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1999, Journal of Animal Ecology
13 pages
1 file
The intra!patch experience acquired by foraging parasitoid females has often been considered to have a strong in~uence on their tendency to leave a patch\ and thus on their total patch residence time[ Most studies that have been performed on this subject suggest that the patch!leaving rules observed are adaptive because they enable the females to adjust their patch residence time to local environmental conditions[ 1[ Considering a behavioural rule as being adaptive supposes that it has been pro! gressively settled by natural selection\ and thus that there is\ in the population\ genetic variation on which the natural selection could act[ 2[ Therefore\ this study aimed to discover whether there was indeed genetic variability in the patch!leaving decision rules in a population of the egg parasitoid species Telenomus busseolae\ which attacks patches of its hosts\ the eggs of Sesamia nonag! rioides[ Di}erent wasp families were compared using the isofemale lines method\ and the behavioural records were analysed by means of a modi_ed version of the Cox|s proportional hazards model proposed by Haccou et al[ "0880# and Hemerik\ Driessen + Haccou "0882#[ 3[ The results obtained show that T[ busseolae females increase their tendency to leave the patch after each successful oviposition[ Each host rejection also led to an increase in the tendency to leave the patch\ but this e}ect was smaller when host rejections were observed between two ovipositions occurring in rapid succession[ Subsequent visits to the patch also increased the patch!leaving tendency[ 4[ Genetic variability was found in both the global patch!leaving tendency and in the e}ect that successful ovipositions and host rejections have on this tendency[ 5[ The adaptive and evolutionary consequences of these results are discussed[ Key!words] Cox|s regression model\ genetic variability\ parasitoids\ patch time allo! cation\ Telenomus busseolae[ Journal of Animal Ecology "0888# 57\ 010Ð022 011 Genetic variation in patch time allocation
Journal of Insect Behavior, 2006
Classical optimal-foraging theory predicts that a parasitoid is less likely to leave a patch after a host encounter when the host distribution is aggregated, whereas a parasitoid is more likely to leave after a host encounter when the host distribution is regular. Field data on host distributions in the area of origin of the whitefly parasitoid Encarsia formosa showed that whiteflies aggregate at several spatial scales. However, infested leaves most likely contained a single host. This suggests that a host encounter is not enough to decide when to leave. We therefore tested the effect of host distribution and parasitoid experience on patch-leaving behavior. Each parasitoid was observed for several consecutive days in a three-dimensional arena with leaflets containing on average one host per leaflet in an either regular or aggregated host distribution. A proportional hazards model showed that a host encounter decreased the leaving tendency on a leaflet with one host when the time since the latest host encounter was short, but increased the leaving tendency when the time since the latest host encounter was long, independent of host distribution. We conclude that a parasitoid can switch from decreasing to increasing its tendency to leave a patch after a host encounter. We propose two hypotheses that may explain the evolution of such a switching mechanism.
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2001
1 Parasitoids are predicted to spend longer in patches with more hosts, but previous work on Cotesia rubecula (Marshall) has not upheld this prediction. Tests of theoretical predictions may be affected by the definition of patch leaving behaviour, which is often ambiguous.2 In this study whole plants were considered as patches and assumed that wasps move within patches by means of walking or flying. Within-patch and between-patch flights were distinguished based on flight distance. The quality of this classification was tested statistically by examination of log-survivor curves of flight times.3 Wasps remained longer in patches with higher host densities, which is consistent with predictions of the marginal value theorem (Charnov 1976). Under the assumption that each flight indicates a patch departure, there is no relationship between host density and leaving tendency.4 Oviposition influences the patch leaving behaviour of wasps in a count down fashion (Driessen et al. 1995), as predicted by an optimal foraging model (Tenhumberg, Keller & Possingham 2001).5 Wasps spend significantly longer in the first patch encountered following release, resulting in an increased rate of superparasitism. Parasitoids are predicted to spend longer in patches with more hosts, but previous work on Cotesia rubecula (Marshall) has not upheld this prediction. Tests of theoretical predictions may be affected by the definition of patch leaving behaviour, which is often ambiguous. In this study whole plants were considered as patches and assumed that wasps move within patches by means of walking or flying. Within-patch and between-patch flights were distinguished based on flight distance. The quality of this classification was tested statistically by examination of log-survivor curves of flight times. Wasps remained longer in patches with higher host densities, which is consistent with predictions of the marginal value theorem (Charnov 1976). Under the assumption that each flight indicates a patch departure, there is no relationship between host density and leaving tendency. Oviposition influences the patch leaving behaviour of wasps in a count down fashion (Driessen et al. 1995), as predicted by an optimal foraging model (Tenhumberg, Keller & Possingham 2001). Wasps spend significantly longer in the first patch encountered following release, resulting in an increased rate of superparasitism.
Oecologia, 2014
less time in the patch when faced with a competitor than when alone. This study is the first to test the influence of direct interspecific competition and arrival order on patch exploitation strategies in parasitoid species, and highlights the necessity to include agonistic behaviors in theoretical models predicting optimal patch residence time in competitive situations.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2006
The parasitic wasp, Venturia canescens (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), has two reproductive modes, namely, thelytoky or arrhenotoky, and occurs in habitats with highly variable or relatively stable host abundances, respectively. Since information processing is costly, we expected that information indicating resource availability would be mainly used by the thelytokous wasps and less so by the arrhenotokous type. This idea was explored by two different approaches. In a study on patch-time allocation, we used females from ten populations and measured patch-residence times of individuals that visited multiple patches at different encounter rates. In a more detailed approach, thelytokous and arrhenotokous females from a single location were observed continuously while foraging, and all behaviors were recorded. Wasps of both reproductive modes (i.e., both habitat types) used information for the assessment of habitat quality. However, the way that the information was used differed between them. Whereas thelytokous females used foraging informa-tion to maximize their efficiency at high patch-encounter rates, arrhenotokous females merely reduced the number of offspring produced without changing patch times. The behavior of the arrhenotokous females should result in a spreading of offspring across the habitat and, thus, reduced sib-mating. The foraging strategy of these wasps might therefore be an adaptation to reduce costs associated with inbreeding.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2005
The present study aimed to address how an insect parasitoid makes patch-departure decisions from various types of host patches and how previous patch experiences in the environment modify this decision-making process. Experiments were done with the parasitic wasp Aphidius rhopalosiphi attacking the grain aphid Sitobion avenae. In the experiments, wasps were observed in a laboratory environment containing several patches of various host densities, and behavioural records were analysed using a Cox’s proportional hazards model. Consideration of the effect of the within-patch experience gave a classic pattern of patch-leaving decision rules in parasitoids: A. rhopalosiphi used local information on host quality (i.e. numbers of ovipositions or rejections) and availability (i.e. patch density) to determine departure decision. However, consideration of previous patch experiences provided evidence that these departure rules are fundamentally dynamic, responding to the physiological state of the animal and the information it has about its environment. Results showed that A. rhopalosiphi decreased its tendency to leave the visited patch after an oviposition. However, when a female has already laid several other eggs in the environment, such an incremental mechanism gradually switched to a decremental one. Hence, A. rhopalosiphi responded to egg-load depletion by leaving the visited patches sooner and by depositing a smaller number of eggs in those patches, which probably led to a decreased level of superparasitism. Results also indicated that previous experiences enabled wasps to estimate spatial host distribution and then to adjust their behavioural decisions accordingly. Thus, A. rhopalosiphi was shown to adjust its patch residence time according to the quality and the number of the patches previously visited. These proximate mechanistic rules adopted by A. rhopalosiphi females are discussed in the context of general predictions from optimality models.
Behavioral Ecology, 2003
The widespread evolution of gregarious development in parasitoid wasps presents a theoretical challenge because the conditions under which larval tolerance can spread in an intolerant population are very stringent (the individual fitness of larvae developing together must increase with clutch size). Recent empirical work has suggested that gregarious development can arise through the loss of larval mobility rather than through the gain of tolerant behavior. Using analytical genetic models, we explored whether decreased mobility presents a less stringent route to gregariousness than the gain of tolerance. Reduced mobility can spread under a wide range of conditions. The critical condition for the spread of immobility is much less stringent than that for larval tolerance. In contrast with previous models of tolerance, the criterion for the spread of a rare immobility allele is independent of any bias in the sex ratio and the likelihood of single sex broods. Superparasitism increases the stringency of the criterion for the spread of immobility, whereas double killing relaxes the criterion. Tolerance can subsequently replace immobility if there is any cost to the retention of fighting ability. Our results suggest that asymmetric larval mobility may explain many instances of the evolution of gregarious development.
Behavioral Ecology, 2005
The optimal residence time of a forager exploiting a resource patch in the absence of competitors has been much studied since the development of the marginal value theorem. However, several foragers are frequently observed exploiting the same patch simultaneously, and patch residence time has been surprisingly little studied in such competitive situations. The few theoretical models developed on this topic predict that foragers should engage in a war of attrition and stay in the patch longer than when foraging alone. We tested this prediction in Pachycrepoideus vindemmiae (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a solitary parasitoid species in which females are known to defend the hosts they are exploiting via intraspecific fighting. By measuring the effect of direct (i.e., presence of conspecifics) and indirect (i.e., presence of already-parasitized hosts) competition on patch exploitation strategies, we revealed an apparent polymorphism of strategies. Indeed, in competitive situations, some members of the population tended to retreat almost immediately from the patch whereas other members tended to remain, further exploit the patch, and be more involved in interactions with conspecifics. The proportion of ''retreaters'' strongly depended on competition intensity and prior experience of competition. The forager's physiological state (age) also affects patch exploitation strategy and the intensity of interactions between competing females. Our results highlight the necessity for further theoretical studies that consider cases where contests between foragers are costly and take into account prior experience of competition and the forager's physiological state.
Journal of Insect Behavior, 1996
The selection response of the polymorphic host D. melanogaster (Meigen) to the braconid wasp A. tabida (Nees) is addressed. Cages of flies with and without wasps were initiated with a population of D. melanogaster that exhibited variation both in larval foraging behavior and in encapsulation ability. Encapsulation ability was measured as the proportion of parasitized larvae that produce a hardened capsule which encapsulates the wasp egg and ultimately kills the wasp larva. We determined whether the host population changed its encapsulation ability and~or its foraging behavior in response to the wasp. Both species were coUected from a local orchard where A. tabida is the only wasp known to parasitize D. melanogaster larvae. The naturally occurring genetic polymorphism for rover and sitter larval foraging behavior in D. melanogaster is also found in this field population. A. tabida's vibrotactic search behavior enables it to detect rover more frequently than sitter larvae. Rover larvae move significantly more while feeding than do sitter larvae. In this field population, rover larvae also show higher encapsulation abilities than do sitter larvae. Six cage populations, three without wasps and three with wasps, each containing an equal mixture of rover and sitter flies, were established in the laboratory and maintained for 19 fly generations. Selection pressure in the laboratory was similar to that found in the field population from which the flies and wasps were derived. We found that larvae from cages with wasps developed a significantly higher frequency of encapsulation than those reared without wasps. We were, however, unable to detect a change in larval movement (rover or sitter behavior) in larvae from cages subject to selection from wasps compared to larvae from cages containing no wasps. This may have resulted from a balance between two ~Department
1. Parasitoids are predicted to spend longer in patches with more hosts, but previous work on Cotesia rubecula (Marshall) has not upheld this prediction. Tests of theoretical predictions may be affected by the definition of patch leaving behavior, which is often ambiguous. 2. In this study whole plants were considered as patches and assumed that wasps move within patches by means of walking or flying. Within-patch and between-patch flights were distinguished based on flight distance. The quality of this classification was tested statistically by examination of log-survivor curves of flight times. 3. Wasps remained longer in patches with higher host densities, which is consistent with predictions of the marginal value theorem (Charnov 1976). Under the assumption that each flight indicates a patch departure, there is no relationship between host density and leaving tendency. 4. Oviposition influences the patch leaving behavior of wasps in a count down fashion (Driessen et al. 1995), as predicted by an optimal foraging model (Tenhumberg, Keller & Possingham 2001). 5. Wasps spend significantly longer in the first patch encountered following release, resulting in an increased rate of superparasitism.
Ethology, 1999
Parasitoid sex ratios can be greatly influenced by mating and dispersal behaviour. Many sex ratio models assume that mating is strictly local (only mated females disperse from the natal patch) and that a single male is sufficient to inseminate all females in a brood. Bethylids (acukdte parasitoids) have been used to test predictions of these models, but less attention has been paid to testing their underlying assumptions. We investigated the timing of eclosion, mating and dispersal in mixed-sex and single-sex broods of the bethylid wasp Goniozus nephanridis. In mixed-sex broods, almost all females mate before dispersal and a single male is sufficient to inseminate virtually all females, even when brood sizes are large. Males disperse from both mixed-sex and all-male broods, but males in all-male broods disperse more slowly. Virgin females disperse from all-female broods, which are common. Virgin females can produce a brood, mate with their own sons and subsequently produce mixed-sex broods, but their Success rate is very low. Virgin females could potentially circumvent sex allocation constraints by superparasitizing mixed-sex broods, but when presented with hosts bearing mixed-sex broods they destroy all members of the initial brood before ovipositing. Because of the high prevalence of singlesex broods and dispersal of both sexes, the mating structure of C. nephantidk is unlikely to conform to the assumption of strict local mating.
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