Conditioned Sounds Enhance Visual Processing
Fabrizio Leo1,2,3*, Uta Noppeney1,4
1 Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2 Institute of Biological Psychology, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany,
3 Department of Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova, Italy, 4 Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics Centre,
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
This psychophysics study investigated whether prior auditory conditioning influences how a sound interacts with visual
perception. In the conditioning phase, subjects were presented with three pure tones ( = conditioned stimuli, CS) that were
paired with positive, negative or neutral unconditioned stimuli. As unconditioned reinforcers we employed pictures (highly
pleasant, unpleasant and neutral) or monetary outcomes (+50 euro cents, 250 cents, 0 cents). In the subsequent visual
selective attention paradigm, subjects were presented with near-threshold Gabors displayed in their left or right hemifield.
Critically, the Gabors were presented in synchrony with one of the conditioned sounds. Subjects discriminated whether the
Gabors were presented in their left or right hemifields. Participants determined the location more accurately when the
Gabors were presented in synchrony with positive relative to neutral sounds irrespective of reinforcer type. Thus, previously
rewarded relative to neutral sounds increased the bottom-up salience of the visual Gabors. Our results are the first
demonstration that prior auditory conditioning is a potent mechanism to modulate the effect of sounds on visual
Citation: Leo F, Noppeney U (2014) Conditioned Sounds Enhance Visual Processing. PLoS ONE 9(9): e106860. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0106860
Editor: Justin Harris, University of Sydney, Australia
Received June 4, 2014; Accepted August 11, 2014; Published September 5, 2014
Copyright: ß 2014 Leo, Noppeney. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Data Availability: The authors confirm that all data underlying the findings are fully available without restriction. All relevant data are within the paper and its
Supporting Information files.
Funding: This study was funded by the Max Planck Society. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* Email:
[email protected]
about its occurrence. Indeed, previous psychophysical research has
demonstrated that a consistent temporal relationship between the
visual and auditory signals is critical for the sound-induced benefit
to emerge in visual discrimination [12].
The current study investigates whether prior auditory conditioning influences the effect of concurrent sounds on visual
discrimination. In the unisensory domain, it is well-established that
classical auditory conditioning can induce plasticity in auditory
cortices [13,14,15,16,17,18]. In particular, auditory conditioning
increased the representations of a conditioned relative to a neutral
sound in primary auditory cortex demonstrating that primary
sensory cortices also encode the behavioural relevance of a
stimulus [19,20,21,22]. However, as conditioning research has
been limited to unisensory contexts, it remains unknown whether
this conditioning-induced auditory plasticity also affects how
sounds interact with visual processing.
To investigate whether prior auditory conditioning modulates
audiovisual integration, we presented participants with visual
stimuli at threshold intensity in a visual discrimination task.
Critically, the visual signals were presented in synchrony with
sounds that had previously been conditioned with a positive or
negative reinforcer or associated with a neutral stimulus. In
separate experiments, we employed money (gain, neutral, loss) or
pictures (positive, neutral, negative valence) as unconditioned
reinforcers in the prior conditioning phase. If prior conditioning
affects audiovisual integration, we would expect enhanced visual
discrimination accuracy and faster response times for visual stimuli
To form a coherent percept of the environment, the brain needs
to integrate information from multiple sensory modalities.
Critically, sensory signals should only be integrated, if they are
generated by the same event as indicated by temporal, spatial or
higher order structural (e.g. semantic) correspondences. In order to
be integrated, sensory signals thus need to co-occur within a spatial
and temporal window of integration and be structurally similar
Multisensory integration provides two important advantages for
the survival of an organism. First, it enables an observer to
estimate environmental properties such as spatial location more
reliably. Second, it facilitates detection of events of interest. For
instance, in a redundant target paradigm, participants are faster
and more accurate when responding to multisensory relative to
unisensory events. Likewise, in intersensory selective attention
tasks, the detection of a visual target can be facilitated by the
concurrent presentation of a sound as indicated by increased visual
detection sensitivity d9 [5,6] and greater subjective visual intensity
[7] as well as shorter visual detection latencies [8].
Surprisingly, synchronous but otherwise uninformative sounds
do not only facilitate stimulus detection, but also enhance the
discrimination of visual patterns, orientation or motion direction
[9,10,11]. An increase in discrimination performance may result
from low level audiovisual integration mechanisms that increase
stimulus salience. Alternatively, a concurrent sound may facilitate
detection and discrimination of a perceptually weak signal in the
visual modality by reducing an observer’s temporal uncertainty
September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e106860
Conditioned Sounds Enhance Visual Processing
that were presented together with previously rewarded/punished
relative to neutral sounds.
presented sound had a high, medium or low frequency by pressing
the key ‘1’, ‘2’ or ‘3’ of the keyboard (average accuracy was
92.9%61.1 SE).
Procedure. Participants were instructed to play a monetary
game that was structured as follows. Each of the 60 trials (20 trials
for each sound frequency) started with a 13u613u centered square
composed of dynamic visual Gaussian noise with a mean
luminance of the midgray background of 65 cd/m2. The noise
rectangle (check size = 1.5 arcmin) was generated for each frame at
a refresh rate of 60 Hz, by sampling the intensity values for each
pixel following a Gaussian distribution with a standard deviation
of 0.2 centered around the mean luminance value. The duration
of the visual flickering noise was 1 s. During this time, a dot (1.3u
of diameter) composed of Gaussian noise with a greater standard
deviation (0.35) was superimposed onto the background flickering
noise for 100 ms (see panel A of Figure 1). The dot location was
sampled from a uniform two-dimensional distribution within the
visual angle of 11u611u. The onset time was sampled from a
uniform distribution between 250 and 900 ms after the onset of
the noise square.
Participants were asked to detect the dot onset as quickly as
possible by pressing the left arrow of the keyboard. Participants
were informed that they would win 50 real Euro cents for fast
responses, lose 50 cents for slow responses and receive neutral
outcome for intermediately fast responses. However, unknown to
the subject the outcome of the monetary reward on each trial was
randomized and hence independent from the speed or accuracy of
participants’ response. In this way, we ensured that the number of
trials was identical for each possible association between outcome
and tone across all different conditions. At the end of the
experiment, participants were informed that they obtained equal
number of gains and losses and were not paid additional money.
200 ms after pressing the response button, the reward outcome
was presented on the screen for 1 s (US: words written in red: ‘+50
cents’, ‘250 cents’ or ‘600 cents’) and a tone of a particular
frequency was played concurrently for 200 ms (CS; see Stimuli
section). The onset of the presentation of the reward outcome and
the tone was synchronous. For each participant, a particular
monetary outcome was consistently paired with a specific sound
frequency (e.g. monetary reward with a 1000 Hz sound, monetary
punishment with a 500 Hz sound, neutral outcome with a 750 Hz
sound). The associations between US and CS were counterbalanced across participants such that each sound frequency was
equally often paired with each monetary outcome (i.e., 18
participants divided by 6 possible associations between US and
CS resulting in 3 participants per sound-outcome pairing).
Materials and Methods
Initially, our study included 24 participants (12 per group). Even
though this study revealed significant effects of outcome valence on
performance accuracy and reaction times, reviewers were
concerned about insufficient power. Using Gpower [23] we
therefore performed a power analysis assuming an effect size
f = 0.2574 based on the initially observed main effect of outcome
valence on performance accuracy. This power analysis demonstrated that at least 34 participants were required to detect this
effect with a power (1- ß) of 0.9 and a = .05. Hence, thirty-six
participants (mean age: 33.3 years; std: 8.4; 16 females)
participated in the final and reported study. Importantly, this
study replicated the initially reported effects.
All participants reported normal or corrected to normal visual
acuity and normal hearing. All were naı̈ve to the purpose of the
study, were paid for their time and provided written informed
consent to participate in the study. Both consent procedure and
the study were approved by the ethics committee of the University
of Tübingen.
Overview of experimental design
This conditioning study investigated whether prior auditory
conditioning modulates the effect of a sound on visual discrimination performance. During the initial conditioning phase,
participants learnt to associate a particular sound with positive,
neutral or negative outcomes. In two separate experiments, we
employed pictures (highly pleasant, unpleasant and neutral IAPS)
or monetary outcomes (+50 euro cents, 250 cents, 0 cents) as
unconditioned reinforcers. Hence, the 362 factorial design
manipulated: (i) valence of outcome: reward, neutral, punishment
as a within subject factor and (ii) type of reinforcement: picture vs.
money as a between subject factor.
After the conditioning phase, participants performed a visual
discrimination task in an intersensory selective attention paradigm.
Critically, the visual stimuli were presented in synchrony with one
of the three sounds that had previously been paired with a positive,
neutral or negative outcome. To avoid extinction, the visual
discrimination task alternated with additional conditioning blocks.
In the following, we will describe the conditioning and the visual
discrimination paradigms in greater detail.
Conditioning phase
Picture conditioning phase
Participants were divided into two groups of eighteen participants each. Group 1 was exposed to money, group 2 to pictures as
reinforcers. The initial conditioning phase was designed to
establish an association between a particular sound frequency
(CS, conditioned stimulus) and a specific outcome (US, unconditioned stimulus: reward, neutral or punishment).
Stimuli. Auditory stimuli were identical to the pure tones
described in the Stimuli section of the Monetary conditioning
Thirty pictures from the IAPS International Affective Picture
System [24] were selected based on their normative ratings of
hedonic valence and emotional arousal as listed in the IAPS
manual. Pleasant and unpleasant pictures (US) were selected
independently for each gender in order to obtain the highest
values of valence and arousal. The 10 pleasant pictures had mainly
sexual content or represented adventures (after pooling for gender;
mean valence: 7.8, SD: 0.25; mean arousal: 6.85, SD: 0.33). The
10 unpleasant pictures included mutilated bodies, attack scenes
and disgusting objects (mean valence: 2.15, SD: 0.2; mean arousal:
6.85, SD: 0.41). The 10 neutral pictures served as control stimuli
and included mainly landscapes, people and objects (mean
valence: 4.9, SD: 0.28; mean arousal: 2.4, SD: 0.19). Pleasant
Monetary conditioning phase
Stimuli. Auditory stimuli were pure tones of 200 ms duration, sampled at 44.1 kHz. We employed three different tones that
differed only in sound frequency: a 500 Hz, a 750 Hz and a
1000 Hz sound. All sounds had an intensity level of 70 dB SPL
and 5 ms onset and offset ramps to avoid clicks. Before performing
the experiment, we verified that participants of both groups were
able to discriminate the three sound frequencies in 30 trials using a
3-alternative forced choice (3-AFC) frequency discrimination test.
In particular, participants were asked to report whether the
September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e106860
Conditioned Sounds Enhance Visual Processing
September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e106860
Conditioned Sounds Enhance Visual Processing
Figure 1. Example trials of the monetary and picture conditioning phase and the visual discrimination paradigm. (A) Monetary
conditioning phase. On each trial, participants responded to the brief presentation of a small square within a noise square as quickly and accurately
as possible. After each response, they received a monetary outcome that was positive, neutral or negative (e.g., 250 cents, in the Figure; US). The
outcome was presented concurrently with a particular sound (CS). (B) Picture conditioning phase. On each trial, participants were presented with a
picture (US) in synchrony with a particular sound (CS). After a variable temporal interval, two or three yellow dots were superimposed onto the
picture. Participants reported the number of dots. (C) 2-AFC visual discrimination phase. On each trial, participants were presented with a nearthreshold Gabor in synchrony with one of the conditioned sounds (CS). They discriminated whether the Gabor was presented in their left or right
and unpleasant pictures were selected to be matched in terms of
arousal and the degree to which their valence deviated from the
neutral pictures (i.e. the absolute differences between (i) pleasant
minus neutral picture and (i) unpleasant minus neutral pictures
was not significantly different: 2.9 and 2.75, respectively; p = .12).
Procedure. Participants were presented with pleasant, neutral and unpleasant pictures in a randomized fashion (horizontal
visual angle: 26.3u, vertical visual angle: 19.7u). The pictures were
displayed in the centre of the screen. Critically, the onset of each
picture was in synchrony with the presentation of a sound of a
particular frequency (total picture presentation duration: 2.5 s;
sound duration: 200 ms). As in the monetary conditioning phase,
each sound frequency was consistently paired with pictures of
positive, neutral or negative valence. Likewise, the associations
were counterbalanced across participants between US and CS as
in the monetary conditioning phase.
Each trial started with 250 ms fixation, followed by the
concurrent onset of a picture and a sound. After a variable time
period between 1.5 and 2.3 s, two or three yellow dots (diameter:
1.3u; RGB values: [1 1 0]) appeared for 0.2 s at random locations
on the picture. Participants were asked to report how many dots
were presented by pressing either the key number ‘2’ or the key
number ‘3’. This visual task was employed to ensure that
participants attended the pictures. Upon participant’s response,
the next trial was started.
We evaluated the effect of prior auditory conditioning in terms
of performance accuracy and response times on the visual
discrimination task, where participants indicated whether a Gabor
patch was presented in their left or right hemifield. As
performance accuracy was comparable for left and right visual
targets (discrimination accuracy for targets presented in the left
hemifield: 84%62 SE; targets in the right hemifield: 83%62,
t(35) = .67, p = .50). Hence, we pooled the responses over targets
presented in the two visual hemifields.
For each participant, we computed performance accuracy (i.e.
percentage correct) and response times (RT). Our central question
was whether the effect of a sound on visual discrimination
performance can be influenced by prior conditioning in terms of (i)
outcome valence or (ii) type of conditioning/reinforcer. Hence,
both performance accuracy and response times were analyzed in
separate 3 (sound outcome valence: rewarded, neutral, punished)
62 (reinforcer type: money vs. picture) repeated measure
ANOVAs. The ANOVA results are reported Greenhouse-Geisser
corrected for non-sphericity (if required).
For performance accuracy (see Figure 2), the repeated measure
ANOVA identified a significant main effect of sound outcome
valence [F(1.76,29.92) = 5.65; p = .01], but no significant main
effect of reinforcer type [F(1,17) = .21; p = .65] and no interaction
[F(1.98,33.74) = 2.4; p = .10]. Follow-up Newman-Keuls tests
revealed that the visual discrimination accuracy was significantly
higher for the rewarded AV condition (accuracy = 83%61.6) than
for the neutral AV condition (80.761.7; p = .005). Furthermore,
there was also a marginal (but nearly significant) trend toward
enhanced discrimination accuracy for punished sounds (accuracy
= 8261.7) as compared to neutral sounds (p = .09; see Table 1).
By contrast, for response times (see Figure 3), the repeated
measure ANOVA identified a significant interaction between
reinforcer type and sound outcome valence [F(1.31,22.31) = 10.93;
p = .001], but no significant main effects. To further characterize
the interaction, we tested for the simple main effects using paired
two-tailed t-tests. In other words, we compared rewarded with
neutral sounds and punished with neutral sounds, separately for
each reinforcer type. P-values are reported after Bonferroni’s
correction for multiple comparisons.
We observed faster responses for rewarded (RT = 643 ms649)
as compared to neutral sounds (RT = 670 ms650) in the
monetary conditioning group (p = .0008). All the other comparisons were not significant (all p values ..07; see Table 1).
Two-alternative forced choice (2-AFC) visual
discrimination phase
Stimuli. Visual target stimuli were vertically oriented Gabor
patches with spatial frequency of 3 cycles per degree. They were
presented at 75% of correct contrast detection level, as estimated
individually for each participant and for each visual hemifield
using a staircase QUEST procedure.
Procedure. On each trial, a Gabor patch was presented at 6u
or 26u eccentricity for 200 ms. Critically, the Gabor patch was
presented in synchrony with a sound of 1000 Hz, 750 Hz or
500 Hz (duration 200 ms, see panel B of Figure 1). These sounds
had been paired with positive, neutral or negative outcomes in the
prior conditioning phase. Hence, the experimental paradigm
included three conditions: (i) rewarded AV, (ii) neutral AV or (iii)
punished AV.
Participants were instructed to fixate a black square in the
centre of the screen and to discriminate whether the Gabor patch
was presented in their left or right hemifield as accurately as
possible (speed was less stressed). Please note that while this task is
formally a discrimination task, it will involve detection processes of
the stimulus in one of the two hemifields.
To avoid extinction, blocks of 2-AFC task alternated with
additional conditioning blocks that reinforced the association
between sound and monetary or picture outcome (see above).
There were nine 2AFC blocks per participant. Each 2-AFC block
included 36 trials resulting in 324 trials in total (i.e. 108 2-AFC
trials for each outcome). Each conditioning block included 30
Accumulating evidence from rodents, non-human primates and
human neuroimaging studies has documented experience-dependent plasticity in auditory cortex [25,26,27]. In particular,
conditioning has proven an effective approach for modifying
stimulus representations in auditory cortex. For instance, human
neuroimaging studies revealed increased neural responses in
auditory cortex during associative learning [14] and enhanced
September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e106860
Conditioned Sounds Enhance Visual Processing
Figure 2. Performance accuracy in the visual discrimination phase. Across participants’ mean performance accuracy (SEM indicated) for each
condition in the visual discrimination task for the monetary (black) and picture conditioning paradigm (gray). Asterisks indicate significant differences
between rewarded and neutral sound condition, * p,0.01. See main text.
frequency specific responses to tones after conditioning [13,15,17].
Collectively, these studies have demonstrated that representations
in primary auditory cortex flexibly encode the behavioural
relevance of the auditory stimuli. This raises the question whether
the impact of sounds on visual processing is also influenced by
their behavioural relevance as acquired through prior conditioning
history and/or task-context. In other words, does prior conditioning affect how sounds interact with vision?
Numerous previous studies have demonstrated that audiovisual
interactions depend on physical stimulus characteristics such as
signal strength [28] or stimulus complexity [29]. Likewise,
audiovisual interactions of naturalistic meaningful stimuli such as
speech or object sounds depend on higher order semantic
congruency [30,31] or speech intelligibility [32,33,34,35]. However, to our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate whether
behavioural relevance as acquired through prior conditioning
changes audiovisual interactions of simple stimuli. In particular,
we asked whether prior auditory conditioning changes the impact
of sounds on visual discrimination performance.
To address this question, participants learnt to associate three
different tones with positive, neutral or negative outcomes using a
monetary or picture conditioning paradigm. In the subsequent
experimental phase, participants had to discriminate whether a
near-threshold Gabor patch was presented in their left or right
hemifield. Critically, the Gabor patch was presented in synchrony
with a central tone that had previously been paired with positive,
neutral or negative outcomes. Our results demonstrate that
previously rewarded tones increase performance accuracy on this
visual discrimination task relative to neutral tones irrespective of
whether money or pictures were employed as reinforcers. These
results demonstrate that indeed the behavioural relevance of
sensory signals as acquired during prior conditioning flexibly
determines audiovisual interactions. The effect of a concurrent
simple tone on visual discrimination is amplified, if it signals a
rewarding outcome. These results suggest that the plastic changes
previously observed in primary auditory cortex for auditory
conditioning do not only affect auditory processing, but transfer to
the visual processing stream. Thus, prior conditioning may
enhance the salience of the sound possibly via plastic changes in
primary auditory cortices. This increase in salience activates
higher order attentional systems that are shared across sensory
modalities leading to increased visual discrimination performance
[36,37,38]. Critically, our results demonstrate that the rapid
conditioning-induced plasticity in primary auditory areas that has
been shown in previous neuroimaging studies does not only induce
‘local’ effects on auditory processing, but transfers to other sensory
While an increase in performance was predominantly found for
previously rewarded sounds, a similar though non-significant trend
was observed also for tones that had previously been paired with
negative outcomes. Only few previous studies have directly
compared reward and punishment in the same experimental
paradigm in animals or humans [39]. Previous studies in insects
have demonstrated that punishment memory decayed more
rapidly than reward memory in olfactory learning in crickets
[40] and fruit-flies [41,42] and in visual pattern learning in crickets
Table 1. Mean RTs and Accuracy.
Sound Outcome Valence
Sound Outcome Valence
83 (8.7)
643 (165)
82.9 (10.1)
613 (162)
80 (10)
670 (170)
81.5 (9.9)
606 (146)
80.7 (9)
640 (152)
83.3 (9.7)
623 (173)
Across participants’ mean accuracy (%) and response time (ms) for each sound outcome valence, separately for the monetary and the picture conditioning paradigms.
Standard deviations are reported in brackets.
September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e106860
Conditioned Sounds Enhance Visual Processing
Figure 3. Response times in the visual discrimination phase. Across participants’ mean response times (SEM indicated) for each condition in
the visual discrimination task for the monetary (black) and picture conditioning paradigm (gray). Asterisks indicate significant differences between
rewarded and neutral sound conditions in the monetary group, ** p,0.001. See main text.
[43]. This effect has been proposed to be a direct consequence of
the different neurotransmitters involved in reward and punishment
learning, that is octopamine (invertebrate counterpart of noradrenaline) and dopamine, respectively [40,43].
In our specific study, the reward primacy may be related to the
fact that winning or losing 50 cents is asymmetrical from a
neuroeconomical perspective. However, this hypothesis contradicts previous findings demonstrating an increase in skin
conductance, pupil dilation and heart rate in response to monetary
loss as compared to gain [44,45], suggesting the possibility that
losing a particular amount of money would be experienced more
strongly than gaining the same amount. As the difference between
tones that had previously been paired with negative or positive
outcomes was not significant, it is premature to draw firm
conclusions as to whether valence critically modulates auditory
effects on visual discrimination.
While the conditioning effects on performance accuracy did not
depend on reinforcer type, we observed a significant interaction
between reinforcer type and conditioning history for responses
times. More specifically, we observed faster response times for
rewarded relative to neutral sounds in the visual discrimination
task only for the monetary conditioning paradigm. This difference
may relate to the particular task-constraints of the conditioning
phases for the picture and monetary reinforcer types. Thus,
monetary conditioning was applied in a game context where
participants were instructed to respond as fast as possible to visual
targets. Moreover, participants were told that they would be
rewarded for fast responses, but punished for slow responses.
Given the vast literature on top-down task-related factors in
auditory plasticity, these contextual factors from the conditioning
phase are likely to co-determine the effects of conditioned tones on
visual processing.
In conclusion, our results demonstrate that prior conditioning
and even the particular conditioning paradigm affect the effect of
simple tones on visual processing in a visual discrimination
paradigm. Simple tones that have gained behavioral relevance by
nature of being rewarded during the conditioning phase are more
potent in increasing the salience of the visual signal and facilitating
visual perception. Future neuroimaging studies are needed to
define the neural mechanisms underlying these audiovisual
benefits that depend on prior conditioning. For instance, the
enhanced representations in primary auditory cortex for previously rewarded tones may directly influence and enhance signal
salience in primary visual cortices [46,47]. Alternatively, previously rewarded relative to neutral tones may activate generic
attentional resources in higher order frontoparietal areas [48].
Finally, the audiovisual interactions may be mediated via the
superior colliculus, a subcortical structure that is particularly rich
in multisensory neurons and has previously been implicated in
audiovisual benefits in simple detection tasks [49,50,51,52].
We would like to pay tribute to Jon Driver for his inspiration for this study.
Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: FL UN. Performed the
experiments: FL. Analyzed the data: FL. Contributed to the writing of
the manuscript: FL UN.
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September 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 9 | e106860