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1989, Bjog-an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
3 pages
1 file
Offspringof patients treated for unilateral Wilms' tumour in childhood. Cancer 49, 2285-2288. Hawkins M. M. (1989) Long-term survival and cure after childhood canccr. Arrh Dis Child (in press). Hawkins M. M. & Smith R. A. (1988) Pregnancy outcomes in childhood cancer survivors: probable cffects of abdominal irradiation. Int J Cancer (in press). Hawkins M. M . , Smith R . A. & Curtice L. J. (19880) Childhood cancer survivors and their offspring studied through a postal survey of general practitioners: preliminary results. J R Coll Gen Pract 38, 102-10s. Defective haemochorial placentation as a cause of miscarriagc: a preliminary study. Br J Obstet Gynaecol94, 649-655. Kirk M. & Lyon M. F. (1982) Induction of congenital anomalies in offspring of female mice exposed to varying doses of X-rays. Mufat Res 106, 73-83. Kirk K. M. & Lyon M. F. (1984) Induction of congeni-
Cmaj Canadian Medical Association Journal Journal De L Association Medicale Canadienne, 1995
Overall rating: Excellent Strengths: Comprehensive; good explanations of physiology, pathologic processes and treatments Weaknesses: Some tests and treatments are not available in all provinces; only US resources listed Audience: All women, especially patients looking for information on more than one health problem This book is intended for women from their teenage years onward. Author Diane Korte has extensive experience as a medical journalist. She has lived in the United States and Europe, where she has published short articles and produced radio reviews and documentaries. She also co-authoured A Good Birth, a Safe Birth.
Lancet, 2010
The reproductive implications of mutagenic treatments given to children with cancer are not clear. By studying the risk of untoward pregnancy outcomes, we indirectly assessed the risk of transmission of germline damage to the offspring of survivors of childhood cancer who were given radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2012
Children with cancer receive mutagenic treatments, which raises concern about the potential transmissibility of germline damage to their offspring. This question has been inadequately studied to date because of a lack of detailed individual treatment exposure assessment such as gonadal radiation doses.
Teratology, 1992
BMJ, 1998
Editor-The levonorgestrel intrauterine system (Mirena), a useful addition to contraceptive choice, is now approaching its third anniversary. In the United Kingdom the product licence for the levonorgestrel intrauterine system permits its use for three years. In all other countries where the system is marketed, however, its use is approved for five years. There is good evidence to support this longer duration, 1 and indeed the system seems to remain effective for as long as seven years. 2 We understand that Schering Healthcare has applied for a two year extension to its current licence, backed by their new data that relates to the new polymer that has been used since 1990. Many clinicians have asked us if they should conform strictly to the current product licence and replace each intrauterine system on the third anniversary of its insertion. We would strongly advise delaying reinsertion in this time, at least until the expected statement from the Medicines Control Agency. It is well known that the process of insertion of all intrauterine contraceptives causes problems (short term inconvenience and discomfort followed by new bleeding and pain or expulsion) and also real risks, 3 4 notably perforation and upper genital tract infection. These would be unacceptable if it emerges that reinsertions were not necessary. Users of the levonorgestrel intrauterine system can be reassured that good data are available to support its use for five years. From 15 May, and until any statement concerning a change in the licence, continuation beyond three years is legitimate, at the woman's choice, provided the established criteria for use by named patients are observed-that is, explaining that this is unlicensed use of a licensed product; highlighting the risks and benefits of the proposed non-intervention; obtaining and recording the woman's verbal consent in her case notes; and keeping a separate record of the woman's name and the nature of the unlicensed use. 5
British Journal of Cancer
Background: It is scientifically uncertain whether in utero exposure to low-dose ionising radiation increases the lifetime risk of haematological malignancies. Methods: We pooled two cohorts from the Southern Urals comprising offspring of female workers of a large nuclear facility (the Mayak Production Association) and of women living in areas along the Techa River contaminated by nuclear accidents/waste from the same facility, with detailed dosimetry. Results: The combined cohort totalled 19 536 subjects with 700 504 person-years at risk over the period of incidence follow-up, and slightly more over the period of mortality follow-up, yielding 58 incident cases and 36 deaths up to age 61 years. Risk was increased in subjects who received in utero doses of X80 mGy (excess relative risk (ERR): 1.27; 95% confidence interval (CI): À 0.20 to 4.71), and the risk increased consistently per 100 mGy of continuous exposure in utero (ERR: 0.77; CI: 0.02 to 2.56). No association was apparent in mortality-based analyses. Results for leukaemia and lymphoma were similar. A very weak positive association was observed between incidence and postnatal exposure. Conclusions: In summary, the results suggest a positive association between in utero exposure to ionising radiation and risk of haematological malignancies, but the small number of outcomes and inconsistent incidence and mortality findings preclude firm conclusions.
Human Reproduction Update, 2001
Male and female germ cells vary in their sensitivity to the mutagenic effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, depending on their stage of maturation and the agent used. Although sperm DNA damage exists following treatment, no increase in genetic defects or congenital malformations was detected among children conceived to parents who have previously undergone chemotherapy or radiotherapy. The use of assisted reproductive technologies and micromanipulation techniques might increase this risk; hence caution should be exercised. In female cancer patients, miscarriage and congenital malformations are not increased following chemotherapy. However, when IVF and embryo cryopreservation is practised between or shortly after treatment, possible genetic risks to the growing oocytes exist, and hence the babies should be screened. During pregnancy, the potential teratogenic effects of chemotherapy in¯uence the choice and timing of therapy. Termination is usually recommended in the ®rst trimester. Second-and third-trimester exposure does not usually increase the teratogenic risk and cognitive development, but it may increase the risk of poor obstetric outcome and fetal myelosuppression. During the ®rst two weeks after fertilization of the embryo, radiation is lethal but not teratogenic. High doses of radiation during pregnancy induce anomalies, impaired growth and mental retardation, and there may be an increased risk of childhood leukaemia and other tumours in the offspring.
systematic departure from self-interested behaviour in the direction of rule-based behaviour-duty, loyalty and good will-has been extremely important for the achievement of individual and group economic efficiency. An accurate interpretation of Adam Smith, he demonstrates, does not lend support to believers in, and advocates of, a narrow interpretation of self-interested behaviour either in ethics or in economics. Technically, as Sen demonstrates, under a scheme of extremely limited conditions, welfare economics admits of Copyrighted material xii Foreword circumstances in which acting entirely according to selfinterest could be ethically justified. But the practical significance of this theorizing is highly questionable Therefore he identifies the limitations of the 'wellfarist' concepts on which, inter alia the analysis is based_ By distinguishing between the 'well-being aspect' which covers a person's achievements and opportunities in the Context of the individual's personal advantage from the 'agency aspect' which examines them in terms of broader objectives, the analysis goes beyond the pursuit of one's own well being, with productive results. Sen distinguishes between elements of distributive justice and more extensive valuations of the individual or group. This leads to a discussion on 'plurality and evaluation'; 'commensurability'; 'completeness and consistency'; 'impossibility theorems', as well as positive possibility results and constructive characterization. In apptying the recent philosophical literature on consequentialism to economics, Sen shows how this reasoning-including interdependence and instrumental accountingcan be combined not only with intrinsic valuation but also with position-relativity and agent-sensitivity of moral assessment, In effect. he shows that under realistic conditions, a broad consequential approach can provide a sensitive as well as robust structure for prescriptive thinking on such fundamental issues as rights and freedom. Sen demonstrates that departures from standard behavioural assumptions of economic theory-incorporating the most important components of self-centered behaviour-may arise from both intrinsic valuations and instrumental ones, either individually or for the group. This is relevant and applicable to standard economic cases of failure of efficiency, arising from such factors as externalities, non market interdependences, and lack of credibility in government economic policy. Sen suggests that the incentive Foreword Xiii problems in tackling such issues may have to be reformulated if departures from self-interested behaviour are to be admitted into economic analysis. He maintains that what a person, or group, can be seen as maximizing is a relative matter, depending on what appears to be the appropriate control variables and what variations are seen as a right or correct means of control exercised by the agent or group. There may arise a genuine ambiguity when the instrumental value of certain social rules are accepted for the general pursuit of individual goals, Reciprocity in such circumstances must be taken to be instrumentally important, for otherwise it is difficult to argue that one's 'real goals' are to follow reciprocity rather than one's actual goals. By emphasizing that norms and behaviour should become more closely integrated in economic theory, and in providing systematic means of doing so, Sen points the way to further analysis of more specific, alternative welfare criteria. Members of the Department of Economics and the Department of Philosophy at the University of California at Berkeley are pleased to have had Professor Amartya Sen, an economist and philosopher of truly international distinction, deliver the 1986 Royer Lectures upon which this book is based. We believe the reader will share our gratitude for Professor Seri's timely contribution and our obligation to Rene Olivieri of Basil Blackwell for expediting publication.
Continuos: Representan sistemas cuyos cambios de estado son graduales. Las variables intervinientes son continuas. •Discretos: Representan sistemas cuyos cambios de estado son de a saltos. Las variables varían en forma discontinua.
The Yamnaya culture is a Late Proto-Indo-European culture that dates from 3300–2600 BC and is responsible for the spread of all Indo-European languages except the Anatolian language group.
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