– First published in the Proceedings of the 6th IBIMA Conference on Managing Information in the Digital Economy,
June 19-21, 2006, Bonn, Germany –
Success and Failure Factors for Software Architecture
Niina Hämäläinen, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland,
[email protected]
Jouni Markkula, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland,
[email protected]
Tanja Ylimäki, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland,
[email protected]
Markku Sakkinen, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland,
[email protected]
This paper provides a view of the software
architecture development and management
process. It reviews the literature and practitioners’
experiences relating to the factors that cause
success and failure for software architecture and
classifies these factors into subgroups. This study
demonstrates that the success of software
architecture depends on multiple factors. Project
communication, the skills of architects and
architectural know-how, architecture methods and
practices, the quality of system requirements and,
finally, architecture solutions seem to affect the
achievement of successful architecture.
1. Introduction
Currently, a concern of many ICT-service
providers and user organisations in their system
development work is software architecture.
Another central issue in this development work is
the quality of the system. Software architecture is a
critical factor in the design and construction of any
complex software-intensive systems. Software
architecture has an impact on the quality of the
system. On one hand, a good architecture can help
ensure that a system will satisfy key requirements
in such areas as performance, reliability,
portability, scalability, and interoperability [10].
On the other hand, a bad architecture can be
disastrous. It may prevent the achievement of goals
that are set for the system.
Architecture evaluation is a way to increase the
understanding of the quality of architecture. A
variety of methods is being developed for the
evaluation of software architectures. Evaluation
methods developed during the last decade are, for
example, SAAM [15], ATAM [16], ARID [8] and
ALMA [4]. Evaluation objectives, criteria, as well
as evaluation targets, examined by the software
architecture evaluation methods, differ markedly.
Evaluation objectives and use cases are discussed
in some method comparisons (e.g. [2, 9]) and other
studies (e.g. [13]). In spite of this discussion in
various papers, evaluation criteria and metrics are
presently neither established nor detailed yet.
Nevertheless several evaluation criteria and metrics
descriptions exist. Software architecture evaluation
criteria are discussed for example by Hilliard et al.
[11, 12] and Losavio et al. [18, 19]. One reason for
the non-establishment of architecture evaluation
criteria and metrics may be that common views on
what is successful software architecture and what
factors have an effect on achieving it do not exist. It
is not clear what targets and factors should be
evaluated and measured. However, successful
architecture is a widely used concept.
Academia and practitioners have come to realize that
a critical success factor for system design and
development is finding a successful architecture.
Although the idea of a successful architecture is not
clearly defined, practitioners and academia have
become increasingly interested in what makes
software architectures succeed or fail. The identified
success and failure factors help system development
managers and architects make a number of critical
decisions. These decisions relate, for example, to the
selection of evaluation criteria and metrics for the
quality assessment of architectures and architecture
management processes.
It is generally known that the success of software
architecture is typically influenced by factors at
various levels. However, these factors are mainly
discussed only in a few studies and reports organised
and produced by some research institutes and the
ICT industry (e.g. [21], [1], [5]). Thus, these factors
are, as yet, far from having been fully investigated in
Our study contributes to this field with an
identification and analysis of success and failure
factors of software architecture. Our research
involved reviewing the relevant literature and
practitioners’ experiences on factors that cause the
success or failure of software architecture efforts.
The factors listed in the following section were
distilled from various articles and empirical research
on software architecture implementation. Moreover,
in order to collect empirical data for the present
study, we organised an interview for a focus group of
practitioners from three ICT service provider and
user organisations. Success and failure factors were
then categorised into a number of subgroups
representing various dimensions of change related to
the development and management of software
architecture. As a result, this study presents a number
of factors related to software architecture success and
This study consists of the following sections. Firstly,
section 2 presents the research method used in this
study. Secondly, sections 3 and 4 present the results
of this study: success and failure factors for software
architecture. Finally, section 5 summarizes the
findings and presents areas for further examination.
– First published in the Proceedings of the 6th IBIMA Conference on Managing Information in the Digital
Economy, June 19-21, 2006, Bonn, Germany –
2. Research method
In order to identify and analyse the success and
failure factors for software architecture a series of
the following research phases was used in this
Phase 1. The study of previous research and
Firstly, a list of success and failure factors
mentioned in previous research and ICT-industry
reports was produced. Secondly, the list of factors
was analysed and the similar factors were
organised into groups. Finally, the preliminary
system development areas to which similar factors
were related were identified.
Phase 2. Empirical research: A focus group
interview [17] of practitioners.
A semi-structured group interview with a focus
group of practitioners from three ICT user and
service provider organisations was organised. The
goal of the interview was to collect success and
failure factors from the practitioners.
Practitioners were specialists of the management of
software and enterprise architectures. The
companies and interviewees are described in the
table below.
Table1: Interviewees in the focus group interview
Architecture consultation 3
sofware architecure
Number of personnel 10 consultants
(year 2005)
Banking, finance and enterprise
insurance company
architecture architect
Number of personnel
11 974 (year 2005)
architecture architect
Number of personnel 4989
(year 2005)
The arrangements for the interview
The participants from these companies were
interviewed as one group in order for group
members to influence each other by responding to
ideas and comments of others [17]. This group
influence came up and new aspects were brought
out. However, some aspects may not have been
brought out by interviewees due to confidentiality
We presented previous research results in the
interview and in turn structured the interview
according to them. The practitioners reviewed the
previous study results based on their own practical
experiences. In addition they were asked to add
new factors to the results on the basis of their
practical experiences.
Data collection
The interview was tape-recorded and videotaped.
Notes were written during the interview session.
Based on this data a list of system development areas
affecting the success of software architecture and
success and failure factors relating to these areas was
Phase 3. Consolidation and analysis of results.
The results from the empirical study and previous
research were combined. These results are presented
in chapters 3 and 4. In the results, the factors
identified in the literature review are marked with the
literature reference (proportion of these factors 49
%). The factors identified purely from the interview
data are marked with the marking [FGI] and these
factors are without literature reference (proportion of
these factors 27 %). The factors recognized both
from the interview data and from literature are
marked with both the literature reference and [FGI]
(proportion of these factors 24 %).
3. Software Architecture Success Factors
In this study, we identified six system development
areas that seem to affect the success/failure of
software architecture. These areas are presented in
figure 1. The success and failure factors, identified in
this study, relate to these areas. In the following
sections, we describe the success factors included in
these areas. The failure factors related to these areas
are presented in chapter 4.
Architects and
Organisational Culture
and Communication
Methods and
Fig. 1. System development areas affecting the
success and failure of software architecture.
Success Factors within Project Management
Project management offers time, staff and resources
for architectural work. Software architecture success
factors relating to the project management can be
divided into factors relating to staffing, scheduling,
planning and funding. In this study, we identified the
following project management factors that promote
the success of software architecture:
• Clear aim of project: The aim of the project is
clear and reasonable [FGI = based on Focus
Group Interview].
– First published in the Proceedings of the 6th IBIMA Conference on Managing Information in the Digital
Economy, June 19-21, 2006, Bonn, Germany –
• Strong management sponsorship: The project
and architecture work have strong management
sponsorship [6]. Management offers time and
funding for the project [FGI].
• Clear milestones in the project: Predetermined
milestones are set in the planning stage to track
the direction of the project [FGI].
• Strong
specifically for the project [6].
• Clearly defined teams and roles: Project
management teams are clearly defined. A good
lead architect with a well-defined role and
style [6].
• Available knowledge / staff: Market / business
understanding is available [6].
• Teamwork [6].
Success Factors Related to the Organisational
Culture and Communication
Organisational culture refers to the values, beliefs
and customs of an organisation. Whereas
organisational structure is relatively easy to draw
and describe, organisational culture is less tangible.
Organisational culture has an impact, for example,
on how well the architecture will be adopted and
followed. The success factors related to
organisational culture are:
• Status and role of architecture: Architecture is
woven into the organisational culture [6]. The
role of the architecture and of the architectural
descriptions is more instructive than
supervisory [FGI].
• Ownership: Willingness to take ownership of
architecture [6] [FGI].
• Approving attitude towards architecture: The
project organisation is willing to follow
architecture [6].
• Training, teambuilding [5]: The training of staff
to design and manage architectures [FGI].
Successful communication between different
groups can be seen as an effective exchange of
• An effective and constructive communication
culture relating to architectural issues:
Interpersonal and team communication [6].
The communication culture in an organisation
is based on an open exchange of well-argued,
even critical, opinions [FGI].
Success Factors Related to the Architects and
Architectural Know-How
The personal skills of architects have an effect on
the fluency of the architectural design process in
collaboration with the stakeholders. Personal skills
may also have an impact on architectural decision
making. We identified the following skills of
architects affecting the success of software
• Practical experience: Architects have practical
experience on system development [21] or
architects have the humility to discuss
architectural solutions with the development
team [FGI].
Domain knowledge: Architects have at least a
minimal knowledge on the problem domain [6,
21] [FGI].
System development knowledge: Architects have
knowledge on the system development method
used and on how the architectural work is related
to the method [FGI].
Capability to create architectural vision:
Architects have a capability to create a clear and
compelling vision [6] that suits the organisation
Conceptual thinking: Architects are able to think
conceptually and analytically [FGI].
Capability to argue rationally: Architects are
able to reason rationally, be critical of their own
ideas, and put this rationality to use [FGI].
The ability to outline large entities [FGI].
Communicative and social skills: Architects can
understand and combine views of the
communicative and social skills [21]. They are
good communicators and listeners as well as
good persuaders [6]. Moreover, they provides
constructive feedback when it is needed [6].
They are also effective in selling and marketing
architectural ideas [FGI]. These skills are
important in spreading architectural knowledge,
and explaining the urgency of architecture
within an organization and a project team [21].
Project management skills: Architects have good
project management skills [6]. However, the
project management skills needed depend on the
scope of the project [FGI].
Humility: The progress of architectural work is
more important for the architect than personal
merits [FGI].
Success Factors Related to the Architecture Methods
and Practices
The software architecture management process
contributes to the activities of capturing architectural
requirements and understanding them, designing,
improving, and certifying the architecture as well as
documenting it [3, 14]. The process model together
with the methods and tools chosen to carry out
architectural work, in turn have influence on this
work. In addition, the standardization of the
architectural concepts and of the descriptions in an
organisation has an effect on the architectural
practices. We identified the following factors relating
to the architecture management process model,
architectural methods and tools that affect the
success of software architecture.
Architecture Management Process model:
• Incremental and iterative development: Deployed
in phases / incrementally [6] [FGI].
• Validation of requirements: Validation of
requirements during each step of the process [6].
– First published in the Proceedings of the 6th IBIMA Conference on Managing Information in the Digital
Economy, June 19-21, 2006, Bonn, Germany –
• The evaluation of architecture: The evaluation
of the architecture before it is implemented
• Life-cycle thinking in the architectural design.
The needs for change are taken into account in
the architectural design [FGI].
Methods, tools and practices:
• Suitable and effective methods and tools:
Architects should have effective tools at hand:
methods that fit the specific requirements and
situation of a company [21]. The methods
should not constrain the architect in his work
nor his creativity.
• Well-defined limits for architects: A welldefined field in which the architect is allowed
to use his creativity in the architectural design
and work [FGI].
• Clear rules in the architectural decision
making: Clear rules on which architectural
decisions can be made in the project and which
decisions are made outside the project.
Furthermore, clear definitions on which
architectural decisions are made by architect
and which are only prepared by him and which
have to be decided by the project management.
• Change management [FGI].
Standardization of architectural practices:
• Standardization of architectural practices:
descriptions, and terminology within the
organisation [FGI].
Architectural specifications:
• Clear and understandable architectural
specifications: Clear specifications including
understandable by all. That is, the architectural
models and descriptions an architect produces,
should be understandable and unambiguously
interpretable by all stakeholders [6, 14].
Architectural models and descriptions are
practical, easily translatable to the practice of
software development and implementation.
Otherwise the architecture will exclusively be
used by the architects [21].
Enterprise architecture:
• Defined and described enterprise architecture
[FGI]. Enterprise architecture is important in
improving the adjustment of different projects
to each other, and making sure information
systems fit together, and into the entire
architecture [21].
Success Factors Related to the Requirements
Architectural design and decision making is
founded on identified requirements. Previous
studies do not clearly highlight which factors in the
requirements management advance the success of
software architecture. However, the problems in
requirements quality cause failure for software
architecture like as described in the next chapter.
Therefore, it is evident that the quality of the
requirements and of the requirements management
process advances the success of software
Three basic quality characteristics for
requirements of good quality are [20]:
• Complete
• Agreed: The requirements are correct, consistent,
feasible, prioritized [FGI] and necessary.
• Well-represented.
specifications are unambiguous, concise,
traceable, non-redundant, organised [FGI],
conformant to standards and verifiable.
Success Factors Related to the Architecture
Architectural choices and decisions are made in
architectural design. Based on these decisions, the
architectural specifications are produced. The
following high-level success factors relating to
architecture solutions are mentioned:
• Simple architecture [6]
• Architecture solve the problem: Solve at least the
current [6] and impending [FGI] problems as
well as change needs.
4. Software Architecture Failure Factors
The software architecture failure factors identified in
this study are presented in this chapter.
Failure Factors related to the Project Management
Problems in staffing, scheduling, project planning
and project funding complicate the architectural
work. These kinds of problems are presented in the
following section. In the interview of practitioners,
we also noticed that some of these problems are more
relevant for the service provider organisations than
for the user organisations. For example, the lack of
clear statement of the problem is more critical
problem for the service providers than for the user
Problems and deficiencies in the project planning:
• Not a clear statement of the problem: The project
lacks a clear problem statement or the project
team has not provided a clear statement of the
problem [1]. The organisation does not have
time or willingness to define clearly the aim of
the project [FGI = based on Focus Group
• The project scope too broad: The project scope is
too broad [1]. The capability to divide the
project into smaller entities/units may also be
lacking [FGI].
• No project, system or testing planning: A project
plan has not been put in place [1]. The project
team has not written an overall architecture plan
[1] and has not developed a system test plan [1].
– First published in the Proceedings of the 6th IBIMA Conference on Managing Information in the Digital
Economy, June 19-21, 2006, Bonn, Germany –
No contingency plan has been provided [1].
No plan for moving to OO technology has
been established. [1]
• The lack of clear milestones in the project: The
direction of the project is not checked during
the project. The only milestone is the end of
the project [FGI].
• No measures of success: Measures of success
have not been identified [1].
Problems in the scheduling:
• No scheduling or unrealistic scheduling: No
project schedule is in place.[1] The
deployment date is unrealistic [1] [FGI]. The
focus is too much on getting positive results in
the short term [21]. The project team has not
put a hardware and installation schedule in
place [1]. The project team has not allocated
sufficient time for testing [1].
Problems in the project funding:
• Funding not formalized: Project funding has not
been formalized [1].
• Insufficient resources: Insufficient resources
have been allocated for building tasks. [1]
Problems and deficiencies in staffing:
• Poor leadership: No project manager/leader
has been identified [1]. Poor leadership [6]
Lack of control/authority [6].
• Stakeholders unclear: The stakeholders are not
clearly identified [1] or they are difficult
identify [7].
• Lack of resources/talent: The needed resource
does not exist or project management is not
able to offer it [FGI].
o Lack of domain expertise: No domain
experts have been committed to the
project team [1].
o Lack of architect: No architect exists
[7] or failure to select software
architects. Each layer has an architect
assigned; however, a chief architect
with responsibility for the overall
architecture has not been selected [1].
o Lack of other resources: For example
the lack of points of view of end users
or of administrator [FGI].
• Lack of a quality assurance organisation: A
quality assurance organization has not been
selected [1].
• Lack of requirement team: An independent
requirement team has not been selected [1].
Failure Factors related to the Organisational
Culture and Communication
The following aspects and factors relating to
complicate architectural work:
• Profit-centre and project culture: Consideration
of architectural issues only from the point of
view of one’s own profit centre or project
[FGI]. Thinking too narrowly or short-sightedly
Quarterly thinking: Far-sighted architectural
decisions are difficult to justify in the quarterly
thinking [FGI].
“Turf” thinking: Architectural decisions are
formulated so that the decisions complicate the
work of the decision maker as little as possible
Organisational Politics: Organisational politics
drive the architectural decision making [6].
Negative Attitude towards Architecture and
Architects: The product team believes “we can
solve it better ourselves” [6]. The designed
architecture is not implemented. The product
team implements its own ad hoc solutions [FGI].
Poor communication: Poor communication
inside/outside the architecture team [6]. The
architecture team loses touch with the product
team’s problems [6].
Disparity in the perception of the architecture:
There are, for example differences in the
perceptions between developers and architects
4.3 Failure Factors related to the Architects and
Architectural Know-How
Failure factors relating to the architects and
architectural know-how are identified only briefly in
previous research. However, the following factors
are mentioned by previous studies and practitioners:
• Unconvincing leadership by architects: Architect
or architecture team does not “sell” (lead)
architecture enough [6].
• Incapability to create an architectural vision [6]
Failure Factors related to the Architecture Methods
and Practices
The following factors related to the architecture
management complicate the architectural design.
Architecture management process, methods, tools
and practices:
• Attention focus on methods and tools, not on
architecture: Much time is spent on finding the
best methods and modelling languages, which
takes the attention away from the real purpose of
architecture [21].
• No architecture selection decision criteria: The
project lacks decision criteria to choose the
software architecture [1].
• No change management: No modification (MR)
tracking system in place [1] [FGI].
• No iterative design: The first version of the
architectural design is implemented. The time is
not used on architectural evaluations or on
assessments of architectural alternatives [FGI].
• The cutting down of the architectural design:
The time is focused on the coding rather than on
the architectural design and evaluations [FGI].
– First published in the Proceedings of the 6th IBIMA Conference on Managing Information in the Digital
Economy, June 19-21, 2006, Bonn, Germany –
• Outputs not identified: The expected outputs of
the architectural work have not been identified
[1] [FGI].
• Outdated architectural documentation [7].
Architectural specifications:
• Essential architectural views / aspects not
documented [FGI].
• Architectural descriptions are at too low a
level or are not detailed enough [6] [FGI].
Architectural specifications are class diagrams
• Architectural descriptions are at too high a
level. The architecture can not be carried out
based on descriptions [FGI].
Enterprise architecture:
• Enterprise architecture is not defined or
described [FGI].
• Enterprise architecture is very heterogeneous
Failure Factors related to the Requirements
The following factors related to requirements
quality complicate the architectural design and
decision making:
• Incomplete requirements: Requirements are
missing for a feature [1]. The existing
environment (e.g. legacy systems) of system is
not considered or described. An assessment of
the size of the expected user community has
not been done [1] Project lacks a clear
statement of its data storage requirements. [1]
Anticipated usage of the system was not
clearly characterized. [1]
• Unbalanced set of requirements [7].
• Requirements not prioritized: The project team
has not prioritized the requirements [1].
• Requirements not documented: No requirements
documentation exists [1].
• Requirements unclear: Requirements not welldefined, not signed off, changing [6]. The team
has not clarified some requirements.
Requirements need to be clarified.[1]
• Insufficient resources to support a new
requirement have been allocated [1].
Failure Factors related to the Architecture
The following factors relating to the architectural
solutions are mentioned to be failure factors for the
software architecture:
• Architecture does not correspond to the
requirements: Does not solve the project teams
problems [6]
• Architectural decisions are based on the wrong
interpretation of requirements: The wrong
interpretations of the regulations may lead, for
example, to unnecessary complex architectural
solutions [FGI].
• Bad design / idea [6].
• Standards and standard components neglected
• External structures drive
the architecture:
Architecture follows customer’s organizational
structure [7]. Architecture depends on specifics
of an operating system [7]. Architecture follows
hardware design [7].
• Exceptions drive architecture [7].
• Complex: Too many components on every
hierarchical level [7].
5. Conclusion
In this study, we identified and analysed success and
failure factors for software architecture in system
development work. This study demonstrates that the
success of software architecture depends on multiple
factors. Project management, organisational culture
and communication, the skills of architects and
architectural know-how, architecture methods and
practices, the quality of system requirements and,
finally, architecture solutions seem to affect the
achievement of successful architecture.
Based on the analysis of the identified factors
presented above, the main success factors and their
relationship are presented in the figure 2.
Fig 2. Main factors affecting
the success of software architecture.
– First published in the Proceedings of the 6th IBIMA Conference on Managing Information in the Digital
Economy, June 19-21, 2006, Bonn, Germany –
The results of this study can be used as a checklist
by which practitioners in ICT service providers and
user organisations undertaking, or planning to
undertake, software architecture efforts can ensure
that their software architecture–related efforts are
comprehensive and well-implemented. These
results can also help to decrease the chance of
failure in architecture development.
[6] Bredemeyer Consulting. Software Architecting
Success Factors and Pitfalls. Retrieved May 2006,
A further outcome of this study is the development
of software architecture quality management
methods and process models, such as software
architecture evaluation practices. This study shows
for which targets architecture management
evaluation criteria, metrics and methods could be
developed and utilized.
[8] Clements, P. C. "Active Reviews for Intermediate
Designs" CMU/SEI-2000-TN-009, Software
Engineering Institute (SEI), Carnegie Mellon
University, 2000.
Further research questions, raised in this study,
include the question of which evaluation criteria
and metrics are suitable for each success factor. In
addition, the criticality of these software
architecture success and failure factors in system
development need to be assessed based on surveys
directed to ICT service providers and user
organisations. We are addressing this last question
in our on-going research.
6. Acknowledgements
This paper is based on the work carried out in the
AISA project (Quality Management of Enterprise
and Software Architectures) financed by the the
Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and
Innovation (TEKES) and participating companies:
Elisa Oyj, IBM Finland, OP Bank Group, SOK,
and A-Ware Oy. We wish to thank the participating
companies for their co-operation.
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