Chronicles of the NSF Arctic Sciences Division
IPY Heightens Attention to Arctic Issues
By Mead Treadwell
ver the two-year official period of
the fourth International Polar Year
(IPY), from March 2007 to March 2009,
scientists from more than 60 nations carried out over 160 IPY projects, supported
by approximately $1.2 billion, mostly from
national scientific agencies. Although its
full scientific legacy will evolve over the
coming years, it was clear as IPY came
to its successful close in early 2009 that
the program had made valuable progress
toward the four major goals set by the
International Council for Science (ICSU)
IPY planning group in 2004:
• advances in polar knowledge and understanding (see box page 3);
• a legacy of improved observational systems, facilities, and infrastructure;
• a new generation of polar scientists and
engineers; and
• interest and participation from polar
residents, students, the public, and decision-makers.
Significantly, IPY has made impressive progress with the last goal—educating the public and decision-makers. As a
variety of high profile events and publications shared some of the program’s early
scientific results, it became increasingly
obvious that national and international
policy-makers and the public are beginning to recognize the Arctic’s scientific and
strategic importance. From international
diplomatic events to presidential policy
changes (see page 4) and increased science
budgets (see page 8), the events of the past
few months show that arctic science no
longer operates in obscurity. In this new
era of arctic awareness, it is incumbent on
the members of the research community to
be prepared—both to maximize the many
opportunities the new era brings and to
think through the policy implications of
their work.
Ministerial Declaration on IPY
In April, the Member States of the Arctic
Council and the Consultative Parties to the
Antarctic Treaty met for the first time in
Washington DC (see photo).
continued next page
Spring 2009, Volume 13 Number 2
Our New Format
Dear Subscribers,
ARCUS has changed the format
of Witness the Arctic. To provide more
frequent updates and reduce printing
and mailing costs and associated environmental impacts, the newsletter will
now be distributed online in three or
four shorter issues per year, depending
on newsworthy events. Subscribers will
receive an e-mail when each issue has
been released, with a link to the online
We hope you find the new format
useful and welcome your feedback on
the changes. For further information,
please go to
arctic/index.html. For suggestions about
the new format or ideas for future issues,
contact me at ARCUS (
[email protected]).
Alison York
Witness the Arctic Editor
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivers opening
remarks at the Joint Session of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting and the Arctic Council in April 2009.
In her speech, Clinton declared a U.S. commitment to
a “high level of engagement with our partners” on arctic
policy and to ratifying the U.N. Convention on the Law
of the Sea (UNCLOS), which will help resolve disputed
maritime borders in the Arctic Ocean. To Clinton’s right
are Jonas Gare Støre, Norwegian Foreign Minister and
Arctic Council chair, and John Holdren, Director of the
U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Photo credit: Tim Sloan/AFP/Getty Images.
Published by the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) • 3535 College Road • Suite 101 • Fairbanks, AK 99709
IPY Heightens Attention to Arctic Issues
In her welcoming
IPY Raises Arctic Visibility
remarks, U.S. Secrearctic-council2; see
tary of State Hillary
Spring 2006);
“IPY research has advanced frontiers in fields that range from climate
Clinton called for
Carlson of
science to understanding the mechanics of the world’s great ice sheets
increased attenthe
to the sociological ramifications of unprecedented changes occurring in
tion to the Arctic to
Programme Office on
the Arctic….Researchers from the U.S. and more than 60 other nations
“strengthen peace
implications of early
have built a knowledge base that will elucidate our actions deep into
and security, support
findings from IPY
the next century.”
sustainable economic
research projects;
—Arden Bement, National Science Foundation •Lisa Speer of the
development, and
Address at A Celebration of the International Polar Year Natural Resources Deprotect the environment.” Following
fense Council on high
“The International Polar Year has stimulated an intense focus on the
diplomatic meetings
seas fisheries; and
Arctic. The number and capability of modern research tools that are in, •myself on the value
at the U.S. State
Department, the joint around, or above the Arctic, the skills of the observers and the modelof international scienpolar event celebrated ers, and the international cooperation exceed any deployment, in any
tific cooperation in the
ocean, to date.”
the accomplishments
of IPY with a seminar
All five of us
—David Carlson, IPY International Programme Office
hosted by NSF and
Testimony before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee stressed the importhe U.S. National
tance of making progAcademy of Sciences
“In a relatively short period of time fundamental changes have occurred ress on:
Polar Research Board. in relation to the circumpolar North.....[T]he perception of the Arctic as
•ratifying the UN
The more than
Convention on
a globally important region in biophysical and geopolitical terms has
400 diplomats at
taken hold. To a significant degree, this perception has been fuelled by the Law of the Sea
the event issued a
a growing awareness of the extensive impacts on the Arctic of changes (UNCLOS), still
Ministerial Declarapending in the Senate,
in climate and climate variability.”
tion on the IPY and
—Senior Arctic Official Report to Ministers •building new U.S.
Polar Science, urgArctic Council, Tromsø icebreakers, and
ing cooperation and
•ensuring greater stasupport to deliver
bility in U.S.-Russian
including methane and black carbon. The
a lasting legacy from the IPY. The text
cooperation on arctic research.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is
of the ministerial declaration is available
Following on the findings and recomhelping to lead the task force, and ideas
on the State Department website: www.
mendations of AMSA, we noted that
from the science community to help reduce
although arctic governments are already
these pollutants, which promote amplificamoving forward to improve Arctic Ocean
htm, and video of the IPY seminar is
tion of temperatures in the Arctic, would
ship standards and search and rescue in the
available on the NSF website: www.
be helpful. The task force’s goals could
Arctic, the Arctic Ocean is still not fully
efit from research on methods to convert
accessible to science, and UNCLOS could
agricultural waste to energy, better coorLater in April, diplomats gathered at
make it even less so. We need to continue
dinate boreal forest wildfire management,
the Sixth Ministerial Meeting of the Arcto strive for improvements to this situaand collect and burn methane that would
tic Council in Tromsø, Norway (see page
tion—too much of what’s happening in the
otherwise be released into the atmosphere.
9), where they discussed ways to integrate
world climate scene depends on knowledge
results from IPY into the council’s ongoof arctic processes, and knowledge of arctic
Senate Hearing on Arctic Warming
ing projects. The ministers also signed the
processes depends on ocean access.
Following on the Arctic Council meeting,
Tromsø declaration, which “recognize[d] the
New USARC Goals Report
the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign
urgent need for an effective global response
Relations, chaired by Senator John Kerry
that will address the challenge of climate
As this newsletter goes to press, the U.S.
(D-MA), held a roundtable hearing on the
change, and confirm[ed] the commitment
Arctic Research Commission (USARC) is
Global Implications of Arctic Warming in
of all Arctic States to actively contribute to
completing its 2009 Goals Report for the
May 2009. The session included:
reaching an adequate agreed outcome at
U.S. Arctic Research Program. In the past
•Scott Borgerson of the Council on Forthe [UN Framework Convention on Clitwo years we have seen considerable progeign Relations on strategic governance of
mate Change] 15th Conference of the Parress within the Interagency Arctic Research
the Arctic Ocean;
ties in Copenhagen in December 2009.”
Policy Committee (IARPC), chaired by
•Lawson Brigham on the Arctic Council’s
Also noteworthy at the Tromsø meetNSF Director Arden Bement, on develnewly released Arctic Marine Shipping
ing was a decision to form a task force on
opment of research plans, including new
Assessment (AMSA; available at http://
short-term forcers of arctic climate change,
cross-cutting efforts on:
IPY Heightens Attention to Arctic Issues
• arctic infrastructure, led by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers,
• arctic resource assessment, led by the
U.S. Geological Survey,
• arctic health, led by the National Institutes of Health, and
• preservation of indigenous languages,
identities and cultures.
The USARC report also identifies ways
to continue strengthening research efforts
on arctic climate and in the Bering Sea and
Arctic Ocean, including:
• makingprogress in defining the
national/international Sustained Arctic
Observing Network (SAON);
• incorporating arctic research needs
in any revision of the nation’s climate
change science or climate change technology programs;
• close accounting and modeling of
feedbacks from arctic gas hydrates
and permafrost organic materials in any global greenhouse gas
mitigation regime; and
• advancing arctic adaptation
Finally, we are pleased to announce
that the USARC is detailing an experienced arctic scientist—Kate Moran of
the University of Rhode Island—to the
Office of Science and Technology Policy
to advance the provisions of the 1984
Arctic Research and Policy Act.
In summary, the arctic science
community should be very pleased
with the improved awareness of the
Arctic that IPY has helped bring to
policy-makers and the public—but we
cannot pause to savor this advance for
long. We must work together to take
full advantage of the progress we have
made and use it to address the many
critical problems our research has identified.
Mead Treadwell was appointed to the
USARC in 2001 and designated chair by
President Bush in 2006. Treadwell also serves
as Senior Fellow of the Institute of the North,
where his research focuses on strategic and
defense issues, management of commonly
owned resources, and integration of transport
and telecommunications infrastructure. For
more information, see the USARC website: or contact Treadwell at
[email protected].
IPY Publications Highlight Early Results,
Remaining Challenges
n February 2009, the international committee overseeing IPY released a report highlighting early results and calling on participating nations to ensure that the momentum
generated by the program carries into sustained support for polar research in the future.
Developed by the ICSU/World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Joint Committee
for IPY, The State of Polar Research received international media attention, citing new
findings that rapid polar changes will affect global systems. “The International Polar Year
2007-2008 came at a crossroads for the planet’s future,” said WMO Secretary-General
Michel Jarraud at the report’s launch, “The new evidence resulting from polar research
will strengthen the scientific basis on which we build future actions.” The report outlines
some of the new findings in arctic research that have emerged from IPY, including:
• Novel techniques used to assess mass balance of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets
indicate that both are losing mass and contributing to rising sea levels (see figure). The
potential for further rapid ice discharge from these regions remains a major unknown
in projecting rate of sea level rise. Modelers expect, however,
that new data collected by collaborative IPY surveys and traverses of the ice sheets will help strengthen their predictions.
•Sea ice extent in the Arctic Ocean reached a record minimum in September 2007, and the percentage that was
relatively thin first year ice continued to increase.
•The types and extents of vegetation in the Arctic
have changed substantially in response to warming,
including transitions from grasses to shrubs, shifts
in treeline, and modification of soil structure. These
landscapes changes are affecting the larger ecosystems
and their human users.
•Estimates of carbon trapped in permafrost are
higher than previously calculated, and new evidence
suggests that terrestrial permafrost degrades much
faster than expected as sea ice disappears. Cruises
along the Siberian coast observed substantial outgassing of methane from thawing ocean sediments.
In addition, a special section in the 26 February 2009
issue of Nature celebrated the achievements of IPY, but an
editorial cautioned that those achievements must be exploited
to the fullest by maximizing the effectiveness of the IPY data
management system, organizing an effective assessment of the
findings for use by decision-makers and the public, and creating
ongoing observation networks at both
poles. Efforts are underway on all
three of these fronts, but all will need
substantial international support and
The State of Polar Research is available on the IPY International Programme Office website:
pr/. The Nature editorial on IPY is available at
n7233/full/4571057a.html. The IPY Data and Information Service is at http://ipydis.
Figure: Extreme snowmelt during summer 2008 over the northern part of the Greenland ice sheet, based on the
analysis of microwave data recorded by the Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/1) on the F13 satellite of the
U.S. Defense Meteorological Satellite Program. Colors indicate the 2008 melt day anomaly for Greenland (number
of days in 2008 with surface melt minus the average for 1979–2007). Reprinted from The State of Polar Research,
courtesy M. Tedesco, CUNY/NASA/UMBC.
U.S. Policy Revisions Reflect Arctic Warming
n 2007, the USARC proposed a review
of U.S. arctic policy, last updated in
1994. The National Security Council and
Department of State led an interagency
process that culminated in President Bush
issuing a new presidential directive in
January 2009. The revised arctic policy
takes into account several developments,
• Altered national policies on homeland
security and defense;
• The effects of climate change and
increasing human activity in the region;
• The establishment and ongoing work
of the Arctic Council; and
• A growing awareness that the region is
both fragile and rich in resources.
The new policy seeks to:
1. Meet national and homeland security
needs relevant to the arctic region;
2. Protect the arctic environment and
conserve its biological resources;
3. Ensure that resource management and
economic development in the region
are environmentally sustainable;
4. Strengthen institutions for cooperation
among the eight arctic nations;
5. Involve indigenous communities in
decisions that affect them; and
6. Enhance scientific monitoring and
research into local, regional, and global
environmental issues.
Below, the policy on scientific cooperation is reproduced in its entirety, and
two sections relevant to the scientific
community are summarized. The complete directive is available at www.arctic.
International Scientific Cooperation
1. Scientific research is vital for the
promotion of U.S. interests in the arctic region. Successful conduct of U.S.
research in the arctic region requires
access throughout the Arctic Ocean and
to terrestrial sites, as well as viable international mechanisms for sharing access to
research platforms and timely exchange of
samples, data, and analyses. Better coordination with the Russian Federation, facilitating access to its domain, is particularly
2. The U.S. promotes the sharing of arctic
research platforms with other countries
in support of collaborative research that
advances fundamental understanding of
the arctic region in general and potential
arctic change in particular. This could
include collaboration with bodies such
as the Nordic Council and the European
Polar Consortium, as well as with individual nations.
3. Accurate prediction of future environmental and climate change on a regional
basis, and the delivery of near real-time
information to end-users, requires obtaining, analyzing, and disseminating accurate
data from the entire arctic region, including both paleoclimatic data and observational data. The U.S. has made significant
investments in the infrastructure needed
to collect environmental data in the arctic
region, including the establishment of
portions of an arctic circumpolar observing network through a partnership among
U.S. agencies, academic collaborators,
and arctic residents. The U.S. promotes
active involvement of all arctic nations in
these efforts in order to advance scientific
understanding that could provide the basis
for assessing future impacts and proposed
response strategies.
4. U.S. platforms capable of supporting
forefront research in the Arctic Ocean,
including portions expected to be icecovered for the foreseeable future, as well
as seasonally ice-free regions, should work
with those of other nations through the
establishment of an arctic circumpolar
observing network. All arctic nations are
members of the Group on Earth Observations partnership, which provides a
framework for organizing an international
approach to environmental observations in
the region. In addition, the U.S. recognizes
that academic and research institutions are
vital partners in promoting and conducting
arctic research.
5. Implementation: In carrying out this
policy as it relates to promoting scientific
international cooperation, the Secretaries of State, the Interior, and Commerce
and the Director of the National Science
Foundation, in coordination with heads of
other relevant executive departments and
agencies, shall:
a. Continue to play a leadership role in
research throughout the arctic region;
b. Actively promote full and appropriate
access by scientists to arctic research sites
through bilateral and multilateral measures and by other means;
c. Lead the effort to establish an effective
arctic circumpolar observing network
with broad partnership from other relevant nations;
d. Promote regular meetings of arctic
science ministers or research council
heads to share information concerning
scientific research opportunities and to
improve coordination of international
arctic research programs;
e. Work with the Interagency Arctic
Research Policy Committee (IARPC)
to promote research that is strategically
linked to U.S. policies articulated in
this directive, with input from the Arctic Research Commission; and
f. Strengthen partnerships with academic
and research institutions and build
upon the relationships these institutions
have with their counterparts in other
Security Interests
Recognizing that the Arctic is primarily a
maritime domain and that human activity in the region is increasing, the U.S.
• Assert a more active and influential
presence to protect its arctic interests
and to project sea power throughout
the region;
• Increase arctic maritime domain awareness in order to protect commerce, critical infrastructure, and key resources;
• Preserve the global mobility of U.S.
vessels and aircraft throughout the
region; and
• Project a sovereign U.S. maritime presence in the Arctic in support of essential U.S. interests.
Governance and Boundary Issues
Although the policy supports U.S. participation in international organizations such
as the Arctic Council, it does not endorse
an “Arctic Treaty” along the lines of the
Antarctic Treaty.
Given the region’s unresolved maritime boundaries, the policy urges:
• The U.S. Senate to accede to the UN
Convention on the Law of the Sea
• Federal agencies to establish the outer
limit of the U.S. continental shelf; and
• Russia to ratify the 1990 U.S.-Russia
maritime boundary agreement.
Arctic Research Support and Logistics
CH2M HILL Polar Resources Readies for Busy Season of
Research Support and Alternative Energy Development
to power autonomous instruments, as well
trapped in frozen thermokarst lakes and
H2M HILL Polar Services (CPS),
as a reliable communications link for masdrilling lake sediment cores for study.
logistics provider to NSF’s arctic
sive data storage and transfer capabilities.
This NSF-funded project is internaresearch program, is busy supporting 2009
The new experimental system that CPS
tional both in terms of its participants
summer fieldwork. Projects on the CPS
is deploying in mid-June adds a methanol
and its field locations. In addition to the
roster continue to be largely multi-institufuel cell to an existing solar photovoltaic
Alaskan field work, a research team that
tional, international in scope, and focused
(PV) system. The fuel cell will power the
includes Italian and German scientists will
on understanding the Arctic as a system. In
communications link, which sends data
travel this summer to Chukotka, in far
addition to research support, CPS has sevonce daily via broadband satellite to servers
eastern Russia, to conduct similar studies
eral renewable energy projects planned for
in California. In addition to overcoming
based out of the Northeast Science Station
the 2009 summer; these projects continue
the seasonal limitations of solar PV, fuel
at Cherskiy. Walters’ research will compare
work with NSF to reduce the impact of
cell technology has potential for broader
results from Alaska and Russia to better
research on the fragile polar environment.
applications in polar research environunderstand the quantity of methane stored,
Approximately 135 research projects
ments, as the power comes without electhe process by which it is released from
are currently slated to receive CPS services
tromagnetic noise and emissions that can
these thermokarst lakes, and to predict the
in the Arctic: 61 in Alaska, 56 in Greeninterfere with some sensing instruments.
impact of the release as permafrost continland, 13 each in Canada and Russia, 3 in
In addition to the new integrated power
ues to thaw under a warming climate.
Iceland, 2 in Norway, and 9 in the Arctic
and communication system at Imnavait
Ocean and surrounding seas. These numCreek, CPS engibers are similar to
neers will also test
those from 2008, with
lightweight, portable
a small dip likely in
PV systems, being
the number of projdeveloped by project
ects based in Greenpartners at Ascent
land and on the Arctic
Technologies, Inc., at
Ocean and a signifithe site. These systems
cant bump—almost
could potentially be
40%—in the number
used by researchers
of projects based in
who seek light yet
Russia. This year,
rugged and quickly
NSF also increased
One of two solar and wind power systems currently at Imnavait Creek. As a pilot project this summer, CPS will install
deployable power
CPS’ responsibility
a methanol fuel cell at the adjacent site. The intent of the project is to improve data communications for both research
sources to run laptops
for support to projects sites by providing a more constant source of power while beta testing new technology in a field setting. Image by Tracy
and other devices in
in Barrow, Alaska,
the field. A portable
where researchers on
PV unit will receive trial use in Greenland
In addition to providing logistics
up to 40 NSF projects are expected to conand Alaska so CPS can evaluate its funcsupport to a variety of research efforts,
duct fieldwork.
tionality under varied polar conditions.
CPS has several experimental renewable/
In early 2009, CPS supported a numAt Summit Station on the Greenland
alternative energy projects planned this
ber of research teams working in remote
ice cap, engineers will test solar thermal
season. Around mid-June, CPS technicians
Alaskan camps—a lake methane study led
systems deployed on the exterior of a
will implement a cutting-edge alternative
by University of Alaska’s Katey Walter was
mobile science facility. The small buildenergy project at Imnavait Creek in northa major early season effort. In March, CPS
ing can be configured for a wide variety of
ern Alaska. This site hosts a suite of monistaff traveled to Shishmaref and Nome
research uses and towed to satellite research
toring instruments and experiments for
on Alaska’s Seward Peninsula where they
sites on skis. By utilizing the abundant
the Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research
gathered assorted camp and project gear
solar energy available during the polar sum(LTER) site at Toolik Field Station and a
before traveling on snowmachines to Walmer when this facility is in operation, CPS
related Arctic Observing Network (AON)
ter’s research site at Cape Espenberg on
expects the thermal systems to reduce the
study of landscape-level carbon, water,
the northern peninsula. The research team
electric heater power draw by up to 75%.
and energy balance (see Witness Winter
followed several days later. They worked
For more information, see the CPS
2008/2009). The Imnavait Creek site
for three weeks in the area, surveying and
website:, or contact
needs a reliable year-round energy supply
collecting methane samples from bubbles
Kip Rithner (
[email protected]).
NSF News/Arctic System Science Program
NSF Stimulus Funding will Support ARRV Construction
he American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, commonly known
as the stimulus bill, includes $400 million
for the NSF Major Research Equipment
and Facilities Construction (MREFC)
account. From this amount, NSF plans
to direct more than $100 million to the
University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) to
support construction of the Alaska Region
Research Vessel (ARRV), which was
approved as a MREFC project in 2007.
The final amount of the award is still to be
The ARRV will be a 77 m (254 foot)
ice-capable vessel designed to support a
variety of research objectives in high latitudes. The ARRV, which will be owned by
NSF and operated by UAF on behalf of
the ocean sciences community through the
University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System (UNOLS), will be the first
vessel in the U.S. academic research fleet
able to break ice up to 0.75 m (2.5 feet)
thick. The ARRV will also be able to:
• accommodateupto26researchers,
including those with disabilities, in addition to a crew of up to 20,
• allowcollectionofsedimentsamples
from the sea floor,
• hostremotelyoperatedvehicles(ROV),
• useasuiteofflexiblewinchestolower
and raise sampling equipment through
the water column, and
• communicateinrealtimewithclassrooms and other
outside entities
An aft view of the ARRV,
designed by The Glosten
Associates in 2004. The
ARRV will be capable
of year-round operations
in seasonal sea ice, near
shore, and open ocean
regions in the North
Pacific, Gulf of Alaska,
and Bering, Chukchi,
and Beaufort Seas. The
ARRV will include 2100
ft2 of laboratory space,
a deck working area of 3690 ft2, and be able to accommodate up to four science vans. The vessel’s science mission requirements were first developed by UNOLS Fleet
Improvement Committee in 1998 and were considered
and refined by the vessel’s oversight and advisory committees in 2000 and 2001. Rendering by The Glosten
Associates, courtesy UAF.
The university released a request for
proposals for the vessel’s construction in
mid-March 2009 with proposals due 30
April 2009. After evaluation of the proposals, final award of a shipyard contract is
expected in fall 2009, with science operations beginning in 2013.
At the UAF Seward Marine Center,
where the ARRV will be headquartered, the
university plans to add a new all-weather
dock and additional support facilities;
UAF will need to obtain funding for these
improvements from a non-federal source.
Planning for the new vessel began more
than 30 years ago; it was developed as a
replacement for the R/V Alpha Helix, a
133-foot research vessel that was built in
1966, retired after 40 years of service, and
sold in 2007 to a private firm for use as a
charter research vessel.
The design for the ARRV has been in
development since 2000 and has evolved
through concept design, preliminary
design, and an initial contract design that
was completed in 2004 by The Glosten
Associates, a group of marine architects
in Seattle. In August 2007, UAF entered
into a cooperative agreement with NSF to
proceed with a project refresh of the 2004
contract design and development of the
project documentation needed to support
construction. A Final Design Review took
place at NSF in October 2008, and in
March 2009 the National Science Board
authorized the NSF Director, at his discretion, to make awards to UAF for the
construction of the ARRV. As of the end of
April 2009, UAF had received $18 million
through the cooperative agreement.
For more information, see the ARRV
website:, or contact Dan Oliver (
[email protected]) or Terry
Whitledge (
[email protected]).
Update on ARCSS Program Activities
he latest Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Program solicitation, Changing Seasonality
in the Arctic System (CSAS), was released in June 2008. The proposal deadline was
in October 2008. In response to the solicitation, NSF received 71 proposals representing
approximately $30 million in requested funding. NSF anticipates making between 10 and
20 awards totaling $5 to $10 million. Awards are expected to be announced by July 2009.
The ARCSS Committee, which is appointed by ARCUS and offers a mechanism
through which NSF can stay informed of community interests, is currently focusing on two
main activities: discussions with the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)
Science Steering Committee regarding much closer coordination of the two efforts, and
input into the 2010 State of the Arctic Conference (see page 7).
In personnel news, Dr. Erica Key joined the Office of Polar Programs staff
as Associate Program Director for the ARCSS Program. She is at NSF through
the Visiting Scientists, Engineers, and Educators (VSEE) Program.
Key is an atmospheric physicist and oceanographer; she earned an M.S. and
Ph.D. in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography from the Rosenstiel School
of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) at the University of Miami
in 2004. After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at RSMAS, she served
as a Researcher First-Class in air-sea interaction at the Centre d’Etudes des
Environnements Terrestre et Planetaires (now the Laboratoire Atmosphères,
Milieux, Observations Spatiales [LATMOS]) near Paris. She returned to the
U.S. to work on marine biophysics at the Columbia University’s LamontDoherty Earth Observatory before joining the ARCSS Program in May 2009.
She has extensive field experience, having worked in all five oceans collecting
data for both oceanographic and atmospheric research. She uses these observations to further advancements in remote sensing retrievals, modeling, and forecast analyses.
Key can be contacted at
[email protected]. For more information on the ARCSS Program,
go to:, or contact Neil Swanberg (
[email protected]),
Josh Schimel (
[email protected]), or Helen Wiggins (
[email protected]).
Interagency Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)
2009 SEARCH Sea Ice Outlook Effort Underway
he Study of Environmental Arctic
Change (SEARCH) Sea Ice Outlook
(SIO), which provides an integrated,
community-wide summary of projections
of the annual arctic sea ice minimum,
has launched activities for the 2009 season. Contributions are currently being
accepted, and the first monthly report will
be released in early June, with subsequent
reports each month through September
The SIO effort, which began in 2008
in response to the drastic and unexpected
record sea ice minimum of 2007, provides
a means to synthesize and communicate
community outlooks for the annual sea
ice minimum. The SIO is based on an
open and inclusive process—more than 20
research groups contributed in 2008—by
providing information on current and
expected states of the arctic sea ice. A 2008
retrospective report concluded that the SIO
showed good agreement between outlook
projections and observations, served as a
successful forum and model for community synthesis, and was an important initial
step toward better understanding arctic sea
ice loss. A central lesson learned from the
2008 SIO was that the condition of sea
ice in late spring was a major driver of the
2008 sea ice minimum.
A workshop to further evaluate the SIO
effort and plan for the upcoming season
was recently held in Boulder, Colorado.
Participants at this March 2009 meeting discussed lessons learned from 2008
and made several recommendations for
improvements to the 2009 Outlook. The
presentations from this workshop are available on the meeting website (www.arcus.
wgm/agenda.php). The resulting workshop
report, which will be circulated as a draft
for community and public input, includes
recommendations for the 2009 Outlook
on scientific goals, content, and format and
will be available as a PDF file on the SIO
website in June 2009.
For more information or to contribute
to the SIO, go to
seaiceoutlook/index.php, or contact Helen
Wiggins at ARCUS (
[email protected]),
James Overland at the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration
[email protected]), or Hajo
Eicken at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (
[email protected]).
More than 20 research groups, including scientists from the
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), contributed
to the 2008 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) by providing information on current and expected states of arctic sea ice over the
summer season. This NSIDC image, derived from satellite
passive microwave data, depicts the April 2009 average
percentage of ice cover for areas that were more than 15%
covered by ice. Note that the black cross indicates the geographic North Pole and that the satellite does not image a
circular sector over this area due to orbit inclination. Figure
credit: NSIDC.
State of the Arctic Conference
State of the Arctic Conference Set for March 2010
lanning is underway for a large State
of the Arctic Conference, which will
be held 16–19 March 2010 in Miami,
Florida. This open international forum
will provide an opportunity to present,
exchange, and discuss the latest knowledge
on the state of the Arctic and future directions of arctic science and policy. Specifically, the conference will:
• reviewthescientificunderstandingofthe
basic functioning of the arctic system,
including human subsystems;
• assessourcapacitytoobserveand
understand the system, especially in light
of rapid system-scale changes in all subsystems;
• examineourcapabilitytoprojectfuture
states of the arctic system under various
scenarios; and
• exploreoptionsforsolutionstotheproblems caused by human-induced environmental change.
The conference is being organized by
ARCUS, with major funding provided
by the NSF Division of Arctic Sciences,
including the interagency Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH; see
this page) and the Arctic System Science
Program (ARCSS; see page 6).
Other sponsors include the International Study of Arctic Change (ISAC), the
Canadian ArcticNet Network of Centres of
Excellence, and the European Developing
Arctic Modeling and Observing Capabilities for Long-term Environmental Studies
(DAMOCLES) program.
Additional sponsorships are invited,
and interested parties are encouraged to
contact Helen Wiggins at ARCUS (helen@
Additional information, including registration, abstract submission, and other
materials, will be available soon through a
State of the Arctic Conference website,
which will be announced via the ArcticInfo
mailing list and linked through the
ARCUS website:
Science News
Workshop Report Outlines Gaps and Makes
Recommendations for Monitoring Efforts in Arctic Seas
he Alaska Ocean Observing System (AOOS) and the North Pacific
Research Board (NPRB) sponsored a workshop on marine research and monitoring
efforts in the Arctic, particularly in the
Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, as part of the
January 2009 Alaska Marine Science Symposium in Anchorage, Alaska.
The goal of the workshop, attended by
145 individuals from more than 60 organizations, was to share information and
promote collaboration among the many
entities with increasing activities in marine
research and monitoring in the region,
including the oil and gas industry, local,
state, and federal agencies, and non-governmental and academic organizations.
The workshop was an initial step by
AOOS and NPRB toward long-term development of a more comprehensive monitoring and assessment plan, through which
each participating organization can focus
on projects to meet their particular goals
while contributing to a larger data sharing
and integration effort.
A draft workshop report, prepared by
Craig Dorman, retired University of Alaska
vice president for research, and entitled
Toward a Strategy for the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas, was circulated for community
review in April.
The final document, which is available
on the AOOS website (, was
released in late May and contains:
• backgroundinformationonthehistory
of research and monitoring in the Chukchi and Beaufort Sea regions;
• adescriptionofcurrentclimate,economic, and policy challenges and potential cumulative impacts in these regions;
• asummaryofwhatparticipantsfeltwere
major information and data needs; and
• shortandlongtermrecommendations
to advance coordination, planning, and
data sharing and address these needs.
AOOS will work with other partners to
form a committee to follow up on the
report’s recommendations. For more information, go to the workshop website: www., or contact AOOS
Director Molly McCammon (
[email protected]).
Capitol Updates
FY 2010 NSF Budget Proposal Tops $7 Billion
he Obama administration released
details of its FY 2010 budget request
in early May 2009. The proposed NSF
budget is $7.045 billion, an increase of
$555 million (8.5%) over the FY 2009
budget plan of $6.49 billion. NSF received
an additional $3 billion from the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
(commonly called the stimulus bill; see
Witness Winter 2008/2009 and page 6);
this one-time appropriation is not included
in the following calculations or discussion.
The proposed FY 2010 funding puts
NSF back on a path to double its budget
relative to 2006 levels, as authorized in
2002 and called for in a number of independent studies.
The proposed FY 2010 budget
• $5.7billionforResearchandRelated
Activities, an increase of $550 million
• $858millionforEducationandHuman
Resources, an increase of $12.5 million
(1.5%); and
• $117millionforMajorResearchEquipment and Facilities Construction, a
decrease of $35 million (23%).
The budget includes two proposed new
foundation-wide programs of interest to
the arctic research community:
• ClimateChangeEducation,fundedat
$10 million each in both FY 2009 and
2010, and
• ClimateResearch,includedinthebudget request at $197.26 million.
The Office of Polar Programs request is
$516 million, an increase of $45.3 million
(9.6%) over the FY 2009 budget of $470.7
million. Of the FY 2010 OPP request, the
Division of Arctic Sciences would receive
$108.7 million, an increase of $10.44
million (10.6%) over FY 2009. Of this,
almost $62 million is requested for arctic
research and education grants and almost
$47 million for arctic research support and
In the proposed budget, the Division of
Arctic Sciences would provide:
• $35.45insupportofthenewfoundation-wide Climate Research program;
this funding builds on and goes beyond
continued on page 10
“Research in polar regions...addresses the Administration’s focus on
making the U.S. a leader on climate change and builds on a foundation
established during the International Polar Year....The Administration is
assessing the overarching issues facing the Arctic, including those associated with impacts of climate change, increased human activity, new or
additional information needs, and conservation of arctic resources. This
approach will necessarily include identifying any implementation issues
associated with the Arctic Policy signed by the previous Administration.”
—Office of Polar Programs in Context
FY 2010 NSF Budget Request
International News
IASC Merges with AOSB; Secretariat Moves to Potsdam
he International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) is implementing several
structural changes. The planned IASC
merge with the Arctic Ocean Sciences
Board (AOSB), combining the resources
and scientific expertise of both organizations, was made official during Arctic
Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2009 in
Bergen, Norway (see box this page).
Another change in structure—formation of Scientific Standing Committees
and Action Groups as new core elements
to advance IASC’s mission—was presented
during ASSW. Feedback received at the
meeting and input from IASC member
countries is currently being incorporated
into the structure.
In March, IASC Executive Secretary
Volker Rachold and the IASC secretariat
moved to Potsdam, Germany. For the next
five years, the Alfred Wegener Institute
for Polar and Marine Research will host
the secretariat with financial support from
the German Science Foundation. For
three years prior to the move, the Swedish
Research Secretariat in Stockholm hosted
the IASC secretariat with funding from
the Swedish Research Council. The secretariat is responsible for the daily operations
of IASC including communication with
council members and other organizations,
management of IASC finances, and outreach and communication activities.
For more information, see the IASC
website:, or
contact Volker Rachold at the secretariat
[email protected]).
ASSW 2009 Includes Open Science Symposium
For the First Time
his year’s Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) was held in March 2009 in Bergen,
Norway, attended by more than 300 scientists, students, policy makers, and other
The purpose of the summit, which is organized by IASC and other scientific organizations, is to provide opportunities for international coordination, collaboration, and
cooperation in all areas of arctic science and to combine science and management meetings. This event typically features annual meetings of arctic organizations and presentations on arctic research being undertaken by the host country. This year and for the first
time, an open science symposium was added to the schedule. The topic of the three-day
meeting was Arctic Connections: Results of 150 Years of Arctic Research and presentations illustrated the increasingly integrative nature of arctic research.
An open science meeting will also be part of ASSW 2011, which will be organized by
the Republic of Korea. ASSW 2010 will be held in Nuuk, Greenland, on 13–16 April.
For more information on ASSW, see the IASC website:
Denmark Assumes Chairmanship of Arctic Council
enmark assumed chairmanship of
the Arctic Council (AC) at the sixth
Ministerial Meeting in Tromsø, Norway,
in April 2009. More than 300 participants
attended, including delegates from the
eight arctic nations, observer states, and
indigenous peoples’ organizations.
Following on two years of Norwegian
leadership, Denmark’s program for 2009–
2011 prioritizes peoples of the Arctic,
the International Polar Year (IPY) legacy,
climate change, biodiversity, megatrends
in the Arctic, integrated resource management, operational cooperation, and the
AC in a new geopolitical framework. Per
Stig Møller, Danish Minister for Foreign
Affairs, will serve as chair—he replaces
Jonas Gahr Støre.
The Tromsø Declaration was also
endorsed and signed at the meeting and
provides guidance on the work of the Arc-
tic Council under Danish leadership. Recommendations adopted by the AC encompass search and rescue, arctic shipping
guidelines, infrastructure safety, oil and gas
exploration, non-CO2 drivers of climate
change, ocean management, and melting
ice. The declaration also says that the AC is
“deeply concerned by the escalating rate of
warming of the arctic climate, which will
likely also affect the rest of the world.”
The 6th Ministerial Meeting was scheduled in conjunction with a meeting entitled Melting Ice: Regional Dramas, Global
Wake-Up Call between former U.S. Vice
President Al Gore, foreign ministers, and
climate change scientists.
The chair of the AC rotates among
member states every two years. Sweden is
set to assume leadership in 2011. Norway,
Denmark, and Sweden identified a common set of priorities for their successive
chairmanships: climate change, integrated
management of resources, IPY, indigenous
peoples and local living conditions, and AC
management issues. To continue the focus
on common priorities and foster development of institutional memory, the AC Secretariat will remain in Tromsø for the duration of the three Nordic chairmanships.
Due to the increased activity and interest in the Arctic, the established schedule of
biannual Senior Arctic Officials meetings
and biennial ministerial meetings will be
supplemented with meetings in alternate
years on the political (deputy foreign minister or equivalent) level. The next ministerial meeting is scheduled for April 2011 in
For more information, see the AC website:, or contact
the Secretariat (ac-chair@arctic-council.
Arctic Research Consortium
of the United States
3535 College Road
Suite 101
Fairbanks, AK 99709 USA
Phone: 907-474-1600
Fax: 907-474-1604
[email protected]
ARCUS is a nonprofit organization
consisting of institutions organized and operated for educational, professional, or scientific purposes. Established by its member
institutions in 1988 with the primary mission of strengthening arctic research, ARCUS
activities are funded through cooperative
agreements with NSF and the National Park
Service, grants from NSF, a contract with the
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and membership dues.
Witness the Arctic is published periodically by ARCUS. Any opinions, findings,
conclusions, or recommendations expressed
in this publication do not necessarily reflect
the views of NSF. Submit suggestions for the
next issue of the newsletter by August 2009.
Editors: Sarah Behr and Alison York
Contributors: V. Alexander, J. Berkson,
D. Coxson, T. Dahl, S. Dery, J. Farrell,
S. Fox, S. Green, J. Hansen, E. Key,
K. Lewis, L. Mack, M. McCammon,
V. Rachold, K. Rithner, N. Swanberg,
M. Tedesco, M. Treadwell, T. Whitledge,
H. Wiggins
n behalf of the ARCUS Board of
Directors, I am pleased to announce
that Susan E. Fox became executive director of ARCUS in April 2009. Fox replaces
Wendy K. Warnick who stepped down
from the position after 17 years of service.
As a seasoned non-profit executive, Fox
brings a wealth of experience and enthusiasm to ARCUS. Her experience includes a
combined 15 years of service as executive
director of the Society of American Archivists and the American Association of Law
Libraries. In these positions, she worked
with staff and the community to bring the
organizations to a new level of effectiveness and service. Before that, she worked at
Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government
in the Science, Technology, and Public
Policy program and with the Center for
Science and International Affairs.
Fox has a B.S. in Communications
from Boston University’s College of Communication and an M.S. in Public Affairs
from the John W. McCormack Graduate
School of Policy Studies at the University
of Massachusetts Boston.
I recently asked Fox what she sees as the
future of ARCUS.
“This is very early in my tenure with
ARCUS—I’m just starting my fifth week—
so I won’t have a fleshed out vision until
I’ve had a chance to listen to the ambitions
and concerns of the arctic community.
Having said that, I think ARCUS is ideally
situated to take advantage of this historic
moment with world attention focused
intently on arctic issues. This spotlight
opens up a corresponding world of opportunities. The challenge will be for us to
dream big dreams and then to think and
act strategically to enact them.
Fortunately, we have a bright, dedicated
board partnered with a bright, dedicated
staff. ARCUS is extraordinarily blessed in
this way. We have a justifiably high reputation in the scientific community and all
of us are committed to maintaining and
building upon that excellence. Our promise to our members and to the community
is to serve you to the very best of our abilities. We are well positioned to take the
consortium to the next level. It’s going to
be an exciting journey; I’m looking forward
to our time together.”
We are very excited about Fox’s
appointment and ask that you join us in
welcoming her to the arctic science community. Fox can be contacted at fox@arcus.
org or at 907-474-1600.
—Vera Alexander
Capitol Updates
Budget article continued from page 8.
Inside This Issue
wit.ness (wit nis) n. 1.a. One who has heard or seen
something. b. One who furnishes evidence. 2. Anything
that serves as evidence; a sign. 3. An attestation to a fact,
statement, or event. —v. tr. 1. To be present at or have
personal knowledge of. 2. To provide or serve as evidence
of. 3. To testify to; bear witness. —intr. To furnish or
serve as evidence; testify. [Middle English witnes(se), Old
English witnes, witness, knowledge, from wit, knowledge,
New Executive Director Joins ARCUS
Executive Director: Susan E. Fox
IPY Heightens Attention to Arctic Issues
Arctic Research Support and Logistics
NSF News/Arctic System Science Program
Study of Environmental Arctic Change
State of the Arctic Conference
Science News
Capitol Updates
International News
A Note From the ARCUS President
International Polar Year synthesis activities to transform Arctic System Science
by shifting greater attention to high-level
synthesis informed by modeling and
observations and using cyberinfrastructure to improve the ability to predict and
model regional climate change;
• levelfundingof$12millionfortheArctic Observing Network (AON; see Witness Winter 2008/2009);
• anadditional$3.5millionforcyberinfrastructure, to a total of $4.0 million;
• $750,000insupportofClimateChange
Education; this new multidisciplinary,
multi-faceted program will support a
variety of partnerships to help develop
environmentally engaged scientists and
engineers and increase public understanding and engagement; and
• anadditional$500,000forArcticSocial
Sciences, to a total of $4.0 million, to
build on results from the natural science
component of the Bering Ecosystem
Study (BEST; see Witness Spring 2006)
to explore the dynamic relationship
between the ecosystem and the humans
who depend on it.
The OPP request also includes level
funding of $54 million for operations and
maintenance of the U.S. Coast Guard
(USCG) icebreakers Polar Sea and Healy
(see Witness Winter 2008/2009). The FY
2009 Department of Homeland Security
budget includes $30.3 million for the
USCG to reactivate Polar Star.
For more information, see the NSF
Budget Division website: