GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2022
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2022, Online: ISSN 2320-9186
Philip Mwasame Wanyama
Coastal Archaeology, National Museums of Kenya &
Institute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies
University of Nairobi
This article focuses on the question of survey research in the social sciences. It is a unique method of
data gathering in the social sciences, which involves the use of questionnaire and interview
techniques. The questionnaire technique involve the use of instruments ranging from the loosely
structured, highly structured, open-ended to closed-ended questionnaires that aim at collection of
quantitative data. While interview technique includes the use of personal interviews, ranging from
schedule-structured, informal, unstructured, to telephone interviews. This paper shows that that survey
research is the main method for a social scientist with numerous strengths despite some weaknesses.
In conclusion, the paper argues that survey research method can be adapted to the emerging
advancements in science, information communication and technology.
Keywords: Survey research, questionnaire survey, interview survey, survey instrument, social
Survey research is one of the most important research methods in the social sciences. In a number of
sources we get various definitions of it. One such source, is Collins Dictionary, which defines survey
‘as an action word that may mean to view or consider something in a comprehensive or general way;
to examine carefully as if to appraise value; to plot a detailed map of an area of land by measuring or
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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2022
ISSN 2320-9186
calculating distances and height. It also refers to inspecting structure such as building to determine its
condition and value’ (Collins, 2006:1621). In these definitions we get the idea of estimation and
valuation of condition of something. Social scientists try to ‘inspect’ human populations in order to
evaluate the condition of interest through survey. Another source, is Chamber’s Dictionary of Science
and Technology, which defines surveying as ‘measurement of the relative positions of points on the
surface of the earth and or in space, to enable natural and artificial features to be depicted in their true
horizontal and vertical relationships by drawing them to scale on paper’ (Walker, 2002:1133).
Although, it may refer to land surveying, this definition resonate well in the social sciences’ usage of
the word survey. That is, it implies an attempt to measure, scale and evaluate the social and cultural
phenomena to understand and represent them in whatever way.
Furthermore, the Oxford Dictionary of English provides a clearer meaning of ‘survey’ which
it defines as ‘an investigation of the opinions, behaviour among others of a particular group of people
through asking of questions’ (Hornby, 2015:1525). This is similar to the usage of the term in the
social sciences. ‘Survey’ is synonymous with ‘social survey’, ‘survey method’ and ‘survey research’
(Jary and Jary, 2000:625). These scholars argue that survey research is a social science technique that
uses questionnaires or interviews and their analysis with the aid of various quantitative and statistical
techniques, to describe a population’s principal characteristics such as age, sex, occupations and
attitudes and to test hypotheses and examine relationships between variables under study. Some other
scholars seem to concur with this argument. For instance, Craig Calhoun defines survey as ‘a basic
research methodology in the social sciences, which is based on questionnaires and interviews. This
involves selection of a sample (or cases) from a target population, through a technique known as
sampling, from which to gather data that represent those of a larger population under study’ (Calhoun,
2002:473). Because survey research focuses on a small sample of a population, there is often an
assumption of increased accuracy compared to a census, which focuses on the entire population in an
area, community, region, town or country. Some scholars have argued that survey research aims to
make observations in a small group of a population. But, because of the nature of some sociological
phenomena studied by social scientists, such as gender relations, religious and political affiliation, and
prestige, cannot be observed directly, social survey researchers collect their data by asking people
who have experienced the phenomena under study. From responses of their study subjects,
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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2022
ISSN 2320-9186
researchers can attempt to reconstruct those people’s experiences (Jay and Jay, 2000; FrankfortNachmias and Nachmias, 1996:225). Finally, survey research focuses more on ‘individuals’ rather
than ‘communities’, this has often led some scholars to accuse survey research of being atomistic (see,
e.g., Jay and Jay, 2000:26).
Survey Research Instruments
In the foregoing section of this work, it has already been pointed out that survey research involves the
use of questionnaires and interviews in collection of data. In social sciences, the questionnaire and
interview are also known as survey research ‘tools or instruments’ and are usually dependent on the
nature of the research questions and places (or sites) of study. The data are collected through a process
of research known as fieldwork, which involves collection of data in the field and the study of human
institutions, characteristics and behaviour in natural settings (except for unobtrusive library and
archival research). Although the main scientific technique is observation, as already noted, some
phenomena of interest to social scientists cannot be observed directly; the researcher asks people
about their ‘experience’ of the phenomena under investigation (Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias,
1996). In the subsequent sections of the paper, I attempt a detailed discussion of the questionnaire and
interview surveys.
Questionnaire Survey
The questionnaire survey involves the use of an instrument that has categories of words to which
respondents react. Conventionally, questionnaires are filled by the respondents and returned to the
researcher. There are several types of questionnaires, for example, the group questionnaire that is
addressed to a group of people and those addressed to individual persons. We also have privatelyfilled (self-administered) questionnaires and mail questionnaires to be filled by respondents and
returned through postal mail. The mail questionnaire is an impersonal survey tool, where the
researcher samples postal addresses and distributes questionnaires through postal mails. According to
Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias (1996:225-26), the mail questionnaire has some advantages; one
of which is that it is cheap in planning, sampling, duplicating instruments and providing stamped selfaddressed envelopes for the return mail. Secondly, it does not require an interviewer in the field and it
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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2022
ISSN 2320-9186
is easier to analyse the data. Another advantage lies in reduction of biasing error associated with
interviewers. The mail questionnaire is also important as it offers greater anonymity to the study
subjects particularly on ‘threatening issues of study, for instance, variables such as sexual behaviour
and child abuse. For considered answers or some questions that require consultation of personal
documents, the respondent has the time to consult or even discuss with other people. The mail
questionnaire can cover wide geographic contacts at minimal cost and is therefore appropriate for a
widely dispersed population.
Despite these strengths the mail questionnaire also has some disadvantages.
According to Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias (1996:227), one of these weaknesses is that the mail
questionnaire needs simple questions that are straightforward enough to comprehend only on the basis
of printed instructions and definitions. The researcher does not have an opportunity to probe the
respondents. Whatever answer given by the study subject, will be accepted as final. Another
disadvantage is that the mail questionnaire does not provide the researcher with the opportunity to
control the filling out of the questionnaire. Finally, the mail questionnaire may have low response rate
(this is the percentage of respondents who return the questionnaire to the researcher, usually 20-40%
without follow up). People who are itinerants, the elderly and those with low educational level are
known to have high rates of non-response to questionnaires. There is usually need for the researcher
to make follow-ups on the questionnaire just one week after mailing them.
Scholars have identified a number of factors that affect the response rate of the mail questionnaire.
For example, Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias (1996) state that sponsorship of the study affects the
response rate. In the United States of America, for instance, government-sponsored questionnaires
such as the Bureau of Census surveys record high rates of 95%. In addition, inducements such as
appeal for goodwill, offer of reward and attaching letters of support from professional associations
increase response rates. Also convincing cover letters that explain sponsorship and purpose of the
study may improve response rates. Other factors that affect response rates include type of mailing that
is legible, aesthetically appealing, as well as timing of the survey. There are, however, some strategies
that researchers can use to improve the response rates of mail questionnaires. One such strategy is
known as the Total Design Method (TDM) which involves a step-by-step procedure that takes into
account instrument construction and survey implementation with strong accent on follow-ups
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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2022
ISSN 2320-9186
(Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias, 1996:228). The TDM involves not only designing the research
instrument in away that is aesthetically appealing to the respondents and legible or attractive printing
on the envelopes, but also sending out a series of follow-up mails to the respondent about one or two
weeks after the questionnaire is sent, and selection of cases from particularly specialised groups so as
to obtain heterogeneous and homogeneous samples.
Interview Survey
In addition to the use of the questionnaire discussed in the previous section, a survey researcher can
use an interview instrument. Survey interviews range from informal, personal, structured, semistructured, focused, to telephone and online interviews (Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias, 1996;
Bernard, 2006; Babbie, 2013). The personal interview is held in face-to-face and in interpersonal
situations. In other words, it is obtrusive or intrusive to the study subjects. It involves the researcher
asking respondents questions that are aimed at eliciting answers to variables. Personal interviews
include scheduled-structured, focused and non-directive interviews. The scheduled-structured
interview is fixed and least flexible. The interview questions and their wording remain identical. The
interviewer cannot clarify a question that may be unclear to the respondent and sequence of questions
remains the same as designed. The focused interview is also called non-schedule-structured interview.
It targets respondents known to have been involved in a particular experience and refers to situations
already analysed before the interview. It is executed with an interview guide specifying topics under
study. The researcher can probe points that are not clear. An example of this interview was used by
Stacey Oliker in 1989 to study ‘Best friends and marriage’ (Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias,
1996). The other type of personal interview is non-directive interview or non-structured interview
(Bernard, 2006); it does not use the schedule and it has no direction. The respondents in this interview
have control of the situation under discussion. The researcher has great freedom of probing the
respondent. In anthropology, a number of researchers have used this interview, for example, Eleanor
Miller in her study of female street hustlers culminating in her work, Street Woman (1986).
Personal interviews have a number of advantages, for instance, there is room for
flexibility, that the researcher can clarify wording of questions, control order of the questioning
process and probe the respondent for additional data. Secondly, control over the interview situation
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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2022
ISSN 2320-9186
means that questions can be answered in an appropriate sequence and the respondent cannot consult
friends or documents in order to respond to a question. Thirdly, there is high response rate compared
to mail questionnaires. Finally, the researcher can collect supplementary data that are of interest to his
or her study. There are, however, some disadvantages associated with personal interviews, for
example, the cost for personal interviews is very high, that is, selecting and training interviewers and
supervising and travel allowances make the cost very prohibitive. There is also the cost of
transcribing, processing and analysing the data. Additional devices such as voice recorders make the
cost of the survey even higher. Some other disadvantage of the personal interview has to do with
interviewer bias arising out of selective interviewing of respondents. Also, lack of standardisation of
the instruments means that it is difficult to generalise about the problem under study and this
frustrates the scientific principle of generalisability. Face-to-face contact between researchers and
respondents means there is lack of anonymity. Finally, respondents may refuse to answer questions on
variables that may be sensitive such as on sexuality and income.
telecommunication, nowadays, it is possible for researchers to carry out telephone interview surveys.
This is a semi-personal survey research technique (Frankfort-Nachmias and Nachmias, 1996:242;
Babbie, 2013; Bernard, 2006). The logic behind the use of telephone interviews lies in the assumption
that researchers can reach a wide population. Unlike in the 1950s, 1960s and 1980s, today mobile
telephony has enabled many people to be connected to a telecommunication network. There are a
number of computer programmes that allow random-digit dialing (RDD) and computer-assisted
telephone interviewing (CATI), to be executed, although this telephone interview is not suitable for
open-ended questions. Its strength is that researchers present at the survey centre can supervise the
interviewers and is ideal for simple survey instruments. There are however reported cases of nonresponse, usually described as ‘broken off’ interviews.
communication technology permits researchers to conduct online survey interviewing vide the
internet-based social media. According to Babbie (2013), online or internet interviews can be
conducted through the internet network in form of social media, for example, Facebook, Google,
Yahoo and Skype chats through text messaging. One example of this can be a case in which a
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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2022
ISSN 2320-9186
researcher joining a virtual community of interest such as the County Development Association on
Facebook. The researcher once accepted in the ‘virtual community’ can access information and
receive up-dates on various topics, whenever a member posts a story or a comment on the issue under
discussion. She or he can also take part in the chats and discussions by posting queries to elicit
reactions and opinions from members of that social media community. Another example can involve a
researcher sending out a questionnaire via email communication system. The recipients of the email
will respond on the questionnaire and email back to the original sender (researcher). Online
interviewing affords greater anonymity to the respondents and may be cheap and convenient for a
researcher to reach-out a population that is computer literate. However, this excludes possible
informants who are computer illiterate or those who live in areas that lack telecommunication and
internet networks.
Comparison of Questionnaire and Interview Surveys
But one may ask if there are any differences between questionnaire and interview surveys. In this
paper, we have already seen that survey research involves the use of questionnaire. This can be group
questionnaire, mail questionnaire, or privately-filled questionnaire (self-administered). Survey
research also involve the use of interview which may have various components such as highly and
loosely structured interview, open- and closed-ended interview, face-to-face interview and telephone
or internet-based interviews. The highly structured interview may sometimes be confused with
questionnaire. However, the difference between interview and questionnaire firstly relates to the
filling out of the instruments. In the interview survey, the interview schedule (guide) is filled by the
researcher or his/ her trained assistants. In questionnaire survey, the instrument is filled by the
respondent. Secondly, the interview generates data by asking people to express themselves in their
own words, while the questionnaire has categories of words to which the respondent must react.
Thirdly, the interview takes the form of conversation between two or more people, the researcher and
respondent(s). The conversation may be formal, as well as informal, like in the day-to-day
conversation or the recount of the prolonged experience of a certain situation under study. By being
‘informal’ does not, however, mean the interview is haphazard. It uses note-books, journals, voice
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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2022
ISSN 2320-9186
recorders and videos, among other technical aids to capture data in the field. Here, informal interview
also means that the interview varies from audience to audience.
Survey Instrument Construction
Although questionnaires and interview schedules collect different types of data, both instruments must
have certain key aspects. According to Bernard (2006), some basic aspects of survey instruments
include first the definition of the problem under study. The research instrument should relate to the
research problem. That is, what is the main question and what are the variables that can help construct
the instrument, for example, to generate categories that cover the possible values and this may be
done in several questions. Secondly, the listing of the items in the instrument should be appropriate to
the research problem. The items listed should be simple, clear and unambiguous. They should be short
and easy to follow. Thirdly, the researcher should avoid negative, biased and misleading items, as
well as, the ‘double-barrel’ items, since they can have more answers that may be true. Fourthly, avoid
hypothetical items, for instance, ‘suppose A and B happens, how would you react?’ Finally, items that
are personalised and embarrassing should not be included in the instruments.
Furthermore, the design of the research instruments should have three components:
introductory, main body and closing sections. The introductory section of the instrument provides
what may be referred to as ‘self-introduction’ of the researcher and the purpose of the study. Besides,
it makes a statement of persuasion and guarantees anonymity to the research subjects. It should also
provide guidelines on how the instrument should be filled-in and returned. It requests informed
consent and suggests the duration the meeting (interview) would take. The main body of the
instrument contains the central items of the study. This could determine the time to be spent and
relates to the scope and objectives of the study. Finally, the closing section contains a statement of
gratitude and reminds the respondent/informant, on how to get back the research instrument. Further,
the instrument may have filter items that eliminate the subject as required and general items
(questions), which allow the respondent to get acquainted to the research situation. The instrument,
should have specific items that make follow-up, to the general questions as well as biographical items,
that aim at capturing personal details such as date of birth and age among others. The matrix items are
the combination of items with same set of answers to save space and facilitate the flow of ideas. The
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GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2022
ISSN 2320-9186
instrument can have free answer items (also referred to as open-ended responses). We also have
multiple-type items, and these are closed-ended questions, with several options listed as responses and
the dichotomous items that have only two possible responses. The factual items are those questions
that measure the knowledge of the respondents on certain things (these may not be applicable in
research). Lastly, are the opinion items that elicit people’s opinions on a particular subject. These are
extensive and can have many dimensions.
Strengths and Weaknesses of Survey Instruments
There are a number of strengths associated with the use of survey instruments. One is that some
instruments such as the interview schedule can afford a researcher an opportunity of creating
familiarity and building rapport with the study subjects. This leads to high response rates due to the
researcher-informant familiarity. Thus, a researcher can make clarifications on some items. The other
strength is that the researcher can also prompt the respondent and it is possible for connections to be
made between different parts of the interview. Also, most of the survey research instruments allow the
researcher to refine the items (questions) in the field while data collection is in progress.
Despite these strengths, there are some problems or weaknesses associated with survey
research. One weakness relates to the reliability of some survey instruments such as the interview
schedule. Because interviews are not standardized to produce reliable data the researcher needs to be
highly competent. The second weakness is that survey research is very expensive and time
consuming, for example, for collecting the data and transcribing them, and this means the researcher
meets extra costs. Third, even if interviews can allow the researcher to do selective transcription, the
field assistant who was in the field, would not be able to do this, since she/he may not be able to make
connections between the data. Fourth, survey research, for example, the interview is prone to
interruptions and even if it can be repeated, it would not yield same responses as the initial one. Fifth,
some survey research that involves face-to-face encounters with subjects cannot guarantee anonymity,
especially if the variables being considered are sensitive to the subject. The presence of a researcher
may lead to the interviewer-effect, in which the interviewer may influence the data to be collected.
GSJ© 2022
GSJ: Volume 10, Issue 8, August 2022
ISSN 2320-9186
The objective of this paper was to examine the concept of survey research in the social sciences. It has
been shown that survey research, a unique technique to the social sciences, involves the use of
questionnaire and interview instruments in gathering data from the study sites. There are loosely
structured, highly structured, open-ended and closed-ended questionnaires that aim at collection of
quantitative data. However, personal interviews, ranging from schedule-structured, informal,
unstructured, to telephone interviews are also used in conducting survey research. There are several
strengths and weaknesses associated with each technique; however, given improvements and
refinement in the method, social scientists should conduct survey research regardless of cost. There
are general principles and guidelines on how survey research should be conducted and on how survey
research instruments should be constructed; however, the best way for researcher to perfect one-self is
by practice.
Babbie, Earl 2013. The Practice of Social Research, 13th ed. New York: Wadsworth.
Bernard, H. Russell 2006. Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative
Approaches, 4th ed. Lanham: Altamira Press.
Calhoun, Craig (Ed.) 2002. Dictionary of the Social Sciences. New York: Oxford University
Collins, Dictionary of, 2006. Collins English Dictionary, 8th ed. Glasgow: Harper Collins.
Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava and Nachmias, David 1996. Research Methods in the Social
Sciences, 5th ed. London: Hodder Arnold.
Hornby, S.A.(Ed.) 2015. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English, 9th ed.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jary, David and Jary, Julia (Eds.) 2000. Collins internet-linked Dictionary of Sociology, 3rd
ed. Glasgow: Harper Collins.
Walker, Peter M. B. (Ed.) 2002. Chambers Dictionary of Science and Technology.
Edinburgh: Chambers.
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