Int. J. Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2010
Providing home care using context-aware agents
Dante I. Tapia*, Francisco De Paz, Sara Rodríguez,
Javier Bajo and Juan M. Corchado
Departamento de Informática y Automática,
Universidad de Salamanca,
Plaza de la Merced s/n, 37008, Salamanca, Spain
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
*Corresponding author
Abstract: This paper presents an ambient intelligence based architecture model that defines
intelligent hybrid agents. These agents have the ability to obtain automatic and real-time
information about the context using a set of technologies, such as radio frequency identification,
wireless networks and wireless control devices. The architecture can be implemented on a wide
diversity of dynamic environments, especially for providing home care to elderly and dependent
Keywords: home care; ambient intelligence; AmI; context-aware; multi-agent systems; hybrid
systems; case-based reasoning; CBR; wireless technologies.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Tapia, D.I., De Paz, F., Rodríguez, S.,
Bajo, J. and Corchado, J.M. (2010) ‘Providing home care using context-aware agents’,
Int. J. Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.125–132.
Biographical notes: Dante I. Tapia is a Researcher at the BISITE Research Group of the
University of Salamanca, Spain. His research interests include ubiquitous computing, wireless
technologies, distributed architectures and middleware systems. He received his PhD in
Computer Science from the University of Salamanca (Spain) in 2009.
Juan F. De Paz is a Researcher at the BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca,
Spain. His research interests include bioinformatics, biomedicine and artificial neural networks.
He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Salamanca (Spain) in 2010.
Sara Rodríguez is an Associate Professor at the University of Salamanca, Spain. Her research
interests include virtual organisations and patterns analysis. She received her PhD in Computer
Science from the University of Salamanca (Spain) in 2010.
Javier Bajo is a Researcher at the BISITE Research Group of the University of Salamanca, Spain.
His research interests include case-based reasoning and AOSE tools. He received his PhD in
Computer Science from the University of Salamanca (Spain) in 2008.
Juan M. Corchado is the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Leader of the BISITE Research
Group of the University of Salamanca, Spain. His research interests include hybrid AI and
distributed systems. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Salamanca
(Spain) in 1998 and his PhD in Artificial Intelligence (AI) from the University of Paisley,
Glasgow (UK) in 2000.
Agents and multi-agent systems (MAS) have become
increasingly relevant for developing distributed and
dynamic open systems, as well as the use of context aware
technologies that allow those systems to obtain information
about the environment. This paper is focused on describing
the main characteristics of an ambient intelligence (AmI)
Copyright © 2010 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
based architecture which integrates deliberative Believe,
Desire, Intention (BDI) agents (Jennings and Wooldridge,
1995; Georgeff and Lansky, 1987; Bratman et al.,
1988; Pokahr et al., 2003) that employ radiofrequency
identification, wireless networks, and automation devices to
provide automatic and real-time information about the
environment, and allow the users to interact with their
surroundings, controlling and managing physical services
D.I. Tapia et al.
(i.e., heating, lights, switches, etc.). These context aware
agents collaborate with hybrid agents that use case-based
reasoning (CBR) and case-based planning (CBP)
(Hammond, 1989) as reasoning mechanisms as a way to
implement adaptive systems on automated dynamic
A hybrid CBR-BDI agent (Corchado and Laza, 2003)
uses CBR as a reasoning mechanism, which allows it to
learn from initial knowledge, to interact autonomously with
the environment as well as with users and other agents
within the system, and to have a large capacity for
adaptation to the needs of its surroundings. We shall refer to
the hybrid CBR-BDI agents specialised in generating plans
as hybrid CBP-BDI agents. Deliberative BDI agents can be
implemented by using different tools, such as Jadex (Pokahr
et al., 2003). Jadex agents deal with the concepts of beliefs,
goals and plans; they are java objects that can be created
and handled within the agent at execution time.
The architecture presented in this paper is founded on
AmI environments, characterised by their ubiquity,
transparency and intelligence. AmI proposes a new way to
interact between people and technology, where this last one
is adapted to individuals and their context. It also shows a
vision where people are surrounded by intelligent interfaces
merged in daily life objects (Emiliani and Stephanidis,
2005), creating a computing-capable environment with
intelligent communication and processing to the service of
people by means of a simple, natural, and effortless humansystem interaction for users (Richter and Hellenschmidt,
2004). For this reason, there is a need for developing
intelligent and intuitive systems and interfaces, capable to
recognise and respond to the users necessities in a
ubiquitous way (Ducatel et al., 2001). These developments
must consider people in the centre of the development
(Schmidt, 2005) when creating technologically complex
environments in medical, domestic, academic, etc. fields
(Susperregi et al., 2004). Agents in this context must be able
to respond to events, take the initiative according to their
goals, communicate with other agents, interact with users,
and make use of past experiences to find the best plans to
achieve goals.
There is an ever growing need to supply constant care
and support to elderly and dependent people (Nealon and
Moreno, 2003) and the drive to find more effective ways to
provide such care has become a major challenge for the
scientific community. The World Health Organization has
determined that in the year 2025 will be 1 billion people
over 60 years in the world and twice by 2050, with near
80% concentrated in developed countries (WHO, 2005). In
particular, Spain will be the third ‘oldest country’ in the
world, just behind Japan and Korea, with 35% citizens over
65 years (OCDE, 2007). In fact, people over 60 years old
represent more than 25% of the European population
(Camarinha-Matos and Afsarmanesh, 2002), and people
over 65 years old are the fastest growing segment of the
population in the USA (Angulo and Tellez, 2004).
Furthermore, over 20% of people over 85 years old have
a limited capacity for independent living, requiring
continuous monitoring and daily assistance (Angulo and
Tellez, 2004). The importance of developing new and
more reliable ways to provide care and support to the
elderly is underlined by this trend (Camarinha-Matos and
Afsarmanesh, 2002), and the creation of secure, unobtrusive
and adaptable environments for monitoring and optimising
healthcare will become vital. Some authors (Nealon
and Moreno, 2003) consider that tomorrow’s healthcare
institutions will be equipped with intelligent systems
capable of interacting with humans. MAS and architectures
based on intelligent devices have recently been explored as
supervision systems for medical care for dependent people
(Foster et al., 2006). These intelligent systems aim to
support them in all aspects of daily life, predicting potential
hazardous situations and delivering physical and cognitive
Next, the specific problem description that essentially
motivated this development is presented. Section 3
describes the main characteristics of the mechanisms
integrated to the agents’ structure. Section 4 describes the
technology implemented to provide information about the
context to the agents. Section 5 presents the architecture
model that provides the main functionalities, where similar
developments can be developed over it. Finally, Section 6
presents the results and conclusions obtained.
Problem description
AmI based systems aim to improve the people’s quality of
life, offering a more efficient and easy use of services and
communication tools to interact with other people, systems
and environments. One of the most benefited segments of
population with the development of these systems is elderly
and dependent people (Carretero and Bermejo, 2005).
Dependence is the permanent situation where people need
important assistance from other people to perform their
basic daily life activities, such as essential mobility, objects
and people recognition, and domestic tasks (IMSERSO,
2005). Dependent people can suffer degenerative diseases,
dementia, or loss of cognitive ability (IMSERSO, 2005).
Overall, these systems contribute to enhance important
aspects of their daily life, mainly healthcare (Emiliani
and Stephanidis, 2005). In Spain, dependency is classified
in three levels (IMSERSO, 2005): Level 1 (moderated
dependence) covers all people that need help to perform one
or several basic daily life activities, at least once a day;
Level 2 (severe dependence) wrap all people that need help
to perform several daily life activities two or three times a
day, but does not require the support of a permanent
caregiver; and finally, Level 3 (great dependence) covers all
people that need support to perform several daily life
activities numerous times a day and because of their total
loss of mental or physical autonomy, need the continuous
and permanent presence of a caregiver.
Agents and MAS in dependency environments are
becoming a reality, especially on healthcare (Foster et al.,
2006). Most agents-based applications are related to the
use of this technology in patients monitoring, treatment
Providing home care using context-aware agents
supervision and data mining. Lanzola et al. (1999)
present a methodology that facilitates the development of
interoperable intelligent software agents for medical
applications and proposes a generic computational model
for implementing them. The model may be specialised in
order to support all the different information and knowledge
related requirements of a hospital information system.
Meunier (1999) proposes the use of virtual machines
supporting mobile software agents using the functional
programming paradigm. This virtual machine provides the
application developer with a rich and robust platform upon
which to develop distributed mobile agent applications,
specifically when targeting distributed medical information
and distributed image processing. This interesting proposal
is not viable due to the security reasons that affect mobile
agents, and they do not have defined an alternative for
locating patients or generating planning strategies. There are
also agents-based systems that help patients to get the best
possible treatment and remind the patient about follow-up
tests (Miksch et al., 1997). They assist the patient in
managing continuing ambulatory conditions (chronic
problems). They also provide health-related information by
allowing the patient to interact with the online healthcare
information network. Decker and Li (1998) propose a
system to increase hospital efficiency using global planning
and scheduling techniques. They propose a multi-agent
solution using the generalised partial global planning
approach that preserves the existing human organisation and
authority structures, while providing better system-level
performance (increased hospital unit throughput and
decreased patient stay time). To do this, they extend the
proposed planning method with a coordination mechanism
to handle mutually exclusive resource relationships, using
resource constraint scheduling. Other developments focus
on home scenarios to provide assistance to elderly and
dependent people. RoboCare presents a multi-agent
approach that covers several research areas, such as
intelligent agents, visualisation tools, robotics, and data
analysis techniques to support people on their daily life
activities (Pecora and Cesta, 2007). TeleCARE is another
development that makes use of mobile agents and a generic
platform to provide remote services and automate an entire
home scenario for elderly people (Camarinha-Matos et al.,
2004). Though these developments expand the possibilities
and stimulate the research efforts enhancing assistance and
healthcare to elderly and dependent people, none of them
consider the integration of intelligent agents, reasoning and
planning mechanisms, and context-aware technologies
together at their model. Next, the hybrid reasoning and
planning agents implemented in the architecture presented
are described.
Hybrid reasoning and planning agents
The architecture presented in this paper integrates CBR and
CBP mechanisms, which allow the agents to make use of
past experiences to create better plans and achieve their
goals. All agents in this development are based on the BDI
deliberative architecture model (Bratman, 1987), where
the internal structure and capabilities of the agents are based
on mental aptitudes, using beliefs, desires and intentions.
We have implemented hybrid agents which integrate CBR
(Allen, 1984) as a deliberative mechanism within BDI
agents, facilitating learning and adaptation and providing a
greater degree of autonomy than pure BDI architecture.
CBR is a type of reasoning based on the use of past
experiences (Kolodner, 1993) to solve new problems by
adapting solutions that have been used to solve similar
problems in the past, and learn from each new experience.
To introduce a CBR motor into a deliberative BDI agent it
is necessary to represent the cases used in a CBR system by
means of beliefs, desires and intentions, and then implement
a CBR cycle to process them. The primary concept when
working with CBR systems is the concept of case, which is
described as a past experience composed of three elements:
an initial state or problem description that is represented as a
belief; a solution, that provides the sequence of actions
carried out in order to solve the problem; and a final state
that is represented as a set of goals. CBR manages cases
(past experiences) to solve new problems. The way cases
are managed is known as the CBR cycle, and consists of
four sequential phases: retrieve, reuse, revise and retain. The
retrieve phase starts when a new problem description is
received. Similarity algorithms are applied in order to
retrieve from the cases memory the cases with a problem
description more similar to the current one. Once the most
similar cases have been retrieved, the reuse phase begins,
adapting the solutions for the retrieved cases to obtain the
best solution for the current case. The revise phase consists
of an expert revision of the solution proposed. Finally, the
retain phase allows the system to learn from the experiences
obtained in the three previous phases and consequently
updates the cases memory. The retrieve and reuse phases are
implemented through FYDPS (Leung et al., 2004) neural
networks which allow the agent to recover similar cases
from the cases memory and to adapt their solutions using
supervised learning, in order to obtain a new optimal
solution. The incorporation of these neural networks in
the reasoning/planning mechanism reinforces the hybrid
characteristics of the agent.
CBP derivates from CBR, but are designed specially to
generate plans (sequence of actions) (Corchado et al., 2008).
In CBP, the solution proposed to solve a given problem is a
plan (i.e., sequence of actions), so this solution is generated
taking into account the plans applied to solve similar
problems in the past. The problems and their corresponding
plans are stored in a plans memory. The reasoning
mechanism generates plans using past experiences and
planning strategies, thus the concept of CBP is obtained
(Glez-Bedia and Corchado, 2002). CBP consists of four
sequential stages: retrieve stage to recover the most similar
past experiences to the current one; reuse stage to combine
the retrieved solutions in order to obtain a new optimal
solution; revise stage to evaluate the obtained solution; and
retain stage to learn from the new experience. In practice,
what is stored is not only a specific problem with a specific
D.I. Tapia et al.
solution, but also additional information about how the
plans have been derived. As well as in CBR, the case
representation, the plans memory organisation and the
algorithms used in every stage of the CBP cycle are
essential to define an efficient planner.
Hybrid CBR-BDI and CBP-BDI agents are supported by
BDI agents that manage a set of technologies to obtain all
the context information required by the reasoning and
planning mechanisms implemented, creating AmI-based
systems that automatically adapt themselves to the changes
in the environment. Next, these technologies are described.
the location of the object, and can include specific detailed
information concerning the object itself. It is used in
various sectors including healthcare (Sokymat, 2006). The
configuration presented in this paper consists of a
transponder mounted on a bracelet worn on the users’ wrist
or ankle, and several sensors installed over protected zones,
with an adjustable capture range up to 2 metres, and a
central computer where all the information is processed and
Figure 1
Functioning of RFID technology
Technologies for context awareness
The essential aspect in this work is the development of an
AmI-based architecture as the core of MAS over automated
and dynamic environments. Thus, the use of technologies
that provide the agents automatic and real-time information
of the context, and allow them to react upon it, is also
important. AmI provides an effective way to create systems
with the ability to adapt themselves to the context and users
necessities. The vision of AmI assumes seamless,
unobtrusive, and often invisible but also controllable
interactions between humans and technology. AmI provides
new possibilities for resolving a wide range of problems.
It also proposes a new way to interact between people
and technology, where this last one is adapted to
individuals and their context. AmI shows a vision where
people are surrounded by intelligent interfaces merged
in daily life objects (Emiliani and Stephanidis, 2005),
creating a computing-capable environment with intelligent
communication and processing to the service of people by
means of a simple, natural, and effortless human-system
interaction for users (Richter and Hellenschmidt, 2004).
One of the most benefited segments of population with the
appearance of AmI-based systems will be the elderly and
people with disabilities, improving important aspects of
their life, especially healthcare (Emiliani and Stephanidis,
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is a
wireless communications technology used to identify and
receive information about humans, animals and objects on
the move. An RFID system contains basically four
components: tags, readers, antennas and software. Tags with
no power system (i.e., batteries) integrated are called
passive tags or ‘transponders’, these are much smaller and
cheaper than active tags (power system included), but have
shorter read range. Figure 1 shows how these four elements
combined enable the translation of information to a userfriendly format. The transponder is placed on the object
itself (i.e., bracelet). As this object moves into the
reader’s capture area, the reader is activated and begins
signalling via electromagnetic waves (radio frequency).
The transponder subsequently transmits its unique ID
information number to the reader, which transmit it to a
device or a central computer where the information is
processed and showed. This information is not restricted to
Wireless LAN’s (Local Area Network) also known as Wi-Fi
(Wireless Fidelity) networks, increase the mobility,
flexibility and efficiency of the users, allowing programs,
data and resources to be available no matter the physical
location (Sun Microsystems, 2000). These networks can be
used to replace or as an extension of wired LANs. They
provide reduced infrastructure and low installation cost, and
also give more mobility and flexibility by allowing people
to stay connected to the network as they roam among
covered areas, increasing efficiency by allowing data to be
entered and accessed on site. New handheld devices
facilitate the use of new interaction techniques, for instance,
some systems focus on facilitating users with guidance or
location systems (Poslad et al., 2001) by means of their
wireless devices.
Automation devices are successfully applied on schools,
hospitals, homes, etc. (Mainardi et al., 2005). There is a
wide diversity of technologies that provide automation
services, one of them is ZigBee, a low cost, low power
consumption, two-way, wireless communication standard,
developed by the ZigBee Alliance (ZigBee Standards
Organization, 2006). It is based on IEEE 802.15.4 protocol,
and operates at 868/915 MHz and 2.4 GHz spectrum.
ZigBee is designed to be embedded in consumer electronics,
PC peripherals, medical sensor applications, toys and
games, and is intended for home, building and industrial
automation purposes, addressing the needs of monitoring,
control and sensory network applications (ZigBee Standards
Organization, 2006). ZigBee allows star, tree or
mesh topologies, and devices can be configured to act
as (Figure 2): network coordinator (control all
devices); router/repeater (send/receive/resend data to/from
coordinator or end devices); and end device (send/receive
data to/from coordinator).
Figure 2
ZigBee devices’ configuration
Providing home care using context-aware agents
The architecture presented in this paper incorporates
‘lightweight’ agents that can reside in mobile devices, such
as cellular phones, PDA’s, etc. (Bohnenberger et al., 2005),
and therefore support wireless communication, which
facilitates the portability to a wide range of devices. These
agents are very simple and have limited processing
capabilities. However, they can remotely invoke complex
mechanisms, such as CBR or CBP for providing users with
a full set of functionalities.
Figure 3
Main entities and their relationship in the architecture
Architecture model
Among the general population, those most likely to benefit
from the development of AmI based systems are the elderly
and dependent persons, whose daily lives, with particular
regard to healthcare, will be most enhanced (Corchado
et al., 2008; van Woerden, 2006). Dependent persons can
suffer from degenerative diseases, dementia, or loss of
cognitive ability (Costa-Font and Patxot, 2005). In Spain,
dependency is classified into three levels (Costa-Font and
Patxot, 2005): Level 1 (moderated dependence) refers to all
people that need help to perform one or several basic daily
life activities, at least once a day; Level 2 (severe
dependence) consists of people who need help to perform
several daily life activities two or three times a day, but who
do not require the support of a permanent caregiver; and
finally, Level 3 (great dependence) refers to all people who
need support to perform several daily life activities
numerous times a day and, because of their total loss of
mental or physical autonomy, need the continuous and
permanent presence of a caregiver. Agents and MAS in
dependency environments are becoming a reality, especially
in healthcare.
Agents and MAS can help to distribute resources
and reduce the central unit tasks (Ardissono et al., 2004;
Chavez et al., 1997; Voos, 2006). A distributed architecture
provides more flexible ways to move functions where
actions are needed, obtaining better responses on execution
time, autonomy, services continuity, and superior levels of
flexibility and scalability than centralised architectures
(Camarinha-Matos et al., 2004). Besides, the programming
effort is reduced because it is just necessary to specify
global objectives to get the agents cooperate to solve
problems and reach specific goals, this gives the systems
the ability to generate knowledge and experience
(Angulo and Tellez, 2004). The development of agents is an
essential piece to analyse data from distributed sensors
(Mengual et al., 2004) and give those sensors abilities to
work together and analyse complex situations, achieving
high levels of interaction with humans (Pecora and Cesta,
Reasoning and planning mechanisms and the technology
described on Section 4 are integrated into a multi-agent
system prototype. This prototype can be implemented
on different scenarios for monitoring and improving
assistance and healthcare for dependent people with basic
structural changes according the users and project
The process for designing and modelling the architecture
starts when defining all the entities involved, from
actors to devices and processes. Once defined these entities,
it is possible to represent the basic life cycle of the
system. As shown in Figure 3, the cycle begins to
obtain information from the context (i.e., the users and
their environment) through a monitoring service by
means of sensors or people. The information is analysed
and processed by an information manager which gives
consistency to the data and stores it. Once the information is
processed, a decision support system personalises
the activities and assigns them for being executed.
Decisions are sent to the actors and actuators (e.g.,
individuals or devices) to stimulate either the user or its
environment. The users can switch their roles during the
process and thus trigger events which affect the context.
This cycle is repeated with each new interaction with the
Most of the system functionalities, including
monitoring, information management, and decision support
are performed by a group of intelligent agents. The system
has five different deliberative agents based on the BDI
model (BDI Agents), each one with specific roles and
User agent. This agent manages the users’ personal data
and behaviour (monitoring, location, daily tasks, and
anomalies). The beliefs and goals used for every user
depend on the plan or plans defined by the super-users.
User agent maintains continuous communication with
the rest of the system agents, especially with the
ScheduleUser agent (through which the scheduled-users
can communicate the result of their assigned tasks) and
with the SuperUser agent. The user agent must ensure
that all the actions indicated by the SuperUser are
taken out, sending a copy of its memory base (goals
and plans) to the manager agent in order to maintain
backups. There is one agent for each patient registered
in the system.
D.I. Tapia et al.
SuperUser agent. It also runs on mobile devices (PDA)
and inserts new tasks into the manager agent to be
processed by a CBR mechanism. It also needs to
interact with the user agents to impose new tasks and
receive periodic reports, and with the ScheduleUser
agents to ascertain plans’ evolution. There is one agent
for each doctor connected to the system.
ScheduleUser agent. It is a BDI agent with a CBP
mechanism embedded in its structure. It schedules
the users’ daily activities obtaining dynamic plans
depending on the tasks needed for each user. It
manages scheduled-users profiles (preferences, habits,
holidays, etc.), tasks, available time and resources.
Every agent generates personalised plans depending
on the scheduled-user profile. There are as many
ScheduleUser agents as nurses connected to the system.
Manager agent. It runs on a workstation and plays two
roles: the security role that monitors the users’ location
and physical building status (temperature, lights,
alarms, etc.) through a continuous communication with
the devices agent; and the manager role that handle the
databases and the tasks assignment. It must provide
security for the users and ensure the tasks assignments
are efficient. This assignment is carried out through a
CBR mechanism, which is incorporated within the
manager agent. When a new assignation of tasks needs
to be carried out, both past experiences and the needs
of the current situation are recalled, allocating the
respective and adequate task. There is just one manager
agent running in the system.
Devices agent. This agent controls all the hardware
devices. It monitors the users’ location (continuously
obtaining/updating data from sensors), interacts with
sensors and actuators to receive information and
control physical services (lights, door locks, etc.), and
also checks the status of the wireless devices connected
to the system (e.g., PDA’s). The information obtained
is sent to the manager agent to be processed. This agent
runs on a workstation. There is just one devices agent
running in the system.
The essential hardware used is Sokymat’s Q5 chip 125 KHz
RFID wrist bands and computer interface readers for people
identification and location monitoring; Silicon Laboratories’
C8051 chip-based 2.4 GHz development boards for physical
services automation (heating, lights, door locks, alarms,
etc.); mobile devices (PDA’s) for interfaces and users’
interaction; a workstation where all the high demanding
CPU tasks (planning and reasoning) are processed; and a
basic Wi-Fi network for wireless communication between
agents (in PDA’s and workstation). All hardware is some
way integrated to agents, providing them automatic and
real-time information about the environment that is
processed by the reasoning and planning mechanisms to
automate tasks and manage physical services.
The technological infrastructure is installed in a
ubiquitous way all over the user’s home to automatically get
information from the environment. The agents process the
information received and adapt their behaviour according
each situation. The functionalities of the system can change
depending on the user’s location. For example, if the user is
in a determined room, PDA interfaces chance to show
different menus to control the devices inside each room.
Conclusions and future work
Deliberative BDI agents with reasoning and planning
mechanisms and the use of technology to perceive the
context, provide a robust, intelligent and flexible
architecture that can be implemented into homes or any
dynamic environment where is a need to manage tasks and
automate services.
A prototype system based on the architecture presented
in this paper has been successfully implemented into a
geriatric residence (Corchado et al., 2008), improving the
security and the healthcare efficiency through monitoring
and automating medical staff’s work and patients’ activities,
facilitating the assignation of working shifts and reducing
time spent on routine tasks. We are currently working on
adapting this prototype to meet most of the needs defined
for a home care scenario. We expect to release a fully
functional system by Q4 2008.
The experience obtained from previous developments
(Bajo et al., 2006; Tapia et al., 2007; Corchado and Lees,
2001; Corchado et al., 2008) demonstrates that the use of
CBR systems helps the agents to solve problems, adapt to
changes in the context, and identify new possible solutions.
These new hybrid agent models supply better learning
and adaptation than pure BDI model. In addition, RFID,
Wi-Fi and ZigBee devices supply the agents with
valuable information about the environment, processed
trough reasoning and planning mechanisms, to create a
ubiquitous, non-invasive, high level interaction among users
and the system.
The architecture presented facilitates the development
of AmI based MAS. It also makes easy the inclusion
of context-aware technologies that allow systems
automatically obtain information from users and the
environment in a distributed way, focusing on ubiquity,
awareness, intelligence, mobility, etc., all concepts defined
by AmI. The architecture exploits the agents’ characteristics
to provide a robust, flexible, modular and adaptable solution
that can cover most requirements of a wide diversity of AmI
projects. The system, by means of the agents, can modify its
behaviour and functionalities in execution time.
However, it is necessary to continue developing and
improving the AmI-based architecture presented, adding
new capabilities and integrating more technologies to build
more efficient and robust systems to automate services
and daily tasks. One of these improvements consist on
implementing the system into a real home care scenario and
deploy a large-scale ZigBee-based sensors network all over
the home for obtaining more information about the context.
Another enhancement is regarding performance, so we must
optimise the overall performance both the architecture and
Providing home care using context-aware agents
the system by including automatic errors detection and
recovery mechanisms.
This work has been partially supported by the MCYT
TIC2003-07369-C02-02 and the JCYL-2002-05 project
SA104A05. Special thanks to Sokymat by the RFID
technology provided and to Telefónica Móviles (Movistar)
for the wireless devices donated.
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