Papers by Belen Perez Lancho
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
This paper presents the integration of the tracing model TRAMMAS in an agent platform called PANG... more This paper presents the integration of the tracing model TRAMMAS in an agent platform called PANGEA. This platform allows to developed multiagent systems modeled as Virtual Organizations. The concepts of roles, organizations and norms are fully supported by the platform assuring flexibility and scalability. Before TRAMMAS, this platform uses a Sniffer Agent to trace the information reducing its scalability as a centralized mechanism. TRAMMAS proposes the use of event tracing in multiagent systems, as an indirect interaction and coordination mechanism to improve the amount and quality of the information that agents can perceive in order to fulfill their goals more efficiently. Moreover, the event tracing system can help reducing the amount of unnecessary information.

International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2011
This intertidisciplinary study presents a novel mathematical simulation model based on an algorit... more This intertidisciplinary study presents a novel mathematical simulation model based on an algorithm for summarization of Self-Organizing Maps ensembles applied under the Case-Based Reasoning methodology to perform forecasting tasks. This methodology represents a knowledge extraction frame, where past information is used to generate new solutions to new problems. The novel summarization algorithm based on topology preserving models organizes the stored information simplifying the retrieval of the most useful information from the case base. This algorithm is used to organize the case base and to improve the speed and efficiency of the retrieval phase of the CBR cycle within the explained predicting system. The developed mathematical system was applied to a real case of study: a forest fire forecasting data set. Forest fires represent an environmental risk that should be predicted in order to avoid further damages. This novel system was able to predict the future situation of geographic areas after a forest fire had been originated.
2021 XI International Conference on Virtual Campus (JICV)
In this study, a new monitoring system for carbon dioxide exchange is presented. The mission of t... more In this study, a new monitoring system for carbon dioxide exchange is presented. The mission of the intelligent environment presented in this work, is to globally monitor the interaction between the ocean's surface and the atmosphere, facilitating the work of oceanographers. This paper proposes a hybrid intelligent system integrates case-based reasoning (CBR) and support vector regression (SVR) characterised for their efficiency for data processing and knowledge extraction. Results have demonstrated that the system accurately predicts the evolution of the carbon dioxide exchange.
This paper presents a multiagent system that facilitates the performance of daily tasks for Chron... more This paper presents a multiagent system that facilitates the performance of daily tasks for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) patient within a context-aware environment. The paper analyzes the relevant aspects of contextaware computing and presents a prototype that can be applied to monitor COPD patient at their homes. The system includes computational elements that are integrated within a domestic environment with the goal of capturing context-related information and managing the events carried out by the patient. The services are support by the processing and reasoning out of the data received by the agents in order to offer proactive solutions to the user. The results obtained with this prototype are presented in this paper.

Knowledge and Information Systems, 2013
Context-aware systems are able to capture information from the context in which they are executed... more Context-aware systems are able to capture information from the context in which they are executed, assign a meaning to the gathered information, and change their behavior accordingly. As a result, the systems can offer services to users according to their individual situation within the context. This article analyzes the important aspects of context-aware computing such as capturing information for context attributes and determining the manner of interacting with users in the environment. Used in conjunction with mobile devices, contextaware systems are specifically used to improve the usability of applications and services. This article proposes the home care context-aware computing (HoCCAC) multiagent system that identifies and maintains a permanent fix on the location of patients in their home, and manages the infrastructure of services within their environment securely and reliably by processing and reasoning the data received. Based on the multiagent system, a prototype was developed to monitor patients in their home. The HoCCAC multiagent system uses a critical path method-based planning model that, in the present study, prepares the most optimal taskplanning schedule for the patients in their home, is capable of reacting automatically when

Knowledge and Information Systems, 2013
Context-aware systems are able to capture information from the context in which they are executed... more Context-aware systems are able to capture information from the context in which they are executed, assign a meaning to the gathered information, and change their behavior accordingly. As a result, the systems can offer services to users according to their individual situation within the context. This article analyzes the important aspects of context-aware computing such as capturing information for context attributes and determining the manner of interacting with users in the environment. Used in conjunction with mobile devices, contextaware systems are specifically used to improve the usability of applications and services. This article proposes the home care context-aware computing (HoCCAC) multiagent system that identifies and maintains a permanent fix on the location of patients in their home, and manages the infrastructure of services within their environment securely and reliably by processing and reasoning the data received. Based on the multiagent system, a prototype was developed to monitor patients in their home. The HoCCAC multiagent system uses a critical path method-based planning model that, in the present study, prepares the most optimal taskplanning schedule for the patients in their home, is capable of reacting automatically when

This intertidisciplinary study presents a novel mathematical simulation model based on an
algorit... more This intertidisciplinary study presents a novel mathematical simulation model based on an
algorithm for summarization of Self-Organizing Maps ensembles applied under the Case-
Based Reasoning methodology to perform forecasting tasks. This methodology represents a
knowledge extraction frame, where past information is used to generate new solutions to new
problems. The novel summarization algorithm based on topology preserving models organizes
the stored information simplifying the retrieval of the most useful information from the case
base. This algorithm is used to organize the case base and to improve the speed and eciency
of the retrieval phase of the CBR cycle within the explained predicting system. The developed
mathematical system was applied to a real case of study: a forest re forecasting data set.
Forest res represent an environmental risk that should be predicted in order to avoid further
damages. This novel system was able to predict the future situation of geographic areas after
a forest re had been originated

In this study, a new organization based system for forest fires prediction is presented. It is an... more In this study, a new organization based system for forest fires prediction is presented. It is an Organization Based System for Forest Fires Forecasting (OBSFFF). The core of the system is based on the Case-Based Reasoning methodology, and it is able to generate a prediction about the evolution of the forest fires in certain areas. CBR uses historical data to create new solutions to current problems. The system employs a distributed multi-agent architecture so that the main components of the system can be remotely accessed. All the elements building the final system, communicate in a distributed way, from different type of interfaces and devices. OBSFFF has been applied to generate predictions in real forest fire situations, using historical data both to train the system and to check the results. Results have demonstrated that the system accurately predicts the evolution of the fires. It has been demonstrated that using a distributed architecture enhances the overall performance of the system.
Each organization of agents needs to be supported by a coordinated effort that explicitly determi... more Each organization of agents needs to be supported by a coordinated effort that explicitly determines how the agents should be organized and carry out the actions and tasks assigned to them. The interactions of a multi-agent system cannot be related only to the agent and their communication skills, if not that it's necessary to use the concepts of organizational engineering. This research presents a new global coordination model for an agent organization. The innovation of the model consists of the dynamic and adaptive planning capability to distribute tasks among the agent members of the organization as effectively as possible.

This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the a... more This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: a b s t r a c t Today, the need for architectures and computational models for large scale open multi-agent systems is considered a key issue for the success of agent technology in real world scenarios. The main goal of this paper is to describe a case study in Home Care scenarios applying an abstract architecture and a computational model for large scale open multi-agent systems based on a service-oriented approach. The architecture used is THOMAS, which specifically addresses the design of Home Care systems. This paper presents services examples for the management of a dependent home environment, and demonstrates the new features of the proposal.

One of the main attacks on databases is the SQL injection attack which causes severe damage both ... more One of the main attacks on databases is the SQL injection attack which causes severe damage both in the commercial aspect and the confidence of users. This papers presents a novel strategy for detecting and preventing SQL injection attacks consisting of a multi-agent based architecture called SCMAS. The SCMAS architecture is structured in hierarchical layers and incorporates SQLCBR agents with improved learning and adaptation capabilities. The SQLCBR agents presented within this paper have been specifically designed to classify SQL injection attacks and to predict the behaviour of malicious users. These agents incorporate a new technique based on a mixture of neural networks and a technique based on a temporal series. This paper begins with a detailed explanation of the SCMAS architecture and the SQLCBR agents. The results of their application to a case study are then presented and discussed.

This intertidisciplinary study presents a novel mathematical simulation model based on an
algorit... more This intertidisciplinary study presents a novel mathematical simulation model based on an
algorithm for summarization of Self-Organizing Maps ensembles applied under the Case-
Based Reasoning methodology to perform forecasting tasks. This methodology represents a
knowledge extraction frame, where past information is used to generate new solutions to new
problems. The novel summarization algorithm based on topology preserving models organizes
the stored information simplifying the retrieval of the most useful information from the case
base. This algorithm is used to organize the case base and to improve the speed and eciency
of the retrieval phase of the CBR cycle within the explained predicting system. The developed
mathematical system was applied to a real case of study: a forest re forecasting data set.
Forest res represent an environmental risk that should be predicted in order to avoid further
damages. This novel system was able to predict the future situation of geographic areas after
a forest re had been originated.

Forest fires represent a quite complex environment and an accurate prediction of the fires genera... more Forest fires represent a quite complex environment and an accurate prediction of the fires generated is crucial when trying to react quickly and effectively in such a critical situation. In this study, an hybrid system is applied to predict the evolution of forest fires. The Case-Based Reasoning methodology combined with a summarization of SOM ensembles algorithm has been used to face this problem. The CBR methodology is used as the solution generator in the system, reusing past solutions given to past problems to generate new solutions to new problems by adapting those past solutions to the new situations to face. On the other hand, a new summarization algorithm (WeVoS-SOM) is used to organize the stored information to make it easier to retrieve the most useful information from the case base. The developed system has been checked with forest fires historical and experimental data. The WeVoS-CBR system presented here has successfully predicted the evolution of the forest fires in terms of probability of finding fires in a certain area.
This paper presents a Hybrid Multi-Agent Architecture for the control and supervision of dependen... more This paper presents a Hybrid Multi-Agent Architecture for the control and supervision of dependent environments, based on an Ambient Intelligence model. HoCa architecture incorporates a management system of alerts based on SMS and MMS technologies, and an automated identification, localization, and movement control system based on Java Card and RFID technologies. HoCa is independent from the programming language and operating system in that it is executable. The core of the architecture is formed by both deliberative agents and reactive agents that interact to offer efficient services. The architecture has been tested in a real environment and the results obtained are presented in this paper.
Logic Journal of IGPL, 2007
Computers are increasingly present in education and make many resources and activities available ... more Computers are increasingly present in education and make many resources and activities available to teachers and pupils. New pedagogical resources development is very interesting for both. Our digital library Summa Logicae is overtly involved in innovation and pedagogical ...
Advances in Soft Computing, 2009
One of the main aims of the pervasive systems is to be able to adapt themselves in execution time... more One of the main aims of the pervasive systems is to be able to adapt themselves in execution time to the changes in the number of resources available, the mobility of the users, variability in the needs of the users and failures of the system. This work presents HoCa, a multi-agent based architecture designed to facilitate the development of pervasive systems. HoCa presents a new model where multi-agent systems and service oriented architectures are integrated to facilitate compatible services. HoCa has been applied to case study in a real scenario, aimed to provide automatic assistance to dependent people at their home, and the results obtained are presented in this paper.

Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2010
This work presents improvements in the communication protocol and service coordination mechanism ... more This work presents improvements in the communication protocol and service coordination mechanism of the HoCa architecture, a multi-agent based architecture designed to facilitate the development of pervasive systems that proposes a new model where multi-agent systems and service oriented architectures are integrated to facilitate compatible services. A coordinator agent proposes a new planning model, where the complex processes are modeled as external services. The agent acts as coordinators of Web services that implement the four stages of the case-based planning cycle. One of the main aims of the pervasive systems is to be able to adapt themselves in execution time to the changes in the number of resources available, the mobility of the users, variability in the needs of the users and failures of the system. Multiagent systems are suitable to resolve these issues due to their capabilities such as autonomy, reactivity, pro-activity, mobility, etc.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2010
Modelled on a planning system capable of adapting itself to the common objectives of the delibe... more Modelled on a planning system capable of adapting itself to the common objectives of the deliberative agents which participate in an organization.
Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2011
... Elena García · Sara Rodríguez · Beatriz Martín · Carolina Zato · Belén Pérez* Computers ... D... more ... Elena García · Sara Rodríguez · Beatriz Martín · Carolina Zato · Belén Pérez* Computers ... Disponible en, [14] Vizzari, G., Pizzi, G., da Silva, FSC: A framework for execution and visualization of situated agents based virtual ...
Papers by Belen Perez Lancho
algorithm for summarization of Self-Organizing Maps ensembles applied under the Case-
Based Reasoning methodology to perform forecasting tasks. This methodology represents a
knowledge extraction frame, where past information is used to generate new solutions to new
problems. The novel summarization algorithm based on topology preserving models organizes
the stored information simplifying the retrieval of the most useful information from the case
base. This algorithm is used to organize the case base and to improve the speed and eciency
of the retrieval phase of the CBR cycle within the explained predicting system. The developed
mathematical system was applied to a real case of study: a forest re forecasting data set.
Forest res represent an environmental risk that should be predicted in order to avoid further
damages. This novel system was able to predict the future situation of geographic areas after
a forest re had been originated
algorithm for summarization of Self-Organizing Maps ensembles applied under the Case-
Based Reasoning methodology to perform forecasting tasks. This methodology represents a
knowledge extraction frame, where past information is used to generate new solutions to new
problems. The novel summarization algorithm based on topology preserving models organizes
the stored information simplifying the retrieval of the most useful information from the case
base. This algorithm is used to organize the case base and to improve the speed and eciency
of the retrieval phase of the CBR cycle within the explained predicting system. The developed
mathematical system was applied to a real case of study: a forest re forecasting data set.
Forest res represent an environmental risk that should be predicted in order to avoid further
damages. This novel system was able to predict the future situation of geographic areas after
a forest re had been originated.
algorithm for summarization of Self-Organizing Maps ensembles applied under the Case-
Based Reasoning methodology to perform forecasting tasks. This methodology represents a
knowledge extraction frame, where past information is used to generate new solutions to new
problems. The novel summarization algorithm based on topology preserving models organizes
the stored information simplifying the retrieval of the most useful information from the case
base. This algorithm is used to organize the case base and to improve the speed and eciency
of the retrieval phase of the CBR cycle within the explained predicting system. The developed
mathematical system was applied to a real case of study: a forest re forecasting data set.
Forest res represent an environmental risk that should be predicted in order to avoid further
damages. This novel system was able to predict the future situation of geographic areas after
a forest re had been originated
algorithm for summarization of Self-Organizing Maps ensembles applied under the Case-
Based Reasoning methodology to perform forecasting tasks. This methodology represents a
knowledge extraction frame, where past information is used to generate new solutions to new
problems. The novel summarization algorithm based on topology preserving models organizes
the stored information simplifying the retrieval of the most useful information from the case
base. This algorithm is used to organize the case base and to improve the speed and eciency
of the retrieval phase of the CBR cycle within the explained predicting system. The developed
mathematical system was applied to a real case of study: a forest re forecasting data set.
Forest res represent an environmental risk that should be predicted in order to avoid further
damages. This novel system was able to predict the future situation of geographic areas after
a forest re had been originated.