(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 5, No. 9, 2014
Study of Chaos in the Traffic of Computer Networks
Evgeny Nikulchev
Evgeniy Pluzhnik
Moscow Technological Institute
38A, Leninckiy pr., Moscow, Russia, 119334
Moscow Technological Institute
38A, Leninckiy pr., Moscow, Russia, 119334
Abstract—Development of telecommunications technology
currently determines the growth of research with an aim to find
new solutions and innovative approaches to the mathematical
description of the processes. One of the directions in the
description of traffic in computer networks is focused on
studying the properties of chaotic traffic. We offer a complex
method for the dynamic chaos determination. It is suggested to
introduce additional indicators based on the absence of trivial
conservation laws and weak symmetry breaking. The conclusion
is made that dynamic chaos in the example of computer network
companies and providers of on-site optimization. The resulting
histogram also possesses ponderous tails, indicating the
presence of the peak moments of the network load, in which
there is a strong increase in delays and loss of information.
Keywords—chaos; traffic of computer networks; nonlinear
The article is focused on the computation of invariant
characteristics of dynamic chaos based on the flow of corporate
computer networks.
A significant amount of work on modeling of traffic in
computer networks based on queuing theory. This, of course,
involves the application of Poisson flow hypothesis, but this
hypothesis is often not confirmed by the practice. The
hypothesis of the Poisson streams can be used in networks with
large redundancy across the width of the channel, in other
cases there are other types of distribution and the process
requires a fundamentally different approach to modeling.
Fig. 1. Fragment of an annual progression loading of the channel network
(20 days)
Today's networks are characterized by the distribution of
computing resources and a variety of end-users (from gadgets
to appliances that have access to the Internet), with simulation
aimed at communication channels control systems creation
being a particularly urgent task.
The study specifies distribution which serves as a basis for
analyzing data about downloading online channel from the
monitoring work of university corporate network, measured in
the course of the year. Statistics obtained by removing
information from the router interfaces on the number of
transmitted data and loading port, protocol snmp, using packet
Paessler Router Traffic Grapher, which generates a table with
data and graphics load (see Fig. 1).
Empirical histogram frequency channel load is shown in
Fig. 2 On the basis of the use of the criteria of fit test and
Kolmogorov - Smirnov observed probability distribution is not
consistent with a Poisson distribution. Empirical histogram has
a "heavy tail", indicating the presence of the peak moments of
the network load, in which there is a strong increase in latency
and packet loss.
Due to the fact that the distribution function has a heavy
tail, and is not consistent with the Poisson distribution, queuing
theory for the considered network cannot provide an adequate
mathematical description.
Information on downloading channels was also obtained by
monitoring the external communication channels of one of the
As it was noted in [1] for the TCP / IP protocol distribution
with ponderous tails makes a major contribution to the self-
Fig. 2. Empirical histogram loading of the channel network (6 months)
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 5, No. 9, 2014
similar nature of the traffic and, consequently, the chaotic
nature of the dynamics.
always negative. In dissipative systems, Lyapunov exponents
are invariant with respect to all initial conditions.
A number of works were focused on the study of chaotic
traffic . In [1] the aim is to evaluate the values of the largest
Lyapunov exponent on the basis of the traffic generated on the
test bench; In [2, 3] Internet traffic is an example for the
calculation of various characteristics; In [4] the dynamic
properties of the chaos is used to solve telecommunication
problems of data exchange, but the study of chaotic properties
remained outside publications.
In terms of Lyapunov, it is possible to provide much
information on the observed mode of the dimension of the
attractor, if any, and on the entropy of a dynamical system.
Dynamic chaos meets the instability of each individual
trajectory, ie presence of at least one positive Lyapunov
exponent. The attraction of the attractor requires that the phase
volumes of large dimensions shrank, then reflected in the
Lyapunov spectrum. Knowledge allows us to estimate
Lyapunov exponents and the fractal dimension of the attractor
It is assumed that the time series generated by the discrete
xk 1 f ( xk x0 ) ,
or a continuous system
dx(t )
F (x(t ), x(0)) .
Here, x ( x1 (t ), ...., xn (t )) ; n — the dimension of the
phase space; t — time; k — discrete time (number); F, f —
vector function. Phase trajectory of a continuous system is an
n-dimensional curve, which is a solution of the system of
coordinates of the state space for given initial conditions x0.
For discrete systems able to connect lines in accordance with
the sequence of samples k= 1, 2, ...
An important concept of dynamical systems is the attractor.
For systems in equilibrium, the attractor is a point (with the
time change state x does not change), for oscillatory systems closed paths (cycles). For chaotic systems, there is an attractor,
which is called the odd, in this case the trajectories are drawn,
but not to the point, a curve, a torus, and in a subset of the
phase space. Attractor is an invariant feature of the system, ie.
is preserved under a conversion action
Unambiguous characteristics of chaotic signal are a
spectrum of Lyapunov exponents. Positive maximum of
Lyapunov exponent is a measure of chaotic dynamics, zero
maximum Lyapunov exponent denotes a limit cycle or quasiperiodic orbit and negative maximum Lyapunov exponent is a
fixed point [2]. System of dimension n has n Lyapunov
exponents: : λ1, λ2,. . . , λn, ranked in descending order.
According to the definition introduced by Lyapunov:
1 | (t ) |
i ( x0 ) lim ln 1
t t | i (0) |
here {i (t )} — the fundamental solution of the system,
linearized in the neighborhood of x0.
Dynamical systems, for which the n-dimensional phase
volume decreases are called dissipative. If the phase space is
conserved, such systems are called conservative. In
conservative systems there is always at least one conservation
law. The presence of the law of conservation often implies the
existence of the corresponding zero Lyapunov exponent. For
dissipative dynamical systems sum of Lyapunov exponents is
Nevertheless, the number of independent frequencies
cannot always find out as zero indicators may be associated
with the presence of conserved quantities. The presence of
dissipative systems of conservation laws, in general, is not
typical, but there are relevant examples.
There is a considerable amount of numerical methods for
calculating Lyapunov exponents from time series [2]. It is
important that the condition that the number generated by the
system under study (1) or (2), a senior figure could be
calculated. However, it is impossible to estimate the entire
spectrum. For distributed systems, even knowing the system of
equations, the evaluation of the Lyapunov exponent is a
significant computational complexity.
For the test series, shown in Fig. 1, 2, we calculate the
largest Lyapunov exponent. For the calculations we used a
system TISEAN. The results of calculations by different
methods showed a positive value of the highest exponent.
However, the positivity of the largest Lyapunov exponent
cannot be a necessary condition for the existence of chaos. For
example, even in a system of Lorentz with positive leading
indicator is known in a number of conditions, have a limit
An additional criterion to use the property of absence of
trivial conservation laws was suggested that is — symmetries
broadcast, tension and compression. A lowest symmetry
violation is used to identify the chaos [5, 6]. Note that the
compression phase volume does not mean conversion ratio.
To check the transformation fragment trajectories genetic
algorithm and program for MATLAB were developed, their
description is given in [3]. At the same time there is a check of
the following assumption [6], which proves that the system
allows conversion in low-symmetry breaking, i.e. there is some
small value, slightly deviating from the symmetric display.
Visually, it is geometrically evident at almost similar hinges on
the attractor. It is obvious that in such a test, with different
initial conditions for systems with regular dynamics is was
discovered that they identical symmetry, for more complex but
not chaotic — translation (shift of the phase portrait) for
systems that tend to stable equilibrium position —
compression, etc., and for the chaos — almost repeated
portions of phase trajectories.
Reconstructed, according to traffic load, the attractor is
shown in Fig. 3.
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 5, No. 9, 2014
The paper deals with the chaotic phenomena in computer
data networks. Based on the chaotic properties can be
constructed mathematical models of the dynamic behavior of
traffic. Models can be used to provide guaranteed quality of
service (QoS), the analysis of bottlenecks in the structure of the
corporate network, data sharing in cloud environments [9, 10].
Fig. 3. Attractor, built on the basis of network traffic
In general, studies of chaotic signal can be formulated as
1) Construction of the histogram. If there is heavy-tailed,
it is necessary to check the chaos.
2) Calculation of the necessary conditions - Lyapunov
exponent, Hurst exponent.
3) Construction of the attractor and the identification of
symmetry breaking.
If all three tests are accomplished, there is a chaos in the
system, and this property should be considered when dealing
with such networks.
Confirmation of chaos can be the basis for building
dynamic models. For example, in the form of an ensemble of
pendulums [1], affinity controlled systems [8] or in the form of
Identification of the parameters of the system using the
method of [3, 8], gives the following result:
dx / dt Ax(t ) Ψ0 (t ),
0.9413 0.1805 0.1164 0.0295
0.0545 0.8226
0.0014 0.0105 0.4455 0.8474
0.0341 0.8860 0.5404
(exp(t 0.0001 )sin(t 0.4 )).
At the same time, and the chaos of the indicators
themselves, the structure of the attractor can have the value.
Changing the values of the highest Lyapunov exponent,
topology change attractor is an indicator of changes in network
activity. For example, computer attacks [6, 10], the failure
(denial of service) enterprise data exchange, or a reason for the
change of policy administration - an extension of
communication channels or by completing a list of banned
network resources. For example, this is the case of recently
observed popularity of social networking, video sharing
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