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CRPASE: Transactions of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8 (2) Article ID: 2781, 1–9, June 2022
ISSN 2423-4591
Research Article
Modeling of Local Scour Depth Around Bridge Pier Using FLOW 3D
M. Sobhi Alasta 1 , Ahmed Shakir Ali Ali 2, Saman Ebrahimi 2, Muhammad Masood Ashiq 2, Abubaker Sami Dheyab 1,
Adnan AlMasri 3, Anass Alqatanani 1, Mahdis Khorram 2
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Gaziantep, 27410 Şehitkamil, Gaziantep, Turkey
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Memphis, 3720 Alumni Ave, Memphis, TN 38152, USA
3 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, German Jordanian University, Amman 11180, Jordan
Local Scour,
Bridge Pier,
Circular Pier.
The most crucial issue that causes bridge failure is local scour, especially during flood
events. Therefore, modeling scouring is an essential method to examine the possibility of
bridge failure due to scour. Various numerical and laboratory models were conducted to
investigate the scour depth around hydraulic structures. This paper investigates the
performance of the CFD model to simulate the local scour depth around the bridge pier
using Flow-3D. First, the model was built and then calibrated based on experimental
outcomes. Further, the results show that the CFD model can provide a good agreement
between the numerical and experimental models. The CFD model successfully imitates the
scour depth, flow, and velocity around the bridge pier.
1. Introduction
Due to the population growth and civilization and their
severe impacts on environmental issues, i.e., climate
change, temperature, floods, water quality, and availability,
have shown lots of attention among researchers [1-6]. As a
result, the need to find the optimum design with the highest
performance and capability and the lowest impact on the
surrounding ambient feels more than past [7-13]. Scour can
be mentioned as one of the side effects of artificial
structures on the environment.
Scour is defined as the removal of material from the
base and edges of the river and near the piers and abutments
that consistently happens due to discharge acceleration and
the erosive activity of flow [14-16]. Scour around bridge
piers happens during overflow, commonly due to ripples
[17, 18]. It is the leading cause of bridge collapse worldwide
[19], with critical financial losses jeopardizing residents.
Also, several bridges are parts of the vital infrastructure for
supporting connectivity during natural catastrophes [20].
The mechanism of scouring around a circular cylinder
was investigated broadly using various laborites in the
literature [21, 22]. The mentioned research outcomes
demonstrated that the scour is driven by the increased local
shear stresses provoked by the acceleration of discharge
close to the pier, as shown in Figure 1. Another reason is the
existence of a powerful downflow force at the face of the
bridge pier. The horseshoe vortex is initially tiny and
vulnerable with a circular pier cross-section, but the
dimensions and forces grow with the scour hole's expansion
and downwards movement [23]. Pier and abutment damage
due to scouring and deterioration of the base of the river
were identified as being the fundamental cause of the
bridge's failure [24]. The Federal Highway Administration
Corresponding Author: M. Sobhi Alasta
E-mail address:
[email protected]
Received: 07 April 2022; Revised: 28 April 2022; Accepted: 13 May 2022
Academic Editor: Vahid Najafi Moghadam Gilani
Please cite this article as: M. Sobhi Alasta, A. Ali Ali, S. Ebrahimi, M. Masood Ashiq, A. Sami Dheyab, A. Al Masri, A. Alqatanani, M.
Khorram, Modeling of Local Scour Depth Around Bridge Pier Using FLOW 3D, Computational Research Progress in Applied Science &
Engineering, CRPASE: Transactions of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8 (2022) 1–9, Article ID: 2781.
Sobhi Alasta et al. - CRPASE: Transactions of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8 (2) Article ID: 2781, 1–9, May 2022
has revealed that 60% of bridges fail in the USA because of
scouring [25], and about 60 bridges collapse per year in the
United States [26]. Also, investigations indicated that
failure data from various nations assembled shows that the
natural hazards are the highest reason behind the bridge
collapsing [27], as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Mechanism of Scour
[28] showed that 500 collapsed bridges in the USA
during 1989 -2000 were because of scouring. Therefore,
investigating decrement in the riverbed due to scour is
essential for developing transportation infrastructure and
bridge piers' dimensions and shape.
impinging circular jet. [35] conducted a laboratory study to
examine the scour depth around bridge piers due to
tsunamis. [36] examined the impact of pier nose extension
on decreasing the scour depth using the experimental test at
the laboratory. However, computational models are
becoming better reliable and considered an excellent
technique for modeling various engineering problems [3743].
Moreover, the simulation approach of scouring has been
enhanced due to the growing abilities of computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) software, which is comparable to
arranging an experiment. Therefore, the initial idea of this
numerical simulation is to develop and create physical
models that are difficult to set up in laboratory conditions
by using numerical modeling [44]. One of the CFD software
is FLOW 3D. It is computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
software that can solve equations of multi-physics flow
problems [45]. Besides, it includes numerical approaches to
solve fluid movement equations and multi-scale multiphysics flow models. Users employ many fluid flows and
heat transfer phenomena by integrating physical and
numerical to solve different problems related to hydraulic
engineering like scour [44]. Many studies were conducted
to study the scour using FLOW 3D. [46] used FLOW 3D to
assess its capability for imitating scour depth for noncohesive sediment circumstances with different velocities.
[47] used FLOW 3D to study the scour depth originated
around the cylindrical pier under clear-water scour. [44]
adopted FLOW 3D to model the debris effect on maximum
scour hole depth at bridge piers.
[48] used FLOW 3D to investigate the impact of various
turbulence flow pinnacles on the scouring pit of the bridge
pier. [49] used the FLOW 3D model to demonstrate the
performance of the software to imitate the flushing of
reservoirs utilizing laboratory outcomes. [50] employed the
FLOW 3D model to simulate and study the flow at the
trapezoidal weir [51] used FLOW 3D to model and examine
the scour around the submerged various slope angles sharp
edge weir. [52, 53] used the FLOW 3D model to investigate
the scour features of huge-diameter and multi-bucket bases
in in-depth water locations.
As mentioned above, scour is a well-known factor that
removes the river's bed material, and bridges collapse
worldwide, especially during flood events. Therefore, the
article aims to employ the CFD model using FLOW 3D to
examine the scour around bridge piers and verify the
efficiency of the FLOW 3D for modeling the scour around
hydraulic structures like bridge piers.
Figure 2. Collapse of bridges due to different reasons [27].
2. Materials and Methods
Experimental models were often employed for studying
various problems [29-31]. For the scour issues around
hydraulic structures, many studies were conducted. [32]
used an experimental test to examine the 3D flow near a
complex bridge pier, relations between its elements, and
their impacts on flow. [33] studied the flow and scour
around bridge piers with various formats and investigated
for conditions with and without debris. [34] conducted
laboratory analysis for the scour due to submerged vertical
2.1. Experimental Model
The experimental test was conducted at Hydraulic
Laboratory at the University of Gaziantep by [54], it was
performed using a rectangular flume (0.8m wide, 0.9m in
length), and the diameter of the pier was 10 cm, which was
placed at the center of the channel. The flow was 0.048 m3/s,
flow depth was 0.11 m, velocity was equal to 0.48 m/s, and
Sobhi Alasta et al. - CRPASE: Transactions of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8 (2) Article ID: 2781, 1–9, May 2022
bed material was non-cohesion sand with a median particle
size d50 equal to 1.45 mm. Figure 3 shows the full details
of the flume.
Figure 3. Layout of the flume.
2.2. FLOW-3D Model
In this investigation, the three-dimensional sediment
scours model is designed to stimulate local scour around the
bridge pier by utilizing FLOW 3D software. The system of
the FLOW 3D is correctly coupled with fluid flow supports
many non-cohesive species, deposition, bedload transport,
and suspended load transport.
2.2.1. CFD Governing Equations of Scour Model
Elements of three-dimensional flow can manage run the
scouring operation; the FLOW-3D Sediment Transport
model can evaluate and analyze the scour and deposition
process. The hydrodynamic simulation software is
integrated with a sediment transport module with noncohesive soil conditions that simulate bedload and
suspended sediment transport, entrainment, and corrosion
[55]. CFD equations of the scouring model were used to
solve the sediment transportation as follows:
2.2.2. Bed Shear Stress
The shear stress is applied via the fluid on the packed
bed surface, and defined as Eq. (1)
𝑣 = 𝑣𝑡(
𝑙𝑛 𝑙𝑛 (𝑣𝑘
𝑣𝑡 shear velocity and 𝑣𝑡 = √𝜏 ⁄ 𝜌, 𝜏 bed shear stress, 𝜌 is
the bulk density of the fluid-sediment mixture, y is the
distance from the wall, 𝑣𝑘 is the kinematic viscosity of the
bulk flow, 𝑘𝑐 = 0.4 is the Von Karman fixe value, 𝑘𝑠 is the
Nikuradse roughness. 𝑘𝑠 is linked to grain size as Eq. (2)
k𝑠 = 𝑐𝑠𝑑50
d50 grain diameter, cs is a factor equal to 2.5 as the
recommended value.
2.2.3. Critical Shields Parameter
The Shields parameter is a dimensionless form of bed
shear stress and defined as Eq. (3):
𝜃𝑠𝑛 =
𝑔 𝑑𝑛(𝜌𝑛 − 𝜌𝑓)
where 𝑔 is gravity, ρ n is the mass density of sediment, d n
is grain diameter. The critical Shields parameter θ cs,n , as
shown in Eq.(4), is used to define the critical bed shear
stress τ csn , at which sediment movement starts for both
entrainment and bedload transportation,
𝜃𝑐𝑠, 𝑛 =
𝑔 𝑑𝑛(𝜌𝑛 − 𝜌𝑓)
𝜃𝑐𝑟, 𝑛 =
The primary worth of θ cs,n is for a flat and horizontal bed
of identically-sized grains. Either determined by employees
0.05 by default or selected from the Soulsby-Whitehouse
equation [56].
2.2.4. Entrainment
+ 0.0055(−𝑒 −0.02𝑑 )
The deposition and entrainment are dealt with as two
dissent micro-processes synchronously. They are collective
to control the net exchange rate among packed and
suspended sediments, and entrainment. The velocity, at
which the grains leave the packed bed, is the exciting
velocity and is evaluated based on Winterwerp et al. [57], it
is represented as Eq. (6):
(𝑄𝑛 − 𝑄𝑐𝑟, 𝑛)1.5 ∗
(𝑢𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑡, 𝑛 = 𝑛𝑏 𝑎𝑛 𝑑∗𝑛
√𝑔𝑑𝑛(𝑠𝑛 − 1))
2.3.5. Bedload Transport
The dimensionless formula of the bedload transference
average for species n as Eq. (7)
𝑄𝑐𝑏, 𝑛
𝛷𝑛 = (
(𝑔(𝑠𝑛 − 1)𝑑𝑛3 ).5
where Q cs,n is the volumetric ability to transport the bed
load average for each unit of bed width (in units of volume
per width per time).Φ𝑛 measured by applying the MeyerPeter and Muller equation (1948), as shown in Eq. (8) [58].
Φ𝑛 = 𝐵𝑛 (𝜃𝑛 − 𝜃𝑐𝑟, 𝑛)1.5 𝑐𝑏, n
Sobhi Alasta et al. - CRPASE: Transactions of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8 (2) Article ID: 2781, 1–9, May 2022
where the coefficient of bedload is Bn, and it is commonly
between (5.0, 5.7, 8.0, 13.0) respectively, for low,
intermediate, and high sediment transportation
2.2.2. Modeling Steps
The CFD model was applied in Flow-3D by modeling a
rectangular open channel with 0.8 m wide of the section
work and a rectangular flume with a length of 2.5 m with
two sold parts in the entrance of the flume and end of the
flume with lengths 0.3 and 0.05, respectively. A vertical
circular pier with a 0.05 m diameter and a 0.5 m height was
used. The size of the sediment section was in the channel
bed with 0.8 m width, 1.8 m length, 0.2m depth, and the full
flume is 2.5 m with 0.5 m height and 0.8 m wide. Besides,
two rigid elements were constructed in the outer sides of the
geometry of both the channel's initial and final sections to
prepare the water flow depth to start at the upper edge of the
sediment to prevent disruption of the sediment bed section
at the beginning of the simulation. The particle size
diameter was 0.00145 m with a density of 2650 kg/m3 with
a critical shields number of 0.05 and a drag coefficient of
0.5. A mesh block with 3097 cells was fitted to the model
geometry, as shown in Figure 4. Besides, two mesh planes
with more acceptable resolutions were defined around the
pier in x and y directions to improve the model accuracy
around the pier, shown in Figures 4, 5, and 6.
The mesh design is one of the most critical variables
affecting models' accuracy, which depends on the volume
and number of the cells and the intensified location of cells.
Also, it might affect simulation duration.
Figure 5. 3D meshing for the flume.
Figure 6. Various views of meshing.
Table 1 represents the size and number of meshes and the
area of the intensity of the mesh in the two directions, X and
Y. The intensification will be around the pier as a square
plan; also, the pier is set in the middle of the square, as
shown in Figure 4 from the top view.
Table 1 Mesh of FLOW-3D model
Mesh size
Mash block Length
Size of the
Figure 4. 3D meshing of plane around a cylindrical pier.
Number of
the cells
0.4 * 04
0.4 * 0.4
0.4 * 0.4
2.2.2. Model Control and Boundary Conditions
Choosing proper boundary conditions for the hydraulic
analysis is essential for numerical simulation. So, the
numerical model should correspond to the physical needs of
the problem. Therefore, to set up the numerical model, the
boundary conditions and several crucial parameters should
be conducted appropriately as they directly influence the
results. The velocity in this study was assumed as live bed
conditions depending on the experimental research.
Sobhi Alasta et al. - CRPASE: Transactions of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8 (2) Article ID: 2781, 1–9, May 2022
Table 2. Modeling parameters
Water velocity
0.48 m/s
Live bed
R² = 0.935648
size (mm)
Density of
50 mm
0.8 m
As shown in Figure 7, the boundary conditions were
specified. The discharge rate is selected for the inlet
boundary in Y min. Outflow at the outlet in Y max, the water
velocity in the inlet is 0.48 m/s. The depth of water is 11
cm. The inlet boundary has specified pressure and velocity
depending on the modal conditions. The right and the left
sides for X min and X max are considered a wall, Z min in the
bottom as the wall, and specified pressure on the top of the
boundary Z max to simulate open channel conditions. Figure
7 shows the model boundary conditions and geometry of the
flume and plane meshing of the model for simulation of
scour around a cylindrical pier.
Numerical Value
Mesh cell
Experimental Value
Figure 8 The calibration values of the test.
3.1. Flow and Velocity Around the Pier
The pier in the canal acts as an obstruction against the
water. The flow was uniform around the specific velocity of
0.48 m/s until reaching the pier's location. Besides, it can be
observed from Figure 9 that the velocity is higher when the
water reaches both sides of the pier. The dark blue vectors
in the opposite direction represent that flow reversion
happens in the scour hole, as shown in Figure 10, creating a
vortex that started at the bottom of the pier due to downward
Figure 7. Boundary conditions of the numerical model.
3. Results and Discussion
The numerical simulation was performed in similar
circumstances to the experimental model to examine the
FLOW 3D model performance and study the velocity, and
local scour depth around the bridge pier. Also, the influence
of the scour on the bed elevation around a cylindrical bridge
pier was analyzed by comparing the result with the
experimental test. Figure 8 shows the regression value for
experimental and numerical models.
Figure 9. 2D average flow velocity.
Sobhi Alasta et al. - CRPASE: Transactions of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8 (2) Article ID: 2781, 1–9, May 2022
3.2. Simulated Scour Depth
In this CDF study, the simulated model in the Flow-3D
result of the maximum scour depth was around 6.5 cm and
6.9 cm for the experimental model. The results indicated
that the physical and numerical simulations were close to
the maximum scour depth. With a slight difference in the
formation of the erosion hole and the formation of
sediments at the bed of the canal, as shown in the Figure12.
The maximum depth of scouring simulation appears to
be on either side of the pier but slightly directly in front of
the pier. Hence, the CFD outcomes give a somewhat lower
assessment than the experimental model, as shown from the
Longitudinal scour profile in Figure 13.
Figure 10. Vectors around the pier after halftime of the
simulation run.
Also, the velocity gradually decreases as it approaches
the canal's bed, as observed in Figure 10a-b at the front side
of the pier gradually down and similarly rears the pier. This
creates a difference in the pressure around the pier,
generating a vortex where it becomes more intense on the
front side of the pier. Also, Figure 11 cannot confirm by
Compering the velocity in front and rear of the pier in both
models with the advantage for the CFD to present more
Figure 12. Compering the couture lines of the scour depth profile
around bridge pier for CFD and experiment results (Adopted from
Figure 11. Compering the velocity in front and rear of the pier in
both model (A) Numerical model pier (B) Circular pier (Adopted
from [54]).
Scour Value
Figure 13. Longitudinal Scour profile
Sobhi Alasta et al. - CRPASE: Transactions of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8 (2) Article ID: 2781, 1–9, May 2022
4. Conclusion
Figure 14. Transverse section scour profile
3.3. Development Scour Depth with Time
Figures 12 13and 14 show the transverse and
longitudinal sections of the scour hole development around
the bridge pier and changes in the elevations due to the
canal's scour. The development of the maximum scour
depth with time after one hour is illustrated in Figure 15 for
the experimental and numerical model. The maximum
scour depth for the FLOW-3D model was 6.5 cm and for
the experimental was 6.9 cm. The results of the numerical
model gave good agreement with the experimental. The
numerical test stopped when the scour rate became around
less than 5% of the pie diameter. At this point, we can
determine the model reached the equilibrium stage.
Scour Depth (cm)
Experimental model
Numerical model
20 Time (m)
Figure 15. Development of the maximum scour depth with time.
Bridge failure is often caused by scouring around bridge
foundations in stream channels. Therefore, estimating the
maximum scour depth is crucial for civil engineers. The
current study uses the CFD model to simulate the scour
phenomena by selecting a circular pier from an
experimental study done by Ismael et al., 2015 and
calibrated the model within the same conditions to control
and ensure the accuracy of the results. Besides, the FLOW3D model showed an error equal to 10% compared to the
laboratory model. The primary outcomes of the study are as
● These results show that the proposed numerical
model Flow-3D is an efficient tool for
simulating scour depth and flow around the
bridge's pier.
● The mesh is one of the influence factors in the
modeling development, and it can impact the
model accuracy
● The Flow-3D running time can take up to three
days and more in some cases.
● This study shows that Flow 3D can accurately
evaluate the maximum scour depth.
● The numerical model results for the circular
pier gave the lowest assessment of the scour
depth at the front of the pier compared to the
experimental outcomes in the same place.
● The model's ability to simulate the scour shape
is dependent on the cross-section shape and
flow properties.
For further development of this study, these suggestions
can be considered:
● Increasing the number of cells and decreasing
the size of the mesh can show more accurate
● Examining the effect of parameters like
sediment features, flow depth, flow velocity on
the modeling
● Exploring the relation between the maximum
scour depth and equilibrium scour.
● Modeling of scour depth around various shapes
of bridge piers.
● Examining the performance of the FLOW-3D
model with different experimental tests of
scour around hydraulic structures.
● Artificial intelligence or machine learning can
be used beside CFD model to predict and
compare the local scour phenomena results for
future research. Moreover, CFD modeling can
be applied to study local scour and the counter
measurement methods to reduce the scour
depth around the bridge pier.
Conflict of Interest Statement
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Figure 12. Experimental model and CFD channel bed formation
after the full-time run (Adopted from [54]).
Sobhi Alasta et al. - CRPASE: Transactions of Civil and Environmental Engineering 8 (2) Article ID: 2781, 1–9, May 2022
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