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2021, Zacatecas
7 pages
1 file
In the NorthWest region, spring barley is the main grain fodder crop. The variety is an effective and most affordable means of increasing the harvest and quality of the grain. The studying selection material for breeding ensures success in the creation of new varieties. European varieties are characterized by resistance to powdery mildew, which is a limiting factor of breeding in the NorthWest region. This work aimed to find new sources of agrobiological valuable traits. In 2016-2018, which differed in weather conditions, 32 varieties of spring barley were studied on the field of the Pushkin Laboratory of VIR. As a result of studying a set of samples of the Western European ecological group, according to the main agrobiological valuable traits sources for breeding in the NorthWest region were identified:
Accurate assessments of genetic gains ensuing from plant breeding for the most important agronomic characteristics in Nordic spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) are not available. Hence this research was aimed to determine the rate of genetic improvement in the Nordic barley breeding pool. This study included 90, 2-row spring barley cultivars released (1942-1988) and 29, 6-row spring barley cultivars released (1930-1991) adopted by Nordic farmers that were tested in four Nordic locations for three consecutive years. Relative genetic gain owing to plant breeding was 13% in 2-row barley and 34% in 6-row barley for grain yield. The absolute gain for this characteristic was 13 ± 3 kg ha −1 year −1 in 2-row barley, and 22 ± 3 kg ha −1 year −1 in 6-row barley. Improved yield was achieved in Nordic barley by reducing plant height (0.20 ± 0.04 cm year −1 for 2-row barley and 0.16 ± 0.06 cm year −1 for 6-row cultivars), thereby reducing significantly lodging (0.5 ± 0.1% year −1 and 0.4 ± 0.1 year −1), and increasing significantly the harvest index (0.0008 ± 0.0002 year −1 and 0.0018 ± 0.0002 year −1). Additionally, in 2-row spring barley cultivars resistance to powdery mildew (0.19 ± 0.08% year −1) and thousand-kernel weight (0.07 ± 0.03 g year −1) were also significantly enhanced, whereas hectoliter weight was improved (0.06 ± 0.02 kg year −1) in 6-row barley cultivars in the period investigated.
Thirty-five European Institutions participate in the EU-funded GENRES CT-98-104 project and its ECP/GR-funded complementary Non-EU module (see http://barley. ipk-gatersleben. de). Documentation of collections holding barley genetic resources in Europe, and the standardised evaluation of Hordeum spp. germplasm for resistance against biotic and abiotic stress factors are the objectives of this initiative. The International Barley Core Collection (BCC) is the major focus of the screening for stress resistance.
Breeding programmes have been recently challenged by climate change. Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) yield, phenological traits (days to heading, length of filling period and days to maturity) and resistance to powdery mildew and net blotch, which are influenced by the rising temperature and precipitation, along with threshability in hulless, were evaluated and their genetic and environmental variability were determined. One hundred and ninety spring barley genotypes were studied, including 129 hulless genotypes and 61 hulled genotypes. The genotypes were grown in the State Stende Cereal Breeding Institute and State Priekuïi Plant Breeding Institute for three seasons during 2007-2009. Broad-sense heritability estimated on the basis of genotypical and phenotypical variances for all traits of hulled barley varied from 31 to 98, and 42 to 98% for hulless barley. For both types of barley the highest heritability was observed for days to heading, filling period and days to maturity. Despite the relatively high estimated heritability for all traits, nevertheless, location, year and interaction of genotype and environment were also been significant for all traits.
Bodenkultur, 2003
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is the fourth most important cereal crop in the world, after wheat, maize and rice. In West Asia, including Turkey, barley is often grown in marginal agricultural areas with low annual precipitation (often less than 220 mm). Landraces in this area are important as they are often the only rain-fed crop possible and they are cultivated on mountain slopes at elevations higher than other cereals (CECCARELLI et al., 2000).
A collection of 106 spring barley landraces from Yugoslavia was evaluated and assessed for some morphological and agronomical characters and tested for resistance to Barley Mild Mosaic Virus (BaMMV) and leaf rust (Puccinia hordei). In the collection, two genotypes (MB530 and MB532) showed resistance to BaMMV. After artificial inoculation with leaf rust, one genotype (MB1012) turned out to be resistant. Based on mainly quantitatively inherited characters, a cluster analysis was carried out and a dendrogram was constructed. The level of diversity detected and the potential use of this germplasm in breeding programmes are discussed.
European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2013
Two major quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with resistance to powdery mildew (Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei) were previously identified on chromosome 7H of the Spanish barley line SBCC097. The two QTLs seemed to share the same chromosomal position as the major genes mlt and Mlf, which were formerly described in Hordeum vulgare ssp. spontaneum-derived lines. In the present work, different lines that carry mlt (RS42-6*O), Mlf (RS137-28*E), or a combination of both (SI-4 and SI-6) were compared with SBCC097 to evaluate their relatedness at the phenotypic, cellular, and genetic levels. The resistance of the lines was characterised by inoculating them with a set of 27 isolates of B. graminis, which displayed a wide range of virulence. It was revealed that SBCC097 possessed a distinctive resistance spectrum. Microscopic assessment of the cytological development of the resistance response showed that SBCC097 clearly formed fewer wellestablished colonies and secondary hyphae than the other lines. This was confirmed by the infection type recorded after visual inspection. Genetic analyses of all five lines, based on markers flanking the QTLs derived from SBCC097, supported the macroscopic and microscopic data and pointed to the presence of a combination of novel genes or alleles in SBCC097, which may be included in the category of "intermediate-acting" genes, governing resistance mainly at the post-penetration stage.
A total of 46 barley cultivars and breeding lines (35 spring and 11 winter) tested in 1998 - 2000 Polish registration trials were tested for powdery mildew resistance with 23 differential isolates of E. graminis f. sp. hordei. The isolates were chosen according to differences in virulence spectra that were observed on ‘Pallas’ isoline differential set and on 8 additional differential cultivars. The experiment was conducted in the IHAR Radzików greenhouse 1999-2000. From 35 tested spring cultivars and breeding lines 6 (17%) were composed of different lines carrying different genes for resistance. Eight different resistance alleles [Mla1, Mla7, Mla12, Mla6, Mla14, Mlg, Ml (CP) and mlo] were detected alone or in combinations. Among tested cultivars and breeding lines of spring barley, majority (94%) had combination of different genes for resistance. The most common resistance gene was Mla12 and this gene was present in 12 (34%) spring breeding lines. Seven spring cultivars and breeding...
Plant Protection Science
In 2006–2010, resistance to the powdery mildew pathogen was studied in 277 spring barley cultivars. They were represented by 54 cultivars in Czech official variety trials, of which 42 were foreign, and 223 cultivars in variety trials conducted by domestic breeding companies in that period. Sixty-eight domestic cultivars (28.8%) exhibited heterogeneity in the examined trait, i.e. they were composed of lines with different resistances to powdery mildew. Thirteen known resistances were identified (Ab, Ar, HH, La, Ly, Mlo, Ri, Ro, Ru, Sp, St, Tu2 and We). The most frequent resistance was Mlo detected in 160 homogeneous cultivars (= 76.6%). The newly described resistance Ro was found in 13 cultivars. Frequency of other resistances was low (maximally 2.4%). Unknown resistances were found in 16 cultivars, in five of which they were effective to all used pathotypes of the pathogen. Research on cultivars possessing unknown resistances and registered heterogeneous cultivars continues.
The aim of the present study was to substantiate theoretically and to test in practice scheme of multi-environment trials at the final stage of spring barley breeding process and to distinguish the genotypes which combine superior yield performance and stability. In the first year of competitive testing (2015) nine promising spring barley breeding lines have been selected under condition of the Central part of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (latitude 49°64′, longitude 31°08′, altitude 153 m). In 2016 and 2017, the genotypes were additionally tested in two other different agro-climatic zones of Ukraine: Polissia (latitude 50°93′, longitude 31°69′, altitude 126 m) and Northern Steppe (latitude 48°56′, longitude 32°32′, altitude 171 m). In addition to the standard variety Vzirets, the breeding lines were compared with ten widespread spring barley varieties in agricultural production. Significant total yield variability of the genotypes and cross-over genotype by environment interaction has b...
Revista de Ensino de Engenharia
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