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It is my great pleasure to present you February issue of Critical Space with different research topics which make the journal more contemporary and relevant to read. I also express my sincere thanks to all those who contributed their valuable research papers and trust us as an authentic publishing forum. As the articles contained in the issue can be categorized under the disciplines like Cultural Studies, Mythology, Subaltern Studies, Sociology, Politics, Diaspora Studies, and Linguistics make it interdisciplinary. Advocacy of patriarchal mode of social power, Hindu Epics and Puranas reflect women as a weaker sex that can be used only for the physical pleasure. As a result of that most of the women characters depicted in these mythological discourses are secondary and passive. In the modern period, the intelligentsia starts thinking about this duality of truth and in response it creates parallel discourse that gives exposure to these suppressed voices. Dilshad Kaur’s research paper “Breaking New Grounds: Listening to the Silent Echoes of Draupadi in The Palace of Illusions” explore the feminine dimension of truth. The textual references and convincing analysis make the paper more interesting to contemplate. The similar kind of deconstructive line of logic can be seen in the research article of Dr. Jyoti Rane who analyses Sun’s Seventh Horse and reveals that how the identities were created by the society that predominantly regularize the social behaviour of man and woman. In the article Dr. Rane illustrates the process of identity creation and how the different channels were set for the socialization of man and women according to sex. Dr. Sujata Bamane in her article “Comprehension in a Graphic Style: A Study of Fumi Yoshinaga’s All My Darling Daughters” NRI Registration No. MAHENG/2012/55583 Critical Space iv Volume V Issue II: February 2017 ISSN: 2319-3689 analyses the narration containing diagrammatic and decorative with words combined with different colour-combinations, funny pictures and mesmerizing images in order to comprehend the meaning reflected by Yoshinaga. The research scholar has minutely and meticulously observed the graphic novel and presented her scholarly analysis. Dr. A. M. Sarawade in his research article “Appropriating Pragmalinguistics and Sociopragmatics for Teaching Literature in S L Classroom” reveals that how the branches of Pragmatics can be employed in actual language teaching practice. It is a good attempt to combine the technical aspects with the socio-cultural conventions of language in the actual teaching practice in SL context. Therefore, it is a good contribution towards the most debated issue of language teaching in SL situation. In the language component of the present issue we have another interesting article by Dr. Preeti Joshi who analyses the role of English Language in Postcolonial Era as a lingua franca to promote Globality, Locality and Hybridity. The article analyses the actual hybrid linguistic expressions that has surpassed from the category of Creole and designated itself as a language of the world. The article gives review of all these changes and very interestingly comments on the sociocultural processes. Dr. Seema Maraje in her research paper “Honour Killing: A Stigma on Modern Society” deals with another significant and burning issue of the contemporary modern society. The paper takes into account all the basic notions related to the concept of ‘Honour Killing’ and analyses it in the socio-cultural contexts. In contemporary period there are several literary expressions that depict the situation of Honour Killing and therefore it becomes necessary to understand it in its socio-cultural context which is adequately provided by Dr. Maraje. NRI Registration No. MAHENG/2012/55583 Critical Space v Volume V Issue II: February 2017 ISSN: 2319-3689 Sardar B. Jadhav and Dr. P. R. Shewale in their article “Keki N. Daruwalla’s “Crossing of Rivers”: An Absolute Visualization of Landscape” reflect how the poetic vision is capable of the photographic presentation of the landscape. The analysis of the poem is also a good demonstration of how to analyse the poem in its contextual frame for the new researchers and students. Maruti Vairat’s article “A Heap of Broken Images in T. S. Eliot’s Poem The Waste Land” depicts that how Eliot has created a simulacrum of Broken Images in order to create a prefect image of the modern society. The analysis of the poem is interesting as it takes into consideration the broken images which in fact create oversized image of disillusionment and despair of the contemporary period. The Diasporic critical context is dynamic as it is inseparably relies on the socio-political realities of the age. As a result it observed in the discourse of criticism that term ‘Diaspora’ has been analysed from different perspective. The Critical Space has published several research articles in this direction in order contribute in this never ending discussion. Abhishek Chandel also deals with the term but his point of view is not from the region of literature but is from the other branches of Humanities like Sociology and Political Science. The article underlines the recurring need of interdisciplinary studies in order to understand the complex realties of the age. Ebrahim Mohammed Mod discusses the theme of Alienation in Arun Joshi’s The Foreigner which also came under the category of Diaspora Studies. The textual examples and the analysis in the light of the Psychological theories make the article more interesting. Dr. Sangita Ghodake in her research article “Transcending Life through Romance: Mumbai Tiffinwalas and The Lunch Box” analyses Ritesh Batra’s romantic comedy situated in metropolis Mumbai. The paper very interestingly reveals that how two NRI Registration No. MAHENG/2012/55583 Critical Space vi Volume V Issue II: February 2017 ISSN: 2319-3689 strangers came into contact, who were living a lonely life in the overcrowded city. The observation and the analysis are helpful to understand the movie with all its possible dimensions. Dr. Uday P. Shirgave’s article “[Re]vision Home and Identity in Buchi Emecheta’s the New Tribe” deals with the issue of identity and home. The age of globalization has witnessed huge social migration, for different reasons, that has created different issues related to the identity. Nandkumar Shinde in his article “Mahatma Gandhian Concepts of Ethics and Morality in Contemporary Humanism” is another interdisciplinary article addressing to nonliterature issue. But the issue analysed in the research article is important to understand the contemporary phenomena which is reflected in the literature.
Questo volume è fondato sull’analisi filologica e sull’interpretazione del materiale inedito costituito dalle postille e dai disegni di Antonio da Sangallo il Giovane (Firenze, 1484-Terni, 1546) che figurano sulle pagine dei suoi quattro esemplari del De Architectura di Vitruvio, unica fonte teorica sull’architettura greco-romana disponibile nel Rinascimento. Questi marginalia, confrontati per la prima volta con il corpus dei disegni degli Uffizi di Antonio e con la sua architettura progettata e realizzata, consentono di ricostruire il percorso psicologico e culturale che l’architetto fiorentino compie dagli studi sul trattato latino alla realizzazione dei propri progetti. Tale percorso è a volte lineare, altre invece tortuoso e non privo di errori e fraintendimenti, ma è allo stesso tempo profondamente innovativo. Esso permette inoltre di comprendere il modo di ragionare di un architetto della prima metà del Cinquecento del quale rimangono – caso unico per questo periodo – libri annotati, disegni, progetti e opere. Studiando Vitruvio, Antonio affronta tutti gli aspetti dell’arte edificatoria classica, da quelli urbani fino ai minimi dettagli della decorazione, leggendo la fonte alla luce della conoscenza del suo tempo sull’architettura e la topografia della Roma antica, ancora in parte vista attraverso le lenti della cultura medievale.
This article provides a literature review about the dilemma of financial literacy. The individuals and families’ financial decision process is getting more vital in recent years. Given the increasingly risky and globalized markets, the actual context of global financial crisis and the continuous increasing in the complexity of financial products and services, individuals must be able to make well-informed and correct decisions. Consequently, higher levels of financial knowledge contribute to more extensive economic growth and development. However, it has been shown that, in global terms, the financial literacy present low values, which suggest the need of financial educational programs in the schools curricula. There is also evidence of a positive relationship between financial literacy and investment decisions, as well as retirement programs. Studies conducted to date suggest that there are socioeconomic conditions that influence the financial knowledge, attitudes and behaviours, s...
The Indian Copyright Law protects literary work, dramatic works, musical works, artistic works, cinematograph films, sound recordings, computer programs and data bases, advertisements, maps and technical drawings. The birth of Copyright laws can be linked to the invention of Printing Technology in the 15 th century in Europe. The printing process was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in Germany around 1440. Printing allowed mass dissemination of information and ideas contained in the literary medium at a relatively low cost.
Sejam bem-vindos à nossa quinta seção! Como viram nas seções anteriores, estamos estudando o Direito das Sucessões, trabalhando com a sucessão dos bens deixados pelo Sr. Henrique Andrade Lima, tratando dos direitos da sua viúva Helena e dos filhos Camila e Rogério. Para contextualizar esta etapa de estudo, vamos relembrar os últimos acontecimentos. Helena e Camila deram entrada no inventário judicial -autos nº 0127446-72.2016.8.26.0100, em trâmite perante a 2ª Vara de Sucessões da Comarca de São Paulo/SP -, pelo rito ordinário, para que os bens fossem inventariados, no qual Helena foi nomeada inventariante. Rogério, que tem se mantido contrário às condutas da mãe e inventariante, propôs um incidente de remoção de inventariante, demonstrando que Helena não havia apresentado as Primeiras Declarações no prazo legal, bem como estava omissa quanto à proteção de um imóvel a ser inventariado, localizado em Belo Horizonte, por nada ter feito diante da invasão de terceiros desconhecidos. Em razão disso, requereu a remoção dela do cargo e pediu sua própria nomeação em substituição, o que foi deferido pelo juiz, que o constituiu como novo inventariante. Sua causa! 2 NPJ -NÚCLEO DE PRÁTICA JURÍDICA DIREITO CIVIL -SUA PETIÇÃO -SEÇÃO 5 2. Cópia da certidão de óbito do autor da herança, atestando seu óbito em 20/04/2016, às 15h20min, ocorrido em razão de um acidente de carro, na cidade de Belo Horizonte/MG. 3. Cópia da certidão de casamento do autor da herança e da viúva Helena Soares Rocha Lima, com quem havia se casado em 30/07/1981, sob o regime da separação de bens. 4. Comprovante de residência do casal, que domiciliava em São Paulo/SP. 5. Cópia da Carteira de Identidade e CPF da Helena Soares Rocha Lima, que informavam que ela é brasileira e nascida em 10/03/1955,
The inquiries that went into the conduct of counterintelligence before the events of 9/11 all concluded that the intelligence community was unprepared against contemporary challenges to national security from non-state terrorist groups, in a rapidly globalised and technologically advanced world.[1] Indeed, it was assumed that many lessons learnt from the previous era, which was characterised by an ideological struggle between two superpowers, were all irrelevant now. As will be demonstrated in this essay, however, this view does not hold ground upon closer examination. Specifically, the essay will examine counterintelligence lessons drawn from case studies in the Cold War and compare their applicability to contemporary counterintelligence affairs
Context: Owing to the technological breakthrough in the worldwide productive systems, generated by the 4.0 revolution, it is compulsory to make sweeping changes to logistics both nationally and internationally to allow supply chains to enhance their performance and their response time. Hence, the concept of Logistics 4.0 was born. Although many developed countries have implemented the principles of Logistics 4.0, there is still a breach in its study and application worldwide. This article explores the challenges and tendencies in the implementation of Logistics 4.0. Method: Articles published from 2015 to 2021 in the databases of Scopus, Science Direct, Taylor and Francis and Google Scholar, were analyzed by a systematic literature review. The explored publications were found using the search terms: (("logistics 4.0") OR ("supply chain 4.0") OR ("industry 4.0" AND ("logistics" OR "supply chain"))) and ((“blockchain” OR “IoT” OR “Cyb...
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