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This research aims to know the influence of used Talking Stick method for the result of student's learn on the subject of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution in grade X MAN 2 Samarinda. Population in this research are all of student in X grade of MAN 2 Samarinda. Research's sample taken from X-4 and X-5 with each amount student class are 38 student. Class of X-4 used a direct learning method, while class of X-5 is a class that used Talking Stick learning method. Research's result is analyze by used the t test, which is obtained -tarithmatic = -4,53 and -ttable = -2,042, because -tarithmatic < -ttable, that is -4,53 < -2,042. So H0 rejected and Ha accepted, so that, there are influence of used Talking Stick learning method for the result of student's learn on the subject of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution in grade X MAN 2 Samarinda. In this research, the result of student's learn used Talking Stick learning method is better than student were used direct learning method on the subject of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solution.
Ulkus peptikum adalah gejala penyakit pada lambung atau duodenum dikarenakan terjadi lesi pada mukosa yang sering dijumpai pada masyarakat yang memiliki aktivitas tinggi. Sekresi asam dari sel parietal diturunkan oleh antagonis histamin H 2 seperti ranitidin hidroklorida. Fast disintegrating tablet diketahui dapat hancur atau melarut secara cepat dalam saliva tanpa membutuhkan air. Diperlukan eksipien berupa superdisintegran untuk meningkatkan waktu hancurnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi optimum croscarmellose sodium dan crospovidone terhadap sifat fisik fast disintegrating tablet dari ranitidin hidroklorida. Tablet ini diformulasikan dengan variasi kadar croscarmellose sodium dan crospovidone dengan perbandingan 8:2%, 5:5%, 2:8%. Pembuatan tablet fast disintegrating menggunakan metode kempa langsung. Sifat fisik fast disintegrating tablet yang diuji untuk mengetahui kualitasnya adalah kekerasan, kerapuhan, waktu pembasahan, waktu hancur, waktu larut tablet. Data uji sifat fisik fast disintegrating tablet di lihat respon optimalnya dengan menggunakan simplex lattice design. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu variasi perbandingan kadar bahan penghancur croscarmellose sodium : crospovidone (2 : 8%) menghasilkan sifat fast disintegrating tablet ranitidin hidroklorida yang optimal.
Academia Mental Health and Well-Being, 2024
Mental health, academic motivation, and exercise participation remain critical issues for well-being of university students. This study aimed to explore lifestyle elements that influence mental health, academic motivation, and the participation of three types of exercise among university students. This cross-sectional study was conducted between October 2022 and December 2022. A total of 240 first-year students (mean age: 18.70±0.53 years; age range: 18 to 21; 166 female) participated in the study. Measurements were daily step counts, dietary habits, sleep habits, exercise participation by type (aerobic exercise: AE; resistance exercise: RE; flexibility exercise: FE), screen time, eye fatigue, club activities, part-time job time, depression, and academic motivation. Longer FE and higher subjective sleep quality predicted lower depression (β = -0.11, P < 0.05; β=-0.23, P<0.001). Screen time commonly predicted depression (β = 0.11, P < 0.05) and academic motivation (β = -0.15, P < 0.05). Frequency of exercise less than 5 min commonly predicted total time of AE (β = 0.20, P < 0.01), RE (β = 0.23, P < 0.001), and FE (β = 0.21, P < 0.001). Decreasing screen time could be common key factors for good mental health, and academic motivation. Increasing short-term frequent exercise could be the implementable strategy for increasing participation of three types of exercise.
I Luoghi della Cura, 2024
Il Decreto Legislativo 62/2024 che, in attuazione della L. 227/2021, stabilisce le procedure per la nuova ed unica valutazione di base per il riconoscimento della condizione di disabilità, ha individuato un nuovo strumento di valutazione, denominato WHODAS 2.0. Si tratta di un metodo standardizzato di misura del funzionamento, della disabilità e della salute delle persone, ad eccezione dei minori di età.
Lucentum, 2023
Se presenta en este trabajo el resultado de la excavación de una tumba íbera procedente de la necrópolis de Los Collados (Almedinilla, Córdoba), datada entre el siglo IV a. C. al II a. C., con un ajuar muy completo que incluye una panoplia de guerrero (escudo, espada, soliferreum, lanza y cuchillo) y otros elementos tanto metálicos como cerámicos que permiten plantear problemas en la interpretación de estos conjuntos funerarios y su relación directa con el muerto en tanto que dota a este, o no, de un estatus social. Se analiza la disposición y deposición de los diversos materiales, así como su asociación espacial en el ámbito de la cámara funeraria. Se realiza un detallado análisis de los materiales, que incluyen estudios arqueométricos sobre cerámica y metales. Incluimos una detallada discusión sobre cronología a partir de las tipologías y asociaciones de materiales en diversos contextos; para finalizar aportamos, a partir de un minucioso análisis de la posición e intercalación de los diversos materiales en el interior de la cámara de la tumba algunas propuestas sobre el ritmo temporal del propio ritual funerario. La crítica a modelos tradicionales donde se establece una relación directa entre ajuar y posición social o propiedad es la base de la discusión de este artículo, a lo que se une la reflexión acerca de las pocas intervenciones que publican no sólo el material sino su distribución interna que puede resultar fundamental para entender la parte de los rituales de enterramiento que dejan una marca evidente en el registro arqueológico.
The China Review, 2024
"Hong Kong is dead, long live Hong Kong" is one way of capturing the thesis of Dan Vukovich's new book, After Autonomy: A Post-Mortem for Hong Kong's first Handover. For there must be a death to hold a postmortem and life after autonomy. The autonomy he refers to is that of Hong Kong from Mainland China, as entrenched by the Basic Law. What comes next, he hopes, is the integration of Hong Kong and Mainland China in an egalitarian manner that is attentive to the needs of the people on both sides of the border. Vukovich has written an important book about Hong Kong, at a critical time. It is recommended reading for all those who care about Hong Kong's future. More than a commentary on the 2019 protests and unrest, the book re ects on the signi cance of 2019 along the historical trajectory of Hong Kong's progress and evolution. Conscious of being labelled as belonging to either the "yellow" or "blue" camps-the supercial and divisive labels used in public discourse a er the 2014 Occupy Central protests-Vukovich takes neither side. Instead, he writes a "green book" (p. 6), a mélange of yellow and blue. Vukovich provides an original and critical account of what has happened and why and re ects on where Hong Kong might be headed. He is highly critical of a diverse range of groups in Hong Kong society: the pan-democratic legislators (" e legislature was still highly dysfunctional and ineffective, not despite but because of Pan-democratic hegemony there," p. 18), the police ("did at times use violence indiscriminately," p. 38), the Hong Kong government ("sheer political and institutional dysfunction," p. 2), Beijing ("must bear some responsibility for the rise of the movement and indeed for not doing more to bene t Hong Kong," p. 47), foreign governments ("imperialism lives on in a subtler or amorphous sense," p. 49), the media ("while there are always by de nition two sides, only one counted within the major media," p. 12), the pro-establishment political camp ("the lack of ideas and political skills amongst the 'pro-Beijing' parties," p. 47), Hong Kong universities ("corporate science," p. 118), "cultural studies" in Hong Kong.......
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Rapid changing in the world required to learn foreign languages. That necessity transformed language teaching in foreign countries into big sector. In this conditions, Turkish language working to get its place in this sector. Especiallly in recent years, the social,economical, cultural reforms and the improving value of Turkey have showed us the necesstiy of Turkish teaching to foreigners. For this reason, A number of books have been publishing, materials have been developing. The biggest problem in this issue is how to teach Turkish culture in effective way. It's widely accepted that comprehending a language is different from teaching grammar. That's why the person who learns the language must master on written and verbal culture of the language. The textbooks are one of the crucial elements of culture transfer. That's why, It is very important to choose the texts consciously for culture transfer properly. In this regard the idioms and proverbs which keep Turkish culture are accepted as an important tool of culture transfer. In this study we showed the importance of idioms and proverbs in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. Using proverbs and idioms in the books at A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 level of "İstanbul, Turkish Teaching Books for Foreigners" is examined by using document analysis methodology. According to conclusions some ideas were suggested.
Sự chuyển dịch cân bằng hoá học là sự phá vỡ trạng thái cân bằng cũ để chuyển sang trạng thái cân bằng mới do các yếu tố bên ngoài tác động lên cân bằng Những yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến CBHH: nồng độ, nhiệt độ, áp suất.
Deze publicatie is tot stand gekomen met steun van de Faculteit der Geestes wetenschappen, Universiteit van Amsterdam Afbeelding omslag: Censuur 2006, Pieter Jonker, conceptueel kunstenaar, Oosterhout en Titelblad van de Index Librorum Prohibitorum, versie Paus Benedictus XIV, 1758. Ontwerp omslag: Kok Korpershoek, Amsterdam Ontwerp binnenwerk: ProGrafici, Goes isbn 9789089643063 eisbn 9789048513727 nur 615 © Marita Mathijsen / Amsterdam University Press, 2011 Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden verveelvoudigd, opgesla gen in een geautomatiseerd gegevensbestand, of openbaar gemaakt, in enige vorm of op enige wijze, hetzij elektronisch, mechanisch, door fotokopieën, opnamen of enige andere manier, zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever. Voorzover het maken van kopieën uit deze uitgave is toegestaan op grond van artikel 16B Auteurswet 1912 jº het Besluit van 20 juni 1974, Stb. 351, zoals gewijzigd bij het Besluit van 23 augustus 1985, Stb. 471 en artikel 17 Auteurswet 1912, dient men de daarvoor wettelijk verschuldigde vergoedingen te voldoen aan de Stichting Reprorecht (Postbus 3051, 2130 KB Hoofddorp). Voor het overnemen van gedeelte(n) uit deze uitgave in bloemlezingen, readers en andere compilatiewerken (artikel 16 Auteurswet 1912) dient men zich tot de uitgever te wenden. De uitgeverij heeft ernaar gestreefd alle copyrights van in deze uitgave opgenomen il lustraties te achterhalen. Aan hen die desondanks menen alsnog rechten te kunnen doen gelden, wordt verzocht contact op te nemen met Amsterdam University Press. 5
Agora. Papeles de Filosofía, 2024
Jurnal Geofisika Eksplorasi, 2020
Ovidius University Annals Economic Sciences Series, 2023
Computers in Human Behavior, 2008
Water Resources Research, 2005
Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2006
African Archaeological Review
Revista de Contabilidad y Tributación. CEF
Науковий вісник Інституту професійно-технічної освіти НАПН України. Професійна педагогіка, 2019