Review Article
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Atherosclerosis as autoimmune disease
Petr Sima1*, Luca Vannucci1*, Vaclav Vetvicka2*
Institute of Microbiology, Laboratory of Immunotherapy, Prague, Czech; 2University of Louisville, Department of Pathology, Louisville, KY, USA
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: All authors; (II) Administrative support: All authors; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: All
authors; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: All authors; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: All authors; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII)
Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
Correspondence to: Vaclav Vetvicka. University of Louisville, Department of Pathology, Louisville, KY 40202, USA. Email:
[email protected].
Abstract: No attention is usually focused on the possible involvement of immune mechanisms, particularly
of autoimmunity, on the development and progress of atherosclerosis. The pioneering work occurring almost
50 years ago was overlooked, and the idea of atherosclerosis as an autoimmune disease only started gaining
traction about 10 years ago. Our review discusses the recent findings and offers insights into the possibility
that alterations of the immune system play a significant role in the development of atherosclerosis.
Keywords: Atherosclerosis; cholesterol; immunity; inflammation
Submitted Jan 05, 2018. Accepted for publication Jan 30, 2018.
doi: 10.21037/atm.2018.02.02
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Atherosclerosis represents a multiphase pathological
process characterized by activation of endothelial cells with
subsequent expression of adhesion molecules. Old dogma
focused on a multifactorial genesis of atherosclerosis,
involving both external (high calories input, too much
fat and saccharides, smoking, lack of physical activity)
and internal (genetically determined problems with lipid
metabolism) factors. The mainstream treatment consisted of
a combination of cholesterol-lowering medication (various
forms of statins) and low fat diets.
However, the first interesting studies suggesting the role
of immune mechanisms in development of atherosclerosis
appeared as early as the 1970s, unfortunately without gaining
any significant interest. It might be worth of mentioning
that the hypothesis of atherogenesis being accompanied with
inflammatory processes originated in studies of Virchow (1,2).
Within the last 20 years, new approaches in the study
of atherosclerosis causes and interpretation of their effects
began appearing. Particularly important was the European
Society meeting for atherosclerosis, which took place in
2001 in Geneva. Over 200 participants focused on new data
strongly suggesting that atherosclerotic processes are mostly
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caused by immune mechanisms; downplaying the role of
traditional risk factors such as smoking or diabetes type II.
Data showed that approximately 40% of people with either
infarct or stroke were never exposed to these risk factors. On
the other hand, it was shown that atherogenesis is accelerated
by immunopathological problems such as systemic lupus
erythematosus, antiphospholipid syndrome, rheumatoid
arthritis, and vasculitis. The meeting concluded that immune
mechanisms and inflammatory processes are directly involved
in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and that it is
“high time to start thinking about new immunomodulatory
properties in prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis” (3).
It is not surprising, therefore, that we have seen a strong
increase in the understanding of the mechanisms regulating
the recruitment and activation of various immunocytes in
atherosclerosis (4). On the other hand, it was shown that
atherogenesis is accelerated by immunopathological problems
such as systemic lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid
syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, and vasculitis (5).
Atherosclerosis is accompanied by development
of tertiary lymphatic tissue
Atherosclerosis is one of the main causes of cardiovascular
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diseases. It represents a multifactorial disease which is by
general consent caused by long-term high level of blood
cholesterol. The particular problematic is the LDL form
of cholesterol, which is stored in the walls of veins, where
is forms atherosclerotic plaques (atheromas). However,
the current opinions believe that arteries represent tertiary
lymphatic organs (ATLO, artery tertiary lymphoid organs)
with variable cellular complexity, producing several
immunocompetent factors. In these functions, ATLO
are similar to secondary lymphoid tissues (6). Contrary
to primary and secondary lymphoid organs and tissues
which develop during embryogenesis as primary anlage,
ATLO develop de novo postembryonally during chronic
noninfectious inflammations. ATLO development has
three distinct phases. First, ATLO arise in parallel with
formation of atheroma without structured T and B zones,
despite the fact that T and B chemoattractants are already
produced. Next, a differentiation of T and B zones appears,
accompanied by neogenesis of lymphatic venules associating
with arterial wall. A final phase of ATLO development is
characterized by highly differentiated T and B cell follicles
with active germinal centers, including dendrocytes and
plasmacytes, and neogenesis of blood vessels. Analyses of
ATLO immune cells suggested antigen-specific T and B
cell immune responses within the atherosclerotic arterial
wall adventitia (6). Experiments using apolipoprotein
E + mice demonstrated that ATLO control multilayered
territorialized atherosclerosis B cell response (7). ATLO
emerge during non-resolving peripheral inflammation, but
their impact on disease progression is still not fully known.
Animal experiments have shown that ATLO control aorta
immunity and protect against atherosclerosis via vascular
smooth muscle cell lymphotoxin β receptors (8).
Atherosclerosis as infectious disease
In 1988, it was discovered that patients with cardiovascular
problems often have high titers of antibacterial antibodies,
particularly anti-Chlamydia pneumoniae antibodies (9).
Deposition of atherosclerotic plaques might be caused by
several bacteria or viruses. Among major pathogens are
Epstein-Barr virus, herpes simplex virus, cytomegaloviruses
and Helicobacter pylori. Some studies have suggested a
direct relationship between infection with C. pneumoniae
and elevated titers of IgM and IgG antibodies in patients
after stroke or infarct. In addition, a high T cell reactivity
against chlamydial antigens in atherosclerotic plaques was
found (10). For more information on myocardial problems
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Sima et al. Atherosclerosis as autoimmune disease
and infection, see the article written by Hansson (4).
In addition, some chronic diseases, such as chronic
bronchitis or periodontitis, were also suggested as possible
accelerant factors of the atherosclerotic processes. Heat
shock protein HSP65 C. pneumoniae has been intensively
studied for almost three decades. This protein activates
autoreactive T lymphocytes recognizing human HSP60,
resulting in diminished immunological tolerance. Elevated
titers of HSP60/65 antibodies found in atherosclerotic
patients suggest that these antigens are responsible for the
development of both T and B cell response (11,12).
Existence of pathogens and their DNA in atherosclerotic
plaques (demonstrated both by electron microscopy
and immunofluorescence), circulating bacterial toxins,
antiviral and antibacterial antibodies, various macrophagederived cytokines, and high levels of C-reactive protein are
considered to be primary risk factors for etiopathogenesis of
atherosclerosis (13) and a direct prediction of cardiovascular
disease. The role of infections in this disease is also
supported by the fact that many patients with acute
cardiovascular problems were treated a few weeks earlier for
bacterial or viral infections.
Atherosclerosis as autoimmune process
Our views on mechanisms of natural immunity as
nonspecific branch of the defense reactions preceding
adaptive immunity were completely changed in last
decade. These mechanisms are not only non-coordinated
autonomous reactions of inflammatory factors causing
or accompanying inflammation and phagocytosis, but
hierarchical and reciprocal sequence of steps, which at
the beginning recognize pathogen-associated molecular
patterns (PAMP) and later changing into highly specific
adaptive cellular and humoral immune response.
At the beginning of inflammatory response is the
recognition of damaging noxis by intracellular sensors of
natural immunity, which are now generally referred to as
inflammasomes (14). Inflammasomes are complexes of
cytoplasmic proteins able to recognize not only PAMP,
but other harmful substances as well. Four different
inflammasomes have been described to be involved in
the development of gout (uric acid), Alzheimer disease
(amyloid), asbestosis and silicosis (asbestos fibers and silicon
crystals), and malaria (hem molecule).
PAMP or other potentially harmful structures are
recognized by Toll-like receptors (surface) or endoplasmic
Toll-like receptors and cytoplasmic NOD-like receptors
Ann Transl Med 2018;6(7):116
Annals of Translational Medicine, Vol 6, No 7 April 2018
(intracellular). A recognized signal is transferred to
proteins, which subsequently activate cytoplasmic enzyme
caspase-1, representing the majority of the inflammasome,
as it directly starts inflammatory cascade; i.e., formation of
endogenic factors (fever) and cytokines (most of all IL-1β,
IL-18, and macrophage-activating IFN-γ). These cytokines
are produced and immediately secreted into the intracellular
milieu by both free immunocytes (NK cells, macrophages
and T lymphocytes) and venous epithelial cells. Local
adaptive immune response closely follows these promotors
of inflammation.
Chronic activation of inflammatory apparatus occurring
during atherogenesis is based on recognition of damaging
noxy, probably by another type of inflammasome. An
important step towards our understanding of these
processes was the recognition of cholesterol and modified
lipids as endogenous PAMP (15,16). Formation of lipid
bands during the first stages of atherosclerotic plague
development is accompanied by expression of vascular
cellular adhesive molecule 1 (VCAM-1) on endothelium. It
occurs in damaged areas (17) or as a response to bioactive
lipids (such as oxidized LDL) captured on the vascular
wall. Healthy vascular endothelium is not permeable
for LDL. However, when changes caused by any of the
possible processes, such as chemical or mechanical damage,
the endothelium starts to be permeable. Accumulation of
LDL in the intima starts induction of the atherosclerotic
process, as LDL binds to proteoglycans of vascular
wall extracellular matrix via apolipoprotein B. Oxidized
LDL also increases expression of adhesive molecules
on endothelial cell and leukocyte membranes, further
increasing the adhesion of these cells to the endothelium.
Adhering leukocytes under the influence of chemokines
migrate into the subendothelial layer. This movement is
regulated via chemokines, particularly MCP-1. Production
of this chemokine is also stimulated by oxidized LDL.
Nitric oxide, which is formed by macrophages, has also
strong inflammatory effects. Final products of advanced
non-enzymatical glycolizations, lipoxidation and protein
oxidation (AGE, ALE, AOPP) are also involved in
atherosclerotic inflammation (18,19). Locally induced
cytokines and chemokines attract mononuclear cells and
T lymphocytes which bind VCAM-1. As monocytes
transform into fully mature macrophages, they increase
expression of other receptors, particularly Toll-like and
scavenger receptors (20). Lesions contain large numbers
of macrophages and, with the discovery of the scavenger
receptor pathway, we now understand that they engulf
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and accumulate cholesterol and transform into foam
cells. Activation of T lymphocytes occurs simultaneously,
leading to production of inflammatory mediators. This
accelerates formation of atherosclerotic plaques and further
potentiates development of the disease. Further progression
is dependent on the balance of inflammatory and antiinflammatory factors, mediators, and cytokines. These
bioactive molecules regulate apoptosis, collagen formation,
and reaction of smooth muscles, which subsequently
influence stability of plaque and thus the susceptibility to
formation of thrombus (21,22).
A highly heterogenous population of macrophages
represents the central cellular component involved in the
primary atherogenic process. Phenotypical heterogeneity
of macrophages is a result of a different exogenous
and endogenous impulses (23), which subsequently
determines their functional specialization in responding
to basically any signal molecule. Similar to Th1 and Th2
lymphocytes, macrophages are also categorized into M1
and M2 subpopulations (24). M1 are proinflammatory
classically activated macrophages playing a role in immune
reactions (25). M2 subpopulation is mainly involved in
wound healing and regulation of inflammation (26). In
the plaque, macrophages with various phenotypes are
localized to specific regions. Polarization of macrophages
is imperative for atherosclerotic plaque development (27).
Polymorphonuclear neutrophils are adhered to the
endothelium upon expression of adhesion molecules such
as P-selectin, E-selectin, and ICAM-1. Polymorphonuclear
neutrophils can subsequently activate macrophages
via secretion of IL-8, TNF-α, and IFN-γ. Release of
myeloperoxidase can result in formation of reactive oxygen
species and other proinflammatory cytokines (28).
Adaptive immunity
Mechanisms of adaptive immunity represent a second
line of defense based on specific mechanisms of antigenic
recognition via T cell receptors and on processes resulting
in formation of specific antibodies. Although we know that
various immunocytes are present in atherosclerotic lesions,
there is no generally accepted concept of which immune
cells trigger the disease or at which step individual subsets
influence the disease. Numerous hypotheses have been
suggested (29).
The presence of T cells in atherosclerotic plaques was
reported in 1985 (30). Approximately 10% of these T
lymphocytes recognized chemically-modified LDL via
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MHC II antigens, T cell-derived cytokines, and anti-LDL
antibodies (31-34).
Mouse models showed that atherosclerotic plaque
contains both CD4 and CD8 cells. CD4 cells, which occur
at the start of the process, probably have pro-atherogenic
effects. It is assumed that the role of CD8 cells is less
important, but some findings suggest that they might be
activated by the infection and that in the final stages they
stimulate atherogenesis (21,35).
T cell response starts by antigen presentation by
dendritic cells. These cells phagocytose atherogenic
antigens present in arterial intima and transport them into
lymph nodes (36). Antigen presentation occurs not only
there, but also in lesion, where several cell types, including
macrophages, endotheliocytes, and muscle cells, can be
involved (37). This local antigen presentation increases T
cell response.
Experimental research has identified numerous
candidate antigens. Atherogenic antigens are not only part
of pathogenic microorganisms, but also self-molecules
which were modified by lipid peroxidation (38). Oxidationmodified LDL is an autoantigen, found in T cells isolated
from human atherosclerotic lesions (34). In addition,
circulating specific IgG antibodies were found both in
human models and in experimental animals (39,40), which
further stresses involvement of B cell immunity. B cells not
only produce anti-atherogenic antibodies, but also secrete
further factors modulating additional parts of immune
Another autoantigen involved in atherosclerosis is β2glycoprotein I (apolipoprotein H) which is a phospholipidsbinding protein found in human atherosclerotic plaques.
Autoantibodies against this protein were found not only
in patients with atherosclerosis, but also in those with
other inflammatory diseases (lupus erythematosus and
antiphospholipid syndrome).
Cardiovascular disease ending in heart attack or stroke and
based on atherothrombotic vascular disease is lately one
of the most common causes of death worldwide. Today,
atherosclerosis is considered to be a chronic inflammatory
disease. In last decade, both experimental and clinical
investigations have shown significant improvements
in our understanding of molecular pathogenesis of
atherosclerosis. Atherogenesis is induced by a series of
autoimmune processes, in which the humoral factors and
© Annals of Translational Medicine. All rights reserved.
immunocompetent cells take part. This new approach to
this important and often fatal disease opens new windows
for treatment. The possibility of using anti-inflammatory
drugs or specific vaccines for prevention of atherosclerosis
seems to be genuine. Encouraging data suggesting that
immune modulation or immunization can reduce or
even block the progression of the disease are available.
Treatment with immunomodulators, like beta-glucans (41),
and immunosuppressing agents might offer additional
possibilities. However, there is still much to learn about the
role of immune cells in atherosclerosis.
Funding: The authors would like to thank grant RVO
67985904 for financial support.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors have no conflicts of interest
to declare.
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Cite this article as: Sima P, Vannucci L, Vetvicka V.
Atherosclerosis as autoimmune disease. Ann Transl Med
2018;6(7):116. doi: 10.21037/atm.2018.02.02
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Ann Transl Med 2018;6(7):116