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Pendidikan pada hakikatnya adalah usaha sadar yang dilakukan seseorang dalam mendapatkan sebuah pengalaman untuk mewujudkan proses pembelajaran demi tercapainya tujuan-tujuan pembelajaran yang telah ditetapkan. Pendidikan merupakan proses belajar-mengajar agar seseorang dapat berpikir secara arif dan lebih bijaksana. Itulah mengapa pendidikan memiliki peran yang sangat penting
During the excavation of a large building referable to the Brettiian culture and datable between the 4th and 3rd centuries BC at Tiriolo (Catanzaro), in the locality of Gianmartino, 110 Punic silver coins and 175 bronze coins (mostly Brettian) were recovered. The Punic coins and some groups of bronze ones were clearly grouped together, with an evident intent of hoarding. All of the coins were lost or hoarded shortly before a violent fire destroyed the building, an event almost certainly to be placed in the Hannibalic period, during the resistance by Hannibal and his Brettian allies against Rome (216-203 BC). Previous excavations in a neighbouring area had yielded the discovery of five bronze blank coins, still joined by the casting shanks, possibly documenting the existence of a mint in the area for the production of coins.
Chiara Sanmorì “Un frammento inedito di sarcofago dal territorio di Marcellianum” L’insediamento di Marcellianum (Regio III Lucania et Bruttium) sede, come ricorda Cassiodoro nelle “Variae” di un’importante fiera e sede diocesana attestata storicamente per la prima volta in un’epistola di papa Gelasio I (492-496) in cui viene citato il presule Sabino, è stato localizzato nei pressi del celebre battistero di San Giovanni in fonte databile al V-VI secolo. L’individuazione di questo frammento inedito di sarcofago di tarda età costantiniana nell’attuale centro di Padula consente di aggiungere un tassello significativo al quadro ancora poco definito delle trasformazioni di questo territorio in epoca tardo antica e medievale, rappresentando, al momento la più antica testimonianza dell’esistenza nell’area di una comunità cristiana, della sua vitalità e dei suoi rapporti con Roma quale centro di produzione di questo tipo di manufatti.
Cadernos Metrópole, 2017
O poder da mineração no Brasil, particularmente em Minas Gerais, interfere no planejamento territorial e nos direitos da população atingida, que habita as áreas de interesse das mineradoras. Este artigo propõe refletir sobre a correlação de forças que resultou no rompimento da barragem em Mariana (MG), em 2015, e os conflitos territoriais em torno da desterritorialização de Bento Rodrigues e Paracatu de Baixo. A metodologia inclui revisão bibliográfica e análise dos discursos pós- -desastre de atores locais. Debater sobre o modelo exploratório da mineração subentende refletir sobre participação popular no planejamento territorial, sendo necessária uma leitura crítica sobre o refreamento da autonomia dos atingidos, buscando reconhecer o conflito como motor na construção de cidadania e justiça social e ambiental nas cidades. Palavras-chave: planejamento territorial; mineração; Mariana; Minas Gerais; Brasil.
Research on Growth Studies Seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) with Various Different Planting Methods on Kalianda Strait, South Lampung" was done March until April 2010. The aim of this research ware to know and analyze the ratio of floating raft method, long line method, and off-bottom method to growth from Eucheuma cottonii covering as follows : growth rate; growth relative; and weight accretion. The data obtained were analyzed using parametric statistics with more than two different test groups (One Way ANOVA) and continued with LSD test on α = 5% level if data was significantly affected. The results of showed that the floating raft method is more effective than other farming methods. The highest growth rate of Eucheuma cottonii on the floating raft method amounted to 48.40% gr / day. As the same with highest growth relative was found in the floating raft method amounted to 1.569 g and weight accretion of highest on the method of long line of 122.39 gr.
There is broad literature on the emotional effect of odors but, so far, little concern with the precise mechanism underlying the elicitation of emotions via olfactory stimuli. One reason for this neglect might be the lack of answers to a major question that underlie any research on odors and emotions: What exactly are the emotions associated to odors and how are they organised? The major issue addressed in the present paper concerns the nature of the verbal labels that refer to the specific states produced by odors. We conducted a series of studies in order to examine which terms are best suited to describe the feelings associated to odors and autobiographical memories. In Study 1, the relevance of a broad list of candidate affect terms to describe odor-related feelings was examined by two groups of participants with different level of knowledge about odors. In study 2, the most relevant terms retained from study 1 were evaluated with actual odorant samples and the data were submitted to a series of exploratory factor analyses to reduce the set of variables to a smaller set of summary-scales and to get a preliminary sense of the differentiation of affects elicited by odors. The Study 3 replicated Study 2 with a larger and more representative sample of odorant samples and participants. Overall, the findings point to a structure of affective responses to odors that differs from the more traditional taxonomies of emotion such as posited by discrete emotion or dimensional theories and suggest that affective states elicited by odors are structured around few dimensions that clearly reflect the role of olfaction in social interactions, danger prevention and arousal/relaxation sensations.
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Age, Ages and Ageing in the Greco-Roman World, eds. M. Harlow & L. Larsson Lovén, 2022
conference Proceedngs Scientific Conference "Knowledge, Science, Technologies, Innovation". 15 December 2023, Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria). Veliko Tarnovo:Institute for Knowledge, Science, Innovtion. 2023 ISBN 215-3472, 2023
Oxford Handbook of Communist Visual Cultures, 2020
IKUWA6 Shared Heritage: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress for Underwater Archaeologythe Sixth International Congress for Underwater Archaeology, 2020
Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies
IE Revista de Investigación Educativa de la REDIECH
Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2012
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2005
Neuro-Oncology, 2014
ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 2022