AD-A252 299
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Principal Investigator. Dr. J.E. FIELD
JUN 191992
United States Army
London W1,England
Contract No. DAJA 45-91M-0061
Annual Report - March 1992
Physics & Chemistry of Solids
Cavendish Laboratory
University of Cambridge
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TITLE (Include Security Classification)
(U) Impact Ignition of Liquid Propellants
Dr J E Field, Dr N K Bourne, Dr S M Walley
1 3b
IFROM Jan 91
114. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month,Oay)
TO _Jan _92
1992 April 30
18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)
Explosives, Ignition, Impact, Liquid Propellants,
High-Speed Photography
ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number)
The report describes a preliminary study of the impact ignition of liquid propellants. In one experimental set up, two
dimensional cavities were shocked and the cavity collapse studied by both high-speed framing and streak
photography. Cavities in water and liquid propellant (LGP 1846) were studied. Cavity sizes were in the range 1 - 7
mm and shock strengths in the range up to 1.5 GPa were used. The cavities were observed to involute and produce a
high speed jet which crossed the cavity and impacted the downstream wall sending a shock into the surrounding
material. The gas in the cavity was heated by rapid compression achieving temperatures sufficient to cause gas
luminescence. Finally, the jet penetrated the downstream wall of the cavity to form a pair of vortices which travelled
downstream with the flow. Jet velocities up to ca. 500 m s- 1 were observed. A more general discussion of cavity
collapse and the initiation of explosion is presented in Appendix I (Bourne and Field 1991, Proc.Roy.Soc. 435, 423435). In the second series of experiments, drop-weight impacts were performed on layers of propellant of various
geometries using a transparent anvil apparatus. This experimental set-up allows high-speed photographic
recording of the event. The drop weight had a mass of 5 kg and was dropped from a height of 1.3 m. No ignition
events were observed. Flow velocities of up to about 200 m s"1 were observed. Of particular interest was the
production of filaments of cavities in the impacted layers.
Form 1473, JUN 86
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Prevous ditions are obsolete.
This preliminary study was begun at the request of Dr. J Knapton and in response to
the accidental initiation of the US liquid propellant LGP1846 (UK designation LP101)
during its removal from a 105 mm regenerative liquid propellant gun. The
unexpected ignition was suspected to have resulted from impact and/or cavitation.
Maximum pressures were reported to be in excess of 600 MPa. Friction between
moving parts and viscous heating of the propellant were eliminated as causes of the
ignition. It was observed that other liquid propellants held at temperatures greater
than 80"C were much more sensitive as a result of water loss.
The composition of the propellant was as follows:Hydroxylammonium nitrate (HAN)
Triethanol ammonium nitrate (TEAN)
The initiation of reaction in an explosive is a thermal process. Mechanical energy
dissipated by the passage of a compression wave through an explosive can be degraded
into heat in order to cause ignition. In general bulk heating of a material is
insufficient to cause ignition but heating in small, localised regions, called hot spots,
allows energy concentrations from which thermal explosion can proceed. Several
mechanisms leading to hot-spot formation in the cavity collapse process have been
gas phase heating,
hydrodynamic effects resulting from the compressibility of the material,
viscous heating of the material.
To date two types of experiment have been attempted, the first involves cavity
collapse (Section 2) and the second drop-weight impact (Section 3). The paper in the
appendix reviews the literature on shock induced cavity collapse and gives framing
and streak data on phenomena which occur when cavities are collapsed in liquids;
both inert and reactive systems were examined.
2.1 Experimental
Figure 1 shows the apparatus designed to test the propellant. The shock stimulus was
provided by the hot wire ignition of 27 mg of granular lead azide in a plastic case. The
fuse was fired by a 16 J pulse from a switched EHT source. This vaporised the bridgewire. A Bowen professional flash unit discharging 250 J over ca. 2 ms lit the event
from behind. A graduated diffuser was placed between the cavity and the rear
confinement. The liquid was enclosed within PMMA blocks spaced by a mild steel
insert. The fuse lay within the liquid.
The cavity was introduced by injecting a bubble of gas beneath a thin wire supporting a
plastic shim and then bent into a semicircle. The bubble size and position could be
altered by suitably bending and translating the wire. Cavity sizes in the range 1-7 mm
both circular and elliptical were collapsed. The ideal gas laws along with the
assumption that the gas entrapped within the cavity is collapsed adiabatically give the
final temperature, Tf, through the equation
Tf =TiL
where T, is the initial temperature within the cavity, Vi and Vf are the initial and final
volumes of the gas enclosed, and y is the ratio of the principal specific heats for the
gas. It can be seen that increasing the value of y will increase the final temperature
achieved within the cavity. To this end a monatomic gas was used whose atoms have
fewer degrees of freedom. Argon was chosen for this purpose.
Delay Fuse
Wire Stay
PMNIA confinement
Figure 1. Experimental arrangement employed in the propellant tests. The cavity was
backlit and photographed with high-speed streak and framing cameras.
The cameras used were a Hadland Imacon 790 and 792. The former was streaking at a
speed of 800-1100 ns mm-1. The latter was framing at a rate varying from 2x10S-5x105
frames per second (fps). The EHT pulse generator, flash and the camera were fired
sequentially from a Hadland 103 delay generator.
The cavity was placed 25 mm, 20 mm, 15 mm and 10 mm from the base of the fuse.
At each distance simultaneous streak and framing sequences were recorded. The
cavity size and gas content were varied. A critical parameter reflecting the violence of
the collapse is the collapse time of the cavity (defined for these asymmetric collapses to
be the time from which the shock passes the upstream wall to the time at which the
jet impacts the downstream wall). Jet velocity can be calculated from measured
collapse time since the initial dimensions of the cavity are known.
m "M
The calculated jet velocities are plotted against the distance from the fuse in figure 2.
The axes are logarithmic. The shock pressure may be expected to decay according to a
reciprocal square law with distance so that the straight line behaviour is not
surprising. There is a scatter of velocities at each distance. This can be explained in
terms of the variable output of the delay fuse since it contains only a loose powder of
primary explosive. Streak records of the shock velocity at the cavity wall confirm this
variability. Accurate determination of shock pressure may be attempted if the
Hugoniot relation for the propellant were known. Assuming that it would be close to
that for water measured shock velocities suggest a pressure of ca. 1.5 GPa at the closest
distance from the fuse (see figure 3).
2.2 Sequences
Three sequences are presented showing typical behaviour for collapse in water and
propellant. Figure 4 shows an elliptical cavity collapsing in water, the cavity being
placed 20 mm from the fuse. A millimetre grid is visible behind the cavity. A jet
forms in frame 2 and crosses the cavity impacting the downstream wall in frame 8.
The collapse is slow taking 80 pIs and the jet velocity is ca. 80 m s- 1. When equivalent
cavities were collapsed in propellant no initiation was observed.
Jet Velocity v. Distance From Fuse
50 0
. .............. ..................................................
.. .........
......................................... .... ..........
1C TA1Uijampounced
......... . ..
Avai and or
Distance from fuse (mm)
Figure 2. Jet velocity plotted against distance from the fuse. The axes are logarithmic.
In figure 5 two sequences are shown where similar sized cavities are placed 10 mm
from the fuse. The upper sequence shows collapse in water and the lower sequence
shows a collapse in LGP1846. In both cases the collapse is rapid with jet velocities ca.
200 m s-1. After the jet hits the downstream wall it penetrates it and forms a pair of
linear vortices which move downstream in the flow after collapse. This region
appears dark in the sequences. If reaction were occurring one would expect much
greater dark areas to be apparent due to reaction products at the jet impact site. In
general this was not observed.
Figure 6 shows the single occasion on which reaction was initiated in the propellant.
The reacting area can be seen as the dark region below the wire loop. Products from
the detonator can be seen entering from above. It is believed that this initiation was
due to an especially violent reaction in the delay fuse which contained only a loose
powder of material. It is clear that the conditions of pressure in the shocked-fluid are
close to the critical parameters for initiation in the propellant.
Figure 7 shows a streak record for the collapse of a bubble in water. A schematic of the
collapse is shown below onto which figures representing wave and wall velocities in
m s-1 have been appended. The incident shock enters from above at 2357 m s-1 and
initiates collapse of the cavity. The jet crosses the cavity and impacts the downstream
wall sending out a rebound shock into the surrounding material. The bubble
remnants travel downstream with the flow whilst the detonator products enter the
sequence as a dark area from above.
Hugoniot for Water
.. /
.. ..........
.......... . .
. .. ...
:... ............
.... ...
Shock Velocity (km/s)
fitted to data from Marsh; LASL
Figure 3. Hugoniot for t)water, fifth order polynomial
Shock Hugoniot Data, University of California press, 1980. Low pressure data only
The framing photography shows that the appearance of the cavities collapsed in water
is almost identical to that observed for cavities collapsed in propellant at each distance.
Streak photography also bears out these findings. It is thought that the collapses are
insufficiently violent to result in reliable initiation of the propellant. In one sequence
only there appears to have been a reaction in the propellant. It is possible that the
output from the fuse was anomalously high in this case.
Elliptical cavities with major axis aligned at an angle to the shock front were collapsed.
It was expected that the jet should travel in a direction perpendicular to the shock
front. This was not found. The jet was found to travel down the major axis of the
The drop-weight apparatus shown in figure 8 was originally developed by Blackwood
& Bowden (1952) and has more recently been extensively employed in the study of the
sensitivity to impact of a wide range of energetic materials (see the references by
Heavens & Field (1974), Swallowe & Field (1981), Field, Swallowe & Heavens (1982),
Krishna Mohan & Field (1984), Krishna Mohan et al. (1984), and Field et al. (1985)).
The material to be tested (in this case a liquid gun propellant) is compressed between
toughened glass anvils at an impact velocity of typically 4.5 m s - 1 . The drop weight
(mass 5 kg) which bears the upper anvil is dropped from a height of up to 1.3 m and is
guided by three rods to ensure a planar impact. Shortly before contact, the mirror
within the weight comes into alignment to complete the optical path from a xenon
flash light source, through to the high-speed camera. A simple electrical contact is
made at this point and triggers the light which has flash duration of 1 ms. The
camera, an AWRE C4 rotating mirror camera, is of the continuous access variety so
that synchronization is not required. The full length of film (140 frames) is scanned in
approximately I ms so that the duration of the flash carries out the function of a
shutter. There is often over-writing, or double exposure, of some frames (unless the
anvils shatter) but it is not usually troublesome; indeed it can be valuable in
comparing initial and final states.
bby 1992
to camera
Fig. 8 Schematic diagram of the dropweight apparatus modified for
high-speed photography. W, weight; M, mirror;,G, glass anvils; P, prism.
The view seen by the camera is along the axis of compression so that what is
observed is the expansion of the outline of the drop(s) seen in silhouette against the
transmitted background light. Figures 9 and 10 show this behaviour for single drops
deformed in this apparatus at room temperature. The circle of contact with the upper
anvil can be seen expanding ix the first few frames. Fine-scale streaming of liquid out
from the circumference occurs when this contact circle reaches the periphery of the
drop. A corresponding internal filamentous structure can also be seen probably due to
cavitation. When the glass anvils finally come into intimate contact, the expansion
of the drops accelerates rapidly.
A common cause of ignition of solid and liquid explosives in this geometry is
the compression of a gas space (Bowden & Gurton 1949). So in this work, experiments
were performed on annuli of liquid stabilised by petroleum jelly (figures 11 and 12).
This allows a control gas pocket to be trapped and compressed. An alternative
mechanism for trapping gas in energetic liquids occurs when two separate drops are
deformed close to each other so that they expand into each other (Field et al. 1982).
The best effect was obtained with two drops of dissimilar size. Figure 13 shows just
such a sequence for LGP 1846. Notice the lateral jets formed by the collision of the
expanding drops. None of the sequences reported here showed initiation.
Blackwood J.D. & Bowden F.P. 1952 "The initiation, burning and thermal
decomposition of gunpowder" Proc. Roy, Soc. Lond. A 213 285
Bowden F.P. & Gurton O.A. 1949 "Birth and growth of explosion in liquids and solids
initiated by impact and friction" Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A198 350
M" 12
Field J.E., Palmer S.J.P., Pope P.H., Sundararajan R. & and Swallowe G.M. 1985
"Mechanical properties of PBX's and their behaviour during drop-weight impact"
in Proc. 8th Int. Symp. on Detonation, Albuquerque, U.S.A.
Field J.E., Swallowe G.M. & Heavens S.N. 1982 "Ignition mechanisms of explosives
during mechanical deformation" Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 382 231
Heavens S.N. & Field J.E. 1974 "The ignition of a thin layer of explosive by impact"
Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 338 77
Krishna Mohan V. & Field J.E. 1984 "Impact initiation of hexanitrostilbene"
Combustion and Flame 56 269
Krishna Mohan V, Field J.E. & Swallowe G.M. 1984 "Effects of physical
inhomogeneities on the impact sensitivity of solid explosives: A high-speed
photographic study" Combustion Sci. and Tech. 44 269
Swallowe G.M. & Field J.E.1982 "The ignition of a thin layer of explosive by impact:
The effect of polymer particles" Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A 379 389
14 gs
Figure 9.Selected frames from the high speed photograpluc record of the rapid
of a single drop of propellant.
Figure 10. Selected framesfrom the high speed photographicrecordof the rapid deformation
of a single drop of propellant.
42 LIS
5 s12
Figure 11. Selectedframesfrom the high speed photographicrecordof the rapiddeformation
of an annulus of propellantstabilisedby petroleumjelly. Note that because the liquid
ring does not have a uniform thickness, the region of contact spreads round during
the firstfew frames.
0 ?:'
Figure 12. Selectedframes from the high speed photographicrecordof the rapiddeformation
of an annulus of propellantstabilisedby petroleumjelly. Note that because the liquid
ring does not have a uniform thickness, the region of contact spreadsround during
the firstfew frames.
Figure 13. Selectedframes from the high speed photographicrecord of the rapid deformation
of two drops of propellant.Note the jetting that occurs when the drops make contact
from 2177s onwards.
Bubble collapse and the initiation of explosiont
BY N. K. Bo(itxE
,J. E. FIELD anl (Chemistryof Solids. ('ar-ediit Laboratory. (aibridge CB3 0HE. U.K.
Experiments were conducted to investigate the initiation of an emulsion explosive
containing cavities. (lindrial cavities were created in thin sheets of either gelatine
or an ammonium nitrate/sodium nitrate emulsion confined between transparent
blocks. Shocks were launched into the sheets with either a flier-plate or an explosive
plane-wave generator so as to collapse the cavities asymmetrically. The closure of the
cavities and subsequent reaction in the explosive was photographed by using highspeed framing cameras. The collapse of the cavity proceeded in several stages. First.
a high-speed jet was formed which crossed the cavity and hit the downstream wall
sending ont a shock wave into the surrounding material. Secondly, gas within the
cavity vas heated by rapid compression achieving temperatures sufficient to lead to
vas luminescence. Finally. the jet penetrated the downstream wall to form a pair of
vortices which travelled downstream with the flow. When such a cavity collapsed in
an explosive, a reaction was observed to start in the vapour contained within the
cavity and in the material around the heated gas. The ignition of material at the
point at which the jet hit was found to be the principal ignition mechanism.
1. Introduction
The initiation of reaction in an explosive is a thermal process. Bowden & Yoffe (1952.
1958) and co,-workers explained how mechanical energy dissipated by the passage of
a shock wave through an explosive (.an he degraded into heat in order to cause
ignition. They showed that bulk heating of a material may be insufficient to cause
ignition buet that heating in small. localized regions. called hot spots. would allow
energy (oncentrations from which thermal explosion could proceed. They identified
several mechanisms that lead to hot-spot formation including, frictional heating at
the confinement boundaries. at the surface of adjacent explosive grains or at the
surface of contaminant grit particles, viscous heating of the explosive at high flowvrates during impact andl adiabatic compression of entrapped gas by shock waves.
Later studies have identified other mechanisms leading to hot-spot formation.
WVinter & Field (1975) impacted single crystals of silver and lead azide with small
particles and concluded from critical conditions of particle size and impact velocity
that initiation must have occurred in hot-spots produced by adiabatic shear. Similar
results were obtained by Heavens & Field (1974). In a much wider study. Field et al.
(19S2) impacted various explosives in an adapted drop-weight machine and observed
hot-spots caused by a wide variety of effects including adiabatic shear of the
explosive. adiabatic compression of trapped gas. viscous flow. fracture of added
particles and tribolumines<ent dis(harge. Further evidence for a shear-banding
initiation mechanism in drop-weight tests in presnted in Krishna Mohan et al.
+ This palter wa, a.repted as a rapid communication.
J'-r," .1
Lid A I l9.1 435. 423- 435
Ppw,'e it, G;r,tl Briffit,
N. K. Bourn(- and J. E. Field
(1989). In studies on liquid explosives. (olev & Field (1973) were able to demonstrate
the important roles of cavity collapse in both the initiation of fast reaction and the
transition to low velocity detonation. Coffey (1985. 1989) has attributed energy
localization in hot-spots during plastic deformation of a solid crystal to dislocation
motion and pile-up. ('haudhri et al. (1982) and Chaudhri (1989) reported initiation of
a fresh emulsion explosive caused by collapsing a alass bubble with a 2 Ga shock.
They attributed the initiation to a hydrodynamic phenomenon: the impact of a highspeed microjet formed by the collapsing cavity. and suggested that the jet was
heated by shock compression. Recent work has demonstrated hot-spots formed at
absorbing centres after laser irradiation of secondary explosives (Ng et al. 1986:
(stmark 1985: Renlund et al. 1989: Paisley 1989). With sufficiently heavy
confinement. Tasaki et al. (1989) have realized a single-stage detonator containing a
secondary explosive initiated by a laser pulse.
CavitY collapse has been studied for many%, years to explain the cavitation-erosion
of hy-draulic machinery and ship propellers. The earliest studies include the
contributions of Besant (18.59) and Rayleigh (1917) to a mathematical understanding
of the svmmetrical collapse of a single. isolated cavity. Kornfeld & Suvorov (1944)
were the first to suggest that cavities might collapse asymmetrically to form a liquid
jet while theoretical and experimental results in which a *tongue of liquid 'was found
to be projected into bubbles accelerated in a gravitational field were presented by
Walters & Davidson (1962. 1963). Benjamin & Ellis (1966) observed the formation
of a liquid microjet in their classic photographic study and provided a theoretical
discussion of the asymmetric collapse. The flow perturbations of an adjacent solid
boundary were shown to give rise to a liquid jet directed towards the solid surface
in calculations by Plesset & ('hapman (1971). It is important to differentiate
asymmetric collapses in which the jet results from a constant pressure gradient
across the cavity from those in which the jet is a consequence of the transient
pressure pulse from a shock wave. In the latter case. as in the present work, a jet is
formed which travels in the direction of the shock front (Dear 1985: Dear & Field
1988: Bourne 1989: Bourne & Field 1989).
Pore space is found within an explosive charge both by accident and design.
Pressed granular explosives contain cavities with sizes in the range of 10-100 ptm.
Cast explosives contain bubbles formed by stresses induced during recrystallization
and by differential cooling rates at the confinement-explosive boundary. Polymer
bonded explosives (PBXs) are largely cavity free when unloaded but debond at the
crvstal-binder interface when stressed to leave cavities (Field et al. 1985). Emulsion
explosives are deliberately sensitized to ignition by the addition of small
(ca. 10-10) lpm diameter) glass spheres. whilst prilled ammonium nitrate is added to
fuel oil trapping gas within the prill volume. In all cases. the collapse of pore volume
may lead to the ignition of the material.
Gas compression within an explosive was identified as a cause of hot-spots in the
work of Bowden & Yoffe (1952) and more recently in that of Chaudhri & Field (1974)
and Starkenberg (1981). Bowden & Yoffe considered that the trapped gas was
compressed sufficiently rapidly in a shock interaction that the process was adiabatic.
Chaudhri & Field (1974) altered the gas content of bubbles attached to single crystals
of silver and lead azide and pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) and found that this
variation of y. the ratio of the specific heat capacities. could be used to enhance or
inhibit initiation when the bubble was subsequently collapsed. They concluded that
in their investigations adiabatic compression was the principal cause of ignition.
Prw . R N,,.
Lond A (IC11i
Bubble collapse and the initiation of explosion
It may be noted that the value for y taken in calculations of temperature should
be modified since the number of degrees of freedom available to the molecules of a
rapidly compressed gas is reduced. This increases the value of y and thus elevates the
temperatures achieved.
Starkenberg (1981) differentiated between two regimes. In adiabatic compression,
a high temperature reservoir was created by a very rapid collapse which subsequently
heated an adjacent explosive layer to the point of ignition. Alternatively, if the
collapse occurred more slowly over 0.1-1 ms (as was the case in Bowden & Yoffe's
work) considerable energy was lost by conduction and convection during the process.
Starkenberg suggested that an adiabatic gas-heating model was insufficient to
explain ignition in rapid collapses and hypothesized a more comprehensive analysis
which included other parameters such as the pressurization rate of the gas at the
solid surface and the dimensions of the gas space. He pointed out that heat
conduction calculations could only be accurate if the increase of the heat conductivity
of the gas with pressure was taken into account and that some gases (such as
methane) were more efficient than others at transferring their heat across an
explosive boundary even though they had a lower value of y.
Seay & Seely (1961) reported that the shock initiation of a pressing of granular
PETN was insensitive to varying the y of the gas contained in the pore space of the
explosive. They also lowered the pressure of the air in the interstitial sites, again
without altering initiation thresholds. However, calculations for the ignition of lead
azide presented by Chaudhri & Field (1974) suggested that if collapse times were
sufficiently slow (ca. 100 gs) then conduction was important. Johansson (1958)
calvulated the increase in temperature around a gas cavity due to heating from the
compressed gas and showed it to be insufficient to cause ignition. He hypothesized
that small drops were spalled into the hot gas from the collapsing cavity walls and
that the increase in temperature due to reaction of these particles was sufficient to
ignite the surrounding mass of explosive. It should be noted that any cavity will
contain vapour from the surrounding medium and that when cavities are small, it is
unlikely that the conduction of heat from the hot gas within the cavity into the
explosive material is fast enough to allow ignition to occur. It seems probable,
therefore, that examples in which ignition events have been so attributed have been
due to other process.
Work due to Swallowe. presented by Dear et al. (1988), showed a crystal of a
primary explosive placed in the downstream cavity wall (at the point at which the
jet would strike) of a 3 mm, two-dimensional bubble initiated by the collapse of the
cavity. When the experiment was repeated hitting an unconfined azide crystal with
an equivalent liquid jet no initiation was observed. The authors attributed the
initiation to the adiabatic compression of the gas in these large cavities.
Taylor (1985) studied the shock initiation of three grades of hexanitrostilbene
(HNS). He described experimental evidence in which coarse-grained material
(average pore size 5.30 p.m) was found to initiate less readily than a medium grade
(average pore size 0.61 gam). A further fine-grained material (average pore size
0.15 pm) was found anomalously to be less sensitive than the medium grained
material. These results and those presented in the rest of this section indicate the
difficulties encountered in understanding the particular mechanisms responsible for
ignition when cavities collapse within energetic materials.
Johnson (1986) attempted an analytical analysis of hot-spot initiation under
various pressure rdgimes. He adopted an approach which avoided any discussion of
Pr(w, R. 8w. Lod. A (1991)
N. K. Bourne and J. E. Field
the formation of the hot spots by assuming their pre-existence at an elevated
temperature within the bulk of the explosive and analysed their subsequent
behaviour. The numerical analysis of growth of reaction to detonation in
inhomogeneous explosives has been attempted by many, but most notably by Mader
et al. (1967), Mader (1979). Mader & Kershner (1985, 1989). In his early work Mader
considered the collapse of single, two-dimensional cavities in inert and reactive
media. He showed that for small cavities at high shock pressures, gas effects were
negligible and that hydrodynamic mechanisms gave rise to the high temperatures
calculated around the point at which impact of the jet occurred. In recent years his
two-dimensional analyses have been extended to three dimensions. His models show
that it is the material in the region ahead of the downstream cavity wall that forms
the hot-spot and that reaction in this area must be supported by that at adjacent
sites if the initiation is to grow into a deflagration.
Frey (1985) presented a model whereby initiation of a solid explosive occurred by
single cavity collapse. His work was based on Carroll & Holt's analysis (1972:
Butcher el al. 1974: Carroll & Kim 1986) of the collapse of a cavity in an
incompressible elastic-plastic medium in which there were several contributions to
the temperature rise in the explosive. He assumed, in the most general case, that a
gas-filled cavity was situated in a material with elastic-plastic behaviour and
identified the following contributors to temperature rise: (i) gas phase heating; (ii)
hydrodynamic effects resulting from the compressibility of the material; (iii) inviscid
plastic work done in overcoming the yield strength of the material; (iv) visco-plastic
work depending on the viscosity of the material.
The results of Frey's model showed various features of the collapse process.
Hydrodynamic heating was significant when the strength or viscosity of the medium
was insufficient to prevent the radial collapse from being violent enough to cause
high-speed jetting or in the symmetric case, high radial velocities. Viscous heating
dominated over that generated by inviscid-plastic work when cavities were less than
I pm in diameter. In a similar model, Butler et al. (1989) added chemical
Past work has demonstrated that the pore-size and the transport properties of the
surrounding material greatly influence the principal mechanism by which the
explosive ignites. In the present work the cavity size is large and the shock pressure
is high while the emulsion is of relatively low viscosity. Hydrodynamic heating in the
region struck by the jet and adiabatic heating in the compressed gas may be expected
to be the principal ignition mechanisms.
2. Experimental
A method by which liquid drop impact phenomena can be studied two
dimensionally was proposed by Brunton (1967). He suggested that discs might
replace drops and with Camus designed an apparatus in which a disc of water was
held under its own surface tension between two glass blocks and impacted with a
metal slider (Brunton & Camus 1970; Camus 1971). The technique was adapted by
Dear (1985) to use water with 12% by weight gelatine which gave more accurate
control over the geometry of the drops. Dear later used the method to look at other
liquid geometries such as wedges and a few simple cavity collapse configurations
(Dear 1985; Dear & Field 1988).
The advantage of studying bubble collapse two dimensionally was that details of
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A (1991)
Bubbb collapse and the initiation of explosion
I mm
Figure I. The as'ymmetrical collapse of cvlindrical. air filled bubbles in gelatine. (a) The incident
shock. S. of pressure 0).26 (;|a. collapses a 12 mm cavity. Note the air shock. A. bouncing within
the cavit% and the formation of a jet which strikes the downstream wall in frame 3 isolating two
lohes ot entrapped gas. (b) The shock, of strength 1.88 GPa. collapses a 6 mm cavity. The jet is
crossing the left-hand cavity faster than the incident shock is moving. A second cavity on the right
has alrMeady collapsed and two points of light are seen from the trapped lobes of luminescing gas.
At hi,,.,eir shock pressures the basic features of collapse behaviour are preserved.
Ho-wever. three variations are worthy of note. Firstly. the jet no longer travels at
constant velocity. Secondly. the jet velocity can exceed that of the collapsing shock.
Thirdly. the gas can be sufficiently compressed that temperatures can rise sufficiently
to allow gas-luminescence. A more detailed account of the collapse behaviour of
single cavities at varying pressures is given in Bourne & Field (1991).
(h) High teiperatures in collapsing carities
Figure 2a shows three frames from a sequence in which a single 6 mm cavity
collapses after interaction with a 1.88 'lla shock. The interframe time is 0.2 s and
the exposure time for each frame is 20 ns. The cavity is approaching the final stages
of collapse and is hidden behind the collapse shock-front. In frame 1 a single flash of
light. .J. is seen. In frame 2 no luminescence is observed. In frame 3 two flashes. L.
are seen. The dark cusp to the right of the frame is an artefact introduced by the
display circuitry of the camera. The schematic shows the mlative positions of the
three points of luminescence. The first corresponds to the impact of the jet at the
downstream wall. whilst the other two correspond to the position of the lobes of
trapped gas isolated by Jet penetration of the downstream wall as in figure lb.
Lmnid A (110111
V,4 43
N. K. Boiirpi' awl 1. E. Fi'eld
Interframne time 0.2 ps
in Li[atmne
tit, hY i ,s
Fluio r 2 T h ret. vwl~vlt I xe framnes of the vo (lapse of a 6 titm (vtY
Pa shack.
:, 1ral.
I Amh
t ailt 11fineseen ce .1 tront gas trapped bet ween the jet t ip and tit
he h W ist fed in
,iVl1\ NAI
all Ut htare thet jet strikes the downst ream wall. Tho luiniescence is fnat apparenlt in)
oent ra pp ed gras, L ha ve been St tioa
ted atid begin to Ia ml f-sve. Tilt
fra nilt 2 RY tra til 3 t \%Iloe.
t he relative posit ions at' the Hlashes .1 and L.
M henmau t
The first flash of ligtht is believed to he (tue to 'he violent shock heating of a pocket
ofas tra pped bet wevin the jet and( the downstream cavity wall at the mioment before
mpa (t -'[he luminescence has been attributed byWlton (in tDear et al. 198S) to 'free
radical creat ionJ and radiative recomblination *. This places a lower limit of ca. 804 K
01) thec temperature of the contained gws. Bowden & Yoffe (1952) suggested that
71"I) K w a:s thbe mnlinium temnperature needed within a collapsed bubble to initiate anl
explosive. Spxetrfoscopic measurements of the temperatures reached within a hot spot tit an explosive hiave- been made 1)* several wvorkers, (e.g. Von Holle & Tarver
191811 vielding values of between flm)I and 16WOK. It is clear that ignition
tent pleralur. can he reachied durn fi thec final stages of cavitY collapse in the present
vxcrxllten went
(r) ht 1-spotjo)rmfttion in an eiaiioti
The Se1((tence of fitzure :3 showi two tranli from a high-speed sequence in which
ftur cav-ities. two of diameter .5 ff111 andl two oftljiameter S mm. are collapsed by a
shock of pressure S (;P~a (leaving the PNOMA attenuator). The sequence is unlit. the
recorded illumination being due to reaction. The cavities are arranged at the corners
()li squfare. ( n the first row%is a 5 mmn cavity at the tcp left of the frame and an 8 mm
en vit~ below it. ( )n the secondl row%is ani S rm cavity at the top right of the frami,'and it 5 mnill cavit ' belou it. The. interframe time is I is. andl the exposure time for
cilch frame is 0.1 p±s. Schematic (liagris of the same scale are placed to the right oi
each picture. The collapsing shock has entered from the left-hand side of the sequence
and tin the first frame. the shock has completely collapse-d the small cavit.-s at the top
left of the tramec. A Hlash of light. 1. c-an Ile seen centred upon the point of jet impact.
The downstream portion oIf the lwrcavity is still visihle but the centre portion
contins a dlark area. .J. corresponding to the position (If the jet. Reaction has not
started ahcad (If this po~int suggestin2 either that the jet has not vet hit or that an
inductioni period exists after the jet impacts before the reaction begins. Above the jet
is ani ,'rca of reactiofn. (.. in tithe vapour within the cavit ,y. Below- the jet. a small
amount of reaction, W. takes place ini the emulsion adjacent to the cavity wall. In
I Aa'.119111f
Bubble eollapse and the initiation of explosion
lnlerframe time I
iv'ore- 3. Aft array of rour cavities of diameter5 mm and 8 mm in an emulsion explosive is collapsed
, a shock. S. running fromy left to right. In frame I the upper cavity has collapsed and a region
of reaction. It. has been initiated. The lower cavity, in the final stages oi collapse, shows reaction
in area (. the vapour contained within the cavity. and 'N the material adjacent to the heated
downstream wall. A schematic to the right of the frame shows the relative position of the cavities
and rvaction sites. In franie t%%(. the upper cavity has finished reacting. Reaction begins at T. a
regnion in the eimulsion ahead of the point \ here the jet strikes. The sequence is unlit.
the second frame, the shock. S. has moved further across the frame and to the right.
The reaction site. H. ahead of the uprier bubble has extinguished. However, reaction
in the lower bIbble. T. proceeds at the point of jet impact. Areas adjacent to the
trapped lobes of hot gas. L. do not begin to react. The ignition site is centred in the
material directl *%
ahead of the impacting jet. J. in frame 1.
The sequence shows several features of cavity collapse commented upon by other
workers. There is evidence of reaction occurring in the explosive yap ur trapped in
the hot lobes of gas as suggested b*y .Johansson (1958). Albo heat conduction into the
surrounding material has caused some reaction. However. the principal ignition
mechanism in this situation appm-ars to be the impact of the jet. Hydrodynamic
CotnJlression of the material at the downstream wall causes the temperature rise
necessary to trigger the onset of reaction. In these experiments reaction sites have a
lifetime of' c. 5 ps and reaction is occurring alja.L of the collapse shock. S. at both
sites, indicative of the supersonic jet velocities achieved.
P' -,
? .',,,w L-o,# A ( IM 1
N. K. Bourne and J. E. Field
Interframe time 2 ps
Figure 4. The collapse of a 3 x 3 square array of 5 mm cavities punched into the emulsion. The
shovk. S.enters from below causing two points of reaction. R. on the upstream wall. A double
image occurs here and with other reaction sites because of refraction through the shock in the
contining blocks. Collapse- of the array proceeds row by row with reaction sites ahead of the incident
shock. The average litcrime of" sites is 5 ps. The sequence is unlit.
(d)The collapse of a raVity array in an emulsion explosire
Figure 4 shows the collapse of a 3 x 3 square array of 5 mm cavities punched into
the emulsion. The shock. S. enters from below and is of the same pressure as before.
Again the emulsion i,sandwiched between PMMA blocks and spacers confine the
emulsion at the sides. The interframe time is 2 gts and the exposure time for each
frame is 0.1 ps. The shock. S. can be seen entering frame 1 below. The eavitIv on the
right of the first row shows t-wo points of light. R. at the shock front. These are
believed to be two reacting sites produced at irregularities on the cavity wall. A
double image of these sites is apparent. due to refraction through shocks running at
different velocities in the PMMA confinement and in the emulsion. The material
ahead of 'he point at which the jet strikes reacts in frame 2 and the sites.
characteristically kidney-shaped. persist until frame 6. Again. double images occur.
The second row is nearing the end of collapse in frame 5 and reaction is beginning in
the central of the three cavities due to the slight curvature of the shock front. In the
next frame the sites grow in the central and the right-hand cavities.
The collapse of cavity arrays was studied by Dear & Field (1988). They' showed
that a wave was formed which travelled through collapsing the array row by row.
Bourne & Field (199W) calculated the velocity of such a wave and found it to be
dependent upon the shock pressure. the (avity diameter and inter-cavity spacing.
Onlv the first row of a square array is collapsed by the incident shock. The second
row is collapsed by the shocks driven by the jets striking the downstream wall. Thus
collapse proceeds in a row hY row manner as observed in the sequence. As in §3c. the
reaction sites are found in the material ahead of the downstream cavity wall. Also.
Pr-, R.or,Lond A (1991)
Bi/Thh' ro//a p~e (and I&~ initiationt of explosion
since the( jet
the ineidvi a
7 ps and] on
hleteri leleou((
velocit 'y (an exceed the~ shock velocit, .the reaction initiates ahead of
sh ak. The reacting region ignites at the point of jet impact but a
dleflagration wave is not produced. The lifetime of the sites is at most
avera ,re 5 p,. The sequence p~resents a macroscopic picture of the
react ioni zone in at shockedI exjilosivc-.
4. Conclusions
This study- has p~resentedl a description of the collap~se of cavities within inert and
reactive mledia. Single cavities collapsed asynimetrically when shock waves passed
over thenm forming a high-speed jet which travelled at constant velocity across the
(avit ,v anid struck the downstream wall. This impact drove a second shock into the
sirriiiL, fluid w hich could run ahevad of the collapsing shock when the latter was
at suthficntllv elevated p~ressure. Gas trapped wvithin the cavit' was heated rapidly
durin tite closure achiev inu temperatures sufficient to cause luminescence wvhen the.
(,OM1 lressi( 0 ralte wat. highl. When the jet struck the dlownstream wall high transient
te1corat tires were achieved in the liquid as it was hydrodynamically compressed.
while als thet Jet penetrated the wall a pair of linear vortices formed which travelled
downstream with the flow after the collapse wvas complete.
When such at cavity, collapsed within an emulsion explosive several of the
phenomena idecntified as leading to high temperatures competed to cause ignition of
the material. R-eaction was ohservedl firstllv within the vapour contained within the
cavity in the final moments of' collapse. secondly in the material adjacent to the
heate:d as.. at the downstream cavity wall and thirdly. and principally, by
ht"vdrod ,vnamiie heating of material at the point of impact of the high-speed jet. Such
a mechankis
is iii ac'ordl withI the tniodel of M1ader & Kershner (1989).
ythe colpeof the
InI cavit \ array,s. co)llapse p~roceeded in a wave trgee
outermost shell of cavities, and propagated l)i'v subsequent collapse of inner shells by
thie rebound shocks fromt adjacent rows. Rleaction sites were found to be ahead of the
collapise sin ick. had anl average lifetime of5 pIs and ldied in the flow behind the shock.
A wiave (travelling, close to the shock velocity) triggered reaction sites in the material
ahead of the collapsing cavity lay'er. These sites persisted as reaction proceeded in the
low%behind the collapse-front constitutingu a dleflagration wave in the material. High
voidl fractions 'gave many\ hot-spots but redlucedl the available material for reaction.
Low void fractions gave scatteredl reacting sites which did not constitute a
propalgatinv (deflagration.
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Herv'ured 17 .unp 19u91. rerised 12 .4suwt 1.9-9J: accepted 29 Auqs~t 1991
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