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2014, Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12)
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AI-generated Abstract
Recent studies at MAMI-C focus on meson production via electromagnetic interactions, which provide crucial insights into baryon properties and hyperon-nucleon interactions. The experiments involve strangeness production using the Kaos spectrometer, targeting protons and light nuclei to investigate the production mechanisms and hypernuclei masses. Updates on the experimental status and future plans for further investigations in this field are discussed.
In this work the author discusses the experimental consequences of the use of the color magnetism concept in nonrelativistic quark models of the nucleon and its resonances. It is found that recent prescriptions used by some authors to apply this model to calculate amplitudes for the photoproduction and electroproduction-of the A (1232) resonance do not give satisfactory agreement with well-established experimental results for the 7N-+ A or 7,N + A processes. Some of the reasons for the disagreement are considered and an alternative approach is suggested.
Exchange reactions with Dick Dalitz 11 A. Gal The hypernuclear physics heritage of Dick Dalitz (1925-2006) Spectroscopy of Hypernuclei 17 Y. Ma et al. γ-ray spectroscopy study of 11 Λ B and 12 Λ C* 21 M. Ukai et al. Observation of the 7 MeV excited spin-flip and nonspin-flip partners in 16 Λ O by γ-ray spectroscopy* 25 T. Koike et al. Next generation hypernuclear γ-ray spectrometer: Hyperball-J 29 J.J. LeRose et al. Hypernuclear spectroscopy in JLab's Hall A 33 S. Marrone et al. 9 Λ Li and 16 Λ N high resolution spectroscopy by electron scattering at Jefferson Lab in Hall A 37 F. Cusanno et al. High resolution hypernuclear spectroscopy at Jefferson Lab, Hall A: The experimental challenge 41 O. Hashimoto et al. Recent results of the JLab Hall C hypernuclear experiment E01-011 47 A. Margaryan RF picosecond timing technique and new possibilities for hypernuclear studies 51 S.N. Nakamura Future hypernuclear experiments at JLab 57 M. Agnello et al. The FINUDA Collaboration A study of 7 Λ Li production with FINUDA 61 P. Gianotti FINUDA: A hypernuclear factory 67 A. Feliciello One step beyond: Hypernuclear γ-ray spectroscopy with FINUDA 73 T. Nagae Strangeness nuclear physics at J-PARC 79 P. Achenbach Probing hypernuclei at PANDA and at MAMI-C 85 D.J. Millener Gamma decay studies of hypernuclei-Theoretical situation Weak Decays 93 M. Agnello et al. The FINUDA Collaboration Study of the proton weak decay of 12 Λ Cg.s. with FINUDA*
Nuclear Physics A, 2010
Since the 1st generation experiment, E89-009, which was successfully carried out as a pilot experiment of (e,e'K+) hypernuclear spectroscopy at JLab Hall C in 2000, precision hypernuclear spectroscopy by the (e,e'K+) reactions made considerable progress. It has evolved to the 2nd generation experiment, E01-011, in which a newly constructed high resolution kaon spectrometer (HKS) was installed and the "Tilt method" was adopted in order to suppress large electromagnetic background and to run with high luminosity. Preliminary high-resolution spectra of 7 Λ He and 28 Λ Al together with that of 12 Λ B that achieved resolution better than 500 keV(FWHM) were obtained. The third generation experiment, E05-115, has completed data taking with an experimental setup combining a new splitter magnet, high resolution electron spectrometer (HES) and the HKS used in the 2nd generation experiment. The data were accumulated with targets of Nuclear Physics A 835 (2010) 121-128 0375-9474/$ -see front matter 7 Li, 9 Be, 10 B, 12 C and 52 Cr as well as with those of CH 2 and H 2 O for calibration. The analysis is under way with particular emphasis of determining precision absolute hypernuclear masses.
Nuclear Physics A, 1997
This progress report and continuation proposal summarizes our achievements for the period &om July 1, 1994 to September 30, 1995 and requests continued fbnding for our program in experimental medium-energy nuclear physics. The focus of our program remains the understanding of the short-range part of the strong interaction in the nuclear medium. Ln the past year we have focused our attention ever more sharply on experiments with real tagged photons, and we have successfblly defended two new experimental proposals: Photofision of Actinide ami Preuctinide Nuclei at S A L and Pho fopr&ction of the p Mesonj-om the Proton with Linearly Polarized Photons at CEBAF. (We are cospokespersons on two previously approved Hall-B experiments at CEBAF, Photoreactions on 3He and Photoabsorption and Photofission of Nuclei.) As part of the team that is instrumenting the Photon Tagger for Hall B; we report excellent progress on the focal-plane detector array that is being built at our Nuclear Detector Laboratory, as well as progress on our plans for instrumentation of a tagged polarized-photon beam using coherent bremsstrahlung. Also, we shall soon receive a large computer system (from the SSC) which will form the basis for our new Data Analysis Center, which, like the Nuclear Detector Laboratory, will be operated under the auspices of The George Washington University Center for Nuclear Studies. Finally, during the past year we have published six more papers on the results of our measurements of pion scattering at LAMPF and of electron scattering at NMHEF and Bates, and we can report that nearly all of the remaining papers documenting this long series of measurements are in the pipeline. DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or senice by trade name, trademark, manufacturer. or otherwise docs not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recornmendktion, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document.
This paper briefly reviews the present status of strange nuclear physics. Recently significant progress has been made. One example to be discussed is a new, electroproduction experiment which offers the possibility of obtaining Lambda hypernuclear spectra with at least a factor of 3 better resolution than previously. However many different experiments impact a spectrum of problems from weak interactions to astro-physics. Although in this short paper it is not possible to cover many topics in depth, sufficient information is provided so that the interested reader can obtain all of the most relevant material.
We suggest that fast neutral meson oscillations may occur in a dense baryonic matter, which can influence the balance of s/¯ s quarks in the nucleus-nucleus and proton-nucleus interactions, if primordial multiplicities of neutral K 0 , ¯ K 0 mesons are sufficiently asymmetrical. The phenomenon can occur even if CP symmetry is fully conserved, and it may be responsible for the enhanced sub-threshold production of multi-strange hyperons observed in the low-energy A+A and p+A interactions.
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