Vol. 41, No. 3
JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Mar. 1982, p. 767-780
Expression of the PRC II Avian Sarcoma Virus Genome
Tumor Virology Laboratory, The Salk Institute, San Diego, California 92138,1 and Department of Biology,
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California 920932
Received 8 September 1981/Accepted 14 October 1981
Recently, three classes of avian sarcoma virus
have been defined on the basis of biochemical
and immunological differences among their
transforming proteins (5, 25). PRC II and Fujinami sarcoma virus (FSV), members of one avian
sarcoma virus class, are replication-defective
transforming viruses which induce sarcomas in
vivo and transformation of avian fibroblasts in
vitro. The FSV genome has been shown to
contain genetic information which was probably
obtained by recombination with cellular sequences. These host-derived sequences, termed
fps, are located in the middle of the FSV genome
and are flanked by helper virus sequences (19,
22). The RNA genomes of FSV and PRC II
appear to be closely related, as determined by
nucleic acid hybridization, and may be the products of two independent recombinations between an avian leukosis virus genome and the
same cellular gene (35).
Chicken embryo fibroblasts transformed by
t Present address: Institut fur Virusforschung, Im Neuenheimer Feld 280, 6900 Heidelberg, West Germany.
t Present address: Department of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218.
PRC II contain a phosphoprotein, P105, which is
similar to FSV-encoded P140 in that it is composed of helper virus-derived gag protein sequences which are contiguous with transformation-specific sequences from the fps region (5,
24). Since P105 is the only viral gene product
which has been detected in transformed, nonproducer cells by immunoprecipitation, it is currently the only identified transformation-specific
product of the PRC II genome (8). This protein
can be immunoprecipitated with antisera against
p19 and p27, two virion internal structural proteins which are coded for by the 5'-proximal
portion of the gag gene (5, 24). TBR sera from
rabbits bearing tumors induced by Rous sarcoma virus (RSV), a member of a second avian
sarcoma virus class, also precipitate P105 by
recognition of the gag determinants (5, 26).
Immune complexes prepared with anti-p19 or
TBR serum from PRC II-transformed cells contain a tyrosine-specific phosphotransferase activity which phosphorylates either P105 alone or
both P105 and the heavy chain of immunoglobulin, respectively (5, 26). Because of this protein
kinase activity observed in immunoprecipitates
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We found that the genomic RNA of the replication-defective avian sarcoma
virus PRC II was 4.0 kilobases long. A Northern blot analysis of the viral RNAs
present in PRC II-transformed cells showed that the PRC II genome was
expressed as a single 4.0 kilobase mRNA species. In vitro translation of polyadenylic acid-containing 70S virion RNA yielded two highly related proteins of
110,000 and 105,000 daltons (P110 and P105), which were synthesized from
messenger activity that sedimented as expected for the 4.0 kilobase PRC II
genome (at 25 to 27S). P110 and P105 were identified as in vitro translation
products of the PRC II genome by immunoprecipitation and tryptic peptide
mapping and were the only PRC II-specific polypeptides detected by in vitro
synthesis. In addition, we found that immune complexes prepared from PRC II
70S virion RNA in vitro translation products contained a tyrosine-specific protein
kinase activity. A comparison of the in vitro- and in vivo-synthesized proteins
revealed that PRC 11-transformed cells also contained 110,000- and 105,000-dalton
proteins, which were indistinguishable from in vitro-synthesized P110 and P105 by
electrophoretic mobility and tryptic peptide analysis. Both P110 and P105 were
present in producer cells and in seven individual nonproducer clones. A pulsechase analysis showed that P105 was the primary translation product of the PRC
II genome and that P110 was derived from P105 by post-translational modification. Under conditions of long-term labeling with [3 S]methionine, P110 and P105
were present in a molar ratio of approximately 1:1. These results indicated that the
transformation-specific product of the PRC II genome, previously referred to as a
single component (P105), actually consists of two polypeptides related by posttranslational modification.
Cells and viruses. PRC II virus stocks were prepared
from PRC II-infected chicken cells originally provided
by P. K. Vogt, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles. Rous-associated virus type 2 (RAV-2) was
also obtained from P. K. Vogt. FSV was obtained
from H. Temin (University of Wisconsin, Madison), as
described by Lee et al. (22) and Beemon (5), and from
H. Hanafusa (The Rockefeller University, New York,
N.Y.), as described by Feldman et al. (17) and Hanafusa et al. (19). All virus stocks were grown on
gs-chf- chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) that were
prepared from eggs supplied by SPAFAS, Inc., Norwich, Conn., as described previously (1, 7).
Virus and viral RNA preparation. Virus, total virion
RNA, and 70S virion RNA were prepared as described
previously (1, 7).
Cellular RNA preparation. Whole-cell RNA was
prepared from infected and uninfected CEF, as described previously (1, 20). For polysomal RNA, PRC
II-infected CEF were washed and lysed, and a postnuclear supernatant was prepared essentially as de-
scribed by Lee et al. (21), except that the lysis buffer
contained 0.01 M vanadyl-ribonucleoside complex
(Bethesda Research Laboratories, Inc., Gaithersburg,
Md.) as an RNase inhibitor. The postnuclear supernatant contained 0.1 M KC1, 0.005 M MgCl2, 0.025 M
HEPES (N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid) (pH 7.5), 0.01 M vanadyl-ribonucleoside
complex, 1% Nonidet P-40 (NP-40), and 0.5% sodium
deoxycholate. The polysomes were then pelleted
through a layer of 1.0 M sucrose and a layer of 2.0 M
sucrose in the same buffer lacking detergent and
vanadyl-ribonucleoside complex in a Beckman SW41
rotor at 30,000 rpm for 12 h. The RNA was extracted
from the polysomal pellet by the method of Lee et al.
RNA handling. The conditions used for the preparation of polyadenylic acid [poly (A)]-containing RNA,
the denaturation of RNA by dimethyl sulfoxide treatment, and sucrose gradient sedimentation have been
described previously (1, 7).
For gel electrophoresis, RNAs were treated at 50°C
for 1 h with a solution containing 0.008 M sodium
acetate (pH 5.2), 50%o (vol/vol) dimethyl sulfoxide,
14% (vol/vol) glyoxal (Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wis.), and 400 ,ug of carrier tRNA (Boehringer
Mannheim Corp., Indianapolis, Ind.) per ml. RNAs
were then fractionated on a 1.2% agarose gel in a
buffer containing 0.036 M Tris base, 0.03 M NaH2PO4,
0.001 M EDTA, and 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate
(SDS) (pH 7.8) for 720 V-h. Preparation of the gel for
transfer to diazobenzyloxymethyl paper and preparation of the diazobenzyloxymethyl paper were performed essentially as described by Alwine et al. (2),
except that 0.2 M sodium acetate (pH 4.0) was used
instead of borate buffer.
Hybridization to RNA coupled to diazobenzyloxymethyl paper. After transfer of the RNA from the gel,
the diazobenzyloxymethyl paper was treated with prehybridization buffer (50% formamide [BDH], 0.75 M
NaCl, 0.05 M HEPES, pH 7.5, 0.2% SDS, 0.005 M
EDTA, 1% [wt/vol] glycine, 200 ,ug of sonicated,
denatured calf thymus DNA per ml, Sx concentrated
Denhardt solution [13]) for 4 h at 41°C. Hybridizations
were performed with 1 x 10' to 5 x 107 cpm of probe
in 12 ml of hybridization buffer (the same as prehybridization buffer except with 1 x concentrated Denhardt solution) plus 3 ml of 50% dextran sulfate for the
times and at the temperatures indicated in the legend
to Fig. 2. The paper was then washed extensively with
2x, 1 x, 0.5x, and 0.1 x SSC containing 0.2% SDS and
exposed to Kodak X-Omat R film with an intensifying
screen (1x SSC is 0.15 M NaCl plus 0.015 M sodium
Probe preparations. 32P-labeled cDNA,,p (containing DNA sequences complementary to the entire PRC
II and helper virus genomes) was prepared by incubating heat-denatured PRC II 70S RNA in a mixture
containing 0.05 M Tris-hydrochloride (pH 8.0), 0.01 M
MgCl2, 0.03 M 3-mercaptoethanol, 0.12 M KCI, 0.5
mM dATP, 0.5 mM dCTP, 0.5 mM dGTP, 2 mg of calf
thymus primer per ml, 4 ,uM [cK-32P]TTP (293 Ci/mmol;
New England Nuclear Corp., Boston, Mass.), and
avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase from
J. W. Beard (Life Sciences, St. Petersburg, Fla.) at
37°C for 60 min. The DNA was extracted with phenolchloroform and separated from unincorporated material by passage over a Sephadex G-75 column in a buffer
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which contain P105 and the elevated levels of
phosphotyrosine in protein observed in PRC IItransformed cells, P105 has been implicated as a
tyrosine-specific protein kinase in vivo (5).
Although PRC II and FSV are avian sarcoma
viruses, it has been demonstrated recently that
the Snyder-Theilen strain offeline sarcoma virus
(ST-FeSV) and the Gardner-Arnstein strain of
FeSV code for proteins which are related to
FSV P140 and PRC II P105 as determined by
immunological criteria and tryptic peptide mapping (4, 5). In addition, hybridization studies
have shown that FeSV virion RNA is partially
homologous to thefps region of the FSV genome
(35). Because the FSV and PRC II genomes
have extensive homology in the fps region, it
seems likely that the PRC II and FeSV transformation-specific regions are also partially homologous.
It was of interest to determine whether the
PRC II genome expressed transformation-specific proteins other than P105. We approached
this problem in two ways. First, we examined
PRC II-specific intracellular RNAs in an attempt
to identify species which could serve as
mRNA's for proteins other than P105. Second,
we examined the in vitro translation products of
PRC II 70S virion RNA and compared these
with the viral proteins synthesized in PRC IItransformed cells. In this report, we present
evidence that a single PRC II-specific RNA
species gives rise to two highly related forms of
P105 both in vivo and in vitro. These two
proteins, designated P110 and P105, appear to be
related in a precursor-product fashion by posttranslational modification. In addition, we show
that the PRC II proteins synthesized in vitro
display an associated protein kinase activity in
immune complexes.
VOL. 41, 1982
2 3
FIG. 1. Comparison of 32P-labeled PRC II and FSV
virion RNAs. PRC II- and FSV-transformed CEF
were labeled with 32Pi for 6 h in phosphate-free medium. The supernatant was centrifuged at 2,000 rpm for
10 min to remove the cells and then centrifuged at
Comparison of PRC II virion RNA and PRC IIspecific intracellular RNA. The expression of the
PRC II genome has been studied by utilizing
antiserum which recognizes viral structural protein determinants or antiserum which recognizes
undefined determinants coded for by the fps
region (4, 5, 8, 24). In this way, a single polypeptide, P105, has been identified as a translation
45,000 rpm for 30 min in a Beckman SW50.1 rotor to
pellet the virus. Virion RNA was prepared by phenol
extraction, ethanol precipitation, and glyoxal treatment, as described in the text. The samples were
resolved on a 1.0%o neutral agarose gel. The arrows
indicate the positions of chick 28 and 18S rRNA
markers run on the same gel. The FSV preparation in
lane 2 contained a small amount of contaminating
rRNA. Lane 1, FSV virion RNA (virus obtained from
H. Temin); lane 2, FSV virion RNA (virus obtained
from H. Hanafusa); lane 3, PRC II virion RNA.
product of the PRC II transforming virus
genome. However, it is possible that additional
polypeptides which cannot be detected with
these antisera are necessary for transformation
by PRC II. For this reason, we wanted to
determine the size and, therefore, the coding
capacity of the PRC II genome. This was accomplished by preparing 32P-labeled PRC II 70S
vinon RNA, denaturing this RNA by glyoxal
treatment, and fractionating the RNA on a neutral agarose gel. This analysis (Fig. 1, lane 3)
demonstrated that the PRC II 70S virion RNA
complex contained two major discrete RNA
species. The larger RNA was approximately 7.5
kilobases (kb) long, which was consistent with
the sizes of the RNAs previously described for
avian leukosis viral genomes (19, 20, 22, 36).
Therefore, it seemed likely that the larger RNA
species corresponded to the helper virus
genome. The smaller RNA was approximately
4.0 kb long and presumably represented the PRC
7.5 kb- ia
4.8 kb-
4.0 kb-
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containing 0.15 M NaCl, 0.01 M Tris-hydrochloride
(pH 7.4), 0.001 M EDTA, and 0.1% SDS.
To prepare a 32P-labeled nick-translated probe, we
used a recombinant lambda clone containing an insertion of the ST-FeSV genome, which was kindly provided by C. J. Sherr, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Md. (34). Nick-translation was performed
on the entire recombinant clone essentially as described by Rigby et al. (29), except that the reaction
buffer contained 0.01 M Tris-hydrochloride (pH 7.5),
0.01 M MgCl2, and 0.001 M dithiothreitol. The reaction was stopped and treated as described above for
the preparation of cDNA probes.
Probe preparations were treated with 0.3 N NaOH
for 10 min at room temperature and neutralized with
HCI before they were added to the hybridization
In vitro translation. An mRNA-dependent reticulocyte lysate was used for in vitro translation, as previously described (1, 6). Completed reactions were
incubated for 20 min at 37°C with 50 gLg of RNase A
per ml in the presence of 0.01 M EDTA before analysis
on 12.5% SDS-polyacrylamide slab gels (6, 7).
Tryptic peptide mapping. Two-dimensional tryptic
peptide analysis of [ S]methionine-labeled proteins
was performed as previously described (1, 7).
Radiolabeling and immunoprecipitation. The procedures used for labeling cells with [35S]methionine
(Amersham Corp., Arlington Heights, Ill.) and 32P,
(ICN, Irvine, Calif.) and for immunoprecipitation have
been described previously (32). TBR serum was obtained by injecting the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of RSV
subgroup D into newborn rabbits (9). Rabbit antiserum
against avian myeloblastosis virus p19 was provided
by D. P. Bolognesi, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, N.C.
Protein kinase assay. Our assay of the protein kinase
activity present in immune complexes was basically as
described by Collett and Erikson (12), except that the
immunoprecipitation buffer contained NP-40 as the
only detergent. Immunoprecipitates adsorbed onto
fixed Staphylococcus aureus were washed with 0.15 M
NaCl4.01 M sodium phosphate (pH 7.2) and then
incubated for 10 min at 30°C in 20 ,ul of a buffer
containing 0.02 M PIPES [piperazine-N,N'-bis(2-ethanesulfonic acid)] (pH 7.0), 0.01 M MnCl2 and 1 to 5
,uCi of [.y-32P]ATP (specific activity, >2,500 Ci/mmol;
New England Nuclear Corp.). Samples were assayed
by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, autoradiography, and scintillation counting of radioactive
Analysis by partial proteolysis. [35S]methionine-labeled proteins in gel slices were partially digested with
S. aureus protease V8 and analyzed using the methods
described by Cleveland et al. (11), with the modifications of Eckhart et al. (15).
7.5 kb
coding sequences in the form of spliced, subgenomic-sized mRNA's (3, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 30,
31, 33, 36), we were particularly interested in
whether PRC II-specific mRNA's smaller than
4.0 kb could be detected. To test this possibility,
total cellular poly(A)-containing RNA and polysomal poly(A)-containing RNA were prepared
from PRC TI-transformed CEF. These RNAs
were denatured with glyoxal and fractionated on
a 1.2% neutral agarose gel in parallel with RNAs
prepared in a similar fashion from RAV-2 avian
leukosis virus-infected CEF and uninfected
CEF. The RNAs were then transferred to diazotized paper and hybridized as described above.
Figure 2A shows the hybridization pattern observed when we used a 2P-labeled cDNA probe
prepared from PRC IT 70S virion RNA. A comparison between the virus-specific RNAs in
RAV-2-infected CEF and the virus-specific
RNAs in PRC II-infected CEF showed that both
contained 7.5- and 2.9-kb RNA species that
were capable of hybridizing with this probe.
However, an additional band at 4.0 kb was
4.0 kb -
2.9 k6
4.0 kb -
FIG. 2. Identification of PRC II helper-related and PRC II transformation-specific intracellular RNAs. Total
cellular poly(A)-containing RNAs from PRC II-transformed CEF, RAV-2-infected CEF, and uninfected CEF
and poly(A)-containing polysomal RNA from PRC II-transformed CEF were prepared as described in the text.
The RNAs were denatured with glyoxal, fractionated on a 1.2% neutral agarose gel, and transferred to diazotized
paper as described in the text. The blots were hybridized with a representative 32P-labeled cDNA probe prepared
from PRC II 70S virion RNA (A) and a 32P-labeled nick-translated probe prepared from a A ST-FeSV DNA clone
(B). Hybridizations were performed in a buffer containing 10o dextran sulfate at 41°C for 4 h (A) or at 37°C for 23
h (B). The blots were washed at the hybridization temperature as described in the text and were exposed to
Kodak X-Omat R film with an intensifying screen for 1.5 h (A) and 2 weeks (B). Sizes were extrapolated from
RNA of the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of RSV subgroup D run on the same gels, assuming sizes of 9.5, 4.8, and 2.8
kb for genomic, env, and src mRNA's, respectively (D. Schwartz, personal communication). (A) Lane 1, 2.5
,ug of PRC II whole-cell RNA; lane 2, 2.5 p.g of RAV-2 whole-cell RNA; lane 3, 1.0 ,ug of uninfected whole-cell
RNA. (B) Lane 1, 0.1 jg of PRC II 70S virion RNA; lane 2, 2.0 ,ug of PRC II polysomal RNA; lane 3, 2.5 ,ug of
PRC II whole-cell RNA; lane 4, 1.5 ,ug of RAV-2 whole-cell RNA; lane 5, 1.0 ,g of uninfected whole-cell RNA.
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II genome. If this entire molecule were translated, an RNA of this size would yield a 130,000dalton (130K) to 140K polypeptide; this is more
than the observed molecular weight of 105,000
for the PRC II transformation-specific protein.
However, it is unlikely that the entire RNA
molecule is utilized for translation because the
avian leukosis virus sequences at both ends of
the genome probably include large untranslated
regions. Since FSV codes for a somewhat larger
but related protein, we were interested in directly comparing the PRC II and FSV genomes by
the same method. Figure 1 shows the results of
side-by-side electrophoresis of glyoxal-treated
PRC II virion RNA and two preparations of FSV
virion RNA. Although the helper virus RNAs
appeared to be the same size in all cases, the
FSV-specific RNA was 4.8 kb long, or 800 bases
larger than PRC II RNA.
To explore the expression of the PRC II
genome, we undertook an analysis of the PRC
II-specific intracellular mRNAs. Since many
avian and murine retroviruses express internal
VOL. 41, 1982
coded by the avian leukosis or sarcoma virus
genome (1, 6). Under certain conditions of electrophoresis, it was possible to separate the heterogeneous 76K band into two components with
apparent molecular weights of 80,000 and
76,000. The tryptic peptide pattern of the 80K
protein was identical to that of the 76K protein
(data not shown). It seemed reasonable that
these two polypeptides represented translation
products of different natural helper virus genomes present in the PRC II stock. In support of
this hypothesis, we found that infection of CEF
with limiting dilutions of the PRC II virus stock
produced one transformed clone which contained only a single 76K polypeptide (see below
and Fig. 6, lane 4).
The heterogeneous band in the 105K range
could also be resolved into two major components with apparent molecular weights of
110,000 and 105,000. The tryptic peptide digestion pattern of the 110K protein was identical to
that of the 105K protein (Fig. 4). The tryptic
peptide maps of these two in vitro-synthesized
proteins appeared to be highly related to the map
of the P105 protein immunoprecipitated from
PRC Il-transformed CEF (Fig. 4A). Mixing experiments with P105 synthesized in vivo and
either 110K or 105K synthesized in vitro confirmed the identity of the in vitro and in vivo
products (data not shown).
The observation of a 105K doublet synthesized in vitro prompted more careful scrutiny of
the in vivo-synthesized P105. Side-by-side electrophoresis of the in vivo- and in vitro-synthesized proteins demonstrated that the in vivo
product could be resolved into two major components which comigrated with their in vitro
counterparts (Fig. 5). However, one striking
difference between the in vivo- and in vitrogenerated doublets was the relative labeling intensities of the two components. The major
product synthesized in vitro was the 105K polypeptide, whereas the relative amounts of the
110K and 105K proteins synthesized in vivo
under steady-state labeling conditions appeared
to be approximately equal.
In addition to the 76K and 105K doublets, a
number of smaller polypeptides were synthesized primarily from RNA in the 25 to 27S region
of the gradient (for example, the 42K protein
doublet synthesized from messenger activity
which cosedimented with the 110K and 105K
messenger activities). It was possible to assign
these proteins to one of two distinct classes,
each containing helper virus structural protein
tryptic peptides (data not shown). Members of
one class contained only gag-related tryptic
peptides and presumably resulted from premature termination of translation within the gag
portions of the PRC II genome. The second class
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observed exclusively in the RNA from PRC IItransformed CEF.
A similar blot was hybridized with a 32p_
labeled probe prepared by nick-translating a
recombinant DNA clone containing an insertion
of the entire ST-FeSV genome. Since the PRC II
and FeSV genomes share some common transformation-specific sequences but lack homology
in other regions of the genome (Beemon, unpublished data), we expected that this probe would
recognize only those mRNA's which were specific to the PRC II genome. As Fig. 2B shows,
the FeSV probe hybridized to only the 4.0-kb
RNA in polysomal and total cellular RNA preparations from PRC II-transformed CEF. The 4.0kb RNA in preparations from PRC II-transformed CEF was identical in size to the smaller
RNA in denatured PRC II 70S virion RNA. No
PRC II-specific subgenomic mRNA's were detected with either the PRC II probe, the FeSV
probe, or with a probe prepared from a recombinant plasmid (p 53) containing a 925-bp insert
consisting of the 5'- and 3'-terminal sequences of
the Prague-B RSV genome (data not shown). On
the basis of this analysis, we concluded that the
7.5- and 2.9-kb RNAs observed in both RAV-2and PRC Il-infected CEF represented the helper
leukosis virus genomic size and env mRNA's,
respectively. In addition, we tentatively concluded that the PRC II genome was expressed in
infected CEF as one major RNA species 4.0 kb
PRC II transforming protein synthesized in
vivo and in vitro consists of two highly related
components. We wanted to determine whether
the PRC II genome contained coding information for polypeptides other than P105. To do
this, we utilized the method of in vitro translation of virion RNA, which has been useful for
identifying potential transforming proteins of
RSV (7, 27, 28). PRC II 70S virion RNA was
heat denatured, and the poly(A)-containing
RNA was selected for fractionation on neutral
sucrose gradients. Each gradient fraction was
translated in vitro in a micrococcal nucleasetreated rabbit reticulocyte lysate, and the protein products were resolved by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Figure 3 shows that
the poly(A)-containing virion RNA contained
two predominant messenger activities, one coding for a heterogeneous band of approximately
76K and a second coding for a similarly heterogeneous band which migrated in the 105K range.
The 76K polypeptide was synthesized primarily
from RNA which sedimented at 35S, whereas
the 105K protein was made from 25 to 27S RNA.
Tryptic peptide mapping of the [35S]methioninelabeled 76K polypeptide synthesized in vitro
showed a pattern similar to the patterns which
we have observed previously for Pr76919 en-
105 K
76 K
42 K
34 K
FIG. 3. In vitro translation of PRC II virion RNA. The poly(A)-containing fraction of heat-denatured PRC II
70S virion RNA was denatured with dimethyl sulfoxide as described in the text, loaded onto a 10 to 30% sucrose
gradient, and spun in a Beckman SW41 rotor at 25,000 rpm for 16 h at 22°C. The RNA in each gradient fraction
was then translated in a messenger-dependent rabbit reticulocyte lysate in the presence of [35S]methionine, and
the products were resolved on a 12.5% acrylamide slab gel. The position of 35S RNA was extrapolated from 28
and 18S rRNA's run in a parallel gradient.
of proteins contained pol peptides in addition to
some gag peptides. We did not detect any fpsspecific tryptic peptides in proteins from either
of these classes.
Another polypeptide of approximately 34K
was synthesized from RNA in the 18S region of
the gradient. Tryptic peptide mapping of this
protein demonstrated that it was identical to the
34K protein which has been described previously as the translation product of a cellular mRNA
packaged into the virions of most avian sarcoma
and leukosis viruses (1).
We expected that any internal coding sequences within the PRC II genome would be
expressed as polypeptides translated from fragmented RNAs with sedimentation values less
than 25S. However, aside from the smaller polypeptides described above, no additional translation products were observed. From these results, it seemed probable that the P105-related
proteins were the major, if not the only, translation products of the PRC II genome. In addition,
it appeared that the transforming protein, which
has been referred to previously as a single
species (P105), actually consists of two major
electrophoretically distinct components of 110K
and 105K.
Pl10 and P105 are both present in PRC I-
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180 K
VOL. 41, 1982
0 *
FIG. 4. Tryptic peptide mapping of in vivo- and in vitro-synthesized P110 and P105. PRC II-transformed CEF
were labeled with [35S]methionine and immunoprecipitated with anti-p19 serum. Heat-denatured PRC II 70S
virion RNA was translated in a messenger-dependent lysate as described in the legend to Fig. 3. The P110 and
P105 proteins were identified by preparative gel electrophoresis, removed from the gel, and digested with
trypsin. The products were resolved on cellulose thin-layer plates by electrophoresis at pH 4.7 toward the
cathode, with the origin on the left, followed by ascending chromatography from bottom to top. (A) In vivosynthesized P110 and P105. (B) In vitro-synthesized P110. (C) In vitro-synthesized P105.
transformed, nonproducer clones. It was important to determine whether P110 and P105 were
synthesized independently from distinct RNA
genomes in transformed cells or whether one
protein was produced by modification or processing of the other. If P110 and P105 were
synthesized from different genomic RNAs, infection of CEF with limiting dilutions of a PRC
II virus stock should have resulted in the segregation of two separate genomes. To test this
possibility, we prepared nonproducer clones by
infecting CEF with limiting dilutions of the PRC
II virus stock. These cells were than plated in
soft agar, and individual foci were isolated after
10 days and after 2 weeks. Each clone was
grown up separately, labeled with [35S]methionine and 32p;, and immunoprecipitated with antip19 serum. From a total of nine foci picked, one
was completely negative for the expression of
either helper or transformation-specific viral
proteins. This focus presumably represented a
clump of cells none of which had been infected
and conveniently acted as an uninfected control
(Fig. 6, lane 8). Among the remaining eight
clones, one had clearly received both a helper
virus genome and a transforming genome since
both the P105 complex (P110 and P105) and
Pr769'9 were present (Fig. 6, lane 4). However,
seven of the foci picked consisted of clones of
nonproducer cells since Pr769'9 was absent from
these preparations. In each of these seven
clones, it was evident that P110 and P105 were
present in approximately equimolar quantities.
Therefore, it seemed unlikely that P110 and P105
were synthesized from different RNAs present
in our PRC II virus stock. From these experiments, we tentatively concluded that P110 and
P105 shared a common origin in that a single
species of the PRC II transforming genome in
nonproducer cells appeared to express both
P105, the primary translation product of the
PRC II genome, is a precursor to P110. We were
interested in determining whether a precursorproduct relationship existed between the P110
and P105 proteins observed in vivo. To address
this question, PRC II-transformed CEF were
pulse-labeled for 5 min with [35S]methionine and
then chased with medium containing an excess
of cold methionine for varying time intervals.
The cells were then lysed, immunoprecipitated
with anti-p19 serum, and analyzed by SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. As Fig. 7
shows, the major translation product observed
with a 5-min pulse was the lower member of the
doublet, P105. The upper component, P110,
began to appear after a 10-min chase, and after
30 min of chase time P110 and P105 were present
in essentially equimolar amounts. This ratio was
also observed under conditions of long-term
labeling, as shown in Fig. 7, lane S. In addition,
pulse-chase experiments in which the chase was
performed for periods as long as 20 h revealed
that P110 and P105 had roughly equal half-lives
(data not shown). These results suggested that
approximately 50% of the newly synthesized
P105 in transformed cells was modified posttranslationally to give rise to P110.
To investigate the possibility that P110 resulted from the modification of a specific region of
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1 2 3
FIG. 5. Comparison of in vivo- and in vitro-synthesized P110 and P105 by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. PRC II-transformed CEF were labeled for 16 h
with [35S]methionine as described in the text. The cells
were washed, lysed, and immunoprecipitated with
anti-p19 serum. Heat-denatured PRC II 70S virion
RNA was translated in a messenger-dependent rabbit
reticulocyte lysate at a final concentration of 25 ,ug/ml
in the presence of [35S]methionine. The proteins were
resolved on a 12.5% polyacrylamide gel. Lane 1, 35Slabeled PRC II CEF immunoprecipitated with antip19 serum; lane 2, [35S]methionine-labeled in vitro
translation products of PRC II 70S viral RNA; lane 3,
[35S]methionine-labeled in vitro translation products
with no added RNA.
P105, we subjected 35S-labeled P110 and P105 to
partial digestion with S. aureus protease V8.
Figure 8 shows that most of the smaller digestion
products were identical for P110 and P105. However, the largest partial digestion products of
these proteins did not comigrate and had apparent molecular weights of 83,000 and 77,000 for
P110 and P105, respectively. This result suggested that the modification of P105 which generated
P110 probably occurred within a 77K portion of
the protein. Preliminary evidence from the V8
digestion patterns of P110, P105, and Pr76919
labeled at the amino terminus by in vitro synthesis with [35S]formyl methionyl-tRNAfme, suggested that the modified region does not include
the extreme amino terminus.
We attempted to test whether this modification was the result of glycosylation by using (i)
treatment of immunoprecipitates with endoglycosidase H and (ii) treatment of PRC II-transformed CEF with tunicamycin. In neither case
did we detect a change in the relative representation of P110 and P105 (data not shown). This was
in good agreement with the results obtained by
Neil et al. (24), whose attempts to label P105
with [3H]glucosamine or [3H]mannose were unsuccessful. Although we could not exclude the
possibility that some sugars are present in linkages not affected by endoglycosidase H or tunicamycin treatment, it seemed unlikely that the
observed change in electrophoretic mobility was
due to glycosylation.
It has been reported that P105 is phosphorylated in vivo at several sites and contains both
phosphoserine and phosphotyrosine (5, 26). This
suggested the possibility that additional phosphorylation of a portion of the P105 molecules
resulted in an increase in apparent molecular
weight, producing the protein which we called
P110. In general, we observed that P110 from
32P-labeled PRC II-infected CEF was more highly phosphorylated than P105 on a molar basis. A
preliminary analysis of the phosphoamino acid
contents of separated P110 and P105 indicated
that each protein contained both phosphoserine
and phosphotyrosine. However, the ratios of
phosphoserine to phosphotyrosine appeared to
be different in that P110 was more highly phosphorylated at tyrosine residues than P105. We
are presently continuing these investigations by
examining the phosphotryptic peptides of P105
and P110.
Although the precise nature of the modification is still unclear, we concluded that P110
arises by a post-translational modification of
P105 and that this modification occurs within a
77K portion of P105.
Kinase activity associated with the in vitro
translation products of PRC II viral RNA. PRC II
P105 synthesized in vivo and immunoprecipitated with either anti-p19 serum or RSV TBR
serum has been shown to be associated with
protein kinase activity, which results in phosphorylation of P105 or the heavy chain of
immunoglobulin G or both (5, 26). We were
interested in determining whether the P105 complex (that is, P110 and P105) synthesized in vitro
would likewise demonstrate phosphotransferase
activity in the immune complex. To explore this
possibility, PRC II denatured 70S virion RNA
was translated in vitro in the rabbit reticulocyte
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VOL. 41, 1982
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-, 3 L wSw
" w
110 5
10 5
_ _-
FIG. 6. P110 and P105 immunoprecipitated from chick nonproducer cells infected with PRC II. Subconfluent
cultures of CEF were infected with serial dilutions of the PRC II virus stock for 1 h at 37°C. The cells were then
trypsinized, replated in 1.2% agar, and placed at 37°C for 1 to 2 weeks. Individual foci were picked with a drawnout Pasteur pipette and transferred to 17-mm dishes containing 5 x 10i uninfected CEF. Subsequently, the
cultures were transferred to duplicate plates; one of these plates was labeled for 16 h with [35S]methionine, and
the other was labeled with 32p; for 16 h as described in the text. Lanes 2 through 10 contain anti-p19 serum
immunoprecipitates from cultures of nine individual picked foci. Lane 1 contains an anti-p19 serum immunoprecipitate of a control culture of uninfected cells.
lysate. When TBR serum was used to immunoprecipitate the in vitro products in a buffer
containing NP-40 as the only detergent, phosphorylation of the heavy chain of immunoglobulin was observed (Fig. 9, lane 1). The control
reaction, in which no RNA was added to the
translation mixture, showed a small degree of
phosphorylation of the heavy chain. This residual activity was probably due to the fact that the
TBR serum used cross-reacted with endogenous
pp6OC-src in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate. When
immune serum was preabsorbed with detergentdisrupted virus, immunoprecipitation of the
P105 complex synthesized in vitro was prevented. Under these conditions, immunoprecipitation of the endogenous pp6(C-src was not
affected. The level of incorporation into the
immunoglobulin heavy chain was the same in
this case (Fig. 9, lane 2) as in the precipitations
where no RNA was added (Fig 9, lane 3).
Quantitation of the amount of radioactivity in
the heavy chain in each case revealed a five- to
sevenfold enhancement of protein kinase activity in the sample in which P105 was present in the
precipitate compared with the controls. A phosphoamino acid analysis of the heavy chain phosphorylated in immunoprecipitates of in vitrosynthesized P110 and P105 revealed that
tyrosine was the only acceptor amino acid in this
reaction (data not shown).
It is possible that our conditions for in vitro
translation were not optimal for the synthesis of
an enzymatically active P105 complex. We were
not able to detect appreciable kinase activity
Downloaded from http://jvi.asm.org/ on July 24, 2020 by guest
4 0 10 30 60
120 +
contained SDS and deoxycholate or when the
kinase buffer contained magnesium instead of
manganese as the source of divalent cations,
although these conditions worked well with in
vivo-synthesized P105.
This demonstration of phosphotransferase ac-
Pr 76..
.S ...s
0 41 W a*
FIG. 7. Pulse-chase analysis of P110 and P105 in
PRC II-transformed CEF. Five identical 35-mm plates
of PRC IT-transformed CEF were pulse-labeled for 5
min with 400 ,Ci of [35S]methionine per ml in medium
lacking methionine. The labeling medium was then
replaced with the chase medium, which contained an
excess of cold methionine. The chase was carried out
for 0, 10, 30, 60, or 120 min as indicated above the
respective lanes. At the end of each chase period, cell
extracts were prepared and immunoprecipitated with
anti-p19 serum as described in the text. Lanes S
contains immunoprecipitates from PRC TI-transformed CEF labeled for 16 h with [35S]methionine.
Lane P contains an immunoprecipitate from PRC IItransformed CEF labeled for 16 h with 32P;.
when immunoprecipitations of in vitro-synthesized proteins were performed with anti-p19
serum or with immunoprecipitation buffer which
FIG. 8. Partial proteolytic digestion of P110 and
P105 with S. aureus protease V8. [YS]methioninelabeled PRC TI-transformed CEF were immunoprecipitated with anti-p19 serum, and P110 and P105 were
identified on a 12.5% preparative acrylamide gel. The
samples were prepared as described in the text and
were subjected to proteolysis with 0, 1, 10, and 300 ng
of S. aureus protease V8 as indicated. The partial
proteolytic digestion products were resolved on a 15%
acrylamide gel. Lanes A, P110; lanes B, P105.
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P110 P105
VOL. 41, 1982
FIG. 9. Kinase activity associated with the in vitro
translation products of PRC 11 70S virion RNA. Heatdenatured PRC II 70S virion RNA was translated in a
messenger-dependent rabbit reticulocyte lysate, and
the sample was diluted with NP-40 buffer and immunoprecipitated in the presence (lane 2) or absence (lane 1)
of detergent-disrupted RSV virions. Protein kinase
activity was assayed in immune complexes as described in the text. Lane 1, PRC II 70S virion RNA,
unblocked TBR serum; lane 2, PRC II 70S virion
RNA, blocked TBR serum; lane 3, no RNA, unblocked TBR serum. HC, indicates the immunoglobulin heavy chain, which was visualized by staining.
tivity associated with in vitro-synthesized P110
and P105 supported the hypothesis that the
tyrosine-specific kinase activity observed in immune complexes containing in vivo-synthesized
proteins was an intrinsic enzymatic property of
P110 or P105 or both.
PRC II and FSV contain very closely related
transformation-specific sequences and may have
been generated by independent recombinations
with the same or related cellular genes (35).
However, these viruses are distinct from one
another in that the FSV putative transforming
protein (P140) is approximately 35,000 daltons
larger than PRC II P105 and contains two or
three fps-specific [35S]methionine-labeled tryptic peptides that are not found in P105 (5, 25).
These observations may be explained in several
ways. One possibility is that both PRC II and
FSV contain fps-related sequences of similar or
identical lengths but that in the case of FSV,
more of this region is translated. Another possibility is that the amount offps-related sequence
obtained during the recombinational event or
maintained thereafter is different for FSV and
PRC TI. In this paper, we have shown by a direct
comparison of PRC IT and FSV virion RNAs
that the FSV genome is approximately 800 bases
larger than the PRC II genome. This difference
in size between the PRC II and FSV RNA
genomes is consistent with the molecular weight
differences previously observed between P140
and P105. It would be interesting to determine
whether the FSV information that is not found in
PRC II is of viral or cellular origin and where
these additional sequences map relative to the
5'- and 3'-ends of the acquired cellular sequences.
It has been reported that the unique region of
FSV RNA is partially homologous to the genomes of ST-FeSV and Gardner-Arnstein FeSV
(35). Since PRC II and FSV are related, we were
able to use a molecular clone of ST-FeSV DNA
as a probe for PRC II-related RNA sequences in
transformed cells. The fact that hybridization
was detected directly demonstrated that PRC II
is at least partially homologous to ST-FeSV and
enabled us to determine that the PRC II genome
is expressed in transformed CEF as a single fulllength RNA species of 4.0 kb. It is important to
point out the possibility that additional species
of PRC II-specific RNA might be present in
transformed cells, but such species were not
detected with any of the probes that we used.
Therefore, it seems very likely that transformed
cells do not contain PRC II-specific subgenomic
mRNA's. The 4.0-kb RNA in PRC II-transformed CEF comigrates with the smaller of the
two RNAs found in PRC II virion RNA. In
addition, the 4.0-kb PRC II intracellular RNA is
approximately the size expected for an RNA of
25 to 27S, which we have shown to be the peak
sedimentation value in virion RNA preparations
for the messenger activity for P110 and P105.
Therefore, it is probable that a single PRC ITspecific RNA or two slightly different RNAs
having similar molecular weights are translated
in vivo to yield P110 and P105. The absence of
any smaller, subgenomic RNAs in transformed
cells makes it unlikely that transformation-specific proteins other than P110 and P105 are
expressed as primary translation products of the
PRC TI genome. Indeed, in vitro translation of
poly(A)-containing RNAs prepared from denatured 70S PRC II virion RNA failed to reveal
Downloaded from http://jvi.asm.org/ on July 24, 2020 by guest
onstrated that P105 is the primary translation
product of the PRC II genome and that within 10
to 15 min after synthesis of P105, some portion
of the P105 molecules is converted to P110 by
post-translational modification. From these experiments, we concluded that the PRC II
genome is expressed in transformed CEF in the
form of two very closely related proteins, P110
and P105, which are present at steady state in
roughly equimolar amounts, and that P110 is
derived by post-translational modification of
The fact that the tryptic peptide maps of
[35S]methionine-labeled P110 and P105 were
identical can be accounted for by any one of
three possible explanations. The modification
may be on a tryptic peptide which lacks methionine. Alternatively, the P110 population may be
heterogeneous with respect to the sites of modification so that only a small percentage of the
P110 molecules are modified at an individual
tryptic peptide. In this case, the modified peptide would make a minor contribution to the
total map. It is also possible that the modification might be destroyed during preparation of
the samples for peptide mapping or that the
modification might not result in a change of
migration in this system. Although we have not
been able to distinguish among these possibilities, we have shown that the partial proteolytic
digestion patterns of [35S]methionine-labeled
P110 and P105, generated with S. aureus protease V8, are different. This analysis allowed us to
assign at least one region of modification to a
77K dalton portion of the protein.
We have not been successful in identifying the
type of modification which produces P110. The
available evidence argues against glycosylation,
but it is still possible that sugar residues are
present in a form which has not been detected
yet. The most likely possibility is that phosphorylation of P105 produces P110, perhaps at specific tyrosine residues. We are currently examining the phosphotryptic peptide maps of P110 and
P105 to test this idea.
We have observed that the gag-related presumptive transforming proteins encoded by FSV
(P140), ST-FeSV (P85), and Y73 (P90) are also
present in transformed cells as two electrophoretically distinct forms (Beemon, unpublished
data). It is not clear whether a functional significance can be assigned to the generation and
maintenance of two very closely related proteins. However, it is conceivable that only one
of the two forms has an associated enzymatic
activity or that each of the forms can be localized to a different subcellular compartment. Using cell fractionation techniques, we are currently investigating the latter possibility.
Several laboratories have reported the exis-
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any PRC II-specific polypeptides aside from
P110 and P105. Since this technique has been
used successfully to identify candidates for the
transforming protein of RSV (7, 27, 28), the lack
of in vitro messenger activity for PRC II-specific
polypeptides other than P110 and P105 supports
the hypothesis that these proteins are the only
transformation-specific proteins synthesized in
We attempted to identify both the differences
and the similarities between P110 and P105. The
tryptic peptide maps of [35S]methionine-labeled
P110 and P105 synthesized in vitro were indistinguishable from one another and were identical to
the maps of the in vivo-synthesized products. A
side-by-side comparison by one-dimensional
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis demonstrated the comigration of the in vivo- and in vitrosynthesized P110 and P105 proteins. However,
the ratio of [35S]methionine label incorporated
into P110 and P105 was not the same in vivo and
in vitro. The products synthesized in vitro reproducibly showed a preferential labeling of P105.
In contrast, when PRC II-transformed cells were
labeled to steady state with [35S]methionine and
immunoprecipitated with anti-p19 serum, P110
and P105 were labeled to approximately the
same extent, suggesting a 1:1 molar ratio between the two proteins. We considered two
possible explanations which could account for
the synthesis both in vivo and in vitro of the two
very closely related proteins, P110 and P105.
The first possibility was that P110 and P105 were
synthesized from different RNA species present
in our uncloned stock of PRC II. If present,
these different RNA species could represent
either independent recombination events between the helper virus genome and the same
cellular sequences or, alternatively, a divergence of the parental transforming PRC II
genome after the recombinational event. Whatever the potential origin, we reasoned that it
should be possible to separate different genomes
by isolating transformed clones made by infecting CEF with limiting dilutions of our PRC II
stock. Clones prepared in this manner were
examined for the presence of P110 and P105 in
the absence of the other. All of the nonproducer
clones analyzed contained both P110 and P105.
This result suggested that the two proteins were
probably not synthesized from different RNA
species. The alternative explanation was that
P110 and P105 were related to each other in a
precursor-product fashion (e.g., by post-translational modification or proteolytic cleavage).
This possibility was tested by analyzing the
accumulation of P110 and P105 in transformed
cells which had been subjected to a brief pulse
with [35S]methionine and then chased for increasing periods of time. This experiment dem-
VOL. 41, 1982
tence of a tyrosine-specific protein kinase activi-
ty in immunoprecipitates containing in vivosynthesized PRC II P105 (5, 26). The substrates
for this kinase activity include P105 or the heavy
We thank E. A. McNelly for excellent technical assistance,
D. Bolognesi for antisera, C. Sherr for providing the A STFeSV clone, and J. A. Cooper and B. M. Sefton for helpful
discussions and for critically reading the manuscript.
This work was supported by Public Health Service grants
CA-17096 and CA-23896 from the National Cancer Institute.
B.A. was supported by a Public Health Service predoctoral
training grant from the National Institutes of Health to the
University of California at San Diego.
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chain of immunoglobulin or both, depending on
the antiserum used for immunoprecipitation. Although these data suggest that PRC II P105 is the
protein kinase responsible for phosphotransferase activity in the immune complex, the possibility that the activity is due to an associated
cellular protein kinase which immunoprecipitates with P105 has not been ruled out. We have
demonstrated in this study that immunoprecipitates of the in vitro translation products of PRC
II 70S virion RNA likewise contain a protein
kinase activity capable of phosphorylating the
heavy chain of immunoglobulin at tyrosine residues. This activity could be detected only if NP40 buffer and TBR serum were used for immunoprecipitation. Little if any phosphorylation of
P105 or P110 was observed, suggesting that the
in vitro-synthesized proteins are poor substrates
for phosphorylation. Although less likely in this
case, it is still possible that the protein kinase
activity that we have observed is due to coprecipitation of in vitro-synthesized P110 and
P105 with an endogenous kinase from the rabbit
reticulocyte lysate used for translation. It will be
necessary to demonstrate kinase activity in purified preparations of P110 and P105 to assign
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genome encodes a tyrosine-specific protein ki-
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