Mrs M.N. Msimango1
Dr K. Fonseca
Prof N.F. Petersen1
University of Johannesburg
DOI: http://dx.doi.
e-ISSN 2519-593X
Perspectives in Education
2020 38(2): 272-284
04 December 2020
This article reports on the mentoring of foundation phase teachers
and their development of disciplinary-specific knowledge,
particularly how the practicum provides a space for mathematics
content knowledge (MCK) and mathematics pedagogical content
knowledge (MPCK) for student teachers, given the generalist
knowledge base of many primary school teacher mentors. Data
were collected through semi-structured interviews with two Grade
2 mentors and focus group interviews with 12 third-year student
teachers in an urban university setting. A two-step process of
analysis comprising open-ended coding, followed by a form of
deductive coding, within a framework derived from literature on the
development of MCK and MPCK, led to two main findings. Firstly,
mentors might have hindered student teachers’ development of
MCK and MPCK, thus affecting the building of comprehensive
conceptual models of good mathematics teaching practice.
Secondly, the efficacy of the university-led training for mentors
did not seem to have been successful for preparing them to work
effectively with student teachers. We therefore recommend that
greater emphasis be placed on the development of subject-specific
mentoring practices, especially in scarce-skills areas such as
mathematics and argue for a set of standards for mathematicsspecific mentoring practices in South African primary school
teacher education.
Keywords: Mentoring practices, student teachers, mentor teachers,
mathematics teaching, mathematical pedagogical content
Published by the UFS
© Creative Commons
With Attribution (CC-BY)
The practicum, also referred to as “practice teaching” or
“fieldwork”, is an integral component of the curriculum of
teacher preparation programmes, as it is a space in which
prospective teachers integrate university coursework
(theory) with their practical experience (Gravett &
Ramsaroop, 2015). We were interested in how the
practicum also provides a space for the development
of disciplinary-specific mathematics content knowledge
(MCK) and mathematics pedagogical content knowledge
(MPCK) for student teachers of mathematics. In the large
scale international Teacher Education Development Study
– Mathematics (TEDS-M), results showed that the quality
of opportunities to learn and the practicum experience were
Msimango, Fonseca & Petersen
Mentoring and preparing primary school mathematics teachers
key contributors to increased levels of student teachers’ MCK and MPCK (Tatto et al., 2008).
Drawing on the work of Ball, Lubienski and Mewborn (2001) as well as Grossman (2008),
Baumert et al. (2010:139) argue that MCK and MPCK are not picked up incidentally but
rather developed through university courses, mentoring received during practice teaching and
“reflection on classroom experience”.
This research aligns with the contention of Hudson (2013) and Livy, Vale and Herbert
(2016) that in pre-service teacher education there is a growing need for greater focus on
mentoring during practice teaching, specifically in the development of student teachers’
pedagogical content knowledge. However, quality practicum experiences are dependent on
two key components, namely the expertise of the mentor teacher(s) and the suitability of
the sites in which the experience is gained (Graham, 2006). We agree with the view that
mentor teachers shape students’ mathematics teaching practice in particular ways (Hudson &
Hudson, 2011) and thus play a significant role in influencing the type of mathematics teachers
students will become (Rhoad, Radu & Weber, 2011). We were keen to investigate how the
mentoring practices of teachers in the setting of a teaching or laboratory school in which
they are appointed and trained as mentors for student teachers of mathematics, using a
specific model for the development of numerical concepts was realised (Fritz, Ehlert & Balzer,
2013). In our view, the teaching school is an ideal environment for the creation of cognitive
apprenticeships (Collins, Brown & Hollum, 1991) as the mentors and student teachers are
being apprenticed, the teachers into mentors of student teachers and the student teachers into
teachers. Mentoring informed by cognitive apprenticeship is guided by six methods, namely
modelling, coaching, scaffolding, articulation, reflection and control. We focused primarily on
the following three in this study: modelling, coaching and scaffolding. According to Collins et
al. (1991:13), these three are designed to help student teachers to “acquire an integrated set”
of teaching skills through observing mentors’ teaching and guided practice.
Teacher mentors are expected to assist students in blending the mathematics content and
underpinning theories studied in university courses in order to understand how to teach
mathematics effectively. However, this is not an easy task but requires mentor teachers having
a profound understanding of mathematics content (Ma, 1999; Schoenfeld & Kilpatrick, 2008)
and mathematics-specific theoretical frameworks (Asikainen, Pehkonen & Hirvonen, 2013).
The former is described by Ma (1999) as the ability to make connections between concepts
and topics, and to demonstrate conceptual understanding that goes beyond the “what” to
the “how” and “why” of mathematical concepts. A combination of a deep understanding of
the mathematics content knowledge and theories of teacher knowledge required to teach
mathematics plays a key role in mentor teachers’ “modelling of quality teaching and helping
student teachers in their professional development” (Asikainen, Pehkonen & Hirvonen
2013:80). In addition, mentors should provide student teachers with developmental feedback,
including reflection on lessons taught and effective pedagogies that have been identified as
successful mentoring strategies (Hudson, 2006, 2009).
However, mentoring of mathematics teaching practice is complicated by a tendency for
primary school teachers to be generalists, that is, as Hudson and Peard (2006:229) argue,
they may “not be experts in all subjects in primary school and some may not have adequate
content knowledge, skills or confidence for teaching primary mathematics”. Student teachers
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may therefore not receive “equitable mentoring or mathematics-specific mentoring” (Hudson,
2006:13) and, as Lin and Acosta-Tello (2017) found, the lesson planning discussion between
mentors and student teachers will focus on the structural aspects of lessons, with a lack of
emphasis on the development of MPCK. Student learning and creating mathematical learning
environments are core aspects of MPCK. In this study, we have adopted Chick, Baker, Pham
and Cheng’s (2006) framework that combines categories of MPCK and MCK and comprises
three sections,1 specifically Clearly PCK to describe student and mentor teachers’ views of
knowledge needed to teach mathematics and mentoring practices. The Clearly PCK consists
of nine aspects, listed in Table 1.
Table 1:
Clearly PCK (Chick et al., 2006:299).
PCK Category
Evident when the teacher …
Clearly PCK
Teaching strategies
Discusses or uses strategies or approaches for teaching
mathematical concept
Student thinking
Discusses or addresses student ways of thinking about a
concept or typical levels of understanding
Student thinking – misconceptions
Discusses or addresses student misconceptions about a
Explains a topic, concept or procedure
Cognitive demands of tasks
Identifies aspects of the task that affect its complexity
Appropriate and detailed
representations of concepts
Describes or demonstrates ways to model or illustrate a
concept (can include materials or diagrams)
Knowledge of resources
Discusses/uses resources available to support teaching
Curriculum knowledge
Discusses how topics fit into the curriculum
Purpose of content knowledge
Discusses reasons for content being included in the
curriculum or how it might be used
Student teachers’ knowledge gains from equitable mentoring
Numerous in-depth studies of interactions between mentors and their mentees (Hudson
& Hudson, 2011; İmre & Akkoç, 2012) have shown that when the mentoring practices of
mathematics teachers are centred on creating equitable learning environments, the student
teachers’ MCK and MPCK develop. For instance, Wolf (2003) found a student teacher, through
the lesson plan discussion with her mentor, gained deeper conceptual understanding of the
mathematics to be taught. Development of the student teacher’s MCK enabled her to make
better decisions about selecting appropriate cognitively demanding tasks that would allow
learners to engage in productive struggle. In a post-lesson observation discussion the student
teacher reported learning in two key areas, firstly, eliciting pupils’ mathematical thinking and
“looking for patterns in pupils’ ideas and mistakes and their thinking behind these patterns”
(Wolf, 2003:100); secondly, how to orchestrate productive classroom discussions by listening
Clearly PCK, content knowledge in a pedagogical context, and pedagogical knowledge in a content context
Msimango, Fonseca & Petersen
Mentoring and preparing primary school mathematics teachers
to pupils’ thinking. Similarly, in a study by Peterson and Williams (2008), a student reported
that collaboratively planning lessons with the mentor teacher enabled her to advance her
understanding of MCK and MPCK, including multiplication, division and fractions, viewing
the mathematics content from the perspective of the learners and understanding that they
learn best through active participation. As a result, the student teacher’s learning was greatly
influenced by the mentor teacher’s beliefs of mathematics and its teaching.
Developing knowledge of students’ misconceptions is a key component of MPCK (Chick et
al., 2006), as is developing knowledge of their ideas and mathematical thinking (Ball, Thames &
Phelps, 2008). Mentor teachers therefore need to use various mentoring strategies to develop
student teachers’ MPCK, including aspects such as asking them to read and interpret their
performance on a pre-test to gain an understanding of their prior knowledge before teaching a
lesson (Lin & Acosta-Tello, 2017). This is particularly useful for anticipating learners’ solutions
in future lessons and as a guide to asking questions to elicit their thinking. Another important
aspect for mentors is the ability to articulate the expert mathematical knowledge underpinning
their classroom practices from a theoretical perspective, so that student teachers can link
what they learn at university with classroom practice and so grasp its relevance (Asikainen et
al., 2013). This is a great challenge for most mentors and, as research in Finland has shown,
while the mentor teachers were knowledgeable about the mathematics knowledge needed
for teaching they could not articulate it from a theoretical perspective because some of the
“theoretical terms seemed ambiguous” (Asikainen et al., 2013:88).
Our overarching view is that equitable mentoring is dependent on a strong link between
mentor teachers’ profound understanding of mathematics, beliefs of mathematics, views
of teacher knowledge and actual mathematics teaching and mentoring practices. Working
in a teacher education environment, comprising a university programme that operates in
conjunction with a teaching school, we wished to investigate student teachers’ views on the
mentoring received and mentor teachers’ views of their mentoring practices. In this context,
with mentor teachers having a prominent role in guiding student teacher development, it was
important when assessing the uptake of previous developmental opportunities to determine
the focus of further mentor training.
In this qualitative study, we sought an in-depth understanding of the mentoring process from
the perspective of the participants. We used purposeful sampling to identify two Grade 2
mentor teachers and twelve third-year student teachers in a foundation phase teacher
education programme. The following research question guided the investigation:
What are student teachers and their mentors’ views of the process of mentoring for
mathematics teaching in the foundation phase?
In this laboratory-type school, educational researchers spend considerable time studying
teachers’ and students’ learning and enactment with a view to distilling successful practices
that can be fed into the greater school system for further study. As mathematics teaching
is so important in the foundation phase and because we are aware of the more generalist
nature of the teaching in this phase, we focused on the Grade 2 classroom as an important
transition between the first year of formal mathematics teaching (Grade 1) and the last year
of the foundation phase (Grade 3). Third-year student teachers were selected as they were in
the penultimate year of a four-year degree programme and we reasoned that they had gained
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a substantial theoretical knowledge of mathematics and exposure to mentoring that would
enable them to respond appropriately to our questions.
We used a combination of focus group interviews for the student teachers and individual
semi-structured interviews for the mentors (Creswell, 2007; Danielson, 2002). Questions for
both sets of participants focused on obtaining an understanding of the input of the mentor
teachers in the students’ teaching of mathematics and the development of their MCK and
MPCK. The transcribed data were subjected to a two-step process of analysis. In the first, the
primary author used methods associated with an inductive process associated with constant
comparison (Glaser & Strauss, 1967) to search for recurring ideas and views (Rowley, 2014),
eventually arriving at a number of themes. In the second round of analysis, the second author
used the findings (themes) as a basis for identifying specific discourse markers (Fraser, 1999)
associated with the main aspects of the Clearly PCK section. In this respect, the components
from the literature served as a framework for scrutinising the themes from the first round and
the original raw data for evidence of: a) knowledge of MCK; b) knowledge of aspects of MPCK
as described in Table 1; and c) knowledge of theoretical frameworks. The third author provided
critical oversight of the two-phase analysis process and the three authors sought consensus
in finalising the themes. Approval for the research was obtained first from the overarching
committee governing research at the teaching school and then followed by the granting of a
second application to the Faculty’s Research Ethics committee (Number: 2018-024). In order
to preserve the anonymity of the participants the letter S and a number were used to denote
the particular student being quoted and the two mentors were named Mentor A and Mentor B.
Students 1–6 were in one group and students 7–13 in the second group.
In line with the aims of the investigation, we report on the student teachers and their mentors’
views of the process of mentoring for mathematics teaching in the foundation phase.
Student teachers’ mentoring experiences
Using the Clearly PCK framework to frame student responses we report on the differences
between the two student groups in the development of PCK. Student teachers mentored by
Mentor A reported that while the mentoring practices were helpful they were overwhelmingly
characterised by confusion, conflicting statements and inconsistencies, whereas those
mentored by Mentor B found the mentoring practices helpful for their development, particularly
for certain aspects of PCK. The expertise of the mentor teacher is a clear differentiator.
Curriculum knowledge and purpose of content knowledge
The student teachers found both mentors’ input in the initial stages of lesson planning mentoring
useful for their development as teachers of mathematics in that the teachers provided them
with the topics to teach and made suggestions on how to present the lesson. However, they
were of the view that Mentor A’s guidance on the actual teaching of the lesson contradicted
what they had learnt in their university methods courses, as evidenced by the following:
S2: The mentoring sessions were all helpful as in guiding us on what to do with the
lesson. Giving us the topic, giving us pointers. But when it comes to actually producing
the actual lesson, sometimes the advice given to us by the mentor teacher will contradict
what we are learning at the university. Then we are left confused. (Students all sigh in
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Mentoring and preparing primary school mathematics teachers
In following up on the dissonance between what they were learning at university and what
Mentor A was advising, the student responded as follows:
S2: Yes, and which I actually do not understand because it is one. So you would expect
what we are learning to be similar to what the mentor teachers want. It confuses us as
groups and that is how we lose marks because we will do a lesson a certain way and then
when our lesson plan is reflected on, then we have to change things. So then it makes
it difficult for us because what are we changing it to next because we just know what we
have been learning, what we have been taught at the university.
The students experienced the inconsistencies between university coursework and Mentor
A’s guidance as extremely challenging. However, they did not explicitly state what they meant
by their tertiary learning and it seems both mentor teachers, despite having access to the
university coursework and lecturers, did not draw on these as resources when instructing
Particular areas in which the student teachers experienced confusion and conflicting
guidance were during the lesson planning process, specifically regarding curriculum
knowledge and the purpose of content knowledge:
S6: Like when we were doing our lesson on sharing and the dividing [division]. They
said we must bring in the word division but then when we put it in our lesson plan the
mentor teacher said we must not use the word “division”. They said we can also teach
the remainder, then when we put it in our lesson plan they told us we’re not allowed to do
that. So [we] were confused.
It seems a thorough understanding of the curriculum and purpose of mathematics
content knowledge did not inform the lesson planning guidance received from Mentor A. The
Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS, 2011:21) for the foundation phase
stipulates that learners in Grade 2 should “solve and explain solutions to practical problems
that involve equally sharing and grouping up to 50 with answers that may include remainders”.
It also indicates that the division of whole numbers up to 100 by 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10, and the
use of the division symbol is only introduced in Grade 3 and not in Grade 2. We understand
curriculum knowledge to include knowledge of when or by which grade the concept and symbol
of division should be introduced. Moreover, the ability to explain to student teachers why the
concept and symbol of division are only introduced in Grade 3 illustrates an understanding of
the purpose of content knowledge. Instead, the two mentor teachers confused the students
as one counselled them to introduce division to Grade 2 learners while the other said not to.
Students were then confused in bringing together what they had learnt from their coursework
about the age-appropriate conceptual development of mathematics in young children with
what was happening in the classroom.
Student teachers who worked with Mentor B highlighted the usefulness of lesson planning
guidance, specifically on what to teach:
S7: Before we do our actual lesson we first observe the teacher doing the lesson before
we’re going to do our lesson. So that we can know this is what we’re going to do and what
she has already done. So we have to add on it.
The student teachers found the guidance on what to teach, with specific attention to the
content and concepts, beneficial to their learning. Then, by having the opportunity to observe
the mentor teacher’s lessons they gained an understanding of the content taught and how
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they could build on it. An omission for them in the mentoring process was discussions on how
the content fits into the curriculum and why it is included.
Teaching strategies and knowledge of resources
Secondly, student teachers were of the view that both mentors restricted their pedagogical
strategies and use of resources in lesson planning and they felt powerless to object:
S1: I feel like in most cases, a mentor teacher will stay in their comfort zone and is the
direction that they will steer you in. So if they like a certain something they will advise you
do that and shy away from using different methods or using different resources and what
not. So sometimes it does become difficult to expand our lessons because it’s just like we
feel restricted in a sense and not able to tell this to the teacher.
S4: Like she said, I feel that they (the mentor teachers) are not allowing us to do things in
a way that we would like to do them. We are mostly limited to doing things in the method
they would want us to use. Like what we do is always going to be criticised as to say that
our methods are always going to be criticised, that our learners are used to so and so.
We can never get the opportunity to say that “Ma’am, since you did it this way how about
we take a different direction or a different approach?” to see if learners will understand it
better or not.
The responses indicate that students felt mentor teachers were more comfortable with
well-known teaching approaches and resources and reluctant to explore different and/or
new ways of teaching mathematics concepts. It also appeared that student teachers were
not given clear reasons why the alternative methods and resources they proposed would
be unsuitable. Most importantly, there was little or no discussion about why certain teaching
strategies and resources were applicable for the teaching of particular concepts but not
for others. For instance, student teachers placed with Mentor B indicated that the teacher
corrected them on their teaching strategies and emphasised use of the correct mathematical
language and teaching strategies to foster conceptual understanding. Their expression of this
was, however, vague:
S12: She does correct us on how we teach, like your teaching method. Teaching skills,
she also puts more emphasis on conceptual understanding of mathematics. Like the use
of language for mathematics. So she does [place] emphasis on that.
Other than this generic explanation, the students were unable to name or describe specific
teaching strategies or examples of how to foster conceptual understanding of mathematics.
The only benefit we could infer was that it seemed to increase their confidence to teach, as
expressed by a student teacher:
S10: I think the mentoring here at the teaching school has helped a lot because when we
go to the outside schools we are not scared. We are confident when we are standing in
front of the learners because we are used to it here at teaching school.
A third aspect evident was the disjuncture between the teaching approaches the teachers
told the students to use and what they themselves modelled in their teaching:
S3: I find that they emphasise on how we should include the learners in our lessons but
I find that most times they do not. It is like they just tell the learners what to do and then
the learners must just do it. … not always but it happens.
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Mentoring and preparing primary school mathematics teachers
In university coursework, students are taught ways of selecting appropriate cognitively
demanding tasks and the ability to elicit learners’ thinking, including their misconceptions.
From their responses it appeared that these two key aspects of MPCK were either absent or
inconsistently illustrated or modelled in the mentoring processes.
Mentor teachers’ views on their mentoring practices
On the other hand, mentor teachers believed they were developing student teachers’
teaching strategies, content knowledge and reflection practices, with evidence of general and
mathematics-specific teaching strategies being given.
Teaching strategies
Mentor A’s descriptions, although responding to the question of teaching strategies, tended to
the generic, such as encouraging student teachers to use interactive teaching methods that
promoted maximum learner participation:
Mentor A: I encourage them to use different methods. However, I always encourage
them to use a particular method for a particular topic because not all of them are relevant
for each topic. For example, even group work is also important but not all the time. So
they can use a variety of methods.
On the other hand, Mentor B’s responses showed more evidence of mathematics-specific
knowledge and use of a particular model and theoretical framework, namely number sense,
for developing conceptual understanding of mathematics:
Mentor B: Like I said, it’s more of looking into the conceptual knowledge when teaching
mathematics. If they plan, yes the facts and the procedures will always be there. But
it’s more of assisting learners in understanding those numbers and understanding
mathematics. We all know that mathematics is just a language that we use in our
everyday life. So I normally say to them they need to critically look at their lessons. They
need to critically look at the activities that they give to the learners and see the opportunity
of teaching at that particular point in time. So we’ve been using the model by Fritz of
number sense. I also try and assist them in building their conceptual knowledge of using
the number sense, so that then they can be able to assist their learners in the classroom.
Mentor B explained how she used the Fritz et al. (2013) model for the development of
numerical concepts from the ages of four to eight years to aid in the development of student
teachers’ understanding of number sense. There is thus some evidence of conceptual
development being underpinned by a theoretical framework and the implementation of
development opportunities provided by the university.
Mentor teachers’ reflection practices
In responding to the question on the nature of the post-lesson reflection discussion between
the mentor teachers and student teachers, both mentors indicated that they focused on certain
aspects of PCK, such as the effectiveness of the teaching methods, reasons for selecting
activities and resources and whether learning took place.
Mentor A indicated that her discussions with students focussed on the effectiveness of the
teaching strategies for reaching lesson objectives and to see if they could recognise flaws
in the lesson planning. Mentor B critiqued the university’s post-lesson reflection instrument,
saying that its generic nature promoted formulaic answers from students. She indicated that
instead she constructed her own questions based on what transpired during the lesson, such
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as why students used particular activities and resources and how they could tell whether
learning was taking place.
In analysing the data, the authors were interested in understanding how the student teachers’
views on the guidance they received from mentor teachers aimed at the development of
their MPCK correlated with those of their mentors. The findings showed that not only were
there significant differences between the views of student teachers and the two mentors but
there was also a great disjuncture with what the mentor teachers seemed to know and what
they actually did when they were supposed to be providing mathematics-specific mentoring
in a cognitive apprenticeship environment. We surmise the disjuncture had two possible
causes. Firstly, the mentor teachers had a superficial rather than profound understanding of
the mathematics content regarded by Ma (1999) as essential for the development of students’
PCK and MPCK, and, secondly, the mentoring training provided by the university was flawed
and/or insufficiently focused on the development of subject-specific strategies.
In mathematics, teachers with a profound understanding of mathematics demonstrate
conceptual understanding that goes beyond the “what” to the “how” and “why” of mathematical
concepts, and they are able to make connections between concepts and topics (Ma, 1999).
Thus, by observing good mathematics teaching practices student teachers are able to build
conceptual models of what comprises good teaching (Collins et al., 1991). From the student
teachers’ responses it was evident that as a result of the mentoring they received they built
only fragmented conceptual models of good mathematics teaching practice or development
of MPCK, exposing inconsistencies between what teachers instructed them to do and what
they actually did. Student teachers had built conceptual models of “the what to teach” rather
than “the how to teach”.
From the data it appeared that Mentor A was too uncertain or too inexperienced to provide
mathematics-specific mentoring, therefore tending to focus on student teachers’ compliance
with content (the what to teach), probably to work towards curriculum coverage, rather than
their learning or development of MPCK. Student teachers’ curriculum knowledge development
was then also neglected, which puzzled us. The South African curriculum (CAPS) is highly
structured and provides teachers with the latitude to enter into discussion with the students
about the reasons and means for selecting cognitively demanding tasks that will allow for the
eliciting of learners’ mathematical thinking. Although Mentor A indicated she encouraged topic
specific PCK, this was not evident from the student teachers’ responses.
There is some evidence of knowledge of mathematics-specific mentoring in Mentor B’s
own responses as she spoke about teaching mathematics for conceptual understanding,
using the correct mathematical language and linking theory to practice. This was also evident
in one of the student mentee’s responses but from the others it was evident that Mentor B’s
knowledge of mathematics-specific mentoring remained at the level of “espoused theory” and
did not translate into “theory-in-use” (Schon, 1983). We were unsure whether she genuinely
did not know how to make this transition or was telling the interviewer what she wanted to hear.
We are hopeful that evidence of positive aspects of her mathematics-specific mentoring, for
example, linking theory to practice, was attributable to the mentoring development workshops
conducted by the university staff.
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Mentoring and preparing primary school mathematics teachers
The findings did indicate that the mentor teachers provided coaching in the teaching
strategies, but these were not explicitly articulated. Nor did the mentors articulate their thinking
and reasoning about the (in)appropriateness of certain teaching strategies. Articulation as one
of six mentoring practices (Collins et al., 1991) and is the ability of mentor teachers to articulate
their knowledge and reasoning of the various aspects constituting MPCK. However, the ability
to do so about teaching strategies is not restricted to mentor teachers but rather student
teachers should also be given the opportunity to make their thinking explicit. The findings
showed that the mentor teachers did not explicitly articulate their knowledge and reasoning,
nor did they create opportunities for the student teachers to make their knowledge of teaching
explicit. Consequently, student teachers were prevented from exercising the autonomy
developed over the previous two-and-a-half years of teaching experience. Teacher autonomy
is the freedom teachers have to make their own decisions while they carry out their teaching
(Tehrani & Masor, 2012), when they have freedom to select their own cognitive demanding
tasks, select their own teaching strategies focused on learners’ mathematical thinking and
eliciting of misconceptions as well as decide on appropriate and clear representations to
develop conceptual understanding. As pointed out by Fung (2006:45), the practicum is for
“student teachers to experiment, reflect on, learn, and reconstruct their teaching and learning,
not to follow or emulate others’ practice”. We take this to mean that student teachers should
engage in various teaching explorations under the guidance of the mentor teachers, something
that did not happen optimally with the participants in our study.
The findings suggest the mentoring training provided by the university was flawed and
insufficiently focused on subject-specific practices. It focused on mentor teachers creating
cognitive apprenticeships with student teachers, but the teachers’ inability to do so made
us question whether the mentor teachers had themselves been provided with the context
in which they could learn through modelling and examples. Furthermore, we remain unsure
whether the mentor teachers were supported in ways that enabled them to articulate their
knowledge and reasoning about mathematics-specific mentoring, to reflect and to express
their autonomy. We were concerned specifically about whether the training focused on
the development of a profound understanding of mathematics, as such a deficit of this in
foundation phase teachers is well documented (Carnoy, Chisholm & Chilisa, 2012; Taylor &
Taylor, 2013; Venkat & Spaull, 2015). If mentor teachers do not receive sufficient training to
address it, then teacher education programmes such as the one reported on in this paper, are
perpetuating poor mathematics teaching in South African primary schools.
From the perspective of teacher educators, who are also responsible for ensuring that
mentors are sufficiently well trained to work with student teachers, we needed to ensure
that mentoring programmes focused on generic and subject-specific processes. In the case
of mathematics, teachers would develop not only mentoring practices but also a profound
understanding of mathematics and mentors’ teaching practices. Furthermore, a wellstructured mentoring programme needs to include a partnership between the university
and the (teaching) school, a coaching relationship between mentor teachers and teacher
educators and a sound mentorship between mentors and student teachers (Cheng, Cheng
& Tang, 2010). We agree with Hudson and Hudson (2011) that just as there are standards
for teaching and assessing so there is a need for a set of standards for mathematics-specific
mentoring practices. We believe a set of standards and sufficient mentor training will alleviate
inconsistent and confusing mentoring practices.
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While the data set for the study on which this paper is based was a small sample of student
teachers and mentors’ views on mentoring, they did reveal a clear disjuncture between what
teachers espouse and what they practice as well as how mentors and students differ in their
perceptions of the usefulness of mentoring practices in their learning. Lacking in the study
were observations of the mentor teachers’ mentoring practices that might have provided
a full picture of the depth and breadth of their MPCK and their understanding of providing
mathematics-specific mentoring. Despite this, however, the results were useful in pointing out
gaps in the promotion of mentoring for MPCK and highlighting the importance of a mentoring
model within a structured practicum curriculum that provides clear guidelines for mentors
and student teachers. We agree with many of the publications on mentoring that while there
is no formula to provide mentoring informed by cognitive apprenticeship practices, if teacher
educators and mentors have a shared understanding of what mathematics-specific mentoring
entails and the aspects needed to develop MPCK they will work better with mentors to
operationalise this. Ultimately, what we learnt from the study is that we underestimated the
type and nature of training mentors require as well as the kind of scaffolding necessary to
develop competencies that would enable them to meet the subject-specific mentoring needs
of student teachers.
Asikainen, M.A., Pehkonen, E. & Hirvonen, P.E. 2013. Finnish mentor mathematics teachers’
views of the teacher knowledge required for teaching mathematics. Higher Education Studies,
3(1): 79–91.
Ball, D.L., Thames, M.H. & Phelps, G. 2008. Content knowledge for teaching:
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