Raw material studies of West Central Serbia_2014

This paper deals with raw material problems in the territory of West Central Serbia geologically determined as the Čačak-Kraljevo (or West Morava) basin. Our research is presented through the most striking case studies, Lojanik, Vlaška Glava and Lazac.

Raw material studies of West Central Serbia VОra BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć 1 and JОlОna MarkovТć 2 National Museum in Belgrade. Trg Republike 1a, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia. Email: BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć: [email protected]; MarkovТć: [email protected] Abstract: This paper deals with raw material problems in the territory of West Central Serbia geologically НОtОrmТnОН as tСО Čačak-Kraljevo (or West Morava) basin. Our research is presented through the most strТkТnР МasО stuНТОs, LojanТk, Vlaška Glava anН LaгaМ. The Lojanik hill is a silicified forest by origin. It has occasionally been in use from the earliest periods of prehistory until today as a source of black and ochre-coloured flint, opal and silicified wood. A detailed prospection, including the mapping of surface finds using square nets, was conducted during two research campaigns. TСО Vlaška Glava Тs an opОn-air Palaeolithic site at which artefacts made of white, ochre, red, brown and black chert, silicified magnesite, volcanic and metamorphic rocks were found. Our research of primary and secondary geological deposits in the vicinity of the site showed equivalent raw material. We also found an interesting primary deposit of high quality bluish grey flint with outcrop activities (Workshop 1). The Lazac shaft is a contemporary magnesite mine, recently abandoned because of the high percentage of silicon-dioxide. We determined the same raw material in collections found at nearby Neolithic sites. Certain similarities between the wooden support systems of ore exploration in the Middle Ages and modern times were established at the entrance of the shaft. Our research in the territory of the West Morava basin resulted in reconstruction of some links between geological deposits and settlements and also creation of a relevant base for future raw material studies. Keywords: raw material; chert; mine; quarry; geological deposits; West Central Serbia 1. Introduction The territory of West Central Serbia represents a diverse area, comprising the rivers of West Morava and Ibar with a lot of tributaries and mountains of different geological origin (Figure 1). A large number of micro-region-type small units have provided an optimal space for living. The area, geographically limited in this way, coincides with a complex geologically НОtОrmТnОН as tСО Čačak-Kraljevo (or West Morava) basin. This basin extends to about 1000 km2 filled mostly with Miocene and Quaternary sediments, whose thickness reaches 2000 m (PavlovТć Оt al. 1977:270). In tОrms oП morpСoloРв, tСО basТn Тs a tОМtonТМ НОprОssТon, аСosО formation is predisposed by deep faults. The surface of the basin is slightly rolling varying Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 Published by the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh ISSN: 2055-0472. URL: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 UK: Scotland License. doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 56 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć & J. MarkovТć from 340 to 550 m with more pronounced relief in the periphery. The geotectonic position of the basin is within a zone of the Inner Dinarides. Its direction is northwest-southeast of the Dinaric type. Palaeo-relief of the basin bottom is formed from the various rocks (Figure 2). Figure 1. Map of West Central Serbia with archaeological sites mentioned in text. 1. Vlaška Glava; 2. Workshop I; 3. Lazac mine; 4. Lojanik mine; 5. Crkvine; 6. Divlje polje; 7. Okruglica; 8. Divostin; 9. Grivac; 10. Trsine. The northeast boundaries mostly consist of volcanic rocks (andesite, dacite, quartz latite, latite, basaltic andesite, trachybasalt, and pyroclastic rocks), serpentinite and Upper Cretaceous Flysch, which are much less represented. The south rim of the basin is composed of Lower Palaeozoic formations (quartz conglomerates, metamorphic sandstone, phyllites and argiloschistes/shales), Middle and Upper Triassic sediments (schistose limestone, bedded limestone with cherts, dolomites and massive limestone), diabase-chert formations (arenites, mudstone, cherts, biomicrites and diabase), and Upper Cretaceous layered and bedded limestone and volcanic rocks (dacite and andesite with pyroclastic rocks). Serpentinite and diabase are dominant in the formation of the west edge of palaeo-relief, while the diabaseМСОrt ПormatТons arО muМС lОss prОsОnt (NovkovТć 1975:122). Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć and J. MarkovТć 57 Figure 2. GОoloРТМal map oП tСО Čačak - Kraljevo Basin. 1. magmatic surface rocks (volcanites) and dust; 2. magmatic deep rocks (plutonian); 3. serpentines and peridotites; 4. loess and loess-like formations; 5. slates of lower crystalite; 6. slates of non-crystal rocks; 7. fixed clastic sediments; 8. calcareous rocks; 9. diabase-quartz formation; 10. flysche and flysche-like formations; 11. pelites; 12. fluvial sediments. (Map based on ISS 1966.) Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 58 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć & J. MarkovТć In this region abundant in raw material, the number of so far archaeologically identified sites is quite high. Unfortunately, the number of sites that have been archeologically explored is much lower. The remains of the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic have been found at the open-air site - Vlaška Glava Тn tСО nОarbв vТllaРО SamaТla (FТРurО 1). TСО larРОst numbОr oП sites belongs to the Neolithic and Chalcolithic: Crkvine, Lojanik, Okruglica, Divlje Polje and the sites in the Lazac area. There is also a high density of Roman and Medieval sites. In general, petroarchaeological studies of Serbia have not been conducted systematically and thoroughly. Only fragmentary works at certain sites and areas, mostly based on geoloРТМal maps anН lТtОraturО, СavО bООn НonО so Пar (BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć & MarkovТć 2012). The first petroarchaeological studies of West Central Serbia were done in the eighties of the 20th century, during the exploration of Neolithic collections from Divlje Polje and OkruРlТМa sТtОs (ValovТć 1983; 1987). TСrouРС tСО МollaboratТon bОtаООn tСО arМСaОoloРТst S. ValovТć, anН latОr V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć anН pОtroloРТst D. StojanovТć, basТМ МlassОs oП stone raw materials were determined in the context of their origin. The results of the ТНОntТПТМatТon ТnТtТatОН ПurtСОr rОsОarМС oП ОбploТtОН РОoloРТМal НОposТts (BoРosavljОvТć 1987; StojanovТć 1987; BoРosavljОvТć 1990). TСat Тs Сoа tСО survОв oП tСО гonО oП a sТlТМТПТОН ПorОst started, as well as collecting of the waste mining materials from modern extraction on the Lojanik hill. Another contemporary location, the Lazac mine, is a good example of magnesite exploitation and the methodology of underground gallery netting. The most striking case studies presented in this paper will show the importance of the territory of West Central Serbia for the reconstruction of the social and palaeo-economic aspects of the stone raw materials exploitation strategy in the prehistory. 2. The Lojanik mine Lojanik is a hill near tСО moНОrn sОttlОmОnt Mataruška Banja, Т.О. tСО tСОrmal spa Тn tСО МОntral part oП tСО Čačak-Kraljevo basin. Today, as a site, Lojanik represents an archaeological and natural heritage monument as well. Geologically, it was formed by different tectonic processes and the silicification of an ancient forest during the Miocene and Quaternary. Besides the silicified coniferous and deciduous trees, there are opals made by СвНrotСОrmal proМОssОs, too (PavlovТć Оt al. 1977: 270-275). The archaeological site at Lojanik was identified some 25 years ago, and so far it has bООn stuНТОН аТtСout МontТnuТtв (BoРosavljОvТć 1992:9, 26; BoРosavljОvТć-PОtrovТć 2005:92102). The traces of ancient mining works are visible on all slopes of the hill. During our fieldwork, a significant number of artefacts were collected. The finds led to the conclusion that the Lojanik slopes have been the place of stone exploitation since the earliest periods of prehistory until today. A few different forms of mining were observed on the surface configuration, such as circular depressions, with conical profile by the rule (deriving from vertical mineshafts) (Figure 3/b), rectangular depressions, deriving from test mining trench (Figure 3/c) or filled pits of the mine entrances (Figure 3/a). Deposits of waste products were found all around the shafts. Workshops with debitage, some cores and tools were also recorded near the places of extraction. A detailed prospection, including the mapping of surface finds using square nets, was conducted during two research campaigns. The first one, as small-scale research, was done during 2004 by the National Museum in Kraljevo. The prospection surface Net 1 covered 15 m2 with eight loci МontaТnТnР 1500 ПТnНs Тn total (BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć 2005: FТРurО 5). Ten years later, in 2013, as a part of the National Museum in Belgrade project1, a new prospection started. Net 2 spread on 24 m2 with 2500 artefacts. During both campaigns, technologically and typologically defined artefacts were found: pre-cores, cores of different types and their fragments, cortical and massive flakes, flakes of an advanced stage of reduction, waste Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć and J. MarkovТć 59 products, chips, rejuvenation flakes and blades (tablets, crested blades), as well as different types of retouched tools, most usually massive scrapers and side-scrapers (Figure 4). Based upon distribution and artefacts analyses, an important conclusion was made - the existence of raw material preliminary selection and the workshop that lasted for a long time in the close vicinity of an outcrop. Figure 3. Lojanik Hill. Surface forms of mining. a. pit; b. circular depression; c. rectangular depression. Figure 4. Lojanik Hill. Prospection. a, b, & c. artefacts; d. square net, e. example of surface artefact spreading. Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 60 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć & J. MarkovТć Different raw materials can be found on Lojanik of which the most frequent are black and ochre-colour flint, opal and silicified wood. Comparing this raw material with artefacts from archaeological sites of the surrounding area showed a high degree of similarity. In the Early Neolithic stratum at the site Crkvine and the Late Neolithic-Earlв CСalМolТtТМ VТnča culture site Divlje Polje (Figure 1), the artefacts made of black and ochre-colour flint were found (Figure 5). Also, the silicified wood was identified in the assemblage from the Divlje Polje site (Figure 5). Figure 5. Correlations between raw material from Lojanik and artefacts from Neolithic settlements. Chronological determination of the finds represents a problem in a certain sense. In general, it can be said that the majority of artefacts belongs to the Palaeolithic and Neolithic periods (Early and Middle Neolithic, and the Early Chalcolithic, as well), but the finds of the preliminary phase of knapping are not so chronologically sensitive. The mines are still being exploited today, where the focus is on the extraction of silicified wood for sharpening of knives and scythes. Unlike the miners in the past, modern miners are using matt and rough less silicified wood. Such wood parts are very good raw material for grinding and sharpening tools. The interesting fact is that the products of modern mining from Lojanik have in the last three decades been objects of a developed trade between miners and their partners, and the goods have been distributed in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. 3. The Vlaška Glava site TСО Vlaška Glava sТtО Тn tСО vТllaРО oП SamaТla Тs sТtuatОН on tСО rТРСt bank oП tСО WОst (Zapadna) Morava River, close to the first slopes of Jelica Mt. and near the city of Kraljevo (Figure 1). This site is located on the third terrace above the river and a part of it is nowadays levelled and used as the burial ground. It occupies the central position in the west central rОРТon oП SОrbТa. TСО rОsОarМС oП Vlaška Glava startОН Тn 2009 аТtС tСО survОв МonНuМted by the National Museum in Kraljevo and the next year it became a part of the University of Belgrade project 2. Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć and J. MarkovТć 61 Based on their form, the artefacts from the open-aТr PalaОolТtСТМ sТtО Vlaška Glava could be dated within the range from 330,000 to 90,000 years BP, i.e. from the end of the Lower Palaeolithic (not older than the beginning of the isotopic stage 9) to the Middle Palaeolithic, not later than the beginning of the isotopic staРО 5 (MТСaТlovТć & BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć 2009:43). In the assemblage of 250 artefacts, denticulated and notched tools, as well as retouched flakes prevail (Figure 6). A few core types were identified, as cores on pebbles of the chopper type, Levallois corОs, KombОаa tвpО, ‘МobblО аОНРО’ МorОs, anН ranНomlв knappОН pОbblОs (MТСaТlovТć & BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć 2009). FТРurО 6. ArtОПaМts Пrom tСО Vlaška Glava sТtО. Various kinds of raw material were found at the site3. Cherts of white, ochre, red, brown and black colour were petrologically identified as radiolarian or other organogenic cherts. Silicified magnesite was also identified as well as some volcanic and metamorphic rocks. In the search of the raw material origin, some of the primary and secondary deposits have bООn ТnvОstТРatОН so Пar. In tСО assОmblaРО Пrom tСО Vlaška Glava, nОarlв СalП oП tСО ОntТrО serial consists of fluvial deposit - pebbles from the creek Grabovac, as well as from the West Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 62 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć & J. MarkovТć Morava river. Subsequent field prospections of the Grabovac showed that some cherts of brown, ochre, and wax honey colour pebble represented raw materials chosen for the proНuМtТon oП artОПaМts at Vlaška Glava. MorО sТРnТПТМant ПТОlНаork аas НonО Нoаn tСО stream of West Morava, where a huge number of samples were collected. In order to make a preliminary determination of their quality, a lot of pebbles were tested by hammering (Figure 7). Macroscopic petrologic characterizations demonstrated a high degree of similarity with the raw materials used for artefact proНuМtТon at Vlaška Glava, too (FТРurО 8). RОРarНТnР tСО distance, the creek Grabovac flows directly across the site, and the West Morava is only two kТlomОtrОs aаaв Пrom Vlaška Glava. It Тs МlОar tСat a loМal aspОМt oП aМquТsТtТon аas tСО basТМ concept of raw materials supply. Figure 7. Sampling of secondary deposits. a. Grabovac Creek; b. West Morava River. Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć and J. MarkovТć 63 FТРurО 8. ArtОПaМts Пrom tСО Vlaška Glava sТtО (lОПt) anН tСОТr matМС Тn tСО raа matОrТal Пrom ПluvТal НОposТts (right). Geologists previously identified diabase-chert formations from the Jurassic period in the аОstОrn part oП tСО Čačak-KraljОvo basТn, Тn tСО rОРТon oП JОlТМa Mt. (PavlovТć Оt al. 1977:270-275). During the investigation of that natural potential, we found an interesting primarв НОposТt on tСО nortСОrn slopОs oП tСО mountaТn, 9 km soutСаОst Пrom Vlaška Glava, at tСО loМatТon МallОН ĆosovТćТ (FТРurО 9). It Тs an outМrop on tСО МontОmporarв roaН (Workshop 1) with high quality bluish grey flint, represented by a surface rock and followed Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 64 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć & J. MarkovТć by pieces of raw materials, semi-products (biface), pre-cores and pre-forms, debitage and some tools, such as a rudimentary rejuvenation blade (Figure 10). Subsequent analyses sСoаОН no matМС bОtаООn tСО artОПaМts Пrom Vlaška Glava anН WorksСop 1. Instead, this location was interpreted as a separate unit of the workshop type, directly on the outcrop. It should be emphasized that there are several caves and abris in the vicinity of this outcrop which are potential habitats. Figure 9. Plan view of workshop I. Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć and J. MarkovТć 65 Figure 10. Semiproduct with thin section of bluish grey flint from Workshop I. 4. The contemporary Lazac magnesite mine The Lazac mine is situated in the village of the same name on the northern slopes of Jelica Mt. (Figure 1, 11). It is a contemporary magnesite mine, in the area where many outcrops of this raw material are exploited for the purpose of industrial production. The magnesite ore body to which it belongs represents a sedimentary formation syngenetic with the nearby sandy carbonic series in which is concordant bedded. It is probably Upper to Middle Miocene age (Figure 2). It is a lens form with the length of 90 m, width up to 35 m, northwest - southeast oriented. The very base of the magnesite ore body consists of thick dolomite ПormatТon (PopОvТć 1973). At the beginning of the seventies of the 20th century, the mine was exploited by a local company. Since the research showed that the mineral structure of ore body was not efficient enough for the production of thermosafe bricks, the shafts were closed. The problem was the high percentage of silicon-dioxide (SiO2) versus the basic ratio of magnesium, silicified parts oП tСО maРnОsТtО orО boНв (BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć & MarkovТć 2012: TablО 1). But, Тn contrast to the modern situation, this structure of Lazac magnesite represented a striking advantage for the artefact production in the Neolithic (Figure 12). The earliest examples of maРnОsТtО artОПaМts Тn tСО Čačak-KraljОvo basТn arО Пrom tСО StarčОvo МulturО (Earlв Neolithic). Identifications of raw material from the Okruglica site at the same time present the first petrologic analysis done in this area. Ground stone tools (adzes and axes) found there are made from allotropic modification of magnesite and silicon-НТoбТНО (ValovТć 1987:34). In the VТnča МulturО, tСО struМturОs oП raа matОrТal sСoаОН tСО prОvalОnМО oП maРnОsТtО, аСТtО opals anН МСОrts Тn lТtСТМ МollОМtТons. TСТs Тs ОspОМТallв МСaraМtОrТstТМ Пor tСО LatО VТnča МulturО sТtОs in Central Serbia: Divostin, Trsine, Divlje polje and Grivac (Prinz 1988, Mc Pherron 1988, Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 66 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć & J. MarkovТć BoРosavljОvТć 1991, BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć 1999, AntonovТć 2008, BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć 2008). Figure 11. The Lazac mine. Contemporary main hall with collapsed ceiling (in picture, V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć for approximate scale). Figure 12. The Lazac mine. Silicified part on a magnesite fragment. Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć and J. MarkovТć 67 Besides the raw material studies, the research of the Lazac mine allowed us to make some parallels between ore exploration in the Middle Ages and modern times. A wooden support Тn tСО Пorm oП tСО CвrТllТМ lОttОr P ( ) (FТРurО 13) аas notТМОН at tСО vОrв ОntranМО oП the shaft. The same shape was recorded during the reconstruction of the mediaeval mine KТžОvak at KopaonТk Mt. (BoРosavljОvТć Оt al. 1988). TСОrО arО much more similarities like the type of wood, solidness of round logs, dimensions, constructive details between the ceiling and the frame. Figure 13. The Lazac mine. Wooden support at the shaft 5. Concluding remarks In the territory of the West Morava basin, there are all elements needed for the study of the stone raw material exploitation strategy. Through the above presented case studies, some of the raw material procurement models were identified (Figure 14). Links between deposits and settlements are very visible on the example of the Lojanik mine and Neolithic settlements Crkvine and Divlje Polje. Identical sorts of raw material were found on surface mine forms and workshops at Lojanik and in the assemblages of those two settlements. Based on the fact that Crkvine is 2 km and Divlje Polje 8 km away from Lojanik, the local procurement was established. This represents a potential network in which raw materials, such as white opal and cherts, varieties of magnesite, silicified wood, and a lot of high-quality cherts and flints of different colour, used to circulate. Based on the samples collected on Lojanik, of which some are artefacts, it can be concluded that the exploitation of raw material have been taking place since Palaeolithic to modern time. Local proМurОmОnt аas also ОstablТsСОН at tСО LoаОr/MТННlО PalaОolТtСТМ sТtО oП Vlaška Glava. Raw materials were gathered from the sources tens of meters to 2 km (potentially 9 Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 68 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć & J. MarkovТć km) aаaв. TСat СaН usОН to bО an ТНОal sТtuatТon Пor anМТОnt populatТon Пrom Vlaška Glava. A dual model of acquisition, from primary and secondary deposits, is recorded. The sourcing of potential geological deposits was conducted simultaneously with the first survey and field exploration of the site. Having in mind a scarce volume of petroarМС ОoloРТМal rОsОarМС Тn Serbia so far, this represents a great benefit and a novelty. Figure 14. Map of West Central Serbia with case studies of raw material procurement. The contemporary magnesite mine Lazac has a great importance for the ethnoarchaeological research of West Central Serbia. It can be concluded that it was most certainly a source of magnesite and white opal during the Neolithic. This magnesite with a high percentage of SiO2 was used for artefact production, but was not suitable for industrial use in modern time. Unlike that, the continuity in building in the mediaeval period and the contemporary age was noticed. There are similarities in wooden support systems, types of logs, construction details, etc. Because of the accumulated number of artefacts, deriving mostly from prehistoric settlements, a striking need for creation of an articulated database, followed by a proper lithotheque, arose. The petroarchaeological database (nearly 6,000 records) made possible sorting of the contents according to sites, type of analysis, kind of material or other parameters, and data cross retrieving, as аОll (BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć & MarkovТć 2011; 2012). What is essential in this approach is to treat the selected natural stone as an archaeological object (marking, geological and archaeological context definition, etc.), in order to make a link between mines, quarries and outcrops with artefacts from settlements. After the creation of the database and concept of lithotheque in the National Museum in Belgrade, our main focus was shifted toward a more intensive quest for primary and secondary deposits in a few regions of Serbia. By defining those deposits in the basin of West Journal of Lithic Studies (2014) vol.1, nr. 1, p. 55-71 doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.823 V. BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć and J. MarkovТć 69 Central Serbia and incorporating the results in the mentioned database and lithotheque, the corpus of data that can be applied in all future raw material studies was created. Notes 1 The project of the National Museum in Belgrade Origin, distribution and interpretation of the stone as raw materials in Neolithic and Chalcolithic of the Central Balkans, since 2010, projОМt НТrОМtor VОra BoРosavljОvТć PОtrovТć. 2 The project of Faculty of Philosophy University of Belgrade Cultural changes and population movement in early prehistory of the Central Balkans, since 2010, project director Dušan MТСaТlovТć. 3 PОtroloРТМal ТНОntТПТМatТons аОrО НonО Тn staРОs, ПТrst bв KrТstТna ŠarТć (FaМultв of MТnТnР anН GОoloРв, UnТvОrsТtв oП BОlРraНО), tСОn DТvna JovanovТć (GОoloРТМal SurvОв oП SОrbТa) anН ПТnallв VОsna MatovТć (FaМultв oП MТnТnР anН GОoloРв, UnТvОrsТtв oП BОlРraНО). Acknowledgements We would like to thank the colleagues from the National Museum in Kraljevo for their assТstanМО Тn our rОsОarМС. Also, аО arО vОrв РratОПul to AnНrОj StarovТć, JОlОna ĆОrТman, DraРana ErОmТć anН AnНrТja DОspotovТć Пrom tСО NatТonal MusОum Тn BОlРraНО Пor tСОТr technical assistance in the preparation of this paper. References AntonovТć, D. 2008 GrounН stonО artТПaМts. In: Grivac, settlements of Proto-StarčОvo anН Vinča culturО, (TasТć, N., EН.), CОntОr Пor SМТОntТПТМ RОsОarМС oП SОrbТan AМaНОmв oП Sciences and Arts and University of Kragujevac and National Museum of Kragujevac, Kragujevac: p. 411-432. BoРosavljОvТć, V. 1987, К К . , 2: 9-26. (Тn SОrbТan) (“StonО AбОs-Hammers at National Museum in KraljОvo”) BoРosavljОvТć, V. 1990, Okresana kamena industrija sa neolitskih naselja Divlje polje i Trsine. Unpublished magister's thesis no. 3/316 at the Department of Archaeology, FaМultв oП PСТlosopСв, UnТvОrsТtв oП BОlРraНО, 327 p. 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