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Finite Element Methods for Surface Diffusion
Eberhard Bänsch, Pedro Morin, and Ricardo H. Nochetto
Abstract. Surface diffusion is a (4th order highly nonlinear) geometric driven
motion of a surface with normal velocity proportional to the surface Laplacian
of mean curvature. We present a novel variational formulation for the parametric case, develop a finite element method, and propose a Schur complement
approach to solve the resulting linear systems. We also introduce a new graph
formulation and state an optimal a priori error estimate. We conclude with
several significant simulations, some with pinch-off in finite time.
Keywords: Surface diffusion, fourth-order parabolic problem, finite elements,
a priori error estimates, Schur complement, smoothing effect, pinch-off.
AMS subject classification: 35K55, 65M12, 65M15, 65M60, 65Z05.
1. Surface Diffusion and Mixed Formulation
The overall goal of this work is to devise efficient numerical tools for simulating
morphological changes in stressed epitaxial films and thereby study their complicated nonlinear dynamics. To model the misfit between the crystalline structure
of the substrate and epitaxial film, the film may be thought of as subjected to
mechanical stresses. This causes a plastic deformation of the free surface of the
film. This morphological instability of the free surface may eventually lead to crack
formation and fracture, an issue of paramount importance in Materials Science;
see for instance [1, 4, 14] and also the list of references in [2].
The dynamics of the free surface Γ in Rd is governed by
V = −∆S (κ + ε),
which is a 4th order highly nonlinear PDE. Hereafter, d ∈ {2, 3}, V and κ are the
(scalar) normal velocity and mean curvature of Γ, respectively, ∇S is the surface
gradient, ∆S = divS ∇S the Laplace-Beltrami operator and ε is the elastic energy
density of the bulk Ω(t) enclosed by Γ(t). In this paper, we take ε = 0 throughout.
A number of issues arise, from existence, well posedness and regularity to
effective algorithms for (1). The chief mathematical and numerical difficulties arise
from the 4th order nonlinear operator ∆S κ and the fact that one cannot work
directly with the curvature vector ~κ as in [8]. In contrast to [5, 10], we have
been able to derive, from a suitable semi-implicit time discretization, a variational
finite element formulation for surfaces in Rd which involves the 4 unknowns scalar
E. Bänsch, P. Morin, and R. H. Nochetto
~ , and (scalar) normal velocity
curvature κ, curvature vector ~κ, normal velocity V
V as follows:
~ = V ~ν ,
κ = ~κ · ~ν , V = −∆S κ, V
~κ = ∆S X,
where ~ν denotes the unit normal vector to Γ, pointing outward of the bulk enclosed
by Γ. In view of this mixed formulation, which involves only second order operators,
our finite element method solely requires continuity of the discrete functions; in
particular we do not need C 1 elements to handle curvature but can accommodate
any polynomial degree. A Schur complement approach, with a symmetric and
positive definite operator, is used to reduce the system (2) to the single unknown
V . This allows for an efficient solution technique via preconditioned CG.
This paper is organized as follows. We introduce the time discretization and
natural variational formulation in §2, and present its finite element discretization
in §3. We discuss the ensuing algebraic problem along with a Schur complement
approach to its solution in §4. We present in §5 the graph formulation together
with an error estimate. We document the performance of parametric and graph
methods in §6 via several simulations which exhibit singularities in finite time.
2. Time Discretization and Variational Formulation
We now consider a semi-implicit time discretization of first order with time-step
τ , representing the next surface Γn+1 in terms of the current surface Γn as follows:
~ n+1 = X
~ n + τ V~ .
This time discretization implies that all geometric quantities such as ~ν are evaluated on the current surface Γn . Consequently, if ∆S denotes now the LaplaceBeltrami operator on Γ = Γn , then the only modification to (2) is as follows:
~ n.
~κ − τ ∆S V~ = ∆S X
To derive a weak formulation to (2) and (4), we simply multiply them by test
functions and integrate. If V(Γ) := H 1 (Γ) and X (Γ) is the subspace of V(Γ) of
functions with mean value zero, we thus seek V~ ∈ V(Γ),
κ ∈ V(Γ), ~κ ∈ X~ (Γ) and
V ∈ X (Γ) such that
~ ∇S ϕ
∀ ϕ ∈ X~ (Γ),
h~κ, ϕi + τ ∇S V~ , ∇ϕ = − ∇S X,
hκ, φi − h~κ · ~ν , φi = 0
∀ φ ∈ V(Γ),
hV, φi − h∇S κ, ∇S φi = 0
~ , ϕ − hV, ϕ · ~ν i = 0
∀ φ ∈ X (Γ),
∀ ϕ ∈ V(Γ).
Hereafter the symbol h·, ·i stands for the L2 scalar product over the current surface
~ =X
~ n ; we thus suppress the
Γ = Γn , which is described by the vector function X
superscripts n and n + 1 since no confusion arises. Since
R V ∈ X (Γ) has mean value
zero, we realize that volume is preserved in the sense Γ V = 0.
Finite Element Methods for Surface Diffusion
3. Finite Element Discretization
Let T be a regular but possibly graded mesh of triangular finite elements over the
surface Γ, which from now on is assumed to be polyhedral. Let h denote the local
meshsize of T . Let T ∈ T be a typical triangle and let ~νT = (νTk )dk=1 be the unit
normal to T pointing outwards. We denote by ~ν the outward unit normal to Γ,
which satisfies ~ν |T = ~νT for all T ∈ T , and is thus discontinuous across ∂T .
Let {φi }Ii=1 be the set of canonical basis functions of the finite element space
Vh (Γ) of piecewise linear functions over Γ; this is a conforming approximation of
~ ∈ Rd×d is the identity matrix, consider the following matrix entries
V(Γ). If Id
Mij := hφi , φj i ,
Aij := h∇S φi , ∇S φj i ,
~ ij := Mij Id,
~ ij := φi , φj ν k
and corresponding mass and stiffness matrices
M := (Mij )Ii.j=1 ,
~ := (M
~ ij )I
i.j=1 ,
A := (Aij )Ii.j=1 ,
~ := (N
~ ij )I
i.j=1 ,
~ := (A
~ ij )Ii.j=1 .
~ ,A
~ and N
~ possess matrix-valued entries and therefore the
We point out that M
matrix-vector product is understood in the following sense
~ =
~ ij V~j
~ , is itself a vector in Rd .
~ = (V
~i )I , as well as of M
because each component of V
The vector of nodal values of a finite element functionPis written in bold
face, namely V = (Vi )Ii=1 ∈ V := RI is equivalent to V = i=1 Vi φi ∈ Vh (Γ).
Let Xh (Γ) be the subspace of Vh (Γ) of functions with mean value zero, and let
X = {V ∈ V : V · M 1 = 0} be the corresponding subspace of V with 1 := (1)Ii=1 :
V =
Vi φi ∈ Xh (Γ)
V = (Vi )Ii=1 ∈ X.
Upon expanding the functions V , κ, V~ , ~κ in terms of the basis functions
and testing against the latter, a discretization of system (5)–(8) can be
~ ∈ V,
~ ~κ ∈ V,
~ K
~ ∈ X,
~ V ∈ X such that
written in matrix form as follows: find V
0 −A
K = 0 .
M −N
{φi }Ii=1
We discuss the solvability of (14) and propose an algorithm for its solution in §4.
E. Bänsch, P. Morin, and R. H. Nochetto
4. Schur Complement Approach
Consider the following vector equation with a (possibly singular) square block A:
Let A be symmetric with (nontrivial) kernel ker(A). Then the range Y of A is
the orthogonal complement of ker(A). Let S : Y → Y be the right inverse of A:
AS = Id on Y. If P denotes the orthogonal projection onto ker(A), we have
SAV = V − P V = (Id − P )V
∀ V ∈ RI .
The Schur complement equation for Q then reads
(−CSB + D)Q + CP U = G − CSF .
Solvability of this system depends on the structure of the two terms on the left
hand-side of (16). We intend to apply this splitting to (14), which involves dealing
~ and A on the diagonal.
with the block containing A
Since the kernel of A in (12) is Z = span{1}, with 1 = (1)Ii=1 , the range of
A is Y = Z⊥ . Then the spaces X, defined in (13), and Y are related as follows:
V ∈X
M V ∈ Y.
Let S : Y → Y be the right inverse of A and P : V → Z be the orthogonal
projection into Z, thereby satisfying (15) with P = 1⊗1
1·1 .
~ , K]T and Q = [K,
~ V ]T , we
Applying (16) to (14) with vectors U = [V
obtain the symmetric system
~ +M
~ P~ V
−τ M
τ M SM
~ this could be viewed as a
~ makes sense because A
~ ∈ Y;
We observe that S
compatibility condition. To investigate the solvability of (18), we note that both
~ ∈X
~ and V ∈ X or, in view of (17), M
~ ∈ Y,
~ and
components of Q satisfy K
M V ∈ Y. Since the upper left block of (18), M S M : X → M Y, is nonsingular
~ −1 A
~ −1 , we can apply (16) again to arrive at
with inverse M
~ −1 A
~ −1 N
~ + M SM V + M P K = −N
~ TM
~ −1 A
~ X.
Let Π := Id − M1⊗M1
M1·M1 be the orthogonal projection onto X. Since M P K ∈
span {M 1} = X⊥ , applying Π to (19) yields the final form of the Schur complement :
~ −1 A
~ −1 N
~ + M SM ΠV = −ΠN
~ −1 A
~ X,
Π τN
because ΠV = V . The ensuing matrix of this reduced system is nonsingular because ΠM SM Π : X → X is symmetric and positive definite, and the first term in
(20) is symmetric and positive semi-definite.
The method actually implemented consists of first solving for V using (20),
~ =N
~ and finally updating X
~ via X
~ + τV
~ V for V
next solving M
Finite Element Methods for Surface Diffusion
5. Graph Formulation and Error Analysis
We now discuss the case of Γ being a graph. To this end let Ω ⊆ IR d−1 with
t ∈ [0, T ] forpsome T > 0, d ∈ {2, 3} and Γ(t) := {(x, u(t, x)) | x ∈ Ω} ⊆ IR d .
If Q(u) := 1 + |∇u|2 denotes the elementary surface area, then we have the
following formulas for the geometric quantities ν, κ and V :
∂t u
, V =
(−∇u, 1)T , κ = ∇ ·
with ∇ = (∂x1 , . . . , ∂xd−1 )T . According to (21), (1) can be written as the system
∂t u
= −∆S κ,
This system has to be supplied with suitable initial and boundary conditions. We
restrict ourselves to periodic boundary conditions for ease of presentation, but
Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions can be handled as well [2]. In this
vein, let Ω be a parallelogram and X be the subspace of H 1 (Ω) with periodic
boundary values. Then, (22) admits the following variational formulation: find u
and κ with u(t), κ(t) ∈ X for a.e. t and u(0) = u0 in a suitable sense, fulfilling
h∂t u, ψi − ∇S κ · ∇S ψ = 0
∀ ψ ∈ X,
∇u · ∇ϕ
hκ, ϕi +
∀ φ ∈ X,
where h·, ·i denotes the L2 (Ω) inner product; compare with §2. Note that, in contrast to the mean curvature flow of graphs [6, 7], (23) does not have the weight
Q(u)−1 because the equation is written on Γ.
If Xh is a finite element subspace of X , then a semi space discrete scheme
is obvious from (23) and (24). RIn particular, upon taking ψ = 1 ∈ Xh we deduce
exact volume conservation dt
u = 0. We can also prove stability as well as
Ω h
coercivity properties, which are crucial in deriving the following error estimate [2].
Theorem 5.1 (A Priori Error Estimate for the Semidiscrete Scheme). Let u, κ be
sufficiently smooth in [0, T ], and let k ≥ 1 be the polynomial degree of Xh . Then,
there exists a constant C > 0, solely depending on the regularity of u, κ and T ,
such that
sup ||(u − uh )(t)||L2 (Ω) +
|∇S u − ∇S uh )|2 ≤ C h2k ,
t∈[0,T ]
||(κ − κh )(t)||2L2 (Ω) +
Γh (t)
Γh (t)
|∇S κ − ∇S κh |2 dt ≤ C h2k .
Since (25) involve the tangential gradients ∇S u and ∇S κ, the order of convergence
O(hk ) is optimal. This is corroborated by the numerical experiments of [2], which
are obtained via a semi-implicit time discretization similar to [7]. It consists of
writing the equations for step n + 1 on the current surface Γn , which linearizes the
system and allows for a Schur complement solver similar to that in §4.
E. Bänsch, P. Morin, and R. H. Nochetto
6. Implementation and Simulations
In this section we explain briefly the implementation of both the parametric and
graph formulations within ALBERT [12, 13], and document their performance.
6.1. Mesh Regularization
Figure 1. Pathological ear formation in the evolution of a 4 × 1 × 1
prism by surface diffusion. Surface at time t = 0 and t = 0.07.
Figure 2. Steps towards the pathological formation of ears. Zoom
into a vertex of the initial prism with surfaces at t = k × 10−3 for
0 ≤ k ≤ 9. After 6 time steps some triangles collapse into segments,
thereby making the mesh degenerate and producing numerical artifacts.
The geometric flow by parametric surface diffusion is not as gentle as the corresponding mean curvature flow [8], and leads to severe mesh distortions. Even if the
parametric formulation of §3 allows corners and edges, which are rather singular
for surface diffusion, they give rise to fast node motion and mesh distortion. This
is illustrated by the creation of ears during the evolution of a 4 × 1 × 1 prism
in Figs. 1 and 2 towards a ball. This is clearly a numerical artifact and cannot
be cured by mesh refinement and/or coarsening. We use mesh regularization instead, which consists of replacing each node by the projection onto the surface of
Finite Element Methods for Surface Diffusion
a weighted average of the nodes belonging to its finite element star, see also [11].
This regularization is equivalent to one time step of the discretized (tangential)
heat equation. Its beneficial effect is reflected in the subsequent simulations of
Figs. 3-6, all computed with forcing term ǫ = 0.
6.2. Example 1: Smoothing Effect
We illustrate the evolution of a 4×1×1 prism towards a ball with the same volume
in Fig. 3, thereby showing the smoothing effect of surface diffusion.
t = 0.08
t = 0.02
t = 0.04
t = 0.16
t = 0.32
Figure 3. Smoothing effect of surface diffusion. Evolution of a 4 ×
1 × 1 prism towards a ball with equal volume at various time instants.
6.3. Example 2: Pinch-Off in Finite Time
t = 0.32
t = 0.08
t = 0.36
t = 0.16
t = 0.38
Figure 4. Pinch-off in finite time. Evolution of an 8 × 1 × 1 prism at
various time instants leading to a dumbbell and cusp formation.
E. Bänsch, P. Morin, and R. H. Nochetto
Surface diffusion is not always a regularizing flow and may in fact create singularities in finite time depending on the initial configuration. This is depicted
in Figs. 4-6 which correspond to prisms with larger aspect ratios than before.
Figs. 4-5 display the evolution of an 8 × 1 × 1 prism towards a dumbbell and cusp
formation in finite time. Increasing the aspect ratio of the prism seems to be an
effective mechanism to produce several simultaneous cusps as reported in Fig. 6.
t = 0.390
t = 0.394
t = 0.398
t = 0.402
t = 0.404
Figure 5. Detailed view of the pinch-off for the 8 × 1 × 1 prism.
Mesh regularization appears to cure mesh distortion until the moment
of pinch-off when the elements are rather elongated but not degenerate.
t = 0.48
t = 0.16
t = 0.64
t = 0.32
t = 0.72
Figure 6. Evolution of a 12 × 1 × 1 prism towards two simultaneous
cusps revealing that the number of singularities depends on the aspect
ratio of the initial prism.
6.4. Example 3: Mushroom Formation
We consider the graph formulation of §5 of a curve in 2d starting from the initial
condition u0 (x) = 1 + δ(x), where δ is a steep perturbation with zero meanvalue
(see Figure 7). Since the slope seems to become vertical around t = 4.8 × 10 −5 in
Fig. 7, the classical solution might cease to exist in finite time.
To investigate the formation of singularities in finite time, we use the parametric formulation with the same initial data upon embedding the graph of u0
into a closed curve (see Figure 8 top left). For the time scale of Fig. 7, the effect of
Finite Element Methods for Surface Diffusion
this extension is negligible. Fig. 8 displays a sequence of solutions obtained for the
same eight time instants of Fig. 7. It is worth noticing the striking similarity of
the solutions obtained with both methods. Even though the parametric solution
develops a mushroom shape at t = 9.6 × 10−5 , and thus the solution to the graph
formulation is questionable thereon, they still exhibit an excellent quantitative
agreement for t > 9.6 × 10−5 (compare the last two plots of Figs. 8 and 7).
t = 8 × 10−6
t = 16 × 10−6
t = 24 × 10−6
t = 4.8 × 10−5
t = 9.6 × 10−5
t = 19.2 × 10−5
t = 38.4 × 10−5
Figure 7. Evolution of a graph in 2d starting from u0 (x) = 1 + δ(x)
with a steep perturbation δ(x). In all plots for various times t, the
x-axis ranges from −1 to 1, and the y-axis ranges from 0 to 1.5.
t = 8 × 10−6
t = 16 × 10−6
t = 24 × 10−6
t = 4.8 × 10−5
t = 9.6 × 10−5
t = 19.2 × 10−5
t = 38.4 × 10−5
Figure 8. Mushroom formation. Parametric evolution of a curve in
2d with the same initial condition and the same times of Fig. 7. The
rectangles in thin lines are [−1, 1] × [0, 1.5]. The effect of embedding
the graph of Fig. 7 into a close curve (see top-left picture) is negligible
for the time scale of this evolution.
E. Bänsch, P. Morin, and R. H. Nochetto
We would like to thank K. G. Siebert for his assistance in incorporating new data
structures to handle surfaces in R3 and curves in R2 within ALBERT [12, 13]. We
were all partially supported by the NSF-DAAD international cooperation grant
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Finite Element Methods for Surface Diffusion
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics
Mohrenstrasse 39, 10117 Berlin,
and Freie Universität Berlin, GERMANY
E-mail address:
[email protected]
Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral, Güemes 3450, 3000 Santa Fe,
and Departamento de Matemática, Facultad de Ingenierı́a Quı́mica,
Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, ARGENTINA
Partially supported by CONICET of Argentina and NSF Grant DMS-9971450.
E-mail address:
[email protected]
Department of Mathematics and Institute for Physical Science and Technology,
University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 20742, USA
Partially supported by NSF Grants DMS-9971450 and DMS-0204670.
E-mail address:
[email protected]