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2007, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement
4 pages
1 file
We study the phase diagram of quark matter and nuclear properties based on the strong coupling expansion of lattice QCD. Both of baryon and finite coupling correction are found to have effects to extend the hadron phase to a larger µ direction relative to Tc. In a chiral RMF model with logarithmic sigma potential derived in the strong coupling limit of lattice QCD, we can avoid the chiral collapse and normal and hypernuclei properties are well described.
Physical Review D, 2009
We investigate the chiral phase transition in the strong coupling lattice QCD at finite temperature and density with finite coupling effects. We adopt one species of staggered fermion, and develop an analytic formulation based on strong coupling and cluster expansions. We derive the effective potential as a function of two order parameters, the chiral condensate σ and the quark number density ρq, in a self-consistent treatment of the nextto-leading order (NLO) effective action terms. NLO contributions lead to modifications of quark mass, chemical potential and the quark wave function renormalization factor. While the ratio µc(T = 0)/Tc(µ = 0) is too small in the strong coupling limit, it is found to increase as β = 2Nc/g 2 increases. The critical point is found to move in the lower T direction as β increases. Since the vector interaction induced by ρq is shown to grow as β, the present trend is consistent with the results in Nambu-Jona-Lasinio models. The interplay between two order parameters leads to the existence of partially chiral restored matter, where effective chemical potential is automatically adjusted to the quark excitation energy.
We investigate the QCD phase diagram by using the strong-coupling expansion of the lattice QCD with one species of staggered fermion and the Polyakov loop effective action at finite temperature (T) and quark chemical potential (mu). We derive an analytic expression of effective potential Feff including both the chiral (U(1)) and the deconfinement (Z_Nc) dynamics with finite coupling effects in the mean-field approximation. The Polyakov loop increasing rate (dl/dT) is found to have two peaks as a function of T for small quark masses. One of them is the chiral-induced peak associated with the rapid decrease of the chiral condensate. The temperature of the other peak is almost independent of the quark mass or chemical potential, and this peak is interpreted as the Z_Nc-induced peak.
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 2007
We study the phase diagram of quark matter at finite temperature (T) and chemical potential (µ) in the strong coupling region of lattice QCD for color SU(3). Baryon has effects to extend the hadron phase to a larger µ direction relative to T c at low temperatures in the strong coupling limit. With the 1/g 2 corrections, T c is found to decrease rapidly as g decreases, and the shape of the phase diagram becomes closer to that expected in the real world.
Using a unified hadron-quark effective model for the QCD equation of state, this paper studies the phase structure of strongly interacting matter in a wide range of temperature and baryonchemical potential. At small potentials the model yields a smooth cross-over to chirally restored matter with a transition temperature and curvature in line with recent lattice QCD estimates and thermal model fits of freeze-out curves. Trajectories of constant entropy per net baryon number show a clear dependence on the particle composition in the model and on repulsive vector field interactions. Although the model might feature a critical end-point at a rather high baryonchemical potential and low temperature, probing it in heavy-ion collisions might be highly challenging due to a large thermodynamic spread of matter in the collision fireball.
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2003
We apply strong-coupling perturbation theory to the QCD lattice Hamiltonian. We begin with naive, nearestneighbor fermions and subsequently break the doubling symmetry with next-nearest-neighbor terms. The effective Hamiltonian is that of an antiferromagnet with an added kinetic term for baryonic "impurities," reminiscent of the t-J model of high-Tc superconductivity. As a first step, we fix the locations of the baryons and make them static. Following analyses of the t-J model, we apply large-N methods to obtain a phase diagram in the Nc, N f plane at zero temperature and baryon density. Next we study a simplified U (3) toy model, in which we add baryons to the vacuum. We use a coherent state formalism to write a path integral which we analyze with mean field theory, obtaining a phase diagram in the (nB, T ) plane.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
In the past few years a wealth of high quality data has made possible to test current theoretical ideas about the properties of hadrons subject to extreme conditions of density and temperature. The relativistic heavy-ion program carried out at the CERN-SPS and under development at the BNL-RHIC and CERN-LHC has provided results that probe the evolution of collisions of hadronic matter at high energies from the initially large density to the late dilute stages. In addition, QCD on the lattice has produced results complementing these findings with first principles calculations for observables in a regime where perturbative techniques cannot describe the nature of strongly coupled systems. This work aims to review some recent developments that make use of field theoretical methods to describe the physics of hadrons at finite temperature and density. I concentrate on two of the main topics that have been explored in the last few years: (1) The search for the structure of the phase diagram and (2) analytical signals linked to the chiral symmetry restoration/deconfinement.
Arxiv preprint arXiv: …, 2009
This talk summarizes recent progress in lattice QCD for dense quark matter. The emphasis is on the insights obtained from analytical results derived within chiral perturbation theory.
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 2008
We investigate the thermodynamical evolution of hadron masses in the strong coupling limit of lattice QCD (SCL-LQCD) with one species of staggered fermion for color SU(N c), including N c = 3. We directly derive Brown-Rho scaling for the meson masses in SCL-LQCD. We propose a mechanism of the "discrepancy" between the baryon mass and baryon critical chemical potential in the strong coupling.
Physical Review Letters, 2014
We report on the first lattice calculation of the QCD phase transition using chiral fermions at physical values of the quark masses. This calculation uses 2+1 quark flavors, spatial volumes between (4 fm) 3 and (11 fm) 3 and temperatures between 139 and 196 MeV . Each temperature was calculated using a single lattice spacing corresponding to a temporal Euclidean extent of Nt = 8. The disconnected chiral susceptibility, χ disc shows a pronounced peak whose position and height depend sensitively on the quark mass. We find no metastability in the region of the peak and a peak height which does not change when a 5 fm spatial extent is increased to 10 fm. Each result is strong evidence that the QCD "phase transition" is not first order but a continuous cross-over for mπ = 135 MeV. The peak location determines a pseudo-critical temperature Tc = 155(1)(8) MeV. Chiral SU (2)L ×SU (2)R symmetry is fully restored above 164 MeV, but anomalous U (1)A symmetry breaking is non-zero above Tc and vanishes as T is increased to 196 MeV.
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2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2009
ProQuest LLC eBooks, 2019