ICDS 2014 : The Eighth International Conference on Digital Society
Human-Centered Ontology Engineering in E-Government Environments
Richard Siegl, Bernd Stadlhofer, and Peter Salhofer
University of Applied Sciences, Graz
emails: {
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]}
Abstract—Ontology engineering is a relatively new field in computer and information sciences. Its primary goal is to develop
methodologies for modelling and building ontologies. These
ontologies represent knowledge as a set of concepts within a
specific domain. A common problem is, though, that it is almost
impossible for domain experts to design and model their own
ontology in the domain of E-Government without having the basic
knowledge of computer science, especially in the field of ontology
engineering. The goal of this paper is to describe, how the Rich
Ontology Creation Kit for E-Government Transition (ROCKET),
an ontology creation tool based on the Eclipse RCP framework,
supports legal experts to bridge the gap between domain and
technical specialists. To accomplish that goal, the web application
SeGoF is described, which uses ontologies as an input for the
automatic generation of E-Government forms based on semantic
descriptions. Moreover, the methodology “Ontology Driven EGovernment” is explained, as well as, the applied human-centered
approach in ROCKET. As a result, the tool ROCKET allows
domain experts to design and model ontologies in a convenient
way by hiding the ontology language. It basically offers an easyto-use graphical user interface, including wizards and editors like
the axiom modeler to create the necessary elements to model an
Keywords-SeGoF; ROCKET; ontology; engineering; ontology
modelling; semantic MDA; e-government; domain modelling.
Basically, ontology engineering is a relatively new field in
computer and information science. Its goals are to develop
methods and methodologies for building ontologies which
formally represent knowledge as a set of concepts within a
specific domain and its relationship to other concepts. These
ontologies can be very useful in different situations, for example, when designing semantic web applications, like SeGoF
However, the problem is that it is nearly impossible for
users to formally express an ontology for a specific domain
without having basic knowledge of computer science, especially in the field of ontology engineering. Therefore, tools
and methods are required to help users to engineer their own
ontology. Basically, there are at least two different roles which
are involved in the process of creating ontologies: one domain
expert and one technical expert. The domain expert has the
required knowledge of a specific field and the technical expert
understands the required concepts of ontology engineering.
Both roles are interdependent and essential to create and model
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2014.
ISBN: 978-1-61208-324-7
This paper focuses on the field of E-Government, more
precisely, on the SeGoF web application and its requirements
concerning ontology engineering. Therefore, SeGoF is described, as well as the different approaches like semantic MDA
and ODEG. As a next step, the human-centered ontology engineering approach will be explained, covering the motivation
behind this approach and other available methodologies. The
next section covers the ODEG modelling process including all
relevant process steps. In the following and last section of this
paper, some of the most important features of ROCKET will
be presented and explained, how they work.
Classical E-Government solutions are mostly aligned along
conventional administrative processes. Hereby, a paper-driven
workflow of these processes is the normal way to reflect
these tasks. The paper-based application form is than simply
replaced by an electronic web-form. As a consequence, the
process behind these electronic web-forms is very important
because it influences the usability and acceptance of the
solution, but the prospects of those classical E-Government
web-forms are often very limited. Furthermore, different administrative procedures are usually characterized by a set of
rules and constraints which have to be met to make a user
eligible for a specific service. In classic E-Government environments, the knowledge about these rules is mostly expressed
programmatically but not semantically, which is a limiting
A. Semantic MDA for e-government
As mentioned by Salhofer and Stadlhofer [1], this specific
approach applies the basic principles of MDA (Model Driven
Architecture) [1] in combination with a semantic model to the
creation of E-Government services. The goal of this intention
is that these services will then be available as semantic web
services which can be searched for meeting the current goal
or desire of a citizen. To be successful, it is important that all
required artifacts are automatically generated from the model
and that there is no need for manual coding. This enables very
short development cycles and very fast adoption to shifting
requirements, which is important because public agencies are
facing significant budget cuts. As a consequence, resources
have to be used as effective and efficient as possible [1].
ICDS 2014 : The Eighth International Conference on Digital Society
The goal of Ontology Driven E-Government (ODEG) [2]
is to model ontologies for the E-Government domain which
act as a basis for an integrated E-Government environment.
The most important point is that these ontologies can be
used to assist a citizen by formally expressing a goal that
can be used for service discovery and it can also be used to
express the necessary input of services which will be used for
the subsequent form generation. The collected input data is
transformed into a common data interchange standard format,
and then, forwarded to the service oriented architecture (SOA)
backend which executes the business process [2]. Furthermore,
ODEG can be seen as an ontology engineering methodology
because its main goal is to model ontologies for the EGovernment domain by proving a human-centered approach.
As mentioned by Stadlhofer et al. [2], every relevant public
service is semantically modeled and contains references to
the required input elements. Moreover, every constraint on the
service input element can be expressed by different semantic
rules and can be evaluated by semantic reasoners. This allows
an automatic creation of forms, for example web forms, and
also plausibility checks of data gathered directly from the user.
With this approach, the entire logic is now consistently kept
in the semantic model. Additionally, another advantage of this
approach is that the knowledge of public services becomes
available in a machine processable form which allows more
functionality than only form creation [2].
Nowadays, it is wildly argued that ontologies are the primary key to success concerning the realization of the semantic
web. As a result, the ontology engineering process plays an
important factor when designing and modelling ontologies.
Thus, different methodologies were created to support and
to document this process. This subchapter examines different approaches and explains the most important facets of
the respective methodology. Basically, the focus lies on the
investigation of the Ontology Driven E-Government (ODEG)
methodology because ROCKET supports the ODEG modelling
process and a human-centered approach by empowering legal
experts. First of all, it is important to describe the motivation
and requirements behind these methodologies.
A. Motivation
This section describes the motivation and the requirements
concerning the E-Government domain derived from the SeGoF
platform. These requirements refer to the ontology engineering
methodology which is mandatory to achieve a well-defined
and structured ontology building process and to support domain experts (or legal experts in case of the E-Government
domain), so that they can design, model, and build ontologies
autonomously without help from technical experts.
1) Domain expert centered approach: The methodology
basically has to offer a domain expert centered approach which
is the basic top-level goal. The intention of this approach
is to empower legal experts so that they can design, model
and build ontologies themselves. To realize this intention,
the methodology has to support this approach concerning the
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2014.
ISBN: 978-1-61208-324-7
respective process and by offering tool support which guides
users through the building process.
2) Developed for electronic service provisioning in public
administration: First of all, the application area of the ontology
engineering methodology is important. In case of the SeGoF
platform, the domain of E-Government is the respective target
area. In general, it should be designed for electronic service
provisioning in the context of public administration.
3) Clear and consistent process: The desired ontology
engineering methodology should offer a clear and consistent
process which guides users through the ontology building
procedure. Usually, the process refers to the ontology building
life cycle and consists of different phases. Besides the ontology
modelling process, it may be important to cover the resulting
project management of the project. This for example includes
specification phases which covers the possibilities of knowledge retrieval.
4) Tool support: To realize the domain expert centered
approach, the desired methodology should offer tools which
support users during the ontology creation process. Basically,
the tool has to hide the used ontology language behind a
graphical user interface. With the help of certain templates,
users are guided through the ontology building process. In the
best case, legal experts should be able to implement and test
the modelled ontology immediately.
5) Consideration of a possible collaborative construction:
An essential aspect in the context of public administration is
the consideration of legal certainty. In that case, legislation
and enforcement of law on all governmental levels has to be
ensured. As a consequence, this requires collaboration with a
variety of different legal experts. That implies that the ontology creation tool should support and process a collaborative
approach, which allows legal experts to collaboratively model,
implement, verify and maintain ontologies.
B. Methodologies in the context of public administration
Concerning this paper, the target field in which respective
methodologies have to be applied is public administration,
more precisely E-Government and electronic public service
provisioning. So the question is, which of the listed methodologies is capable of meeting the requirements. To answer
this question, Stadlhofer et al. [3] conducted an analysis on
different ontology engineering methodologies to investigate,
if any available methods support a domain expert centered
approach in the context of electronic service provisioning in
public administration.
Considering the resulting requirements of the EGovernment domain identified in the beginning of this
chapter, Stadlhofer et al. came to the conclusion that none
of the analyzed methodologies is fully capable to serve as
domain expert centered ontology engineering methodology in
the context of PA. As a result, only one of the tested methods
named “Integrated Modeling Methodology” technically
addresses all methodological requirements in an acceptable
way, but this method was developed for a different domain,
namely organizational learning, which means that it’s direct
exploitation for the E-Government domain is very difficult.
But, the authors of the methodological comparison analysis
ICDS 2014 : The Eighth International Conference on Digital Society
mention that aspects and general guidelines of this and other
methods can contribute to a future methodology in this field
Basically, there are different roles involved in the ontology
engineering process. At least, there are two different individuals, namely domain and technical experts. The focus lies on
these two roles although there could be more people involved,
for example knowledge engineers or ontology users.
domain, for example, by creating additional sub concepts and
respective axioms, or in other words, to refine and extend the
modelled domain. In addition, it is important to mention that
this life cycle is only a recommendation for further studies
which explicitly have to investigate the ODEG modelling
1) Domain expert: Domain experts or, in case of the EGovernment domain, legal experts possess the required knowledge about the targeting problem domain. The goal is to extract
this knowledge, abstract it and transform it into an ontology.
This role is necessary and acts as a key role in the ontology
engineering process.
2) Technical expert: Technical experts have the required
skills to model, design, verify and implement ontologies.
Mostly, they are experts in developing software because ontology engineering is a software engineering-oriented process.
Furthermore, technical experts possess knowledge about a
specific ontology modelling language like WSML or OWL
which enables them to build and model ontologies.
Figure 1: ODEG modelling process
The problem here is that both described roles are mandatory to succeed in building usable ontologies. Basically, there
are different solutions available to overcome this particular
problem. One possibility could be to convert technical experts
into domain experts. But, sadly, this intention is impossible to
realize. The same applies to the intention to convert domain
experts into technical experts: The effort simply would be too
expensive and inefficient which leads to the conclusion that
another solution is needed to overcome the primary problem.
1) Domain modelling: As mentioned by Stadlhofer et al.
[3], service discovery from a citizens point of view should
start with selecting the appropriate life situation which are
expressed in ODEG by the concept PADomain. For every
created domain in the system, a new instance of this concept
has be to be defined. The created instance is located in the
Domains.wsml file which can be found in the segof/domains
folder. Moreover, it is possible to define a list of additional
general-purpose ontologies which are relevant for the respective domain [3].
Therefore, adequate tools are required to bridge the gap
between technical and domain experts. The primary goal
here is to hide the used ontology language which enables
domain experts to use these tools. Furthermore, an easy to use
graphical user interface has to be used which supports users
on the process level to ease the general ontology engineering
As a next step, it is necessary to model the new created
domain. This implies the definition of new concepts, axioms
and instances which express the abstracted domain of interest.
The following components can be found in the WSML file
located in the domain folder in the respective PADomain folder
ROCKET [4] represents a pilot project to meet the mentioned requirements. This ontology creation tool focuses on
enabling domain experts of the Public Administration domain
to autonomously develop, build and implement ontologies
without the help of technical experts. As a result, these
developed E-Government services should be directly executed
by the SeGoF web application.
A. ODEG modelling process
Basically, the ODEG modelling process is divided into
different phases. Figure 1 gives an overview of these phases
and describes them in more detail. It is important to mention,
that these process steps are not strictly aligned. As depicted
by the life cycle, different process steps can be performed
individually. As shown in the middle of the figure, maintenance
is also a relevant step which implies that certain actions have
to be repeated to achieve acceptable, correct and useful results
concerning the created ontology. Maintenance also implies that
it may be important to extend the expressiveness of the actual
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2014.
ISBN: 978-1-61208-324-7
Definition of concepts: The basic components of every
ontology to describe the targeting domain are concepts. Depending on the desired level of detail concerning a domain of
interest, several concepts may exist.
Definition of axioms: Furthermore, it may be important
to refine the created concepts or to create specific constraints.
Therefore, Axioms have to be created which are based on logic
programming rules. Of course, it is possible that several axioms
may exist in the domain.
Definition of instances: Additionally, it may be relevant to
create instances of certain concepts. These instances are also
located in the domain WSML file and include concrete values
of certain attributes.
2) Definition of desires: After selecting the appropriate life
situation, a citizen has to choose one concrete desire or goal
he or she wants to reach. For every existing PA domain, it
is possible that several desires exist. The isRelatedToConcept
attribute expresses the relationship to one or more concepts of
the domain and marks the entry point in the ontology.
ICDS 2014 : The Eighth International Conference on Digital Society
As mentioned by Stadlhofer et al. [3], in the resulting user
interface the user would have the possibility to replace the
related concepts in the desire definition by concrete ones. After
defining such a concrete desire, an appropriate public service
can be discovered for this specific situation.
3) Definition of services: Another important step of the
ODEG modelling process is to define specific public web
services. Therefore, every semantic service description is split
into two different parts. This includes an instance of the
geaGrazConstraintPublicService and a corresponding Web Service Modelling Ontology (WSMO) web service. The GEA
part includes the description of the relationship to one or
more desires and specific constraints that have to be met.
By contrast, the WSMO part describes the required input and
preconditions [3].
Furthermore, it is possible to create specific constraints
which have to be met.
4) Deployment: As the final step in the ODEG modelling
process, it is important to implement, test and verify the
modelled domain in the SeGoF web application. Therefore, the
modelled domain has to be implemented into the respective
folder of the SeGoF application, as well as specific entries
have to be added to register the new domain. After verifying
the created domain, it may be important to refine or extend
the existing domain.
Figure 2: Two different concepts and their super concept
Concept by Constraint” and “Axiom” option. Selecting the first
options allows users to create a sub concept while creating
a respective axiom at the same time. As mentioned before,
axioms allow to refine concepts and to add specific constraints.
Selecting the “Axiom” option allows users, as the name already
indicates, to create and model an axiom only. Furthermore,
when selecting the root ontology node, the available options
differentiate compared to the options. Doing so allows the user
to select the “Concept by Constraint” option which creates a
normal concept and an additional axiom. In fact, the resulting
dialog remains the same.
Basically, ROCKET offers several features concerning the
modelling of ontologies. The most important characteristics
are going to be described in the following chapter. For more
information on ROCKET, please see [4].
A. Axiom editor (sub-concept by constraint)
Creating different concepts which have the same super
concept is a common step. That implies that the reasoner
has to decide either to take the right or the left path through
the ontology. Therefore, axioms are required to accomplish
that goal and to tell the reasoner which path to choose for a
specific situation. In this concrete example depicted in Figure
2, the super concept “PossiblePupil” holds two attributes,
namely “age” and “name”. If a person is 14 years old or
younger, this person will become a “RequiredSchoolPupil”.
If the person is 15 years old or older, this person will become
a “NotRequiredSchool”. It is important to mention that these
conditions are implemented in respective axioms. Basically,
the described scenario is very common, which implies that it
would make sense to combine the action of creating concepts
and axioms in one step.
Basically, the primary goal of the new “Sub concept
by constraint” feature is that users have the possibility to
create a new sub concept of an existing super concept and
additionally are able to create a respective axiom. Depending
on the selected super concept, the available attributes from the
super concept should be visible which can be used to create
reasonable constraints.
There are two entries in the “Add Entity” context menu in
the WSML visualizer when selecting a concept node: the “Sub
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2014.
ISBN: 978-1-61208-324-7
Figure 3: “Sub concept by constraint” dialog
Figure 3 shows the implemented dialog. Basically, the
dialog includes basic components like in the normal “New
Concept” dialog. It is important to mention that the dialog
uses the full size of the display. That means that depending on
the size of the ROCKET program, the dialog scales itself to
guarantee a better user experience. Furthermore, it is possible
to hide all elements which are related to the concept properties.
Therefore, users have the possibility to click on the top bar to
extend or to hide related user interface elements.
First of all, users have to type in a valid identifier or
name for the new sub concept. This name is also used for
the name of the respective axiom. Concerning this name, the
identifier will be modified by adding the string “Definition”.
For example, when users want to create a sub concept named
“PossiblePupil”, the respective axiom name would be “PossiblePupilDefinition”. It is also possible to assign specific internationalized human readable descriptions which are important
for the SeGoF web application.
ICDS 2014 : The Eighth International Conference on Digital Society
Like in the normal “New Concept” dialog, it is possible
to add certain annotations and super concepts which influence
the resulting concept. Additionally, it is possible to select the
“Add relevant imported ontologies” options.
Basically, an axiom consists of different constraints which
can be modelled with the help of different gestures. This
includes for example the use of drag and drop gestures as
demonstrated in Figure 4. Alternatively, another option is to
double click on the respective attribute.
B. Service constraint modeller
The ROCKET editor for ODEG web service focuses on
the management of available services in the domain. On the
left side, all available services will be displayed. By selecting
another service, all respective parameters can be checked and
altered. This includes available service constraints, related
desires, service implementations, related service requests and
the name of the service. Furthermore, the user can determine if
the service should be an information service, which means that
as a result, the SeGoF web application provides a document
(e.g., a .pdf file) which includes valuable information for the
Figure 4: Creating a constraint while using the drag and drop
As shown in Figure 4, there are different icons displayed
for available attributes. The red “P” indicates that the attribute
is a primitive data type, while the blue “C” indicates that the
respective attribute is another concept which possibly holds
additional attributes. To browse through these attributes of
other concepts, users have the possibility explore them by
double clicking on a concept. As a consequence, additional
attributes will be added under the respective concept.
Figure 5: Dialog for creating a constraint for the type integer
It is important to mention that depending on the selected
type of the attribute, a specific dialog will show up. As
shown in Figure 5, the new dialog offers the possibility of
adding additional options to the new constraint. In case of an
attribute of type integer, the user can choose between different
operations like greater, smaller, greater or equal, etc. Of course,
a specific number can be added which fulfils the constraint.
Furthermore, the desired conjunction can be chosen. In the
additional options, users have the possibility of adding the
negation keyword “naf”, adding opening and closing brackets
and selecting the option “hasValue only”.
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2014.
ISBN: 978-1-61208-324-7
Figure 6: Service constraint modeller
Another important part of the web service editor is the
ODEG service constraint modelling editor which pops up by
selecting the edit or create button after right clicking into
the area of the service constraints. As depicted in Figure 6,
users have the possibility to create specific constraints for the
respective service. Depending on the selected desire, different
concepts will be displayed as a tree. By using intuitive drag
and drop gestures, it is possible to select a desired concept and
drop it in the attributes area to create an additional attribute.
Therefore, the user has to provide a new name. After creating
a new or editing an existing constraint, users have to save the
changes by pressing CTRL + S. In the background, the new
or changed service constraint will be stored in the respective
domains file as an instance of type geaGraz#ServiceConstraint
including the created attributes.
C. Automatic implementation of ontologies in SeGoF
Another feature is called “run button”. As a developed use
case confirmed, the test and verification steps of the ontology
in the SeGoF web application are rather complicated and not
supported by the tool ROCKET. As a result, users have to
manually add the generated ontology and the segof wsml files
in the respective folder in SeGoF, build the SeGoFOntologies
project and start the jetty web server via the console. Since
this is not a human-centered approach, additional features have
to be added to give users the possibility of implementing,
testing and verifying the created ontology directly in ROCKET.
Therefore, a new button has to be implemented in the tool
which executes the described steps of deploying the ontology
in SeGoF automatically. Besides reducing the level of difficulty
ICDS 2014 : The Eighth International Conference on Digital Society
of the steps which have to be executed manually, users would
have the possibility of verifying the ontology very quickly.
1) Main run button: The main run button located on the
right side of the four new buttons acts as the primary button
to initiate the start of the SeGoF web application. This button
has to be executed before using the others. First of all, when
pressing this button, ROCKET copies the required SeGoF run
files from its sources into the actual workspace. This includes
a folder holding the maven binaries, the SeGoFOntologies
project and the SeGoFWeb project and other relevant projects
from the SeGoF web application, respectively in separate
folders. After copying the new folders, the respective WSML
files (depending on the selected project in ROCKET) will be
implemented in the SeGoFOntologies project and the preconfigured and pre-built SeGoFWeb.war and other required files
will be installed in the local maven repository. As a next step,
this project will be built using the implemented maven sources.
Depending on the operating system of the host system of
ROCKET, a specific maven run file and a proper command
will be chosen to accomplish this task. That implies that
maven is not a prerequisite when users are executing the run
button, which is a big advantage. Furthermore, the integrated
jetty web server will be started and the internal browser of
ROCKET will be opened displaying the correct page with
the address “localhost:8080/SeGoFWeb” as shown in Figure
7. Now, users have the possibility of verifying and testing the
modelled ontology instantly.
is useful when quitting ROCKET to close all remaining
processes. As usual, the status of this process can be checked
in the console view.
4) Open browser button: This button allows users to reopen the internal browser view if the Jetty web server is
running. If the server is not running, a respective error message
will be displayed telling users that SeGoF is not running.
Furthermore, this button refreshes the actual address of the
browser to the default address. This is useful when testing
different PA domains to return to the initial web page.
First of all, the illustration of the ODEG modelling process
is an important step toward a well-defined and structured
process concerning the ontology building process in ROCKET.
While the depicted life cycle is only a recommendation, it
can be seen as an important input for further studies in
this field. The ontology creation tool ROCKET offers several
specific wizards and editors which allow users to build and
model a specific ontology in the field of E-Government which
can be used by the SeGoF web application as an input
to automatically generate E-Government forms to ultimately
invoke a certain service. The top-level goal of ROCKET is
to empower domain or legal experts so that they are able to
build ontologies autonomously. Furthermore, ROCKET offers
an easy to use graphical user interface which guides users
through the ODEG modelling process by pursuing a humancentered ontology engineering approach. Additionally, tools
like the WSML Visualizer help users understand the modelled
ontology more easily. To conclude, it is important to mention
that future work has to be focused on conducting usability
tests to improve the overall usage of the tool. Consequently,
the ontology engineering methodology ODEG has to be further
developed to achieve a well-defined and documented process.
With the help of SeGoF and ROCKET, the efficiency of
public offices concerning the offering of public services can be
increased significantly. Because of the fact that legal experts
would design and model ontologies autonomously which then
will be used as an input for the SeGoF web application, public
services could be published immediately.
Figure 7: Internal browser in ROCKET
2) Refresh button: After executing the main run button for
the first time, the jetty web server is up and running. When
users modify a respective ontology, they have the possibility
to execute the refresh button so that only the new WSML files
get copied and the project SeGoFOntologies gets built. The
running jetty web server detects the modified jar file from the
SeGoFOntologies projects and restarts itself automatically. Of
course, it is possible to re-execute the main run button, but the
advantage of the refresh button is that it finishes much quicker.
3) Stop button: As the name of the button already indicates,
the stop button stops the running jetty web server and closes
the internal browser view automatically. This, for example,
Copyright (c) IARIA, 2014.
ISBN: 978-1-61208-324-7
Peter Salhofer and Bernd Stadlhofer, “Semantic MDA for EGovernment Service Development”, hicss, pp. 2189-2198, 2012
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Reference, April 2010, pp. 383-401.
Bernd Stadlhofer, Peter Salhofer, and Augustin Durlacher, “An Overview
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Bernd Stadlhofer, Peter Salhofer, Augustin Durlacher, and Martin Zierler,
“ROCKET - Rich Ontology Creation Kit for E-Government Transition”,
in Electronic Government and Electronic Participation, Joint Proceedings
of Ongoing Research and Projects of IFIP EGOV and IFIP ePart,
Kristiansand, Norway, September 3-6, 2012, Trauner Verlag, pp. 106114.