Res.Vol.27,No.6,pp. 1017-1027.
Riotedin zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
G re a t Britain. All rights reserved
CopyrightQ 1987 Pergamon Journals Ltd
Department of Communication and Neuroscience, University of Keele,
Keele. Staffordshire ST5 SBG, England
(Received 2 January1986; in revised
fotm 18 August 1986)
Ahatraet-An experimental examination was made of some paradigms designed to isolate the opponentcolour system at increment threshold. The effectiveness of a uniform white conditioning field spatially
coincident with a l.OS-deg uniform test field was amessed by measuring intensity thresholds for simple
detection and for colour discrimination. Values were obtained both by a method of adjustment and by
a two-interval famed-choice procedure. For sutBciently high lmninances of the conditioning field (3000 td
or greater) little or no difference was found between simple-detection and colour-discrimination thresholds
over the critical test-flash spectral range 520-620nm. implying that the paradigm produced almost
complete isolation of the opponent-colour system at increment threshold. A control experiment in which
thresholds were. obtained for a conditioning field larger than the test field gave less satisfactory isolation;
near 58Onm the luminance system was found to be at least 0.3 log unit more sensitive than the
opponent-colour system. A comparison was also made of the spatially coincident field paradigm with a
paradigm in which a modified test stimulus of low temporal and spatial frequency content was presented
on a large conditioning field. Test spectral sensitivity curves for simple detection obtained by a method
of adjustment showed little diflerence in etfectiveness in opponent-colour isolation.
Gpponentcolour system
Luminance system
Spectral sensitivity
Spectral sharpening
tamed for the subjects who took part in the
present study (methods as in Foster and SnelThere are three characteristic peaks at approxi- gar, 1983a, and as in Experiments 1 and 4
mately 440, 530, and 610 nm in the spectral below). Evidence suggesting that the peaks at
sensitivity curve obtained by incrementabout 530 and 610 nm result from activity in the
threshold measurements of a long-duration, cir- red-green opponent-colour channel of an
cular, monochromatic test flash presented on a opponent-process system has been reviewed in
large white conditioning field. The three peaks Foster and Snelgar (1983a). A specific assump
have been demonstrated for the human eye in tion is that sensitivity of the non-opponent
many studies (e.g. Stiles and Crawford, 1933; luminance system is depressed as a result of
Sidley and Sperling, 1967; Sperling and Har- achromatic adaptation produced by the white
werth, 1971; King-Smith and Carden, 1976; conditioning field (King-Smith and Kranda,
Verriest and Uvijls, 1977; Harwerth and Levi, 1981). More detailed descriptions of post1977; Kuyk, 1982; Snelgar and Foster, 1982; receptoral colour processing have been offered
Foster and Snelgar, 1983a; Zrenner, 1983). Ex- by Mollon (1982), Ingling and Martinezamples of such test spectral sensitivity curves are Uriegas (1983), and Hood and Finkelstein
shown in Fig. 1 (open circles); they were ob- (1983).
The dip at about 580 run in the curves shown
Fig. 1 (open circles) is also a feature of the test
*Some of the data reported here were contained in a paper
spectral sensitivity curve obtained under the
presented to The Colour Group (Great Britain), January 1985, and in a Communication ptemnted to the
conditions summarized above. The fact that the
Physiological Society (Foster, Scase and Snelgar, 1986). dip is relatively shallow under those conditions
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr D. H.
is probably due to intrusion by the luminance
Foster, Department of Communication and Neurosystem in that region of the spectrum (Kingscience, University of Keele, Keele, Staffordshire, ST5
Smith and Carden, 1976). It is, however, possi5BG, England.
S. SNELGARet al. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
Wa ve le ng th
(nm l
white. Their assumption was that thresholds for
colour detection are determined by and reflect
the sensitivity of the opponent-colour system.
This assumption is made here also. For a
colour-detection criterion the test spectral sensitivity curve has a deep trough at about 580 nm
(King-Smith and Carden, 1976), presumably
representing a state of equilibrium in the redgreen opponent-colour channel. (The position
of the equilibrium point need not be fixed at
580 nm; see Discussion.) Thresholds for colour
detection may, however, be difficult to obtain,
unless two-interval forced-choice discrimination
methods are used.
(2) Spatially coincident auxiliary field
The test flash used in traditional measurements of test spectral sensitivity (some listed
above) is usually bounded by sharp edges, both
spatially and temporally. Such a stimulus, even
Wa ve num b e r
km - ‘)
presented on a large white conditioning field, is
unlikely to be optimal for measurements of
Fig. 1. Test spectral sensitivity curves obtained for simple
detection of a 1.05&g test flash presented on a large
function for, in general, the
(lO.Odeg) white auxiliary field (open symbols, broken line)
luminance system is more sensitive than is the
and on a small (l.OSdeg) white auxiliary field spatially
opponent-colour system to the high spatial and
coincident with the test field (solid symbols, continuous
temporal frequencies present in the stimulus.
line). Log reciprocal intensity of the test flash is plotted
(Evidence in support of this assertion has been
against wavenumber 1-r of the test flash. Thresholds were
obtained by a method of adjustment. The white auxiliary
reviewed in Foster, 1981; see also Stromeyer et
5eld gave retinal illuminance 3000 td and had colour temal., 1978, and Mullen, 1985.) This and the next
perature 3400 K. The test flash had duration 200 msec. The
class of paradigm exploit these differential sensipairs of curves, displaced downwards by 1.0 log unit
tivities in different ways.
aucocssively, arc for di5erent subjects as indicated. Each
If the large white conditioning field is made
point is the mean of six readings and the vertical bars show
f 1 SEM where su5%zimtlylarge.
spatially coincident with the test field then the
high spatial-frequency adaptation or masking
that occurs at the boundary of the stimulus is
ble to depress further the sensitivity of the thought to depress further the sensitivity of the
luminance system relative to that of the luminance system (Snelgar and Foster, 1982;
Foster and Snelgar, 1983a; see Foster, 1981, for
system by manipulating the
to the discussion of this paradigm in measures of field
spectral sensitivity). The conditioning field spad&rential sensitivities of the two systems. The
tially coincident with the test field is referred to
activity of the opponent-colour
system may
then be revealed more completely: the dip at as the small auxiliary field, and the large condiabout 580 nm becomes a deeper trough and the tioning field as the large auxiliary field, following the notation introduced by W. S. Stiles. Test
peaks at about 530 and 610 nm become sharper
and more clearly defined. Three classes of ex- spectral sensitivity curves for simple detection
obtained with a small auxiliary field are shown
perimental paradigms have been described that
in Fig. 1 (solid circles) for the subjects who took
secure or facilitate detection by the opponentcolour system. The critical features of these part in the present study (methods as in Foster
paradigms were as follows.
and Snelgar, 1983a, and as in Experiments 1 and
4 below). In comparison with the test spectral
( 1) zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Colour - discrimination criterion
sensitivity curve obtained with the large auxilAs well as determining threshold by the usual
iary field (open circles), there was a marked
criterion of simple detection of the test flash,
increase in the depth of the trough at about
King-Smith and Carden (1976) used a criterion
580 nm and an improvement in the delineation
of colour detection or discrimination from
of the peaks at about 530 and 610 nm with the
Opponent-colour mechanisms at threshold
small auxiliary field (solid circles). The latter
curves are similar to those obtained by KingSmith and Carden (1976) using a colourdetection criterion and a large white auxiliary
(3) Low -frequency test stimuli
Some approaches to the isolation of the
system have employed test
stimuli with modified spatial and temporal
profiles that eliminate the spatial and temporal
transients at the stimulus edges. The “lowfrequency” test stimulus of Thornton and Pugh
(1983a,b) had bell-shaped spatial and temporal
distributions which were designed so that the
Fourier spectra had most energy concentrated
at low frequencies. The test spectral sensitivity
curves obtained with this low-frequency test
stimulus presented on a large white auxiliary
field (Thornton and Pugh, 1983a) were similar
to those in Fig. 1 for the small auxiliary field
(solid circles).
If the extent and periodicity of the stimulus
are increased the relative power at low frequencies may be still further enhanced. Thus
Mullen (1987) used monochromatic sinusoidal
gratings superimposed on a large white auxiliary
field; for spatial frequencies less than 1 deg-’
and a temporal frequency of 0.8 Hz the spectral
sensitivity curves obtained for contrast sensitivity were also similar to the curves in Fig. 1 for
the small auxiliary field (solid circles). Evidence
was presented, however, which led to the conclusion that the opponent-colour system did not
contribute to detection at 577 nm, even though
sensitivity of the luminance system was depressed in that region.
There were two main objectives in undertaking the present experiments. The first was to
assess whether use of a small white auxiliary
field did fully isolate the opponent-colour system at increment threshold. This was decided
operationally, by reference to the corresponding
test spectral sensitivity curve for detection of
colour. As noted below, this approach, although
safe, may have been rather conservative. Nevertheless, of all the above-cited studies describing
spectral sensitivities, only
King-Smith and Carden (1976) reported direct
comparisons with colour detection data. Because wavelength-independent variations in sensitivity were not of interest here, adjustment of
the relative vertical positions of simpledetection and colour-detection curves were allowed to achieve maximum overlap on a logaVII 27,6-l.
rithmic scale, under the constraint that at no
wavelength should simple-detection threshold
exceed colour-detection threshold. Coincidence
of the curves implied isolation of the opponentcolour system over the spectral range studied;
departures from coincidence, most evident in
the region about 580 run, gave a direct measure
of the amount by which the luminance system
was more sensitive at threshold than the
opponent-colour system over that portion of the
spectrum. This estimate was conservative for
although perception of colour necessarily entailed activity in the opponent-colour
the converse need not have applied.
The second objective was to compare directly
the small-auxiliary-field paradigm with the lowfrequency-test-stimulus paradigm. The two are
in some respects complementary,
but comparisons of test spectral sensitivities obtained by
the two methods have not previously been made
in the same subjects. In fact, under the same
conditions, little difference in effectiveness was
found between the two paradigms.
In initial measurements, described in Experiment 1 below, thresholds were obtained by a
method of adjustment. This traditional method
provides an accurate and efficient procedure for
obtaining simple-detection thresholds, but, for
colour-detection judgements, threshold settings
are more difficult to make, and a two-interval
forced-choice (ZIFC) method was therefore introduced. A range of luminance levels of the
auxiliary field was tested in these measurements
to determine whether there was a limiting effect
in the depression of the sensitivity of the luminance system relative to the opponent-colour
system. Sperling et al. (1967) and Harwerth and
Levi (1977) showed that the dip at about 580 nm
obtained for a simple-detection criterion with a
large white auxiliary field deepened with increasing luminance of that field, reaching a
maximum in depth for ltinances
of 10,000 or
3000Td respectively. It seemed plausible that
in&easing the luminance of the small auxiliary
field would also decrease sensitivity of the luminance system, offering the possiblity that the
trough at about 580 nm obtained for simple
detection would eventually converge on the
trough obtained for colour detection.
Simple-detection and Colour-detection
Thresholrls by Method of Adjustment
As explained in the Introduction,
one aim of
S. SNELGARet al.
the present study was to assess the effectiveness
of the small auxiliary field in isolating the
opponent-colour system at threshold for simple
detection. In this exploratory
simple-detection and colour-detection
thresholds were measured on the small auxiliary field
over a range of wavelengths spanning the critical region of the trough at about 580 nm and
over a range of luminances of the small auxiliary
field corresponding to 300, 1000, 3000, 10,000,
and 30,000 td. Instead of absolute judgements
of stimulus colour in the colour-detection measurements, a reference white was introduced and
the test stimulus judged against that. Formally
the task was therefore one of colour discrimination.
Stimuli and apparatus. The monochromatic
test flash was circular, of dia. 1.05 deg, duration
2OOmsec, and wavelength ranging from 520 to
623 nm. In the colourdiscrimination
experiments a white comparison flash identical in size,
shape, and duration to the monochromatic test
flash was also used; its colour temperature was
adjusted with colourcorrecting
filters to be
close to that of the auxiliary field. The steady
small white auxiliary field was circular, of dia.
1.05 deg, and of varying luminance, with colour
temperature 3400 K. The monochromatic test
flash and the white comparison flash were each
presented concentrically on the small auxiliary
field either separately or as a test sequence with
an interstimulus interval of 1 sec.
The stimuli were produced by a three-channel
Maxwellian-view optical system (described fully
in Foster, 1981) with as light source a single
tungsten-halogen lamp run from a regulated d.c.
power supply. Transmittances of the channels
were controlled by compensated neutral density
wedges and Wratten neutral density filters
(NDFs). The spectral compositions of the
monochromatic test fields, produced by channel
2, were controlled with Balzers I340 interference
filters with half-height full-bandwidths each less
than 9 nm. The comparison white flash was
produced by channel 1. The time-courses of the
stimulus flashes (monochromatic
and white)
were controlled by silent electromagnetic shutters that interrupted the relevant channels at
intermediate foci. Rise and fall times of each
flash were each less than 2 msec. The white
auxiliary field, produced by channel 3, could be
set to give a retinal illuminance of 300, 1000,
3000, 10,000 or 30,000 td. The settings were
obtained by means of minimally distinct border
matches (Wagner and Boynton, 1972) against a
562 nm reference field. The spatial geometry of
the stimuli was determined by photographic
masks inserted in the channels. Precautions
were taken to minimize instrumental stray light.
The stimuli were viewed through a 2-mm
artificial pupil with an achromatizing lens and
correcting lenses for non-emmetropic subjects.
Stability of head position was maintained with
the aid of a dental bite-bar. Further details of
the apparatus and its calibration are given in
Foster (1981).
Subject. One subject, R.S.S. (co-author) participated in this experiment. She had normal
colour vision and corrected Snellen acuity of
6/5, and was aged 31 yr.
Procedure. At the beginning of each experimental session, the positions of the masks were
adjusted so that the stimulus fields appeared
concentric and in focus. Where necessary, small
corrections to the alignments of the masks were
made as the wavelength of the test flash was
varied. The subject dark-adapted for 10 min
before commencing the observation session.
Viewing was monocular and the subject fixated
the centre of the small auxiliary field with the
right eye. The intensity of the test flash and its
onset were controlled by the subject using pushbutton switch-boxes. Stimuli were not presented
more rapidly than once every 2 sec.
Measurements of simple-detection and colourdiscrimination
for the monochromatic test flash were obtained by a method
of adjustment, for 10 wavelengths ranging from
520 to 615 nm. Simple-detection thresholds were
obtained as described in Foster and Snelgar
(1983a). In each experimental session, measurements were made with test-flash wavelengths in ascending and then descending order
for one auxiliary-field luminance. In the same
session, detection threshold for the white comparison flash was determined for use in subsequent measurements of colour-discrimination
were set as follows. In each experimental session, auxiliary-field luminance was fixed. The
neutral density wedges in channels 1 and 2 were
first set by the experimenter so that the white
comparison flash and the monochromatic test
flash were each at detection threshold as determined previously. Next, the wedge in channel 1
was electronically yoked to that in channel 2 so
that the push-button control box varied the
intensities of the white comparison flash and the
Opponcntcolour mechanisms at threshold
1021 zyxwvutsrqpon
for simple detection and open symbols for colour discrimination. The vertical bars show
f 1 SEM where sufhciently large. The pairs of
curves (each pair displaced successively down300 Td
wards by 0.5 log unit) are for increasing luminance of the small auxiliary field as indicated.
1000 Td
For simple detection the trough at about
580 nm became progressively deeper with increasing
auxiliary-field luminance. The trough
3000 Td
for colour discrimination, however, remained
substantially the same over auxiliary-field lumi10000 Td
nances of 300-10,000 td. (At 30,000 td the relative sensitivity for colour discrimination at short
and long wavelengths was different from that at
lower luminances, and also the SEMs were
larger than at any other luminance.)
Simple detection
To quantify these changes in trough depth,
detection zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
difference between mean sensitivity over 577
and 582nm and over the regions 520-566 and
593-623 nm was calculated for simple detection
and for colour discrimination at each auxiliaryFig. 2. Test spectral sensitivity curves obtained for simple
field luminance from 300 to 30,000 td. For
detection (solid symbols) and for colour discrimination
simple detection, there was a monotonic in(open symbols). The l.OS-deg test tlash had duration
crease in trough depth relative to that at 300 td
200 mscc and was presented on a small white auxiliary field
at each successive luminance level: values were
spatially coincident with the test field. Thresholds were
+0.06, +0.12, +0.19, and +0.26log unit as
obtained by a method of adjustment. The pairs of curves,
dispJaad downwards successively by 0.5 log unit, are for
luminance increased from 1000 td. For colour
different luminances of the small auxiliary field as indicated.
discrimination, the differences in trough depth
Each point is the mean of six readings and the vertical bars
relative to that at 300 td were essentially conshow f 1 SEM where sufficiently large. Subject: R.S.S.
stant: values were + 0.07, - 0.10, - 0.02, and
Other details as for Fig. 1.
- 0.17 log unit (where there was a change in
curve shape) as luminance increased from
monochromatic test flash in unison (the gra1000 td. The difference between trough depths
dients of the two wedges being almost identical).
for simple detection and colour discrimination
The two flashes were presented as a test se- decreased with increase in auxiliary-field lumiquence: the monochromatic test flash followed
nance: values were + 0.42, + 0.43, + 0.19,
by the white comparison flash with an inter+ 0.20, and - 0.01 log unit as luminance instimulus interval of 1 sec. The subject, using a creased from 300 to 30,000 td (a positive value
method of adjustment, then set the yoked
indicating a less deep trough for simple dewedges so that the monochromatic test flash
could just be distinguished from the white comparison flash on the basis of colour. This procedure was repeated at each wavelength of the Comment
For luminances of the small auxiliary field of
monochromatic test flash. Wavelength was varied in ascending and then descending order (or 30,900 td isolation of the opponent-colour sysvice-versa). For both simple-detection
tem was effectively complete. For auxiliary-field
colour-discrimination measurements, three conluminances of 3000 and 10,000 td a small resisecutive threshold settings were recorded at each
dual difference (of the order of 0.2 log unit)
wavelength on each traverse. Mean threshold
between simple-detection and colourdiscriminvalues were thus based on six measurements.
ation thresholds was evident at wavelengths
close to 580 nm. Thresholds for colour discrimResults
ination are, however, notoriously difficult to set
Results are shown in Fig. 2. Sensitivities in by a method of adjustment, even for an experilog quanta. set-’ deg-* are plotted against testenced observer. For subsequent experiments
flash wavenumber. Solid symbols indicate data
involving colourdiscrimination
thresholds a
array of four tiny white lights. Otherwise, the
apparatus was as in Experiment 1. For the
measurement of luminance dependence, the
wavelength of the monochromatic test flash was
fixed at 582 nm, and the luminance of the small
Simple- detection and Colour- discrimination
auxiliary field was varied over the range
by 21FC M ethod
300-30400 td. Other conditions were as in
In contrast to the procedure followed in Experiment 1.
Subjects. R.S.S. and M.O.S. (co-author) took
Experiment 1, simple-detection and colourdiscrimination thresholds were measured here in part in this experiment. M.O.S. was male, had
normal colour vision and corrected Snellen acuthe same session to offset day-to-day variations
in sensitivity; blocks of the two types of mea- ity of 615, and was aged 22 yr.
Procedure. Data for only one test-flash wavesurement were interleaved to offset ordering and
carry-over effects within sessions. Differences in length or for only one auxiliary-field luminance
were collected in a session. Subjects fixated with
thresholds were then computed. A 2IFC method
for determining threshold was used both as a the right eye the centre of the small auxiliary
control on Experiment 1 and to obtain data
field or, for the large auxiliary field, the centre
from a less practised observer. There were two of the fixation display. At the beginning of the
parts to this experiment.
The first part
experimental session, six preliminary meaquantified
the difference between simplesurements of simple-detection threshold were
detection and colour-discrimination
made by a method of adjustment first for the
over the same spectral region as explored in monochromatic test ffash and then for the white
Experiment 1. It was expected that any residual
comparison flash. The wedges in channels 1 and
differences would be greatest in the region about
2 were then set to the mean positions thus
580 nm. A fixed auxiliary-field luminance of obtained and remained fixed for the remainder
3000 td was used, for this gave reasonably good
of the experiment. The intensity of the stimulus
isolation of the opponentcolour
system, as flashes was now controlled by the experimenter
Experiment 1 showed, without being uncomusing NDFs inserted at a point common to
fortably bright. Thresholds were determined on channels 1 and 2. Intensities were altered
the small auxiliary field by two subjects, and, to pseudorandomly over the range approximately
provide a quantitative control on the effects of
- 0.5 to + 0.5 log unit in steps of approxiauxiliary-field size (see Fig. 1), thresholds were mately 0.1 log unit. In the 2IFC determinations
also determined by one of the subjects on the of colour-discrimination threshold, one interval
large auxiliary field. The second part of the contained the monochromatic test flash and the
experiment quantified the effect on opponentother interval contained the white comparison
colour isolation of varying the luminance of flash; the interstimulus interval was 1 sec. Orthe small auxiliary field. Simple-detection and
dering of the intervals was pseudorandom. The
thresholds were detersubject initiated the test sequence on an audible
mined at 582 nm over a range of auxiliary-field
cue, and indicated (forced-choice) whether the
monochromatic test flash occurred in the first or
second interval. In the 21FC determinations of
M ethods
simple-detection threshold, the procedure was
Stimuli and apparatus. For the measurement
similar except that one interval contained the
of wavelength dependence, the monochromatic
monochromatic test flash and the other interval
test flash and the white comparison flash were was empty. The subject indicated the interval in
as in Experiment 1 except that the wavelength
which the flash occurred. Each threshold was
of the monochromatic test flash was varied over
based on 500 trials comprising five blocks of 100
the range 520-615 nm in rather larger steps. The
trials, each block consisting of ten trials at each
small auxiliary field was also as in Experiment
of ten stimulus intensities. Blocks of colour1, except that its luminance was fixed at 3000 td. discrimination trials were alternated with blocks
The large auxiliary field was circular of dia.
of simple-detection trials. An experimental session lasted approximately 3.5 hr.
lOdeg, and had the same colour temperature
and luminance as the small auxiliary field. When
the large auxiliary field was in use stimuli were Results
Results for wavelength dependence are shown
centred at the middle of a 3-deg, square, fixation
two-interval forced-choice
therefore used.
(ZIFC) method was
Opponent-colour mechanisms at threshold
tection at 582 nm is plotted as a function of
auxiliary-field luminance. Differences are again
shown positive if more light was required for
colour discrimination.
There is an evident
monotonic decrease in threshold difference with
increasing auxiliary-field luminance. For R.S.S.
[Fig. 4(a)] the difference was reduced from 0.38
log unit at 300 td to 0.14 log unit at 3000 td and
at 10,000 td, and to - 0.01 log unit at 30,000 td.
For M.O.S. the difference was reduced from
0.40 log unit at 300 td, to 0.01 log unit at
10,000 td and to 0.09 log unit at 30,000 td.
Fig. 3. (a) Difference in sensitivity for simple detection and
for colour discrimination of a 1.05&g test gash presented
on a large white auxiliary field (open symbols) or on a small
white auxiliary field spatially coincident with the test field
(solid symbols). Difference in log intensities of the test gash
is plotted against wavenumber 1 -I of the test gash. Thresholds were obtained by a two-interval forced-choice procedure. Each point shows the difference between the thresholds each of which was based on 500 trials and the vertical
bars shows f 1 SEM where sufhciently large. Subject:
R.S.S. Other details as for Fig. 1. (b) Subject: M.O.S.
Measurements were made for the small auxiliary geld only.
Other details as for (a).
in Fig. 3. The difference between threshold for
colour discrimination and that for simple detection is plotted as a function of test-flash
wavenumber; if more light was required for
colour discrimination then the result is shown
positive. Solid symbols show differences in
threshold on the small auxiliary field and open
symbols on the large auxiliary field [Fig. 3(a)
only]. Vertical bars show f 1 SEM where
sufficiently large. For subject R.S.S. [Fig. 3(a)]
the differences between simple-detection and
thresholds on either auxiliary field did not exceed + 0.04 or - 0.06 log
units at all wavelengths except 582 nm where the
difference was 0.13 and 0.37 log unit on the
small and large auxiliary fields respectively. For.
subject M.O.S. [Fig. 3(b)], who made measurements on the small auxiliary field only, the difference between the two thresholds at 582 nm
was 0.08 log unit, and not more than 0.06 log
unit elsewhere.
Results for luminance dependence are shown
in Fig. 4. The difference between threshold for
colour discrimination and that for simple de-
These forced-choice measurements confirmed
the preliminary conclusions of Experiment 1.
First, a large white conditioning field was not
sufficient to isolate the opponent-colour system
over the whole trough region. Some indication
of the greater sensitivity of the luminance system at 582 nm is given by the difference, 0.37 log
unit, between colourdiscrimination
and simpledetection thresholds obtained by subject R.S.S.
on the large field. The small auxiliary field was
clearly more effective in isolating the opponentcolour system: at 582mn the difference between
thresholds was 0.13 log unit for R.S.S., and 0.08
log unit for M.O.S.
Second, almost complete isolation of the
system can evidently be zyxwvutsrq
0.0 ~,
-----------+----.__ _----
(a) , RSS,
luminance zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
Fig. 4. (a) Difference in sensitivity for simple detection and
colour discrimination for a 1.05deg test gash of wavelength
582nm presented on a small auxiliary geld of various
luminances. Each point shows the dikence in log units
between threaholds value each of which was based on 500
trials; the vertical bars show f 1 SEM where sufhciently
large. Subject: R.S.S. Other details as for Fig. 3. (b) Subjecn
M.O.S. Other details as (a).
S. SNEffiAR ef al.
achieved at simple-detection threshold by use of
a sufhciently intense auxiliary field spatially
coincident with the test field. If there is a
limiting effect in the action of this auxiliary field
it would seem to occur at 10,000 or 30,000 td.
For a large auxiliary field, a limiting effect may
be at 3000 td (Harwerth and Levi, 1977) or
10,000 td (Sperling et al., 1967).
Comparison with Low-frequency-test-stimulus
In this experiment, the small auxiliary-field
was compared
with the lowfrequency-test-stimulus paradigm of Thornton
and Pugh (1983a). Simple-detection thresholds
for a low-frequency test stimulus were determined by a method of adjustment, with wavelengths spanning most of the visible spectrum.
Experiments 1 and 2 showed that the small
auxiliary field could produce almost compkte
isolation of the opponent-colour
system; the
results obtained there were accordingly used to
assess the effectiveness of the low-frequency test
Stimuli and apparatus. The low-frequency
*The spatial profile of the low-frequency test stimulus was
obtained by placing a photographic mask at an
appropriate position in the channel to give a defocussed
image. This position was determined and the image
quality assessed by means of a linear photodiode system
mounted on a travelling microscope placed after the
exit pupil. The profile of the sharp l.OS-deg stimulus
was also measured by the same method and, with this
as a reference, the mask giving rise to the low-frequency
stimulus was adjusted so that the stimulus had a
half-height full-width of approximately
1 deg. Its
profile was sampled at 14 points along a diameter of
the field. The data were analysed by means of a
generalized linear interactive modelling technique
GLIM (Baker and Nelder, 1978) and the profile was
found to be well fitted by a Gaussian function
(proportion of variance accounted for was 95.2%). The
temporal profile of the low-frequency test stimulus was
controlled by two polaroid filters placed in the channel,
the one static and the other rotated through 180” by
a stepping motor controlled by a microcomputer. The
speed of rotation of the stepping motor was set so that
the half-height full-width of the time-varying intensity
was 200ms. Light output was sampled at 24 points
over its time-course. The data were analysed by means
of GLIM and the temporal profile was also found to
be well fitted by a Gaussian function (proportion of
variance accounted for was 96.8%).
monochromatic test flash had the spatial profile
of a radially symmetric Gaussian with halfheight full-width of 1.Odeg, and the temporal
profile of a Gaussian with half-height full-width
of 200 ms*. The white comparison flash was not
used. Other stimuli were as described above.
The additional interference filters used had
characteristics as described in Experiment 1,
except for a 461~nm filter which had half-height
full-bandwidth of 14 nm.
Subjects. R.S.S., M.O.S., D.H.F. (co-author),
and W.F.B. took part in this experiment.
D.H.F. and W.F.B. were male with normal
colour vision. D.H.F. had corrected Snellen
acuity of 614, and was aged 40yr. W.F.B. had
corrected Snellen acuity of 6/6 and was aged
34yr. A.R.R. who made measurements for the
sharp test flash only on the small and large
auxiliary field (Fig. 1) was female, had normal
colour vision and corrected Snellen acuity of
615, and was aged 22 yr.
Procedure. Threshold was measured for the
low-frequency test stimulus,
with the spatial and temporal profiles described
above, presented on a large white auxiliary field.
Threshold was also measured for the monochromatic test flash with sharp-edged spatial
and temporal profiles presented on a spatially
coincident white auxiliary field. Both auxiliary
fields were of luminance 3000 td. Subjects made
these measurements by a method of adjustment
for simple detection only. For each stimulus
paradigm, measurements were made in two
sessions, the one with ascending and the other
with descending order of wavelengths. Other
details of the measurement procedure were as in
Experiment 1.
Results and Comment
Results are shown in Fig. 5. Sensitivity in log
quanta. set-’ sdeg-’ is plotted against test-flash
wavenumber. Solid symbols show thresholds
obtained with the sharp stimulus on the small
auxiliary field, replotted from Fig. 1, and open
symbols show thresholds obtained with the lowfrequency stimulus on the large auxiliary field.
It can be seen that, although relative sensitivity
to the two types of test stimulus varied from
subject to subject (possibly because of different
relative threshold criteria), the shapes of the two
test spectral sensitivity curves particularly in the
region about 580 nm were broadly similar. For
each subject, the difference in sensitivity between 582 nm and the mean over the regions
520-562 and 601615 nm was calculated. The
Opponentcolour mechanisms at threshold
close to those obtained for colour discrimi1 zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDC
nation in the same experiment. In contrast, for
colour discrimination, the trough in spectral
sensitivity remained fairly stable over all luminances of the auxiliary field. The concurrence
of detection and discrimination troughs at
auxiliary-field huninances of 3000 td or higher
provided strong support for the hypothesis that
the small auxiliary field secured isolation of the
system at simple-detection
h -12.0This hypothesis was further supported by
C zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
the two-interval forced-choice measurements
of simple-detection and colour-discrimination
threshold in Experiment 2. The difference beO-0
tween the two thresholds was greatest at
-14.0 ,
582 nm, and this difference was reduced almost
to zero for auxiliary-field
luminances of
lO,OOO-30,000td. It was also evident that use of
a large auxiliary field with a spatially and temFig. 5. Test spectral sensitivity curves obtained for simple
porally sharp-edged test flash did not secure
detection of the previously used sharp-edged test Bash
presented on a small white auxiliary field spatiey coincomplete isolation of the opponent-colour syscident with the test field (solid symbols, continuous line,
tem, failing by 0.37 log unit at 582nm for a
replotted from Fig. 1) and for simple detection of a lowluminance of 3000 td.
frequency test stimulus presented on a large white auxiliary
These results confirmed previous suggestions
field (open symbols, broken tine). The low-frequency test
of Foster and Snelgar (1983a) concerning the
stimulus had Gaussian spatial and temporal pro&s with
half-height full-widths of 1 deg and 200 msec rqectively.
effectiveness of a small auxiliary field in reThresholds were set by a method of adjustment. The pairs
vealing opponent-colour
function at simpleof curves, displaced downwards by 1.Olog tit successively,
as in Experiment 1
are for different subjects as indicated. Each point is the
here, a method of adjustment was used. It may
mean of six readings and the vertical bars show f 1 SEM
be noted that although colourdiscrimination
where sticiently large. Other detailsas for Fig. 1.
thresholds provide, in principle, a direct measure of opponent-colour
sensitivity, the preferred procedure entails some 21FC method,
differences in trough depth for W.F.B., D.H.F.,
which, in turn, requires many more preM.O.S., and R.S.S. were respectively -0.02,
sentations of the stimulus. The 21FC thresholds
+ 0.09, -0.11, and - 0.04 log unit, where a
obtained in Experiment 2 were based on 500
positive result corresponds to a less deep trough
trials each, which may be compared with about
for the low-frequency
test stimulus. This
60 trials with the method of adjustment.
difference was significant for both D.H.F. and
Experiment 3 compared the effectiveness of
M.O.S. (respectively
t = 2.27 and - 2.25,
the small-auxiliary-field paradigm with the lowd.f. = 30, each P < 0.05,
two-tailed), but the
frequency-test-stimulus paradigm. For all four
differences were in opposite directions and nusubjects, there was essentially no difference bemerically small. Overall, it was concluded that
tween the two sets of results in the region of the
the two paradigms were equally effective in
troughs near 580 nm: differences in depths were
revealing activity of the opponent-colour
0.11 log unit or less. The supposed mechanisms
of isolation were, however, different in the two
cases: the small auxiliary field actively caused
high spatial-frequency adaptation or masking
In Experiment 1 simple-detection threshold
of the luminance system, whereas the lowwas measured by a method of adjustment. The
frequency test stimulus provided little or no
trough in spectral sensitivity at about 580 nm
stimulus transients to which the luminance sysprogressively
tem might respond.
auxiliary-field luminance and reached its lowest
tern. Thus, a test flash which is small, or brief,
The paradigm of an auxiliary field spatially
coincident with the test field may be applied in or both (properties which should favour detection by the luminance system) may under
a variety of investigations of opponent-colour
processes where complete or near-complete iso- suitable conditions give rise to field spectral
sensitivity data that show shifted and sharpened
lation is desirable, both in the fovea and at other
funclocalized retinal sites. Most of the studies in peaks characteristic of opponent-colour
tion (Foster, 198 1; Finkelstein and Hood, 198 1,
which a large auxiliary field was employed,
1982). Moreover, the shape of the spectral sensome cited in the Introduction, used central
presentation of the test flash. Three peaks in the sitivity curve of the opponent-colour
determined by either test or field variation, need
test spectral sensitivity curve have been shown
not be fixed, and will alter if the equilibrium
at stimulus eccentricities of 1.5” (Harwerth and
points of the constituent opponent-colour chanLevi, 1977), 5” (Stiles and Crawford, 1933), and
nels are shifted by chromatic adaptation. Thus
6” (Verriest and Uvijls, 1977). For the more
for the red-green channel, the deep trough in the
peripheral retina, however, it seemed that the
peaks at 530 and 610 nm were much less promtest spectral sensitivity curve and the cross-over
inent (Wooten et zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
al., 1975; Verriest and Uvijls,
point of the sharpened long- and medium1977). Instead, a broad maximum was usually
wavelength field spectral sensitivity curves obfound with peak sensitivity at about 550 nm and
tained by Foster and Snelgar (1983a) both
it was generally assumed that opponent-colour
occurred at about 580 nm because the small
processes do not operate or operate weakly on
auxiliary field used in those experiments was
signals from receptors situated in the peripheral
white. If the chromaticity of the auxiliary field,
retina. Interestingly, Kuyk (1982) found that the either large or small, is changed, however, then
three peaks in the test spectral sensitivity curve
the position of the trough in the test spectral
could be obtained in the peripheral retina if the
sensitivity curve may also change (Sperling and
test field was made sufficiently large (e.g. 5.5 deg Harwerth, 1971; Thornton and Pugh, 1983b;
of visual angle at 45” eccentricity). The paraFoster and Snelgar, 1986). A parallel effect
digm of the small auxiliary field, developed by occurs in the cross-over point of the sharpened
Foster (1979) for measurements of field spectral
long- and medium-wavelength field spectral sensensitivity (see below), was also used by Krastel
sitivity curves, a result which suggests a quasiet al. (1983, 1984) who showed that a threeinvariance of opponent-colour processes (Foster
peaked test spectral sensitivity curve, with a and Snelgar, 1986).
deep trough at about 580 nm, could be obtained
In conclusion, the present results show that a
in the peripheral retina if the test and auxiliary
small auxiliary field spatially coincident with the
fields were large (e.g. 16 deg of visual angle at
test field provides an effective device for depress33” eccentricity).
ing the sensitivity of the luminance system and
A small auxiliary field was first used to reveal
revealing opponent-colour
activity. It has,
activity of the opponent-colour system in meamoreover, the advantage that opponent-colour
sures of field spectral sensitivity with either
function may be explored over small regions of
a monochromatic
(Foster, 1979, 1980, 1981; the visual field, a property which may have
Foster and Snelgar, 1983b) or white auxiliary
particular significance in the investigation of
field (Foster and Snelgar, 1983a). An almost
retinal and optic-nerve pathologies (Foster ef
exactly analogous paradigm, exploiting the sen- al., 1985).
sitivity of the luminance system to zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
Acknowledgemenrr-We are grateful to R. Knapper for
transients, has also been used (Finkelstein and
technical assistance and to A. R. Roberts for making
Hood 198 1, 1982). In this method a test tlash
preliminary observations. We thank S. R. Pratt for critical
was presented on a steady, large white auxiliary
reading of the manuscript. Support was provided by
field and a flashed large main field, the onset of project grants from the Medical Research Council and
which was temporally coincident with that of from the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland.
the test flash. A single field spectral sensitivity
curve was obtained with peaks at 600nm and
540 nm, and a dip at 580 nm.
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