Combinational test generation using satisfiability

1996, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems

We present a robust and efficient algorithm for combinational test generation using a reduction to satisfiability (SAT). The algorithm, TEGUS, has the following features. We choose a form for the test set characteristic equation which minimizes its size. The simplified equation is solved by an algorithm for SAT using simple, but powerful, greedy heuristics, ordering the variables using depth-first search and selecting a variable from the next unsatisfied clause at each branching point. For difficult faults the computation of global implications is iterated, which finds more implications than previous approaches and subsumes structural heuristics such as unique sensitization. Without random tests or fault simulation, TEGUS completes on every fault in the ISCAS networks, demonstrating its robustness, and is 11 times faster for those networks which have been completed by previous algorithms. Our publicly available implementation of TEGUS can be used as a base line for comparing test generation algorithms; we present comparisons with 45 recently published algorithms. TEGUS combines the advantages of the elegant organization of SAT-based algorithms, such as that by Svanaes, with the efficiency of structural algorithms, such as the D-algorithm.

SUBMITTED TO IEEE TRANSATIONS ON CAD/ICAS, NOVEMBER 13, 1992 1 Combinational Test Generation Using Satisfiability Paul R. Stephan, Robert K. Brayton, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli Abstract — We present a robust and efficient algorithm for combinational test generation using a reduction to satisfiability (SAT). The algorithm, TEGUS, has the following features. We choose a form for the test set characteristic equation which minimizes its size. The simplified equation is solved by an algorithm for SAT using simple, but powerful, greedy heuristics, ordering the variables using depth-first search and selecting a variable from the next unsatisfied clause at each branching point. For difficult faults the computation of global implications is iterated, which finds more implications than previous approaches and subsumes structural heuristics such as unique sensitization. Without random tests or fault simulation, TEGUS completes on every fault in the ISCAS networks, demonstrating its robustness, and is 11 times faster for those networks which have been completed by previous algorithms. Our publicly available implementation of TEGUS can be used as a base line for comparing test generation algorithms; we present comparisons with 45 recently published algorithms. TEGUS combines the advantages of the elegant organization of SAT-based algorithms, such as that by Svanæs, with the efficiency of structural algorithms, such as the D-algorithm. I INTRODUCTION I N 1966, Roth presented the D-algorithm [1] for combinational test generation which he proved complete,1 meaning that if a test for a fault exists, the D-algorithm will find it if run to completion. All complete algorithms developed since have the same worst case complexity, differing only in the heuristics used to optimize average case performance [2]. Until a breakthrough in algorithm complexity is achieved, test generation algorithms must be evaluated using more detailed, empirical comparisons. Since practical test generation algorithms are incomplete, we call an algorithm more robust if it empirically completes on more faults using a suitable set of examples. For algorithms of comparable robustness, efficiency is important, especially execution time and memory usage. Finally, one algorithm may be much simpler than another. While most practical algorithms like the D-algorithm are structural, operating directly on the gate network, the theoretical analysis of test generation is based on transformations to and from other difficult problems. The proof by Ibarra and Sahni [3] that combinational test generation is NP-complete uses a polynomial-time reduction from the logic problem satisfiability (SAT) to test generation. By Cook’s results [4], this also defines 0 Manuscript submitted November 13, 1992; revised January 24, 1994, and August 31, 1994. This work was supported in part by the Semiconductor Research Corporation under Grant 92-DC-008 and by various grants from DEC, IBM, Intel, Motorola, AT&T, and BNR. The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 94720. IEEE MS Number D1447-R2. 1 A test generation algorithm completes on (a problem instance defined by) a fault if it either generates a test for the fault or proves it redundant, completes on a network if it completes on every modeled fault in the network, and is complete if it completes on all networks. a polynomial-time reduction from test generation to SAT, as well as to the hundreds of other NP-complete problems [2] such as traveling salesman, integer programming, bin packing, and instances of quadratic programming. Although test generation can be solved by algorithms using any of these reductions without changing its asymptotic complexity, a structural algorithm avoids the overhead of doing a reduction. Most nonstructural algorithms use a reduction to SAT or its dual, referred to collectively as SAT-based algorithms, because the reduction is straightforward, SAT is a fundamental problem which has been widely studied, and the formulation as a set of characteristic functions directly fits the paradigm of logic programming. The overall approach of existing SAT-based algorithms [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] is to translate the D-algorithm problem formulation into a characteristic equation (in product-of-sums form for SAT, or sum-of-products form for the dual), and then solve the equation using a branch-andbound search. For example, in an algorithm by Svanæs [5], the D-calculus logic function of each gate type is defined using clauses in PROLOG, the topology of the network is translated into clauses, a fault is specified as a D or D on some net, and a test is generated by asking the PROLOG solver if it is possible for some output to have a value of D or D. This algorithm is simple and elegant, but inefficient. The other SAT-based algorithms improve or worsen the average case performance by adding various heuristics, but the fastest is still orders of magnitude slower than the best structural algorithms. Many are also not robust, requiring the use of random patterns to get good fault coverage. We present a new SAT-based algorithm which is both robust and efficient. We choose a form for the characteristic equation to reduce its size, and use a new heuristic of ordering the equation clauses in DFS order. The simplified equation is solved using fast, greedy heuristics for dynamically choosing the next variable at each branch point. Finally, for difficult faults we iterate the computation of global implications, subsuming the various unique sensitization, path controller, and global implication heuristics used in other algorithms. With these simple heuristics, our algorithm TEGUS (TEst Generation Using Satisfiability) is more robust than previous algorithms and is one of the most efficient. We compare TEGUS with other algorithms published in the past seven years, using the ISCAS benchmarks [19, 20]. We show that TEGUS completes on every fault in these networks without using fault simulation, and is 11 times faster for those which have been completed by previous algorithms. With fault simulation TEGUS performance is as good as the best structural algorithms (unfortunately robustness data is not available for these), and is orders of magnitude faster than previous nonstructural algorithms. The results show that this approach to test generation is practical as well as conceptually elegant. 2 SUBMITTED TO IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CAD/ICAS, NOVEMBER II SIMPLIFIED EQUATION A SAT-based algorithm implements test generation by solving a characteristic equation for all tests for a fault. In an efficient algorithm, the time to construct these equations often exceeds the time needed to solve them, so in TEGUS the overhead is reduced by using a two step problem reduction, and by choosing a minimized form for the characteristic function of each gate. As a one time overhead, the gate network is translated into a network of AND gates with inverted inputs such that every fault in the original network has an equivalent fault in the reduced network. Each characteristic equation is then constructed from the AND gate network. Since every gate has the same logic function, this step is now simpler and faster. The intermediate reduction also simplifies fault simulation, improving its performance. The second improvement is to simplify the form of the SAT equation derived from the D-algorithm [1]. For each fault, the goal is to find an input vector which defines a D-chain from the fault site to a network output. Previous SAT-based algorithms derive each characteristic equation by a straightforward translation of the singular cover (used for all gates) and primitive D-cubes (used for gates on a potential D-chain). The resulting equations are larger than necessary because the D-algorithm characteristic functions contain redundant information which simplifies a structural algorithm but which generally has no benefits for a SAT-based algorithm. To simplify the equation, we start from the high level description of the D-algorithm rather than from the cube covers. Let G( x̄) denote the logic function for a gate G with inputs x̄ = fx1 : : : xng and output G, let Gd be a binary variable which implies gate G is in a D-chain to a network output, and let Xf and Xg denote the values of a net X with and without the fault, respectively. For a gate G with fanout gates Hi i = 1 : : :k, the D-algorithm characteristic function can be expressed as A B 13, 1992 H C J I D L E M K F N P G Figure 1: Example network fragment. minimum product-of-sums form. The resulting function is J + H + I + E )(H + J )(I + J )(E + J ) J + H + I + E )(H + J )(I + J )(E + J ) (J + J + J )(J + J + J )(J + L + M ), ( ( g g f f d g g g g g g g f f f f f f f d g f d g g f d f d with 11 clauses and 29 literals. The savings over earlier SATbased algorithms are comparable. The equation can be further simplified by minimizing the functions for several gates simultaneously (e.g., the gates in a fanout-free region) but this makes the algorithm more complicated for a smaller additional improvement. The TEGUS reduction eliminates redundancy found in other reductions. For example, the reduction in [17] represents the (Eg + J g ) twice, as J ! E and also as E ! J . Gg = G( x̄g ) ^ Gf = G( x̄f ) ^ Gd ! (Gg 6= Gf ) constraint Although the search algorithms can be modified to partially ^ Gd ! (H1 d _ : : : _ Hk d ): (1) compensate for this redundancy (called duality in [17]), it is more straightforward not to add the redundancy in the first place. Roth [1] derived alternative ways to express the D-chain conBecause TEGUS uses an intermediate reduction, it only needs dition; this choice is one of the main differences between the the minimum form for an AND gate, but characteristic functions various SAT-based algorithms. The form chosen here is most effor other gates can be similarly derived. Since the equations can ficient with the greedy branch-and-bound heuristics in the next be long (e.g., for c6288, several equations have over 50 000 section because it includes the forward D-chain implications. If literals in the TEGUS minimized form), minimizing each function G is not on any path from the fault to an output, (1) can be improves the performance considerably, as shown in Section V. simplified to Gg = G( x̄g ) ^ (Gf = Gg ). Minimizing each component function reduces the overall III GREEDY SEARCH characteristic equation length. For example, in Fig. 1, assume that all inputs of gate J are on potential D-chains. With As a search problem, test generation is characterized by the Larrabee’s reduction [14], the 3SAT characteristic function for variable orderings used for branching and what processing to do J has 67 literals [21]. The reduction in [17] uses a slightly dif- at each branch point. Although such search heuristics do not afferent expression of the D-chain condition, replacing the second fect the completeness or asymptotic complexity of an algorithm, implication in (1) with logical equivalence (adding these back- they can drastically affect the average case performance. ward D-chain implications seems to have no benefits because Most test generation algorithms use analysis of a network (or the fault site is known a priori to be on any final D-chain). The equation) to determine a variable ordering, such as the backtraccorresponding 3SAT function has 51 literals [21]. The simplified ing heuristics in a structural algorithm. The orderings used by characteristic function used in TEGUS is found by substituting early SAT-based algorithms depend primarily on the underlying the gate logic function J = H I E into (1) and expressing it in solvers, although they can be influenced by ordering the problem D1447-R2: COMBINATIONAL TEST GENERATION USING SATISFIABILITY description [6] or the use of other mechanisms [13]. Recent SATbased algorithms [14, 15, 22, 16, 23, 17] analyze the 2-clauses of an equation, satisfying the easy part of the equation and then checking if the assignment also satisfies the entire equation. This heuristic emphasizes parts of the network where many inverters or buffers are used, giving little information relevant to a good variable ordering. The recent SAT-based algorithms also use a static variable ordering, fixing a global ordering for the entire search regardless of the current partial assignment. This leads to unnecessary assignments and backtracking. For example, setting one input of an n-input AND gate to zero fixes the output to zero but does not force any value for the other inputs. A static variable ordering may assign values to these inputs even if no test exists when the gate output is zero, potentially wasting 2 n;1 backtracks. Experiments confirm the disadvantages of static variable orderings [24]; they typically abort on an order of magnitude more faults using the same backtrack limits and are also an order of magnitude slower. Good fault coverage is achieved only with random patterns and very high backtrack limits. Unlike previous algorithms, TEGUS uses a simple greedy variable selection. Since the equation is satisfied exactly when every clause is satisfied, the most obvious step which increases the number of satisfied clauses is to find the first unsatisfied clause in the equation and assign the first variable which can satisfy it. Clauses with three or more literals are in some sense the difficult part of the equation, so only these are considered during variable selection. The result is a fast, dynamic variable ordering which ignores 2-clauses, essentially the direct opposite of previous approaches. The efficiency of such a heuristic depends strongly on the ordering of the clauses within the equation. In TEGUS the characteristic functions for the gates are added in depth-first search (DFS) order starting from primary inputs, with the effect that for each cone of logic, the clauses for gates driven by primary inputs occur first. This ordering has three advantages over those used in other SAT-based algorithms. First, with this ordering, the greedy variable selection mimics the PODEM [25] heuristic of branching only on primary input variables and deriving all other assignments from implications. This heuristic avoids many unnecessary conflicts in networks with reconvergence, but is not used in any other SAT-based algorithms. Second, the DFS ordering improves on the PODEM heuristic by grouping together the clauses for gates whose output values converge within a small number of logic levels. This usually allows conflicts to be detected more quickly than by assigning values to gates which are logically distant (i.e., whose values converge only after many levels of logic or not at all). For example, in Fig. 1, after input G is assigned, a conflict is more likely to be detected by next assigning F instead of A since inputs G and F converge immediately while G and A do not converge at all. In a large network, this heuristic avoids many useless backtracks and is another reason why other algorithms (particularly the SAT-based algorithms) are not as robust, even with much higher search time limits. The SAT solver must continue its branch-and-bound search until every clause is satisfied, even if the current partial assign- 3 Backtrack Limit 15 150 1500 Aborted Faults Per Strategy G1 G2 G3 G4 1 476 1 549 9 167 8 404 639 574 6 235 6 535 559 429 4 104 5 286 Combined abt cpu 302 440. 202 510. 174 620. Table 1: Results for 18 ISCAS networks, no fault simulation. ment happens to be a test. This is the only way the SAT solver can guarantee that the equation has indeed been solved. Thus, for nonstructural algorithms, the TEGUS DFS ordering has a third advantage of avoiding conflicts after a test has been successfully generated. If primary inputs are not assigned first, the search could have to backtrack and possibly even abort the search after a test has already been found. This is another reason why other SAT-based algorithms are less robust. For example, in Fig. 1 consider the fault G stuck-at-1. Assume that input C is driven by some additional logic and that variables Eg Fg , and Gg have already been assigned 1, 1, and 0, respectively. This partial assignment is a test, but clause (Jg + Hg + Ig + E g ) describing gate J (see Section II) has not been satisfied yet. If the next decision is to set Jg to 0, i.e., the AND gate to a 0, the SAT solver may have to backtrack in order to justify a value of 0 for variable J g . With the DFS ordering used in TEGUS, such backtracks never occur, improving the average case performance. Other test generation algorithms have to do analysis during the search to avoid these problems which the TEGUS greedy ordering avoids naturally. One analysis heuristic dynamically marks a gate as useless when all its fanouts already have a justified value or are marked as useless [26, 23, 27]. By not branching on useless signals, this structural heuristic avoids backtracks after a test has been found, and can also be used to dynamically identify unique sensitization points [26]. However this analysis gives gives no information on which useful variable to choose next for branching; algorithms with no additional backtracing heuristics, such as [23], may still frequently branch on variables which are logically distant. Another heuristic, dependency-directed backtracking [27], avoids some of the wasted backtracks from branching on logically distant variables. When a contradiction is found during the search, the analysis checks if the search can immediate backtrack several decisions rather than only to the most recent reversible decision. All such analysis heuristics are a tradeoff between the time needed to perform the analysis and the time saved by reducing the number of backtracks. Most of them also depend on information about the network structure which is not readily available from the SAT reduction. Fortunately, the greedy DFS variable ordering in TEGUS naturally avoids many bad decisions without doing any analysis whatsoever, and, as shown in Section V, is more robust and efficient than existing algorithms which use such analysis heuristics. The results in Table 1 demonstrate the effectiveness of a fast greedy ordering, using the 18 ISCAS networks listed in Table 3. Column G1 shows the number of aborted faults using the greedy strategy with DFS clause ordering for three different backtrack 4 SUBMITTED TO IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CAD/ICAS, NOVEMBER limits. With a limit of 150, this strategy completes on over 99.5% of the faults including over 96% of the redundant faults. As shown in Section 5.1, this single greedy strategy is more robust and efficient than many recent structural algorithms. We also tried to find an optimal DFS ordering using the distance from each gate to any primary input and the logic cone sizes, but found no ordering which was significantly better (or worse) than that defined by the network description. To emphasize the importance of the DFS ordering, when the formula is constructed in reverse order from outputs to inputs, G1 does just as poorly as a static ordering [24]. To improve the search efficiency, the characteristic equation is divided into two parts, the set of clauses for gates driven by at least one primary input, called the subformula, and the remaining clauses. During branching, only the subformula needs to be searched for unsatisfied clauses, since if the subformula is satisfied and all implications are followed without conflicts, the remaining clauses must also be satisfiable. The form of strategy G1 suggests three complementary strategies, a heuristic which has been effective in other algorithms (e.g., [28, 14]), Greedy strategy G2 varies G1 by selecting the last free literal in the first unsatisfied clause of the subformula. Greedy strategies G3 and G4 select the first or last free literal in the last unsatisfied clause of the subformula. Choosing between the first and last free literal effectively changes the value assigned to a gate. For example, in Fig. 1, if the clauses for gate P are first in the subformula, one choice sets the output of gate P to 1, the other sets an input of gate P to 0, forcing the output to 0. Similarly, for G3 and G4, choosing between the first and last unsatisfied clause starts the search in different regions of the network, such as gate L versus gate P in the example. Individually, G3 and G4 do worse than G1 and G2 because clauses at the end of a subformula often do not belong to the same cone of logic. Rather, they are whatever clauses were left over after the earlier cones were searched, and do not converge as directly, if at all. The last two columns of Table 1 show the number of aborted faults and total CPU time in seconds when all four strategies are applied in succession. IV ITERATED GLOBAL IMPLICATIONS To complete on faults for which straightforward branchand-bound aborts, most of which are redundant, the Socrates algorithm [29] introduced a procedure for computing global implications using the tautologies ( A ! B ) ^ (A ! B ) ) A (A ! B ) ) (B ! A): (2) (3) Larrabee’s algorithm [14] contains the following improved global implications procedure which, because it is SAT-based, is also simpler. For each free literal A, temporarily set A to 1 and call the bounding procedure of the SAT branch-and-bound solver. If a contradiction occurs, (2) is applied to infer A. If an unsatisfied clause which initially had at least three free literals ends up with only a single free literal B , (3) is applied to infer B ! A. Thus this powerful heuristic is applied using only a trivial extension of the basic branch-and-bound. 13, 1992 We have improved the computation of global implications after observing that the results of this procedure can depend on what order the variables are processed. This ordering dependency is illustrated by the following example. Example 1: In Fig. 1 with fault G stuck-at-1, if variable C g is processed first, trying Cg as both 1 and 0 results in neither a conflict nor any global implications. Later, trying E g = 0 forces Kf Kd Nf Nd Pf , and Pd to 0, causing a contradiction because clause (Kd +Nd +Pd ) is unsatisfied, i.e., all propagation paths are blocked. Thus by (2), Eg = 1. But now it is possible to find a global implication for C g , namely C g ! Jg , so the global implication J g ! Cg can be deduced. To find this implication, Cg must be processed after Eg , but previous algorithms have no means for ensuring this order will occur. More complex dependencies can occur such that no ordering will find all the global implications by asserting each literal only once. Therefore we iterate through the list of free literals, computing global implications until one full iteration produces no new implications. More implications are found than in previous algorithms (such as [29, 14]), and the search space is reduced enough that TEGUS only computes global implications statically before the branch-and-bound search is started, not dynamically at every branch point of the search. Some benefits of dynamically computing an incomplete set of global implications [29, 30, 16, 31, 32, 17] are a result of this ordering dependence. For extremely difficult redundant faults, the iterated computation can also be applied dynamically during the search (although this is not necessary for any faults in the ISCAS networks). The iterated procedure of TEGUS finds more global implications than previous algorithms. Socrates [29] only computes global implications for a subset of signals in the good network, does not handle all ordering dependencies, and uses too strict of a criterion for applying (3) as shown below in Example 2. Larrabee’s procedure [14] computes global implications for all variables and uses a more general criterion for applying the tautologies, but it does not handle ordering dependencies. The algorithms of Kunz et al. [32] and Silva et al. [27] have applied Larrabee’s criterion in a structural algorithm, but they also do not handle ordering dependencies and, like Socrates, do not compute global implications for all variables. For example, they do not find the implication E g = 1 in Example 1 because this global implication can only be derived using information about the faulty network and potential D-chains. Finally, the transitive closure algorithms [15, 16, 23, 17] are even more limited because they only compute global implications using 2-clauses [21]. For example, these procedures cannot find the implications Eg = 1, C g ! Jg in Example 1 because these implications are only found by considering the 3-clause (Kd + Nd + Pd ) i.e., one of these gates must be on a D-chain. For this reason, contrary to the claims in these papers, the dominator, unique sensitization, and global implication heuristics of earlier algorithms (e.g., [29, 14]) are not implicit in transitive closure. The TEGUS global implications procedure can also be used with the exhaustive method proposed by Kunz and Pradhan [33] for dynamically computing global implications, since the two heuristics are independent. Where existing global implication D1447-R2: COMBINATIONAL TEST GENERATION USING SATISFIABILITY a b c x2 5 d A B f x1 D G E C y F Figure 2: Network for Example 2. Figure 3: Network for Example 3. procedures (e.g., [29, 14, 24]) call a standard bounding procedure to detect conflicts, they propose calling a secondary full branch-and-bound procedure (a.k.a. recursive learning procedure). If the secondary branch-and-bound is called with no backtrack limit (a.k.a. maximum recursion depth rmax ), all necessary assignments are guaranteed to be found and the primary branch-and-bound will never backtrack. Since computing all necessary assignments is a co-NP-complete problem [2], backtrack limits are used in [33] for both search procedures. The TEGUS implications procedure could be used to improve the performance of the primary search, the secondary search, or both. Iterating the global implications computation subsumes the various unique sensitization, path controller assignments, and dominator conditions used in other test generation algorithms, which is not true if each literal is only processed once [24][21]. Example 1 illustrates how TEGUS subsumes the improved unique sensitization procedure in Socrates [34]. Case analysis of the other global implications heuristics which have been proposed for structural and SAT-based algorithms is lengthly but straightforward. Similarly, if the global implications procedure of TEGUS is applied dynamically during the search, it subsumes heuristics such as dynamic unique sensitization. In TEGUS, the global implications procedure determines, for the current partial assignment, every single literal X such that assigning X causes a contradiction. Three types of implications which have been recently proposed are not computed in TEGUS because they are already handled by the conventional implication procedure used during branch-and-bound search. The first type, simple equivalence, is based on identifying cycles of implications [14, 16, 15, 17]. All variables in such a cycle must always have the same value. This analysis indirectly identifies trivial cases of equivalence such as buffers and inverters, but does not detect more general equivalences such as the equivalence of variables Kg , Ng , and Pg in Fig. 1. Identifying variables which are forced to be equivalent or opposite via direct implications does not reduce the number of backtracks because when one variable is assigned, the others are immediately forced to the appropriate values. The second type, exclusion [17], is just another name for J g , and direct implication. For example, in Fig. 1, since E g J g Lg , the direct consequence, or exclusion, Eg Lg can be inferred. Such implications are implicitly derived during the search, so computing them explicitly has no benefits. The third type, clause reduction implications [17], are implications derived when a partial assignment results in a clause having only two free literals. In other words, this means taking ! ! ! A B E J N K C D M Figure 4: Network for Example 4. a b k p=1 l r m q n Figure 5: Network for Example 5. c d a f i j k l m n Figure 6: Network for Example 6. s t u v w 6 SUBMITTED TO IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CAD/ICAS, NOVEMBER into account signals which already have an assignment when doing implication. For example, in Fig. 1, when input B is assigned the value 1, the clause (Hg + B g + C g ) describing gate H has only two remaining free literals. Consequently, this clause can be reduced to Hg C g , Cg Hg , or both. Despite the claim that this is a novel feature [17], all existing algorithms make use of the information that Cg = Hg when B = 1. As observed by Schulz et al. [34], there is obviously no benefit from explicitly deriving such implications that can be performed by any conventional implication procedure. Computing simple equivalences, exclusions, or clause reduction implications generally reduces efficiency without improving robustness. Consequently, in contrast with previous SAT-based algorithms, TEGUS does no special processing of direct implications or 2-clauses. The simplicity of computing global implications in a SATbased algorithm belies its power and generality. The benefits of even Larrabee’s procedure are often underestimated, as illustrated by the following examples. The improved computation of TEGUS is not required for these small examples (because they do not have any ordering dependencies), but since TEGUS uses an extension of the procedure in [14], the examples also illustrate how TEGUS subsumes many previous procedures for computing global implications. Example 2: The network in Fig. 2 is an example from [32] used to claim an improved global implication procedure. We show how Larrabee’s procedure, and consequently TEGUS, also succeeds on this example (although it is true that Socrates cannot find the following global implication). As part of the global implications procedure, variable fg is assigned the value 0 and the bounding procedure is called. Clauses (dg + fg )(y g + fg ) for gate f force dg = 0 and yg = 0, since the literal fg cannot satisfy these clauses. Subsequently, clause (bg + dg ) forces bg = 0, and clause (bg + x1 g ) for gate x1 forces x1 = 1. But now clause (yg + x1 g + x2 g ) can only be satisfied by x2 g = 0. Since this clause initially had more than two free literals, (3) is applied to infer x 2 g fg , contradicting the claim that this implication is not found by earlier procedures. The learning criterion proposed in [32] is a partial application of Larrabee’s criterion in a structural algorithm (partial, because it is not applied to all variables). Example 3: The examples used in [17] to claim an improved global implications procedure are likewise incorrect. Consider the network in Fig. 3 from [17] with the partial assignment F g = 0, Gg = 1. As part of executing Larrabee’s global implications procedure, variable Dg is assigned 0 and the bounding procedure is called. Setting Dg to 0 forces Ag = 1, Bg = 1, and Eg = 1. Clause (Ag + C g + E g ) describing gate E now forces Cg = 0 since C g is the only free literal. This results in a contradiction because clause (Bg + Cg + Fg ) describing the XOR gate cannot be satisfied. Thus by (2), Dg = 1, contradicting the claim in [17] that this implication is not found. The other examples and related claims in [17] are similarly shown to be in error. Creating explicit 2-clauses from clauses with only two free literals is unnecessary because, unlike [17], all unsatisfied clauses are processed directly by the bounding procedure. Example 4: During the computation of global implications for the network in Fig. 4, variable Ng is assigned the value 0 ! ! ! 13, 1992 and the bounding procedure is called. This implies, through the 2-clauses in the equation, that Jg , Kg , and Mg must all be 0. Subsequently, Kg = 0 implies that Eg , Cg , and Dg must all be 1. But now clause (Jg + E g + C g ) describing gate J is unsatisfiable, and by (2), Ng = 1. Thus fault N stuck-at-1 is undetectable, contradicting the claim in [35] that this cannot be determined by any previous methods. Example 5: The network in Fig. 5 is used in [33] to illustrate an improved global implications procedure. With the partial assignment pg = 1, consider the global implications for q g . From the clauses for gates q and r, the bounding procedure directly assigns rg = kg = lg = mg = ng = 0. The clauses for gate k now imply that a g = bg = 0. But now clause (ng + ag + bg ) cannot be satisfied and by (2), qg = 1, contradicting the claim in [33] that previous algorithms cannot find this implication. Example 6: Consider the network in Fig. 6, from [33], for the fault a stuck-at-0. The assignment af = 0, ag = ad = 1 directly implies jf = sf = 0 and kg = sg = 0. The clause (sd + sg + sf ), describing the D-chain condition for gate s, implies sd = 0, which in turn implies the fixed assignments jd = kd = 0. Subsequently, the global implications procedure is invoked for n g = 1. The bounding procedure determines that this directly implies w g = wf = 1, etc., which, similarly to gate s, implies wd = vd = ud = td = 0. Now clauses (l d + td + ud )(m d + vd + wd ) can only be satisfied by the assignment ld = md = 0, resulting in a contradiction for clause (ad + jd + kd + ld + md ) and by (2), ng = 0. This unique assignment is efficiently determined using only the bounding procedure of Larrabee’s algorithm (or TEGUS), and does not require the exhaustive secondary branch-and-bound procedures used in [33]. The uniformity of the SAT representation is an advantage for computing global implications. Structural algorithms [34, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33] have to handle special cases for implications in forward versus backward directions, for implications of different gate types, for implications in both the good and faulty network, and for implications involving the fault propagation path. Having to check all these special cases can degrade overall performance, and is complicated enough that often global implications are not computed at all (e.g., [36, 37, 35, 38]) even though they are known to significantly improve robustness. The SAT-based algorithms in [15, 16, 23, 17] are also much more complicated, computing global implications by constructing an implication graph from an energy function for a network, finding the strongly connected components with a special algorithm for sparse graphs with duality, constructing a second graph of the strongly connected components, computing its transitive closure, and searching it for edges corresponding to the hypothesis of (2). This costly procedure is performed at every branch point even for easy faults, degrading the overall performance as shown in the next section. V EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS To summarize the overall algorithm TEGUS, for each fault a characteristic equation is constructed in DFS order and four greedy strategies are tried, each with a low backtrack limit. If all fail, the computation of global implications is iterated and D1447-R2: COMBINATIONAL TEST GENERATION USING SATISFIABILITY Mode no fault simulation fault simulation fault sim. & random tests redundancy removal Table 2: Tested Faults SIM SAT 133 995 119 721 14 274 130 235 3 760 126 274 2 827 TEGUS Untested Faults RED ABT 7 250 0 7 250 0 7 250 0 0 0 7 Memory (MB) 13.5 11.5 6.8 6.9 SIM 9.1 8.7 17.1 CPU Time (sec) EQN SAT Total 343. 131. 477. 51.6 19.3 83.4 20.0 14.0 45.9 18.9 5.6 46.3 totals for 18 ISCAS networks under four modes of operation. the greedy strategies are retried with a higher backtrack limit. For the following experiments, we used an implementation with limits of 15 and 150 respectively.2 To evaluate TEGUS, we compare it with other published results using the ISCAS benchmark networks [19, 20]. The eight largest ISCAS89 sequential networks are tested assuming full scan.3 Although these networks have many gates, the logic cones are quite shallow. For example, the average length of the characteristic equations for c2670 is 3700 literals, while for s35932, it is only 630, even though the latter has 16 times more gates. The observation that test generation time increases linearly with network gate count [17, 39] is a result of this characteristic of the ISCAS networks and is not true in general; search time versus equation size is a more appropriate measure of asymptotic complexity. Table 2 summarizes the data for TEGUS on the ISCAS85 and eight largest ISCAS89 networks using a DEC 7000/610 AXP, showing that TEGUS is a good balance of robustness, efficiency, and simplicity. The four rows correspond to four of the different modes for running TEGUS: without fault simulation, with fault simulation, with fault simulation and pseudo random patterns, and with redundancy removal. These are the modes of operation most commonly found in the literature. The first four columns show the number of faults detected by simulation, detected by the SAT algorithm, proved redundant, and aborted. Column Memory is the peak memory usage in megabytes as measured using our implementation, not estimated using assumptions about the sizes of data structures. Column SIM is the total time for fault simulation, column EQN, for extracting the characteristic equations, and column SAT, for solving the equations, all in seconds. Total time measures the complete program execution including reading the network, initialization, etc. The fast, greedy heuristics of TEGUS make creating the equations the most time consuming step. Faults 100000 10000 1000 100 10 0 15 30 Backtracks  45 1 Figure 7: Distribution without fault simulation. examples not yet seen, as well as on the benchmark suite. When fault simulation is used, several algorithms have no aborted faults for the ISCAS networks. This is very little data for comparing robustness since most of the ISCAS networks have fewer than 4000 gates (ignoring one-input gates), less than 4% of the testable faults are actually targeted by the deterministic part of the algorithm, and this small set is not easily reproduced (there is an element of randomness in which faults are targeted). We propose that the robustness of a test generation algorithm should be evaluated without using fault simulation since then more faults are targeted, giving a larger sample, and the sample set is unique.4 As shown in Table 2, without fault simulation TEGUS completes on every fault in the ISCAS networks. Fig. 7 shows the corresponding distribution of backtracks. Over 95% of the faults were completed in three or less backtracks. The shaded curves highlight the evidence that the greedy strategies are complementary, making them more efficient than a single strategy. To evaluate the robustness of TEGUS, Table 3 compares the number of aborted faults on the ISCAS networks with fifteen 5.1 ROBUSTNESS recent algorithms. In this table, deterministic test generation Practical test generation algorithms are incomplete, aborting (DTG) is applied to every modeled fault in each network. For the search for a test after some limit has been reached to avoid each algorithm, column abt is the number of aborted faults, spending an exorbitant amount of time on a fault. It is generally and column cpu is the execution time normalized to TEGUS not possible to prove one algorithm will complete on more faults (explained further in the next section). Backtrack limits range than another, so if one empirically completes on more faults, we from 15 for TEGUS to 2  106 for GIR90. call it more robust. With or without fault simulation or fault collapsing, 5 TEGUS Ideally, robustness measures how well an algorithm will do on 2 For the ISCAS networks, a second limit of 15 is sufficient, but the higher limit may be useful for more realistic networks. 3 The smaller ISCAS89 networks are not difficult for combinational test generation; TEGUS completes on all 22 of them in a total of two seconds. 4 If fault collapsing is used, we assume that the standard techniques of simple fault equivalence and fault dominance are applied. 5 Simple fault collapsing is fairly standard and does not mask nonrobustness like fault simulation does. The only published results we have found without fault simulation or fault collapsing are those of Chandra and Patel, column 8 SUBMITTED TO IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CAD/ICAS, NOVEMBER completes on every fault in all the ISCAS networks. The DYTEST and EST algorithms, columns MAO90[41], GIR90[42], and GIR91[43], complete on the ten ISCAS85 networks, but the fastest of them is 11 times slower than TEGUS. For these algorithms, no data are presented for the ISCAS89 networks, which is unfortunate since the ISCAS85 and ISCAS89 networks have different characteristics and heuristics which work well on one set may not on the other. One of the algorithms by Kunz and Pradhan [33] completes on all faults, but is about 110 times slower than TEGUS. Of the remaining algorithms, seven aborted on more faults than greedy strategy G1 alone with a backtrack limit of 15 (when compared using the available data) as well as being slower. One application of a robust test generator is for redundancy removal. TEGUS uses the straightforward method described by Bryan et al. [44], removing one redundancy at a time and iterating until no untestable fault remains. Table 2 shows the performance on the ISCAS networks, and Table 5 compares TEGUS with several other redundancy removal algorithms. For ABR92[45], it is not clear if all redundancies are successfully removed, and algorithm MEN94[35] fails to remove 298 redundant faults. 6 5.2 EFFICIENCY When two test generation algorithms are equally robust, the second question is how they compare in efficiency. It is rarely possible to prove that one heuristic is more efficient than another. Plausibility arguments are valuable for developing intuition but because they are necessarily based on small fragments of networks, they have a correspondingly small chance of being correct. Decisions based on local information, no matter how reasonable, can lead to conflicts. In general, the only reliable means for comparing the efficiency of different algorithms is through the performance of actual implementations on a suitable set of examples. Such experiments are prone to many pitfalls. Choosing an inappropriate set of examples or over-optimizing for the examples distorts results. Shortcomings may be masked by focusing on only a few isolated faults or by changing the algorithm parameters for different networks. Differences in computer performance are often unaccounted for, and preprocessing time is sometimes omitted even when it is a significant fraction of the total time. Indirect comparisons of efficiency using the number of backtracks or performance measures such as MIPS can be highly inaccurate. When a multiprocessor is used to run an algorithm [46], speedup factors may actually be a result of omitting the time for sequential portions of the algorithm, or of comparing with an inferior algorithm running on a uniprocessor, rather than a result of successful parallelization (in extreme cases, this can even give the illusion of superlinear speedup). If the programs for previous algorithms are not publicly available, there is little motivation to reimplement them as efficiently as possible, and it is incorrect to assume that if a heuristic improves an inefficient reimplementation, it will also improve the original. CHN89[40] in Table 3. 6 In comparison, the single greedy strategy G1 with a backtrack limit of 15 fails to complete on only 105 redundant faults for the same seven networks. 13, 1992 Finally, most algorithms are incompletely specified,7 leading to different results when they are reimplemented or even just run on a different computer. These variations make it difficult to tell if an algorithm has even been reimplemented correctly, not to mention efficiently. The preferred way to avoid most of these pitfalls is to do a direct comparison, running two implementations side by side on the same examples. However, since the programs used for most published experiments are not publicly available, we have had to use the next best approach. To compare TEGUS with other algorithms, for each algorithm A we performed the following experiment. 1. Port TEGUS to the model of computer reported in the published results for A, including any stated constraints on available memory, operating system, etc. 2. Run TEGUS on the ISCAS networks with the same options reported for A: with or without fault collapsing, with or without reverse order pattern simulation, with or without redundancy removal, with or without random tests, etc. 3. Normalize the reported times for A to the corresponding times obtained for TEGUS. In all cases, the native C compiler was used with optimization enabled. To ensure consistent results across the variety of Amdahl, Apollo, DEC, HP, IBM, and Sun computers used in these experiments, the values used for pseudo random patterns are generated directly [48] rather than calling a system random number generator. Thus even the pseudo random patterns which are generated can be reproduced identically on different computer models. These experiments give a reasonably accurate comparison of efficiency, avoiding the aforementioned pitfalls which are within our control. Tables 3, 4, and 5 show the results of these experiments. Tables 3 and 5 were described earlier. Table 4 compares TEGUS with reported results where deterministic test generation is applied only to a subset of faults. Most often fault simulation is used with or without random patterns (corresponding to the middle two rows of Table 2). The same strategies and backtrack limits were used with TEGUS for all networks in the three tables. The last row of each table shows the normalized total time for the available data. For example, in the first column of Table 4, 21 is the sum of the six times reported in [13] divided by the sum for these same six networks using TEGUS. For algorithms run on different networks or with different options, these total times must be compared with care. Also, deterministic test generation is not applied to the same set of faults in Tables 4 and 5, and each algorithm uses different limits for terminating the random pattern phase (if there is one), and for aborting a search. Although improvements are claimed for all of these algorithms, it is not clear on what data these claims are based. Some do not use the ISCAS benchmark networks [50, 15, 53, 69] 7 For example, when a variable ordering is based on the number of implications, often hundreds of variables have the same priority. In this case, the ordering depends strongly on how ties are broken, which is implementationdependent. The ordering dependency in Section IV and use of random values are two other examples. D1447-R2: COMBINATIONAL TEST GENERATION USING SATISFIABILITY 1988 9 1989 CHK Network [49] abt cpu [50] abt cpu [40] abt cpu [30] abt cpu C432 C499 C880 C1355 C1908 C2670 C3540 C5315 C6288 C7552 S1494 S5378 S9234 S13207 S15850 S35932 S38417 S38584 7 1.4 0.6 1.0 128 2.7 82 1.9 43 0.8 62 0.9 1.4 231 1.2 245 2.4 - - 12 3.8 17 8.8 2.3 26 3.0 252 5.8 115 2.2 662 4.6 26 2.1 4 1.6 94 2.5 - 4 2.1 20 14. 3.0 48 10. 3.2 8 1.3 9 1.6 1 3.7 514 7.7 89 4.4 - Total 798 1.4 - 1208 2.6 - CHN 1990 CHE JAC 693 PAT 5.8 [47] a abt cpu GIR ABR [42] abt cpu [51] abt cpu [41] abt cpu [52] abt cpu 5 0.9 8 0.8 1.3 14 1.7 10 1.1 203 0.9 289 1.5 70 1.4 24 0.9 434 2.1 - 43 3 9 7 100 9 6 20 9 20 - 1 2 3 1 2 300 - 3 2 6 6 7 13 9 13 8 33 - 23 15 27 48 41 15 20 17 20 24 - 1057 1.2 0 1991 14 85 118 45 4 156 408 MAO 27 0 Network [54]b abt cpu [43] abt cpu 1992 TEG [24] abt cpu C432 C499 C880 C1355 C1908 C2670 C3540 C5315 C6288 C7552 S1494 S5378 S9234 S13207 S15850 S35932 S38417 S38584 30 580 200 820 1300 120 25 72 39 47 260 280 12 17 15 8 13 6 8 13 10 13 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 42 5 22 1 3 3 7 18 3 3 27 20 6 6 4 10 5 71 20 49 11 0 1.0 61 21 STA Total 2197 2931 5840 6320 5816 25319 48423 180 GIR 0 RAJ 3 20 49 30 1127 39 1268 12 CHK [53] abt cpu - 21 - 1993 - 1994 TER COX [55] abt cpu [56] abt cpu [38] c abt cpu [27] abt cpu [33]d abt cpu 6.3 2.8 6.4 9.9 8.7 4.3 5.9 5.1 10. 7.7 - 2 2 6 8 28 12 - 6 11 12 23 11 12 6 16 11 22 - 6 5 12 17 10 14 7 21 8 23 31 28 62 36 620 210 460 13 0 110 3 11 32 2 2 71 28 135 8.5 LEE 22 117 323 269 731 15 SIL 2 2 KNZ a Results for uniprocessor with SCOAP heuristics. bExceeded an unspecified memory limit on six networks after an unreported amount of time. c Results for stuck-at faults only with a backtrack limit of 1000. d Results for two phase ATPG with secondary branch-and-bound. Table 3: Relative CPU times (normalized to TEGUS) and aborted faults, DTG applied to all modeled faults (- indicates not available). 10 SUBMITTED TO IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CAD/ICAS, NOVEMBER 1989 SIM SCH 1990 MIN LAR JAC SCH 1991 WAI MAH KND 1992 Network [13] [29] a [28]b [14] [30] [29] c CHK [15] [39] [57] [58] d [59]e [16]f [43] [45] [31] [60] g C432 C499 C880 C1355 C1908 C2670 C3540 C5315 C6288 C7552 S1494 S5378 S9234 S13207 S15850 S35932 S38417 S38584 25 110 97 100 140 11 - 1.1 2.0 2.4 3.0 3.9 0.5 1.3 3.0 1.3 1.9 - 7 9 12 20 25 6 6 31 30 - 19 27 120 40 98 25 57 64 21 35 - 5.0 12. 7.9 8.1 8.0 2.8 4.0 19. 1.8 9.5 - 2 3 3 4 4 1 4 5 1 5 16 13 32 54 20 32 14 140 - 0.8 0.6 1.0 1.3 1.2 0.3 0.6 1.4 0.4 0.5 4.3 2.6 0.5 1.1 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.9 2 5 1 8 4 2 2 3 3 5 8 6 5 19 17 23 46 29 96 70 14 51 200 65 67 - 99 920 7 740 320 140 32 14 26 280 - 4900 - 21 20 32 33 58 6 19 82 13 26 - 3 37 740 12 - 0.7 0.6 0.8 1.7 1.1 0.2 0.7 1.4 0.5 0.4 2.3 1.6 0.5 0.9 0.7 1.0 1.1 1.6 14 27 22 47 320 9 93 100 9 21 - Total 21 1.4 18 35 5.8 33 - 0.9 9 54 170 4900 20 230 0.9 34 POM CHK KLE KON TER LIW KNZ 1992 JAI 13, 1992 CHK GIR ABR MAT 1993 WUD 1994 Network [61]h [36] TEG [24] C432 C499 C880 C1355 C1908 C2670 C3540 C5315 C6288 C7552 S1494 S5378 S9234 S13207 S15850 S35932 S38417 S38584 1 2 2 4 6 1 2 4 4 2 8 6 3 3 3 28 5 13 59 160 24 820 180 230 25 89 4 120 - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 26 1000 1200 210 390 180 - 170 680 5100 62000 9700 - 3 7 5 1 5 11 1 2 8 2 4 4 120 11 22 2 8 14 16 17 11 7 31 7 28 16 71 45 77 91 120 230 190 12 18 8 51 55 10 63 78 36 35 64 58 - 12 26 14 46 55 9 57 90 39 20 71 67 56 23 49 220 35 260 6 4 6 13 16 14 5 14 1 5 18 24 7 13 14 41 34 53 3 20 5 29 21 2 7 43 18 7 - 120 4 4 94 68 390 10 2 1400 19 1200 1000 130 180 4000 2200 2 4 4 4 37 2 10 2 13 19 21 21 11 180 150 150 11 75 38 120 64 34 41 210 15 57 170 51 87 180 290 210 330 Total 7 130 1.0 420 8800 20 100 42 81 22 9 700 63 140 KND KNZ SRI KNZ [62] i [32]j [37]k [17]l [63]m [55] [65] [33] n KNZ [64] [33]o [33]p a Times do not include preprocessing. b Failed to complete on sixteen faults. c Results using Socrates 4.0, including preprocessing time. d Failed to complete on 1504 faults. e Failed to complete on 133 faults. f Time is for only four faults, and does not include preprocessing or fault simulation. g Failed to complete on 988 faults. h Failed to complete on 53 faults. i Times are for only 169 faults and do not include preprocessing. j Times are for only eleven faults, and do not include preprocessing or fault simulation. k Failed to complete on 46 testable faults and an unreported number of redundant faults. l Different networks were run with different backtrack limits and random pattern limits to improve results. m Results for uniprocessor execution. n Results for one phase ATPG without secondary branch-and-bound, redundant faults only. o Results for one phase ATPG with secondary branch-and-bound, redundant faults only. p Results for two phase ATPG with secondary branch-and-bound and fault simulation. Table 4: Relative CPU times (normalized to TEGUS), DTG applied to only a subset of faults (- indicates not available). KNZ D1447-R2: COMBINATIONAL TEST GENERATION USING SATISFIABILITY 1989 1992 1994 JAC KAJ ABR Network [30] [66] [67] a TEG [24] [35]b [68]c C432 C499 C880 C1355 C1908 C2670 C3540 C5315 C6288 C7552 S1494 S5378 S9234 S13207 S15850 S35932 S38417 S38584 23 7 2 4 24 26 29 120 2 46 - 5 7 7 21 20 30 29 93 4 130 - 22 39 32 18 27 53 27 24 13 150 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8 8 9 88 12 2 35 - 12 14 23 27 20 29 36 66 8 55 37 53 120 840 400 1400 170 1100 Total 33 64 57 1.0 28 460 MEN SIS a Results using a backtrack limit of 1000. The number of remaining redundancies is unreported. bFailed to identify/remove 298 redundancies. c Results using sis 1.2 combinational redundancy removal. Table 5: Relative CPU times (normalized to TEGUS) for redundancy removal (- indicates not available). or do not publish the total CPU times needed for comparison [70, 22, 71]. Others either make no experimental comparison [16, 17, 61, 65, 31, 35, 52, 29, 13, 54, 39], or compare against other heuristics of their own implementation [51, 71, 42, 43, 25, 33, 14, 57, 28]. These approaches vary too many factors to give good experimental results. A noteworthy exception is Cheng [49], who did a direct, normalized comparison between CHE88[49] and CHN89[40], and also reported absolute run times, permitting accurate future comparisons. From Tables 3, 4, and 5, TEGUS performance is as good as or better than the best previous results. Without fault simulation, TEGUS is 10-100 times faster than the other published algorithms with no aborted faults. For efficient algorithms, Table 4 is primarily a comparison of fault simulator performance and says little about the test generation algorithm (unfortunately, results from applying DTG to all faults are not available for most of these algorithms). Nonetheless, TEGUS performance is also excellent under these conditions, and even TEGUS without fault simulation is faster than many of the algorithms with it (cf. Table 2). The combined benefits of efficiency and robustness are demonstrated by applying TEGUS to redundancy removal. As shown in Table 5, all redundancies are successfully removed from the benchmark networks in a fraction of the time taken by other algorithms. The comparisons in these tables are limited to stuck-at fault testing, but results using an earlier implementation of TEGUS have shown similar advantages for delay-fault testing [72]. Although run time is the main concern, memory usage can be a limiting factor for applying some algorithms to realistic VLSI networks. The memory requirements for TEGUS shown 11 in Table 2 are reasonable and should scale well to larger networks. Even with the overhead of generating the characteristic equations, TEGUS is as practical as the best structural methods. 5.3 SIMPLICITY Simplicity of an algorithm is subjective but important because it balances the tradeoffs of robustness and efficiency. TEGUS would be more efficient if parts of the characteristic equations were reused when possible, but this is not as straightforward as simply creating a fresh equation for each fault. Applying the TEGUS heuristics in a structural algorithm reduces the overhead from generating the characteristic equations, but requires a more complicated implication procedure. Similarly, some algorithms in Tables 3, 4, and 5 can probably be made more efficient, but at the expense of a more complicated algorithm. For example, the authors of the EST algorithm [42, 43] claim that their algorithm is 5.81 times faster than Socrates [29], and speeds up the identification of some redundancies by a factor of 200 000. However, as Table 4 makes evident, they do not actually compare with the published results for Socrates, but against their own reimplementation of the Socrates algorithm. When GIR91 is compared directly to SCH89 taking into account the difference in performance of the two computers used, Socrates is shown to be 14 times faster. If it is possible to improve the performance of algorithm GIR91 by orders of magnitude, it will require a carefully optimized, more complicated, implementation. Thus algorithm simplicity is an important factor. The branch and bound algorithm for SAT is simpler than for structural algorithms and the greedy heuristics are generally simpler than the testability measures and backtrace procedures used with other algorithms. Computing global implications is also simpler using the SAT reduction and, when iterated as in TEGUS, subsumes the unique sensitization conditions, etc., used in structural algorithms. TEGUS does not require many of the heuristics added to other algorithms (e.g., testability measures, single or multiple backtracing, implication graph processing, topological analysis, or dynamic global implications) and is one of the simplest algorithms in Tables 3, 4, and 5. Our stand-alone implementation of TEGUS is is publicly available, allowing others to verify these experiments and also to use TEGUS as a base line for future experiments. We stress that such direct comparisons are more accurate (as well as easier) than trying to reimplement an algorithm, and are also to be preferred over the delayed comparisons we were required to use for Tables 3, 4, and 5. The use of TEGUS as a benchmark program to supplement the use of benchmark networks is especially valuable for experiments using examples which are not in the ISCAS benchmark set and which are unfamiliar or unavailable to others. VI CONCLUSIONS We have described TEGUS, an algorithm for combinational test generation using satisfiability which we argue is an excellent balance of robustness, efficiency, and simplicity. A combination of a simplified characteristic equation, DFS variable ordering, four fast greedy search strategies, and an iterated global implications procedure make TEGUS more robust and efficient than the best structural algorithms, without any testability measures 12 SUBMITTED TO IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CAD/ICAS, NOVEMBER or backtracing heuristics. As shown in Table 3, TEGUS completes on every fault in the ISCAS networks without using fault simulation, and is over 10 times faster than other algorithms which have been shown to have no aborted faults under these conditions. Such comparisons without fault simulation are essential to determine the real robustness of an algorithm, and we hope that these data will be published for future algorithms. We have also shown in Tables 4 and 5 that TEGUS performance with fault simulation is comparable to the best published results although, for good algorithms, this measures the performance of fault simulation more than the efficiency of deterministic test generation. Since all existing complete algorithms for test generation have the same worst case complexity, accurate comparisons of average case performance must be measured using implementations. Our publicly available implementation of TEGUS can be used as a base line for such experiments. The use of TEGUS as a benchmark program to supplement the ISCAS benchmark set avoids the pitfalls in reimplementing an algorithm, and allows meaningful comparisons despite variations in computer performance or the use of unfamiliar examples. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors thank Hervé Touati for his insight and help, and are indebted to David Bultman, Abhijit Ghosh, Stuart Jarriel, Ron Neher, Jackie Patterson, Brian Reid, and Shirley Stephan for their generous assistance in collecting the data used for Tables 3, 4, and 5. REFERENCES [1] J. P. Roth, “Diagnosis of automata failures: A calculus and a method,” IBM J. Res. Develop., vol. 10, pp. 278–291, July 1966. [2] M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson, Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1979. [3] O. H. Ibarra and S. K. Sahni, “Polynomially complete fault detection problems,” IEEE Trans. Comput., vol. C-24, pp. 242–249, Mar. 1975. [4] S. A. Cook, “The complexity of theorem-proving procedures,” in Proc. 3rd Ann. ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing, pp. 151–158, 1971. [5] D. 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