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2022, Informativo Orto-Ortopédico
15 pages
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7. Çorum Kazı ve Araştırmalar Sempozyumu, 2021
Özet Çorum İli, Ortaköy ilçesinde yer alan ve Hitit Devleti'ne bir dönem başkentlik yapan Şapinuva Şehrinde kazı çalışmaları Tepelerarası ve Ağılönü bölgelerinde devam etmektedir. Ortaköy-Şapinuva'da, Tepelerarası mevkiinde 2014 yılında 4 açma ile başlayan kazı çalışmaları, 2015-2016 yıllarında batı, kuzey, kuzeydoğu ve doğu yönüne doğru genişletilmiştir. Bu çalışmalarda bol miktarda malzeme ile karşılaşılmış, taş ve metal malzemeler, Hitit dünyası için çok önemli bilgiler veren kalıplar ve çok sayıda çanak çömlek ele geçmiştir. Körükler, körüklerin etrafında ocaklar, potalar, pota parçaları ile ele geçen bol miktarda diğer buluntulardan, bu bölgenin bir üretim yeri olduğu ve özellikle de metal üretimi ile ilgili olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Açığa çıkarılan metal malzemelere ve kalıplara bakarak bu alanın bir döküm atölyesi olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Ele geçen malzemelerden hareketle Tepelerarası bölgesinde, D binasının kuzeydoğusunda yer alan bu alan "İşlikler mahallesi" olarak isimlendirilmiştir. Bu yazıda kazı çalışmaları devam eden ve Hitit Dünyasına ünik buluntularıyla son derece önemli bilgiler sunan işlikler alanında 2016 yürütülen kazı çalışmaları anlatılacaktır.
SIRIS, 2016
Two bronze ornaments were found in the archaic temple of Policoro during the 1970 excavation. They were probably manufactured in Eastern Greece during the 7th century BC. The first item is a plate-decorated fibula for which there is only one other example in the Artemision of Ephesus. It can be considered a Phrygian-type object from the first half of the 7th century BC. The second object is an elongated spiral earring of an Eastern Greek type. They contribute to a small series of Ionian ornaments found in Policoro and its vicinity. They seem to attest to the presence of individuals from central Ionia, as early as the mid-7th century BC. These items also raise the question about the founding date of the Varatizzo valley sanctuary.
This article summarizes the discussion on the dating and authorship of the design of the Villa Regia palace in the vicinity of Warsaw and centres attention on the figure of Ladislas IV as the person who initiated the construction of the villa for Queen Cecilia Renata. In a later part of the study, the author reconstructs the stages of the palace' s construction in the years 1636-1643. He also refers to previous reconstructions of the seventeenth-century form of the Vasa palace, revising and verifying them, and reconstructs the form of the building in its earliest period. In the second part, he sheds light on the issue of the Roman origins of the architecture and its Polish affinities (the floorplan - the structure - the tower projections - the loggia - the stairsthe attic), he gives a profile of Costante Tencalla-the author of the palace' s design. The article culminates with a reconstruction of the course of the rebuilding of the residence following the Swedish Deluge (by Isidoro Affaitati) and the form of the building when it belonged to the Sobieski family.
Petit artisan allemand, Georges Elser avait minutieusement préparé un attentat contre Hitler en 1939. A l'occasion des 70 ans de la fin de la IIème guerre mondiale, sa vie est portée à l'écran par Fred Breinersdorfer, l'auteur du film Sophie Scholl. Né à Hermaringen en Allemagne et mort au camp de concentration de Dachau, Georg Elser est une figure majeure de la résistance. Il était un ancien membre de l'Union des combattants du Front rouge « Roter Frontkämpferbund » (organisation militante communiste antifasciste).
Seguint un eix històric, revisem les perspectives més rellevants amb què s’ha aprofitat la premsa escrita per aprendre llengua en els darrers trenta anys. Recollim les possibilitats didàctiques d’explotació del material periodístic en paper, per reflexionar després sobre la funció, els avantatges i els reptes que planteja avui l’arribada d’Internet a l’aula (i de la premsa i els mitjans de comunicació digitals). Després de defensar la necessitat d’ensenyar a navegar, llegir, interpretar i participar en la xarxa (i en la premsa) de manera crítica i ètica, exposem el marc teòric que pot fomentar una ciutadania educada: la competència mediàtica i l’alfabetització en informació o ALFIN.
Sustainability, 2016
The wide-ranging literature on food systems provides multiple perspectives and world views. Various stakeholders define food and food systems in non-equivalent ways. The perception of the performance of food systems is determined by these specific perspectives, and a wide variety of policies responding to different aims are proposed and implemented accordingly. This paper sets out to demonstrate that the pre-analytical adoption of different narratives about the food system leads to non-equivalent assessments of the performance of food supply chains. In order to do so, we (i) identify a set of relevant narratives on food supply chains in Spanish and Catalan contexts; (ii) identify the pertinent attributes needed to describe and represent food supply chains within the different perspectives or narratives; and (iii) carry out an integrated assessment of three organic tomato supply chains from the different perspectives. In doing so, the paper proposes an analysis of narratives to enable the analyst to characterize the performance of food supply chains from different perspectives and to identify the expected trade-offs of integrated assessment, associating them with the legitimate-but-contrasting views found among the social actors involved.
Cincizeci de umbre întunecate Volumul 2 Prolog S-a întors. Mami doarme sau iarăşi îi e rău. Mă ghemuiesc sub masa din bucătărie. O văd pe mami printre degete. Doarme pe canapea. Mâna ei e întinsă pe covorul verde şi lipicios, iar el are în picioare cizmele cu catarame lucioase. Stă aplecat deasupra ei şi ţipă. O loveşte cu o curea. Scoală-te! Scoală-te! Eşti o curvă nenorocită! Eşti o curvă nenorocită! Eşti o curvă nenorocită! Eşti o curvă nenorocită! Eşti o curvă nenorocită! Eşti o curvă nenorocită! Eşti o curvă nenorocită! Eşti o curvă nenorocită! Mami scânceşte. Opreşte-te. Te rog, opreşte-te. Mami nu ţipă. Mami se ghemuieşte pe canapea. Îmi vâr degetele în urechi şi închid ochii. Zgomotul încetează. El se răsuceşte pe călcâie şi îi văd cizmele tropăind prin bucătărie, încă are cureaua în mână. Mă caută. Se apleacă şi rânjeşte. Miroase urât. A ţigări şi băutură. Aici erai, căcat cu ochi! Îl trezeşte un geamăt sfâşietor. Dumnezeule! E scăldat în sudoare, iar inima îi bate nebuneşte. Ce dracu'? Se ridică brusc în capul oaselor şi îşi prinde faţa în mâini. Căcat! Au revenit! Geamătul era al meu. Inspiră adânc, să se liniştească, încercând să-şi elibereze mintea şi nările de damful de whisky ieftin şi de izul stătut de ţigări Camel. Capitolul 1 Am reuşit să supravieţuiesc celei de-a treia zi fără Christian şi primei zi de serviciu. A fost o variaţie bine-venită. Ziua a trecut foarte repede-multe feţe noi, tot felul de sarcini şi domnul Jack Hyde. Cu ochii lui albaştri şi sticloşi, domnul Jack Hyde se apleacă deasupra biroului meu şi îmi zâmbeşte.-Te-ai descurcat excelent, Ana. Cred că o să facem o echipă grozavă. Nu ştiu cum, dar reuşesc să-mi ridic colţurile gurii într-un surogat de zâmbet.-Aş vrea să plec, dacă nu mai ai treabă cu mine, spun eu cu glas scăzut.
'Uanga ("I"): Journey of Raven and the Revival of the Spirit of Whale' is a critical autobiographical essay. In this essay, I negotiate and reflect on my own coming to voice as a Danish-Inuit artist-researcher. It is a sustained meditation on how the (post-)colonial relations between Denmark and Greenland are entangled in my lived experiences as a mixedrace woman. The essay introduces the scholarly contentions (and possibilities) in decolonizing, mixed-race and Indigenous research by critically engaging with my personal conflicts and considerations. By writing 'the voiceless', I also engage the fragmentation and divisions that characterize the (post-)colonial world. It is my intent to build and create 'living memory', as a way of pressuring (neo)colonial narratives and pave way for new. It is told that Raven once saw a whale playing in the waves. He got very curious. So he flew into the mouth and hopped deep into the whale. In the dark, he heard a drum beat and soon he saw a beautiful woman dancing and singing by a fire. In love, he wished to be with her. The woman told him he was welcome at the age of fourteen. There, she studied for two years with about thirty other young Inuit. From here, the route was laid out for her: she was sent to Nuuk for two years of college and then to Denmark to complete a nursery school teacher's education. Likely, the Greenlandic ('post'-)colonial administration had expected ningiju would return to Greenland to become one of the young educated spearheads of a new westernized nation. This project 'failed'. Ningiju met my grandfather and stayed in Denmark. For many years, she was a housewife tending their home and four children, only returning to her childhood village in the summer vacations. With the intention of integrating her children fully into Danish society, ningiju did not speak Greenlandic to them. Yet, they did not avoid the bullying in school for being 'bastards', 'mongrels', 'fridge Indians' or 'krakemut Indians'. 3 After a few years out of school, my mother entered teacher's college in 1980 in another Danish citya year after Greenland's Home Rule was established 4. At this time, my ningiju had grown bitter with her and her children's experiences of racism towards Greenlanders in Denmark, and had developed a likening for beer. Meanwhile, the summer vacations in Greenland became fewer towards the end of the 1970sperhaps because my mother and her sister had experienced acts of anger towards them. The Greenlandic nationalist movement and an awakened Inuit political awareness brought a greater emphasis on ethnic distinctiveness (Dahl 1986; Graugaard 2008: 15-16). As a result, my mother and her siblings experienced that speaking Danish and being 'half-breed' in Greenland were looked down upon. In 1980, my mother visited my great-grandmother in Greenland for her eightieth birthday, and did not return to Greenland until decades later. My father moved away from his hometown at an early age, tired with the mentality of the 'petit bourgeoisie' and the Christian values imbued in western Jutland, Denmark. In 1980, he entered teacher's college, where he met my mother. Three years later, my brother was born and then came I. As I grew up, my father read many bedtime stories for me, but the only stories I remember are the Inuit stories my mother told me. These were stories about
Remate de Males, 2014
Seria interessante algum dia investigar a fundo o processo de estabelecimento e cristalização dos lugares comuns acadêmicos, aquelas ideias que são aceitas por todos na universidade, e que passam a gozar de uma transparência e obviedade que as tornam difíceis de ser criticadas. É como a dialética da carta roubada de Edgar Allan Poe (1984, pp. 680-698.), porém mais dinâmica do que no conto do autor americano: justamente por serem repetidas ad nauseam, por ocuparem o lugar de pressuposto para diversas matrizes produtoras de argumentos, os lugares comuns acadêmicos acabam tornando-se invisíveis. Este pequeno ensaio pretende lidar com um dos lugares comuns mais marcantes nos estudos literários 1 Gostaria aqui de fornecer três exemplos de tentativas que procuram romper com tais lugares comuns. Duas são minhas, e lidam com os conceitos de "texto" e com a teoria
World Economy and International Relations, 2019
TAG Toronto , 2017
Studies Presented to Professor Moshe Amar, 2018
Synthetic Metals, 2001
Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 2013
Outlines. Critical Practice Studies, 2016
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Supramolecular Chemistry, 2007
Journal of Petrology, 2011
Obesity Surgery, 2015