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Gastric cancer (GC) incidence and mortality rates have notably declined across Europe, indicating that GC may become a rarer disease in the future. Between 1988 and 2012, GC incidence rates decreased by 33.2% in Europe overall, with significant declines observed in Central Europe (48.38%), Western Europe (49.28%), and Southern Europe (39.5%). Similarly, agestandardized rates of GC incidence and mortality have decreased by up to 48% and 54.4%, respectively, from 1990 to 2019 in various European regions. This decline is attributed to multifactorial causes including improvements in GC treatment, notably perioperative chemotherapy and chemoradiotherapy, and increased H. pylori eradication rates due to better sanitation and socioeconomic conditions. Additionally, dietary changes, reductions in salt intake, and effective tobacco control policies have contributed to the lower GC rates. Europe's progress in food production and preservation, along with these health policy efforts, combined with widely standardized and guideline-based H. pylori elimination strategies, reflects a comprehensive approach to mitigating GC risk.
• 3 Evaluation o the Application of Simplified Costs Objectives and Scope of the Evaluation Given the strategic nature that the Simplified Cost Options (SCOs) assume in the 2014-2020 programming period, the objective of the evaluation is to analyse the contribution of the application of SCOs to the simplification of the implementation of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and to identify the critical points, needs and potential for extending their application, based on the analysis of the configuration of available SCOs and their implementation under both the QREN and the PT2020. In this way, it was expected that recommendations would be produced to support future programmatic and management decisions mainly regarding the potential to extend the SCOs in the PT2020. This evaluation contemplates the experience of implementation of the SCOs in Portugal in the European Social Fund (ESF), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) covering the following Operational Programmes (Ops):
To be successfully intelligent in the 21 st century, students must be able to think well in at least three ways: creatively, critically, and practically, with complexity and wisdom. The purpose of this research was to explore the differences in middle school students' quality of thinking in arts classrooms that are designed to be learner centered to a greater or lesser degree. Classroom environments which foster balanced intelligence in analytical, creative, and practical ways toward depth of understanding were the focus of this study. A better understanding of the impact of learner-centered environments on students' perceptions of their learning and understanding in these classrooms was also sought. This research study supported theory in the area of balanced intelligence, toward the realization of students' increased capacity to learn and achieve. Results of this mixed model comparative study indicated that classrooms designed to be more learner-centered (utilizing inquiry, connection-making, and self-direction to a greater degree) had a positive effect on students' overall quality of thinking as demonstrated in a balanced way. Results also indicated that more learner-centered classrooms also had a positive effect on students' self-beliefs regarding their intelligence and understanding in the context of visual art. This study suggests that infusion of best practice research toward the development of balanced thinking and overall cognitive development in the arts is beneficial to students and provided insight into the ways in which personal belief systems about iii capabilities and intelligence drive motivation, which may in turn drive learning goals and overall achievement. The mixed model exploratory design led to an emerging theory regarding a systems approach to the development quality thinking, as driven by the learning and thinking culture, belief systems, and dynamic classroom environments. This study provides insight into how dynamic learning systems may better nurture the kind of flexible, adaptive thinkers-at all levels of the learning organization-needed in a complex world. To my family and friends who supported this work-first of all my children, who first inspired the goal and continue to teach me all that being "smart" entails; To my parents who taught me how to not let adversity get in the way; To my committee Chair, Dr. Kent Seidel, who believed in the value that this study could hold for students, the field of education, and the arts. A special thank you to my Co-Chair, Dr. Linda Brookhart, on whose wisdom and knowledge I could always count to guide me through the many facets of doctoral research. Dr. Brookhart, thank you for your patience and the encouragement you have provided me during this process; To my University of Denver Ph.D. Cohort, with whom I have walked this journey and from whom I have learned so much about true leadership, To my Lesley professors who encouraged my insatiable desire to learn, especially
The history of commodity derivative market in India dates back to the ancient times, but the first organized market was established in 1875. However, by mid 1960s government took a drastic step by banning derivatives trade altogether. The commodity derivative market remained virtually absent in next four decades and it made the restart only in early 2000s. Since its reintroduction it is thriving and the current trend shows strong growth potential of the market, although, the actual growth trajectory will depend upon the attitude of the policy makers and the efficiency of the regulatory mechanism. Investing directly in the agricultural products and commodities gives the investor a share in the commodity components of the country's production and consumption. Money managers and average investors, however, usually prefer commodity derivatives rather than commodity themselves. The average investor does not want to store grains, cattle, crude oil or metals. A common investment objective is to purchase indirectly those real assets that should provide a good hedge against inflation risk.
Lab2pt, 2023
Μαῖα, τῖτθη y τροφος en la medicina griega antigua. ἐπιτήδειος δέ ἐστιν ἡ γραμμάτων ἐντός, ἀγχίνους, μνήμων, ἐπιτήδειος δέ ἐστιν ἡ γραμμάτων ἐντός, ἀγχίνους, μνήμων, φιλόπονος, κόσμιος καὶ κατὰ τὸ κοινὸν ἀπαρεμπόδιστος ταῖς φιλόπονος, κόσμιος καὶ κατὰ τὸ κοινὸν ἀπαρεμπόδιστος ταῖς αἰσθήσεσιν, ἀρτιμελής, εὔτονος, ὡς δ᾽ ἔνιοι λέγουσιν καὶ αἰσθήσεσιν, ἀρτιμελής, εὔτονος, ὡς δ᾽ ἔνιοι λέγουσιν καὶ μακροὺς καὶ λεπτοὺς ἔχουσα καὶ τοὺς τῶν χειρῶν δακτύλους μακροὺς καὶ λεπτοὺς ἔχουσα καὶ τοὺς τῶν χειρῶν δακτύλους καὶ ὑπεσταλκότας ταῖς ῥαξὶν τοῦς ὄνυχας. καὶ ὑπεσταλκότας ταῖς ῥαξὶν τοῦς ὄνυχας. Ella (la μαῖα) es versada en letras, sagaz, con memoria, Ella (la μαῖα) es versada en letras, sagaz, con memoria, amante del trabajo, decente y, por lo general, de sentidos amante del trabajo, decente y, por lo general, de sentidos despiertos, de miembros bien formados, enérgica, y, como despiertos, de miembros bien formados, enérgica, y, como algunos dicen, con los dedos de las manos largos y finos, y las algunos dicen, con los dedos de las manos largos y finos, y las uñas cortadas hasta las yemas. uñas cortadas hasta las yemas.
Midlife women often experience menopausal symptoms despite being treated according to clinical guidelines. The consequences of not addressing menopausal symptoms holistically are that 55% of women see primary care providers frequently with menopausal symptom complaints. The problem was women's lack of coping strategies to deal with their symptoms effectively. The interventions aimed to (1) develop a protocol to provide point-of-care mindfulness-based meditation intervention as a standard of care, (2) evaluate improvements in coping self-efficacy skills, and (3) demonstrate the intervention's impact on menopausal symptoms. Twenty women participated in a short meditation intervention at a micro practice in Oregon from January to May 2022 and continued an 8week home practice. Self-reported measures of menopausal symptoms, coping self-efficacy, and demographic data were collected pre-and pos-tprogram. A percentage of women determined improvements, and t tests evaluated differences between pre-and postintervention assessments. Pearson correlation coefficients identified associations between the Menopausal Rating Scale (MRS), its subscales, and the Coping Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES) postintervention. The women showed 78% improved coping self-efficacy and 89% alleviated menopausal symptoms. The t test revealed a statistically significant change between pre-and post-CSES scores (t17 = 4.19, P < .001) and MRS scores (t17 = 4.78, P < .001). The post-MRS total score was significantly negatively correlated with the post-CSES score (r =-0.49, P = .039), indicating that symptoms decreased as self-efficacy improved. The outcomes of this project show that menopausal women can cope and alleviate their symptoms with an easy and feasible mindfulness-based meditation intervention.;
Animals and their Relation to Gods, Humans and Things in the Ancient World, 2019
Mit der Krise des Nationalstaates am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts und der Erfahrung einer zusehends vernetzten und globalisierten Welt gewinnt auch eine neue Perspektive in den Geschichtswissenschaften an Bedeutung. Dieser neue Blick auf die Vergangenheit macht den Weg frei für eine innovative und interdisziplinäre Annäherung an das Phänomen einer vernetzten Weltgeschichte, in der Europa nicht mehr das Zentrum der Welt darstellt, von dem aus "Historie" vermessen wird. Dieser universale Blick auf die Geschichte soll durch die neue Reihe befördert werden. Die Reihe umfasst alle Weltregionen und alle Epochen der Menschheitsgeschichte. Sie will vergleichende und auf dem neuesten Stand der Forschung gewonnene Einblicke in das Laboratorium der Weltgeschichte gewähren und befördern. Die Reihe versteht sich als eine peer-reviewed series, die sowohl für Monographien wie für Sammelbände offen ist.
¿Qué significa que un argumento sea fuerte? La fuerza en un argumento, en habla natural pero también en teoría de la argumentación, es muchas veces presupuesta. Salvo algunos pocos intentos reflexivos, que son parte de la revisión de la literatura que este trabajo contiene, el análisis de esta realidad argumentativa aún está en construcción, por lo que existe amplio espacio para debatir sobre qué es la fuerza argumentativa, vale decir, la fuerza de un argumento y la fuerza general de la argumentación. La principal contribución de este trabajo es que al igual que, o dado que, los actos de habla poseen una fuerza flotante, así también la tienen los argumentos. Habría, así, una fuerza intrínseca, en principio independiente del auditorio y del contexto. Es una fuerza estructural cuya función ulterior es asegurar un estado sistemático de diferencias de opinión.
: The basic rheological, thermal, and mechanical properties of commercially available repair putties have been determined in this study, as has the composition of these products. These products contain 33% to 40% unsaturated polyester resin, 10% to 20% styrene, and 45% to 57% inorganic fillers. The fillers are made up of hollow glass microspheres, talc, magnesium carbonate, calcium carbonate, fumed silica, glass fibers, and various other minerals. These products have a glass transition temperature of roughly 25-deg C and a room temperature storage modulus of 2 to 4.6 GPa. These putties display shear thinning behavior as a result of the fillers. All of these properties provide important benchmark characteristics that must be more or less met by U.S. Army Research Laboratory/Drexel-invented environmentally friendly, hazardous air pollutant?free repair resins utilizing renewable fatty acid-based monomers.
Historical overview of the treatment of the Problem of Evil and the solutions given, with special emphasis on Plotinus' theory of evil
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Kompleks Inklusi, 2024
Research on ageing and social policy, 2023
An empirical reflection on the smile, 2002
Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 2022
Liber amicorum Jose Gomez de Soto, 2022
Ext Revista De Extension De La Unc, 2012
Revista de Biología Tropical, 2018
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Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1989
Journal of International Studies and Regional Development: JISRD, vol. 14, 2023
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Crescent Journal of Medical and Biological Sciences, 2014