From the ICL2012 Conference Chair
This special issue includes selected papers from the joint conferences
15. International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2012) and
41. International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy
26-28 September 2012, Villach, Austria, http://www.icl-conference.org
The conference was dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the founding of the International Society
of Engineering Education (IGIP).
During the conference also the 80th Birthday of the founder of IGIP, Adolf Melezinek – the father
of Engineering Pedagogy as a scientific subject, was celebrated with an honorary colloquium.
It was a pleasure for us to welcome distinguished international guests:
Hans Hoyer, Secretary General International Federation of Engineering Education Societies
Stephanie Farrel, Vice-President American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
Manuel Castro, President Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
Education Society
Russ Meier, Vice-President IEEE Education Society
Victor Schutz, former IEEE President
N. V. Ratnalikar, President Indian Engineering Education Foundation (EEF)
David Guralnick, President International E-Learning Association (IELA)
Doru Ursutiu, President International Association of Online Engineering (IAOE)
Ivan Esparragoza, Vice-President Latin American and Caribbean Consortium of
Engineering Institutions (LACCEI)
Andras Szucs, Secretary General European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN)
Furthermore Rectors from some European Universities were present.
This interdisciplinary conference was again focused on the exchange of relevant trends and
research results as well as the presentation of practical experiences gained while developing and
testing elements of interactive learning.
The special motto of this year’s ICL was “Collaborative Learning and New Pedagogical
Approaches in Engineering Education”. We received near 400 paper submission from all over the
world. Finally about 200 presentations were selected to appear in the conference program. On the
three conference days we had 385 participants from 61 countries from all continents.
International outstanding experts gave keynote presentations:
Hans Hoyer, Secretary General of the International Federation of Engineering Education
Societies (IFEES), USA: “Global Partnerships in Engineering Education”;
Sabina Jeschke, Director TeachING-LearnING.EU, RWTH Aachen, Germany:
“VisioneerING – Future Trends in Engineering Education”
Russ Meier, Vice-President of the IEEE Education Society, USA: “Global Trends in
Engineering Education”
Jose Carlos Marques dos Santos, Rector University of Porto, Portugal: “New challenges
in engineering education and the answer of University of Porto”
Djamshid Tavangarian, University of Rostock, Germany: “Is Social Online Based
Learning the Cure for Knowledge Poverty?”
Steve Wheeler, Plymouth University, UK: “Learning 3.0 and the Smart eXtended Web”
During the conference IGIP at the first time awarded international scientific personalities for
outstanding achievements in Engineering Education and Pedagogy:
With the Nicola-Tesla-Chain were awarded:
Adolf Melezinek, Austria
Rob Reilly, USA
The Adolf-Melezinek-Meritorious-Service Award received:
Viacheslav Prichodko, Russia
Victor Schutz, USA
Hartmut Weidner, Austria
The honorable title “IGIP Senior Member” received:
Dana Dobrovska, Czech Republik
Vasiliy Ivanov, Russia
Eleonore Lickl , Austria
Larisa Petrova, Russia
Norbert Kraker, Austria
As “International Engineering Educator – Ing.Paed.IGIP” were awarded:
Ivan Esperragoza
Stephanie Farrell
Hans Hoyer
Vera Melezinek
Russ Meier
Andras Szucs
iJOE – Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2013
Furthermore the IGIP Young Scientist Award went to:
Ramona Oros , Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania
With a work on: Educational Studies of the Use of a WiTAG System
Swetlana Rusina, Belgorod State Technological University, Russian Federation
With a work on: Gender Characteristics of Graduates – Engineers
Tiago Andrade, Faculdade de Engenharia, University Porto, Portugal
With a work on: Project Based Learning Activities in Engineering Education
The next ICL2013 conference will be held in Kazan, Russia from 25-27 September 2013.
Michael E. Auer
Conference Chair