, kojima se prema kraju 3. st. pr. Kr. stopa izdužuje, a tijelo a slight S-profile as the end of the third century BC approached.53 This dobiva blagi S-profil. Ovaj je oblik skifa iznimno popularan na skyphos shape was exceptionally popular on the eastern Adriatic istočnoj obali Jadrana. Osim u grobovima u Visu na Martvilu, u coast. Besides the tombs in Vis, i.e. tombs 3/1976 and 2/1997 at 49 50 51 52 49 50 51 52 53 53 Green 1976; Green 1982, str. 252-276 i Green 2001, str. 57-103. Green 2001, str. 63. Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. X.26; Čargo 2008, str. 117-119, br. 16-18. Šešelj 2010, str. 57-58, br. 3-6. Osobni uvid u materijal s arheoloških istraživanja na Palagruži i u zbirku keramičkih predmeta s Palagruže Jadranka Oreba iz Vele Luke, kojem ovom prilikom zahvaljujem što mi je dao na uvid svoju zbirku. Lippolis 1994, str. 248; Green 2001, str. 63; Lanza 2006, str. 83-85. 53 Green 1976; Green 1982, pp. 252-276 and Green 2001, pp. 57-103. Green 2001, p. 63. Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. X.26; Čargo 2008, pp. 117-119, no. 16-18. Šešelj 2010, pp. 57-58, no. 3-6. Based on a personal inspection of the materials from the archaeological research on Palagruža and the collection of pottery from Palagruža in the collection of Jadranko Oreb in Vela Luka, whom I would like to thank for allowing me to examine it. Lippolis 1994, p. 248; Green 2001, p. 63; Lanza 2006, pp. 83-85. 111 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 grobnici 3/1976 i grobnici 2/1997 te u grobnici kod rasadnika Martvilo and at the palm nursery, they have also been found in palmi, pronađeni su u arheološkim istraživanjima u Nezakciju, na archaeological research in Nesactium in the area of the temple, inside području hrama, unutar naselja u Starom Gradu te u svetištima the settlement in Stari Grad and in the sanctuary in Spila Nakovana, u Spili Nakovani, potom na Palagruži i na rtu Ploča. U drugoj on Palagruža and on Cape Ploče.54 In the latter half of the third 54 polovici 3. st. pr. Kr. kanelure se na skifima dijele u dva polja, a century BC, the fluting on the skyphoi was divided into two fields, ponekad imaju metopu u sredini.55 Ovakav tip skifa pronađen je and sometimes they have metopes in the middle.55 This skyphos type u hramu u Nezakciju i nekropoli Mišinac na sjevernom Jadranu te was found in the temple in Nesactium and the Mišanac necropolis on u Boki kotorskoj.56 Ulomak skifa s metopom u kojoj je naslikana the northern Adriatic and in Boka Kotorska.56 The skyphos fragment ptica pronađen je u Bribiru, na Bribirskoj glavici.57 Na ulomku with metope in which a bird is painted was found in Bribir, at Bribirska se vidi motiv bršljana s malo zakošenim listovima između kojih glavica.57 A motif of ivy with slightly skewed leaves with a circle je krug, dok je ptica u metopi pomno naslikana. Crtež ispod between them and a meticulously painted bird in a motif is visible fotografije navedenog ulomka skifa trebao bi predstavljati on the fragment. The sketch below the photograph of this skyphos njegovu rekonstrukciju, no on prikazuje skif s okomitim ručkama sherd is supposed to depict its reconstruction. However, the sketch koje imaju čvor, premda ručke na ulomku skifa s Bribirske portrays a skyphos with vertical handles which have a node, even glavice nisu sačuvane. Na primjerima skifa iz Ošanića, koji imaju though the handles on the skyphos sherd from Bribirska glavica have sačuvane okomite ručke i njihovom usporedbom sa sličnim not been preserved. Based on the examples of skyphoi with vertical skifima u južnoj Italiji, ovaj oblik skifabi pripadao mesapskoj handles from Oršanić, this skyphos form belongs to Messapian produkciji, a koja nije poznavala ovakvu kompoziciju ukrasa. production which did not normally have this decorative composition. Naime, ptica unutar metope te motiv bršljana karakteristični su Namely, the bird inside a metope and the ivy motif are typical of the za skupinu RPR daunske proizvodnje. Stoga rekonstrukcija skifa s RPR group of Daunian production. Therefore, the reconstruction of Bribirske glavice ne bi bila točna. Dva skifa i krater iz Zemaljskog the skyphos from Bribirska glavica is not accurate. Two skyphoi and muzeja u Sarajevu pronađeni tijekom istraživanja nekropole a krater from the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina in u Jezerinama, pripadaju također KKG-u; Jezerine su najdublja Sarajevo, found during research of the necropolis in Jezerine, also točka u unutrašnjosti na kojoj je pronađena uvozna keramika belong to the LCG and this is the farthest in the interior that imported tipa Gnathia.58 Najjužnija točka gdje su pronađeni skifi KKG-a Gnathia ware has been found.58 Thus far, the southernmost find of an zasad je Ulcinj.59 LCG skyphos was in Ulcinj in Montenegro.59 Osim skifa skupine KKG na istočnoj obali Jadrana pronađene Besides LCG skyphoi, oinochoai and pelikai of the same group su enohoje i pelike iste skupine, ali čini se da one nisu bile toliko were found on the eastern Adriatic coast, but it would appear that they popularne kao skifi. Pronađene su u već spomenutoj grobnici were not as popular as the skyphoi. They were found in the already 3/1976 na Martvilu i u grobnici kod rasadnika palmi, od kojih br. 54 54 55 56 57 58 59 112 Za nalaze iz Visa vidi: Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. X. 33, 18, 12 i T. XIII. 12; Čargo 2008, str. 121-122, br. 20-21; Katić 2010, T. XXX.4, 5 i T. XXXI. 1, 3. Crtež skifa iz Nezakcija (Mihovilić 1985, T. V. 3) pokazuje sličnosti sa skifom iz Staroga Grada (Kirigin 2004, str. 295, T. XXXIII. A-7). Na izložbi Pharos - antički Stari Grad predstavljena su tri skifa skupine KKG (Pharos 1996, str. 75, br. 39, str. 105, br. 71 i 71a). Jedan je skif rekonstruiran tako da su mu donji dio trbuha i stopa premazani, no takva rekonstrukcije nije točna, jer ovaj oblik skifa nema premazan donji dio (Pharos 1996, str. 105, br. 71). Općenito, posude u 3. st. pr. Kr. nemaju premazan donji dio trbuha (Lippolis 1994, str. 239-281). Nalazi iz Spile Nakovane objavljeni su samo s fotografijom (Forenbaher, Kaiser 2003, str. 85, donja slika, i str. 90, donja slika), dok su nalazi s rta Ploča kataloški objavljeni (Šešelj 2010, str. 59, br. 6). Osobni uvid u materijal s istraživanja na Palagruži. Lanza 2006, str. 83-85. Nalazi s nekropole Mišinac spominju se kao isejski proizvodi, ali, prema crtežu, prije će biti da se radi o KKG-u (Mihovilić 2002, str. 507, T. 5. 6, T. 5. 4). Nažalost, za nalaze iz Boke kotorske nema podataka o kontekstu i mjestu nalaza (Kovačević 2007, str. 19, gornja slika). Batović 1980, str. 72-13, T. XIII. Parović-Pešikan 1986, str. 44, T. II. 3 i 4. Autorica ponekad skif naziva kotila, dok, primjerice, skif T. II. 4 naziva skifos-kotila. Parović-Pešikan 2001, str. 368, T. III. 6 i 12. 55 56 57 58 59 For the finds from Vis, see Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. X. 33, 18, 12 and P. XIII. 12; Čargo 2008, pp. 121-122, no. 20-21; Katić 2010, P. XXX.4, 5 and P. XXXI. 1, 3. The sketch of the skyphos from Nesactium (Mihovilić 1985, P. V. 3) exhibits similarity to the skyphos from Stari Grad (Kirigin 2004, p. 295, P. XXXIII. A-7). At the exhibition “Pharos-antički Stari Grad”, three LCG skyphoi were presented (Pharos 1996, p. 75, no. 39, p. 105, no. 71 and 71a). One is a skyphos reconstructed such that its lower belly and foot were glazed, which would not be accurate, because this skyphos form does not have a glazed lower section (Pharos 1996, p. 105, no. 71). In general, vessels in the third century BC were not glazed in the lower section of their bellies (Lippolis 1994, pp. 239281). The finds from Spila Nakovana were published only with photographs (Forenbaher, Kaiser 2003, p. 85, lower image and p. 90, lower image), while the finds from Cape Ploče were published in catalogue form (Šešelj 2010, p. 59, no. 6). Personal inspection of materials from the research on Palagruža. Lanza 2006, pp. 83-85. The finds from the Mišinac necropolis are mentioned as Issa products, but according to the sketch, it would appear more likely that these are LCG (Mihovilić 2002, p. 507, P. 5. 6, P. 5. 4). Unfortunately, for the finds from Boka Kotorska there are no data on the find context (Kovačević 2007, p. 19, upper image). Batović 1980, pp. 72-13, P. XIII. Parović-Pešikan 1986, p. 44, P. II. 3 and 4. The author sometimes referred to the skyphos as a cotyle, while she called the example of the skyphos in P. II. 4 a skyphos-cotyle. Parović-Pešikan 2001, p. 368, P. III. 6 and 12. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa 13 pripada skupini RPR.60 Karakterističan oblik enohoja je, kako je mentioned tomb 3/1976 at Martvilo and in the grave at the palm već spomenuto, kratak vrat i loptasto tijelo na niskoj stopi. Sličan nursery, of which no. 13 belongs to the RPR group.60 The typical shape oblik imaju i pelike. of the oinochoai, which I have already mentioned, is a short neck and Od ostalih oblika iz supine KKG pojavljuju se ulomci spherical body on a low foot. The pelikai have a similar shape. Out of the other LCG forms, there are fragments of a bowl zdjela i tanjura iz Staroga Grada, ulomci tanjura s Palagruže i rta Ploča te zdjela iz Budve.61 Mali svadbeni lebet iz Visa, and plate from Stari Grad, fragments of a plate from Palagruža and također bez poznatog mjesta nalaza, danas u Zbirci u Visu, Cape Ploče, and a bowl from Budva.61 A small lebes gamikos from s kanelurama u dva pojasa i metopom s naslikanom pticom Vis, also without identified find site, and now in the Collection pripada skupini RPR. Istoj skupini pripada veliki svadbeni in Vis, with fluting in two belts and a metope with painted bird, lebet iz Visa, koji je nažalost izgubljen; sačuvana je samo belongs to the RPR group.62 The large lebes gamikos from Vis njegova fotografija63 (sl. 7). belongs to the same group; it has unfortunately been lost, but a 62 Prisutnost velikog broja posuda iz skupina KKG i RPR u Visu photograph of it has been preserved (Fig. 7).63 The presence of a high number of LCG and RPR vessels in Vis ukazuje na mogućnost da su u određenom trenutku u Isu došli keramičari iz Kanuzija i ondje započeli s proizvodnjom, što je indicates the possibility that at some point potters from Canusium pretpostavio već Green.64 No sličnost tih posuda je tolika da je came to Issa and launched production there, about which Green katkad teško prilikom analize razlikovati lokalne isejske proizvode has already speculated.64 However, the similarity of these vessels is od uvezenih kanuzijskih (vidi dalje). such that during analysis it is sometimes difficult to distinguish a Posude spomenutih skupina predstavljaju najbrojniju uvoznu local Issa product from Canusium imports (see below). These groups constitute the most numerous imported keramiku tipa Gnathia na istočnoj obali Jadrana. Pronađena je na gotovo svim nalazištima, od Istre do sjeverne Albanije.65 U posljednjoj fazi proizvodnje u južnoj Italiji, od kraja 4. Gnathia ware on the eastern Adriatic coast. They have been found at almost all sites from Istria to northern Albania.65 In the final phase of production in southern Italy, from the st. do druge polovice 3. st. pr. Kr., posude tipa Gnathia u Isu, kao i na cijelo područje istočnog Jadrana, stižu iz dvaju središta end of the fourth to the latter half of the third centuries BC, vessels proizvodnje: Aleksandrijska skupina iz Taranta, a KKG i RPR iz of Gnathia ware in Issa, as well as the entire eastern Adriatic, came Kanuzija66 (karta 2). from two production centres: the Alexandrian group from Taras S obzirom da su se posude Aleksandrijske skupine te skupinâ and the LCG and RPR groups from Canusium (Map 2).66 Since the Alexandrian group, LCG and RPR were produced at KKG i RPR proizvodile u isto vrijeme, Kiriginova treća faza otpada. U posljednju fazu keramike tipa Gnathia s Ise Kirigin ubraja the same time, Kirigin’s third phase may be discounted. Kirigin counted oinochoai, pelikai and skyphoi of specific enohoje, pelike i skife specifičnog oblika i dekoracije, koje pokazuju miješanje keramike tipa Gnathia s keramikom tipa shapes and decoration in the final phase of Gnathia ware from Issa, West Slope, koja se proizvodila u kontinentalnoj Grčkoj i Maloj which exhibited intermingling between Gnathia ware and West Aziji; Kirigin ih naziva isejskim Gnathiama i njihovu proizvodnju Slope ware, which was produced in mainland Greece and Asia Minor. 60 61 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. X. 23 i 35; Čargo 2008, str. 114-115, br. 13 i 14. Pharos 1996, str. 69, br. 30, str. 93, br. 8, str. 98, br. 61, za ulomke s rta Ploča vidi: Šešelj 2010, str. 61, br. 8, a za zdjelu iz Budve vidi: Krstić 2007, str. 22, br. 25, te osobni uvid u materijal s istraživanja na Palagruži. Lisičar 1973, T. XIII. 43. Svadbeni lebet iz Visa činio je dio Grčko-helenističke zbirke AMS-a, inv. br. Fb-1445, ali njegov trenutačni smještaj nije poznat. U sačuvanim inventarnim skedama navodi se njegova visina, 27,5 cm. Green 1982, str. 258; Green 2001, str. 70. U Grčko-helenističkoj zbirci AMS-a nalazi se 46 posuda skupine KKG i 5 posuda skupine RPR, koje su kataloški obrađene u doktorskoj disertaciji, Miše 2010. Što se tiče mesapske produkcije keramike tipa Gnathia u posljednjoj fazi proizvodnje, o tom, nažalost, nemamo dostatan broj podataka prema kojima bismo mogli definirati proizvodnju. Giannotta je pokušala dati općeniti pregled ove keramičke vrste na poluotoku Salentu, ali nije izdvojila značajke radionica, osim što nabraja moguća središta proizvodnje u Valesiju, u Francavilla Fontana i u Oriji. Također pretpostavlja da su se u mesapskim radionicama mogle proizvoditi posude Aleksandrijske skupine, ali studije o posudama te skupine iz Taranta i Mesapije, koliko mi je poznato, još nisu objavljene, Giannotta 1996a, str. 37-98, i Giannotta 1996b, str. 453-468. 62 63 64 65 66 Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. X. 23 and 35; Čargo 2008, pp. 114-115, no. 13 and 14. Pharos 1996, p. 69, no. 30, p. 93, no. 8, p. 98, no. 61, for the fragments from Cape Ploče see Šešelj 2010, p. 61, no. 8, for the bowl from Budva: Krstić 2007, p. 22, no. 25 and personal inspection of materials from the research on Palagruža. Lisičar 1973, P. XIII. 43. The lebes gamikos from Vis was part of the AMS Graeco-Hellenistic Collection, Inv. no. Fb-1445, but its current whereabouts are unknown. The preserved inventory file cards specify a height of 27.5 cm for this lebes. Green 1982, p. 258; Green 2001, p. 70. In the AMS Graeco-Hellenistic Collection, there are 46 vessels of the LCG group and 5 vessels of the RPR groups, which were covered in the catalogue in my doctoral dissertation, Miše 2010. With regard to the Messapian production of Gnathia ware in the final phase, there is not enough data to define this production. Giannotta attempted to provide a general overview of this pottery type on the Salento Peninsula, but she did not distinguish the workshop features, except to list possible production centres in Valesio, Francavilla Fontana and Oria. Also, she speculated that Alexandrian group vessels could have been made in the Messapian workshops, but to the best of my knowledge, no studies on this group’s vessels from Taranto and Messapia have been published, Giannotta 1996a, pp. 37-98 and Giannotta 1996b, pp. 453-468. 113 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 Aleksandrijska skupina / Alexandrian group Kasna kantuzijska skupina / Late Canosan group Karta 2. Distribucija posuda južnoitalske kasne faze proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia na istočnom Jadranu Map 2. Distribution of vessels of the southern Italian late phase of Gnathia ware production in the eastern Adriatic datira u 2. i 1. st. pr. Kr.67 Raspravljajući o prethodnoj Kiriginovoj He called these Isseian Gnathia ware and dated their production to fazi, dotaknula sam se lokalne proizvodnje ove keramičke vrste the second and first centuries BC.67 In discussing Kirigin’s preceding u Isi. Ovdje ću pokušati pobliže definirati i nadopuniti Kirigina u phase, I touched upon local production of this pottery type in Issa. pogledu lokalnih značajki enohoja, pelika i skifa te dekoracijskih Here I shall endeavour to more closely define and supplement shema i motiva koji isejsku keramiku tipa Gnathia izdvajaju od Kirigin on the matter of the local features of oinochoai, pelikai and apulske produkcije. skyphoi, and the decoration schemes and motifs, which distinguish 67 114 Najzastupljeniji oblici keramike tipa Gnathia su, prema Isseian Gnathia ware from Apulian products. Kirigin 1990a, str. 63. 67 Kirigin 1990a, p. 63. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa Grafikon 1. Oblici keramike tipa G. na istočnom Jadranu enohoja skif pelika ostali Graph 1. Forms of Gnathia ware thus far found in the eastern Adriatic oinochoe skyphos pelike other The most frequent forms of Gnathia ware thus far found in trenutačnom stanju istraživanja na istočnojadranskoj obali, posude za pijenje vina, odnosno enohoje, pelike i skifi. Ostali research in the eastern Adriatic are vessels for consuming wine, i.e., oblici, poput lekita, hidrija, tanjura i zdjela, zastupljeni su u znatno oinochoai, pelikai and skyphoi. The remaining forms, such lekythoi, manjem broju, a zasad nisu dokumentirane velike posude poput hydriae, plates and bowls, are present in much smaller numbers, while zvonolikih i volutnih kratera, kakvi su se proizvodili u početnoj fazi thus far no large vessels, such as the bell and voluted kraters produced proizvodnje u južnoj Italiji. Morfološke i dekoracijske značajke in the initial phase in southern Italy, have been documented.68 The moguće je izdvojiti na enohojama, pelikama i skifima upravo zbog morphological and decorative features may be distinguished on njihove brojnosti. oinochoai, pelikai and skyphoi precisely thanks to their high number. 68 Differences in shapes, decorative system and rending of motifs Detaljnim uvidom u materijal iz Ise zamjećuju se razlike između uvezenih i lokalnih posuda tipa Gnathia., koje je uostalom between imported and local Gnathia ware vessels can be seen after uočio i Kirigin, i to u oblicima, sustavu dekoracije i izvedbi a detailed inspection of the materials from Issa, which were also motiva.69 No i unutar te skupine lokalnih posuda zamjećuju se noted by Kirigin.69 However, even inside this group of local vessels, određene specifičnosti, koje se mogu svrstati unutar tri skupine ili certain specifics can be noticed which may be classified into three podskupine, ovdje označene sa a), b) i c). groups or sub-groups, here designated a), b) and c). a) Prvu skupinu čine enohoje, skifi i pelike koje oblikom a) The first group consists of oinochoai, skyphoi and pelikai i izborom motiva imitiraju kanuzijske skupine KKG i skupinu which imitate the Canosan LCG and RPR group in terms of shape RPR. Enohoje imaju loptasto tijelo na uskoj stožastoj stopi, dok and selection of motifs. On the oinochoai, the spherical body rests ručka nadvisuje trolisni izljev i okomito se spušta na njega. Radi on a conical foot, while the handles overarches the trefoil mouth, lakšeg snalaženja u razlikama unutar isejskih enohoja, ovaj descending upon it vertically. In order to more easily follow the oblik nazivam isejskim enohojama tipa A (Tablica 1). Loptasta changes among the Issa oinochoai, I shall call this shape Issa oinochoe su tijela i enohoje skupine KKG, ali, za razliku od isejskih, type A (Table 1). The spherical body is also shared by the oinochoai of 68 68 69 Podatak je dobiven analizom cjelokupnoga dosad objavljenog materijala na istočnom Jadranu, Miše 2010. Kirigin 1990a, str. 62-63. 69 The data were obtained by an analysis of all thus far published materials from the eastern Adriatic, Miše 2010. Kirigin 1990a, pp. 62-63. 115 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 ENOHOJE / OINOCHOAI KKG RPR TIP A / TYPE A TIP B / TYPE B TIP B1 / TYPE B1 TIP B2 / TYPE B2 TIP C / TYPE C TIP C1 / TYPE C1 TIP C2 / TYPE C2 I. II. III. Tablica 1. Tipologija isejskih enohoja keramike tipa Gnathia one imaju kratak i uzak vrat, s malim trolisnim izljevom koji Table 1. Typology of Isseian Gnathia oinochoai the LCG, but as opposed to their Issa counterparts, they have a short ručka ne nadvisuje70. Osim loptastog tijela, vjerojatno pod and narrow neck with a small trefoil mouth, while the handle does not utjecajem skupine RPR, isjeske enohoje tipa A imaju po sredini overarch.70 Besides the spherical body, probably under the influence of nepravilnih i gustih kanelura metopu, unutar koje je bijelom the RPR group, the Issa type A oinochoe feature a metope in the middle bojom naslikana ptica ili teatarska maska, kao na primjeru iz of irregular and dense fluting, within which a white bird or theatre mask Grčko-helenističke zbirke AMS-a (sl. 8). Katkad je, jer to nije is painted, which can be seen on the example from the AMS Graeco- pravilo, na završetku ručki aplicirana lavlja glava ili teatarska Hellenistic Collection (Fig. 8).71 Sometimes, although not as a rule, they maska.72 have a lion’s head or theatre mask at the end of the handle.72 71 In terms of numbers, oinochoai are followed by skyphoi as the Prema brojnosti skifi su, poslije enohoja, drugi najučestaliji oblik koji se pojavljuje na istočnoj obali Jadrana. Jednako second most frequent shape which appears on the eastern Adriatic kao enohoje, i skifi pokazuju sličnost u morfologiji s apulskim coast. Like the oinochoai, the skyphoi also bear a morphological oblicima, posebno sa skifima skupina KKG i RPR (sl. 6 i 9). Kod resemblance to the Apulian shapes, particularly the skyphoi of the skifa apulske proizvodnje tijelo posude s kanelurama ima blagi LCG and RPR groups (Fig. 6 and 9). The body of the Apulian-produced S-profil, odnosno blago je suženo ispod oboda, a stoji na visokoj skyphoi with fluting has a slight S-profile, meaning it narrows slightly profiliranoj stopi.73 Skifi iz Ise, ovdje isejski skifi tipa A, imaju beneath the rim, and stands on a high articulated foot.73 The Issa izraženiji S-profil, a iz stožaste stope izlazi noga. Ovaj oblik skifa skyphoi, here Issa skyphos type A, have a much more prominent s nogom nije dokumentiran u apulskoj proizvodnji. Noga je u S-profile, and the stem emerges from a conical foot. This skyphos with 70 70 71 72 73 116 Usporedbe s uvoznim enohojama iz grobnica 3/1976 (Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. X. 35), grobnice 22/1980 (Kirigin, Marin 1988, T. 26. 1-13) i grobnice 2/1997 (Katić 2010, T. XXIII-XXV), gdje su pronađene zajedno s enohojom Aleksandrijske skupine (Katić 2010, T. XXVI). Kirigin 1990a, T. 27. 1 i T. 30. 2 i 3. Čargo 2008, str. 108, br. 7; Katić 2010, T. XXII. Lanza 2006, str. 83-85. 71 72 73 A comparison with the imported oinochoai from tomb 3/1976 (Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. X. 35), tomb 22/1980 (Kirigin, Marin 1988, P. 26. 1-13) and tomb 2/1997 (Katić 2010, P. XXIII-XXV), where they were found together Alexandrian group oinochoai (Katić 2010, P. XXVI). Kirigin 1990a, P. 27. 1 and P. 30. 2 and 3. Čargo 2008, p. 108, no. 7; Katić 2010, P. XXII. Lanza 2006, pp. 83-85. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa Slika 9. Isejski skif s kanelurama. Arheološka zbrika Issa (arhiv AMS-a) Figure 9. Issa skyphos with fluting, Issa Archaeological Collection (Archive of AMS) Slika 10. Pelika skupine KKG iz Visa. Grčko - helenistička zbrika AMS-a (foto: M. Miše). Figure 10. LCG pelike from Vis, AMS Graeco-Hellenistic Collection (photograph by M. Miše) početku mala, kao kod skifa tipa A, a poslije se produljuje - tip A stem has not been documented in Apulian production. Initially the 1. Kirigin je također zamijetio dva različita oblika isejskih skifa, s stem was small, as on the type A skyphos, but later it became longer - kanelurama i bez kanelura, a oba tipa imaju slični slikani dekor type A 1. Kirigin also observed two different forms of the Issa skyphos, ispod oboda (Tablica 2). those with fluting and those without, and both types have similar 74 Broj dosad pronađenih pelika na istočnoj obali Jadrana painted decorations below the rim (Table 1).74 The number of pelikai thus far found on the eastern Adriatic ne može se mjeriti s brojem pronađenih enohoja i skifa. Iako im broj nije velik, ipak se zamjećuju određene morfološke coast cannot be compared to the number of oinochoai and značajke koje ih razlikuju od apulskih primjera (sl. 10 - uvezena skyphoi. Although their number is not high, certain morphological pelika ; sl. 11 - isejska pelika). Kao kod enohoja i skifa, pelike features can nonetheless be ascertained which distinguish them lokalne produkcije imitiraju apulske primjere skupine RPR - from their Apulian counterparts (Fig. 10 - imported pelike,75 and ovdje isejske pelike tipa A. Tijelo im je također loptasto, na Fig. 11 - Issa pelike). As with the oinochoai and skyphoi, the locally niskoj stopi, s uskim kratkim vratom, a po sredini kanelura produced pelikai imitate the Apulian RPR group examples - here imaju metopu76 (Tablica 3). the Issa type A pelike. The body is also spherical on a low foot with 75 74 75 76 Osim što su prema obliku slične kanuzijskim oblicima, na a narrow neck, and a metope in the middle of the fluting (Table 3).76 Kirigin 1990a, T. 29b i c. Na ovoj uvezenoj pelici neujednačeni premaz na površini svjedoči da je loše pečena. Loše pečenih posuda moglo se naći u Visu, no to ne znači da su one nužno lokalni rad. Naime, oblik i način ukrašavanja ovu peliku svrstavaju u uvezene primjerke. Ova tema zaslužuje više pozornosti, te ću o njoj raspravljati na drugome mjestu (rad u pripremi). Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. XIII. 10. 74 75 76 Kirigin 1990a, P. 29b and c. The uneven glaze on the surface of this imported pelike testifies to its poor firing. However, poorly fired vessels could be found in Vis, and this does not mean that they necessarily represent local products, for the shape and decoration technique places them among the imported examples. This topic merits greater attention, and it will be discussed at greater length elsewhere (work in press). Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. XIII. 10. 117 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 Slika 11. Isejska pelika. Grčko helenistička zbrika AMS-a (foto: T. Seser). Figure 11. Issa pelike, AMS GraecoHellenistic Collection (photograph by T. Seser) Slika 12. Isejski skif bez kanelura. Arheološka zbrika Issa (Arhiv AMS-a) Figure 12. Issa skyphos without fluting, Issa Archaeological Collection (Archive of AMS) Besides similarities with the Canosan shapes, the same isejskim enohojama i pelikama tipa A javlja se isti repertoar i izvedba motiva kao i kod skupina KKG i RPR. Na vratu je naslikan repertoire and rendering of motifs appear on the Issa type A bršljan s okomitim listovima i krugovima oko njega u bijeloj boji, oinochoai and pelikai as on the LCG and RPR examples. Ivy with iznad kojeg je žuta valovita grančica. Usporedbom izvedbe motiva vertical leaves and circles around it is painted on the neck in white, na isejskim enohojama i pelikama tipa A s posudama skupina above which is yellow wavy branch. A comparison between the KKG i RPR može se zamijetiti da je motiv na isejskim primjerima motif rendering on the Issa type A oinochoai and pelikai and the rađen debljim potezima kista. Dakako, lošija izvedba ne mora LCG and RPR vessels indicates that the motif on the Issa examples nužno značiti i lošiji lokalni rad77 (sl. 8). Što se tiče dekoracije na features thicker brush strokes. Of course, poorer rendering need not skifima, i ona pokazuje očit utjecaj skupina KKG i RPR. Jednostavne necessarily mean poorer local work (Fig. 8).77 As to the decoration vodoravne crte, istočkane ili pune, potom valovite crte u bijeloj on the skyphoi, it does not deviate from the obvious LCG and RPR ili crvenoj boji te kratke kose crte koje imitiraju motiv “nazubljene influence. Simple horizontal dotted or solid lines, wavy red or white pile” skupine KKG, nalaze se iznad kanelura i čine cjelokupni dashes, and short diagonal lines, which imitated the “toothed saw” repertoar motiva na svim tipovima isejskih skifa. of the LCG, can be found above the fluting, and it constitutes the Budući da isejske enohoje i pelike iz skupine a) oblikom i entire repertoire of motifs on all types of Issa skyphoi. ukrasom pokazuju dosta sličnosti s enohojama skupine KKG, valja Given that the Issa oinochoai and pelikai from group a) exhibit spomenuti da je glina isejskih enohoja blijedožuta (Munsell 10YR considerable similarities in shape and ornamentation with the LCG 8/4), dok je kod kanuzijskih blijedocrvena (Munsell 2.5YR 8/2). oinochoai, it is noteworthy that the clay in the Issa oinochoai is pale yellow (Munsell 10YR 8/4), while in the Canosan examples it is 77 118 Na osnovi svega navedenog može se pretpostaviti da je pale red (Munsell 2.5YR 8/2). Za usporedbu iste izvedbe motiva kod aska kratkog vrata i loptastog tijela, koji je datiran u 3. st. pr. Kr., iz Taranta, gdje je ptica unutar metope nespretno naslikana, vidi Grapler 1997, str. 59, sl. 7. 77 For a comparison of the same motif rendering on a short-necked askos with spherical body from Taranto, dated to the third century BC, on which a bird is awkwardly painted inside a metope, see Grapler 1997, p. 59, Fig. 7. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa PELIKE / PELIKAI TIP A / TYPE A TIP B / TYPE B TIP B1 / TYPE B1 TIP B2 / TYPE B2 TIP C / TYPE C I. II. III. Tablica 2. Tipologija isejskih pelika keramike tipa Gnathia Table 2. Typology of Isseian Gnathia pelikai SKIFI / SKYPHOI TIP A / TYPE A TIP B / TYPE B TIP B1 / TYPE B1 TIP B2 / TYPE B2 I. II. III. Tablica 3. Tipologija isejskih skifa keramike tipa Gnathia. postojala izravna trgovačka veza između Daunije i Ise. b) Druga skupina isejske keramike tipa Gnathia pokazuje određena morfološka i dekoracijska odstupanja u odnosu na Table 3. Typology of Isseian Gnathia skyphoi Pursuant to the aforementioned points, it may be assumed that there was direct trade between Daunia and Issa. b) The second group of Isseian Gnathia ware exhibits certain prethodnu. Enohoja, ovdje isejske enohoje tipa B, imaju elegatnije morphological and decorative deviations from the preceding tijelo, s višom stožastom stopom, u odnosu na enohoje tipa A, ali, group. The oinochoe, here the Issa type B oinochoe, has a more pod utjecajem skupine RPR, i dalje zadržavaju metopu u gornjem elegant body with a higher conical foot than the type A oinochoe, pojasu kanelura. Utjecaj apulskih (oblikom pokazuju više sličnosti although, still influenced by the RPR group, retaining the metope s tarantskom ili mesapskom proizvodnjom negoli s daunskom, in the upper fluting belt. The influence of Apulian Gnathia ware osobito posude Aleksandrijske skupine) posuda keramike tipa (the shape bears greater similarity to Taranto and Messapian Gnathia razvidan je u obliku enohoja tipa B, ali u izboru motiva production than Daunian, especially the Alexandrian group) can 119 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 Slika 13. Isejska enohoja tipa B. Arheološka zbrika Issa (arhiv AMS-a) Figure 13. Issa type B oinochoe, Issa Archaeological Collection (Archive of AMS) Slika 14. Pelika tipa B iz Visa. Grčko helenistička zbrika AMS-a (foto: M. Miše). Figure 14. Type B pelike from Vis, AMS Graeco-Hellenistic Collection (photograph by M. Miše) počinje se osjećati utjecaj ostalih središta proizvodnje i ostalih be seen in the shape of the type B oinochoe, but in the selection keramičkih vrsta koje su se proizvodile na istočnom Mediteranu, of motifs one begins to see the influence of other production poput keramike tipa West Slope78 (sl. 13). centres and other pottery types that were produced in the eastern Daljnji razvoj isejskih enohoja prati produljenje vrata, dok Mediterranean, such as West Slope ware (Fig. 13).78 The further development of the Issa oinochoai saw the tijelo posude nije više loptasto kao kod tipa B. Budući da su kanelure na trbuhu podijeljene u dva pojasa, a da metopa polako extension of the neck, while the vessel body was no longer nestaje - ovaj tip isejskih enohoja nazvala sam tipom B 1 (Tablica spherical as with type B. Since the fluting on the belly was divided 1). Osim toga, zamjećuje se da na tim enohojama više nema into two belts, and the metope gradually disappeared, I referred osnovnih elemenata apulske keramike tipa Gnathia, odnosno da to this type of Issa oinochoe as type B 1 (Table 1). Additionally, it nestaje slikani ukras, koji je zamijenjen motivima keramike tipa has been noted that these oinochoai no longer bear the basic West Slope (vidi dalje).79 elements of Apulian Gnathia ware, i.e., the painted ornament Skifi zadržavaju isti oblik, s ponešto izduženijom nogom (Tablica 2). disappeared to be replaced by the motifs of West Slope ware (see below).79 The skyphoi retained the same shape, with a somewhat more Nakon početne faze pelike i dalje zadržavaju loptasti oblik, koji je naglašen u području ramena posude, ali je sada vrat kraći i deblji. elongated stem (Table 2). After the initial phase, the pelikai retained their spherical U početku su većih dimenzija, tip B, a poslije se smanjuju te im je stopa uža, tip B 1 (Tablica 3). Katkad, kao na primjercima iz grobnice shape, which was prominent in the area of the vessel shoulder, 22/1980 na Martvilu i grobnice iz rasadnika palmi u Visu, imaju but the neck became shorter and wider. Initially they had larger apliciranu masku ili ljudsku glavu na kraju ručke, odnosno mjestu dimensions, type B, while later their size diminished and the foot became narrower- type B 1 (Table 3). Sometimes, as on the 78 79 120 Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. XIII. 1, 6, 18. Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. XV; Kirigin 2008, str. 82, br. 44. 78 79 Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. XIII. 1, 6, 18. Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. XV; Kirigin 2008, p. 82, no. 44. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa examples from tomb 22/1980 at Martvilo and the grave at the palm nursery in Vis, they have an applied masque or human head next to the handle, at the point where the handles are connected to the vessel belly.80 The type B pelike was found in Stari Grad, but unfortunately the find site and context are not known.81 Among the type B pelikai, several pelikai from Issa, type B 2, stand out. These are spherical pelikai, with short wide necks, wide mouths and broadly arranged fluting (Table 3). As a rule, this pelike type has not ornamentation, and at first glance it bears a resemblance to the pelikai from the Dyrrachium workshops. However, this spherical pelike shape has been documented at the necropolis in Taranto in phase D, i.e., 225 to 200 BC, where they were mentioned as table amphorae.82 A similar vessel was found in the grave at the palm nursery in Vis, and it has been attributed to local production.83 Inside this group, the decorative system on the oinochoe neck consists of ivy, garlands and ovules between which there may be swans. Even though the ivy motif appears, it differs considerably from the ivy in the LCG and RPR examples from the preceding phase. The motifs are not painted white and yellow, but rather in the barbotine technique, i.e., by application of thicker layers of brown clay to the vessel’s surface. The leaves are heart-shaped, horizontal, more regular, turned backward, and the branch is wavy. This ivy type in barbotine technique is also known on the amphorae of Large Leaf group of West Slope ware, dated from 120 to 86 BC.84 The Slika 15. Isejska enohoja tipa C. Arheološka zbrika Issa (arhiv AMS-a) Figure 15. Issa type C oinochoe, Issa Archaeological Collection (Archive of AMS ) spearhead necklace (or lanceolate leaves) motif on the oinochoe neck was frequent on the West Slope ware amphorae from the third century BC, but also on the lids of the Large Leaf group.85 However, the motifs on the vessels of this West Slope ware group are painted white. The horizontal palm frond motif done in barbotine gdje se spajaju s trbuhom posude.80 Pelika tipa B pronađena je u technique on the belly of the oinochoe in the Vis Collection (as Starome Gradu, ali mjesto i kontekst nalaza nisu nažalost poznati. 81 Među pelikama tipa B oblikom se ističe nekoliko pelika iz oinochoe from Vis, Fig. 13), below the rim of the skyphos and on the skyphos from the AMS permanent display appeared on vessels Ise, tipa B 2. Radi se o loptastim pelikama, kratkog debelog vrata, of the Macedonian West Slope type in the third century. The motif širokog otvora i široko raspoređenih kanelura (Tablica 3). Na ovom was painted white, and it has been distinguished as one of the tipu pelika u pravilu nema ukrasa te na prvi pogled pokazuju basic features of production.86 It is interesting that both skyphoi sličnost s pelikama dirahijske radionice. Ovakav oblik loptastih from the AMS have a shape known in southern Italy, particularly pelika dokumentiran je, međutim, u nekropoli u Tarantu u fazi D, odnosno od 225. do 200. g. pr. Kr., gdje se spominju kao stolne amfore.82 Slična posuda pronađena je u grobnici kod rasadnika palmi u Visu, a pripisana je lokalnoj proizvodnji.83 Unutar ove skupine dekorativni sustav na vratu enohoja sastoji se od bršljana, ogrlice i ovula između kojih mogu biti labudovi. Iako se pojavljuje motiv bršljana, on se znatno razlikuje od motiva bršljana skupina KKG i RPR iz prethodne faze. Motivi nisu slikani u bijeloj i 80 81 82 83 žutoj boji, već u tehnici barbotina, odnosno nanošenjem debljih 84 85 80 81 82 83 Za peliku s Martvila vidi Kirigin, Marin 1988, T. XXIII. 3, a za peliku kod rasadnika palmi Čargo 2008, str. 112, br. 11. Miše 2005, str. 41, br. 32, sl. 19; Kirigin 2008. Hempel 2001, str. 239, T. 8. Čargo 2008, str. 96 i 111, br. 10. Autor je navodi kao peliku, ali sudeći prema okomitom položaju ručki te širokom tijelu, prije se radi o stolnoj amfori. 86 For the pelike from Martvilo, see Kirigin, Marin 1988, P. XXIII. 3; for the pelike from the palm nursery, Čargo 2008, p. 112, no. 11. Miše 2005, p. 41, no. 32, Fig. 19; Kirigin 2008. Hempel 2001, p. 239, P. 8. Čargo 2008, pp. 96 and 111, no. 10. The author referred to it has an amphora, although its vertical handles and broad body tend to indicate that it was more likely a table amphora. Rotroff 1991, pp. 89-90, Fig. 22; Alexandropoulou 2002, pp. 27-28, Fig. 13. Rotroff 1991, pp. 89-90, Fig. 24; Rotroff 2001, pp. 99-100, 111, Fig. 1. The necklace motif on the vessel neck was also known in the late phase of Apulian Gnathia ware, although below a wavy and zigzag line from which several oblong pendants hang (De Francesco 2004, p. 263, Fig. 2 and 3 and pp. 273274, no. 198 and 199). For the oinochoe from Vis, Čargo 2007, pp. 31-33, no. 1, while for the skyphos from the AMS permanent display, see Kirigin 2008, p. 80, no. 42; Alexandropoulou 2001, pp. 66-68, Fig. 29. 121 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 slojeva smeđe gline na površinu posude. Listovi su srcolikog oblika, the products of the Messapian workshops, and which, according to vodoravni, pravilniji, okrenuti unatrag, a grančica je valovita. Ovakav the relevant literature available to me, I have not found in the east.87 tip bršljana u tehnici barbotina poznat je na amforama skupine s Two oinochoai from the AMS Graeco-Hellenistic Collection (one motivom velikog lista keramike tipa West Slope (Large Leaf Group) from tomb 14 in the earlier research at Martvilo, and the other from koja se datira od 120. do 86. g. pr. Kr.84 Motiv ogrlice s kopljastim tomb 180 at Vlaška njiva) as well as two oinochoai from the AMS privjescima (engl. spearhead necklace ili lanceolate leaves) na vratu permanent display may be counted in this group together with the enohoje čest je na atičkim amforama keramike tipa West Slope iz 3. st. already mentioned vessels.88 A grape vine motif, also in barbotine pr. Kr., ali i na poklopcima skupine s motivom velikog lista. Međutim, technique, with curving branches, precisely rendered grape leaves motivi na posudama ove skupine keramike tipa West Slope slikani su and bunches can be seen on the oinochoe in the display case in 85 bijelom bojom. Motiv vodoravne palmine grane u tehnici barbotina the AMS and the oinochoe from tomb 3/1976, exhibited in the na trbuhu enohoje iz zbirke u Visu (kao na enohoji iz Visa, sl. 13), Collection in Vis.89 The same motif painted white or in barbotine ispod oboda skifa i na skifu iz stalnog postava AMS-a, pojavljuje se na technique also appears in the bracket leaf group of West Slope posudama makedonske keramike tipa West Slope u 3. st. pr. Kr. Motiv ware, which has been dated to the mid-third century BC.90 Given the je slikan bijelom bojom, a izdvojen je kao jedna od osnovnih značajka aforementioned analogies, it may be assumed that the barbotine proizvodnje.86 Zanimljivo je da oba skifa iz AMS-a imaju oblik koji je technique arrived in Issa from Macedonia, and not from Greece or poznat u južnoj Italiji, posebno u proizvodnji mesapskih radionica, a Apulia. However, this hypothesis should be further researched. koji, prema dostupnoj mi literaturi, nisam pronašla na istoku. Ovoj The second group, b), of Isseian Gnathia ware consists of 87 skupini, uz već spomenute posude, možemo pribrojiti i dvije enohoje motifs on type B 1 oinochoai. On them, the shape is still Apulian, iz Grčko-helenističke zbirke AMS-a, jednu iz grobnice 14 sa starijih but the decoration is entirely influenced by West Slope ware. The istraživanja na Martvilu, jednu iz grobnice 180 na Vlaškoj njivi, te dvije basic decorative system consists of a chessboard with disappearing enohoje iz stalnog postava AMS-a.88 Na enohoji iz izložbene vitrine square motifs rendered by engraving on the long neck of the u AMS-u i enohoji iz grobnice 3/1976, koja je izložena u Zbirci u Visu, oinochoe (Fig. 13). The decorative system in which the chessboard nalazi se motiv vinove loze, također u barbotin tehnici, s uvijenim with disappearing square motifs is customary on West Slope ware, grančicama, precizno izvedenim listovima loze i grozdovima.89 Isti particularly on table amphorae, which was initially rendered in motiv slikan bijelom bojom ili u tehnici barbotina pojavljuje se na white paint, and then later, from the mid-third century BC onward, keramici Bracket Leaf Group tipa West Slope, koja se datira oko sredine by engraving.91 Out of the thus far published vessels from this 3. st. pr. Kr. S obzirom na navedene analogije, možemo pretpostaviti phase, a noteworthy example is the oinochoe from tomb 5/1976 da je tehnika barbotina stigla u Isu iz Makedonije, a ne iz Grčke ili at Martvilo, now held in the AMS Graeco-Hellenistic Collection, Apulije. No tu pretpostavku valja još istražiti. with applied women’s head at the end of the handle, which has 90 Drugu skupinu isejske keramike tipa Gnathia, b) skupinu, predstavljaju motivi na enohojama tipa B 1. Na njima je oblik i dalje been dated broadly from the third to second centuries BC.92 It is interesting that thus far no table amphorae and skyphoi with apulski, dok je dekoracija potpuno pod utjecajem keramike tipa 87 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 122 Rotroff 1991, str. 89-90, sl. 22; Alexandropoulou 2002, str. 27-28, sl. 13. Rotroff 1991, str. 89-90, sl. 24; Rotroff 2001, str. 99-100, 111, sl. 1. Motiv ogrlice na vratu posude poznat je i u kasnoj fazi apulske keramike tipa Gnathia, ali ispod valovite i cik-cak crte o kojoj vise izduženi privjesci (De Francesco 2004, str. 263, sl. 2 i 3, i str. 273-274, br. 198 i 199). Za enohoju iz Visa Čargo 2007, str. 31-33, br. 1, a za skif iz stalnog postava AMS-a vidi Kirigin 2008, str. 80, br. 42; Alexandropoulou 2001, str. 66-68, sl. 29. Osobnim uvidom u neobjavljeni keramički materijal iz Orije imala sam prilike uočiti taj oblik skifa. Ovom prigodom zahvaljujem prof. dr. Graziji Semeraro i Francesci Silvestrelli koje su mi omogućile uvid u materijal iz Orije. Nažalost, osim publikacije Stelle Drougou iz 1991. g.,o keramičkoj produkciji zapadne Grčke i Makedonije malo podataka mi je trenutno dostupno. Dvije enohoje iz stalnog postava AMS-a donosi Kirigin 2008, str. 83-84, br. 45 i 46, enohoju s Martvila pronađenu u istraživanjima 1955. godine donosi Čargo 2009, T. 31. 4 i 4a, dok me na enohoju s Vlaške njive, koja nije objavljena, upozorila kolegica Marina Ugarković, te joj ovom prigodom zahvaljujem. Osobnim uvidom u materijal iz Grčko-helenističke zbirke u ovu sam skupinu uvrstila enohoje Fb-1451 i Fb-1689. O enohoji iz grobnice 3/1976 vidi Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, Tab. X. 22; Kirigin 1986, str. 31, br. 184, a o enohoji iz stalnog postava AMS-a vidi Kirigin 2008, str. 83, br. 45. Rotroff 1991, str. 65-70. 88 89 90 91 92 I had the opportunity to observe this skyphos shape during a personal inspection of the unpublished pottery from Oria. Here I would like to thank Prof. Grazia Semeraro, Ph.D., and Francesca Silvestrelli, who allowed me to examine the materials from Oria. Unfortunately, besides the publication by Stella Drougou in 1991 there are little data available to me on the pottery production of western Greece and Macedonia. The two oinochoai from the AMS permanent display were published by Kirigin 2008, pp. 83-84, no. 45 and 46, the oinochoe from Martvilo found in research in 1955 was published by Čargo 2009, P. 31. 4 and 4a, while I was informed of the oinochoe from Vlaška njiva, which has not been published, by my colleague Marina Ugarković, whom I would like to thank. After a personal inspection of the materials from the Graceo-Hellensitic Collection, I included the oinochoai Fb-1451 and Fb-1689 in this group. For the oinochoe from tomb 3/1976 see Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, Pl. X. 22; Kirigin 1986, p. 31, no. 184, and for the oinochoe from the AMS permanent display see Kirigin 2008, p. 83, no. 45. Rotroff 1991, pp. 65-70. Rotroff 1991, pp. 60-61, P. 27, no. 49, P. 45, no. 117-118 and P. 46, no. 119; Rotroff 2002, p. 99. Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. XV. Unfortunately, the entire inventory of tomb 5 has not been published, except for the vessels here. The oinochoe from the Graeco-Hellenistic Collection is recorded under inventory number Fb-1025. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa West Slope. Osnovni dekoracijski sustav čine motivi šahovskih polja i chessboard motifs have been found in Vis. c) In the last group of Isseian Gnathia ware, significant nestajućih kvadrata izvedeni tehnikom urezivanja na dugačkom vratu enohoja (sl. 13). Dekorativni sustav u kojemu se izmjenjuju motivi changes occurred in the shapes of the vessels and their decoration. šahovskih polja s nestajućim kvadratima uobičajen je kod keramike The oinochoai acquired a heart shape belly, resting on a conical tipa West Slope, posebno na stolnim amforama, gdje je u početku foot, with a long and straight neck and massive handles ending in slikan bijelom bojom, a poslije se, od sredine 3. st. pr. Kr., urezuje.91 an upright point (Table 1). Kirigin also noticed this group, assuming Od dosad objavljenih posuda ove faze ističe se enohoja iz grobnice that they were an imitation of the Roman Republic bronze 5/1976 na Martvilu s apliciranom ženskom glavom na završetku oinochoai.93 As a rule, this type of oinochoai, type C here, has no ručki, koja je datirana dosta široko, u 3. i 2. st. pr. Kr., te enohoja iz fluting on the belly, except for the oinochoe from the Collection Grčko-helenističke zbirke AMS-a.92 Zanimljivo je da u Visu, zasad, nisu in Vis with fluting in the lower part of the belly.94 This oinochoe pronađene stolne amfore i skifi s motivima šahovskog polja. shape has not been documented in southern Italian Gnathia ware production. There are three variants of the Issa type C oinochoe: c) Posljednju skupinu isejske keramike tipa Gnathia obilježavaju znatne izmjene u oblicima posuda i njihovoj dekoraciji. with a conical belly (oinochoe from the tomb in Stonca bay near Enohoje dobivaju srcoliko tijelo na visokoj stožastoj stopi, vrat Vis),95 numerous examples with heart-shaped belly, type C 1, and in je dugačak i ravan, a masivna ručka završava uzdignutim šiljkom later variants, a shape on which a short stem rises from a wide foot, (Tablica 1). Kirigin je također uočio ovu skupinu, pretpostavivši da while the vessel’s neck is shorter, type C 2 (Table 1). This last shape predstavlja imitaciju rimskih republikanskih brončanih enohoja. U continued in local production of Grey and Red glazed pottery in pravilu ovaj tip enohoja, ovdje tip C, nema kanelure po trbuhu, osim Issa during the first century BC.96 Type C oinochoai were found at enohoje iz zbirke u Visu s kanelurama na donjem dijelu trbuha.94 Martvilo in tomb III and IV/1955, 14/1979.97 93 The skyphoi of this group c) have a prominent belly, i.e., the Ovaj oblik enohoja nije dokumentiran u južnoitalskoj produkciji keramike tipa Gnathia. Postoje tri inačice isejskih enohoja tipa C: s body is spherical and often with brown instead of black glaze.98 koničnim trbuhom (enohoja iz grobnice u Stonci95), brojni primjerci The same skyphos shape, but without fluting, is the last Issa sa srcolikim trbuhom, tip C 1, i u kasnijim inačicama oblik kod kojeg skyphos shape - type B 2 (Table 2).99 The last pelike shape set aside, Issa type C here, is entirely se iz široke stope uzdiže kratka noga, a vrat posude je kraći, tip C 2 (Tablica 1). Ovaj posljednji oblik nastavlja se u lokalnoj produkciji different from the preceding shapes. The body is heart-shaped sivopremazane i crvenopremazane keramike u Isi tijekom 1. st. pr. as on the type C oinochoe. The mouth is modelled widely, and Kr. Enohoje tipa C pronađene su na Martvilu u grobnicama III i two spools are applied to the tip of the handles (Table 3). This IV/1955, 14/1979.97 vessel type, but without ornaments and with smaller dimensions, 96 Skifi ove posljednje skupine imaju naglašen trbuh, odnosno appeared in the Isseian production of Grey and Red glazed tijelo je loptasto i kraće, te često umjesto crnog premaza imaju pottery.100 Besides Issa, the type C pelikai were found in Stari Grad smeđi premaz.98 Isti oblik skifa, ali bez kanelura, čini posljednji and in Kamenjača near Sarajevo.101 The shape is unknown in the oblik isejskih skifa, tip B 2 (Tablica 2). production of southern Italy, Greece and Asia Minor. The closest 99 Posljednji izdvojeni oblik pelika, ovdje isejski tip C, potpuno analogies I found to the applied spools on the vessel handles je različit od prethodnih oblika. Tijelo je srcolikog oblika kao i kod enohoja tipa C. Otvor je široko modeliran, a na vrhu ručki aplicirana 93 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Rotroff 1991, str. 60-61, T. 27, br. 49, T. 45, br. 117-118, i T. 46, br. 119; Rotroff 2002, str. 99. Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. XV. Nažalost, grobni inventar grobnice 5 nije objavljen, osim ove posude. Enohoja iz Grčko-helenističke zbirke nalazi se pod inventarnim brojem Fb-1025. Kirigin 1990a, str. 61. Za usporedbu s rimskim brončanim enohojama vidi: Hayes 1984. Čargo 2007, str. 33, br. 4. Rapanić 1967, T. IV. 2. Čargo 2007, str. 38 i 43. O enohojama iz grobnica istraženih 1955. g. vidi: Kirigin 1985, T. II, sl. 3, br. 1-4, T.III, sl. 5, br. 1, i Čargo 2010, str. 111, 128-131, a za grobnice istražene 1976. g. vidi: Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. XIII. 4 i T. XIV. 13. Skifi istog oblika, ali smeđeg premaza pronađeni su na rtu Ploča, a posebno su brojni u Resniku pa je moguće pretpostaviti da pripadaju resničkoj, a ne isejskoj produkciji (Šešelj 2010). Za ovakve pretpostavke ipak treba pričekati cjelokupnu analizu materijala iz Resnika, kao i arheometrijske analize. Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. XIII. 12, 22 i 23; Kirigin 1990a, T. 29/c; Čargo 2009, T. 18. 6, T. 21. 14, T. 25. 4 i 5 i T. 33. 3. Kirigin 1990a, p. 61. For a comparison with the Roman bronze oinochoai, see Hayes 1984. 94 Čargo 2007, p. 33, no. 4. 95 Rapanić 1967, P. IV. 2. 96 Čargo 2007, pp. 38 and 43. 97 For the oinochoai from the tombs excavated in 1955, see Kirigin 1985, P. II, Fig. 3. no. 1-4, P.III, Fig. 5., no. 1. and Čargo 2010, pp. 111, 128-131, while for the tombs excavated in 1976, see Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. XIII. 4 and P. XIV. 13. 98 Skyphoi of the same shape, but with brown glaze, were found at Cape Ploče, and they are particularly numerous in Resnik, so it is possible to suppose that they belonged to Resnik, and not Issa, production (Šešelj 2010). However, such hypotheses must await a comprehensive analysis of the materials from Resnik, as well as an archaeometric analysis. 99 Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. XIII. 12, 22 and 23; Kirigin 1990a, P. 29/c; Čargo 2009, P. 18. 6, P. 21. 14, P. 25. 4 and 5 and P. 33. 3. 100 Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, P. XIII. 3 and P. XIV. 5; Čargo 2007, p. 38, no. 8 and p. 43, no. 20 and 21, on which the handle is missing. 101 For Issa, Rapanić 1967, P. IV. 3; Kirigin 1990a, P. 29, Fig. 1; Kirigin 2008, p. 132, no. 88. For the amphorae from Stari Grad, today in a museum in Venice, Vallicelli 2006, p. 258, Fig. 9 and for the finds near Sarajevo, Paškvalin 2002, P. III. 6. 123 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 su dva kalema (Tablica 3). Ovaj tip posuda, ali bez ukrasa i manjih are on the skyphoi of Pergamon relief pottery of the second dimenzija, javlja se u sivopremazanoj i crvenopremazanoj keramici and first centuries BC, and the spools on the skyphos from tomb isejske proizvodnje.100 Osim u Isi, pelike tipa C pronađene su u 86/2 in Pergamon, dated to roughly 200-190 BC, are similar.102 Starome Gradu te u Kamenjači kod Sarajeva.101 Oblik mi nije poznat ni The appliqués on the tips of the handles are also known in West u južnoitalskoj ni u grčkoj i maloazijskoj produkciji. Najbliže analogije Slope ware - on the West Slope kantharoi and amphorae and za aplicirane kaleme na ručkama posuda pronašla sam na skifima on cups of shape 321-323 from phase E 3, i.e., from 100 to 50 pergamske proizvodnje reljefne keramike 2. i 1. st. pr. Kr., a slični su BC, from the necropolis in Taranto.103 However, not one of these kalemi na skifu iz grobnice 86/2 iz Pergama, datirane 200.-190. g. pr. shapes is Gnathia ware, and I believe that they may be ascribed Kr. 102 Aplikacije na vrhovima ručki poznate su i u atičkoj produkciji to some other pottery type. For besides the ornamentation which keramike tipa West Slope: na kantarima i amforama keramike tipa developed over three production phases, the Apulian Gnathia West Slope i na čašama oblika 321-323 iz faze E 3, odnosno od 100. ware also has clearly defined shapes on which this ornamentation do 50. g. pr. Kr. u nekropoli u Tarantu.103 No nijedan od navedenih appears. The new shapes with painted decorations, which oblika ne pripada keramici tipa Gnathia te smatram da ih možemo appeared toward the end of production in Apulia, are considered pripisati nekoj drugoj keramičkoj vrsti. Naime, apulsku keramiku tipa a new pottery type.104 As to the decoration inside this group, the chessboard Gnathia čine, osim ukrasa koji se razvija tijekom triju faza proizvodnje, jasno definirani oblici na kojima se taj ukras pojavljuje. Novi oblici and disappearing square motifs can still be found, but for now sa slikanom dekoracijom, koji se pojavljuju pred kraj proizvodnje u on oinochoai of type C.105 Fluting gradually disappeared, while Apuliji, smatraju se novom keramičkom vrstom. new painted decoration appeared on the shoulder. These are 104 Što se tiče dekoracije unutar ove skupine još se mogu pronaći vertical and horizontal lines which separate the shoulder and motivi šahovskih polja i nestajućih kvadrata, ali sada na enohojama upper portion of the belly of the oinochoe into metopes in which tipa C.105 Kanelure polako nestaju, a na ramenima posuda pojavljuje the symbol X is painted with a white circle painted between se nov slikani ukras. Radi se o bijelim okomitim i vodoravnim its bars (Fig. 15). Besides the type C oinochoai, the motif also crtama koje ramena i gornji dio trbuha enohoja dijele na metope appears on type B table amphorae.106 In this phase, as opposed u kojima je slikan znak X između čijih je krakova naslikan bijeli krug to the preceding one, the decoration painting technique was (sl. 15). Osim na enohojama tipa C, motiv se pojavljuje i na stolnim used, but it was no longer polychrome. White predominates, amforama tipa B.106 U ovoj fazi, za razliku od prethodne, koristi se while the engraving of horizontal lines sometimes creates the tehnika slikanja ukrasa, ali ono više nije polikromno. Prevladava impression of yellow paining, because after firing it remains in bijela boja, a katkad se urezivanjem vodoravnih crta stječe dojam the colour of the clay, in contrast to the black glaze and white žutog slikanja, jer nakon pečenja ostaje u boji gline koja je u embellishment.107 Skyphoi often lack decoration, and if they kontrastu s crnim premazom i bijelim ukrasom. 107 Skifi su često bez have it then it still consists of horizontal lines, but without the ukrasa, a ako ga imaju, onda su to i dalje vodoravne crte, ali bez “saw tooth”. On the skyphoi, the fluting was initially dense and “nazubljene pile”. Kod skifa kanelure su u početku guste i nepravilne, irregular, but as with the oinochoai, it began to slowly disappear ali, kao i kod enohoja, one polako nestaju (sl. 9 i 12). (Fig. 9 and 12). Rasprava Discussion Nakon detaljne analize keramike tipa Gnathia iz Visa, ali i s istočnog After a detailed analysis of the Gnathia ware from Vis and also Jadrana razvidno je da je Kirigin bio u pravu kad je uvezene posude from the rest of the eastern Adriatic, it is apparent that Kirigin was izdvojio u prve tri faze te uspostavio razliku u odnosu na lokalne justified in separating imported vessels into the first three phases isejske posude tipa Gnathia, koje je svrstao u četvrtu fazu. S obzirom and distinguishing them from the vessels of local Isseian Gnathia na nova saznanja i podatke o ovoj keramičkoj vrsti, Kiriginovu ware, which he classified into the fourth phase. However, given pretpostavku možemo nadopuniti i prošiti u kontekstu cijelog the supplements to Kirigin’s hypothesis generated by more recent knowledge, it is possible to summarize the previous status of study of this pottery type not only in Vis, but the entire eastern Adriatic 100 Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, T. XIII. 3 i T. XIV. 5; Čargo 2007, str. 38, br. 8 i str. 43, br. 20 i 21, kojima nedostaje ručka. 101 Za Isu Rapanić 1967, T. IV. 3; Kirigin 1990a, T. 29, sl. 1; Kirigin 2008, str. 132, br. 88. Amfore iz Staroga Grada, a danas u muzeju u Veneciji, Vallicelli 2006, str. 258, sl. 9, i za nalaze pokraj Sarajeva Paškvalin 2002, T. III. 6. 102 Özyiğit 2000, str. 195-198, T. 102. a. 103 Rotroff 1991, str. 59-102, T. 16. 10, T. 27. 49; Hempel 2001, str. 239, T. 8. 104 Hempel 2001, str. 111; Lanza 2006, str. 166. 105 Čargo 2007, str. 33, br. 3 i 4. 106 Kirigin 2008, str. 132, br. 88. 107 Kirigin 2008, br. 3. 124 as well. Imported vessels from Vis, dated to the middle phase of Gnathia ware production from the latter half of the fourth century 102 103 104 105 106 107 Özyiğit 2000, pp. 195-198, P. 102. a. Rotroff 1991, pp. 59-102, P. 16. 10, P. 27. 49; Hempel 2001, pp. 239, P. 8. Hempel 2001, p. 111; Lanza 2006, p. 166. Čargo 2007, p. 33, no. 3 and 4. Kirigin 2008, p. 132, no. 88. Kirigin 2008, no. 3. Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa istočnog Jadrana. U prvu skupinu, Kiriginovu prvu fazu, možemo BC, can be placed into the first group, or Kirigin’s first phase. These ubrojiti uvezene posude iz Visa, koje su datirane u srednju fazu vessels are also the oldest Gnathia ware in the eastern Adriatic coast, proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia druge polovice 4. st. pr. Kr. Ove and the finds of vessels from Messapian workshop from Liburnia, posude ujedno spadaju u najstarije nalaze keramike tipa Gnathia produced during this period, may also be added to them. For na istočnom Jadranu, a u njih možemo ubrojiti i nalaze posuda according to the data thus far published, vessels from the first phase mesapskih radionica iz Liburnije, koje su se proizvodile u ovom of production, which were produced in the workshops of Taras from razdoblju. Naime, prema dosad objavljenim podacima, posude rane roughly 360 to 330 BC, were not documented in this part of the faze proizvodnje, koje su se proizvodile u radionicama u Tarantu Adriatic.108 Furthermore, the second group may include vessels from od oko 360. do 330. g. pr. Kr., nisu dokumentirane na ovom dijelu the late phase of Gnathia ware production from the final quarter Jadrana.108 Nadalje, u drugu skupinu možemo uvrstiti posude kasne of the fourth and early third centuries BC, which would include the faze proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia iz posljednje četvrtine 4. Alexandrian group vessels from Taras and LCG and RPR vessels from i početka 3. st. pr. Kr., koje bi uključivale posude Aleksandrijske Canusium. I have thereby merged Kirigin’s second and third phases, skupine iz Taranta te posude skupina KKG i RPR iz Kanuzija. Time smo because they were produced at the same time. The third group spojili Kiriginovu drugu i treću fazu, jer su se te posude proizvodile u includes local Issa vessels, which Kirigin put in his fourth phase. A isto vrijeme. U treću skupinu ubrajamo lokalne isejske posude, koje detailed analysis of shapes and decoration has made it possible to Kirigin stavlja u četvrtu fazu. Detaljnom analizom oblika i dekoracije divide the Isseian Gnathia ware into three groups. The first group is isejsku keramiku tipa Gnathia možemo podijeliti u tri skupine. Prvu characterized by the strong influence of the LCG and RPR group from skupinu obilježio je snažan utjecaj skupina KKG i RPR iz Kanuzija, što Canusium, which can be seen in the morphology of locally produced je razvidno iz morfologije enohoja, pelika i skifa lokalne produkcije, oinochoai, pelikai and skyphoi, as well as the selection of motifs kao i izbora motiva na njima. Na posudama druge skupine on them. The gradual disappearance of the influence of Apulian primjećuje se da polako nestaje utjecaj apulske proizvodnje, iako production is notable on the second group’s vessels, although some poneke enohoje i skifi još zadržavaju slične oblike, dok su motivi oinochoai and skyphoi retained similar shapes, while the motifs were pod utjecajem keramike tipa West Slope. Treću skupinu čine enohoje influenced by West Slope ware. The third group consists of oinochoai i pelike specifičnog srcolikog oblika te skifi s kratkim zadebljanim and pelikai with a specific heart shape belly, and skyphoi with short, tijelom bez kanelura, a ukras je slikan bijelom bojom. wide bodies without fluting, and white painted decoration. Kirigin okvirno datira isejsku proizvodnju keramike tipa Gnathia u 2. i 1. st. pr. Kr. 109 Međutim, o početku i kraju isejske Kirigin generally dated Issa production of Gnathia ware to the second and first centuries BC.109 However, something more must proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia ipak je potrebno nešto više reći. be said about Gnathia ware production in Issa. Datacija isejske keramike tipa Gnathia Dating of Isseian Gnathia ware Postavljanje kronološkog okvira isejske keramike tipa Gnathia Setting a chronological framework for the Isseian Gnathia ware otežava činjenica da dosad nije pronađena ni jedna zatvorena is rendered difficult by the fact that thus far not a single closed stratigrafska cjelina s isejskim posudama tipa Gnathia. Pomoć stratigraphic unit has been found with Isseian Gnathia vessels. The nam pruža samo pronalazak spomenutih grobnica 3/1976 i only help in this regard is the discovery of the aforementioned tombs 14/1979 s nekropole Martvilo. Naime, u grobnici 3/1976 zajedno 3/1976 and 14/1979 from the Martvilo necropolis. Together with 15 s 15 importiranih posuda pronađen je srebrni strater Herakleje imported vessels, a silver stater of Herakleia Lucania, dated to roughly Lukanske, datiran 350.-330. g. pr. Kr., te srebrni novac rimske 350/330 BC and a silver coin of the Roman Republic, dated by various Republike koji različiti autori prilično široko datiraju, od 268. scholars from 268 to 155 BC, were found in tomb 3/1976.110 In tomb do 155. g. pr. Kr. 110 U grobnici 14/1979, u kojoj većinu inventara 14/1979, in which most of the inventory consists of Gnathia ware, coins čine isejske posude tipa Gnathia, novac nije pronađen pa je na were not found, so based on stylistic and typological comparisons temelju stilske i tipološke usporedbe s posudama u južnoj Italiji with vessels in southern Italy, dating of the tomb from the end of the predložena datacija grobnice u kraj 3. st. i 2. st. pr. Kr.111 Kirigin je third to the second centuries BC has been proposed.111 On the basis of na temelju nalaza novca iz grobnica s Martvila iskopanog 1955., the coin finds from the tombs at Martvilo excavated in 1955, 1976 and 1976. i 1979. g. predložio okvirnu dataciju isejske keramike tipa 1979, Kirigin proposed a general dating for the Isseian Gnathia ware in 108 Za dataciju rane faze proizvodnje ove keramičke vrste vidi, Fozzer 1994, str. 325-354; Green 2001, str. 73-75, i ondje citirana ranija djela. 109 Kirigin 1990a, str. 63. 110 Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, str. 69, bilj. 21. Ovdje se donose mišljenja različitih autora o dataciji srebrnog rimskog novca. 111 Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, str. 70-71. 108 For the dating of the early production phase of this pottery type, see Fozzer 1994, pp. 325-354; Green 2001, pp. 73-75 and the works cited therein. 109 Kirigin 1990a, p. 63. 110 Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, p. 69, note 21. Here the views of different scholars on the dating of silver Roman coins are presented. 111 Cambi, Kirigin, Marin 1981, pp. 70-71. 125 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 Gnathia u 2. i 1. st. pr. Kr.112 Međutim, kako sam autor napominje, the second and first centuries BC.112 However, as Kirigin himself noted, dokumentacija s iskopavanja godine 1955. nije potpuna i nije the documentation from the excavations in 1955 is not complete, so it moguće jasno odrediti grobni inventar pojedine grobnice, ali ipak is not possible to clearly determine the tomb inventory for individual je grobnica IV/1955 datirana novcem s kraja 3. i početka 2. st. pr. burials although tomb IV/1955 has nonetheless been dated using Kr.113 coins from the end of the third and early second centuries BC.113 Kirigin je iznio pretpostavku da je proizvodnja isejske keramike Kirigin put forth the hypothesis that the production of Isseian tipa Gnathia trajala sve do 1. st. pr. Kr., što je prihvatila većina autora, Gnathia ware lasted until the first century BC, which has been accepted pa je pretpostavka poslužila kao argument za spuštanje kronologije by most scholars, so it served as an argument to push back the entire cjelokupne proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia na Mediteranu. chronology production of Gnathia ware in the Mediterranean.114 114 The vessels found at the Issa necropolis do not offer any Posude pronađene na isejskoj nekropoli ne nude veliku pomoć u postavljanju jasnijega kronološkog okvira proizvodnje significant assistance in setting a clearer chronological framework for keramike tipa Gnathia. Naime, dataciju otežava činjenica što na the production of Gnathia ware. Dating is rendered difficult by the Martvilu prevladavaju obiteljske grobnice, odnosno višestruki fact that family tombs, i.e., multiple burials over extended periods, ukopi tijekom dužeg vremenskog razdoblja, a zasad se ne predominated at Martvilo, and for now the vessels which were mogu izdvojiti posude koje su išle uz pojedini ukop.115 Također deposited in individual burials cannot be ascertained.115 It is also je zanimljivo da, zasad, unutar iste grobnice nisu evidentirane interesting that for now imported and local Gnathia ware vessels uvezene i lokane posude tip Gnathia. Na osnovi svega navedenog have not been registered in any tombs. Therefore, and until the i do objave novih podataka, prilikom postavljanja kronološkog publication of new data, only the typological/stylistic comparison okvira isejske proizvodnje keramike tipa Gnathia moguće je samo method can be used to set the chronological framework for the poslužiti se metodom tipološko-stilske komparacije. Na temelju Isseian Gnathia production. Given the similarity to Canosan Gnathia sličnosti s kanuzijskim posudama tipa Gnathia, Kirigin i Green vessels, Kirigin and Green assumed that potters from Canusium pretpostavili su da su se lončari iz Kanuzija oko sredine 3. st. pr. moved to Issa at about the mid-third century BC and established Kr. doselili u Isu i ondje uspostavili lončarsku radionicu.116 Posude a pottery workshop.116 The early Issa-produced vessels, although rane isejske proizvodnje, premda imitiraju uvezene primjerke, imitating imported examples, exhibited certain local typological pokazuju određene lokalne tipološke i stilske značajke koje and stylistic features which indicate that these are products of the upućuju na to da se radi o proizvodima druge polovice 3. st. pr. Kr. latter half of the third century BC. In line with previous data, it may Na temelju dosadašnjih podataka možemo, dakle, reći da je isejska therefore be said that the Issa production of Gnathia ware probably proizvodnja keramike tipa Gnathia vjerojatno započela sredinom began in the mid-third century BC, when Issa experienced its most 3. st. pr. Kr., kada Isa doživljava svoj najveći ekonomski procvat.117 explosive economic growth.117 Definiranje kraja proizvodnje isejske keramike tipa Gnathia Defining the end of Issa production of Gnathia ware is for now zasad je poprilično složeno. Naime, ono je povezano s pitanjem a rather complex task. For it goes hand in hand with the question definiranja keramičke vrste koja se, kao i u južnoj Italiji, javlja of defining a pottery type which, as in southern Italy, appeared at krajem 2. st. pr. Kr. Radi se o novim oblicima posuda kakve nije the end of the second century BC. These were new forms of vessels poznavala tradicionalna proizvodnja posuda tipa Gnathia. U which were unknown in the traditional production of Gnathia južnoj Italiji to su poluloptaste zdjele, a u isejskoj proizvodnji ware. In southern Italy, these were hemispherical bowls, while in enohoje tipa C, čija sličnost nesumnjivo govori o imitaciji Isseian production these were type C oinochoai, whose similarity rimskih republikanskih brončanih enohoja 2. i 1. st. pr. Kr. 118 One, undoubtedly testifies to the imitation of Roman Republic bronze međutim, i dalje imaju slikani ukras, ali bez polikromije, odnosno oinochoai of the second and first century BC.118 However, they still samo u bijeloj boji, te su u slučaju isejskih enohoja tipa C i bez have a painted ornament, but without polychromy, i.e., only in repertoara motiva kakav poznaje tradicionalna keramika tipa white, and in the case of the Issa type C oinochoai the repertoire Gnathia. Radi li se o novoj keramičkoj vrsti, koja preuzima tehniku known in the traditional Gnathia ware is lacking. Whether this is a slikanja od keramike tipa Gnathia ili o potpunoj dekadenciji newer pottery type, which assumed the painting technique from 112 Kirigin 1990a, str. 62-63. Novac pronađen u grobnicama iz 1955. g. pripada rimskoj Republici; srebrni denar iz grobnice III/1955 datiran je u 125. g. pr. Kr., srebrni novac iz grobnice IV/1955 datiran je u 211.-208 g. pr. Kr., a republikanski kvinarij iz grobnice Va/1955 je iz 97. g. pr. Kr. 113 Kirigin 1990a, str. 62. Za rekonstrukciju grobnih cjelina istraživanih 1955. g. vidi Kirigin 1985, str. 91-110; Čargo 2009 i Čargo 2010. 114 Green 2001, str. 74; Hempel 2001, str. 111; Lanza 2006, str. 158 i 163. 115 Kirigin 1985, str. 91-104; Kirigin 1990a, str. 59 i Kirigin 1990b, str. 291-321. 116 Green 2001, str. 70. 117 Kirigin, Katunarić, Šešelj 2005, str. 7-24. 118 Hempel 2001, str. 111; Lanza 2006, str. 164-165. 112 Kirigin 1990a, pp. 62-63. The coins found in the tombs from 1955 were minted by the Roman Republic; a silver denarius from tomb III/1955 was dated to 125 BC, a silver coin from tomb IV/1955 was dated to 211-208 BC, and one from tomb Va/1955 is a Republic quinarius from 97 BC. 113 Kirigin 1990a, p. 62. For a reconstruction of the tomb units researched in 1955, see Kirigin 1985, pp. 91-110; Čargo 2009 and Čargo 2010. 114 Green 2001, p. 74; Hempel 2001, p. 111; Lanza 2006, pp. 158 and 163. 115 Kirigin 1985, pp. 91-104; Kirigin 1990a, p. 59 and Kirigin 1990b, pp. 291-321. 116 Green 2001, p. 70. 117 Kirigin, Katunarić, Šešelj 2005, pp. 7-24. 118 Hempel 2001, p. 111; Lanza 2006, pp. 164-165. 126 Maja Miše Prilog proučavanju isejske keramike tipa Gnathia A contribution to the study of Gnathia ware from Issa ove keramičke vrste, pitanje je koje ujedno daje odgovor o Gnathia ware, or a case of complete decadence of this pottery kraju proizvodnje. Kirigin je ovu skupinu posuda pripisao type is a question which also provides an answer to the question keramici tipa Gnathia, i to kao specifičnost isejske proizvodnje, of when production ended. Kirigin attributed this group of vessels te ju je okvirno datirao u 2. i 1. st. pr. Kr. 119 Međutim, na osnovi to Gnathia ware as a specific product of Issa, and generally dated novih interpretacija iz Apulije, posebno nalaza iz Valesija i it to the second and first centuries BC.119 However, in compliance Botromagna te iz nekropole u Tarantu, smatram da posude koje with new interpretations from Apulia, particularly the finds from sam ovdje pripisala trećoj skupini isejskih posuda tipa Gnathia, Valesio, Botromagno and the necropolis in Taranto, I believe that treba promatrati kao novu keramičku vrstu koja je nastala pod the vessels which I herein attributed to the third group of Isseian utjecajem keramike tipa Gnathia, s jedne strane, keramike tipa Gnathia ware, should be considered a new pottery type which West Slope, s druge strane, i rimskih republikanskih metalnih emerged under the influence of Gnathia ware, West Slope ware posuda, s treće strane. and Roman Republic metal vessels. Zaključak Conclusion Na temelju dosadašnjih podataka isejsku keramiku tipa Gnathia Based on previous data, Isseian Gnathia ware can be classified into možemo svrstati u tri faze proizvodnje unutar kronološkog three phases of production inside a chronological framework from okvira od sredine 3. do kraja 2. st. pr. Kr. Vjerujem da će buduća the mid-third to the end of the second century BC. I believe that arheološka istraživanja i objave cjelokupnoga materijala s future archaeological research and publications of all materials nalazišta, posebno s nekropola Martvilo i Vlaška njiva u Visu from sites, particularly the Martvilo necropolis and Vlaška njiva te nekropola u Budvi i Draču kao i iz Staroga Grada i Resnika, in Vis, the necropolises in Budva and Durrës, and from Stari Grad omogućiti jasnije kronološko definiranje proizvodnje ove and Resnik, will facilitate a clearer chronological definition of keramičke vrste ne samo u Isi nego i na cijelom istočnom Jadranu. production of this pottery type not only in Issa, but in the entire eastern Adriatic coast. Zahvale Acknowledgements Na prvome mjestu moram zahvaliti mojem mentoru dr. sc. Branku First and foremost, I would like to thank my mentor Branko Kirigin, Kiriginu na korisnim sugestijama i savjetima. Veliku zahvalu Ph.D., for his useful suggestions and advice. I owe a great debt of dugujem i kolegi mr. sc. Borisu Čargu na ustupljenim fotografijama gratitude to my colleagues Boris Čargo, M.S. for providing me with te kolegici dr. sc. Lucijani Šešelj, koja mi je ljubazno ustupila photographs and Lucijana Šešelj, Ph.D., who kindly provided me podlogu za karte. Zahvaljujem osobito ravnateljici Arheološkog with the basis for maps. Many thanks are due to the director of the muzeja u Splitu mr. sc. Zrinki Buljević, koja mi je omogućila uvid u Archaeological Museum in Split, Zrinka Buljević, M.S., who allowed Grčko-helenističku zbirku, bez koje analiza keramike tipa Gnathia me to inspect the Graeco-Hellenistic Collection, without which the na istočnom Jadranu ne bi bila moguća. Zahvalu dugujem i analysis of Gnathia ware in the eastern Adriatic would not have kolegama Emilu Podrugu i Toniju Brajkoviću iz Muzeja grada been possible. I also owe a debt of gratitude to my colleagues Šibenika te kolegici Nataliji Čondić iz Arheološkog muzeja u Emil Podrug and Toni Brajković from the Šibenik City Museum and Zadru, koji su mi dopustili uvid u materijal koji se čuva u njihovim Natalija Čondić from the Archaeological Museum in Zadar, who zbirkama. Veliku zahvalu na korisnim savjetima upućujem i prof. allowed me to inspect the materials held in their collections. Also, dr. sc. Johnu Greenu. many thanks to Prof. John Green, Ph.D., for his useful advice. 119 Kirigin 1990a, str. 63. 119 Kirigin 1990a, p. 63. 127 VAPD 106, 2013., 99-130 Literatura / Bibliography Cambi, Kirgin, Marin 1981 Faber 1980 Green 1976 N. Cambi, B. Kirigin, E. Marin, A. Faber, Osor-Apsorus iz aspekta J. R. Green, Gnathia Pottery in Abramić 1949 Zaštitna arheološka istraživanja antičkog pomorstva, Diadora 9, Akademisches Kunstmuseum in M. Abramić, Arheološka helenističke nekropole Isse (1976. i Zadar 1980, 289-316. 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