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Education, Curriculum and Nation-Building, 2023
Childhood has been historically placed at the heart of nation-building projects, linking the futures of children to the changing visions of geopolitical, economic, and social orders. what happens to the relationship between childhood and nation when the very future it represents becomes threatened by the human-induced climate crisis in the context of the Anthropocene?
Best Practices, 2022
Mendeskripsikan best practice tentang pemilihan dan penggunaan model dan media pembelajaran
En este libro Federico Nietzsche hace una profunda crítica hacia el cristianismo.
La realidad aumentada es una tecnología que le brinda al usuario la posibilidad de adquirir información adicional sobre el entorno que lo rodea. Debido a ésta función, en la actualidad se incrementó el desarrollo de aplicaciones que hacen uso de ella. El presente artículo muestra una comparativa entre los principales sistemas operativos para dispositivos móviles. Se mencionan las definiciones y características generales de la realidad aumentada, así como el desglose de cada una. Además se realizó un análisis del estado del arte de ésta en los dispositivos móviles y los resultados que se obtuvieron.
La Guerra Civil Española supuso un nuevo modo de fotografiar una contienda: se ampliaron tanto la cantidad de imágenes como el repertorio de acontecimientos, adquiriendo la representación de la infancia singular importancia. También en la fotogra-fía doméstica, afianzada a mediados de los años 30, el niño comienza a ocupar un papel central como símbolo de la supervivencia familiar en medio de la catástrofe. Sin embargo, si examinamos el imaginario de la infancia que la guerra nos ha legado constataremos que hoy privilegiamos una serie limitada de imágenes entre las que la fotografía familiar parece no existir o se con-funde con las imágenes de la Historia. El pre-sente artículo se interroga acerca de esta indefinición y esta reducción, explicándolas por dos movimientos aparentemente opues-tos. En primer lugar, un agenciamiento de lo privado con fines políticos e ideológicos y, junto a este, una adecuación de la fotografía privada a códigos establecidos por fotografías de circulación pública, ya fueran informativas o propagandísticas en un paradójico círculo vicioso que ha limitado drásticamente nues-tro panorama visual memorial.
Son varias las disciplinas relacionadas de alguna manera con el concepto de ambientes de aprendizaje, también llamados, ambientes educativos, términos que se utilizan indistintamente para aludir a un mismo objeto de estudio. Desde la perspectiva ambiental de la educación, la ecológica, la psicología, la sistémica en teoría del currículo, así como enfoques propios de la etología y la proxémica, entre otros, se ha contribuido a delimitar este concepto, que actualmente demanda ser reflexionado dada la proliferación de ambientes educativos en la sociedad contemporánea y que no son propiamente escolares.
The principles of finance and accounting can be accomplished through the many and diverse standards which are available in the worldwide market. With the exception of the United States, most countries in the world operate on the standards that are
International Journal of Public Administration Studies, 2024
The education and training of the judiciary is an issue that concerns the quality and efficiency of the judicial system. The aim of this research is to investigate the current situation and attitudes of judicial officers of the criminal-civil courts, administrative courts and prosecutors' offices in Greece regarding their training and education. They received this training both during their first period of appointment (introductory training) and during their period of service (continuing training). There is very little research on the training and education of judicial officials in Greece, which makes this research necessary. An online structured questionnaire, consisting of seven sections, was designed for the needs of the survey, which was answered by 273 respondents. The results of the survey indicate the absence of an organized training by the judicial officers' branch, as well as the increase in the performance and effectiveness of judicial officers when they are trained. Finally, possible solutions and improvements for the education-training policy of judicial officials are proposed. Keywords judicial officials, education-training in public sector, attitudes for training
Philosophies 2023, 8(2), 16, 2023
Music has strong emotional powers. How are we to understand affective responses to music? What does music teach us about emotions? Why are musical emotions important? Despite the rich literature in philosophy and the empirical sciences, particularly psychology and neuroscience, little attention has been paid to integrating these approaches. This extensive review aims to redress this imbalance and establish a mutual dialogue between philosophy and the empirical sciences by presenting the main philosophical puzzles from an affective science perspective. The chief problem is contagion. Sometimes, listeners perceive music as expressing some emotion and this elicits the same emotion in them. Contagion is perplexing because it collides with the leading theory of emotions as experiences of values. This article mostly revolves around the critical presentation of the philosophical solutions to this problem in light of recent developments in emotion theory and affective science. It also highlights practical issues, particularly the role of musical emotions in well-being and health, by tackling the paradox of sad music, i.e., the question of why people enjoy sad music. It thus bridges an important gap between theoretical and real-life issues as well as between philosophical and empirical investigations on affective responses to music.
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The Philippine review of economics, 2014
La villa dei Nonii Arrii a Toscolano Maderno, a cura di E. Roffia, 2015
IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, 2010
Revista EDUCARE - UPEL-IPB - Segunda Nueva Etapa 2.0, 2018
Journal of Sexual Aggression, 2014
Cadernos De Saude Publica, 2011
Critical Inquiry, 1985
Work (Reading, Mass.), 2012
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
2013 IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PrimeAsia), 2013
Physical Review A, 2014
Internatıonal Educatıon Congress 2024, 2024