Thermodynamic optimization of the Ho–Sn system

2014, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

MATEC Web of Conferences 3, 01051 (2013) DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/20130301051  C Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2013 Thermodynamic optimization of the Ho–Sn system A. Iddaoudi, N. Selhaoui, S. Kardellass, M. Ait Amar, R. Karioui, K. Mahdouk, H. Najih, and L. Bouirden Laboratory of Thermodynamics and Energy (L.T.E.), Faculty of science, B.P 8106, University Ibn Zohr, 80000 Agadir, Morocco 1 Introduction The alloy systems or intermetallic compounds composed of rare earth and Sn have attracted the attention for the magnetic materials [1]. The R-Sn binary systems generally present a high number of intermetallic compounds, often generated by peritectic reactions, and their definition has always been very complex owing to the high oxidizability of the alloys in large ranges of their composition. For this reason some of these diagrams have not been completely defined yet. By modeling the Ho–Sn alloy, a self-consistent description of the phase relations and thermodynamic data was obtained by means of the CALPHAD technique [2] in present work. measurements method. Bulanova et al [5] measured the enthalpies of dissolution of Ho in liquid Sn at 1473 K. 3 Results and discussions The optimization of the thermodynamic parameters was carried out by using the PARROT [11] module of the Thermo-Calc software [12], which is based on a least square procedure. The parameters for the liquid phase were first optimized by the experimental data of phase diagram and thermodynamics of the liquid. The congruent intermetallic compound is going to be investigated next. The other compounds were consequently optimized by using phase diagram data reported by Bulanova et al [5] and thermodynamic information of the compounds. All the parameters were evaluated and listed in Table 1. 2 Experimental data The Ho-Sn binary system was investigated by Bulanova et al. [3] using thermal and microscopic analysis and reported the existence of five intermetallic compounds Ho5Sn3, Ho11Sn10, HoSn2, Ho2Sn5 and HoSn3. Later, Palenzona and Manfrinetti [4] studied the phase diagram in the Sn-rich region. For the HoSn2, Ho2Sn5 and HoSn3 compounds, a peritectic formation were reported respectively at 1403 K, 793 K, and 693 K. Recently, by X-ray diffraction and microscopy technique, Bulanova et al [5] reinvestigated the system; seven intermetallic compounds were reported (Ho 5Sn3, Ho5Sn4, Ho11Sn10, Ho4Sn5, HoSn2, Ho2Sn5 and HoSn3). For the Ho5Sn3 compound, a congruent melting was estimated at 2188 K, while the Ho5Sn4, Ho11Sn10, Ho4Sn5, HoSn2, Ho2Sn5 and HoSn3 compounds, a peritectic formation was reported, respectively, at 1993 K, 1865 K, 1417 K, 1387 K, 782 K and 693 K. Meschel and Kleppa [6] measured the standard enthalpy of formation of Ho 5Sn3 using the differential calorimetry method. Colinet et al. [7] and Witusiewicz et al. [8] calculated the enthalpies of formation for four intermetallic compounds: Ho5Sn3, Ho5Sn4, HoSn2 and HoSn3. The enthalpies of formation of HoSn2 and HoSn3 has been measured respectively, by Lebedev et al. [9] and Yamshchikov et al. [10] using the electromotive force Figure 2. The calculated phase diagram of the Ho–Sn system compared with the experimental data [4]. Fig. 1 shows the calculated equilibrium phase diagram with all experimental data used in the optimization. A This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2 .0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at or MATEC Web of Conferences satisfactory agreement is noted in most of experimental data. The calculated invariant reactions of the Ho-Sn system are listed in table 2 and compared with the experimental results from [5]. The assessed enthalpies of formation of the intermetallic compounds compared with experimental measurements are plotted in Fig. 4 and Table 3. The calculated enthalpies agree well with the experimental data [6, 10]. Table 2. Invariant reactions in the Ho–Sn system. Reaction Liq ↔ βSn + HoSn3 Bulanova et al [4]. T(K) This work T(K) 2 0.999 505 1 Liq + Ho2Sn5 ↔ HoSn2 693 782 995 992 693 782 .998 0.992 Liq + HoSn2↔Ho4Sn5 1387 700 1380 0.683 Liq + Ho4Sn5 ↔ Sn10Ho11 1417 660 1423 0.666 Liq + Sn10Ho11 ↔ Ho5Sn4 1865 490 1868 0.535 Liq + Ho5Sn4 ↔ Ho5Sn3 Liq ↔ Ho5Sn3 Liq ↔ Ho + Ho5Sn3 1993 0.460 1991 0.474 2188 1525 130 2181 1525 0.135 Liq + HoSn3 ↔ Ho2Sn5 References 1. X.C. Zhong, M. Zou, H. Zhang, Z.W. Liu, D.C. Zeng et al, J. Appl. Phys. 109 07A917 (2011) 2. L. Kaufman and H. Bernstein, Computer Calculations of Phase Diagrams, Academic Press, New-York, NY (1970) 3. M.V. Bulanova and P.S. Martsenjuk, Poroshk. Metall. 5 82 (1991) 4. Palenzona, P. Manfrinetti, J. Alloys. Compd. 201 43 (1993) 5. M.V. Bulanova, V.N. Eremenko, V.M. Petjukh, V.R. Sidorko, J. Phase Equilib. 19 136 (1998) 6. S.V. Meschel, O.J. Kleppa, J. Alloys Compd. 238 180 (1996) 7. C. Colinet, A. Pasturel, J. Less-Common Met. 102 167 (1984) 8. V.T. Witusiewicz, V.R. Sidorko, M.V. Bulanova, J. Alloys. Compd. 248 233 (1997) 9. V.A. Lebedev, Y.I. Kober, L.E Yamshchikov, Thermochemistry of Alloys of Rare Earth and Actinoid Elements, Tchelyabinsk, Metallurgia 1989 10. L.F. Yamshchikov, V.A. Lebedev, S.R Raspopin, P.A. Arhipov, Izv. V.U.Z. Tsvetn. Metall. 4 83 (1984) 11. B. Jansson, Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1984 12. B. Sundman, J.-O. Andersson, Calphad 9 153 (1985) Table 4. Calculated and measured enthalpies of formation of the intermetallic compounds. Phase Ho5Sn3 Ho5Sn4 HoSn2 HoSn3 Ho2Sn5 Ho4Sn5 Ho11Sn10 ∆Hformation (kJ mol-1 at-1) Technique used Reference -73.5±2.3 -59 -62±5 -71.1 -68±6 -66 -74.3 -64.3±0.9 Calorimetry Estimation Estimation Optimization Estimation Estimation Optimization emf [6] [7] [8] This work [8] [7] This work [9] -55 -65.3 -48.2±0.65 -42 -43±6 -48.9 -56 -71.7 -75.9 Estimation Modélisation emf Estimation Estimation Optimization Optimization Optimization Optimization [7] This work [10] [7] [8] This work This work This work This work 4 Conclusion The present work reviewed critically the experimental information on phase diagram and thermodynamic properties of the Ho-Sn binary system in published literature. A set of self-consistent thermodynamic parameters formulating the Gibbs energies of various phases in the Bi-Ni binary system were obtained, which can reproduce well most of the experimental data on thermodynamic properties and phase diagram. 01051-p.2