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IEEE Access, 2019
This paper presents a new boost inverter topology with nine level output voltage waveform using a single dc source and two switched capacitors. The capacitor voltages are self-balancing and thus is devoid of any sensors and auxiliary circuitry. The output voltage is twice higher than the input voltage, which eliminates the need for an input dc boost converter especially when the inverter is powered from a renewable source. The merits of the proposed topology in terms of the number of devices and cost are highlighted by comparing the recent and conventional inverter topologies. In addition to this, the total voltage stress of the proposed topology is lower and have a maximum efficiency of 98.25%. The operation and dynamic performance of the proposed topology have been simulated using PLECS software and are validated using an experimental setup considering a different dynamic operation. INDEX TERMS Multilevel inverter, nine-level inverter, step-up inverter, switched capacitor, reduce switch count.
New Perspectives on Academic Writing: The Thing That Wouldn't Die
We say, "There is no such thing as academic writing. " The academic (also us) draws a breath and responds by pointing to the volumes of critical writing on our bookshelves separated from our other books (which the academic silently observes are mostly Science Fiction). We concede Arts and Humanities academics have one Unique Selling Proposition: critique. (Not a problem, critique is necessary, it is needed.) Still, we say there is no such thing as academic writing, though without doubt there are academic communities. When the academic asks how is anyone able to identify our community if there is no such thing as academic writing we say, look out for three kinds of performances: 1. a conducting of communication between the living and the dead; 2. an illuminating (an invoking) of some problem, concept, or object; 3. a critique of another academic's writing. Through these performances a bond is tied between small groups that make up the friends of critique, for we are relatively speaking, a community few in number: whether in one building, city or nation, or dispersed globally and connected by the internet, we may as well be on an island. And in fact, we think this island is well known and has a name (we have written about this before); our community has at least one foot on Immanuel Kant's "Island of Truth" (whatever post-or anti-Kantian protestations we make) (see Burrows and O'Sullivan 2019: 103-24). This is a place Kant also describes as a "land of truth" surrounded by a "broad and stormy ocean, the true seat of illusion"; the latter, according to the philosopher, portending adventures which can never be concluded or escaped from (Kant 1998: 337-8). Despite Kant's warning, we suggest it is this "Island of Truth, " the ground drawn by The Critique of Pure Reason (1998), that is hard to escape from. Here, we are not declaring we feel bound by Kant's correlationist notions; rather, we are specifically concerned with Kant's "Island" as a fictional device that shelters academic communities on the robust terrain of critique, at a distance from others lost in a fog of dubious metaphysics. The academic seems affronted and we explain that we do not question whether epistemic traditions have value; rather our question is whether some of the "Island's" customs ensure, despite our best efforts, that our community lives high above and far from objects of critique. We do not want to live like this, like isolated 3
A. Pendahuluan Dari jaman dulu sampai sekarang orang sering berhadapan dengan " peluang ". Misalnya orang melambungkan satu kali mata uang logam bersisi gambar dan bersisi angka, maka peluang muncul sisi gambar = peluang muncul sisi angka; kemungkinan muncul sisi gambar adalah 1 dari 2, yaitu peluangnya muncul sisi gambar adalah 1/2, demikian pula peluangnya muncul sisi angka adalah 1/2. Misalnya dalam permainan sepakbola, seorang wasit melambungkan mata uang logam satu kali untuk mengundi tempat bermain masing-masing kesebelasan yang berhadapan sebagai lawan, upaya wasit melakukan undian seperti ini dipandang adil baik oleh para pemain maupun penonton.
From Farmers to Heroes? Archaeological Studies in Honor of Sławomir Kadrow / Ab agricolis ad heroes. Studia archaeologica Slavomiro Kadrow vitae anno sexagesimo quinto oblate" Universitätsforschungen für Prähistorische Archäologie no. 376, 2022
The aim of the article was a palaeodietary reconstruction of individuals of the late Corded Ware and early Mierzanowice cultures from the Rzeszów Foothills based on δ13C and δ15N values. Investigations concentrated on differences in stable isotope signatures and verified the hypothesis concerning possible causes of variability. The conducted analyses did not detect any significant differences between individuals representing the two cultures. Their diet was comparable and was based on terrestrial products with C3 plants and animal protein.
American Understanding of India, 2001
Sometimes the time lag between a paper presented and a paper published can extend to decades. Although this paper was published in 2001, it was actually based on a conference held in the mid-1980s. So it is obviously very much dated.
bedrock on the eastern slope of the castle. When we started the 'Gaziantep Underground Structures Inventory Project' in 2012, these dwellings surrounding the entire east side of the hill were completely filled with rubble and clogged. A few years later, when a project was made to clear these rock-cut dwellings and open them for tourism, we objected that such an arrangement would reduce the static resistance of the structure. Even if this part of the hill is solid rock, the top cover is all soil, and even if these dwellings did not collapse, it could lead to erosion of the top cover. Despite all our objections, these dwellings were cleared and opened to tourism, and two years later, we are very sorry to see how right we were in our objections (Fig. 7). Archaeological Excavations Artifacts dating to around 3750 BC were found during the archaeological excavations carried out in four different trenches between 2003 and 2005 in the south corner of the castle. According to these findings, the mound dates to the Early Bronze Age. Although the upper layers yield finds starting in the Middle Ages, there are layers immediately below that date to the Early Chalcolithic Age and the Early Bronze Age. Excavations carried out in 2004, starting from the level where the layers belonging to the latest phase of the Early Bronze Age are located, showed that there was a dense settlement in the mound dating to this period. These excavations, which were carried out on a 35-40 degree incline, probably both increased the erosion and decreased the resistance of the castle walls above the trenches. Earthquakes The East Anatolian Fault (EAF), with a length of more than 800 km from the Iskenderun Bay to Karlıova in the northeast, passes 70 km west of Gaziantep. EAF, one of the three longest faults in Anatolia, and produced countless earthquakes throughout history. In the earthquake that completely destroyed Zeitun and Elbistan in January 1544, Gaziantep also suffered great damage. Another earthquake that took place on January 21, 1626, is probably one of the biggest earthquakes that the entire Southeastern Anatolia has ever experienced. In the earthquake that took place on October 22, 1822, many buildings in the city, as well as the places belonging to the Late Ottoman Period built inside the castle were destroyed. The castle was largely destroyed again by two consecutive earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.4 on February 6, 2023 (Fig. 7).
En este artículo parto de la idea de anacronismo postulada por Didi-Huberman en Ante el tiempo como modelo de interrogación de la historia, y en conexión con la propuesta dialéctica de Benjamin y la noción de “discontinuidades” y “anacronismos del tiempo” (2011: 154) para formular que las estratificaciones geológicas del Antropoceno forman capas que pueden leerse como archivos. Pienso el archivo en este ensayo a partir de dos coordenadas teóricas: por una parte, necropolítica y necropoder (Achilles Mbembe); y por el otro, la de Walter Benjamin con relación al acto de recolectar, especialmente aquello que atesora un valor que escapa los dispositivos de mercantilización y por lo tanto es capaz de registrar restos, detritus, y todo aquello que fluctúa en el umbral de la extinción. Propongo, en un sentido más amplio, un necroespacio antropogénico que, alterado e intervenido por capas materiales de formas vivientes e inorgánicas, irá forjando archivos anacrónicos. Las figuraciones estéticas aquí analizadas son la novela El Rey del Agua (2016), de la argentina Claudia Aboaf, el relato “Agua” (1935) del peruano José María Arguedas, y “Los pescadores de vigas” (1913), del uruguayo Horacio Quiroga. Leo estas figuraciones estéticas desde un ejercicio crítico que potencia una propuesta est(ética) antropocénica en sí misma y que, en su fluir conceptual las enlaza junto a capas terrestres, hídricas y atmosféricas. Este gesto no sólo intenta tensionar una lectura formateada sino también una forma de análisis que se funda en la erosión de un texto y por lo tanto cierra toda posible capa de sentido. This article stems from the idea of anachronism postulated by Didi-Huberman in Before Time, as a model of questioning of history, and in connection with Benjamin’s dialectical model and the notion of “discontinuities” and “anachronisms of time” (2011: 154) to propose that the geological stratifications of the Anthropocene form layers that can be read as archives. I conceive the archive in this essay through two theoretical coordinates: on the one hand, necropolitics and necropower (Achilles Mbembe); on the other, Walter Benjamin’s notion in relation to the act of collecting, especially that which treasures a value that escapes commodification devices and therefore it is capable of registering remains, detritus, and everything that fluctuates on the threshold of extinction. I propose, in a broader sense, an anthropogenic necrospace that, altered and intervened by material layers of living and inorganic forms, will go on forging anachronistic archives. The aesthetic figurations analyzed here are the novel El Rey del Agua (2016) by the Argentine Claudia Aboaf, the short stories “Agua” (1935) by Peruvian José María Arguedas, and “Los pescadores de vigas” (1913), by Uruguayan Horacio Quiroga. I read these aesthetic figurations from a critical exercise that bolster an anthropogenic aesthetic/ethical proposal and that, through its conceptual flow, links them together with terrestrial, hydric and atmospheric layers. This gesture not only seeks to stress a formatted reading but also a form of analysis that is based on the erosion of a text and that therefore closes any possible layer of meaning.
Riflessioni sull'ignorantia in re matrimoniali: un canone ancora attuale? * SOMMARIO: 1. La centralità del consenso nel matrimonio canonico-2. I presupposti cognitivi dell'electio matrimonii nella dottrina tomistica-3. Il defectus debitae cognitionis nella tradizione classica: la diversa rilevanza dell'error substantialis e dell'error contra substantiam matrimonii-4. I defectus consensus ex parte intellectus come defectus discretionis iudicii-5. La duplicazione delle figure del defectus debitae cognitionis nel codice piano-benedettino-6. Problemi di compatibilità tra l'ignorantia in re matrimoniali e altre fattispecie giuridiche-7. L'ampiezza della scientia minima-8. Le modifiche della legislazione giovanneopaolina: la debita cognitio-9. L'error determinans voluntatem-10. Verso una nuova comprensione del defectus debitae cognitionis: questioni aperte sulla scientia minima-11. Defectus cognitionis o defectus discretionis iudicii? * Il contributo, sottoposto a valutazione, è destinato, in un formato più ridotto, alla pubblicazione nel volume La sessualità nella riflessione teologica, nella prospettiva medica e nella dimensione giuridica, a cura dell'Arcisodalizio della Curia romana, Libreria editrice Vaticana. 8 Nell'ambito delle funzioni dell'intelletto si distingue tra una facoltà cognitiva (apprehensio rei) e una facoltà critica o estimativa (iudicium o consilium); l'una ha un fine speculativo, l'altra un fine pratico, di determinare cioè la volontà all'azione: «Secundum hoc autem differunt intellectus speculativus et practicus. Nam intellectus speculativus est, qui quod apprehendit, non ordinat ad opus, sed ad solam veritatis considerationem, practicus vero intellectus dicitur, qui hoc quod apprehendit, ordinat ad opus [...] Unde et a fine denominatur uterque, hic quidem speculativus, ille vero practicus, idest operativus» (Summa Theologica, I, qu. 79, art. 11, respondeo).
Abstract The study aimed to identify the reality of employment of mathematics teachers in the primary stage in East Gaza schools to active learning strategies from their perspective and its reinforcement ways. To achieve study objectives the researcher used the analytical-descriptive approach. The study sample was (100) mathematic teachers in the primary stage in East Gaza schools with (60) male teachers and (40) female teachers. The researcher designed questionnaire consisting of (37) items distributed into (4) domains (curriculum, learners, strategies nature, strategies employment). The researcher also used the statistical package for the social science (SPSS) to process the questionnaire, and the study findings were as following: - The sample estimation to the strategies employment of active learning according to the four domains was high with a total percentage weight of (75.4%). - There was no statistically significant differences at the (α≤0.05) levels of the sample between the means of study sample members of the reality of employment of mathematic teachers in the primary stage in East Gaza schools to the active learning strategies attributed to variables of sex (male teachers, female teachers) and academic qualification (diploma, bachelor, postgraduate). - There was statistically significant differences between the means of study sample members' estimates of the reality of employment of mathematics teachers in the primary stage in East Gaza schools attributed to years of service (< 5, 5-10, 10- 15, > 15) in the favor of (from 5 to 10) years. - The most important suggestion of study sample members' to reinforce the teachers to active learning strategies is training courses for teachers to know more about the active learning strategies, and reduce the number of students in the classes. The study recommended a lot of recommendation to employ the active learning strategies like: training courses and workshop to the teachers about active learning strategies, find guides to the teacher about active learning strategies, and reduce the size of curriculum to give the chance to apply the strategies
Diagnóstico Preliminar Social en el Área del Parque Internacional La Amistad, 2016
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Open Astronomy, 2018
Hispanic American Historical Review, 2005
Comprehensive Guide to Autism, 2014
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 2003
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2007
Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 2014
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The Role of Digital Technology in the Nigerian Higher Education System, 2021
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