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Human Rights Education Review
3 pages
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This volume brings human rights education (HRE) alive by tying it to a range of key issues facing schools and educators in different national contexts; these include LGBTI+ rights, the rights of religious minorities, child sexual abuse, and bullying and harassment. We are delighted to include the contributions of legal scholars Paula Gerber and Phoebe Irving Lindner from Australia and Dawn Watkins from the UK and, perhaps not surprisingly, we have a particularly
Human Rights Education (HRE) emphasises the significance of children learning about, through and for human rights through their lived experiences. Such experiential learning, however, is often limited to instances of enjoyment of rights and disregards experiences of injustice, exclusion or discrimination. By neglecting the 'negative' experiences, including breaches of their human rights, HRE fails in one of its fundamental aims: empowering individuals to exercise their rights and to respect and uphold the rights of others. Drawing on a range of legal sources, this article identifies a number of violations of the human rights of children in schools, categorised under five themes: access to school; the curriculum; testing and assessment; discipline; and respect for children's views. It argues that for HRE to achieve its core purpose, it must enable children to identify and challenge breaches of rights in school and elsewhere. To do so, knowledge of law, both domestic and international, has a fundamental role to play. Abstract: Human Rights Education (HRE) emphasises the significance of children learning about, through and for human rights through their lived experiences. Such experiential learning, however, is often limited to instances of enjoyment of rights and disregards experiences of injustice, exclusion or discrimination. By neglecting the 'negative' experiences, including breaches of their human rights, HRE fails in one of its fundamental aims: empowering individuals to exercise their rights and to respect and uphold the rights of others. Drawing on a range of legal sources, this article identifies a number of violations of the human rights of children in schools, categorised under five themes: access to school; the curriculum; testing and assessment; discipline; and respect for children's views. It argues that for HRE to achieve its core purpose, it must enable children to identify and challenge breaches of rights in school and elsewhere. To do so, knowledge of law, both domestic and international, has a fundamental role to play.
I n Australia a number of initiatives-the National Consultation on Human Rights (nhrccc, 2009) and the Australian Human Rights Framework (2010)-have acknowledged the importance of supporting education about human rights in schools. The Framework: encompasses a comprehensive suite of education initiatives to ensure all Australians are able to access information on human rights. This includes the development of human rights education programs for primary and secondary schools, the community and for the Commonwealth public sector (Commonwealth of Australia, 2010: 7). In an address to New South Wales (nsw) teachers in 2009, prominent human rights barrister Geoffrey Robertson argued strongly for the importance of human rights education: …. they [human rights] serve to show that privilege is an anachronism, that dogma is destructive, that freedom is a birthright and discrimination is a wrong that should never be suffered (Robertson, 2009) *This is a slightly edited excerpt of the 2013 research report by the same authors entitled Human Rights Education in the School Curriculum, published by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Research Centre, Sydney, Australia. For the full report, go to this url:
This study is the result of a collaborative effort between government and non-government organisations in all Australian states and territories involved in the important work of human rights protection and education. It was funded by the Australian Attorney-General’s Department through the Human Rights Education Framework Grants program, and the research team would like to thank staff members from the Department who provided valuable advice, particularly during its inception and in the early stages to ensure it ran smoothly and to task. This report documents the first national Australian investigation of the place of human rights education in the school curriculum of the new national curriculum and that of each state and territory, and the extent of current opportunities for teaching and learning about human rights. It has taken place at a time of an increased focus on human rights education, which is part of an effort led by the United Nations (UN) over the last two decades. Recent...
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Tuttoscuola, 2018
Se dovessimo soffermarci su singoli aspetti delle pratiche e dello strumentario dell'educazione, troveremmo probabilmente che ai molti che non ci soddisfano, se ne affianchino altri che consideriamo accettabili, e non è detto che si sia generalmente d'accordo nello stabilire quali siano da collocare in un gruppo e quali nell'altro. Si finisce col lasciarsi irretire in un dibattito attento solo a rilevare fenomenologie superficiali, senza essere capace di cogliere gli elementi di struttura che caratterizzano il sistema e lo indirizzano al raggiungimento degli intenti desiderati. La crisi emerge in modo più vistoso non quando si incontrino difficoltà a raggiungere tali intenti, ma quando essi si presentino sbiaditi, immersi in aloni contingenti, inconsapevoli di ciò che è stato, ancorati a un presente al quale non si è in grado di associare un futuro se non in termini di suggestione. Eppure l'educazione ha senso soltanto se i suoi traguardi superano un quadro contingente per proiettarsi in un tempo esteso: la suggestione può suggerire un'idea del futuro, ma nei termini imitativi che si ricavano dalle distopie novecentesche.
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