Muhammad Fayyaz SHEIKH, Aamir Inam BHUTTA, Jahanzaib SULTAN / Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 6 No 3 (2019) 305-313 305
Print ISSN: 2288-4637 / Online ISSN 2288-4645
CEO Compensation and Unobserved Firm Performance in Pakistan
Muhammad Fayyaz SHEIKH1, Aamir Inam BHUTTA2, Jahanzaib SULTAN3
Received: May 26, 2019
Revised: May 31, 2019
Accepted: June 20, 2019
The study examines whether higher CEO compensation is related to unobserved future firm performance in an emerging market, Pakistan.
Further, it extends its scope to analyzing the impact of group affiliation and ownership concentration on the relationship between CEO
compensation and future firm performance. The study uses an unbalanced panel data consisting of 1508 firm-year observations from 225
non-financial listed companies in Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX) for period 2005 to 2012. The multiple regression models adjusted to
heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation in error terms are used. The study finds that, in general, CEO compensation is positively associated
with future operating performance. However, higher CEO compensation leads to lower operating performance in firms that have lower
ownership concentration and are affiliated with business groups. When firms are not affiliated with any group and have high ownership
concentration, the relationship between excessive CEO compensation and future operating performance becomes insignificant. Given that
efficient compensation packages may lead to long term value creation to shareholders and reduce agency problems, this study highlights an
important moderating role of ownership concentration and group affiliation of the firms in emerging markets.
Keywords: Corporate Governance, Executive Compensation, Firm Performance, Group Affiliation, Emerging Markets.
JEL Classification Code: G30, G32, M10, M12.
compensation arrangements and state that CEOs, being in
power, set their own pay excessively which is less likely to
correlate with firm performance. Therefore, CEO
compensation contract is an agency problem itself rather
than a tool to reduce agency problems. This debate
continues as the empirical evidence does not fully support
any of the two viewpoints. Several studies (e.g., Conyon &
He, 2011; Frye, 2004; Jensen & Murphy, 1990; Laan, Ees,
& Witteloostuijn, 2010; Murphy, 1999; Ozkan, 2011)
document a significant positive link between CEO
compensation and firm performance while several other
studies(see, Bebchuk, Fried, & Walker, 2002; O'Reilly &
Main, 2010; Sheikh, Shah, & Akbar, 2018; van Essen, Otten,
& Carberry, 2012b) find insignificant or weak payperformance link along with excessive CEO compensation.
A common feature of much of the literature is that it views
CEO compensation as reward for the realized firm
performance and examines the relationship of CEO
compensation with current and past performance. However,
the other view is that board may reward executives for
value-maximizing activities with outcomes that have not yet
realized, and hence that are unobservable to outside
shareholders (see, Balafas & Florackis, 2014; Cooper,
11. Introduction
The corporate boards involve in arm’s length transaction
with CEO and design such compensation plans which
provide CEO with efficient incentives to maximize the
shareholder value (Eisenhardt, 1989; Jensen & Meckling,
1976). This predicts a positive link between CEO
compensation and firm performance. However, Bebchuk
and Fried (2003) challenge the assumption of arm’s length
transactions between CEO and the board over
1 First Author. Assistant Professor, Lyallpur Business School, G.C.
University, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Email:
[email protected]
2 Corresponding Author. Assistant Professor, Lyallpur Business
School, G.C. University, Faisalabad, Pakistan [Postal Address:
Lyallpur Business School, G.C. University, New Campus Jhang
Road, Faisalabad, 38000, Pakistan].
[email protected]
3 Assistant Professor, Lyallpur Business School, G.C. University,
Faisalabad, Pakistan. Email:
[email protected]
© Copyright: Korean Distribution Science Association (KODISA)
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License ( which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
306 Muhammad Fayyaz SHEIKH, Aamir Inam BHUTTA, Jahanzaib SULTAN / Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 6 No 3 (2019) 305-313
Gulen, & Rau, 2013; Hayes & Schaefer, 2000). Absence of
such rewards against unobserved firm performance may
indicate unsolved agency problems not captured by
corporate governance measures.
The former perspective believes that a positive
relationship between CEO compensation and realized firm
performance is ascribed to the fact that realized
performance signals the ability of CEO to effectively
manage the firm (see, Danker, Darrough, Huang, & PlehnDujowich, 2013). While, latter suggests that efficient
compensation packages may motivate executives to exert
costly effort to enhance the growth opportunities of their
firms, leading to long term value creation to shareholders
and reduced shareholder-manager agency problems (see,
Balafas & Florackis, 2014).
This study adopts the latter approach and examines
whether CEO compensation is related to unobservable
future firm performance in Pakistan. Since concentrated
ownership and group affiliation is common feature of
corporate governance structure in Pakistan therefore the
study also examines how concentrated ownership and
group affiliation shape the relationship between CEO
compensation and unobserved future firm performance.
Existing studies (Shah, Javed, & Abbas, 2009; Sheikh et al.,
2018) in Pakistan focus on the effect of past and
contemporary firm performance on CEO compensation and
do not account for differences across concentrated
ownership and group affiliation. This study focuses on the
effect of CEO compensation on unobserved future firm
performance and examines how concentrated ownership
and group affiliation can moderate the relationship under
Using data from non-financial companies listed in
Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), this study finds that CEO
compensation does affect future operating performance
(accounting returns) but not firm market performance
(market returns). Further, split sample analysis reveals that
when firm has lower ownership concentration and is
affiliated with business groups, excessive CEO
compensation has negative association with operating
performance. At non-group affiliation and higher ownership
concentration, the association between CEO compensation
and future operating performance appears to be insignificant.
Overall, the results suggest that board of directors in
Pakistan reward CEOs only against potential operating
performance of the firm and this reward is moderated by
interaction of group affiliation and concentrated ownership.
Economic Corridor (CPEC) in which China and other Asian
countries are investing billions of dollars. The political
leadership of Pakistan calls CPEC a “game changer” that
would bring prosperity to a fragile economy. The CPEC will
open doors to immense economic opportunities in Pakistan.
GDP growth is expected to increase considerably that will
have trickle-down effect on everything. Given the potential
growth in the economy, corporate sector needs to be bullish
to exploit the economic opportunities and increase
shareholders’ wealth. In the corporate sector, the boards of
directors are responsible to devise such compensation
plans for managers that motivate them to take benefits from
the growth opportunities and increase shareholders’ wealth.
However, the boards of directors in Pakistan are dominated
by family members and there is highly concentrated
ownership environment. A lot of firms are affiliated with
groups. This makes board decisions more complicated.
These features of Pakistani corporate governance
environment are different from other Asian countries like
China, Japan and Korea (Sheikh et al., 2018). In addition to
that Legal and political environment is also weak and the
overall governance is poor (Rehman, Hasan, Mangla, &
Sultana, 2012). Further, there is more foreign influence on
governance and corporate environment in Pakistan.
Moreover, Pakistani economy is plagued with more
corruption than many other Asian countries (Sheikh et al.,
2018). Pakistani market is considered to be highly
vulnerable to unethical behavior due to weak governance
and political system (Mujtaba & Afza, 2011).
The number of steps has been taken by Security and
Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) to improve the
corporate governance systems in Pakistan, notably,
issuance of the Code of corporate governance first in 2002
then revision in 2012. Given the growth prospects of
Pakistani economy and evolving corporate governance
structure and general ethical behavior in the society, it is
important to study whether higher managerial compensation
leads to higher future firm performance managers. This
study fills this gap by studying the effect of current CEO
compensation on future firm performance.
Rest of the paper is organized in the following fashion.
Section 2 describes briefly the general hypothesis based on
agency theory, Section 3 discusses the methodology, and
Section 4 provides the empirical results while conclusion is
presented in Section 5.
2. Literature Review
1.1. Institutional Context of Pakistan
Pakistan is getting considerable attention of the
economists and scholars in Asia due to China-Pakistan
The pay-performance literature seems to partially support
both optimal contracting and managerial power approaches
(see, Bebchuk & Fried, 2003; Chen, Ezzamel, & Cai, 2011;
Muhammad Fayyaz SHEIKH, Aamir Inam BHUTTA, Jahanzaib SULTAN / Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 6 No 3 (2019) 305-313 307
Devers, Cannella, Reilly, & Yoder, 2007; Frydman & Jenter,
2010; van Essen et al., 2012b). Importantly, payperformance relationship is largely conditioned to socioeconomic and institutional peculiarities prevailing in the
economies under examination (Hüttenbrink, Oehmichen,
Rapp, & Wolff, 2014; Sun, Zhao, & Yang, 2010; van Essen,
Heugens, Otten, & Van Oosterhout, 2012a; van Essen et al.,
Most of the Asian economies are considered to be
emerging. In these countries, firms face heavy government
intervention on business activities through taxation,
regulation, and state ownership (Fan, Wei, & Xu, 2011).
Therefore, executive compensation research in Asia has
come up with more complex findings as compared to US
and Europe. Firth, Fung, and Rui (2007) find that overall
CEO compensation is positively related to firm accounting
performance as well as to stock market performance
measures in China. Conyon and He (2012) find that
association of CEO compensation with firm performance is
stronger for accounting performance than market
performance in China. However, Kato and Long (2006)
report that this association is weak for state owned firms,
indicating ineffectiveness of state-owned firms in resolving
agency problems. Su, Li, and Li (2010) find significant
positive association between executive compensation and
return on assets for both SOEs and non-SOEs. Mitsudome,
Weintrop, and Hwang (2008) find that CEOs in Japan and
US are rewarded for contemporaneous firm performance
however, pay for performance relationship is more
persistent in Japanese firms. In addition, Mazumder (2017)
finds that institutional ownership is negatively while
managerial ownership is positively related to the level of
executive compensation. Kato, Kim, and Lee (2007) show in
Korea that CEO cash compensation is significantly
associated with stock performance only and the magnitude
of the relationship is quite comparable to Japan and US.
However, this pay for performance relationship is mainly
driven by non-Chaebol firms.
Besides considering pay as reward for performance,
many studies investigate the motivational role of pay
including its components. Specifically, these studies
examine how CEO compensation is related to unobserved
future firm performance. For example, Hayes and Schaefer
(2000) find strong evidence suggesting that future
performance can be predicted using unexplained variation in
current compensation. Further, they find that higher
variation in publicly observable performance measure leads
to stronger relationship between current compensation and
future firm performance. Contrary to that, Kubo (2005)
shows no support for the hypothesis of positive relationship
between pay-performance sensitivity and firm performance
in Japan. Therefore, performance improvements induced by
highly geared incentive pay plans offered by firms are
doubtful in Japan. In UK, Balafas and Florackis (2014) show
that excessive CEO incentive compensation is inversely
related to short-term future stock returns. Adithipyangkul,
Alon, and Zhang (2011) address the motivational aspect of
perks (non-cash compensation) in China and document that
perks are positively related to both current and future firm
performance as measured by return on assets, indicating
that perks are used to reward the performance as well as to
motivate the executives for future profitability. Buck, Liu, and
Skovoroda (2008) also confirm in China that executive
compensation and firm performance have mutual effects on
each other through both reward and motivation.
Option grants are advocated to be an instrument to
reduce moral hazard problems and align the mutual
interests of agents and principals however, according to rent
extraction view, option grants can be used to compensate
executives excessively if executives are in control of the pay
setting process (see, Bebchuk & Fried, 2003). Consistent
with former, Hanlon, Rajgopal, and Shevlin (2003) show that
stock option grants to top management team (TMT)
positively influence the future firm. Kato, Lemmon, Luo,
and Schallheim (2005) show that adoption of stock options,
following a regulatory change in 1997, has significant impact
on operating performance in Japan. Relatedly, Fich and
Shivdasani (2005) show that presence of stock option plans
for outside directors have positive influence on market to
book ratios. However, Malmendier and Tate (2009)
document that both stock and operating performances
decline following CEO awards
In Pakistan, Sheikh et al. (2018) find that CEOs are
rewarded against past and contemporary firm performance.
On the other hand, Shah et al. (2009) could not find any
positive association between firm performance and CEO
compensation. However, these studies focus on pay as
reward for past and contemporary firm performance and do
not consider pay against unobserved firm performance and
as a motivation to perform in future. Thus, our study is
different from existing studies in Pakistan and focuses on
the relationship between current excessive CEO
compensation and future firm performance.
Under agency theory, if boards compensate CEOs in
Pakistan for both observable and unobservable
performance measures and unobservable performance
measures correlate with future observable performance
measures then current compensation that is unexplained by
current observable performance measures is likely to
correlate with future observable performance measures (see,
Balafas & Florackis, 2014; Carter, Li, Marcus, &
HassanTehranian, 2016; Cooper et al., 2013; Hayes &
Schaefer, 2000). This leads to the deduction that current
308 Muhammad Fayyaz SHEIKH, Aamir Inam BHUTTA, Jahanzaib SULTAN / Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 6 No 3 (2019) 305-313
CEO compensation can predict future performance, leading
to the hypothesis that:
Hypothesis 1: CEO compensation has positive effect on
future firm performance.
3. Data and Methodology
The study focuses on all the non-financial firms listed in
PSX for period 2005 to 2012. The financial firms are
excluded because they have different accounting and
regulatory requirements and structures of valuation ratios
and profits. There are total of 399 non-financial firms listed
in PSX. Since no database is available in Pakistan that
covers CEO compensation and corporate governance
variables therefore this data is extracted from hand collected
annual reports of the companies. We manage to collect total
of 1836 annual reports from 260 firms for at least three
consecutive years for each firm. In 328 annual reports, we
find that CEO compensation is either zero or it is not
reported. Therefore, we eliminate such firms from our dataset.
Our final unbalanced panel dataset contains 1508 observations
from 225 firms. All the financial data is collected from Balance
Sheet Analysis (BSA) published by State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).
3.1. Measurement of Key Variables
3.1.1. CEO Compensation
The literate classifies executive compensation into two
broad classes i.e., cash compensation (short-term
compensation) and non-cash compensation (long-term
compensation) based on nature and/or time-horizon of the
award. Cash compensation is the remuneration paid to the
executives during the fiscal year. It may include base salary
and cash bonuses (see, e.g., Cooper et al., 2013; Core,
Holthausen, & Larcker, 1999; Ozkan, 2011) or may include
base salary, cash bonuses and other cash benefits (see,
e.g., Balafas & Florackis, 2014; Conyon & He, 2012; Ntim,
Lindop, Osei, & Thomas, 2013). Other forms are included in
non-cash compensation. In Pakistan, CEO are not paid in
the form of long term incentive plans, stock options and
restricted stocks (Sheikh et al., 2018). Consistent with
existing literature, this study uses both measures of CEO
compensation i.e., cash compensation and total
compensation. However, in Pakistan, both compensations
are highly correlated (r = 0.97, unreported) therefore results
of this study are not qualitatively different for these two
classes of compensation. To conserve brevity, we report
results for total compensation only.
3.1.2. Firm Performance
Operating firm performance is represented by return on
assets (ROA) estimated by ratio of income before interest
(EBIT) and taxes to total assets(see, e.g., Banghoj,
Gabrielsen, Petersen, & Plenborg, 2010; Conyon & He,
2012). Another popular measure of operating performance
i.e. earnings per share (EPS)(see, e.g., Chen et al., 2011;
Laan et al., 2010)is also calculated for robustness purposes.
Market performance is measured as total return to
shareholders calculated as current market price share plus
dividend for the current year divided by previous year
market price (see, e.g., Boschen, Duru, Gordon, & Smith,
2003; Guthrie, Sokolowsky, & Wan, 2012).
3.2. Model
When high CEO compensation is due to the information
that CEO effort is greater than implied by current observable
firm performance measures alone then one should find
future firm performance to be higher than implied by current
firm performance alone (Balafas & Florackis, 2014; Hayes &
Schaefer, 2000). This can reasonably be tested using
following three-step procedure.
1. regress CEO compensation on current performance
and take residuals
2. regress future firm performance on current firm
performance and take the residuals
3. regress residuals of (2) on residuals of (1)
This is equivalent to regressing future firm performance
on current CEO compensation and current firm performance.
This way the effects of current firm performance would be
net out. Thus, the model would be:
ൌ ߙ ߚଵ ܴܱܣ௧ ߚଶ ܴܶܶܧ௧
ߚଷ ܲܯܱܥܶܰܮ௧ ߙ ߱௧ ߝ௧ ሺͳሻ
Where FirmPerformancet+1is one year ahead accounting
and market performance (ROA or TRET), ROAt is current
year return on assets, TRETt is current year total return to
shareholder (market performance), LNTCOMPt is log of
current CEO compensation.
Note here that in step 1 above, objective is to measure
the degree of information contained in CEO compensation
that is not explained by current firm performance. Therefore,
two measures of current performance, ROA and total
shareholder return, are incorporated in the model. Industry
fixed effects and time fixed effects are also incorporated to
control for unobserved heterogeneity and macroeconomic
Muhammad Fayyaz SHEIKH, Aamir Inam BHUTTA, Jahanzaib SULTAN / Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 6 No 3 (2019) 305-313 309
return on assets showing that secondary market in Pakistan
is highly volatile.
In addition, corporate governance and firm specific
variables also correlate with CEO compensation and firm
performance therefore to provide as much explanatory
power as possible, most widely used corporate governance
and firm specific variables are incorporated. Thus, following
model is estimated.
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics
Total CEO Compensation
(PKR in ‘000)
ൌ ߙ ߚଵ ܴܱܣ௧ ߚଶ ܴܶܶܧ௧
ߚଷ ܲܯܱܥܶܰܮ௧ ߚସ ܱܹܱܰܵܰܥ௧
ߚହ ܹܱܰܯܣܨ௧ ߚ ܷܱܴܲܩ௧
ߚ ܧܼܫܵܦܤ௧ ߚ଼ ܰܦܧ௧ ߚଽ ܱܧܥܮܣܷܦ௧
ߚଵ ܦܮܱܪܶܵܰܫ௧ ߚଵଵ ܧܼܫܵܯܴܫܨ௧
ߚଵଶ ܤܶܯ௧ ߚଵଷ ܭܴܵܯܴܫܨ௧ ߙ ߱௧
ߝ௧ ሺʹሻ
Where OWNCONSt is ownership of the largest
shareholder (Holderness, 2017; La Porta, Lopez-De-Silanes,
& Shleifer, 1999), FAMOWNt is an indicator variable taking
value 1 if 1) a person or family group holds at least 25% of
voting right as measured by percentage of shares owned
directly or indirectly. An indirect voting right can be achieved
through a trust or holding company, 2) two or more family
members sit in the board of directors and zero otherwise,
GROUPt is an indicator for group affiliated firms, BDSIZEt is
boards size, NEDt is ratio of non-executive directors to
board size, DUALCEOt is and indicator variable taking value
1 if CEO is also chairman board of directors and zero
otherwise, INSTHOLDt is ratio of shares held by institution
to total shares outstanding, FIRMSIZEt is log of total assets,
MTBt is market to book ratio and FIRMRSKt is firm risk
measured by standard deviation of monthly stock returns for
the fiscal year.
To examine the role of concentrated ownership and group
affiliation we split our sample into group vs non-group firms
and high ownership concentration vs low ownership
concentration. We do not use interaction terms in regression
model to avoid problem of multicollinearity due to high
correlation among interactions terms.
Return on Assets (%)
Market Return (%)
Ownership Concentration (%) 33.41
Family Ownership
Group Affiliation
Board Size
Non-Executive Directors Ratio 0.636
CEO Duality
Institutional Ownership (%)
Firm Size (Log of Assets)
15.140 1.493
Firm Risk (%)
Market to Book Ratio
Table 2 presents empirical results for the relationship
between CEO compensation and one year ahead firm
operating performance (ROA). In column 1, it appears that
CEO compensation positively influences future operating
performance as coefficient of compensation is statistically
significant. This means that boards of directors also reward
CEOs for the operating performance that is not observable
to outside shareholders. This finding is consistent with other
studies (e.g., Adithipyangkul et al., 2011; Balafas &
Florackis, 2014; Hayes & Schaefer, 2000).
Given the Pakistani context of high ownership
concentration and group affiliation of the firms, we split our
sample into high vs low ownership concentration and group
vs non-group affiliated firms. The coefficient of
compensation is significant in firms that have high
ownership concentration or are not affiliated with any group
(see column 3 & 5). However, further analysis shows that
within high and low ownership concentration, the behavior of
group affiliated and non-group affiliated firms is different. For
example, low ownership concentration firms that are not
affiliated with any group have positive association between
CEO compensation and future operating performance
whereas firms that are affiliated with group in low ownership
concentration category have negative association (see
column 6 & 7). Interestingly, the relationship CEO
compensation and future operating performance is again
positive where firms are group affiliated and have high
ownership concentration (see column 8). This shows that
CEO compensation (excess of observable performance)
leads to higher future operating performance when firm has
4. Results
Table 1 reports the descriptive statistics of the variables
used in the regression model. Average annual total CEO
compensation is PKR 9,148,000 with standard deviation of
PKR 13,285,000. Mean return on assets is 11.06 percent
with standard deviation of 10.81 percent while market return
averages at 14.09 percent with standard deviation of 75.84
percent. Market return seems to have more dispersion than
310 Muhammad Fayyaz SHEIKH, Aamir Inam BHUTTA, Jahanzaib SULTAN / Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 6 No 3 (2019) 305-313
low ownership concentration and is not affiliated with any
group or firm has high ownership concentration and is
affiliated with a group. There is an indication of expropriation
in firms that have low ownership concentration and are
affiliated with a group as excess CEO compensation leads
to negative future operating performance. Concentrated
ownership seems to play monitoring role as high ownership
concentration mitigates the negative association between
CEO compensation and future firm performance.
Table 3 describes the results for CEO compensation and
future market performance. None of columns shows that
there is any association between CEO compensation and
future market performance of the firm. These results support
the finding of Sheikh et al. (2018) in that market
performance in Pakistan does not contribute towards CEO
Table 2: CEO compensation and one-year ahead firm operating performance (Return on Assets)
Low Cons. &
0.609*** 0.635***
Return on Assets
Market Return
Family Ownership
Board Size
Directors Ratio
CEO Duality
Firm Size
Firm Risk
Market to Book
Concentration Concentration
Low Cons. & High Cons. & High Cons. &
Robust standard errors in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
Muhammad Fayyaz SHEIKH, Aamir Inam BHUTTA, Jahanzaib SULTAN / Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 6 No 3 (2019) 305-313 311
Table 3: CEO compensation and one-year ahead firm market performance (Market Return)
Full Sample
Concentration Concentration
Return on Assets
Market Return
-0.113*** -0.174***
Family Ownership
Board Size
Directors Ratio
CEO Duality
Firm Size
Firm Risk
Market to Book
Robust standard errors in parentheses
Non- Low Cons. & Low Cons. & High Cons. & High Cons. &
Group Non-Group
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
positive association between CEO compensation and firm
operating performance when ownership concentration is low.
At non-group affiliation and higher ownership concentration,
there was no significant association between CEO
compensation and future accounting returns.
Overall, our study suggests that although, generally, there
is a positive relationship between excessive CEO
compensation and future operating performance however
this relationship is moderated by interaction of ownership
structure and group affiliation of the firms. Future research
may be directed to examine how ownership rights (control
and cash flow rights) can shape the relationship between
CEO compensation and future returns. In view of
considerable growth prospects of the Pakistani market our
study has important implications for domestic as well as
foreign stakeholders.
5. Conclusion
We study the relationship between CEO compensation
and future firm performance in an economy that has
considerable growth prospectus. We use data from nonfinancial companies listed in PSX and adopt a robust
methodological approach. The evidence suggests that
excessive CEO compensation leads to higher future
operating performance. However, firms’ future market
returns are not affected by excessive CEO compensation.
Further evidence suggests that excessive CEO
compensation leads to negative accounting returns when
firms have lower ownership concentration and are affiliated
with business groups. Nevertheless, when ownership
concentration is high, and firm is affiliated with a group, the
relations between CEO compensation and future accounting
returns remains positive. Non-group affiliated firms show
312 Muhammad Fayyaz SHEIKH, Aamir Inam BHUTTA, Jahanzaib SULTAN / Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business Vol 6 No 3 (2019) 305-313
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